mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 05:37:49 +00:00
Remove a level of indentation in LoadCLUT
This commit is contained in:
@ -1238,158 +1238,163 @@ void TextureCacheCommon::LoadClut(u32 clutAddr, u32 loadBytes) {
clutTotalBytes_ = loadBytes;
clutRenderAddress_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(clutAddr)) {
if (Memory::IsVRAMAddress(clutAddr)) {
// Clear the uncached and mirror bits, etc. to match framebuffers.
const u32 clutLoadAddr = clutAddr & 0x041FFFFF;
const u32 clutLoadEnd = clutLoadAddr + loadBytes;
static const u32 MAX_CLUT_OFFSET = 4096;
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(clutAddr)) {
memset(clutBufRaw_, 0x00, loadBytes);
// Reload the clut next time (should we really do it in this case?)
clutLastFormat_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
clutMaxBytes_ = std::max(clutMaxBytes_, loadBytes);
clutRenderOffset_ = MAX_CLUT_OFFSET;
const std::vector<VirtualFramebuffer *> &framebuffers = framebufferManager_->Framebuffers();
if (Memory::IsVRAMAddress(clutAddr)) {
// Clear the uncached and mirror bits, etc. to match framebuffers.
const u32 clutLoadAddr = clutAddr & 0x041FFFFF;
const u32 clutLoadEnd = clutLoadAddr + loadBytes;
static const u32 MAX_CLUT_OFFSET = 4096;
u32 bestClutAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF;
clutRenderOffset_ = MAX_CLUT_OFFSET;
const std::vector<VirtualFramebuffer *> &framebuffers = framebufferManager_->Framebuffers();
VirtualFramebuffer *chosenFramebuffer = nullptr;
for (VirtualFramebuffer *framebuffer : framebuffers) {
// Let's not deal with divide by zero.
if (framebuffer->fb_stride == 0)
u32 bestClutAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const u32 fb_address = framebuffer->fb_address;
const u32 fb_bpp = BufferFormatBytesPerPixel(framebuffer->fb_format);
int offset = clutLoadAddr - fb_address;
VirtualFramebuffer *chosenFramebuffer = nullptr;
for (VirtualFramebuffer *framebuffer : framebuffers) {
// Let's not deal with divide by zero.
if (framebuffer->fb_stride == 0)
// Is this inside the framebuffer at all? Note that we only check the first line here, this should
// be changed.
bool matchRange = offset >= 0 && offset < (int)(framebuffer->fb_stride * fb_bpp);
if (matchRange) {
// And is it inside the rendered area? Sometimes games pack data in the margin between width and stride.
// If the framebuffer width was detected as 512, we're gonna assume it's really 480.
int fbMatchWidth = framebuffer->width;
if (fbMatchWidth == 512) {
fbMatchWidth = 480;
bool inMargin = ((offset / fb_bpp) % framebuffer->fb_stride) == fbMatchWidth;
const u32 fb_address = framebuffer->fb_address;
const u32 fb_bpp = BufferFormatBytesPerPixel(framebuffer->fb_format);
int offset = clutLoadAddr - fb_address;
// The offset check here means, in the context of the loop, that we'll pick
// the framebuffer with the smallest offset. This is yet another framebuffer matching
// loop with its own rules, eventually we'll probably want to do something
// more systematic.
if (matchRange && !inMargin && offset < (int)clutRenderOffset_) {
WARN_LOG_N_TIMES(clutfb, 5, G3D, "Detected LoadCLUT(%d bytes) from framebuffer %08x (%s), byte offset %d", loadBytes, fb_address, GeBufferFormatToString(framebuffer->fb_format), offset);
framebuffer->last_frame_clut = gpuStats.numFlips;
// Also mark used so it's not decimated.
framebuffer->last_frame_used = gpuStats.numFlips;
framebuffer->usageFlags |= FB_USAGE_CLUT;
bestClutAddress = framebuffer->fb_address;
clutRenderOffset_ = (u32)offset;
chosenFramebuffer = framebuffer;
if (offset == 0) {
// Not gonna find a better match according to the smallest-offset rule, so we'll go with this one.
// Is this inside the framebuffer at all? Note that we only check the first line here, this should
// be changed.
bool matchRange = offset >= 0 && offset < (int)(framebuffer->fb_stride * fb_bpp);
if (matchRange) {
// And is it inside the rendered area? Sometimes games pack data in the margin between width and stride.
