mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 14:04:13 +00:00
Added wrapped libpulse and libpulsesimple
This commit is contained in:
@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ set(WRAPPEDS
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ GO("openal.so", openal)
//GO("libutil.so.1", util)
//GO("libuuid.so.1", libuuid)
//GO("libresolv.so.2", libresolv)
//GO("libpulse-simple.so.0", pulsesimple)
//GO("libpulse.so.0", pulse)
GO("libpulse-simple.so.0", pulsesimple)
GO("libpulse.so.0", pulse)
//GO("libsndfile.so.1", libsndfile)
//GO("libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0", gtkx112)
//GO("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0", gdkx112)
@ -27,13 +27,16 @@
#() uFv
#() uFi
#() uFu
#() uFd
#() uFp
#() UFv
#() UFp
#() UFV
#() fFi
#() fFf
#() fFp
#() dFi
#() dFu
#() dFd
#() dFp
#() lFE
@ -108,11 +111,14 @@
#() uFui
#() uFuu
#() uFup
#() uFUp
#() uFpi
#() uFpu
#() uFpU
#() uFpp
#() UFEp
#() UFUp
#() UFpp
#() fFif
#() fFfi
#() fFff
@ -137,6 +143,7 @@
#() pFpi
#() pFpC
#() pFpu
#() pFpU
#() pFpL
#() pFpp
#() pFpV
@ -191,6 +198,7 @@
#() iFEWW
#() iFEup
#() iFEpi
#() iFEpL
#() iFEpp
#() iFEpV
#() iFESp
@ -204,6 +212,7 @@
#() iFuup
#() iFuff
#() iFfff
#() iFLip
#() iFLpp
#() iFpii
#() iFpiu
@ -280,13 +289,18 @@
#() pFpiL
#() pFpip
#() pFpCC
#() pFpui
#() pFpuu
#() pFpuL
#() pFpup
#() pFpUp
#() pFplp
#() pFpLu
#() pFpLL
#() pFpLp
#() pFppi
#() pFppu
#() pFppf
#() pFppL
#() pFppp
#() pFpOM
@ -412,6 +426,7 @@
#() LFpuuu
#() LFpLLp
#() LFppii
#() pFEipp
#() pFEupp
#() pFEpii
#() pFEpip
@ -507,6 +522,7 @@
#() vFpuipp
#() vFpddii
#() vFppiii
#() vFppiip
#() vFppWui
#() vFpppii
#() vFppppi
@ -516,8 +532,10 @@
#() iFEpipp
#() iFEpipV
#() iFEpLpp
#() iFEppip
#() iFEppiV
#() iFEpppp
#() iFEpppV
#() iFiiupp
#() iFipiii
#() iFipppi
@ -556,9 +574,13 @@
#() LFppppp
#() pFEpiii
#() pFEpipL
#() pFEpipp
#() pFEpupp
#() pFEpppp
#() pFuiiiu
#() pFuiipp
#() pFpiiuu
#() pFpiipp
#() pFpCuup
#() pFpCppp
#() pFpuiii
@ -657,6 +679,10 @@
#() UFpippup
#() LFSpLiip
#() pFEpippp
#() pFEpuipp
#() pFEpuupp
#() pFEpuppp
#() pFEppppp
#() pFiCiiCi
#() pFpiiiiu
#() pFpippip
@ -707,6 +733,7 @@
#() vFppiiipi
#() vFpppiiii
#() vFppppipi
#() iFEppLpIi
#() iFEpppiiu
#() iFEpppppp
#() iFiiiiiip
@ -813,6 +840,7 @@
#() pFpCuWCCuuu
#() pFpuuwwWWww
#() pFppiiuuuLL
#() pFppipppppp
#() vFiiiiiiiiiu
#() vFuiiiiiiiii
#() vFuiiiiiiuup
@ -60,13 +60,16 @@ typedef uint16_t (*WFp_t)(void*);
typedef uint32_t (*uFv_t)(void);
typedef uint32_t (*uFi_t)(int32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFu_t)(uint32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFd_t)(double);
typedef uint32_t (*uFp_t)(void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFv_t)(void);
typedef uint64_t (*UFp_t)(void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFV_t)(void*);
typedef float (*fFi_t)(int32_t);
typedef float (*fFf_t)(float);
typedef float (*fFp_t)(void*);
typedef double (*dFi_t)(int32_t);
typedef double (*dFu_t)(uint32_t);
typedef double (*dFd_t)(double);
typedef double (*dFp_t)(void*);
typedef intptr_t (*lFE_t)(x64emu_t*);
@ -141,11 +144,14 @@ typedef uint32_t (*uFiu_t)(int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFui_t)(uint32_t, int32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFuu_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFup_t)(uint32_t, void*);
typedef uint32_t (*uFUp_t)(uint64_t, void*);
typedef uint32_t (*uFpi_t)(void*, int32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFpu_t)(void*, uint32_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFpU_t)(void*, uint64_t);
typedef uint32_t (*uFpp_t)(void*, void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFEp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFUp_t)(uint64_t, void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFpp_t)(void*, void*);
typedef float (*fFif_t)(int32_t, float);
typedef float (*fFfi_t)(float, int32_t);
typedef float (*fFff_t)(float, float);
@ -170,6 +176,7 @@ typedef void* (*pFLL_t)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpi_t)(void*, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpC_t)(void*, uint8_t);
typedef void* (*pFpu_t)(void*, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpU_t)(void*, uint64_t);
typedef void* (*pFpL_t)(void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpp_t)(void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpV_t)(void*, void*);
@ -224,6 +231,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFEip_t)(x64emu_t*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEWW_t)(x64emu_t*, uint16_t, uint16_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEup_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpL_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFESp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*);
@ -237,6 +245,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFipp_t)(int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFuup_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFuff_t)(uint32_t, float, float);
typedef int32_t (*iFfff_t)(float, float, float);
typedef int32_t (*iFLip_t)(uintptr_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFLpp_t)(uintptr_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFpii_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpiu_t)(void*, int32_t, uint32_t);
@ -313,13 +322,18 @@ typedef void* (*pFpiu_t)(void*, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpiL_t)(void*, int32_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpCC_t)(void*, uint8_t, uint8_t);
typedef void* (*pFpui_t)(void*, uint32_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpuu_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpuL_t)(void*, uint32_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpup_t)(void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpUp_t)(void*, uint64_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFplp_t)(void*, intptr_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpLu_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpLL_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFppi_t)(void*, void*, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFppu_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFppf_t)(void*, void*, float);
