#include "Common/Render/DrawBuffer.h" #include "Common/GPU/thin3d.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/CPUDetect.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/HW/Display.h" #include "Core/FrameTiming.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceSas.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" #include "Core/HLE/scePower.h" #include "Core/HLE/Plugins.h" #include "Core/ControlMapper.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/MemFault.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/CwCheat.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/ELF/ParamSFO.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/Util/GameDB.h" #include "GPU/GPU.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" // TODO: This should be moved here or to Common, doesn't belong in /GPU #include "GPU/Vulkan/DebugVisVulkan.h" #include "GPU/Common/FramebufferManagerCommon.h" #include "UI/DevScreens.h" #include "UI/DebugOverlay.h" // For std::max #include static void DrawDebugStats(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); float left = std::max(bounds.w / 2 - 20.0f, 550.0f); float right = bounds.w - left - 20.0f; char statbuf[4096]; ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); __DisplayGetDebugStats(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf)); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 11, bounds.y + 31, left, bounds.h - 30, 0xc0000000, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 10, bounds.y + 30, left, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } static void DrawAudioDebugStats(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); char statbuf[4096] = { 0 }; System_AudioGetDebugStats(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf)); ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.5f, 0.5f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 11, bounds.y + 31, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xc0000000, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 10, bounds.y + 30, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); float left = std::max(bounds.w / 2 - 20.0f, 500.0f); __SasGetDebugStats(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf)); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + left + 21, bounds.y + 31, bounds.w - left, bounds.h - 30, 0xc0000000, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + left + 20, bounds.y + 30, bounds.w - left, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } static void DrawControlDebug(UIContext *ctx, const ControlMapper &mapper, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); char statbuf[4096] = { 0 }; mapper.GetDebugString(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf)); ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.5f, 0.5f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 11, bounds.y + 31, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xc0000000, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statbuf, bounds.x + 10, bounds.y + 30, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } static void DrawFrameTimes(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); double *sleepHistory; int valid, pos; double *history = __DisplayGetFrameTimes(&valid, &pos, &sleepHistory); int scale = 7000; int width = 600; ctx->Flush(); ctx->BeginNoTex(); int bottom = bounds.y2(); for (int i = 0; i < valid; ++i) { double activeTime = history[i] - sleepHistory[i]; ctx->Draw()->vLine(bounds.x + i, bottom, bottom - activeTime * scale, 0xFF3FFF3F); ctx->Draw()->vLine(bounds.x + i, bottom - activeTime * scale, bottom - history[i] * scale, 0x7F3FFF3F); } ctx->Draw()->vLine(bounds.x + pos, bottom, bottom - 512, 0xFFff3F3f); ctx->Draw()->hLine(bounds.x, bottom - 0.0333 * scale, bounds.x + width, 0xFF3f3Fff); ctx->Draw()->hLine(bounds.x, bottom - 0.0167 * scale, bounds.x + width, 0xFF3f3Fff); ctx->Flush(); ctx->Begin(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.5f, 0.5f); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, "33.3ms", bounds.x + width, bottom - 0.0333 * scale, 0xFF3f3Fff, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, "16.7ms", bounds.x + width, bottom - 0.0167 * scale, 0xFF3f3Fff, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } static void DrawFrameTiming(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); char statBuf[1024]{}; ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.5f, 0.5f); snprintf(statBuf, sizeof(statBuf), "Mode (interval): %s (%d)", Draw::PresentModeToString(g_frameTiming.presentMode), g_frameTiming.presentInterval); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statBuf, bounds.x + 10, bounds.y + 50, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { size_t curIndex = i + 6; size_t prevIndex = i + 7; FrameTimeData data = ctx->GetDrawContext()->FrameTimeHistory().Back(curIndex); FrameTimeData prevData = ctx->GetDrawContext()->FrameTimeHistory().Back(prevIndex); if (data.frameBegin == 0.0) { snprintf(statBuf, sizeof(statBuf), "(No frame time data)"); } else { double stride = data.frameBegin - prevData.frameBegin; double fenceLatency_s = data.afterFenceWait - data.frameBegin; double submitLatency_s = data.firstSubmit - data.frameBegin; double queuePresentLatency_s = data.queuePresent - data.frameBegin; double actualPresentLatency_s = data.actualPresent - data.frameBegin; double presentMargin = data.presentMargin; double computedMargin = data.actualPresent - data.queuePresent; char presentStats[256] = ""; if (data.actualPresent != 0.0) { snprintf(presentStats, sizeof(presentStats), "* Present: %0.1f ms\n" "* Margin: %0.1f ms\n" "* Margin(c): %0.1f ms\n", actualPresentLatency_s * 1000.0, presentMargin * 1000.0, computedMargin * 1000.0); } snprintf(statBuf, sizeof(statBuf), "* Stride: %0.1f (waits: %d)\n" "%llu: From start:\n" "* Past fence: %0.1f ms\n" "* Submit #1: %0.1f ms\n" "* Queue-p: %0.1f ms\n" "%s", stride * 1000.0, data.waitCount, (long long)data.frameId, fenceLatency_s * 1000.0, submitLatency_s * 1000.0, queuePresentLatency_s * 1000.0, presentStats ); } ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, statBuf, bounds.x + 10 + i * 150, bounds.y + 150, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); } ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } void DrawFramebufferList(UIContext *ctx, GPUInterface *gpu, const Bounds &bounds) { if (!gpu) { return; } FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); auto list = gpu->GetFramebufferList(); ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); int i = 0; for (const VirtualFramebuffer *vfb : list) { char buf[512]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%08x (Z %08x): %dx%d (stride %d, %d)", vfb->fb_address, vfb->z_address, vfb->width, vfb->height, vfb->fb_stride, vfb->z_stride); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextRect(ubuntu24, buf, bounds.x + 10, bounds.y + 20 + i * 50, bounds.w - 20, bounds.h - 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); i++; } ctx->Flush(); } void DrawControlMapperOverlay(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds, const ControlMapper &controlMapper) { DrawControlDebug(ctx, controlMapper, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); } void DrawDebugOverlay(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds, DebugOverlay overlay) { bool inGame = GetUIState() == UISTATE_INGAME; switch (overlay) { case DebugOverlay::DEBUG_STATS: if (inGame) DrawDebugStats(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); break; case DebugOverlay::FRAME_GRAPH: if (inGame) DrawFrameTimes(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); break; case DebugOverlay::FRAME_TIMING: DrawFrameTiming(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); break; case DebugOverlay::Audio: DrawAudioDebugStats(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); break; #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) case DebugOverlay::GPU_PROFILE: if (g_Config.iGPUBackend == (int)GPUBackend::VULKAN || g_Config.iGPUBackend == (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL) { DrawGPUProfilerVis(ctx, gpu); } break; case DebugOverlay::GPU_ALLOCATOR: if (g_Config.iGPUBackend == (int)GPUBackend::VULKAN || g_Config.iGPUBackend == (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL) { DrawGPUMemoryVis(ctx, gpu); } break; #endif case DebugOverlay::FRAMEBUFFER_LIST: if (inGame) DrawFramebufferList(ctx, gpu, bounds); break; default: break; } } static const char *CPUCoreAsString(int core) { switch (core) { case 0: return "Interpreter"; case 1: return "JIT"; case 2: return "IR Interpreter"; case 3: return "JIT using IR"; default: return "N/A"; } } void DrawCrashDump(UIContext *ctx, const Path &gamePath) { const MIPSExceptionInfo &info = Core_GetExceptionInfo(); auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); std::string discID = g_paramSFO.GetDiscID(); int x = 20 + System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_LEFT); int y = 20 + System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_TOP); ctx->Flush(); if (ctx->Draw()->GetFontAtlas()->getFont(ubuntu24)) ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.1f, 1.1f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, sy->T_cstr("Game crashed"), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); char statbuf[4096]; char versionString[256]; snprintf(versionString, sizeof(versionString), "%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); bool checkingISO = false; bool isoOK = false; char crcStr[50]{}; if (Reporting::HasCRC(gamePath)) { u32 crc = Reporting::RetrieveCRC(gamePath); std::vector dbInfos; if (g_gameDB.GetGameInfos(discID, &dbInfos)) { for (auto &dbInfo : dbInfos) { if (dbInfo.crc == crc) { isoOK = true; } } } snprintf(crcStr, sizeof(crcStr), "CRC: %08x %s\n", crc, isoOK ? "(Known good!)" : "(not identified)"); } else { // Queue it for calculation, we want it! // It's OK to call this repeatedly until we have it, which is natural here. Reporting::QueueCRC(gamePath); checkingISO = true; } // TODO: Draw a lot more information. Full register set, and so on. #ifdef _DEBUG char build[] = "debug"; #else char build[] = "release"; #endif std::string sysName = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME); int sysVersion = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION); // First column y += 65; int columnWidth = (ctx->GetBounds().w - x - 10) / 2; int height = ctx->GetBounds().h; ctx->PushScissor(Bounds(x, y, columnWidth, height)); // INFO_LOG(Log::System, "DrawCrashDump (%d %d %d %d)", x, y, columnWidth, height); snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"(%s %s (%s) %s (%s) %s v%d (%s) %s )", ExceptionTypeAsString(info.type), discID.c_str(), g_paramSFO.GetValueString("TITLE").c_str(), versionString, build, sysName.c_str(), sysVersion, GetCompilerABI(), crcStr ); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 160; if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::MEMORY) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Access: %s at %08x (sz: %d) PC: %08x %s)", MemoryExceptionTypeAsString(info.memory_type), info.address, info.accessSize, info.pc, info.info.c_str()); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::BAD_EXEC_ADDR) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Destination: %s to %08x PC: %08x RA: %08x)", ExecExceptionTypeAsString(info.exec_type), info.address, info.pc, info.ra); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::BREAK) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( BREAK PC: %08x )", info.pc); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Invalid / Unknown (%d) )", (int)info.type); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } std::string kernelState = __KernelStateSummary(); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, kernelState.c_str(), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 40; ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.5f, .5f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, info.stackTrace.c_str(), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); ctx->PopScissor(); // Draw some additional stuff to the right. std::string tips; if (CheatsInEffect()) { tips += "* Turn off cheats.\n"; } if (GetLockedCPUSpeedMhz()) { tips += "* Set CPU clock to default (0)\n"; } if (checkingISO) { tips += "* (waiting for CRC...)\n"; } else if (!isoOK) { // TODO: Should check that it actually is an ISO and not a homebrew tips += "* Verify and possibly re-dump your ISO\n (CRC not recognized)\n"; } if (!tips.empty()) { tips = "Things to try:\n" + tips; } x += columnWidth + 10; y = 85; snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), "CPU Core: %s (flags: %08x)\n" "Locked CPU freq: %d MHz\n" "Cheats: %s, Plugins: %s\n\n%s", CPUCoreAsString(g_Config.iCpuCore), g_Config.uJitDisableFlags, GetLockedCPUSpeedMhz(), CheatsInEffect() ? "Y" : "N", HLEPlugins::HasEnabled() ? "Y" : "N", tips.c_str()); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); ctx->Flush(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->RebindTexture(); } void DrawFPS(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); float vps, fps, actual_fps; __DisplayGetFPS(&vps, &fps, &actual_fps); char fpsbuf[256]; fpsbuf[0] = '\0'; if ((g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & ((int)ShowStatusFlags::FPS_COUNTER | (int)ShowStatusFlags::SPEED_COUNTER)) == ((int)ShowStatusFlags::FPS_COUNTER | (int)ShowStatusFlags::SPEED_COUNTER)) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%0.0f/%0.0f (%0.1f%%)", actual_fps, fps, vps / ((g_Config.iDisplayRefreshRate / 60.0f * 59.94f) / 100.0f)); } else { if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::FPS_COUNTER) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "FPS: %0.1f", actual_fps); } else if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::SPEED_COUNTER) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "Speed: %0.1f%%", vps / (59.94f / 100.0f)); } } #ifdef CAN_DISPLAY_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::BATTERY_PERCENT) { char temp[256]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s Battery: %d%%", fpsbuf, getCurrentBatteryCapacity()); snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%s", temp); } #endif ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 8, 20, 0xc0000000, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 10, 19, 0xFF3fFF3f, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); }