Break out the second hottest loop too. We're not enabling SSE, though; I'm not seeing any improvements from that. I suspect the low number of iterations in that loop outweighs the advantages of SSEing it.

This commit is contained in:
Alcaro 2014-02-22 17:09:36 +01:00
parent 8c3a330f5c
commit 527b830765

@ -287,6 +287,60 @@ static inline size_t find_change(const uint16_t * a, const uint16_t * b)
#if __SSE2__x // this is not a typo - do not fix unless you can show evidence that this version is faster
#include <emmintrin.h>
//This one can give different answers than the C version in some cases. However, the compression ratio remains unaffected.
//It also appears to be slower. Probably due to the low average duration of this loop.
static inline size_t find_same(const uint16_t * a, const uint16_t * b)
if (a[0]==b[0] && a[1]==b[1]) return 0;
if (a[1]==b[1] && a[2]==b[2]) return 1;
if (a[2]==b[2] && a[3]==b[3]) return 2;
if (a[3]==b[3] && a[4]==b[4]) return 3;
const __m128i * a128=((const __m128i*)a);
const __m128i * b128=((const __m128i*)b);
while (true)
__m128i v0 = _mm_loadu_si128(a128);
__m128i v1 = _mm_loadu_si128(b128);
__m128i c = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v0, v1);
uint32_t mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(c);
if (mask != 0x0000) // Something remains unchanged, figure out where.
size_t ret=(((char*)a128-(char*)a) | (__builtin_ctz(mask))) >> 1;
return (ret - (a[ret-1]==b[ret-1]));
static inline size_t find_same(const uint16_t * a, const uint16_t * b)
const uint16_t * a_org=a;
//Comparing two or three words makes no real difference.
//With two, the smaller blocks are less likely to be chopped up elsewhere due to 64KB;
// with three, we get larger blocks which should be a minuscle bit faster to decompress,
// but probably a little slower to compress. Since compression is more bottleneck than decompression is, we favor that.
while (a[0]!=b[0] || a[1]!=b[1])
//Optimize this by only checking one at the time for as long as possible.
while (*a!=*b)
return a-a_org;
void state_manager_push_do(state_manager_t *state)
if (state->thisblock_valid)
@ -318,6 +372,8 @@ void state_manager_push_do(state_manager_t *state)
size_t skip = find_change(old16, new16);
if (skip >= num16s) break;
if (skip > UINT16_MAX)
@ -326,11 +382,7 @@ void state_manager_push_do(state_manager_t *state)
//This will make it scan the entire thing again, but it only hits on 8GB unchanged
//data anyways, and if you're doing that, you've got bigger problems.
old16 -= skip;
new16 -= skip;
skip = UINT32_MAX;
old16 += skip;
new16 += skip;
*(compressed16++) = 0;
*(compressed16++) = skip;
@ -339,38 +391,15 @@ void state_manager_push_do(state_manager_t *state)
size_t changed;
const uint16_t *old16prev = old16;
//Comparing two or three words makes no real difference.
//With two, the smaller blocks are less likely to be chopped up elsewhere due to 64KB;
// with three, we get larger blocks which should be a minuscle bit faster to decompress,
// but probably a little slower to compress. Since compression is more bottleneck than decompression is, we favor that.
while (old16[0] != new16[0] || old16[1] != new16[1])
//Optimize this by only checking one at the time for as long as possible.
while (*old16 != *new16)
changed = (old16-old16prev);
if (!changed) continue;
if (changed > UINT16_MAX)
old16 -= changed;
new16 -= changed;
changed = UINT16_MAX;
old16 += changed;
new16 += changed;
num16s -= changed;
size_t changed=find_same(old16, new16);
if (changed>UINT16_MAX) changed=UINT16_MAX;
for (int i=0;i<changed;i++) compressed16[i] = old16prev[i];
for (int i=0;i<changed;i++) compressed16[i]=old16[i];
compressed16[0] = 0;
compressed16[1] = 0;