typedef void* (*pFppL_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFppp_t)(void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpOM_t)(void*, int32_t, ...);
@ -445,6 +459,7 @@ typedef intptr_t (*lFipLl_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t, intptr_t);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpuuu_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpLLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFppii_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFEipp_t)(x64emu_t*, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEupp_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpii_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFEpip_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*);
@ -540,6 +555,7 @@ typedef void (*vFpipii_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFpuipp_t)(void*, uint32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFpddii_t)(void*, double, double, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFppiii_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFppiip_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFppWui_t)(void*, void*, uint16_t, uint32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFpppii_t)(void*, void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFppppi_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int32_t);
@ -549,8 +565,10 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFEpipi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpipp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpipV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpLpp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEppip_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEppiV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFiiupp_t)(int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFipiii_t)(int32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFipppi_t)(int32_t, void*, void*, void*, int32_t);
@ -589,9 +607,13 @@ typedef uintptr_t (*LFpLLLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFppppp_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpiii_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFEpipL_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFEpipp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpupp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFuiiiu_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFuiipp_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpiiuu_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpiipp_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpCuup_t)(void*, uint8_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpCppp_t)(void*, uint8_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpuiii_t)(void*, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
@ -690,6 +712,10 @@ typedef uint32_t (*uFpippup_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef uint64_t (*UFpippup_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFSpLiip_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpippp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpuipp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uint32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpuupp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEpuppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uint32_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEppppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFiCiiCi_t)(int32_t, uint8_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint8_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpiiiiu_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpippip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, void*, int32_t, void*);
@ -740,6 +766,7 @@ typedef void (*vFpddiidd_t)(void*, double, double, int32_t, int32_t, double, dou
typedef void (*vFppiiipi_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFpppiiii_t)(void*, void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFppppipi_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEppLpIi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*, int64_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppiiu_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFiiiiiip_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
@ -846,6 +873,7 @@ typedef void* (*pFpiiiiuuuu_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32
typedef void* (*pFpCuWCCuuu_t)(void*, uint8_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpuuwwWWww_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, int16_t, int16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, int16_t, int16_t);
typedef void* (*pFppiiuuuLL_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFppipppppp_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFiiiiiiiiiu_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void (*vFuiiiiiiiii_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFuiiiiiiuup_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
@ -958,13 +986,16 @@ void WFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { WFp_t fn = (WFp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(unsigned
void uFv(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFv_t fn = (uFv_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn(); }
void uFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFi_t fn = (uFi_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((int32_t)R_RDI); }
void uFu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFu_t fn = (uFu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI); }
void uFd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFd_t fn = (uFd_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn(emu->xmm[0].d[0]); }
void uFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFp_t fn = (uFp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((void*)R_RDI); }
void UFv(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFv_t fn = (UFv_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(); }
void UFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFp_t fn = (UFp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)R_RDI); }
