Wrapped libxslt (should help #259)

This commit is contained in:
ptitSeb 2020-11-30 20:02:57 +01:00
parent 754859d28a
commit 54ce6deb1c
7 changed files with 386 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ set(WRAPPEDS

View File

@ -129,5 +129,6 @@ GO("libvulkan.so.1", vulkan)
GO("libvulkan.so", vulkan)
GO("libwayland-client.so.0", waylandclient)
GO("libxml2.so.2", xml2)
GO("libxslt.so.1", xslt)
GO("ld-linux.so.2", ldlinux)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#() vFu
#() vFf
#() vFd
#() vFl
#() vFL
#() vFp
#() vFS
@ -692,6 +693,7 @@
#() iFppui
#() iFppuu
#() iFppup
#() iFppdp
#() iFppll
#() iFpplp
#() iFppLi

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ typedef void (*vFi_t)(int32_t);
typedef void (*vFu_t)(uint32_t);
typedef void (*vFf_t)(float);
typedef void (*vFd_t)(double);
typedef void (*vFl_t)(intptr_t);
typedef void (*vFL_t)(uintptr_t);
typedef void (*vFp_t)(void*);
typedef void (*vFS_t)(void*);
@ -763,6 +764,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFppuw_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, int16_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFppui_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFppuu_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFppup_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFppdp_t)(void*, void*, double, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFppll_t)(void*, void*, intptr_t, intptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpplp_t)(void*, void*, intptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFppLi_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t);
@ -1914,6 +1916,7 @@ void vFi(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFi_t fn = (vFi_t)fcn; fn(*(int32_t*)(R
void vFu(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFu_t fn = (vFu_t)fcn; fn(*(uint32_t*)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFf(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFf_t fn = (vFf_t)fcn; fn(*(float*)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFd(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFd_t fn = (vFd_t)fcn; fn(*(double*)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFl(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFl_t fn = (vFl_t)fcn; fn(*(intptr_t*)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFL(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFL_t fn = (vFL_t)fcn; fn(*(uintptr_t*)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFp_t fn = (vFp_t)fcn; fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4)); }
void vFS(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFS_t fn = (vFS_t)fcn; fn(io_convert(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4))); }
@ -2601,6 +2604,7 @@ void iFppuw(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppuw_t fn = (iFppuw_t)fcn; R_EAX=f
void iFppui(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppui_t fn = (iFppui_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(uint32_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(int32_t*)(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFppuu(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppuu_t fn = (iFppuu_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(uint32_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(uint32_t*)(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFppup(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppup_t fn = (iFppup_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(uint32_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(void**)(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFppdp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppdp_t fn = (iFppdp_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(double*)(R_ESP + 12), *(void**)(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFppll(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppll_t fn = (iFppll_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(intptr_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(intptr_t*)(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFpplp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpplp_t fn = (iFpplp_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(intptr_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(void**)(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFppLi(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppLi_t fn = (iFppLi_t)fcn; R_EAX=fn(*(void**)(R_ESP + 4), *(void**)(R_ESP + 8), *(uintptr_t*)(R_ESP + 12), *(int32_t*)(R_ESP + 16)); }

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ void vFi(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFu(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFf(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFd(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFl(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFL(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFS(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -722,6 +723,7 @@ void iFppuw(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppui(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppuu(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppup(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppdp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppll(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpplp(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppLi(x86emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);

