mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 18:30:32 +00:00
Reconnect to Adhoc Server when disconnected while still having the AdhocCtl Inited (ie. due to timeout or network failure) so players doesn't need to reset the game to reconnect.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1182,280 +1182,293 @@ int friendFinder(){
// Acquire Network Lock
// Ping Server
now = real_time_now() * 1000000.0; // Use real_time_now()*1000000.0 instead of CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() if the game gets disconnected from AdhocServer too soon when FPS wasn't stable
if (now - lastping >= PSP_ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT) { // We may need to use lower interval to prevent getting timeout at Pro Adhoc Server through internet
// original code : ((sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide() - lastping) >= ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT)
// Update Ping Time
lastping = now;
// Prepare Packet
uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_PING;
// Send Ping to Server, may failed with socket error 10054/10053 if someone else with the same IP already connected to AdHoc Server (the server might need to be modified to differentiate MAC instead of IP)
int iResult = send(metasocket, (const char *)&opcode, 1, 0);
/*if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Socket Error (%i) when sending OPCODE_PING", errno);
//friendFinderRunning = false;
// Reconnect when disconnected while Adhocctl is still inited
if (metasocket == (int)INVALID_SOCKET && netAdhocctlInited) {
if (g_Config.bEnableWlan && initNetwork(&product_code) == 0) {
networkInited = true;
// Wait for Incoming Data
int received = recv(metasocket, (char *)(rx + rxpos), sizeof(rx) - rxpos, 0);
if (networkInited) {
// Ping Server
now = real_time_now() * 1000000.0; // Use real_time_now()*1000000.0 instead of CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() if the game gets disconnected from AdhocServer too soon when FPS wasn't stable
if (now - lastping >= PSP_ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT) { // We may need to use lower interval to prevent getting timeout at Pro Adhoc Server through internet
// original code : ((sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide() - lastping) >= ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT)
// Update Ping Time
lastping = now;
// Free Network Lock
// Prepare Packet
uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_PING;
// Received Data
if (received > 0) {
// Fix Position
rxpos += received;
// Log Incoming Traffic
//printf("Received %d Bytes of Data from Server\n", received);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Received %d Bytes of Data from Adhoc Server", received);
// Handle Packets
if (rxpos > 0) {
// BSSID Packet
if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C *)rx;
char tmpmac[18];
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID [%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac, tmpmac));
// From JPCSP: Some games have problems when the PSP_ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECTED is sent too quickly after connecting to a network. The connection will be set CONNECTED with a small delay (200ms or 200us?)
/*if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) {
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME, 0);
else {
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0);
// Update User BSSID
parameter.bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac; // This packet seems to contains Adhoc Group Creator's BSSID (similar to AP's BSSID) so it shouldn't get mixed up with local MAC address
// Notify Event Handlers
//notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0);
// Change State
// Give time a little time
//sceKernelDelayThread(adhocEventDelayMS * 1000);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C);
// Send Ping to Server, may failed with socket error 10054/10053 if someone else with the same IP already connected to AdHoc Server (the server might need to be modified to differentiate MAC instead of IP)
int iResult = send(metasocket, (const char*)&opcode, 1, 0);
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Socket Error (%i) when sending OPCODE_PING", errno);
networkInited = false;
shutdown(metasocket, SD_BOTH);
metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
// Chat Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CHAT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C *)rx;
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CHAT");
// Fix strings with null-terminated
packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
packet->base.message[ADHOCCTL_MESSAGE_LEN - 1] = 0;
// Wait for Incoming Data
int received = recv(metasocket, (char*)(rx + rxpos), sizeof(rx) - rxpos, 0);
// Add Incoming Chat to HUD
NOTICE_LOG(SCENET, "Received chat message %s", packet->base.message);
incoming = "";
name = (char *)packet->name.data;
incoming.append(name.substr(0, 8));
incoming.append(": ");
incoming.append((char *)packet->base.message);
//im new to pointer btw :( doesn't know its safe or not this should update the chat screen when data coming
if (chatScreenVisible) {
updateChatScreen = true;
else {
if (newChat < 50) {
newChat += 1;
// Free Network Lock
// Received Data
if (received > 0) {
// Fix Position
rxpos += received;
// Log Incoming Traffic
//printf("Received %d Bytes of Data from Server\n", received);
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Received %d Bytes of Data from Adhoc Server", received);
// Handle Packets
if (rxpos > 0) {
// BSSID Packet
if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C*)rx;
char tmpmac[18];
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID [%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac, tmpmac));
// From JPCSP: Some games have problems when the PSP_ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECTED is sent too quickly after connecting to a network. The connection will be set CONNECTED with a small delay (200ms or 200us?)
