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2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// Sprite packing method borrowed from glorp engine and heavily modified.
// For license safety, just run this as a build tool, don't build it into your game/program.
// https://github.com/zorbathut/glorp
// Horrible build instructions:
// * Download freetype, put in ppsspp/ext as freetype/
// * Open tools.sln
// * In Code Generation on freetype, change from Multithreaded DLL to Multithreaded.
// * Build
// * Move exe file to ext/native/tools/build
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// data we need to provide:
// sx, sy
// dx, dy
// ox, oy
// wx
// line height
// dist-per-pixel
2014-07-15 17:24:15 +02:00
#include <libpng17/png.h>
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
#include <ft2build.h>
#include <freetype/ftbitmap.h>
#include <set>
#include <map>
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
2014-07-15 17:24:15 +02:00
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "gfx/texture_atlas.h"
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
#include "image/png_load.h"
#include "image/zim_save.h"
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
#include "kanjifilter.h"
// extracted only JIS Kanji on the CJK Unified Ideographs of UCS2. Cannot reading BlockAllocator. (texture size over)
// daily-use character only. However, it is too enough this.
//#define USE_KANJI KANJI_STANDARD (texture size over)
// Shift-JIS filtering. (texture size over)
// more conpact daily-use character. but, not enough this.
// if when you find the unintelligible sequence of characters,
// add kanjiFilter Array with KANJI_LEARNING_ORDER_ADDTIONAL.
#include "util/text/utf8.h"
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
using namespace std;
static int global_id;
2013-11-17 15:34:51 +10:00
static bool etc1 = false;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
static bool highcolor = false;
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
typedef unsigned short u16;
struct CharRange : public AtlasCharRange {
std::set<u16> filter;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
enum Effect {
FX_COPY = 0,
FX_RED_TO_ALPHA_SOLID_WHITE = 1, // for alpha fonts
FX_PINK_TO_ALPHA = 4, // for alpha fonts
const char *effect_str[5] = {
"copy", "r2a", "r2i", "pre", "p2a",
Effect GetEffect(const char *text) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (!strcmp(text, effect_str[i])) {
return (Effect)i;
return FX_INVALID;
struct FontReference {
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
FontReference(string name, string file, vector<CharRange> ranges, int pixheight, float vertOffset)
: name_(name), file_(file), ranges_(ranges), size_(pixheight), vertOffset_(vertOffset) {
string name_;
string file_;
vector<CharRange> ranges_;
int size_;
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
float vertOffset_;
typedef vector<FontReference> FontReferenceList;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
template<class T>
struct Image {
vector<vector<T> > dat;
void resize(int x, int y) {
for(int i = 0; i < y; i++)
int width() const {
return (int)dat[0].size();
int height() const {
return (int)dat.size();
void copyfrom(const Image &img, int ox, int oy, int effect) {
CHECK(img.dat[0].size() + ox <= dat[0].size());
CHECK(img.dat.size() + oy <= dat.size());
for (int y = 0; y < (int)img.dat.size(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < (int)img.dat[y].size(); x++) {
switch (effect) {
case FX_COPY:
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = img.dat[y][x];
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = 0x00FFFFFF | (img.dat[y][x] << 24);
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = 0xFF000000 | img.dat[y][x] | (img.dat[y][x] << 8) | (img.dat[y][x] << 16);
unsigned int color = img.dat[y][x];
unsigned int a = color >> 24;
unsigned int r = (color & 0xFF) * a >> 8, g = (color & 0xFF00) * a>> 8, b = (color & 0xFF0000) * a >> 8;
color = (color & 0xFF000000) | (r & 0xFF) | (g & 0xFF00) | (b & 0xFF0000);
// Simulate 4444
color = color & 0xF0F0F0F0;
color |= color >> 4;
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = color;
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = ((img.dat[y][x]&0xFFFFFF) == 0xFF00FF) ? 0x00FFFFFF : (img.dat[y][x] | 0xFF000000);
