// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // proAdhoc // This is a direct port of Coldbird's code from http://code.google.com/p/aemu/ // All credit goes to him! #include "ppsspp_config.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include "Common/CommonWindows.h" #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) #include #include #include #include #include #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #include #endif // !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #endif #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL // Default value to 0x00 (do nothing) in systems where it's not supported. #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0x00 #endif #if defined(HAVE_LIBNX) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #undef __BSD_VISIBLE #define __BSD_VISIBLE 1 #include #define TCP_MAXSEG 2 #endif // defined(HAVE_LIBNX) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #include #include #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/Thread/ThreadUtil.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/Parsers.h" #include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h" #include "Common/TimeUtil.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelInterrupt.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelThread.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceNetAdhoc.h" #include "Core/Instance.h" #include "proAdhoc.h" #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) && !defined(INADDR_NONE) // Missing toolchain define #define INADDR_NONE 0xFFFFFFFF #endif uint16_t portOffset; uint32_t minSocketTimeoutUS; uint32_t fakePoolSize = 0; SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * contexts = NULL; char* dummyPeekBuf64k = NULL; int dummyPeekBuf64kSize = 65536; int one = 1; std::atomic friendFinderRunning(false); SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * friends = NULL; SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * networks = NULL; SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * newnetworks = NULL; u64 adhocctlStartTime = 0; bool isAdhocctlNeedLogin = false; bool isAdhocctlBusy = false; int adhocctlState = ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED; int adhocctlCurrentMode = ADHOCCTL_MODE_NONE; int adhocConnectionType = ADHOC_CONNECT; int gameModeSocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET; // UDP/PDP socket? on Master only? int gameModeBuffSize = 0; u8* gameModeBuffer = nullptr; GameModeArea masterGameModeArea; std::vector replicaGameModeAreas; std::vector requiredGameModeMacs; std::vector gameModeMacs; std::map gameModePeerPorts; int actionAfterAdhocMipsCall; int actionAfterMatchingMipsCall; // Broadcast MAC uint8_t broadcastMAC[ETHER_ADDR_LEN] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; std::atomic metasocket((int)INVALID_SOCKET); SceNetAdhocctlParameter parameter; SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId product_code; std::thread friendFinderThread; std::recursive_mutex peerlock; AdhocSocket* adhocSockets[MAX_SOCKET]; bool isOriPort = false; bool isLocalServer = false; SockAddrIN4 g_adhocServerIP; SockAddrIN4 g_localhostIP; sockaddr LocalIP; int defaultWlanChannel = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_11; // Don't put 0(Auto) here, it needed to be a valid/actual channel number static std::mutex chatLogLock; static std::vector chatLog; static int chatMessageGeneration = 0; static int chatMessageCount = 0; bool isMacMatch(const SceNetEtherAddr* addr1, const SceNetEtherAddr* addr2) { // Ignoring the 1st byte since there are games (ie. Gran Turismo) who tamper with the 1st byte of OUI to change the unicast/multicast bit return (memcmp(((const char*)addr1)+1, ((const char*)addr2)+1, ETHER_ADDR_LEN-1) == 0); } bool isLocalMAC(const SceNetEtherAddr * addr) { SceNetEtherAddr saddr; getLocalMac(&saddr); return isMacMatch(addr, &saddr); } bool isPDPPortInUse(uint16_t port) { // Iterate Elements for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) { auto sock = adhocSockets[i]; if (sock != NULL && sock->type == SOCK_PDP) if (sock->data.pdp.lport == port) return true; } // Unused Port return false; } bool isPTPPortInUse(uint16_t port, bool forListen, SceNetEtherAddr* dstmac, uint16_t dstport) { // Iterate Sockets for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) { auto sock = adhocSockets[i]; if (sock != NULL && sock->type == SOCK_PTP) // It's allowed to Listen and Open the same PTP port, But it's not allowed to Listen or Open the same PTP port twice (unless destination mac or port are different). if (sock->data.ptp.lport == port && ((forListen && sock->data.ptp.state == ADHOC_PTP_STATE_LISTEN) || (!forListen && sock->data.ptp.state != ADHOC_PTP_STATE_LISTEN && sock->data.ptp.pport == dstport && dstmac != nullptr && isMacMatch(&sock->data.ptp.paddr, dstmac)))) { return true; } } // Unused Port return false; } // Replacement for inet_ntoa since it's getting deprecated std::string ip2str(in_addr in) { char str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = "..."; u8* ipptr = (u8*)∈ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%u.%u.%u.%u", ipptr[0], ipptr[1], ipptr[2], ipptr[3]); return std::string(str); } std::string mac2str(SceNetEtherAddr* mac) { char str[18] = ":::::"; if (mac != NULL) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac->data[0], mac->data[1], mac->data[2], mac->data[3], mac->data[4], mac->data[5]); } return std::string(str); } SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* addMember(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac) { if (context == NULL || mac == NULL) return NULL; SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = findPeer(context, mac); // Already existed if (peer != NULL) { WARN_LOG(SCENET, "Member Peer Already Existed! Updating [%s]", mac2str(mac).c_str()); peer->state = 0; peer->sending = 0; peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); } // Member is not added yet else { peer = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal)); if (peer != NULL) { memset(peer, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal)); peer->mac = *mac; peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); peerlock.lock(); peer->next = context->peerlist; context->peerlist = peer; peerlock.unlock(); } } return peer; } void addFriend(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C * packet) { if (packet == NULL) return; // Multithreading Lock std::lock_guard guard(peerlock); SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = findFriend(&packet->mac); // Already