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Raw Normal View History

/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 - Tobias Jakobi
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 - Daniel Mehrwald
* RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
* If not, see <>.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limare.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include "../general.h"
#include "gfx_common.h"
#include "fonts/fonts.h"
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
/* Rename to LIMA_GFX_DEBUG to enable debugging code. */
/* Current limare only natively supports a limited amount of formats for texture *
* data. We compensate for this limitation by swizzling the texture data in the *
* pixel shader. */
#define LIMA_TEXEL_FORMAT_BGR_565 0x0e
#define LIMA_TEXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_5551 0x0f
#define LIMA_TEXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 0x10
#define LIMA_TEXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 0x16
/* Limare is currently unable to deallocate individual texture objects and *
* only allows to destroy all objects at once. *
* We only create a maximum of 12 objects, before doing a full "reset", or *
* sooner, under the condition that limare's texture memory runs out. */
static const unsigned num_max_textures = 12;
typedef struct limare_state limare_state_t;
typedef struct limare_texture {
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
int handle;
unsigned format;
bool rgui;
} limare_texture_t;
typedef struct vec2f {
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
float x, y;
} vec2f_t;
typedef struct vec3f {
float x, y, z;
} vec3f_t;
/* Create three shader programs. One is for displaying only the emulator core pixel data. *
* The other two are for displaying the RGUI, where the pixel data can be provided in *
* two different formats. Current RetroArch only seems to ever use a single format, but *
* this is not set in stone, therefore making two programs necessary. */
typedef struct limare_data {
limare_state_t *state;
int program;
int program_rgui_rgba16;
int program_rgui_rgba32;
float screen_aspect;
float frame_aspect;
unsigned upload_format;
unsigned upload_bpp; /* bytes per pixel */
vec3f_t *vertices;
vec2f_t *coords;
/* Generic buffer to create contiguous pixel data for limare
* or to use for font blitting. */
void *buffer;
unsigned buffer_size;
limare_texture_t **textures;
unsigned texture_slots;
limare_texture_t *cur_texture;
limare_texture_t *cur_texture_rgui;
} limare_data_t;
/* Header for simple vertex shader. */
static const char *vshader_src =
"attribute vec4 in_vertex;\n"
"attribute vec2 in_coord;\n"
"varying vec2 coord;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = in_vertex;\n"
" coord = in_coord;\n"
/* Header for simple fragment shader. */
static const char *fshader_header_src =
"precision highp float;\n"
"varying vec2 coord;\n"
"uniform sampler2D in_texture;\n"
/* Main (template) for simple fragment shader. */
static const char *fshader_main_src =
"void main()\n"
" vec3 pixel = texture2D(in_texture, coord)%s;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(pixel, 1.0);\n"
/* Header for RGUI fragment shader. */
/* Use mediump, which makes uColor into a (single-precision) float[4]. */
static const char *fshader_rgui_header_src =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"varying vec2 coord;\n"
"uniform vec4 uColor;\n"
"uniform sampler2D in_texture;\n"
/* Main (template) for RGUI fragment shader. */
static const char *fshader_rgui_main_src =
"void main()\n"
" vec4 pixel = texture2D(in_texture, coord)%s;\n"
" gl_FragColor = pixel * uColor;\n"
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static float get_screen_aspect(limare_state_t *state) {
unsigned w = 0, h = 0;
limare_buffer_size(state, &w, &h);
if (w != 0 && h != 0) {
return (float)w / (float)h;
return 0.0f;
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static void apply_aspect(limare_data_t *pdata, float ratio) {
vec3f_t *vertices = pdata->vertices;
float x, y;
if (fabsf(pdata->screen_aspect - pdata->frame_aspect) < 0.0001f) {
x = 1.0f;
y = 1.0f;
} else {
if (pdata->screen_aspect > pdata->frame_aspect) {
x = pdata->frame_aspect / pdata->screen_aspect;
y = 1.0f;
} else {