dat[y + oy][ox + x] = 0xFFFF00FF;
void set(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char fil) {
for(int y = sy; y < ey; y++)
fill(dat[y].begin() + sx, dat[y].begin() + ex, fil);
bool LoadPNG(const char *png_name) {
unsigned char *img_data;
int w, h;
if (1 != pngLoad(png_name, &w, &h, &img_data, false)) {
printf("Failed to load %s\n", png_name);
return false;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
memcpy(&dat[y][0], img_data + 4 * y * w, 4 * w);
return true;
void SavePNG(const char *png_name) {
// Save PNG
FILE *fil = fopen(png_name, "wb");
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
png_init_io(png_ptr, fil);
//png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
for(int y = 0; y < (int)dat.size(); y++) {
png_write_row(png_ptr, (png_byte*)&dat[y][0]);
png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
void SaveZIM(const char *zim_name, int zim_format) {
2015-09-16 01:13:15 -03:00
uint8_t *image_data = new uint8_t[width() * height() * 4];
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int y = 0; y < height(); y++) {
memcpy(image_data + y * width() * 4, &dat[y][0], width() * 4);
::SaveZIM(zim_name, width(), height(), width() * 4, zim_format | ZIM_DITHER, image_data);
template<class S, class T>
bool operator<(const Image<S> &lhs, const Image<T> &rhs) {
return lhs.dat.size() * lhs.dat[0].size() > rhs.dat.size() * rhs.dat[0].size();
struct Data {
// item ID
int id;
// dimensions of its spot in the world
int sx, sy, ex, ey;
// offset from the origin
float ox, oy;
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
float voffset; // to apply at the end
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// distance to move the origin forward
float wx;
int effect;
int charNum;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
bool operator<(const Data &lhs, const Data &rhs) {
return lhs.id < rhs.id; // should be unique
string out_prefix;
int NextPowerOf2(int x) {
int powof2 = 1;
// Double powof2 until >= val
while (powof2 < x) powof2 <<= 1;
return powof2;
struct Bucket {
vector<pair<Image<unsigned int>, Data> > items;
void AddItem(const Image<unsigned int> &img, const Data &dat) {
items.push_back(make_pair(img, dat));
vector<Data> Resolve(int image_width, Image<unsigned int> &dest) {
// Place all the little images - whatever they are.
// Uses greedy fill algorithm. Slow but works surprisingly well, CPUs are fast.
Image<unsigned char> masq;
masq.resize(image_width, 1);
dest.resize(image_width, 1);
sort(items.begin(), items.end());
for (int i = 0; i < (int)items.size(); i++) {
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
if ((i + 1) % 200 == 0) {
printf("Resolving (%i / %i)\n", i, (int)items.size());
int idx = items[i].first.dat[0].size();
int idy = items[i].first.dat.size();
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
if (idx > 1 && idy > 1) {
CHECK(idx <= image_width);
for (int ty = 0; ty < 2047; ty++) {
if(ty + idy + 1 > (int)dest.dat.size()) {
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
masq.resize(image_width, ty + idy + 16);
dest.resize(image_width, ty + idy + 16);
// Brute force packing.
2013-04-17 16:31:41 +02:00
int sz = (int)items[i].first.dat[0].size();
auto &masq_ty = masq.dat[ty];
auto &masq_idy = masq.dat[ty + idy - 1];
for (int tx = 0; tx < image_width - sz; tx++) {
bool valid = !(masq_ty[tx] || masq_idy[tx] || masq_ty[tx + idx - 1] || masq_idy[tx + idx - 1]);
if (valid) {
for(int ity = 0; ity < idy && valid; ity++) {
for(int itx = 0; itx < idx && valid; itx++) {
if(masq.dat[ty + ity][tx + itx]) {
2013-04-17 16:31:41 +02:00
goto skip;
dest.copyfrom(items[i].first, tx, ty, items[i].second.effect);
masq.set(tx, ty, tx + idx + 1, ty + idy + 1, 255);
items[i].second.sx = tx;
items[i].second.sy = ty;
items[i].second.ex = tx + idx;
items[i].second.ey = ty + idy;
// printf("Placed %d at %dx%d-%dx%d\n", items[i].second.id, tx, ty, tx + idx, ty + idy);
goto found;
2013-04-17 16:31:41 +02:00
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
if ((int)dest.dat.size() > image_width * 2) {
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
printf("PACKING FAIL : height=%i", (int)dest.dat.size());
dest.resize(image_width, NextPowerOf2(dest.dat.size()));
// Output the glyph data.
