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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2016- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#pragma once
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include "Common/Thread/Promise.h"
#include "Common/Data/Collections/Hashmaps.h"
#include "Common/GPU/Vulkan/VulkanMemory.h"
#include "GPU/Common/ShaderCommon.h"
#include "GPU/Common/ShaderId.h"
#include "GPU/Common/VertexShaderGenerator.h"
#include "GPU/Common/FragmentShaderGenerator.h"
#include "GPU/Vulkan/VulkanUtil.h"
#include "Common/Math/lin/matrix4x4.h"
2017-02-08 17:35:41 +01:00
#include "GPU/Common/ShaderUniforms.h"
class VulkanContext;
class DrawEngineVulkan;
2023-03-14 23:21:43 +01:00
class VulkanPushPool;
class VulkanFragmentShader {
VulkanFragmentShader(VulkanContext *vulkan, FShaderID id, FragmentShaderFlags flags, const char *code);
const std::string &source() const { return source_; }
std::string GetShaderString(DebugShaderStringType type) const;
Promise<VkShaderModule> *GetModule() { return module_; }
const FShaderID &GetID() const { return id_; }
FragmentShaderFlags Flags() const { return flags_; }
Promise<VkShaderModule> *module_ = nullptr;
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
std::string source_;
bool failed_ = false;
FShaderID id_;
FragmentShaderFlags flags_;
class VulkanVertexShader {
2022-10-09 20:19:39 +02:00
VulkanVertexShader(VulkanContext *vulkan, VShaderID id, VertexShaderFlags flags, const char *code, bool useHWTransform);
const std::string &source() const { return source_; }
2022-10-09 20:19:39 +02:00
bool UseHWTransform() const { return useHWTransform_; } // TODO: Roll into flags
VertexShaderFlags Flags() const { return flags_; }
std::string GetShaderString(DebugShaderStringType type) const;
Promise<VkShaderModule> *GetModule() { return module_; }
const VShaderID &GetID() const { return id_; }
Promise<VkShaderModule> *module_ = nullptr;
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
std::string source_;
bool useHWTransform_;
VShaderID id_;
2022-10-09 20:19:39 +02:00
VertexShaderFlags flags_;
class VulkanGeometryShader {
VulkanGeometryShader(VulkanContext *vulkan, GShaderID id, const char *code);
const std::string &source() const { return source_; }
std::string GetShaderString(DebugShaderStringType type) const;
Promise<VkShaderModule> *GetModule() const { return module_; }
const GShaderID &GetID() { return id_; }
Promise<VkShaderModule> *module_ = nullptr;
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
std::string source_;
GShaderID id_;
class ShaderManagerVulkan : public ShaderManagerCommon {
ShaderManagerVulkan(Draw::DrawContext *draw);
2023-02-25 15:59:35 +01:00
void DeviceLost() override;
void DeviceRestore(Draw::DrawContext *draw) override;
void GetShaders(int prim, VertexDecoder *decoder, VulkanVertexShader **vshader, VulkanFragmentShader **fshader, VulkanGeometryShader **gshader, const ComputedPipelineState &pipelineState, bool useHWTransform, bool useHWTessellation, bool weightsAsFloat, bool useSkinInDecode);
void ClearShaders() override;
void DirtyShader();
2017-02-15 18:32:44 +01:00
void DirtyLastShader() override;
int GetNumVertexShaders() const { return (int)vsCache_.size(); }
int GetNumFragmentShaders() const { return (int)fsCache_.size(); }
int GetNumGeometryShaders() const { return (int)gsCache_.size(); }
// Used for saving/loading the cache. Don't need to be particularly fast.
VulkanVertexShader *GetVertexShaderFromID(VShaderID id) { return vsCache_.GetOrNull(id); }
VulkanFragmentShader *GetFragmentShaderFromID(FShaderID id) { return fsCache_.GetOrNull(id); }
VulkanGeometryShader *GetGeometryShaderFromID(GShaderID id) { return gsCache_.GetOrNull(id); }
VulkanVertexShader *GetVertexShaderFromModule(VkShaderModule module);
VulkanFragmentShader *GetFragmentShaderFromModule(VkShaderModule module);
VulkanGeometryShader *GetGeometryShaderFromModule(VkShaderModule module);
std::vector<std::string> DebugGetShaderIDs(DebugShaderType type) override;
std::string DebugGetShaderString(std::string id, DebugShaderType type, DebugShaderStringType stringType) override;
uint64_t UpdateUniforms(bool useBufferedRendering);
// TODO: Avoid copying these buffers if same as last draw, can still point to it assuming we're still in the same pushbuffer.
// Applies dirty changes and copies the buffer.
bool IsBaseDirty() { return true; }
bool IsLightDirty() { return true; }
bool IsBoneDirty() { return true; }
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uint32_t PushBaseBuffer(VulkanPushPool *dest, VkBuffer *buf) {
return dest->Push(&ub_base, sizeof(ub_base), uboAlignment_, buf);
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uint32_t PushLightBuffer(VulkanPushPool *dest, VkBuffer *buf) {
return dest->Push(&ub_lights, sizeof(ub_lights), uboAlignment_, buf);
// TODO: Only push half the bone buffer if we only have four bones.
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uint32_t PushBoneBuffer(VulkanPushPool *dest, VkBuffer *buf) {
return dest->Push(&ub_bones, sizeof(ub_bones), uboAlignment_, buf);
bool LoadCacheFlags(FILE *f, DrawEngineVulkan *drawEngine);
bool LoadCache(FILE *f);
void SaveCache(FILE *f, DrawEngineVulkan *drawEngine);
void Clear();
ShaderLanguageDesc compat_;
typedef DenseHashMap<FShaderID, VulkanFragmentShader *> FSCache;
FSCache fsCache_;
typedef DenseHashMap<VShaderID, VulkanVertexShader *> VSCache;
VSCache vsCache_;
typedef DenseHashMap<GShaderID, VulkanGeometryShader *> GSCache;
GSCache gsCache_;
char *codeBuffer_;
std::mutex cacheLock_;
uint64_t uboAlignment_;
// Uniform block scratchpad. These (the relevant ones) are copied to the current pushbuffer at draw time.
UB_VS_FS_Base ub_base;
UB_VS_Lights ub_lights;
UB_VS_Bones ub_bones;
VulkanFragmentShader *lastFShader_ = nullptr;
VulkanVertexShader *lastVShader_ = nullptr;
VulkanGeometryShader *lastGShader_ = nullptr;
FShaderID lastFSID_;
VShaderID lastVSID_;
GShaderID lastGSID_;