x = 1.0f;
y = pdata->screen_aspect / pdata->frame_aspect;
/* TODO: use ratio parameter */
vertices[0].x = vertices[2].x = -x;
vertices[1].x = vertices[3].x = x;
vertices[0].y = vertices[1].y = -y;
vertices[2].y = vertices[3].y = y;
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static int destroy_textures(limare_data_t *pdata) {
unsigned i;
int ret;
pdata->cur_texture = NULL;
pdata->cur_texture_rgui = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < pdata->texture_slots; ++i) {
pdata->textures[i] = NULL;
ret = limare_texture_cleanup(pdata->state);
pdata->texture_slots = 0;
return ret;
static limare_texture_t *get_texture_handle(limare_data_t *pdata,
unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned format) {
unsigned i;
format = (format == 0) ? pdata->upload_format : format;
for (i = 0; i < pdata->texture_slots; ++i) {
if (pdata->textures[i]->width == width &&
pdata->textures[i]->height == height &&
pdata->textures[i]->format == format) return pdata->textures[i];
if (pdata->texture_slots == num_max_textures) {
/* All texture slots are used, do a reset. */
if (destroy_textures(pdata)) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: failed to reset texture storage\n");
return NULL;
static limare_texture_t *add_texture(limare_data_t *pdata,
unsigned width, unsigned height,
const void *pixels, unsigned format) {
int texture = -1;
unsigned retries = 2;
const unsigned i = pdata->texture_slots;
format = (format == 0) ? pdata->upload_format : format;
/* limare_texture_upload returns -1 when the upload fails for some reason. */
while (texture == -1 && retries > 0) {
texture = limare_texture_upload(pdata->state, pixels, width, height, format, 0);
if (texture != -1) break;
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
if (texture == -1) return NULL;
pdata->textures[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(limare_texture_t));
pdata->textures[i]->width = width;
pdata->textures[i]->height = height;
pdata->textures[i]->handle = texture;
pdata->textures[i]->format = format;
return pdata->textures[i];
static const void *make_contiguous(limare_data_t *pdata,
unsigned width, unsigned height,
const void *pixels, unsigned bpp,
unsigned pitch) {
unsigned i;
unsigned full_pitch;
bpp = (bpp == 0) ? pdata->upload_bpp : bpp;
full_pitch = width * bpp;
if (full_pitch == pitch) return pixels;
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: input buffer not contiguous\n");
/* Enlarge our buffer, if it is currently too small. */
if (pdata->buffer_size < full_pitch * height) {
pdata->buffer = NULL;
pdata->buffer = malloc(full_pitch * height);
if (pdata->buffer == NULL) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: failed to allocate buffer to make pixel data contiguous\n");
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
memcpy(pdata->buffer + i * full_pitch, pixels + i * pitch, full_pitch);
return pdata->buffer;
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static void print_status(limare_data_t *pdata) {
unsigned i;
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: upload format = 0x%x, upload bpp = %u\n", pdata->upload_format, pdata->upload_bpp);
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: buffer at %p, buffer size = %u\n", pdata->buffer, pdata->buffer_size);
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: used texture slots = %u (from %u)\n", pdata->texture_slots, num_max_textures);
for (i = 0; i < pdata->texture_slots; ++i) {
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: texture slot %u, width = %u, height = %u, handle = %u, format = 0x%x\n",
i, pdata->textures[i]->width, pdata->textures[i]->height,
pdata->textures[i]->handle, pdata->textures[i]->format);
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static void destroy_data(limare_data_t *pdata) {
static int setup_data(limare_data_t *pdata) {
static const unsigned num_verts = 4;
static const unsigned num_coords = 4 * 4;
unsigned i;
static const vec3f_t vertices[4] = {
{-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f},
{ 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f},
{-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}
static const vec2f_t coords[16] = {
{0.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, /* 0 degrees */
