mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 02:23:51 +00:00
Remove the separate deadzone-skip value.
This commit is contained in:
@ -975,8 +975,7 @@ static const ConfigSetting controlSettings[] = {
ConfigSetting("InvertTiltY", &g_Config.bInvertTiltY, true, true, true),
ConfigSetting("TiltSensitivityX", &g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX, 50, true, true),
ConfigSetting("TiltSensitivityY", &g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY, 50, true, true),
ConfigSetting("DeadzoneRadius", &g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius, 0.05f, true, true),
ConfigSetting("TiltDeadzoneSkip", &g_Config.fTiltDeadzoneSkip, 0.0f, true, true),
ConfigSetting("DeadzoneRadius", &g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius, 0.0f, true, true),
ConfigSetting("TiltInputType", &g_Config.iTiltInputType, 0, true, true),
@ -297,8 +297,6 @@ public:
int iTiltSensitivityY;
//the deadzone radius of the tilt
float fDeadzoneRadius;
// deadzone skip
float fTiltDeadzoneSkip;
//type of tilt input currently selected: Defined in TiltEventProcessor.h
//0 - no tilt, 1 - analog stick, 2 - D-Pad, 3 - Action Buttons (Tri, Cross, Square, Circle)
int iTiltInputType;
@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ void GenerateDPadEvent(const Tilt &tilt);
void GenerateActionButtonEvent(const Tilt &tilt);
void GenerateTriggerButtonEvent(const Tilt &tilt);
//deadzone is normalized - 0 to 1
//sensitivity controls how fast the deadzone reaches max value
// deadzone is normalized - 0 to 1
// sensitivity controls how fast the deadzone reaches max value
inline float tiltInputCurve(float x, float deadzone, float sensitivity) {
const float factor = sensitivity * 1.0f / (1.0f - deadzone);
if (x > deadzone) {
return (x - deadzone) * factor * factor + g_Config.fTiltDeadzoneSkip;
return (x - deadzone) * factor + deadzone;
} else if (x < -deadzone) {
return (x + deadzone) * factor * factor - g_Config.fTiltDeadzoneSkip;
return (x + deadzone) * factor - deadzone;
} else {
return 0.0f;
//dampen the tilt according to the given deadzone amount.
// dampen the tilt according to the given deadzone amount.
inline Tilt dampTilt(const Tilt &tilt, float deadzone, float xSensitivity, float ySensitivity) {
//multiply sensitivity by 2 so that "overshoot" is possible. I personally prefer a
//sensitivity >1 for kingdom hearts and < 1 for Gods Eater. so yes, overshoot is nice
@ -52,24 +52,6 @@ inline float clamp(float f) {
return f;
// Landscape liggande:
// x = 0
// y = 0
// z = 1
// Landscape stående:
// x = 1
// y = 0
// z = 0
// Landscape vänster kortsida:
// x = 0
// y = -1
// z = 0
// Landscape liggande upp och ner
// x = 0
// y = 0
// z = -1
Tilt GenTilt(bool landscape, float calibrationAngle, float x, float y, float z, bool invertX, bool invertY, float deadzone, float xSensitivity, float ySensitivity) {
if (landscape) {
std::swap(x, y);
@ -82,7 +64,7 @@ Tilt GenTilt(bool landscape, float calibrationAngle, float x, float y, float z,
float yAngle = angleAroundX - calibrationAngle;
float xAngle = asinf(down.x);
Tilt transformedTilt(xAngle, -yAngle);
Tilt transformedTilt(xAngle, yAngle);
// invert x and y axes if requested. Can probably remove this.
if (invertX) {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
namespace TiltEventProcessor {
enum TiltTypes{
enum TiltTypes {
@ -10,22 +10,18 @@ enum TiltTypes{
//Represents a generic Tilt event
// Represents a generic Tilt event
struct Tilt {
Tilt() : x_(0), y_(0) {}
Tilt(const float x, const float y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
float x_, y_;
// generates a tilt in the correct coordinate system based on
// calibration. x, y, z is the current accelerometer reading.
