@echo off if "%1"=="" GOTO BADINPUT REM Make sure to call this with a .zip file extension for the first parameter. REM If zip.exe is not installed, get it from info-zip.org. set name=%1 echo Deleting old file %name% del %name% echo Adding files to %name% REM Not distributing the 10 version because it's not compatible with older Windows. copy dx9sdk\8.1\Redist\D3D\x64\d3dcompiler_47.dll . copy dx9sdk\8.1\Redist\D3D\x86\d3dcompiler_47.dll .\d3dcompiler_47.x86.dll @echo on zip --recurse-paths %name% assets PPSSPPWindows.exe PPSSPPWindows64.exe d3dcompiler_47.dll d3dcompiler_47.x86.dll README.md @echo off del d3dcompiler_47.dll d3dcompiler_v47.x86.dll echo Done: %name% goto DONE :BADINPUT echo Usage: Windows\zipup.cmd myfile.zip :DONE