{0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f},
{0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, /* 90 degrees */
{1.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f},
{1.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f}, /* 180 degrees */
{1.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f},
{1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f}, /* 270 degrees */
{0.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f}
pdata->vertices = calloc(num_verts, sizeof(vec3f_t));
if (pdata->vertices == NULL) goto fail;
pdata->coords = calloc(num_coords, sizeof(vec2f_t));
if (pdata->coords == NULL) goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < num_verts; ++i) {
pdata->vertices[i] = vertices[i];
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
for (i = 0; i < num_coords; ++i) {
pdata->coords[i] = coords[i];
return 0;
return -1;
static int create_programs(limare_data_t *pdata) {
char tmpbufm[1024]; /* temp buffer for main function */
char tmpbuf[1024]; /* temp buffer for whole program */
const char* swz = (pdata->upload_bpp == 4) ? ".bgr" : ".rgb";
/* Create shader program for regular operation first. */
pdata->program = limare_program_new(pdata->state);
if (pdata->program < 0) goto fail;
snprintf(tmpbufm, 1024, fshader_main_src, swz);
strncpy(tmpbuf, fshader_header_src, 1024);
strcat(tmpbuf, tmpbufm);
if (vertex_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program, vshader_src)) goto fail;
if (fragment_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program, tmpbuf)) goto fail;
if (limare_link(pdata->state)) goto fail;
/* Create shader program for RGUI with RGBA4444 pixel data. */
pdata->program_rgui_rgba16 = limare_program_new(pdata->state);
if (pdata->program_rgui_rgba16 < 0) goto fail;
snprintf(tmpbufm, 1024, fshader_rgui_main_src, ".abgr");
strncpy(tmpbuf, fshader_rgui_header_src, 1024);
strcat(tmpbuf, tmpbufm);
if (vertex_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program_rgui_rgba16, vshader_src)) goto fail;
if (fragment_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program_rgui_rgba16, tmpbuf)) goto fail;
if (limare_link(pdata->state)) goto fail;
/* Create shader program for RGUI with RGBA8888 pixel data. */
pdata->program_rgui_rgba32 = limare_program_new(pdata->state);
if (pdata->program_rgui_rgba32 < 0) goto fail;
snprintf(tmpbufm, 1024, fshader_rgui_main_src, ".abgr");
strncpy(tmpbuf, fshader_rgui_header_src, 1024);
strcat(tmpbuf, tmpbufm);
if (vertex_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program_rgui_rgba32, vshader_src)) goto fail;
if (fragment_shader_attach(pdata->state, pdata->program_rgui_rgba32, tmpbuf)) goto fail;
if (limare_link(pdata->state)) goto fail;
return 0;
return -1;
typedef struct lima_video {
limare_data_t *lima;
void *font;
const font_renderer_driver_t *font_driver;
uint8_t font_rgb[4];
unsigned bytes_per_pixel;
/* current dimensions */
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
/* RGUI data */
void *rgui_buffer;
int rgui_rotation;
float rgui_alpha;
bool rgui_active;
bool rgui_rgb32;
bool aspect_changed;
} lima_video_t;
static void lima_gfx_free(void *data) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
if (!vid) return;
if (vid->lima && vid->lima->state) limare_finish(vid->lima->state);
if (vid->font) vid->font_driver->free(vid->font);
static void *lima_gfx_init(const video_info_t *video, const input_driver_t **input, void **input_data) {
lima_video_t *vid = NULL;
limare_data_t *lima = NULL;
void *lima_input = NULL;
struct limare_windowsys_drm limare_config = { 0 };
vid = calloc(1, sizeof(lima_video_t));
if (!vid) return NULL;
vid->rgui_alpha = 1.0f;
lima = calloc(1, sizeof(limare_data_t));
if (!lima) return NULL;
vid->bytes_per_pixel = video->rgb32 ? 4 : 2;
/* Request the Exynos DRM backend for rendering. */
limare_config.type = LIMARE_WINDOWSYS_DRM;
limare_config.connector_index =;
lima->state = limare_init(&limare_config);
if (!lima->state) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: limare initialization failed\n");
goto fail;
if (limare_state_setup(lima->state,,, 0xff000000)) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: limare state setup failed\n");
goto fail_lima;
lima->screen_aspect = get_screen_aspect(lima->state);
lima->upload_format = (vid->bytes_per_pixel == 4) ?