// NOTE- both base and current tilt *MUST BE NORMALIZED* by calling the NormalizeTilt() function.
// calibration. x, y, z is the current accelerometer reading (with no conversion).
Tilt GenTilt(bool landscape, const float calibrationAngle, float x, float y, float z, bool invertX, bool invertY, float deadzone, float xSensitivity, float ySensitivity);
void TranslateTiltToInput(const Tilt &tilt);
void ResetTiltEvents();
// Lets you preview the amount of tilt in TiltAnalogSettingsScreen.
@ -1390,13 +1390,7 @@ void NativeAxis(const AxisInput &axis) {
static float tiltY;
static float tiltZ;
// x and y are flipped if we are in landscape orientation. The events are
// sent with respect to the portrait coordinate system, while we
// take all events in landscape.
// see [http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/sensors_overview.html] for details
bool landscape = dp_yres < dp_xres;
switch (axis.axisId) {
//TODO: make this generic.
case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_X: tiltX = axis.value; break;
case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Y: tiltY = axis.value; break;
case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Z: tiltZ = axis.value; break;
@ -1411,6 +1405,11 @@ void NativeAxis(const AxisInput &axis) {
float xSensitivity = g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX / 50.0;
float ySensitivity = g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY / 50.0;
// x and y are flipped if we are in landscape orientation. The events are
// sent with respect to the portrait coordinate system, while we
// take all events in landscape.
// see [http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/sensors_overview.html] for details
bool landscape = dp_yres < dp_xres;
// now transform out current tilt to the calibrated coordinate system
Tilt trueTilt = GenTilt(landscape, tiltBaseAngleY, tiltX, tiltY, tiltZ,
g_Config.bInvertTiltX, g_Config.bInvertTiltY, g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius,
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void TiltAnalogSettingsScreen::CreateViews() {
root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL);
ScrollView *menuRoot = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(650, FILL_PARENT));
ScrollView *menuRoot = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(600, FILL_PARENT));
// AnchorLayout *rightSide = new AnchorLayout(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0));
@ -58,11 +58,9 @@ void TiltAnalogSettingsScreen::CreateViews() {
settings->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bInvertTiltY, co->T("Invert Tilt along Y axis")));
settings->Add(new ItemHeader(co->T("Sensitivity")));
//TODO: allow values greater than 100? I'm not sure if that's needed.
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoice(&g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX, 0, 100, co->T("Tilt Sensitivity along X axis"), screenManager(),"%"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoice(&g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY, 0, 100, co->T("Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis"), screenManager(),"%"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoiceFloat(&g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius, 0.0, 1.0, co->T("Deadzone radius"), 0.01f, screenManager(),"/ 1.0"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoiceFloat(&g_Config.fTiltDeadzoneSkip, 0.0, 1.0, co->T("Tilt Base Radius"), 0.01f, screenManager(),"/ 1.0"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoice(&g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX, 0, 100, co->T("Tilt Sensitivity along X axis"), screenManager(), "%"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoice(&g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY, 0, 100, co->T("Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis"), screenManager(), "%"));
settings->Add(new PopupSliderChoiceFloat(&g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius, 0.0, 1.0, co->T("Deadzone radius"), 0.01f, screenManager(), "/ 1.0"));
@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ void TiltAnalogSettingsScreen::axis(const AxisInput &axis) {
UI::EventReturn TiltAnalogSettingsScreen::OnCalibrate(UI::EventParams &e) {
Lin::Vec3 down = down_.normalized();
g_Config.fTiltBaseAngleY = atan2(down.z, down.x);
INFO_LOG(SCECTRL, "Setting base angle to %f from x=%f y=%f z=%f", g_Config.fTiltBaseAngleY, down.x, down.y, down.z);
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = حدود رفيعة
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = نوع الإدخال المنطقة
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X حساسية المنطقة علي طول محور
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Y حساسية المنطقة علي طول محور
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Lliscar cap a
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilitat de lliscament
Swipe smoothing = Fluïdesa del lliscat
Thin borders = Vores fines
Tilt Base Radius = Ràdio base d'inclinació
Tilt Input Type = Tipus de control de l'acceleròmetre
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilitat d'inclinació de l'eix X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilitat d'inclinació de l'eix Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Tenké okraje
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Typ vstupu náklonu
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Citlivost náklonu podle osy X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Citlivost náklonu podle osy Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Tynde rammer