vector<Data> dats;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)items.size(); i++)
return dats;
const int supersample = 16;
const int distmult = 64 * 3; // this is "one pixel in the final version equals 64 difference". reduce this number to increase the "blur" radius, increase it to make things "sharper"
const int maxsearch = (128 * supersample + distmult - 1) / distmult;
struct Closest {
FT_Bitmap bmp;
Closest(FT_Bitmap bmp) : bmp(bmp) { }
float find_closest(int x, int y, char search) {
int best = 1 << 30;
for(int i = 1; i <= maxsearch; i++) {
if(i * i >= best)
for(int f = -i; f < i; f++) {
int dist = i * i + f * f;
if(dist >= best) continue;
if(safe_access(x + i, y + f) == search || safe_access(x - f, y + i) == search || safe_access(x - i, y - f) == search || safe_access(x + f, y - i) == search)
best = dist;
return sqrt((float)best);
char safe_access(int x, int y) {
if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= bmp.width || y >= bmp.rows)
return 0;
return bmp.buffer[x + y * bmp.width];
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
typedef vector<FT_Face> FT_Face_List;
inline vector<CharRange> merge(const vector<CharRange> &a, const vector<CharRange> &b) {
vector<CharRange> result = a;
for (size_t i = 0, in = b.size(); i < in; ++i) {
bool insert = true;
for (size_t j = 0, jn = a.size(); j < jn; ++j) {
// Should never overlap, so same start is always a duplicate.
if (b[i].start == a[j].start) {
insert = false;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (insert) {
return result;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
void RasterizeFonts(const FontReferenceList &fontRefs, vector<CharRange> &ranges, float *metrics_height, Bucket *bucket) {
FT_Library freetype;
CHECK(FT_Init_FreeType(&freetype) == 0);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
vector<FT_Face> fonts;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// The ranges may overlap, so build a list of fonts per range.
map<int, FT_Face_List> fontsByRange;
// TODO: Better way than average?
float totalHeight = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0, n = fontRefs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
FT_Face &font = fonts[i];
2014-02-05 20:03:28 +01:00
if (FT_New_Face(freetype, fontRefs[i].file_.c_str(), 0, &font) != 0) {
printf("Failed to load font file %s\n", fontRefs[i].file_.c_str());
2014-02-05 20:03:28 +01:00
printf("TTF info: %d glyphs, %08x flags, %d units, %d strikes\n", (int)font->num_glyphs, (int)font->face_flags, (int)font->units_per_EM, (int)font->num_fixed_sizes);
CHECK(FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(font, 0, fontRefs[i].size_ * supersample) == 0);
ranges = merge(ranges, fontRefs[i].ranges_);
for (size_t r = 0, rn = fontRefs[i].ranges_.size(); r < rn; ++r) {
const CharRange &range = fontRefs[i].ranges_[r];
totalHeight += font->size->metrics.height;
// Wait what - how does this make sense?