lima->upload_bpp = vid->bytes_per_pixel;
limare_enable(lima->state, GL_DEPTH_TEST);
limare_depth_func(lima->state, GL_ALWAYS);
limare_depth_mask(lima->state, GL_TRUE);
limare_enable(lima->state, GL_CULL_FACE);
limare_blend_func(lima->state, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
if (setup_data(lima)) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: data setup failed\n");
goto fail_lima;
if (create_programs(lima)) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: creating shader programs failed\n");
goto fail_lima;
lima->textures = calloc(num_max_textures, sizeof(limare_texture_t*));
if (input && input_data) {
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
*input = NULL;
*input_data = NULL;
vid->lima = lima;
return vid;
return NULL;
static bool lima_gfx_frame(void *data, const void *frame,
unsigned width, unsigned height,
unsigned pitch, const char *msg) {
lima_video_t *vid;
const void *pixels;
limare_data_t *lima;
bool upload_frame = true;
vid = data;
/* Check if neither RGUI nor emulator framebuffer is to be displayed. */
if (!vid->rgui_active && frame == NULL) return true;
lima = vid->lima;
if (frame != NULL) {
/* Handle resolution changes from the emulation core. */
if (width != vid->width || height != vid->height) {
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
limare_texture_t *tex;
if (width == 0 || height == 0) return true;
RARCH_LOG("video_lima: resolution was changed by core to %ux%u\n", width, height);
tex = get_texture_handle(lima, width, height, 0);
if (tex == NULL) {
pixels = make_contiguous(lima, width, height, frame, 0, pitch);
tex = add_texture(lima, width, height, pixels, 0);
if (tex == NULL) {
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: failed to allocate new texture with dimensions %ux%u\n",
width, height);
return false;
upload_frame = false; /* pixel data already got uploaded during texture allocation */
lima->cur_texture = tex;
vid->width = width;
vid->height = height;
lima->frame_aspect = (float)width / (float)height;
vid->aspect_changed = true;
if (upload_frame) {
pixels = make_contiguous(lima, width, height, frame, 0, pitch);
limare_texture_mipmap_upload(lima->state, lima->cur_texture->handle, 0, pixels);
/*if (msg) lima_render_msg(vid, vid->screen, msg, vid->screen->w, vid->screen->h);
char buffer[128], buffer_fps[128];
bool fps_draw = g_settings.fps_show;
if (fps_draw)
gfx_get_fps(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fps_draw ? buffer_fps : NULL, sizeof(buffer_fps));
msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, buffer_fps, 1, 1);
if (vid->aspect_changed) {
apply_aspect(lima, g_extern.system.aspect_ratio);
vid->aspect_changed = false;
if (lima->cur_texture != NULL) {
limare_program_current(lima->state, lima->program);
limare_attribute_pointer(lima->state, "in_vertex", LIMARE_ATTRIB_FLOAT,
3, 0, 4, lima->vertices);
limare_attribute_pointer(lima->state, "in_coord", LIMARE_ATTRIB_FLOAT,
2, 0, 4, lima->coords + vid->rgui_rotation * 4);
limare_texture_attach(lima->state, "in_texture", lima->cur_texture->handle);
if (limare_draw_arrays(lima->state, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)) return false;
if (vid->rgui_active && lima->cur_texture_rgui != NULL) {
float color[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, vid->rgui_alpha};
if (vid->rgui_rgb32)
limare_program_current(lima->state, lima->program_rgui_rgba32);
limare_program_current(lima->state, lima->program_rgui_rgba16);
limare_attribute_pointer(lima->state, "in_vertex", LIMARE_ATTRIB_FLOAT,
3, 0, 4, lima->vertices);
