mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:35:54 +00:00
softjit: Apply logic ops.
This commit is contained in:
@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ private:
bool Jit_AlphaBlend(const PixelFuncID &id);
bool Jit_Dither(const PixelFuncID &id);
bool Jit_WriteColor(const PixelFuncID &id);
bool Jit_ApplyLogicOp(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg maskReg);
bool Jit_ConvertTo565(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp2Reg);
bool Jit_ConvertTo5551(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp2Reg, bool keepAlpha);
bool Jit_ConvertTo4444(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp2Reg, bool keepAlpha);
@ -176,7 +177,10 @@ private:
void Discard();
void Discard(Gen::CCFlags cc);
// Used for any test failure.
std::vector<Gen::FixupBranch> discards_;
// Used in Jit_ApplyLogicOp() to skip the standard MOV/OR write.
std::vector<Gen::FixupBranch> skipStandardWrites_;
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ bool PixelJitCache::Jit_WriteColor(const PixelFuncID &id) {
// Step 2: Load any logic op / write mask needed.
// Step 2: Load write mask if needed.
// Note that we apply the write mask at the destination bit depth.
X64Reg maskReg = INVALID_REG;
if (id.applyColorWriteMask) {
@ -1142,14 +1142,12 @@ bool PixelJitCache::Jit_WriteColor(const PixelFuncID &id) {
regCache_.Release(temp2Reg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
temp2Reg = INVALID_REG;
if (id.applyLogicOp) {
// TODO: Load logic op. Clear not possible here.
return false;
// Step 3: Apply logic op, combine stencil.
// TODO: Apply logic op.
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
if (id.applyLogicOp) {
// Note: we combine stencil during logic op, because it's a bit complex to retain.
success = success && Jit_ApplyLogicOp(id, colorReg, maskReg);
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
@ -1195,6 +1193,10 @@ bool PixelJitCache::Jit_WriteColor(const PixelFuncID &id) {
for (FixupBranch &fixup : skipStandardWrites_)
regCache_.Unlock(colorOff, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
regCache_.Release(colorReg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
regCache_.Release(temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
@ -1208,6 +1210,350 @@ bool PixelJitCache::Jit_WriteColor(const PixelFuncID &id) {
return success;
bool PixelJitCache::Jit_ApplyLogicOp(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg maskReg) {
X64Reg logicOpReg = INVALID_REG;
if (id.applyLogicOp) {
X64Reg gstateReg = GetGState();
logicOpReg = regCache_.Alloc(PixelRegCache::TEMP3, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
MOVZX(32, 8, logicOpReg, MDisp(gstateReg, offsetof(GPUgstate, lop)));
AND(8, R(logicOpReg), Imm8(0x0F));
regCache_.Unlock(gstateReg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
X64Reg stencilReg = INVALID_REG;
if (regCache_.Has(PixelRegCache::STENCIL, PixelRegCache::T_GEN))
stencilReg = regCache_.Find(PixelRegCache::STENCIL, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
// Should already be allocated.
X64Reg colorOff = regCache_.Find(PixelRegCache::COLOR_OFF, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
X64Reg temp1Reg = regCache_.Find(PixelRegCache::TEMP1, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
// We'll use these in several cases, so prepare.
int bits = id.fbFormat == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 32 : 16;
OpArg stencilMask, notStencilMask;
switch (id.fbFormat) {
case GE_FORMAT_565:
stencilMask = Imm16(0);
notStencilMask = Imm16(0xFFFF);
case GE_FORMAT_5551:
stencilMask = Imm16(0x8000);
notStencilMask = Imm16(0x7FFF);
case GE_FORMAT_4444:
stencilMask = Imm16(0xF000);
notStencilMask = Imm16(0x0FFF);
case GE_FORMAT_8888:
stencilMask = Imm32(0xFF000000);
notStencilMask = Imm32(0x00FFFFFF);
std::vector<FixupBranch> finishes;
FixupBranch skipTable = J(true);
const u8 *tableValues[16]{};
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_CLEAR] = GetCodePointer();
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
// If clearing and setting the stencil, that's easy - stencilReg has it.
MOV(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Just and out the unmasked bits (stencil already included in maskReg.)
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else {
// Otherwise, no mask, just AND the stencil bits to zero the rest.
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), stencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_AND] = GetCodePointer();
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG && maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Since we're ANDing, set the mask bits (AND will keep them as-is.)
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// To apply stencil, we'll OR the stencil unmasked bits in memory, so our AND keeps them.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(bits, R(maskReg), stencilMask);
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// No mask, so just or in the stencil bits so our AND can set any we want.
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), stencilMask);
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Force in the mask (which includes all stencil bits) so both are kept as-is.
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
} else {
// Force on the stencil bits so they AND and keep the existing value.
if (stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0)
OR(bits, R(colorReg), stencilMask);
// Now the AND, which applies stencil and the logic op.
