// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "base/stringutil.h" #include "image/png_load.h" #include "thread/prioritizedworkqueue.h" #include "GameInfoCache.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/ISOFileSystem.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/DirectoryFileSystem.h" #include "Core/ELF/PBPReader.h" GameInfoCache g_gameInfoCache; static bool ReadFileToString(IFileSystem *fs, const char *filename, std::string *contents, recursive_mutex *mtx) { PSPFileInfo info = fs->GetFileInfo(filename); if (!info.exists) { return false; } int handle = fs->OpenFile(filename, FILEACCESS_READ); if (!handle) { return false; } if (mtx) { lock_guard lock(*mtx); contents->resize(info.size); fs->ReadFile(handle, (u8 *)contents->data(), info.size); } else { contents->resize(info.size); fs->ReadFile(handle, (u8 *)contents->data(), info.size); } fs->CloseFile(handle); return true; } class GameInfoWorkItem : public PrioritizedWorkQueueItem { public: GameInfoWorkItem(const std::string &gamePath, GameInfo *info) : gamePath_(gamePath), info_(info) { } virtual void run() { // A game can be either an UMD or a directory under ms0:/PSP/GAME . if (startsWith(gamePath_, "ms0:/PSP/GAME")) { return; // TODO: The case of these extensions is not perfect. } else if (endsWith(gamePath_, ".PBP")) { PBPReader pbp(gamePath_.c_str()); if (!pbp.IsValid()) return; info_->fileType = FILETYPE_PSP_PBP; // First, PARAM.SFO. size_t sfoSize; u8 *sfoData = pbp.GetSubFile(PBP_PARAM_SFO, &sfoSize); { lock_guard lock(info_->lock); info_->paramSFO.ReadSFO(sfoData, sfoSize); info_->title = info_->paramSFO.GetValueString("TITLE"); } delete [] sfoData; // Then, ICON0.PNG. { lock_guard lock(info_->lock); if (pbp.GetSubFileSize(PBP_ICON0_PNG) > 0) { pbp.GetSubFileAsString(PBP_ICON0_PNG, &info_->iconTextureData); } else { // We should load a default image here. } } if (info_->wantBG) { { lock_guard lock(info_->lock); if (pbp.GetSubFileSize(PBP_PIC1_PNG) > 0) pbp.GetSubFileAsString(PBP_PIC1_PNG, &info_->pic1TextureData); } } } else if (endsWith(gamePath_, ".elf") || endsWith(gamePath_, ".prx")) { info_->fileType = FILETYPE_PSP_ELF; return; } else { info_->fileType = FILETYPE_PSP_ISO; SequentialHandleAllocator handles; // Let's assume it's an ISO. // TODO: This will currently read in the whole directory tree. Not really necessary for just a // few files. BlockDevice *bd = constructBlockDevice(gamePath_.c_str()); if (!bd) return; // nothing to do here.. ISOFileSystem umd(&handles, bd, "/PSP_GAME"); // Alright, let's fetch the PARAM.SFO. std::string paramSFOcontents; if (ReadFileToString(&umd, "/PSP_GAME/PARAM.SFO", ¶mSFOcontents, 0)) { lock_guard lock(info_->lock); info_->paramSFO.ReadSFO((const u8 *)paramSFOcontents.data(), paramSFOcontents.size()); info_->title = info_->paramSFO.GetValueString("TITLE"); } { ReadFileToString(&umd, "/PSP_GAME/ICON0.PNG", &info_->iconTextureData, &info_->lock); } if (info_->wantBG) { { ReadFileToString(&umd, "/PSP_GAME/PIC0.PNG", &info_->pic0TextureData, &info_->lock); } { ReadFileToString(&umd, "/PSP_GAME/PIC1.PNG", &info_->pic1TextureData, &info_->lock); } } } } virtual float priority() { return info_->lastAccessedTime; } private: std::string gamePath_; GameInfo *info_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GameInfoWorkItem); }; GameInfoCache::~GameInfoCache() { Clear(); } void GameInfoCache::Init() { gameInfoWQ_ = new PrioritizedWorkQueue(); ProcessWorkQueueOnThreadWhile(gameInfoWQ_); } void GameInfoCache::Shutdown() { StopProcessingWorkQueue(gameInfoWQ_); } void GameInfoCache::Save() { // TODO } void GameInfoCache::Load() { // TODO } void GameInfoCache::Decimate() { // TODO } void GameInfoCache::Clear() { gameInfoWQ_->Flush(); for (auto iter = info_.begin(); iter != info_.end(); iter++) { lock_guard lock(iter->second->lock); if (!iter->second->pic0TextureData.empty()) { iter->second->pic0TextureData.clear(); } if (iter->second->pic0Texture) { delete iter->second->pic0Texture; iter->second->pic0Texture = 0; } if (!iter->second->pic1TextureData.empty()) { iter->second->pic1TextureData.clear(); } if (iter->second->pic1Texture) { delete iter->second->pic1Texture; iter->second->pic1Texture = 0; } } } void GameInfoCache::FlushBGs() { for (auto iter = info_.begin(); iter != info_.end(); iter++) { lock_guard lock(iter->second->lock); if (!iter->second->pic0TextureData.empty()) { iter->second->pic0TextureData.clear(); } if (iter->second->pic0Texture) { delete iter->second->pic0Texture; iter->second->pic0Texture = 0; } if (!iter->second->pic1TextureData.empty()) { iter->second->pic1TextureData.clear(); } if (iter->second->pic1Texture) { delete iter->second->pic1Texture; iter->second->pic1Texture = 0; } } } void GameInfoCache::Add(const std::string &key, GameInfo *info_) { } // This may run off-main-thread and we thus can't use the global // pspFileSystem (well, we could with synchronization but there might not // even be a game running). GameInfo *GameInfoCache::GetInfo(const std::string &gamePath, bool wantBG) { auto iter = info_.find(gamePath); if (iter != info_.end()) { GameInfo *info = iter->second; if (!info->wantBG && wantBG) { // Need to start over. We'll just add a new work item. delete info; // Hm, how dangerous is this? There might be a race condition here. goto again; } { lock_guard lock(info->lock); if (info->iconTextureData.size()) { info->iconTexture = new Texture(); // TODO: We could actually do the PNG decoding as well on the async thread. // We'd have to split up Texture->LoadPNG though, creating some intermediate Image class maybe. if (info->iconTexture->LoadPNG((const u8 *)info->iconTextureData.data(), info->iconTextureData.size(), false)) { info->timeIconWasLoaded = time_now_d(); } info->iconTextureData.clear(); } } { lock_guard lock(info->lock); if (info->pic0TextureData.size()) { info->pic0Texture = new Texture(); if (info->pic0Texture->LoadPNG((const u8 *)info->pic0TextureData.data(), info->pic0TextureData.size(), false)) { info->timePic0WasLoaded = time_now_d(); } info->pic0TextureData.clear(); } } { lock_guard lock(info->lock); if (info->pic1TextureData.size()) { info->pic1Texture = new Texture(); if (info->pic1Texture->LoadPNG((const u8 *)info->pic1TextureData.data(), info->pic1TextureData.size(), false)) { info->timePic1WasLoaded = time_now_d(); } info->pic1TextureData.clear(); } } iter->second->lastAccessedTime = time_now_d(); return iter->second; } again: GameInfo *info = new GameInfo(); info->wantBG = wantBG; GameInfoWorkItem *item = new GameInfoWorkItem(gamePath, info); gameInfoWQ_->Add(item); info_[gamePath] = info; return info; }