/*if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) {
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME, 0);
else {
notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0);
// Update User BSSID
parameter.bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac; // This packet seems to contains Adhoc Group Creator's BSSID (similar to AP's BSSID) so it shouldn't get mixed up with local MAC address
// Notify Event Handlers
//notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0);
// Change State
// Give time a little time
//sceKernelDelayThread(adhocEventDelayMS * 1000);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C);
// Connect Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C *)rx;
// Chat Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CHAT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C*)rx;
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CHAT");
// Fix strings with null-terminated
packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
// Fix strings with null-terminated
packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
packet->base.message[ADHOCCTL_MESSAGE_LEN - 1] = 0;
// Log Incoming Peer
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT [%s][%s][%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac), inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&packet->ip), packet->name.data);
// Add Incoming Chat to HUD
NOTICE_LOG(SCENET, "Received chat message %s", packet->base.message);
incoming = "";
name = (char*)packet->name.data;
incoming.append(name.substr(0, 8));
incoming.append(": ");
//im new to pointer btw :( doesn't know its safe or not this should update the chat screen when data coming
if (chatScreenVisible) {
updateChatScreen = true;
else {
if (newChat < 50) {
newChat += 1;
// Add User
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C));
/* // Make sure GameMode participants are all joined (including self MAC)
if (adhocctlCurrentMode == PSP_ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) {
// From JPCSP: Join complete when all the required MACs have joined
// Update HUD User Count
incoming = "";
incoming.append((char *)packet->name.data);
incoming.append(" Joined ");
//do we need ip?
//joined.append((char *)packet->ip);
//im new to pointer btw :( doesn't know its safe or not this should update the chat screen when data coming
if (chatScreenVisible) {
updateChatScreen = true;
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C);
// Connect Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C*)rx;
// Fix strings with null-terminated
packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
// Log Incoming Peer
u32_le ipaddr = packet->ip;
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT [%s][%s][%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac), inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&ipaddr), packet->name.data);
// Add User
/* // Make sure GameMode participants are all joined (including self MAC)
if (adhocctlCurrentMode == PSP_ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) {
// From JPCSP: Join complete when all the required MACs have joined
// Update HUD User Count
incoming = "";
incoming.append(" Joined ");
//do we need ip?
//joined.append((char *)packet->ip);
//im new to pointer btw :( doesn't know its safe or not this should update the chat screen when data coming
if (chatScreenVisible) {
updateChatScreen = true;
// setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()+1);
// setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()+1);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C));
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C);
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C);
// Disconnect Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_DISCONNECT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C *)rx;
// Disconnect Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_DISCONNECT) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C*)rx;
// Log Incoming Peer Delete Request
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Peer Data Delete Request...");
// Log Incoming Peer Delete Request
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Peer Data Delete Request...");
// Delete User by IP, should delete by MAC since IP can be shared (behind NAT) isn't?
// Delete User by IP, should delete by MAC since IP can be shared (behind NAT) isn't?
// Update HUD User Count
// Update HUD User Count
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C));
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C);
// Scan Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C *)rx;
// Log Incoming Network Information
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Incoming Group Information...");
// Multithreading Lock
// Allocate Structure Data
SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo* group = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));
// Allocated Structure Data
if (group != NULL) {
// Clear Memory, should this be done only when allocating new group?
memset(group, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));
// Link to existing Groups
group->next = newnetworks;
// Copy Group Name
group->group_name = packet->group;
// Set Group Host
group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;
// Set group parameters
// Since 0 is not a valid active channel we fake the channel for Automatic Channel (JPCSP use 11 as default). Ridge Racer 2 will ignore any groups with channel 0 or that doesn't matched with channel value returned from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (which mean sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt must not return channel 0 when connected to a network?)