void UFV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFV_t fn = (UFV_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void fFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFi_t fn = (fFi_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn((int32_t)R_RDI); }
void fFf(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFf_t fn = (fFf_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn(emu->xmm[0].f[0]); }
void fFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFp_t fn = (fFp_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn((void*)R_RDI); }
void dFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFi_t fn = (dFi_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].d[0]=fn((int32_t)R_RDI); }
void dFu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFu_t fn = (dFu_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].d[0]=fn((uint32_t)R_RDI); }
void dFd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFd_t fn = (dFd_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].d[0]=fn(emu->xmm[0].d[0]); }
void dFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFp_t fn = (dFp_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].d[0]=fn((void*)R_RDI); }
void lFE(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFE_t fn = (lFE_t)fcn; R_RAX=(intptr_t)fn(emu); }
@ -1039,11 +1070,14 @@ void uFiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFiu_t fn = (uFiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32
void uFui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFui_t fn = (uFui_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI); }
void uFuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFuu_t fn = (uFuu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI); }
void uFup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFup_t fn = (uFup_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void uFUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFUp_t fn = (uFUp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((uint64_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void uFpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpi_t fn = (uFpi_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI); }
void uFpu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpu_t fn = (uFpu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI); }
void uFpU(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpU_t fn = (uFpU_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint64_t)R_RSI); }
void uFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpp_t fn = (uFpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void UFEp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFEp_t fn = (UFEp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI); }
void UFUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFUp_t fn = (UFUp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((uint64_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void UFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFpp_t fn = (UFpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void fFif(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFif_t fn = (fFif_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn((int32_t)R_RDI, emu->xmm[0].f[0]); }
void fFfi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFfi_t fn = (fFfi_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn(emu->xmm[0].f[0], (int32_t)R_RDI); }
void fFff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFff_t fn = (fFff_t)fcn; emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn(emu->xmm[0].f[0], emu->xmm[1].f[0]); }
@ -1068,6 +1102,7 @@ void pFLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFLL_t fn = (pFLL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintpt
void pFpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpi_t fn = (pFpi_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI); }
void pFpC(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpC_t fn = (pFpC_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI); }
void pFpu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpu_t fn = (pFpu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI); }
void pFpU(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpU_t fn = (pFpU_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint64_t)R_RSI); }
void pFpL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpL_t fn = (pFpL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI); }
void pFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpp_t fn = (pFpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void pFpV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpV_t fn = (pFpV_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
@ -1122,6 +1157,7 @@ void iFEip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEip_t fn = (iFEip_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(e
void iFEWW(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEWW_t fn = (iFEWW_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (uint16_t)R_RDI, (uint16_t)R_RSI); }
void iFEup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEup_t fn = (iFEup_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (uint32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void iFEpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpi_t fn = (iFEpi_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI); }
void iFEpL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpL_t fn = (iFEpL_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI); }
void iFEpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpp_t fn = (iFEpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI); }
void iFEpV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpV_t fn = (iFEpV_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void iFESp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFESp_t fn = (iFESp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, io_convert((void*)R_RDI), (void*)R_RSI); }
@ -1135,6 +1171,7 @@ void iFipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFipp_t fn = (iFipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((
void iFuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuup_t fn = (iFuup_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void iFuff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuff_t fn = (iFuff_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, emu->xmm[0].f[0], emu->xmm[1].f[0]); }
void iFfff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFfff_t fn = (iFfff_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu->xmm[0].f[0], emu->xmm[1].f[0], emu->xmm[2].f[0]); }
void iFLip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFLip_t fn = (iFLip_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((uintptr_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void iFLpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFLpp_t fn = (iFLpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((uintptr_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void iFpii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpii_t fn = (iFpii_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX); }
void iFpiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpiu_t fn = (iFpiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX); }
@ -1211,13 +1248,18 @@ void pFpiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiu_t fn = (pFpiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uin
void pFpiL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiL_t fn = (pFpiL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpip_t fn = (pFpip_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFpCC(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpCC_t fn = (pFpCC_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI, (uint8_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpui_t fn = (pFpui_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpuu_t fn = (pFpuu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpuL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpuL_t fn = (pFpuL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpup_t fn = (pFpup_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFpUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpUp_t fn = (pFpUp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint64_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFplp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFplp_t fn = (pFplp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (intptr_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFpLu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpLu_t fn = (pFpLu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpLL_t fn = (pFpLL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX); }
void pFpLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpLp_t fn = (pFpLp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppi_t fn = (pFppi_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFppu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppu_t fn = (pFppu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFppf(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppf_t fn = (pFppf_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, emu->xmm[0].f[0]); }
void pFppL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppL_t fn = (pFppL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX); }
void pFppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppp_t fn = (pFppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFpOM(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpOM_t fn = (pFpOM_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, of_convert((int32_t)R_RSI), (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
@ -1343,6 +1385,7 @@ void lFipLl(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFipLl_t fn = (lFipLl_t)fcn; R_RAX=(
void LFpuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpuuu_t fn = (LFpuuu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (uint32_t)R_RCX); }
void LFpLLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpLLp_t fn = (LFpLLp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void LFppii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFppii_t fn = (LFppii_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX); }
void pFEipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEipp_t fn = (pFEipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (int32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFEupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEupp_t fn = (pFEupp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (uint32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
void pFEpii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpii_t fn = (pFEpii_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX); }
void pFEpip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpip_t fn = (pFEpip_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX); }
@ -1438,6 +1481,7 @@ void vFpipii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpipii_t fn = (vFpipii_t)fcn; fn((
void vFpuipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpuipp_t fn = (vFpuipp_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void vFpddii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpddii_t fn = (vFpddii_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, emu->xmm[0].d[0], emu->xmm[1].d[0], (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX); }
void vFppiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppiii_t fn = (vFppiii_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
void vFppiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppiip_t fn = (vFppiip_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void vFppWui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppWui_t fn = (vFppWui_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (uint16_t)R_RDX, (uint32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
void vFpppii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpppii_t fn = (vFpppii_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
void vFppppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppppi_t fn = (vFppppi_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