*metrics_height = totalHeight / (float) fontRefs.size();
// Convert all characters to bitmaps.
for (size_t r = 0, rn = ranges.size(); r < rn; r++) {
FT_Face_List &tryFonts = fontsByRange[ranges[r].start];
ranges[r].start_index = global_id;
for(int kar = ranges[r].start; kar < ranges[r].end; kar++) {
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
bool filtered = false;
if (ranges[r].filter.size()) {
if (ranges[r].filter.find((u16)kar) == ranges[r].filter.end())
filtered = true;
FT_Face font;
bool foundMatch = false;
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
float vertOffset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0, n = tryFonts.size(); i < n; ++i) {
font = tryFonts[i];
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
vertOffset = fontRefs[i].vertOffset_;
if (FT_Get_Char_Index(font, kar) != 0) {
foundMatch = true;
2017-03-18 16:32:41 +01:00
//if (!foundMatch)
// fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No font contains character %x.\n", kar);
Image<unsigned int> img;
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
if (filtered || 0 != FT_Load_Char(font, kar, FT_LOAD_RENDER|FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME)) {
2013-04-17 16:31:41 +02:00
img.resize(1, 1);
Data dat;
dat.id = global_id++;
dat.sx = 0;
dat.sy = 0;
dat.ex = 0;
dat.ey = 0;
dat.ox = 0;
dat.oy = 0;
dat.wx = 0;
2016-02-10 16:48:25 +01:00
dat.voffset = 0;
dat.charNum = kar;
bucket->AddItem(img, dat);
// printf("%dx%d %p\n", font->glyph->bitmap.width, font->glyph->bitmap.rows, font->glyph->bitmap.buffer);
const int bord = (128 + distmult - 1) / distmult + 1;
if(font->glyph->bitmap.buffer) {
FT_Bitmap tempbitmap;
FT_Bitmap_Convert(freetype, &font->glyph->bitmap, &tempbitmap, 1);
Closest closest(tempbitmap);
// No resampling, just sets the size of the image.
img.resize((tempbitmap.width + supersample - 1) / supersample + bord * 2, (tempbitmap.rows + supersample - 1) / supersample + bord * 2);
int lmx = img.dat[0].size();
int lmy = img.dat.size();
// AA by finding distance to character. Probably a fairly decent approximation but why not do it right?
for(int y = 0; y < lmy; y++) {
int cty = (y - bord) * supersample + supersample / 2;
for(int x = 0; x < lmx; x++) {
int ctx = (x - bord) * supersample + supersample / 2;
float dist;
if(closest.safe_access(ctx, cty)) {
dist = closest.find_closest(ctx, cty, 0);
} else {
dist = -closest.find_closest(ctx, cty, 1);
dist = dist / supersample * distmult + 127.5;
dist = floor(dist + 0.5);
if(dist < 0) dist = 0;
if(dist > 255) dist = 255;
// Only set the red channel. We process when adding the image.
img.dat[y][x] = (unsigned char)dist;
FT_Bitmap_Done(freetype, &tempbitmap);
} else {
img.resize(1, 1);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
Data dat;
dat.id = global_id++;
dat.sx = 0;
dat.sy = 0;
dat.ex = img.dat[0].size();
dat.ey = img.dat.size();
dat.ox = (float)font->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX / 64 / supersample - bord;
dat.oy = -(float)font->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY / 64 / supersample - bord;
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
dat.voffset = vertOffset;
dat.wx = (float)font->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance / 64 / supersample;
dat.charNum = kar;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
bucket->AddItem(img, dat);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (size_t i = 0, n = fonts.size(); i < n; ++i) {
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
bool LoadImage(const char *imagefile, Effect effect, Bucket *bucket) {
Image<unsigned int> img;
bool success = false;
if (!strcmp(imagefile, "white.png")) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
img.dat[i][j] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
success = true;
} else {
success = img.LoadPNG(imagefile);
// printf("loaded image: %ix%i\n", (int)img.dat[0].size(), (int)img.dat.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (!success) {
return false;
Data dat;
memset(&dat, 0, sizeof(dat));
dat.id = global_id++;
dat.sx = 0;
dat.sy = 0;
dat.ex = img.dat[0].size();
dat.ey = img.dat.size();
dat.effect = effect;
bucket->AddItem(img, dat);
return true;
// Use the result array, and recorded data, to generate C++ tables for everything.