group->channel = parameter.channel; //(parameter.channel == PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC) ? defaultWlanChannel : parameter.channel;
group->mode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_ADHOC; //adhocctlCurrentMode;
// Link into Group List
newnetworks = group;
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C);
// Multithreading Unlock
// Scan Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN) {
// Enough Data available
if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)) {
// Cast Packet
SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C*)rx;
// Log Incoming Network Information
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Incoming Group Information...");
// Multithreading Lock
// Allocate Structure Data
SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo* group = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));
// Allocated Structure Data
if (group != NULL) {
// Clear Memory, should this be done only when allocating new group?
memset(group, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));
// Link to existing Groups
group->next = newnetworks;
// Copy Group Name
group->group_name = packet->group;
// Set Group Host
group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;
// Set group parameters
// Since 0 is not a valid active channel we fake the channel for Automatic Channel (JPCSP use 11 as default). Ridge Racer 2 will ignore any groups with channel 0 or that doesn't matched with channel value returned from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (which mean sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt must not return channel 0 when connected to a network?)
group->channel = parameter.channel; //(parameter.channel == PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC) ? defaultWlanChannel : parameter.channel;
group->mode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_ADHOC; //adhocctlCurrentMode;
// Link into Group List
newnetworks = group;
// Multithreading Unlock
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C));
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C);
// Scan Complete Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE) {
// Log Scan Completion
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Scan complete response...");
// Reset current networks to prevent disbanded host to be listed again
if (networks != newnetworks) {
networks = newnetworks;
newnetworks = NULL;
// Notify Event Handlers
//notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0);
//int i = 0; for(; i < ADHOCCTL_MAX_HANDLER; i++)
// // Active Handler
// if(_event_handler[i] != NULL) _event_handler[i](ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0, _event_args[i]);
// Change State
// Give time a little time
//sceKernelDelayThread(adhocEventDelayMS * 1000);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C));
memmove(rx, rx + 1, sizeof(rx) - 1);
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C);
rxpos -= 1;
// Scan Complete Packet
else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE) {
// Log Scan Completion
INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Scan complete response...");
// Reset current networks to prevent disbanded host to be listed again
if (networks != newnetworks) {
networks = newnetworks;
newnetworks = NULL;
// Notify Event Handlers
//notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0);
//int i = 0; for(; i < ADHOCCTL_MAX_HANDLER; i++)
// // Active Handler
// if(_event_handler[i] != NULL) _event_handler[i](ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0, _event_args[i]);
// Change State
// Give time a little time
//sceKernelDelayThread(adhocEventDelayMS * 1000);
// Move RX Buffer
memmove(rx, rx + 1, sizeof(rx) - 1);
// Fix RX Buffer Length
rxpos -= 1;
// This delay time should be 100ms when there is an event otherwise 500ms ?
sleep_ms(1); // Using 1ms for faster response just like AdhocServer?
@ -1795,7 +1808,7 @@ int initNetwork(SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId *adhoc_id){
iResult = getaddrinfo(g_Config.proAdhocServer.c_str(),0,NULL,&resultAddr);
if (iResult != 0) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "DNS Error (%s)\n", g_Config.proAdhocServer.c_str());
host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("DNS Error connecting to ") + g_Config.proAdhocServer, 5.0f, 0x0000ff);
host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("DNS Error connecting to ") + g_Config.proAdhocServer, 2.0f, 0x0000ff);
return iResult;
for (ptr = resultAddr; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) {
@ -1820,7 +1833,7 @@ int initNetwork(SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId *adhoc_id){
iResult = bind(metasocket, (struct sockaddr*) & LocalhostIP, sizeof(sockaddr));
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Bind to alternate localhost[%s] failed(%i).", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*) & LocalhostIP)->sin_addr), iResult);
host->NotifyUserMessage(std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Localhost IP")) + " " + inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*) & LocalhostIP)->sin_addr), 3.0, 0x0000ff);
host->NotifyUserMessage(std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Localhost IP")) + " " + inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*) & LocalhostIP)->sin_addr), 2.0, 0x0000ff);
@ -1853,7 +1866,7 @@ int initNetwork(SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId *adhoc_id){
char buffer[512];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Socket error (%i) when connecting to AdhocServer [%s/%s:%u]", errorcode, g_Config.proAdhocServer.c_str(), inet_ntoa(server_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(server_addr.sin_port));
ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "%s", buffer);
host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("Failed to connect to Adhoc Server"), 6.0f, 0x0000ff);
host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("Failed to connect to Adhoc Server"), 1.0f, 0x0000ff);
return iResult;
@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ inline bool connectInProgress(int errcode){ return (errcode == EAGAIN || errcode
#ifndef SD_BOTH
#define SD_BOTH 0x02
#define IsMatch(buf1, buf2) (memcmp(&buf1, &buf2, sizeof(buf1)) == 0)
// Server Listening Port
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
// TODO: Make accessor functions instead, and throw all this state in a struct.
