// Copyright (c) 2015- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include #include class GPUCommon; class GPUDebugInterface; class GraphicsContext; // PSP rasterization has two outputs, color and depth. Stencil is packed // into the alpha channel of color (if exists), so possibly RASTER_COLOR // should be named RASTER_COLOR_STENCIL but it gets kinda hard to read. enum RasterChannel : uint8_t { RASTER_COLOR = 0, RASTER_DEPTH = 1, }; enum SkipDrawReasonFlags { SKIPDRAW_SKIPFRAME = 1, SKIPDRAW_NON_DISPLAYED_FB = 2, // Skip drawing to FBO:s that have not been displayed. SKIPDRAW_BAD_FB_TEXTURE = 4, SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED = 8, // Don't draw when the host window is minimized. }; enum class ShaderDepalMode { OFF = 0, NORMAL = 1, SMOOTHED = 2, CLUT8_8888 = 3, // Read 8888 framebuffer as 8-bit CLUT. }; // Global GPU-related utility functions. // Nothing directly Ge-related in here. // PSP uses a curious 24-bit float - it's the top 24 bits of a regular IEEE754 32-bit float. // This is used for light positions, transform matrices, you name it. inline float getFloat24(unsigned int data) { data <<= 8; float f; memcpy(&f, &data, 4); return f; } // in case we ever want to generate PSP display lists... inline unsigned int toFloat24(float f) { unsigned int i; memcpy(&i, &f, 4); return i >> 8; } // The ToString function lives in GPUCommonHW.cpp. struct GPUStatistics { void Reset() { ResetFrame(); numFlips = 0; } void ResetFrame() { numDrawCalls = 0; numVertexDecodes = 0; numCulledDraws = 0; numDrawSyncs = 0; numListSyncs = 0; numVertsSubmitted = 0; numVertsDecoded = 0; numUncachedVertsDrawn = 0; numTextureInvalidations = 0; numTextureInvalidationsByFramebuffer = 0; numTexturesHashed = 0; numTextureDataBytesHashed = 0; numFlushes = 0; numBBOXJumps = 0; numPlaneUpdates = 0; numTexturesDecoded = 0; numFramebufferEvaluations = 0; numFBOsCreated = 0; numBlockingReadbacks = 0; numReadbacks = 0; numUploads = 0; numCachedUploads = 0; numDepal = 0; numClears = 0; numDepthCopies = 0; numReinterpretCopies = 0; numColorCopies = 0; numCopiesForShaderBlend = 0; numCopiesForSelfTex = 0; numBlockTransfers = 0; numReplacerTrackedTex = 0; numCachedReplacedTextures = 0; numClutTextures = 0; msProcessingDisplayLists = 0; msPrepareDepth = 0.0; msCullDepth = 0.0; msRasterizeDepth = 0.0; msRasterTimeAvailable = 0.0; numDepthRasterPrims = 0; numDepthRasterEarlySize = 0; numDepthRasterNoPixels = 0; numDepthRasterTooSmall = 0; numDepthRasterZCulled = 0; numDepthEarlyBoxCulled = 0; vertexGPUCycles = 0; otherGPUCycles = 0; } // Per frame statistics int numDrawCalls; int numVertexDecodes; int numCulledDraws; int numDrawSyncs; int numListSyncs; int numFlushes; int numBBOXJumps; int numPlaneUpdates; int numVertsSubmitted; int numVertsDecoded; int numUncachedVertsDrawn; int numTextureInvalidations; int numTextureInvalidationsByFramebuffer; int numTexturesHashed; int numTextureDataBytesHashed; int numTexturesDecoded; int numFramebufferEvaluations; int numFBOsCreated; int numBlockingReadbacks; int numReadbacks; int numUploads; int numCachedUploads; int numDepal; int numClears; int numDepthCopies; int numReinterpretCopies; int numColorCopies; int numCopiesForShaderBlend; int numCopiesForSelfTex; int numBlockTransfers; int numReplacerTrackedTex; int numCachedReplacedTextures; int numClutTextures; double msProcessingDisplayLists; double msPrepareDepth; double msCullDepth; double msRasterizeDepth; double msRasterTimeAvailable; int vertexGPUCycles; int otherGPUCycles; int numDepthRasterPrims; int numDepthRasterEarlySize; int numDepthRasterNoPixels; int numDepthRasterTooSmall; int numDepthRasterZCulled; int numDepthEarlyBoxCulled; // Flip count. Doesn't really belong here. int numFlips; }; extern GPUStatistics gpuStats; extern GPUCommon *gpu; extern GPUDebugInterface *gpuDebug; namespace Draw { class DrawContext; } bool GPU_Init(GraphicsContext *ctx, Draw::DrawContext *draw); bool GPU_IsReady(); bool GPU_IsStarted(); void GPU_Shutdown(); const char *RasterChannelToString(RasterChannel channel);