@ -1447,8 +1491,10 @@ void iFEpipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpipi_t fn = (iFEpipi_t)fcn; R_RA
void iFEpipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpipp_t fn = (iFEpipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void iFEpipV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpipV_t fn = (iFEpipV_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void iFEpLpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpLpp_t fn = (iFEpLpp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uintptr_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void iFEppip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEppip_t fn = (iFEppip_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void iFEppiV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEppiV_t fn = (iFEppiV_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void iFEpppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppp_t fn = (iFEpppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void iFEpppV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppV_t fn = (iFEpppV_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void iFiiupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFiiupp_t fn = (iFiiupp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void iFipiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFipiii_t fn = (iFipiii_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
void iFipppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFipppi_t fn = (iFipppi_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
@ -1487,9 +1533,13 @@ void LFpLLLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpLLLp_t fn = (LFpLLLp_t)fcn; R_RA
void LFppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFppppp_t fn = (LFppppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFEpiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpiii_t fn = (pFEpiii_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX); }
void pFEpipL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpipL_t fn = (pFEpipL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (uintptr_t)R_RCX); }
void pFEpipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpipp_t fn = (pFEpipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void pFEpupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpupp_t fn = (pFEpupp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void pFEpppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpppp_t fn = (pFEpppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX); }
void pFuiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFuiiiu_t fn = (pFuiiiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (uint32_t)R_R8); }
void pFuiipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFuiipp_t fn = (pFuiipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFpiiuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiiuu_t fn = (pFpiiuu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (uint32_t)R_RCX, (uint32_t)R_R8); }
void pFpiipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiipp_t fn = (pFpiipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFpCuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpCuup_t fn = (pFpCuup_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (uint32_t)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFpCppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpCppp_t fn = (pFpCppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFpuiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpuiii_t fn = (pFpuiii_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8); }
@ -1588,6 +1638,10 @@ void uFpippup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpippup_t fn = (uFpippup_t)fcn; R
void UFpippup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFpippup_t fn = (UFpippup_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (uint32_t)R_R8, (void*)R_R9); }
void LFSpLiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFSpLiip_t fn = (LFSpLiip_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(io_convert((void*)R_RDI), (void*)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (void*)R_R9); }
void pFEpippp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpippp_t fn = (pFEpippp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFEpuipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpuipp_t fn = (pFEpuipp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFEpuupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpuupp_t fn = (pFEpuupp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFEpuppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpuppp_t fn = (pFEpuppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFEppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEppppp_t fn = (pFEppppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8); }
void pFiCiiCi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFiCiiCi_t fn = (pFiCiiCi_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (uint8_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9); }
void pFpiiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiiiiu_t fn = (pFpiiiiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (uint32_t)R_R9); }
void pFpippip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpippip_t fn = (pFpippip_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (void*)R_R9); }
@ -1638,6 +1692,7 @@ void vFpddiidd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpddiidd_t fn = (vFpddiidd_t)fcn
void vFppiiipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppiiipi_t fn = (vFppiiipi_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (void*)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void vFpppiiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpppiiii_t fn = (vFpppiiii_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void vFppppipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppppipi_t fn = (vFppppipi_t)fcn; fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (void*)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8)); }
void iFEppLpIi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEppLpIi_t fn = (iFEppLpIi_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (uintptr_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (int64_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9); }
void iFEpppiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppiiu_t fn = (iFEpppiiu_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (uint32_t)R_R9); }
void iFEpppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppppp_t fn = (iFEpppppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn(emu, (void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (void*)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8, (void*)R_R9); }
void iFiiiiiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFiiiiiip_t fn = (iFiiiiiip_t)fcn; R_RAX=fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9, *(void**)(R_RSP + 8)); }
@ -1744,6 +1799,7 @@ void pFpiiiiuuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiiiiuuuu_t fn = (pFpiiiiuuuu
void pFpCuWCCuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpCuWCCuuu_t fn = (pFpCuWCCuuu_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint8_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (uint16_t)R_RCX, (uint8_t)R_R8, (uint8_t)R_R9, *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 24)); }
void pFpuuwwWWww(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpuuwwWWww_t fn = (pFpuuwwWWww_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (uint32_t)R_RSI, (uint32_t)R_RDX, (int16_t)R_RCX, (int16_t)R_R8, (uint16_t)R_R9, *(uint16_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(int16_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(int16_t*)(R_RSP + 24)); }
void pFppiiuuuLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppiiuuuLL_t fn = (pFppiiuuuLL_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (uint32_t)R_R8, (uint32_t)R_R9, *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(uintptr_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(uintptr_t*)(R_RSP + 24)); }
void pFppipppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppipppppp_t fn = (pFppipppppp_t)fcn; R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn((void*)R_RDI, (void*)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (void*)R_RCX, (void*)R_R8, (void*)R_R9, *(void**)(R_RSP + 8), *(void**)(R_RSP + 16), *(void**)(R_RSP + 24)); }
void vFiiiiiiiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiiiiiiu_t fn = (vFiiiiiiiiiu_t)fcn; fn((int32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 24), *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 32)); }
void vFuiiiiiiiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuiiiiiiiii_t fn = (vFuiiiiiiiii_t)fcn; fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 24), *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 32)); }
void vFuiiiiiiuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuiiiiiiuup_t fn = (vFuiiiiiiuup_t)fcn; fn((uint32_t)R_RDI, (int32_t)R_RSI, (int32_t)R_RDX, (int32_t)R_RCX, (int32_t)R_R8, (int32_t)R_R9, *(int32_t*)(R_RSP + 8), *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 16), *(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + 24), *(void**)(R_RSP + 32)); }
@ -57,13 +57,16 @@ void WFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFv(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFv(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFf(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFE(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -138,11 +141,14 @@ void uFiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFpu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFpU(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFEp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFif(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFfi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -167,6 +173,7 @@ void pFLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpC(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpU(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -221,6 +228,7 @@ void iFEip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEWW(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFESp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -234,6 +242,7 @@ void iFipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFfff(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFLip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFLpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -310,13 +319,18 @@ void pFpiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpiL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpCC(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpuL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpUp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFplp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpLu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppf(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpOM(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -442,6 +456,7 @@ void lFipLl(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpLLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFppii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -537,6 +552,7 @@ void vFpipii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpuipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpddii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppWui(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpppii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -546,8 +562,10 @@ void iFEpipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpipV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpLpp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEppip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEppiV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppV(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFiiupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFipiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFipppi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -586,9 +604,13 @@ void