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(colorReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_AND_REVERSE] = GetCodePointer();
// Reverse memory in a temp reg so we can apply the write mask easily.
MOV(bits, R(temp1Reg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(temp1Reg));
AND(32, R(colorReg), R(temp1Reg));
// Now add in the stencil bits (must be zero before, since we used AND.)
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_COPY] = GetCodePointer();
// This is just a standard write, nothing complex.
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_AND_INVERTED] = GetCodePointer();
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Set the stencil bits, so they're zero when we invert.
OR(bits, R(colorReg), stencilMask);
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// This way our AND will keep all those bits.
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
// To apply stencil, we'll OR the stencil unmasked bits in memory, so our AND keeps them.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(bits, R(maskReg), stencilMask);
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else {
// Force memory to take our stencil bits by ORing for the AND.
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), stencilMask);
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
// This way our AND will keep all those bits.
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
} else {
// Invert our color, but then add in stencil bits so the AND keeps them.
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
// We only do this for 8888 since the rest will have had 0 stencil bits (which turned to 1s.)
if (id.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888)
OR(bits, R(colorReg), stencilMask);
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(colorReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_NOOP] = GetCodePointer();
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG && maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Start by clearing masked bits from stencilReg.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(32, R(stencilReg), R(maskReg));
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
// Now mask out the stencil bits we're writing from memory.
OR(bits, R(maskReg), notStencilMask);
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
// Now set those remaining stencil bits.
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(stencilReg));
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Clear and set just the stencil bits.
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), notStencilMask);
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(stencilReg));
} else {
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_XOR] = GetCodePointer();
XOR(bits, R(colorReg), MatR(colorOff));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Purge out the stencil bits from the XOR and copy ours in.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// XOR might've set some bits, and without a maskReg we won't clear them.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_OR] = GetCodePointer();
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG && maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// Clear the bits we should be masking out.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
// Clear all the unmasked stencil bits, so we can set our own.
OR(bits, R(maskReg), notStencilMask);
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// AND out the stencil bits so we set our own.
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), notStencilMask);
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Clear the bits we should be masking out.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
} else if (id.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888) {
// We only need to do this for 8888, the others already have 0 stencil.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
// Now the OR, which applies stencil and the logic op itself.
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(colorReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_NOR] = GetCodePointer();
OR(bits, R(colorReg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_EQUIV] = GetCodePointer();
XOR(bits, R(colorReg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_INVERTED] = GetCodePointer();
// We just toss our color entirely.
MOV(bits, R(colorReg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_OR_REVERSE] = GetCodePointer();
// Reverse in a temp reg so we can mask properly.
MOV(bits, R(temp1Reg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(temp1Reg));
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(temp1Reg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_COPY_INVERTED] = GetCodePointer();
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_OR_INVERTED] = GetCodePointer();
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG && maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// Clear the bits we should be masking out.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
// Clear all the unmasked stencil bits, so we can set our own.
OR(bits, R(maskReg), notStencilMask);
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
// AND out the stencil bits so we set our own.
AND(bits, MatR(colorOff), notStencilMask);
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Clear the bits we should be masking out.
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
AND(32, R(colorReg), R(maskReg));
} else if (id.FBFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888) {
// We only need to do this for 8888, the others already have 0 stencil.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(colorReg));
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_NAND] = GetCodePointer();
AND(bits, R(temp1Reg), MatR(colorOff));
NOT(32, R(colorReg));
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg == INVALID_REG && stencilMask.GetImmValue() != 0) {
// We need to clear the stencil bits since the standard write logic assumes they're zero.
AND(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
tableValues[GE_LOGIC_SET] = GetCodePointer();
// TODO: Apply logic op and add stencil meanwhile.
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG && maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
OR(32, R(colorReg), R(stencilReg));
OR(bits, R(colorReg), notStencilMask);
} else if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG) {
// Set bits directly in stencilReg, and then put in memory.
OR(bits, R(stencilReg), notStencilMask);
MOV(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(stencilReg));
} else if (maskReg != INVALID_REG) {
// OR in the bits we're allowed to write (won't be any stencil.)
NOT(32, R(maskReg));
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), R(maskReg));
} else {
OR(bits, MatR(colorOff), notStencilMask);
const u8 *tablePtr = GetCodePointer();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
LEA(64, temp1Reg, M(tablePtr));
JMPptr(MComplex(temp1Reg, logicOpReg, 8, 0));
for (FixupBranch &fixup : finishes)
regCache_.Unlock(colorOff, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
regCache_.Unlock(temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
if (stencilReg != INVALID_REG)
regCache_.Unlock(stencilReg, PixelRegCache::T_GEN);
return true;
bool PixelJitCache::Jit_ConvertTo565(const PixelFuncID &id, PixelRegCache::Reg colorReg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp1Reg, PixelRegCache::Reg temp2Reg) {
// Assemble the 565 color, starting with R...
MOV(32, R(temp1Reg), R(colorReg));
Reference in New Issue
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