src/wrapped/wrappedxslt.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "wrappedlibs.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "librarian/library_private.h"
#include "x86emu.h"
#include "emu/x86emu_private.h"
#include "box86context.h"
#include "librarian.h"
#include "callback.h"
const char* xsltName = "libxslt.so.1";
#define LIBNAME xslt
static library_t *my_lib = NULL;
typedef void (*vFp_t) (void*);
typedef int (*iFppp_t) (void*, void*, void*);
#define SUPER() \
GO(xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction, iFppp_t) \
GO(xsltSetLoaderFunc, vFp_t) \
typedef struct xslt_my_s {
// functions
#define GO(A, B) B A;
#undef GO
} xslt_my_t;
void* getXsltMy(library_t* lib)
xslt_my_t* my = (xslt_my_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(xslt_my_t));
#define GO(A, W) my->A = (W)dlsym(lib->priv.w.lib, #A);
#undef GO
return my;
#undef SUPER
void freeXsltMy(void* lib)
//xslt_my_t *my = (xslt_my_t *)lib;
#define SUPER() \
GO(0) \
GO(1) \
GO(2) \
GO(3) \
// xmlXPathFunction ...
#define GO(A) \
static uintptr_t my_xmlXPathFunction_fct_##A = 0; \
static void my_xmlXPathFunction_##A(void* a, int b) \
{ \
RunFunction(my_context, my_xmlXPathFunction_fct_##A, 2, a, b); \
#undef GO
static void* find_xmlXPathFunction_Fct(void* fct)
if(!fct) return fct;
if(GetNativeFnc((uintptr_t)fct)) return GetNativeFnc((uintptr_t)fct);
#define GO(A) if(my_xmlXPathFunction_fct_##A == (uintptr_t)fct) return my_xmlXPathFunction_##A;
#undef GO
#define GO(A) if(my_xmlXPathFunction_fct_##A == 0) {my_xmlXPathFunction_fct_##A = (uintptr_t)fct; return my_xmlXPathFunction_##A; }
#undef GO
printf_log(LOG_NONE, "Warning, no more slot for libxslt xmlXPathFunction callback\n");
return NULL;
// xsltDocLoaderFunc ...
#define GO(A) \
static uintptr_t my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_fct_##A = 0; \
static void* my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_##A(void* a, void* b, int c, void* d, int e) \
{ \
return (void*)RunFunction(my_context, my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_fct_##A, 5, a, b, c, d, e); \
#undef GO
static void* find_xsltDocLoaderFunc_Fct(void* fct)
if(!fct) return fct;
if(GetNativeFnc((uintptr_t)fct)) return GetNativeFnc((uintptr_t)fct);
#define GO(A) if(my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_fct_##A == (uintptr_t)fct) return my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_##A;
#undef GO
#define GO(A) if(my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_fct_##A == 0) {my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_fct_##A = (uintptr_t)fct; return my_xsltDocLoaderFunc_##A; }
#undef GO
printf_log(LOG_NONE, "Warning, no more slot for libxslt xsltDocLoaderFunc callback\n");
return NULL;
#undef SUPER
EXPORT int my_xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction(x86emu_t* emu, void* name, void* URI, void* f)
xslt_my_t* my = (xslt_my_t*)my_lib->priv.w.p2;
return my->xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction(name, URI, find_xmlXPathFunction_Fct(f));
EXPORT void my_xsltSetLoaderFunc(x86emu_t* emu, void* f)
xslt_my_t* my = (xslt_my_t*)my_lib->priv.w.p2;
#define CUSTOM_INIT \
lib->priv.w.p2 = getXsltMy(lib); \
my_lib = lib;
#define CUSTOM_FINI \
freeXsltMy(lib->priv.w.p2); \
free(lib->priv.w.p2); \
my_lib = NULL;
#include "wrappedlib_init.h"