struct FontDesc {
string name;
int first_char_id;
int last_char_id;
float ascend;
float descend;
float height;
float metrics_height;
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
std::vector<CharRange> ranges;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
void ComputeHeight(const vector<Data> &results, float distmult) {
ascend = 0;
descend = 0;
2013-04-17 16:31:41 +02:00
for (size_t r = 0; r < ranges.size(); r++) {
for(int i = ranges[r].start; i < ranges[r].end; i++) {
int idx = i - ranges[r].start + ranges[r].start_index;
ascend = max(ascend, -results[idx].oy);
descend = max(descend, results[idx].ey - results[idx].sy + results[idx].oy);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
height = metrics_height / 64.0 / supersample;
void OutputSelf(FILE *fil, float tw, float th, const vector<Data> &results) {
// Dump results as chardata.
fprintf(fil, "const AtlasChar font_%s_chardata[] = {\n", name.c_str());
for (size_t r = 0; r < ranges.size(); r++) {
fprintf(fil, "// RANGE: 0x%x - 0x%x, start 0x%x\n", ranges[r].start, ranges[r].end, ranges[r].start_index);
for (int i = ranges[r].start; i < ranges[r].end; i++) {
int idx = i - ranges[r].start + ranges[r].start_index;
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
fprintf(fil, " {%ff, %ff, %ff, %ff, %1.4ff, %1.4ff, %1.4ff, %i, %i}, // %04x\n",
/*results[i].id, */
results[idx].sx / tw,
results[idx].sy / th,
results[idx].ex / tw,
results[idx].ey / th,
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
results[idx].oy + results[idx].voffset,
results[idx].ex - results[idx].sx, results[idx].ey - results[idx].sy,
fprintf(fil, "};\n");
fprintf(fil, "const AtlasCharRange font_%s_ranges[] = {\n", name.c_str());
// Write range information.
int start_index = 0;
for (size_t r = 0; r < ranges.size(); r++) {
int first_char_id = ranges[r].start;
int last_char_id = ranges[r].end;
fprintf(fil, " { %i, %i, %i },\n", first_char_id, last_char_id, start_index);
start_index += last_char_id - first_char_id;
fprintf(fil, "};\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(fil, "const AtlasFont font_%s = {\n", name.c_str());
fprintf(fil, " %ff, // padding\n", height - ascend - descend);
fprintf(fil, " %ff, // height\n", ascend + descend);
fprintf(fil, " %ff, // ascend\n", ascend);
fprintf(fil, " %ff, // distslope\n", distmult / 256.0);
fprintf(fil, " font_%s_chardata,\n", name.c_str());
fprintf(fil, " font_%s_ranges,\n", name.c_str());
fprintf(fil, " %i,\n", (int)ranges.size());
fprintf(fil, " \"%s\", // name\n", name.c_str());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(fil, "};\n");
void OutputIndex(FILE *fil) {
fprintf(fil, " &font_%s,\n", name.c_str());
void OutputHeader(FILE *fil, int index) {
fprintf(fil, "#define %s %i\n", name.c_str(), index);
struct ImageDesc {
string name;
Effect effect;
int result_index;
void OutputSelf(FILE *fil, float tw, float th, const vector<Data> &results) {
int i = result_index;
float toffx = 0.5f / tw;
float toffy = 0.5f / th;
fprintf(fil, " {%ff, %ff, %ff, %ff, %d, %d, \"%s\"},\n",
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
results[i].sx / tw + toffx,
results[i].sy / th + toffy,
results[i].ex / tw - toffx,
results[i].ey / th - toffy,
results[i].ex - results[i].sx,
results[i].ey - results[i].sy,
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
void OutputHeader(FILE *fil, int index) {
fprintf(fil, "#define %s %i\n", name.c_str(), index);
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
CharRange range(int start, int end, const std::set<u16> &filter) {
CharRange r;
r.start = start;
r.end = end + 1;
r.start_index = 0;
r.filter = filter;
return r;
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
CharRange range(int start, int end) {
CharRange r;
r.start = start;
r.end = end + 1;
r.start_index = 0;
return r;
inline bool operator <(const CharRange &a, const CharRange &b) {
// These ranges should never overlap so this should be enough.
