TexCache: Correct 16->32 for CLUT4 with shift.

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Unknown W. Brackets 2022-11-07 18:41:47 -08:00
parent 17f6c00c3c
commit bc53a0d7c4

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@ -1683,7 +1683,12 @@ CheckAlphaResult TextureCacheCommon::DecodeTextureLevel(u8 *out, int outPitch, G
// We simply expand the CLUT to 32-bit, then we deindex as usual. Probably the fastest way.
const u16 *clut = GetCurrentRawClut<u16>() + clutSharingOffset;
const int clutStart = gstate.getClutIndexStartPos();
ConvertFormatToRGBA8888(clutformat, expandClut_ + clutStart, clut + clutStart, 16);
if (gstate.getClutIndexShift() == 0 || gstate.getClutIndexMask() <= 16) {
ConvertFormatToRGBA8888(clutformat, expandClut_ + clutStart, clut + clutStart, 16);
} else {
// To be safe for shifts and wrap around, convert the entire CLUT.
ConvertFormatToRGBA8888(clutformat, expandClut_, clut, 512);
fullAlphaMask = 0xFF000000;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
DeIndexTexture4<u32>((u32 *)(out + outPitch * y), texptr + (bufw * y) / 2, w, expandClut_, &alphaSum);