LFpLLLp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpipL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFuiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFuiipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpiiuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpiipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpCuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpCppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpuiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -687,6 +709,10 @@ void uFpippup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFpippup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFSpLiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpippp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpuipp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpuupp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEpuppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFiCiiCi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpiiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpippip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -737,6 +763,7 @@ void vFpddiidd(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppiiipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpppiiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppppipi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEppLpIi(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFiiiiiip(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -843,6 +870,7 @@ void pFpiiiiuuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpCuWCCuuu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpuuwwWWww(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppiiuuuLL(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppipppppp(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiiiiiiu(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuiiiiiiiii(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuiiiiiiuup(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
Executable file
Executable file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
#if !(defined(GO) && defined(GOM) && defined(GO2) && defined(DATA))
#error Meh...
GO(pa_ascii_filter, pFp)
GO(pa_ascii_valid, pFp)
GO(pa_bytes_per_second, LFp)
GO(pa_bytes_snprint, pFpLu)
GO(pa_bytes_to_usec, UFUp)
GO(pa_channel_map_can_balance, iFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_can_fade, iFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_compatible, iFpp)
GO(pa_channel_map_equal, iFpp)
GO(pa_channel_map_init, pFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_init_auto, pFpui)
GO(pa_channel_map_init_extend, pFpui)
GO(pa_channel_map_init_mono, pFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_init_stereo, pFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_parse, pFpp)
GO(pa_channel_map_snprint, pFpup)
GO(pa_channel_map_superset, iFpp)
GO(pa_channel_map_to_name, pFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_to_pretty_name, pFp)
GO(pa_channel_map_valid, iFp)
GO(pa_channel_position_to_pretty_string, pFi)
GO(pa_channel_position_to_string, pFi)
GOM(pa_context_connect, iFEppip)
GO(pa_context_disconnect, vFp)
GOM(pa_context_drain, pFEppp)
GO(pa_context_errno, iFp)
GOM(pa_context_exit_daemon, pFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_get_client_info_list, pFEppp)
GO(pa_context_get_index, uFp)
GOM(pa_context_get_module_info_list, pFEppp)
GO(pa_context_get_protocol_version, uFp)
GO(pa_context_get_server, pFp)
GOM(pa_context_get_server_info, pFEppp)
GO(pa_context_get_server_protocol_version, uFp)
GOM(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index, pFEpupp)
GOM(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_get_sink_info_list, pFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_get_sink_input_info, pFEpupp)
GOM(pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list, pFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_get_source_info_by_index, pFEpupp)
GOM(pa_context_get_source_info_by_name, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_get_source_info_list, pFEppp)
GO(pa_context_get_state, iFp)
GO(pa_context_is_local, iFp)
GO(pa_context_is_pending, iFp)
GOM(pa_context_load_module, pFEppppp)
GOM(pa_context_move_sink_input_by_index, pFEpuupp)
GOM(pa_context_new, pFEpp)
GOM(pa_context_new_with_proplist, pFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_proplist_remove, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_proplist_update, pFEpippp)
GO(pa_context_ref, pFp)
GOM(pa_context_set_default_sink, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_default_source, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_event_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_name, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_sink_input_mute, pFEpuipp)
GOM(pa_context_set_sink_input_volume, pFEpuppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_sink_volume_by_index, pFEpuppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_source_mute_by_index, pFEpuipp)
GOM(pa_context_set_source_volume_by_index, pFEpuppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_source_volume_by_name, pFEppppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_state_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_set_subscribe_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_context_subscribe, pFEpupp)
GOM(pa_context_unload_module, pFEpupp)
GO(pa_context_unref, vFp)
GO(pa_cvolume_avg, uFp)
GO(pa_cvolume_channels_equal_to, iFpu)
GO(pa_cvolume_compatible, iFpp)
GO(pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map, iFpp)
GO(pa_cvolume_equal, iFpp)
GO(pa_cvolume_get_balance, fFpp)
GO(pa_cvolume_get_fade, fFpp)
GO(pa_cvolume_init, pFp)
GO(pa_cvolume_max, uFp)
GO(pa_cvolume_remap, pFppp)
GO(pa_cvolume_scale, pFpu)
GO(pa_cvolume_set, pFpuu)
GO(pa_cvolume_set_balance, pFppf)
GO(pa_cvolume_set_fade, pFppf)
GO(pa_cvolume_snprint, pFplp)
GO(pa_cvolume_valid, iFp)
GO(pa_frame_size, LFp)
GO(pa_get_binary_name, pFpL)
GO(pa_get_fqdn, pFpL)
GO(pa_get_home_dir, pFpL)
GO(pa_get_host_name, pFpL)
GO(pa_get_library_version, pFv)
GO(pa_gettimeofday, pFp)
GO(pa_get_user_name, pFpL)
GO(pa_mainloop_dispatch, iFp)
GOM(pa_mainloop_free, vFEp)
GOM(pa_mainloop_get_api, pFEp)
GO(pa_mainloop_get_retval, iFp)
GO(pa_mainloop_iterate, iFpip)
GO(pa_mainloop_new, pFv)
GO(pa_mainloop_poll, iFp)
GO(pa_mainloop_prepare, iFpi)