return a.start < b.start;
void LearnFile(const char *filename, const char *desc, std::set<u16> &chars, uint32_t lowerLimit, uint32_t upperLimit) {
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (f) {
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t sz = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
char *data = new char[sz+1];
fread(data, 1, sz, f);
UTF8 utf(data);
int learnCount = 0;
while (!utf.end()) {
uint32_t c = utf.next();
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
if (c >= lowerLimit && c <= upperLimit) {
if (chars.find(c) == chars.end()) {
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
delete [] data;
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
printf("%i %s characters learned.\n", learnCount, desc);
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
void GetLocales(const char *locales, std::vector<CharRange> &ranges)
std::set<u16> kanji;
std::set<u16> hangul1, hangul2, hangul3;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(kanjiFilter)/sizeof(kanjiFilter[0]); i+=2)
// Kanji filtering.
if ((kanjiFilter[i+1] & USE_KANJI) > 0) {
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
// Also, load chinese.txt if available.
LearnFile("chinese.txt", "Chinese", kanji, 0x3400, 0xFFFF);
LearnFile("korean.txt", "Korean", hangul1, 0x1100, 0x11FF);
LearnFile("korean.txt", "Korean", hangul2, 0x3130, 0x318F);
LearnFile("korean.txt", "Korean", hangul3, 0xAC00, 0xD7A3);
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
// The end point of a range is now inclusive!
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(locales); i++) {
switch (locales[i]) {
case 'U': // US ASCII
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(32, 127));
case 'W': // Latin-1 extras 1
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(0x80, 0x80)); // euro sign
ranges.push_back(range(0xA2, 0xFF)); // 80 - A0 appears to contain nothing interesting
ranges.push_back(range(0x2121, 0x2122)); // TEL symbol and trademark symbol
case 'E': // Latin-1 Extended A (needed for Hungarian etc)
ranges.push_back(range(0x100, 0x17F));
case 'e': // Latin-1 Extended B (for some African and latinized asian languages?)
ranges.push_back(range(0x180, 0x250));
2013-04-17 15:04:40 +02:00
case 'k': // Katakana
ranges.push_back(range(0x30A0, 0x30FF));
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(0x31F0, 0x31FF));
ranges.push_back(range(0xFF00, 0xFFEF)); // half-width ascii
2013-04-17 15:04:40 +02:00
case 'h': // Hiragana
ranges.push_back(range(0x3041, 0x3097));
ranges.push_back(range(0x3099, 0x309F));
case 's': // ShiftJIS symbols
ranges.push_back(range(0x2010, 0x2312)); // General Punctuation, Letterlike Symbols, Arrows,
// Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Technical
ranges.push_back(range(0x2500, 0x254B)); // Box drawing
ranges.push_back(range(0x25A0, 0x266F)); // Geometric Shapes, Miscellaneous Symbols
ranges.push_back(range(0x3231, 0x3231)); // Co,.Ltd. symbol
ranges.push_back(range(0x2116, 0x2116)); // "No." symbol
ranges.push_back(range(0x33CD, 0x33CD)); // "K.K." symbol
2013-04-17 15:04:40 +02:00
case 'H': // Hebrew
ranges.push_back(range(0x0590, 0x05FF));
case 'G': // Greek
ranges.push_back(range(0x0370, 0x03FF));
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
case 'R': // Russian
ranges.push_back(range(0x0400, 0x04FF));
case 'c': // All Kanji, filtered though!
