If you don't want to compile box86 yourself and prefer to use third-party pre-build version, go to the [end of the document](#pre-build-packages) for alternatives.
You can also generate your own debian package using the [instructions below](https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86/blob/master/docs/COMPILE.md#debian-packaging).
Important note, if you are using a 64bits OS, you need to have multi-arch enabled, with armhf support, for box86 to works. On Debian/Ubuntu/Armbian OS, you need to do:
As most RK3399 devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
`mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DRK3588=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo; make -j4`
As most RK3588 devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
As most ODROID-N2/N2+ devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
As most Allwinner A64 devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
Depending how old/recent you SD is. As most Snapdragon devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On mobian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
As most Phytium (D2000 or FT2000/4) devices run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
`mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DADLINK=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo; make -j`
As ADLINK AmpereAltra computers run an AARCH64 OS, you'll need an `armhf` multiarch environment, and an armhf gcc: On debian, install it with `sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf`.
Also, on armbian, you may need to install `libc6-dev-armhf-cross` or you may have an issue with `crt1.o` and a few other files not included with box86.
The `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo` argument makes a build that is both optimized for speed, and has debug information embedded. That way, if you have a crash or try to analyse performance, you'll have some symbols.
To have a trace enabled build (***the interpreter will be slightly slower***), add `-DHAVE_TRACE=1`. But you will need the [Zydis library](https://github.com/zyantific/zydis) in your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` or in the system library folders at runtime.
###### *Note: If you get error building that "target CPU does not support ARM mode", then try to pick a hardware profile (like ODROIDXU4 for armv7 or PI4 for armv8).*
If you are using a 64bit OS with armhf multiarch, it's much easier to pick one of the hardware profiles.
`RPI4ARM64`, `RK3399`, `PHYTIUM` or `SD845`.
#### Not building from a git clone
If you are not building from a git clone (for example, downloading a release source code zip from github), you need to use `-DNOGIT=1` from cmake to be able to build (box86 uses git SHA1 to show last commit in version number).
NVIDIA doesn't provide armhf libraries for their GPU drivers at this time. There is no special variable to compile box86 for them, as it would be misleading to many people. If you still want to use it wihout GPU acceleration, building it with RPI4 configuration should work just fine. Installation of Mesa can break the NVIDIA driver, so the safest option is to use a chroot environment.
Box86 can also be packaged into a .deb file ***using the source code zip from the releases page*** with `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc`. Configure any additional cmake options you might want in `debian/rules`.
You can use the [Pi-Apps-Coders apt repository](https://github.com/Pi-Apps-Coders/box86-debs) to install precompiled box86 debs, updated every 24 hours.
# check if .list file already exists
if [ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/box86.list ]; then