// If the framebuffer width was detected as 512, we're gonna assume it's really 480.
int fbMatchWidth = framebuffer->width;
if (fbMatchWidth == 512) {
fbMatchWidth = 480;
bool inMargin = ((offset / fb_bpp) % framebuffer->fb_stride) == fbMatchWidth;
// The offset check here means, in the context of the loop, that we'll pick
// the framebuffer with the smallest offset. This is yet another framebuffer matching
// loop with its own rules, eventually we'll probably want to do something
// more systematic.
if (matchRange && !inMargin && offset < (int)clutRenderOffset_) {
WARN_LOG_N_TIMES(clutfb, 5, G3D, "Detected LoadCLUT(%d bytes) from framebuffer %08x (%s), byte offset %d", loadBytes, fb_address, GeBufferFormatToString(framebuffer->fb_format), offset);
framebuffer->last_frame_clut = gpuStats.numFlips;
// Also mark used so it's not decimated.
framebuffer->last_frame_used = gpuStats.numFlips;
framebuffer->usageFlags |= FB_USAGE_CLUT;
bestClutAddress = framebuffer->fb_address;
clutRenderOffset_ = (u32)offset;
chosenFramebuffer = framebuffer;
if (offset == 0) {
// Not gonna find a better match according to the smallest-offset rule, so we'll go with this one.
// To turn off dynamic CLUT (for demonstration or testing purposes), add "false &&" to this check.
if (chosenFramebuffer && chosenFramebuffer->fbo) {
clutRenderAddress_ = bestClutAddress;
if (!dynamicClutTemp_) {
Draw::FramebufferDesc desc{};
desc.width = 512;
desc.height = 1;
desc.depth = 1;
desc.z_stencil = false;
desc.numLayers = 1;
desc.multiSampleLevel = 0;
desc.tag = "dynamic_clut";
dynamicClutFbo_ = draw_->CreateFramebuffer(desc);
desc.tag = "dynamic_clut_temp";
dynamicClutTemp_ = draw_->CreateFramebuffer(desc);
// We'll need to copy from the offset.
const u32 fb_bpp = BufferFormatBytesPerPixel(chosenFramebuffer->fb_format);
const int totalPixelsOffset = clutRenderOffset_ / fb_bpp;
const int clutYOffset = totalPixelsOffset / chosenFramebuffer->fb_stride;
const int clutXOffset = totalPixelsOffset % chosenFramebuffer->fb_stride;
const int scale = chosenFramebuffer->renderScaleFactor;
// Copy the pixels to our temp clut, scaling down if needed and wrapping.
chosenFramebuffer->fbo, clutXOffset * scale, clutYOffset * scale, (clutXOffset + 512.0f) * scale, (clutYOffset + 1.0f) * scale,
dynamicClutTemp_, 0.0f, 0.0f, 512.0f, 1.0f,
false, scale, framebufferManager_->Get2DPipeline(DRAW2D_COPY_COLOR_RECT2LIN), "copy_clut_to_temp");
clutRenderFormat_ = chosenFramebuffer->fb_format;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::ALLOC, clutAddr, loadBytes, "CLUT");
// It's possible for a game to load CLUT outside valid memory without crashing, should result in zeroes.
u32 bytes = Memory::ValidSize(clutAddr, loadBytes);
_assert_(bytes <= 2048);
bool performDownload = PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().AllowDownloadCLUT;
if (GPURecord::IsActive())
performDownload = true;
if (clutRenderAddress_ != 0xFFFFFFFF && performDownload) {
framebufferManager_->DownloadFramebufferForClut(clutRenderAddress_, clutRenderOffset_ + bytes);
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
// To turn off dynamic CLUT (for demonstration or testing purposes), add "false &&" to this check.
if (chosenFramebuffer && chosenFramebuffer->fbo) {
clutRenderAddress_ = bestClutAddress;
if (!dynamicClutTemp_) {
Draw::FramebufferDesc desc{};
desc.width = 512;
desc.height = 1;
desc.depth = 1;
desc.z_stencil = false;
desc.numLayers = 1;
desc.multiSampleLevel = 0;
desc.tag = "dynamic_clut";
dynamicClutFbo_ = draw_->CreateFramebuffer(desc);
desc.tag = "dynamic_clut_temp";
dynamicClutTemp_ = draw_->CreateFramebuffer(desc);
} else {
// Here we could check for clutRenderAddress_ != 0xFFFFFFFF and zero the CLUT or something,
// but choosing not to for now. Though the results of loading the CLUT from RAM here is
// almost certainly going to be bogus.