src/wrapped/wrappedxslt_private.h Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
#if !(defined(GO) && defined(GOM) && defined(GO2) && defined(DATA))
#error meh!
GO(xslAddCall, iFpp)
GO(xslDropCall, vFv)
GO(xslHandleDebugger, vFpppp)
GO(xsltAddStackElemList, iFpp)
GO(xsltAllocateExtra, iFp)
GO(xsltAllocateExtraCtxt, iFp)
GO(xsltApplyImports, vFpppp)
GO(xsltApplyOneTemplate, vFppppp)
GO(xsltApplyStripSpaces, vFpp)
GO(xsltApplyStylesheet, pFppp)
GO(xsltApplyStylesheetUser, pFpppppp)
GO(xsltApplyTemplates, vFpppp)
GO(xsltAttribute, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCalibrateAdjust, vFl)
GO(xsltCallTemplate, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCheckExtPrefix, iFpp)
GO(xsltCheckExtURI, iFpp)
GO(xsltChoose, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCleanupGlobals, vFv)
GO(xsltComment, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCompileAttr, vFpp)
GO(xsltComputeSortResult, pFpp)
GO(xsltCopy, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCopyOf, vFpppp)
GO(xsltCopyTextString, pFpppi)
GO(xsltCreateRVT, pFp)
GO(xsltDebug, vFpppp)
GO(xsltDebugDumpExtensions, vFp)
GO(xsltDebugGetDefaultTrace, iFv)
GO(xsltDebugSetDefaultTrace, vFi)
GO(xsltDecimalFormatGetByName, pFpp)
GO(xsltDecimalFormatGetByQName, pFppp)
GO(xsltDefaultSortFunction, vFppi)
GO(xsltDocumentElem, vFpppp)
GO(xsltDocumentSortFunction, vFp)
GO(xsltDoSortFunction, vFppi)
GO(xsltElement, vFpppp)
GO(xsltEvalAVT, pFppp)
GO(xsltEvalGlobalVariables, iFp)
GO(xsltEvalOneUserParam, iFppp)
GO(xsltEvalUserParams, iFpp)
//GOM(xsltExtElementLookup, BFEppp)
GO(xsltExtensionInstructionResultFinalize, iFp)
GO(xsltExtensionInstructionResultRegister, iFpp)
//GOM(xsltExtModuleElementLookup, BFEpp)
//GOM(xsltExtModuleElementPreComputeLookup, BFEpp)
//GOM(xsltExtModuleFunctionLookup, BFEpp)
//GOM(xsltExtModuleTopLevelLookup, BFEpp)
GO(xsltFindDocument, pFpp)
GO(xsltFindElemSpaceHandling, iFpp)
GO(xsltFindTemplate, pFppp)
GO(xsltFlagRVTs, iFppp)
GO(xsltForEach, vFpppp)
GO(xsltFormatNumberConversion, iFppdp)
GO(xsltFreeAVTList, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeCtxtExts, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeDocuments, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeExts, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeGlobalVariables, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeRVTs, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeStackElemList, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeStyleDocuments, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeStylesheet, vFp)
GO(xsltFreeTransformContext, vFp)
GO(xsltFunctionNodeSet, vFpi)
GO(xsltGetCNsProp, pFpppp)
GO(xsltGetDebuggerStatus, iFv)
GO(xsltGetExtData, pFpp)
GO(xsltGetExtInfo, pFpp)
GO(xsltGetNsProp, pFppp)
GO(xsltGetProfileInformation, pFp)
GO(xsltGetQNameURI, pFpp)
GO(xsltGetQNameURI2, pFppp)
GO(xsltGetUTF8Char, iFpp)
GO(xsltGetXIncludeDefault, iFv)
GO(xsltIf, vFpppp)
GO(xsltInit, vFv)
GO(xsltInitAllDocKeys, iFp)
GO(xsltInitCtxtExts, iFp)
//GOM(xsltInitElemPreComp, vFEpppBB)
GO(xsltInitGlobals, vFv)
GO(xsltIsBlank, iFp)
GO(xsltLoadDocument, pFpp)
GO(xsltLoadStyleDocument, pFpp)
GO(xsltLoadStylesheetPI, pFp)
GO(xsltLocalVariablePop, vFpii)
GO(xsltLocalVariablePush, iFppi)
GO(xsltMessage, vFppp)
GO(xsltNeedElemSpaceHandling, iFp)
GO(xsltNewDocument, pFpp)