GO(pa_mainloop_quit, vFpi)
GO(pa_mainloop_run, iFpp)
GOM(pa_mainloop_set_poll_func, vFEppp) //B is typedef int(*pa_poll_func) (struct pollfd *ufds, unsigned long nfds, int timeout, void *userdata)
GO(pa_mainloop_wakeup, vFp)
GO(pa_operation_cancel, vFp)
GO(pa_operation_get_state, iFp)
GO(pa_operation_ref, pFp)
GO(pa_operation_unref, vFp)
GO(pa_parse_sample_format, iFp)
GO(pa_path_get_filename, pFp)
GO(pa_proplist_free, vFp)
GO(pa_proplist_gets, pFpp)
GO(pa_proplist_new, pFv)
GO(pa_proplist_set, iFpppL)
GOM(pa_proplist_setf, iFEpppV)
GO(pa_proplist_sets, iFppp)
GO(pa_proplist_size, uFp)
GO(pa_proplist_to_string, pFp)
GO(pa_proplist_to_string_sep, pFpp)
GO(pa_proplist_unset, iFpp)
GO(pa_proplist_unset_many, iFpp)
GO(pa_proplist_update, vFpip)
GO(pa_sample_format_to_string, pFi)
GO(pa_sample_size, LFp)
GO(pa_sample_size_of_format, LFp)
GO(pa_sample_spec_equal, iFpp)
GO(pa_sample_spec_init, pFp)
GO(pa_sample_spec_snprint, pFpLp)
GO(pa_sample_spec_valid, iFp)
GO(pa_signal_done, vFv)
GO(pa_signal_free, vFp)
GOM(pa_signal_init, iFEp)
GOM(pa_signal_new, pFEipp)
GOM(pa_signal_set_destroy, vFEpp)
GO(pa_stream_connect_playback, iFpppipp)
GO(pa_stream_connect_record, iFpppi)
GO(pa_stream_connect_upload, iFpL)
GOM(pa_stream_cork, pFEpipp)
GO(pa_stream_disconnect, iFp)
GOM(pa_stream_drain, pFEppp)
GO(pa_stream_drop, iFp)
GO(pa_stream_finish_upload, iFp)
GOM(pa_stream_flush, pFEppp)
GO(pa_stream_get_buffer_attr, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_channel_map, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_context, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_device_index, uFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_device_name, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_index, uFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_latency, iFppp)
GO(pa_stream_get_monitor_stream, uFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_sample_spec, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_state, iFp)
GO(pa_stream_get_time, iFpp)
GO(pa_stream_get_timing_info, pFp)
GO(pa_stream_is_corked, iFp)
GO(pa_stream_is_suspended, iFp)
GO(pa_stream_new, pFpppp)
GO(pa_stream_new_with_proplist, pFppppp)
GO(pa_stream_peek, iFppp)
GOM(pa_stream_prebuf, pFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_proplist_remove, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_stream_proplist_update, pFEpippp)
GO(pa_stream_readable_size, LFp)
GO(pa_stream_ref, pFp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_buffer_attr, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_event_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_latency_update_callback, vFEppp)
GO(pa_stream_set_monitor_stream, iFpu)
GOM(pa_stream_set_moved_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_name, pFEpppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_overflow_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_read_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_started_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_state_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_suspended_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_underflow_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_set_write_callback, vFEppp)
GOM(pa_stream_trigger, pFEppp)
GO(pa_stream_unref, vFp)
GOM(pa_stream_update_sample_rate, pFEpupp)
GOM(pa_stream_update_timing_info, pFEppp)
GO(pa_stream_writable_size, LFp)
GOM(pa_stream_write, iFEppLpIi)
GO(pa_strerror, pFi)
GO(pa_sw_cvolume_divide, pFppp)
GO(pa_sw_cvolume_multiply, pFppp)
GO(pa_sw_cvolume_snprint_dB, pFpLp)
GO(pa_sw_volume_divide, uFuu)
GO(pa_sw_volume_from_dB, uFd)
GO(pa_sw_volume_from_linear, uFd)
GO(pa_sw_volume_multiply, uFuu)
GO(pa_sw_volume_snprint_dB, pFpuu)
GO(pa_sw_volume_to_dB, dFu)
GO(pa_sw_volume_to_linear, dFu)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_accept, vFp)
GOM(pa_threaded_mainloop_free, vFEp)
GOM(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api, pFEp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_retval, iFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_in_thread, iFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_lock, vFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_new, pFv)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_signal, vFpi)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_start, iFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_stop, vFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock, vFp)
GO(pa_threaded_mainloop_wait, vFp)
GO(pa_timeval_add, pFpU)
GO(pa_timeval_age, UFp)
GO(pa_timeval_cmp, iFpp)
GO(pa_timeval_diff, UFpp)
GO(pa_timeval_load, UFp)
GO(pa_timeval_store, pFpU)
GO(pa_timeval_sub, pFpU)
GO(pa_usec_to_bytes, uFUp)
GO(pa_utf8_filter, pFp)
GO(pa_utf8_to_locale, pFp)
GO(pa_utf8_valid, pFp)
GO(pa_volume_snprint, pFpLu)
GO(pa_xfree, vFp)
GO(pa_xmalloc, pFL)
GO(pa_xmalloc0, pFL)
GO(pa_xmemdup, pFpL)
GO(pa_xrealloc, pFpL)
GO(pa_xstrdup, pFp)
GO(pa_xstrndup, pFpL)
GO(pa_stream_begin_write, iFppp) // 0.9.16+
GO(pa_stream_cancel_write, iFp) // 0.9.16+
GO(dummy_io_new, pFpiipp) // dumy function to create Wrapper
GO(dummy_io_new2, vFppiip) // and another one
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "wrappedlibs.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "librarian/library_private.h"
#include "x64emu.h"
#include "emu/x64emu_private.h"
#include "callback.h"
#include "box64context.h"
#include "librarian.h"
#include "myalign.h"
const char* pulsesimpleName = "libpulse-simple.so.0";
#define LIBNAME pulsesimple
#define PRE_INIT \
if(box64_nopulse) \
return -1;
#define CUSTOM_INIT \
lib->priv.w.needed = 1; \
lib->priv.w.neededlibs = (char**)calloc(lib->priv.w.needed, sizeof(char*)); \
lib->priv.w.neededlibs[0] = strdup("libpulse.so.0"); \
#include "wrappedlib_init.h"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#if !(defined(GO) && defined(GOM) && defined(GO2) && defined(DATA))
#error Meh...
GO(pa_simple_drain, iFpp)
GO(pa_simple_flush, iFpp)
GO(pa_simple_free, vFp)
GO(pa_simple_get_latency, UFpp)
GO(pa_simple_new, pFppipppppp)
GO(pa_simple_read, iFppLp)
GO(pa_simple_write, iFppLp)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user