2013-04-20 00:00:51 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(0x3000, 0x303f)); // Ideographic symbols
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(0x4E00, 0x9FFF, kanji));
// ranges.push_back(range(0xFB00, 0xFAFF, kanji));
2013-04-17 15:04:40 +02:00
case 'T': // Thai
ranges.push_back(range(0x0E00, 0x0E5B));
2013-04-20 17:41:17 +02:00
case 'K': // Korean (hangul)
ranges.push_back(range(0xAC00, 0xD7A3, hangul3));
case 'V': // Vietnamese (need 'e' too)
ranges.push_back(range(0x1EA0, 0x1EF9));
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
ranges.push_back(range(0xFFFD, 0xFFFD));
std::sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// initProgram(&argc, const_cast<const char ***>(&argv));
// /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Black.ttf
// /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-R.ttf
2014-07-15 17:24:15 +02:00
if (argc < 3) {
FLOG("Not enough arguments");
return 1;
2013-11-17 15:34:51 +10:00
CHECK(argc >= 3);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (argc > 3)
2013-11-17 15:34:51 +10:00
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "etc1")) {
printf("ETC1 enabled!\n");
etc1 = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "8888")) {
highcolor = true;
printf("RGBA8888 enabled!\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
printf("Reading script %s\n", argv[1]);
const char *atlas_name = argv[2];
string image_name = string(atlas_name) + "_atlas.zim";
out_prefix = argv[2];
map<string, FontReferenceList> fontRefs;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
vector<FontDesc> fonts;
vector<ImageDesc> images;
Bucket bucket;
char line[512];
FILE *script = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!fgets(line, 512, script)) {
printf("Error fgets-ing\n");
int image_width;
sscanf(line, "%i", &image_width);
printf("Texture width: %i\n", image_width);
while (!feof(script)) {
if (!fgets(line, 511, script)) break;
if (!strlen(line)) break;
if (line[0] == '#') continue;
char *rest = strchr(line, ' ');
if (rest) {
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
*rest = 0;
char *word = line;
if (!strcmp(word, "font")) {
// Font!
char fontname[256];
char fontfile[256];
char locales[256];
int pixheight;
float vertOffset = 0;
2016-12-02 22:46:52 -03:00
sscanf(rest, "%255s %255s %255s %i %f", fontname, fontfile, locales, &pixheight, &vertOffset);
printf("Font: %s (%s) in size %i. Locales: %s\n", fontname, fontfile, pixheight, locales);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
std::vector<CharRange> ranges;
GetLocales(locales, ranges);
printf("locales fetched.\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
2013-04-21 21:53:46 +02:00
FontReference fnt(fontname, fontfile, ranges, pixheight, vertOffset);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
} else if (!strcmp(word, "image")) {
char imagename[256];
char imagefile[256];
char effectname[256];
2016-12-02 22:46:52 -03:00
sscanf(rest, "%255s %255s %255s", imagename, imagefile, effectname);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
Effect effect = GetEffect(effectname);
printf("Image %s with effect %s (%i)\n", imagefile, effectname, (int)effect);
ImageDesc desc;
desc.name = imagename;
desc.effect = effect;
desc.result_index = (int)bucket.items.size();
if (!LoadImage(imagefile, effect, &bucket)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load image %s\n", imagefile);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Failed to parse line starting with %s\n", line);
// Script fully read, now rasterize the fonts.
for (auto it = fontRefs.begin(), end = fontRefs.end(); it != end; ++it) {
FontDesc fnt;
fnt.first_char_id = (int)bucket.items.size();
vector<CharRange> finalRanges;
float metrics_height;
RasterizeFonts(it->second, finalRanges, &metrics_height, &bucket);
printf("font rasterized.\n");
fnt.ranges = finalRanges;
fnt.name = it->first;
fnt.metrics_height = metrics_height;
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// Script read, all subimages have been generated.
// Place the subimages onto the main texture. Also writes to png.