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt følsomhed langs X aksen
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt følsomhed langs Y aksen
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Dünne Ränder
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Eingabetyp für Neigen
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Neigungsempfindlichkeit über X-Achse
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Neigungsempfindlichkeit über Y-Achse
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Deslizar hacia
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilidad del deslizado
Swipe smoothing = Fluidez del deslizado
Thin borders = Bordes finos
Tilt Base Radius = Radio base de inclinación
Tilt Input Type = Tipo de control del acelerómetro
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidad de inclinación del eje X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidad de inclinación del eje Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Deslizar hacia
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilidad del deslizado
Swipe smoothing = Fluidez del deslizado
Thin borders = Bordes finos
Tilt Base Radius = Radio base de inclinación
Tilt Input Type = Tipo de control del acelerómetro
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidad de inclinación del eje X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidad de inclinación del eje Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = حساسیت
Swipe sensitivity = حساسیت کش رفتن
Swipe smoothing = ضربه تند وشدید زدن
Thin borders = نوار نازک
Tilt Base Radius = شعاع پایه شیب
Tilt Input Type = ...استفاده از شتاب سنج به عنوان
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X حساسیت شتاب سنج در جهت
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Y حساسیت شتاب سنج در جهت
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Bordures fines
Tilt Base Radius = Modifier la zone morte avec l'inclinaison analogique
Tilt Input Type = Type inclinaison analogique
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilité de l'inclinaison analogique sur l'axe X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilité de l'inclinaison analogique sur l'axe Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Bordes finos
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tipo de control do acelerómetro
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidade de inclinación do eixe X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidade de inclinación do eixe Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Λεπτά διαχωριστικά
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Τύπο εισόδου κλίσης
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Ευαισθησία οριζόντιου άξονα
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Ευαισθησία κάθετου άξονα
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Tanki rubovi
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tip ulaza tilta
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt senzitivnost X osi
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt senzitivnost Y osi
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Vékony szélek
Tilt Base Radius = Döntés alapsugara
Tilt Input Type = Döntési bevitel típusa
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X tengely menti döntés érzékenysége
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = X tengely menti döntés érzékenysége
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Geser
Swipe sensitivity = Geser sensitivitas
Swipe smoothing = Geser kehalusan
Thin borders = Garis batas tipis
Tilt Base Radius = Radius kemiringan dasar
Tilt Input Type = Jenis masukan kemiringan
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensitivitas kemiringan sepanjang sumbu X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensitivitas kemiringan sepanjang sumbu Y
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ Swipe = Scorrimento
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilità Scorrimento
Swipe smoothing = Fluidità Scorrimento
Thin borders = Bordi fini
Tilt Base Radius = Modifica zona morta con inclinazione analogica
Tilt Input Type = Tipo di Input Inclinazione
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Inverti Sensibilità sull'asse X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Inverti Sensibilità sull'asse Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = スワイプ
Swipe sensitivity = スワイプの感度
Swipe smoothing = スワイプの滑らかさ
Thin borders = 薄い枠線
Tilt Base Radius = 傾きのベース半径
Tilt Input Type = 傾き入力のタイプ
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X軸の傾きの感度
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Y軸の傾きの感度
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Watesan lancip
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Ngiringake Tipe input
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Ngiringake sensitivitas bebarengan X sumbu
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Ngiringake sensitivitas bebarengan Y sumbu
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ Swipe = 스와이프
Swipe sensitivity = 스와이프 감도
Swipe smoothing = 스와이프 스무딩
Thin borders = 얇은 테두리
Tilt Base Radius = 기울기 기반 반경
Tilt Input Type = 기울기 입력 유형
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X 축 기울기 감도
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Y 축 기울기 감도
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = ຂອບແບບບາງ
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = ນຳເຂົ້າຮູບແບບການອຽງ
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = ຄວາມໄວການອຽງຕາມແກນ X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = ຄວາມໄວການອຽງໄວຕາມແກນ Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Ploni kraštai