bool netAdhocInited;
bool netAdhocctlInited;
bool networkInited;
bool networkInited = false;
static bool netAdhocMatchingInited;
int netAdhocMatchingStarted = 0;
@ -238,34 +238,25 @@ static u32 sceNetAdhocctlInit(int stackSize, int prio, u32 productAddr) {
if (netAdhocctlInited)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(productAddr)) {
Memory::ReadStruct(productAddr, &product_code);
// Create fake PSP Thread for callback
// TODO: Should use a separated threads for friendFinder, matchingEvent, and matchingInput and created on AdhocctlInit & AdhocMatchingStart instead of here
threadAdhocID = __KernelCreateThread("AdhocThread", __KernelGetCurThreadModuleId(), dummyThreadHackAddr, prio, stackSize, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USER, 0, true);
if (threadAdhocID > 0) {
__KernelStartThread(threadAdhocID, 0, 0);
if(g_Config.bEnableWlan) {
SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId* product = NULL;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(productAddr)) product = (SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId*)Memory::GetPointer(productAddr);
if (initNetwork(product) == 0) {
// TODO: Merging friendFinder (real) thread to AdhocThread (fake) thread on PSP side
if (!friendFinderRunning) {
friendFinderRunning = true;
friendFinderThread = std::thread(friendFinder);
networkInited = true;
//hleDelayResult(0, "give some time", adhocEventPollDelayMS * 1000); // Give a little time for friendFinder thread to be ready before the game use the next sceNet functions, should've checked for friendFinderRunning status instead of guessing the time?
} else {
WARN_LOG(SCENET, "sceNetAdhocctlInit: Failed to init the network but faking success");
networkInited = false; // TODO: What needs to check this? Pretty much everything? Maybe we should just set netAdhocctlInited to false..
// TODO: Merging friendFinder (real) thread to AdhocThread (fake) thread on PSP side
if (!friendFinderRunning) {
friendFinderRunning = true;
friendFinderThread = std::thread(friendFinder);
netAdhocctlInited = true; //needed for cleanup during AdhocctlTerm even when it failed to connect to Adhoc Server (since it's being faked as success)
//hleDelayResult(0, "give some time", adhocEventPollDelayMS * 1000); // Give a little time for friendFinder thread to be ready before the game use the next sceNet functions, should've checked for friendFinderRunning status instead of guessing the time?
return 0;
@ -1321,13 +1312,12 @@ int NetAdhocctl_Term() {
if (networkInited) {
// Terminate Adhoc Threads
friendFinderRunning = false;
if (friendFinderThread.joinable()) {
// Terminate Adhoc Threads
friendFinderRunning = false;
if (friendFinderThread.joinable()) {
// Clear Peer List
int32_t peercount = 0;
freeFriendsRecursive(friends, &peercount);
@ -1337,6 +1327,8 @@ int NetAdhocctl_Term() {
//May also need to clear Handlers
// Free stuff here
networkInited = false;
shutdown(metasocket, SD_BOTH);
metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET;
// Delete fake PSP Thread
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ int sceNetAdhocctlCreate(const char * groupName);
// May need to use these from sceNet.cpp
extern bool netAdhocInited;
extern bool netAdhocctlInited;
extern bool networkInited;
extern int adhocDefaultTimeout;
extern int adhocEventPollDelayMS;
extern int adhocMatchingEventDelayMS;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user