Image<unsigned int> dest;
// Place things on the bitmap.
vector<Data> results = bucket.Resolve(image_width, dest);
2013-11-17 15:34:51 +10:00
if (etc1) {
printf("Writing .ZIM %ix%i ETC1...\n", dest.width(), dest.height());
dest.SaveZIM(image_name.c_str(), ZIM_ETC1 | ZIM_ZLIB_COMPRESSED);
} else if (highcolor) {
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
printf("Writing .ZIM %ix%i RGBA8888...\n", dest.width(), dest.height());
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
dest.SaveZIM(image_name.c_str(), ZIM_RGBA8888 | ZIM_ZLIB_COMPRESSED);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
} else {
printf("Writing .ZIM %ix%i RGBA4444...\n", dest.width(), dest.height());
2013-04-18 14:40:14 +02:00
dest.SaveZIM(image_name.c_str(), ZIM_RGBA4444 | ZIM_ZLIB_COMPRESSED);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// Also save PNG for debugging.
printf("Writing .PNG %s\n", (image_name + ".png").c_str());
dest.SavePNG((image_name + ".png").c_str());
printf("Done. Outputting source files %s_atlas.cpp/h.\n", out_prefix.c_str());
// Sort items by ID.
sort(results.begin(), results.end());
FILE *cpp_file = fopen((out_prefix + "_atlas.cpp").c_str(), "wb");
fprintf(cpp_file, "// C++ generated by atlastool from %s (hrydgard@gmail.com)\n\n", argv[1]);
fprintf(cpp_file, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", (out_prefix + "_atlas.h").c_str());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < (int)fonts.size(); i++) {
FontDesc &xfont = fonts[i];
xfont.ComputeHeight(results, distmult);
xfont.OutputSelf(cpp_file, dest.width(), dest.height(), results);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (fonts.size()) {
fprintf(cpp_file, "const AtlasFont *%s_fonts[%i] = {\n", atlas_name, (int)fonts.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < (int)fonts.size(); i++) {
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(cpp_file, "};\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (images.size()) {
fprintf(cpp_file, "const AtlasImage %s_images[%i] = {\n", atlas_name, (int)images.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < (int)images.size(); i++) {
images[i].OutputSelf(cpp_file, dest.width(), dest.height(), results);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(cpp_file, "};\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(cpp_file, "const Atlas %s_atlas = {\n", atlas_name);
fprintf(cpp_file, " \"%s\",\n", image_name.c_str());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (fonts.size()) {
fprintf(cpp_file, " %s_fonts, %i,\n", atlas_name, (int)fonts.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
} else {
fprintf(cpp_file, " 0, 0,\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (images.size()) {
fprintf(cpp_file, " %s_images, %i,\n", atlas_name, (int)images.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
} else {
fprintf(cpp_file, " 0, 0,\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(cpp_file, "};\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
// Should output a list pointing to all the fonts as well.
FILE *h_file = fopen((out_prefix + "_atlas.h").c_str(), "wb");
fprintf(h_file, "// Header generated by atlastool from %s (hrydgard@gmail.com)\n\n", argv[1]);
fprintf(h_file, "#pragma once\n");
fprintf(h_file, "#include \"gfx/texture_atlas.h\"\n\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (fonts.size()) {
fprintf(h_file, "// FONTS_%s\n", atlas_name);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < (int)fonts.size(); i++) {
fonts[i].OutputHeader(h_file, i);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(h_file, "\n\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
if (images.size()) {
fprintf(h_file, "// IMAGES_%s\n", atlas_name);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < (int)images.size(); i++) {
images[i].OutputHeader(h_file, i);
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(h_file, "\n\n");
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00
fprintf(h_file, "extern const Atlas %s_atlas;\n", atlas_name);
fprintf(h_file, "extern const AtlasImage %s_images[%i];\n", atlas_name, (int)images.size());
2012-10-26 10:45:51 +02:00