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Pakreipimo įvedimo įrenginio tipas
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Pakreipimo sensitivacija palei X ašį
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Pakreipimo sensitivacija palei Y ašį
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Tepian tipis
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Dunne randen
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Invoertype voor kantelen
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Kantelgevoeligheid op X-as
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Kantelgevoeligheid op Y-as
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Thin borders
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Cienkie krawędzie
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Typ przechyłu
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Czułość przechyłu wzdłuż osi X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Czułość przechyłu wzdłuż osi Y
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ Swipe = Deslizar
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilidade do deslizar
Swipe smoothing = Suavidade do deslizar
Thin borders = Bordas finas
Tilt Base Radius = Raio da base de inclinação
Tilt Input Type = Controle da entrada da inclinação
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação junto ao eixo X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação junto ao eixo Y
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ Swipe = Deslizar
Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilidade do deslizar
Swipe smoothing = Suavidade do deslizar
Thin borders = Bordas Finas
Tilt Base Radius = Raio da base de inclinação
Tilt Input Type = Controlo da entrada de inclinação
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação junto ao eixo X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação junto ao eixo Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Margini subțiri
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tip intrare prin înclinare
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Inversează sensitivitatea pe axa X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Inversează sensitivitatea pe axa Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Свайпы
Swipe sensitivity = Чувствительность свайпов
Swipe smoothing = Сглаживание свайпов
Thin borders = Тонкие границы
Tilt Base Radius = Радиус наклона основания
Tilt Input Type = Тип управления наклоном
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Чувствительность наклона вдоль X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Чувствительность наклона вдоль Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe-känslighet
Swipe smoothing = Swipe-utjämning
Thin borders = Tunna kanter
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Lutningstyp
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Lutningskänslighet X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Lutningskänslighet Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Mahagip
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Manipis na gilid
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Tilt input type
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Tilt sensitivity along X axis
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Tilt sensitivity along Y axis
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = ปัดหน้าจอ
Swipe sensitivity = ความแรงที่ใช้ปัดหน้าจอ
Swipe smoothing = ความลื่นไหลในการปัดหน้าจอ
Thin borders = แบบขอบบาง
Tilt Base Radius = รัศมีของการเอียง
Tilt Input Type = รูปแบบนำเข้าการเอียง
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = ความไวต่อการตอบสนองเอียงตามแกน X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = ความไวต่อการตอบสนองเอียงตามแกน Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Kaydır
Swipe sensitivity = Kaydırma hassasiyeti
Swipe smoothing = Pürüzsüz kaydırma
Thin borders = İnce kenarlar
Tilt Base Radius = Eğim Taban Yarıçapı
Tilt Input Type = Eğim giriş türü
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = X ekseni boyunca eğim hassasiyeti
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Y ekseni boyunca eğim hassasiyeti
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Тонкі границі (збільшення)
Tilt Base Radius = Радіус нахилу основи
Tilt Input Type = Тип управління нахилом
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Чутливість нахилу по осі X
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Чутливість нахилу по осі Y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = Swipe
Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
Thin borders = Viền mỏng
Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
Tilt Input Type = Đầu vào kiểu nghiêng
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Độ nhạy nghiêng theo chiều x
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Độ nhạy nghiêng theo chiều y
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Swipe = 滑动
Swipe sensitivity = 滑动灵敏度
Swipe smoothing = 滑动平滑度
Thin borders = 细边框
Tilt Base Radius = 倾斜最小半径
Tilt Input Type = 重力感应按键
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = 沿X轴倾斜灵敏度
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = 沿Y轴倾斜灵敏度
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ Swipe = 滑動
Swipe sensitivity = 滑動敏感度
Swipe smoothing = 滑動平滑度
Thin borders = 特細框線
Tilt Base Radius = 傾斜基準半徑
Tilt Input Type = 傾斜輸入類型
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = 沿 X 軸傾斜敏感度
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = 沿 Y 軸傾斜敏感度
Reference in New Issue
Block a user