#ifdef _M_SSE
if (bytes == loadBytes) {
const __m128i *source = (const __m128i *)Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(clutAddr);
__m128i *dest = (__m128i *)clutBufRaw_;
int numBlocks = bytes / 32;
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++, source += 2, dest += 2) {
__m128i data1 = _mm_loadu_si128(source);
__m128i data2 = _mm_loadu_si128(source + 1);
_mm_store_si128(dest, data1);
_mm_store_si128(dest + 1, data2);
} else {
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
if (bytes == loadBytes) {
const uint32_t *source = (const uint32_t *)Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(clutAddr);
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t *)clutBufRaw_;
int numBlocks = bytes / 32;
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++, source += 8, dest += 8) {
uint32x4_t data1 = vld1q_u32(source);
uint32x4_t data2 = vld1q_u32(source + 4);
vst1q_u32(dest, data1);
vst1q_u32(dest + 4, data2);
} else {
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
// We'll need to copy from the offset.
const u32 fb_bpp = BufferFormatBytesPerPixel(chosenFramebuffer->fb_format);
const int totalPixelsOffset = clutRenderOffset_ / fb_bpp;
const int clutYOffset = totalPixelsOffset / chosenFramebuffer->fb_stride;
const int clutXOffset = totalPixelsOffset % chosenFramebuffer->fb_stride;
const int scale = chosenFramebuffer->renderScaleFactor;
// Copy the pixels to our temp clut, scaling down if needed and wrapping.
chosenFramebuffer->fbo, clutXOffset * scale, clutYOffset * scale, (clutXOffset + 512.0f) * scale, (clutYOffset + 1.0f) * scale,
dynamicClutTemp_, 0.0f, 0.0f, 512.0f, 1.0f,
false, scale, framebufferManager_->Get2DPipeline(DRAW2D_COPY_COLOR_RECT2LIN), "copy_clut_to_temp");
clutRenderFormat_ = chosenFramebuffer->fb_format;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::ALLOC, clutAddr, loadBytes, "CLUT");
// It's possible for a game to load CLUT outside valid memory without crashing, should result in zeroes.
u32 bytes = Memory::ValidSize(clutAddr, loadBytes);
_assert_(bytes <= 2048);
bool performDownload = PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().AllowDownloadCLUT;
if (GPURecord::IsActive())
performDownload = true;
if (clutRenderAddress_ != 0xFFFFFFFF && performDownload) {
framebufferManager_->DownloadFramebufferForClut(clutRenderAddress_, clutRenderOffset_ + bytes);
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
} else {
memset(clutBufRaw_, 0x00, loadBytes);
// Here we could check for clutRenderAddress_ != 0xFFFFFFFF and zero the CLUT or something,
// but choosing not to for now. Though the results of loading the CLUT from RAM here is
// almost certainly going to be bogus.
#ifdef _M_SSE
if (bytes == loadBytes) {
const __m128i *source = (const __m128i *)Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(clutAddr);
__m128i *dest = (__m128i *)clutBufRaw_;
int numBlocks = bytes / 32;
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++, source += 2, dest += 2) {
__m128i data1 = _mm_loadu_si128(source);
__m128i data2 = _mm_loadu_si128(source + 1);
_mm_store_si128(dest, data1);
_mm_store_si128(dest + 1, data2);
} else {
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
if (bytes == loadBytes) {
const uint32_t *source = (const uint32_t *)Memory::GetPointerUnchecked(clutAddr);
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t *)clutBufRaw_;
int numBlocks = bytes / 32;
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++, source += 8, dest += 8) {
uint32x4_t data1 = vld1q_u32(source);
uint32x4_t data2 = vld1q_u32(source + 4);
vst1q_u32(dest, data1);
vst1q_u32(dest + 4, data2);
} else {
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(clutBufRaw_, clutAddr, bytes);
if (bytes < loadBytes) {
memset((u8 *)clutBufRaw_ + bytes, 0x00, loadBytes - bytes);
// Reload the clut next time.
clutLastFormat_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
clutMaxBytes_ = std::max(clutMaxBytes_, loadBytes);
Reference in New Issue
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