//GOM(xsltNewElemPreComp, pFEppB)
GO(xsltNewStyleDocument, pFpp)
GO(xsltNewStylesheet, pFv)
GO(xsltNewTransformContext, pFpp)
GO(xsltNextImport, pFp)
GO(xsltNumber, vFpppp)
GO(xsltNumberFormat, vFppp)
GO(xsltParseAnyXSLTElem, iFpp)
GO(xsltParseGlobalParam, vFpp)
GO(xsltParseGlobalVariable, vFpp)
GO(xsltParseSequenceConstructor, vFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam, pFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetDoc, pFp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetFile, pFp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetImport, iFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetImportedDoc, pFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetInclude, iFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetOutput, vFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetParam, vFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetProcess, pFpp)
GO(xsltParseStylesheetVariable, vFpp)
GO(xsltPointerListAddSize, iFppi)
GO(xsltPointerListClear, vFp)
GO(xsltPointerListCreate, pFi)
GO(xsltPointerListFree, vFp)
GO(xsltPreComputeExtModuleElement, pFpp)
GO(xsltPrintErrorContext, vFppp)
GO(xsltProcessingInstruction, vFpppp)
GO(xsltProcessOneNode, vFppp)
GO(xsltProfileStylesheet, pFpppp)
GO(xsltQuoteOneUserParam, iFppp)
GO(xsltQuoteUserParams, iFpp)
GO(xsltRegisterAllElement, vFp)
GO(xsltRegisterAllExtras, vFv)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtElement, iFEpppB)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtFunction, iFEpppB)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtModule, iFEpBB)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtModuleElement, iFEppBB)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtModuleFull, iFEpBBBB)
GOM(xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction, iFEppp)
//GOM(xsltRegisterExtModuleTopLevel, iFEppB)
GO(xsltRegisterExtPrefix, iFppp)
GO(xsltRegisterExtras, vFp)
GO(xsltRegisterLocalRVT, iFpp)
GO(xsltRegisterPersistRVT, iFpp)
GO(xsltRegisterTestModule, vFv)
GO(xsltRegisterTmpRVT, iFpp)
GO(xsltReleaseRVT, vFpp)
GO(xsltRestoreDocumentNamespaces, iFpp)
GO(xsltRunStylesheet, iFpppppp)
GO(xsltRunStylesheetUser, iFpppppppp)
GO(xsltSaveProfiling, vFpp)
GO(xsltSaveResultTo, iFppp)
GO(xsltSaveResultToFd, iFipp)
GO(xsltSaveResultToFile, iFppp)
GO(xsltSaveResultToFilename, iFpppi)
GO(xsltSaveResultToString, iFpppp)
GO(xsltSetCtxtParseOptions, iFpi)
//GOM(xsltSetCtxtSortFunc, vFEpB)
//GOM(xsltSetDebuggerCallbacks, iFip)
GO(xsltSetDebuggerStatus, vFi)
//GOM(xsltSetGenericDebugFunc, vFEpB)
//GOM(xsltSetGenericErrorFunc, vFEpB)
GOM(xsltSetLoaderFunc, vFEp)
//GOM(xsltSetSortFunc, vFEp)
//GO(MxsltSetTransformErrorFunc, vFEppB)
GO(xsltSetXIncludeDefault, vFi)
GO(xsltShutdownCtxtExts, vFp)
GO(xsltShutdownExts, vFp)
GO(xsltSort, vFpppp)
GO(xsltSplitQName, pFppp)
GO(xsltStyleGetExtData, pFpp)
GO(xsltStyleStylesheetLevelGetExtData, pFpp)
GO(xsltText, vFpppp)
GO(xsltTimestamp, lFv)
GO(xsltTransformError, vFpppppppppppppppp) //vaarg
GO(xsltUninit, vFv)
GO(xsltUnregisterExtModule, iFp)
GO(xsltUnregisterExtModuleElement, iFpp)
GO(xsltUnregisterExtModuleFunction, iFpp)
GO(xsltUnregisterExtModuleTopLevel, iFpp)
GO(xsltValueOf, vFpppp)
GO(xsltVariableLookup, pFppp)
GO(xsltXPathCompile, pFpp)
GO(xsltXPathCompileFlags, pFppi)
GO(xsltXPathFunctionLookup, pFppp)
GO(xsltXPathGetTransformContext, pFp)