limare_attribute_pointer(lima->state, "in_coord", LIMARE_ATTRIB_FLOAT,
2, 0, 4, lima->coords + vid->rgui_rotation * 4);
limare_texture_attach(lima->state, "in_texture", lima->cur_texture_rgui->handle);
limare_uniform_attach(lima->state, "uColor", 4, color);
limare_enable(lima->state, GL_BLEND);
if (limare_draw_arrays(lima->state, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)) return false;
limare_disable(lima->state, GL_BLEND);
if (limare_frame_flush(lima->state)) return false;
return true;
static void lima_gfx_set_nonblock_state(void *data, bool state) {
(void)data; /* limare doesn't export vsync control yet */
static bool lima_gfx_alive(void *data) {
return true; /* always alive */
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static bool lima_gfx_focus(void *data) {
return true; /* limare doesn't use windowing, so we always have focus */
static void lima_gfx_set_rotation(void *data, unsigned rotation) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
vid->rgui_rotation = rotation;
2014-01-25 19:34:49 +00:00
static void lima_gfx_viewport_info(void *data, struct rarch_viewport *vp) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
vp->x = vp->y = 0;
vp->width = vp->full_width = vid->width;
vp->height = vp->full_height = vid->height;
static void lima_set_aspect_ratio(void *data, unsigned aspect_ratio_idx) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
switch (aspect_ratio_idx) {
gfx_set_square_pixel_viewport(g_extern.system.av_info.geometry.base_width, g_extern.system.av_info.geometry.base_height);
g_extern.system.aspect_ratio = aspectratio_lut[aspect_ratio_idx].value;
vid->aspect_changed = true;
static void lima_apply_state_changes(void *data) {
static void lima_set_texture_frame(void *data, const void *frame, bool rgb32,
unsigned width, unsigned height, float alpha) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
limare_texture_t* tex;
const unsigned format = rgb32 ? LIMA_TEXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 :
vid->rgui_rgb32 = rgb32;
vid->rgui_alpha = alpha;
tex = vid->lima->cur_texture_rgui;
/* Current RGUI doesn't change dimensions, so we should hit this most of the time. */
if (tex != NULL && tex->width == width &&
tex->height == height && tex->format == format) goto upload;
if (tex == NULL) {
tex = get_texture_handle(vid->lima, width, height, format);
if (tex == NULL) {
tex = add_texture(vid->lima, width, height, frame, format);
if (tex != NULL) {
vid->lima->cur_texture_rgui = tex;
goto upload;
RARCH_ERR("video_lima: failed to allocate new RGUI texture with dimensions %ux%u\n",
width, height);
limare_texture_mipmap_upload(vid->lima->state, tex->handle, 0, frame);
static void lima_set_texture_enable(void *data, bool state, bool full_screen) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
vid->rgui_active = state;
static void lima_set_osd_msg(void *data, const char *msg, void *userdata) {
lima_video_t *vid = data;
/* TODO: what does this do? */
static void lima_show_mouse(void *data, bool state) {
static const video_poke_interface_t lima_poke_interface = {
NULL, /* set_filtering */
#ifdef HAVE_FBO
NULL, /* get_current_framebuffer */
NULL, /* get_proc_address */
#if defined(HAVE_RGUI) || defined(HAVE_RMENU) /* TODO: only HAVE_MENU i think */
static void lima_gfx_get_poke_interface(void *data, const video_poke_interface_t **iface) {
*iface = &lima_poke_interface;
const video_driver_t video_lima = {
NULL, /* set_shader */
#ifdef HAVE_MENU
NULL, /* restart */
NULL, /* read_viewport */
NULL, /* overlay_interface */