existed if (peer != NULL) { u32 tmpip = packet->ip; WARN_LOG(SCENET, "Friend Peer Already Existed! Updating [%s][%s][%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac).c_str(), ip2str(*(struct in_addr*)&tmpip).c_str(), packet->name.data); //inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&packet->ip) peer->nickname = packet->name; peer->mac_addr = packet->mac; peer->ip_addr = packet->ip; // Update TimeStamp peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); } else { // Allocate Structure peer = (SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo)); // Allocated Structure if (peer != NULL) { // Clear Memory memset(peer, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo)); // Save Nickname peer->nickname = packet->name; // Save MAC Address peer->mac_addr = packet->mac; // Save IP Address peer->ip_addr = packet->ip; // TimeStamp peer->last_recv = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); // Link to existing Peers peer->next = friends; // Link into Peerlist friends = peer; } } } SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * findFriend(SceNetEtherAddr * MAC) { if (MAC == NULL) return NULL; // Friends Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Friends for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { if (isMacMatch(&peer->mac_addr, MAC)) break; } // Return found friend return peer; } SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* findFriendByIP(uint32_t ip) { // Friends Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo* peer = friends; // Iterate Friends for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { if (peer->ip_addr == ip) break; } // Return found friend return peer; } int IsSocketReady(int fd, bool readfd, bool writefd, int* errorcode, int timeoutUS) { fd_set readfds, writefds; timeval tval; // Avoid getting Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) on linux/android if (fd < 0) return SOCKET_ERROR; FD_ZERO(&readfds); writefds = readfds; if (readfd) { FD_SET(fd, &readfds); } if (writefd) { FD_SET(fd, &writefds); } tval.tv_sec = timeoutUS / 1000000; tval.tv_usec = timeoutUS % 1000000; int ret = select(fd + 1, readfd? &readfds: nullptr, writefd? &writefds: nullptr, nullptr, &tval); if (errorcode != nullptr) *errorcode = errno; return ret; } void changeBlockingMode(int fd, int nonblocking) { unsigned long on = 1; unsigned long off = 0; #if defined(_WIN32) if (nonblocking) { // Change to Non-Blocking Mode ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &on); } else { // Change to Blocking Mode ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &off); } // If they have O_NONBLOCK, use the POSIX way to do it. On POSIX sockets Error code would be EINPROGRESS instead of EAGAIN //#elif defined(O_NONBLOCK) #else int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); // Fixme: O_NONBLOCK is defined but broken on SunOS 4.1.x and AIX 3.2.5. if (flags == -1) flags = 0; if (nonblocking) { // Set Non-Blocking Flag fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); } else { // Remove Non-Blocking Flag fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK); } // Otherwise, use the old way of doing it (UNIX way). On UNIX sockets Error code would be EAGAIN instead of EINPROGRESS /*#else if (nonblocking) { // Change to Non - Blocking Mode ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, (char*)&on); } else { // Change to Blocking Mode ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, (char*)&off); }*/ #endif } int countAvailableNetworks(const bool excludeSelf) { // Network Count int count = 0; // Group Reference SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = networks; // Count Groups for (; group != NULL && (!excludeSelf || !isLocalMAC(&group->bssid.mac_addr)); group = group->next) count++; // Return Network Count return count; } SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * findGroup(SceNetEtherAddr * MAC) { if (MAC == NULL) return NULL; // Groups Reference SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = networks; // Iterate Groups for (; group != NULL; group = group->next) { if (isMacMatch(&group->bssid.mac_addr, MAC)) break; } // Return found group return group; } void freeGroupsRecursive(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * node) { // End of List if (node == NULL) return; // Increase Recursion Depth freeGroupsRecursive(node->next); // Free Memory free(node); node = NULL; } void deleteAllAdhocSockets() { // Iterate Element for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) { // Active Socket if (adhocSockets[i] != NULL) { auto sock = adhocSockets[i]; int fd = -1; if (sock->type == SOCK_PTP) fd = sock->data.ptp.id; else if (sock->type == SOCK_PDP) fd = sock->data.pdp.id; if (fd > 0) { // Close Socket shutdown(fd, SD_BOTH); closesocket(fd); } // Free Memory free(adhocSockets[i]); // Delete Reference adhocSockets[i] = NULL; } } } void deleteAllGMB() { if (gameModeBuffer) { free(gameModeBuffer); gameModeBuffer = nullptr; gameModeBuffSize = 0; } if (masterGameModeArea.data) { free(masterGameModeArea.data); masterGameModeArea = { 0 }; } for (auto& it : replicaGameModeAreas) { if (it.data) { free(it.data); it.data = nullptr; } } replicaGameModeAreas.clear(); gameModeMacs.clear(); requiredGameModeMacs.clear(); } void deleteFriendByIP(uint32_t ip) { // Previous Peer Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * prev = NULL; // Peer Pointer SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Peers for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Peer if (peer->ip_addr == ip) { // Multithreading Lock peerlock.lock(); // Unlink Left (Beginning) /*if (prev == NULL) friends = peer->next; // Unlink Left (Other) else prev->next = peer->next; */ u32 tmpip = peer->ip_addr; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Removing Friend Peer %s [%s]", mac2str(&peer->mac_addr).c_str(), ip2str(*(struct in_addr *)&tmpip).c_str()); //inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&peer->ip_addr) // Free Memory //free(peer); //peer = NULL; // Instead of removing it from the list we'll make it timed out since most Matching games are moving group and may still need the peer data thus not recognizing it as Unknown peer peer->last_recv = 0; //CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); // Multithreading Unlock peerlock.unlock(); // Stop Search break; } // Set Previous Reference prev = peer; } } int findFreeMatchingID() { // Minimum Matching ID int min = 1; // Maximum Matching ID int max = 0; // Find highest Matching ID SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * item = contexts; for (; item != NULL; item = item->next) { // New Maximum if (max < item->id) max = item->id; } // Find unoccupied ID int i = min; for (; i < max; i++) { // Found unoccupied ID if (findMatchingContext(i) == NULL) return i; } // Append at virtual end return max + 1; } SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * findMatchingContext(int id) { // Iterate Matching Context List SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * item = contexts; for (; item != NULL; item = item->next) { // Found Matching ID if (item->id == id) return item; } // Context not found return NULL; } /** * Find Outgoing Request Target Peer * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @return Internal Peer Reference or... NULL */ SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * findOutgoingRequest(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context) { // Iterate Peer List for Matching Target SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Peer in List if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_OUTGOING_REQUEST) return peer; } // Peer not found return NULL; } /** * Remove unneeded Peer Data after being accepted to a match * @param context Matching Context Pointer */ void postAcceptCleanPeerList(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context) { int delcount = 0; int peercount = 0; // Acquire Peer Lock peerlock.lock(); // Iterate Peer List SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; while (peer != NULL) { // Save next Peer just in case we have to delete this one SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * next = peer->next; // Unneeded Peer if (peer->state != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD && peer->state != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P && peer->state != PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_PARENT && peer->state != 0) { deletePeer(context, peer); delcount++; } // Move to Next Peer peer = next; peercount++; } // Free Peer Lock peerlock.unlock(); INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Removing Unneeded Peers (%i/%i)", delcount, peercount); } /** * Add Sibling-Data that was sent with Accept-Datagram * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param siblingcount Number of Siblings * @param siblings Sibling MAC Array */ void postAcceptAddSiblings(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, int siblingcount, SceNetEtherAddr * siblings) { // Cast Sibling MAC Array to uint8_t // PSP CPU has a problem with non-4-byte aligned Pointer Access. // As the buffer of "siblings" isn't properly aligned I don't want to risk a crash. uint8_t * siblings_u8 = (uint8_t *)siblings; peerlock.lock(); // Iterate Siblings. Reversed so these siblings are added into peerlist in the same order with the peerlist on host/parent side for (int i = siblingcount - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { SceNetEtherAddr* mac = (SceNetEtherAddr*)(siblings_u8 + sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr) * i); auto peer = findPeer(context, mac); // Already exist if (peer != NULL) { // Set Peer State peer->state = PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD; peer->sending = 0; peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); WARN_LOG(SCENET, "Updating Sibling Peer %s", mac2str(mac).c_str()); } else { // Allocate Memory SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal* sibling = (SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal*)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal)); // Allocated Memory if (sibling != NULL) { // Clear Memory memset(sibling, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal)); // Save MAC Address memcpy(&sibling->mac, mac, sizeof(SceNetEtherAddr)); // Set Peer State sibling->state = PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD; // Initialize Ping Timer sibling->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0; // Link Peer sibling->next = context->peerlist; context->peerlist = sibling; // Spawn Established Event. FIXME: ESTABLISHED event should only be triggered for Parent/P2P peer? //spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, &sibling->mac, 0, NULL); INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Accepting Sibling Peer %s", mac2str(&sibling->mac).c_str()); } } } peerlock.unlock(); } /** * Count Children Peers (for Parent) * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @return Number of Children */ s32_le countChildren(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, const bool excludeTimedout) { // Children Counter s32_le count = 0; // Iterate Peer List for Matching Target SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Exclude timedout members? if (!excludeTimedout || peer->lastping != 0) // Increase Children Counter if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) count++; } // Return Children Count return count; } /** * Find Peer in Context by MAC * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param mac Peer MAC Address * @return Internal Peer Reference or... NULL */ SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * findPeer(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetEtherAddr * mac) { if (mac == NULL) return NULL; // Iterate Peer List for Matching Target SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Peer in List if (isMacMatch(&peer->mac, mac)) { // Return Peer Pointer return peer; } } // Peer not found return NULL; } /** * Find Parent Peer * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @return Internal Peer Reference or... NULL */ SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * findParent(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context) { // Iterate Peer List for Matching Target SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Peer in List if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_PARENT) return peer; } // Peer not found return NULL; } /** * Find P2P Buddy Peer * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @return Internal Peer Reference or... NULL */ SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * findP2P(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, const bool excludeTimedout) { // Iterate Peer List for Matching Target SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Exclude timedout members? if (!excludeTimedout || peer->lastping != 0) // Found Peer in List if (peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P) return peer; } // Peer not found return NULL; } /** * Delete Peer from List * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Internal Peer Reference */ void deletePeer(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal *& peer) { // Valid Arguments if (context != NULL && peer != NULL) { peerlock.lock(); // Previous Peer Reference SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * previous = NULL; // Iterate Peer List SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * item = context->peerlist; for (; item != NULL; item = item->next) { // Found Peer Match if (item == peer) break; // Set Previous Peer previous = item; } if (item != NULL) { // Middle Item if (previous != NULL) previous->next = item->next; // Beginning Item else context->peerlist = item->next; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Removing Member Peer %s", mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str()); } // Free Peer Memory free(peer); peer = NULL; peerlock.unlock(); } } /** * Safely Link Thread Message to Event Thread Stack * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param message Thread Message Pointer */ void linkEVMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, ThreadMessage * message) { // Lock Access context->eventlock->lock(); // Link Message message->next = context->event_stack; context->event_stack = message; // Unlock Access context->eventlock->unlock(); } /** * Safely Link Thread Message to IO Thread Stack * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param message Thread Message Pointer */ void linkIOMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, ThreadMessage * message) { // Lock Access context->inputlock->lock(); // Link Message message->next = context->input_stack; context->input_stack = message; // Unlock Access context->inputlock->unlock(); } /** * Send Generic Thread Message * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param stack ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_STACK or ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK * @param mac Target MAC * @param opcode Message Opcode * @param optlen Optional Data Length * @param opt Optional Data */ void sendGenericMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, int stack, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int opcode, int optlen, const void * opt) { // Calculate Required Memory Size uint32_t size = sizeof(ThreadMessage) + optlen; // Allocate Memory uint8_t * memory = (uint8_t *)malloc(size); // Allocated Memory if (memory != NULL) { // Clear Memory memset(memory, 0, size); // Cast Header ThreadMessage * header = (ThreadMessage *)memory; // Set Message Opcode header->opcode = opcode; // Set Peer MAC Address header->mac = *mac; // Set Optional Data Length header->optlen = optlen; // Set Optional Data memcpy(memory + sizeof(ThreadMessage), opt, optlen); // Link Thread Message if (stack == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_STACK) linkEVMessage(context, header); // Link Thread Message to Input Stack else linkIOMessage(context, header); // Exit Function return; } peerlock.lock(); // Out of Memory Emergency Delete auto peer = findPeer(context, mac); deletePeer(context, peer); peerlock.unlock(); } /** * Send Accept Message from P2P -> P2P or Parent -> Children * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Target Peer * @param optlen Optional Data Length * @param opt Optional Data */ void sendAcceptMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer, int optlen, const void * opt) { // Send Accept Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_ACCEPT, optlen, opt); } /** * Send Join Request from P2P -> P2P or Children -> Parent * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Target Peer * @param optlen Optional Data Length * @param opt Optional Data */ void sendJoinRequest(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer, int optlen, const void * opt) { // Send Join Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_JOIN, optlen, opt); } /** * Send Cancel Message to Peer (has various effects) * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Target Peer * @param optlen Optional Data Length * @param opt Optional Data */ void sendCancelMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer, int optlen, const void * opt) { // Send Cancel Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_CANCEL, optlen, opt); } /** * Send Bulk Data to Peer * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Target Peer * @param datalen Data Length * @param data Data */ void sendBulkData(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer, int datalen, const void * data) { // Send Bulk Data Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK, datalen, data); } /** * Abort Bulk Data Transfer (if in progress) * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Target Peer */ void abortBulkTransfer(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer) { // Send Bulk Data Abort Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK_ABORT, 0, NULL); } /** * Notify all established Peers about new Kid in the Neighborhood * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer New Kid */ void sendBirthMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer) { // Send Birth Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BIRTH, 0, NULL); } /** * Notify all established Peers about abandoned Child * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param peer Abandoned Child */ void sendDeathMessage(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer) { // Send Death Message sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK, &peer->mac, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_DEATH, 0, NULL); } /** * Return Number of Connected Peers * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @return Number of Connected Peers */ uint32_t countConnectedPeers(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, const bool excludeTimedout) { // Peer Count uint32_t count = 0; // Parent Mode if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT) { // Number of Children + 1 Parent (Self) count = countChildren(context, excludeTimedout) + 1; } // Child Mode else if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD) { // Default to 1 Child (Self) count = 1; // Connected to Parent if (findParent(context) != NULL) { // Add Number of Siblings + 1 Parent count += countChildren(context, excludeTimedout) + 1; // Since count is already started from 1, Do we need to +1 here? Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki seems to show wrong number of players without +1 here } } // P2P Mode else { // Default to 1 P2P Client (Self) count = 1; // Connected to another P2P Client if (findP2P(context, excludeTimedout) != NULL) { // Add P2P Brother count++; } } // Return Peer Count return count; } /** * Spawn Local Event for Event Thread * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param event Event ID * @param mac Event Source MAC * @param optlen Optional Data Length * @param opt Optional Data */ void spawnLocalEvent(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, int event, SceNetEtherAddr * mac, int optlen, void * opt) { // Spawn Local Event sendGenericMessage(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_STACK, mac, event, optlen, opt); } /** * Handle Timeouts in Matching Context * @param context Matching Context Pointer */ void handleTimeout(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context) { peerlock.lock(); // Iterate Peer List SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; while (peer != NULL && contexts != NULL && coreState != CORE_POWERDOWN) { // Get Next Pointer (to avoid crash on memory freeing) SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * next = peer->next; u64_le now = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); //time_now_d()*1000000.0 // Timeout! Apparently the latest GetGlobalTimeUsScaled (ie. now) have a possibility to be smaller than previous GetGlobalTimeUsScaled (ie. lastping) thus resulting a negative number when subtracted :( if (peer->state != 0 && static_cast(now - peer->lastping) > static_cast(context->timeout)) { // Spawn Timeout Event if ((context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_CHILD && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_PARENT) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_CHILD) || (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_P2P && peer->state == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PEER_P2P)) { // FIXME: TIMEOUT event should only be triggered on Parent/P2P mode and for Parent/P2P peer? spawnLocalEvent(context, PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_TIMEOUT, &peer->mac, 0, NULL); INFO_LOG(SCENET, "TimedOut Member Peer %s (%lld - %lld = %lld > %lld us)", mac2str(&peer->mac).c_str(), now, peer->lastping, (now - peer->lastping), context->timeout); if (context->mode == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_MODE_PARENT) sendDeathMessage(context, peer); else sendCancelMessage(context, peer, 0, NULL); } } // Move Pointer peer = next; } peerlock.unlock(); } /** * Recursive Stack Cleaner * @param node Current Thread Message Node */ void clearStackRecursive(ThreadMessage *& node) { // Not End of List if (node != NULL) clearStackRecursive(node->next); // Free Last Existing Node of List (NULL is handled in _free) free(node); node = NULL; } /** * Clear Thread Stack * @param context Matching Context Pointer * @param stack ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_STACK or ADHOC_MATCHING_INPUT_STACK */ void clearStack(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, int stack) { if (context == NULL) return; // Clear Event Stack if (stack == PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_STACK) { context->eventlock->lock(); // Free Memory Recursively clearStackRecursive(context->event_stack); // Destroy Reference context->event_stack = NULL; context->eventlock->unlock(); } // Clear IO Stack else { context->inputlock->lock(); // Free Memory Recursively clearStackRecursive(context->input_stack); // Destroy Reference context->input_stack = NULL; context->inputlock->unlock(); } } /** * Clear Peer List * @param context Matching Context Pointer */ void clearPeerList(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context) { // Acquire Peer Lock peerlock.lock(); // Iterate Peer List SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * peer = context->peerlist; while (peer != NULL) { // Grab Next Pointer context->peerlist = peer->next; //SceNetAdhocMatchingMemberInternal * next = peer->next; // Delete Peer free(peer); //deletePeer(context, peer); // Instead of removing peer immediately, We should give a little time before removing the peer and let it timed out? just in case the game is in the middle of communicating with the peer on another thread so it won't recognize it as Unknown peer //peer->lastping = CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled(); // Move Pointer peer = context->peerlist; //peer = next; } // Free Peer Lock peerlock.unlock(); } void AfterMatchingMipsCall::DoState(PointerWrap & p) { auto s = p.Section("AfterMatchingMipsCall", 1, 4); if (!s) return; if (s >= 1) { Do(p, EventID); } else { EventID = -1; } if (s >= 4) { Do(p, contextID); Do(p, bufAddr); } else { contextID = -1; bufAddr = 0; } } // It seems After Actions being called in reverse order of Mipscall order (ie. MipsCall order of ACCEPT(6)->ESTABLISH(7) getting AfterAction order of ESTABLISH(7)->ACCEPT(6) void AfterMatchingMipsCall::run(MipsCall &call) { if (context == NULL) { peerlock.lock(); context = findMatchingContext(contextID); peerlock.unlock(); } u32 v0 = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0]; if (__IsInInterrupt()) ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "AfterMatchingMipsCall::run [ID=%i][Event=%d] is Returning Inside an Interrupt!", contextID, EventID); //SetMatchingInCallback(context, false); DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AfterMatchingMipsCall::run [ID=%i][Event=%d][%s] [cbId: %u][retV0: %08x]", contextID, EventID, mac2str((SceNetEtherAddr*)Memory::GetPointer(bufAddr)).c_str(), call.cbId, v0); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) userMemory.Free(bufAddr); //call.setReturnValue(v0); } void AfterMatchingMipsCall::SetData(int ContextID, int eventId, u32_le BufAddr) { contextID = ContextID; EventID = eventId; bufAddr = BufAddr; peerlock.lock(); context = findMatchingContext(ContextID); peerlock.unlock(); } bool SetMatchingInCallback(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context, bool IsInCB) { if (context == NULL) return false; peerlock.lock(); context->IsMatchingInCB = IsInCB; peerlock.unlock(); return IsInCB; } bool IsMatchingInCallback(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext* context) { bool inCB = false; if (context == NULL) return inCB; peerlock.lock(); inCB = (context->IsMatchingInCB); peerlock.unlock(); return inCB; } void AfterAdhocMipsCall::DoState(PointerWrap & p) { auto s = p.Section("AfterAdhocMipsCall", 1, 4); if (!s) return; if (s >= 3) { Do(p, HandlerID); Do(p, EventID); Do(p, argsAddr); } else { HandlerID = -1; EventID = -1; argsAddr = 0; } } void AfterAdhocMipsCall::run(MipsCall& call) { u32 v0 = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0]; if (__IsInInterrupt()) ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "AfterAdhocMipsCall::run [ID=%i][Event=%d] is Returning Inside an Interrupt!", HandlerID, EventID); SetAdhocctlInCallback(false); isAdhocctlBusy = false; DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "AfterAdhocMipsCall::run [ID=%i][Event=%d] [cbId: %u][retV0: %08x]", HandlerID, EventID, call.cbId, v0); //call.setReturnValue(v0); } void AfterAdhocMipsCall::SetData(int handlerID, int eventId, u32_le ArgsAddr) { HandlerID = handlerID; EventID = eventId; argsAddr = ArgsAddr; } int SetAdhocctlInCallback(bool IsInCB) { std::lock_guard adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx); IsAdhocctlInCB += (IsInCB?1:-1); return IsAdhocctlInCB; } int IsAdhocctlInCallback() { std::lock_guard adhocGuard(adhocEvtMtx); int inCB = IsAdhocctlInCB; return inCB; } // Make sure MIPS calls have been fully executed before the next notifyAdhocctlHandlers void notifyAdhocctlHandlers(u32 flag, u32 error) { __UpdateAdhocctlHandlers(flag, error); } // Matching callback is void function: typedef void(*SceNetAdhocMatchingHandler)(int id, int event, SceNetEtherAddr * peer, int optlen, void * opt); // Important! The MIPS call need to be fully executed before the next MIPS call invoked, as the game (ie. DBZ Tag Team) may need to prepare something for the next callback event to use // Note: Must not lock peerlock within this function to prevent race-condition with other thread whos owning peerlock and trying to lock context->eventlock owned by this thread void notifyMatchingHandler(SceNetAdhocMatchingContext * context, ThreadMessage * msg, void * opt, u32_le &bufAddr, u32_le &bufLen, u32_le * args) { // Don't share buffer address space with other mipscall in the queue since mipscalls aren't immediately executed MatchingArgs argsNew = { 0 }; u32_le dataBufLen = msg->optlen + 8; //max(bufLen, msg->optlen + 8); u32_le dataBufAddr = userMemory.Alloc(dataBufLen); // We will free this memory after returning from mipscall uint8_t * dataPtr = Memory::GetPointer(dataBufAddr); if (dataPtr) { memcpy(dataPtr, &msg->mac, sizeof(msg->mac)); if (msg->optlen > 0) memcpy(dataPtr + 8, opt, msg->optlen); argsNew.data[1] = msg->opcode; argsNew.data[2] = dataBufAddr; argsNew.data[3] = msg->optlen; argsNew.data[4] = dataBufAddr + 8; // OptData Addr } else { argsNew.data[1] = PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ERROR; // not sure where to put the error code for EVENT_ERROR tho } argsNew.data[0] = context->id; argsNew.data[5] = context->handler.entryPoint; //not part of callback argument, just borrowing a space to store callback address so i don't need to search the context first later // ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate seems to get mixed up with interrupt (returning from mipscall inside an interrupt) and getting invalid address before returning from interrupt __UpdateMatchingHandler(argsNew); } void freeFriendsRecursive(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * node, int32_t* count) { // End of List if (node == NULL) return; // Increase Recursion Depth freeFriendsRecursive(node->next, count); // Free Memory free(node); node = NULL; if (count != NULL) (*count)++; } void timeoutFriendsRecursive(SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * node, int32_t* count) { // End of List if (node == NULL) return; // Increase Recursion Depth timeoutFriendsRecursive(node->next, count); // Set last timestamp node->last_recv = 0; if (count != NULL) (*count)++; } void sendChat(std::string chatString) { SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketC2S chat; auto n = GetI18NCategory("Networking"); chat.base.opcode = OPCODE_CHAT; //TODO check network inited, check send success or not, chatlog.pushback error on failed send, pushback error on not connected if (friendFinderRunning) { // Send Chat to Server if (!chatString.empty()) { //maximum char allowed is 64 character for compability with original server (pro.coldbird.net) std::string message = chatString.substr(0, 60); // 64 return chat variable corrupted is it out of memory? strcpy(chat.message, message.c_str()); //Send Chat Messages if (IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true) > 0) { int chatResult = send((int)metasocket, (const char*)&chat, sizeof(chat), MSG_NOSIGNAL); NOTICE_LOG(SCENET, "Send Chat %s to Adhoc Server", chat.message); std::string name = g_Config.sNickName.c_str(); std::lock_guard guard(chatLogLock); chatLog.push_back(name.substr(0, 8) + ": " + chat.message); chatMessageGeneration++; } } } else { std::lock_guard guard(chatLogLock); chatLog.push_back(n->T("You're in Offline Mode, go to lobby or online hall")); chatMessageGeneration++; } } std::vector getChatLog() { std::lock_guard guard(chatLogLock); // If the log gets large, trim it down. if (chatLog.size() > 50) { chatLog.erase(chatLog.begin(), chatLog.begin() + (chatLog.size() - 50)); } return chatLog; } int GetChatChangeID() { return chatMessageGeneration; } int GetChatMessageCount() { return chatMessageCount; } // TODO: We should probably change this thread into PSPThread (or merging it into the existing AdhocThread PSPThread) as there are too many global vars being used here which also being used within some HLEs int friendFinder(){ SetCurrentThreadName("FriendFinder"); auto n = GetI18NCategory("Networking"); // Receive Buffer int rxpos = 0; uint8_t rx[1024]; // Chat Packet SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketC2S chat; chat.base.opcode = OPCODE_CHAT; // Last Ping Time uint64_t lastping = 0; // Last Time Reception got updated uint64_t lastreceptionupdate = 0; uint64_t now; // Log Startup INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Begin of Friend Finder Thread"); // Resolve and cache AdhocServer DNS addrinfo* resolved = nullptr; std::string err; g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; if (g_Config.bEnableWlan && !net::DNSResolve(g_Config.proAdhocServer, "", &resolved, err)) { ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "DNS Error Resolving %s\n", g_Config.proAdhocServer.c_str()); host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("DNS Error Resolving ") + g_Config.proAdhocServer, 2.0f, 0x0000ff); } if (resolved) { for (auto ptr = resolved; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) { switch (ptr->ai_family) { case AF_INET: g_adhocServerIP.in = *(sockaddr_in*)ptr->ai_addr; break; } } net::DNSResolveFree(resolved); } g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); // Finder Loop friendFinderRunning = true; while (friendFinderRunning) { // Acquire Network Lock //_acquireNetworkLock(); // Reconnect when disconnected while Adhocctl is still inited if (metasocket == (int)INVALID_SOCKET && netAdhocctlInited && isAdhocctlNeedLogin) { if (g_Config.bEnableWlan) { if (initNetwork(&product_code) == 0) { networkInited = true; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Network [RE]Initialized"); // At this point we are most-likely not in a Group within the Adhoc Server, so we should probably reset AdhocctlState adhocctlState = ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED; netAdhocGameModeEntered = false; isAdhocctlBusy = false; } else { networkInited = false; shutdown((int)metasocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket((int)metasocket); metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET; } } } // Prevent retrying to Login again unless it was on demand isAdhocctlNeedLogin = false; if (networkInited) { // Ping Server now = time_now_d() * 1000000.0; // Use time_now_d()*1000000.0 instead of CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUsScaled() if the game gets disconnected from AdhocServer too soon when FPS wasn't stable // original code : ((sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide() - lastping) >= ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT) if (static_cast(now - lastping) >= PSP_ADHOCCTL_PING_TIMEOUT) { // We may need to use lower interval to prevent getting timeout at Pro Adhoc Server through internet // Prepare Packet uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_PING; // Send Ping to Server, may failed with socket error 10054/10053 if someone else with the same IP already connected to AdHoc Server (the server might need to be modified to differentiate MAC instead of IP) if (IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true) > 0) { int iResult = send((int)metasocket, (const char*)&opcode, 1, MSG_NOSIGNAL); int error = errno; // KHBBS seems to be getting error 10053 often if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Socket Error (%i) when sending OPCODE_PING", error); if (error != EAGAIN && error != EWOULDBLOCK) { networkInited = false; shutdown((int)metasocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket((int)metasocket); metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET; host->NotifyUserMessage(std::string(n->T("Disconnected from AdhocServer")) + " (" + std::string(n->T("Error")) + ": " + std::to_string(error) + ")", 2.0, 0x0000ff); // Mark all friends as timedout since we won't be able to detects disconnected friends anymore without being connected to Adhoc Server peerlock.lock(); timeoutFriendsRecursive(friends); peerlock.unlock(); } } else { // Update Ping Time lastping = now; VERBOSE_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Sending OPCODE_PING (%llu)", static_cast(now)); } } } // Check for Incoming Data if (IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, true, false) > 0) { int received = recv((int)metasocket, (char*)(rx + rxpos), sizeof(rx) - rxpos, MSG_NOSIGNAL); // Free Network Lock //_freeNetworkLock(); // Received Data if (received > 0) { // Fix Position rxpos += received; // Log Incoming Traffic //printf("Received %d Bytes of Data from Server\n", received); INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Received %d Bytes of Data from Adhoc Server", received); } } // Calculate EnterGameMode Timeout to prevent waiting forever for disconnected players if (isAdhocctlBusy && adhocctlState == ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED && adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE && netAdhocGameModeEntered && static_cast(now - adhocctlStartTime) > netAdhocEnterGameModeTimeout) { netAdhocGameModeEntered = false; notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_ERROR, ERROR_NET_ADHOC_TIMEOUT); } // Handle Packets if (rxpos > 0) { // BSSID Packet if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID) { // Enough Data available if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)) { // Cast Packet SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C*)rx; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID [%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac).c_str()); // Update User BSSID parameter.bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac; // This packet seems to contains Adhoc Group Creator's BSSID (similar to AP's BSSID) so it shouldn't get mixed up with local MAC address // From JPCSP: Some games have problems when the PSP_ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECTED is sent too quickly after connecting to a network. The connection will be set CONNECTED with a small delay (200ms or 200us?) // Notify Event Handlers if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) { SceNetEtherAddr localMac; getLocalMac(&localMac); if (std::find_if(gameModeMacs.begin(), gameModeMacs.end(), [localMac](SceNetEtherAddr const& e) { return isMacMatch(&e, &localMac); }) == gameModeMacs.end()) { // Arrange the order to be consistent on all players (Host on top), Starting from our self the rest of new players will be added to the back gameModeMacs.push_back(localMac); // FIXME: OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID only triggered once, but the timing of ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME notification could be too soon, since there could be more players that need to join before the event should be notified if (netAdhocGameModeEntered && gameModeMacs.size() >= requiredGameModeMacs.size()) { notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME, 0); } } else WARN_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode SelfMember [%s] Already Existed!", mac2str(&localMac).c_str()); } else { //adhocctlState = ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED; notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0); } // Give time a little time //sceKernelDelayThread(adhocEventDelayMS * 1000); //sleep_ms(adhocEventDelayMS); // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C); } } // Chat Packet else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CHAT) { // Enough Data available if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)) { // Cast Packet SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C*)rx; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CHAT"); // Fix strings with null-terminated packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; packet->base.message[ADHOCCTL_MESSAGE_LEN - 1] = 0; // Add Incoming Chat to HUD NOTICE_LOG(SCENET, "Received chat message %s", packet->base.message); std::string incoming = ""; std::string name = (char*)packet->name.data; incoming.append(name.substr(0, 8)); incoming.append(": "); incoming.append((char*)packet->base.message); std::lock_guard guard(chatLogLock); chatLog.push_back(incoming); chatMessageGeneration++; chatMessageCount++; // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C); } } // Connect Packet else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT) { // Enough Data available if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)) { // Cast Packet SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C*)rx; // Fix strings with null-terminated packet->name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // Log Incoming Peer u32_le ipaddr = packet->ip; INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CONNECT [%s][%s][%s]", mac2str(&packet->mac).c_str(), ip2str(*(in_addr*)&ipaddr).c_str(), packet->name.data); // Add User addFriend(packet); // Make sure GameMode participants are all joined (including self MAC) if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) { if (std::find_if(gameModeMacs.begin(), gameModeMacs.end(), [packet](SceNetEtherAddr const& e) { return isMacMatch(&e, &packet->mac); }) == gameModeMacs.end()) { // Arrange the order to be consistent on all players (Host on top), Existing players are sent in reverse by AdhocServer SceNetEtherAddr localMac; getLocalMac(&localMac); auto it = std::find_if(gameModeMacs.begin(), gameModeMacs.end(), [localMac](SceNetEtherAddr const& e) { return isMacMatch(&e, &localMac); }); // Starting from our self the rest of new players will be added to the back if (it != gameModeMacs.end()) { gameModeMacs.push_back(packet->mac); } else { it = gameModeMacs.begin() + 1; gameModeMacs.insert(it, packet->mac); } // From JPCSP: Join complete when all the required MACs have joined if (netAdhocGameModeEntered && requiredGameModeMacs.size() > 0 && gameModeMacs.size() == requiredGameModeMacs.size()) { // TODO: Should we replace gameModeMacs contents with requiredGameModeMacs contents to make sure they are in the same order with macs from sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode? But may not be consistent with the list on client side! //gameModeMacs = requiredGameModeMacs; notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_GAME, 0); } } else WARN_LOG(SCENET, "GameMode Member [%s] Already Existed!", mac2str(&packet->mac).c_str()); } // Update HUD User Count std::string name = (char*)packet->name.data; std::string incoming = ""; incoming.append(name.substr(0, 8)); incoming.append(" Joined "); //do we need ip? //joined.append((char *)packet->ip); std::lock_guard guard(chatLogLock); chatLog.push_back(incoming); chatMessageGeneration++; #ifdef LOCALHOST_AS_PEER setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()); #else // setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()+1); #endif // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C); } } // Disconnect Packet else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_DISCONNECT) { // Enough Data available if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)) { // Cast Packet SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C*)rx; DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: OPCODE_DISCONNECT"); // Log Incoming Peer Delete Request INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Peer Data Delete Request..."); if (adhocctlCurrentMode == ADHOCCTL_MODE_GAMEMODE) { auto peer = findFriendByIP(packet->ip); for (auto& gma : replicaGameModeAreas) if (isMacMatch(&gma.mac, &peer->mac_addr)) { gma.updateTimestamp = 0; break; } } // Delete User by IP, should delete by MAC since IP can be shared (behind NAT) isn't? deleteFriendByIP(packet->ip); // Update HUD User Count #ifdef LOCALHOST_AS_PEER setUserCount(_getActivePeerCount()); #else //setUserCount(_getActivePeerCount()+1); #endif // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C); } } // Scan Packet else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN) { // Enough Data available if (rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)) { // Cast Packet SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C* packet = (SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C*)rx; DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: OPCODE_SCAN"); // Log Incoming Network Information INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Incoming Group Information..."); // Multithreading Lock peerlock.lock(); // Allocate Structure Data SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo* group = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo)); // Allocated Structure Data if (group != NULL) { // Clear Memory, should this be done only when allocating new group? memset(group, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo)); // Link to existing Groups group->next = newnetworks; // Copy Group Name group->group_name = packet->group; // Set Group Host group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac; // Set group parameters // Since 0 is not a valid active channel we fake the channel for Automatic Channel (JPCSP use 11 as default). Ridge Racer 2 will ignore any groups with channel 0 or that doesn't matched with channel value returned from sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (which mean sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt must not return channel 0 when connected to a network?) group->channel = parameter.channel; //(parameter.channel == PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC) ? defaultWlanChannel : parameter.channel; // This Mode should be a valid mode (>=0), probably should be sent by AdhocServer since there are 2 possibilities (Normal and GameMode). Air Conflicts - Aces Of World War 2 (which use GameMode) seems to relies on this Mode value. group->mode = std::max(ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL, adhocctlCurrentMode); // default to ADHOCCTL_MODE_NORMAL // Link into Group List newnetworks = group; } // Multithreading Unlock peerlock.unlock(); // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C); } } // Scan Complete Packet else if (rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE) { DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE"); // Log Scan Completion INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming Scan complete response..."); // Reset current networks to prevent disbanded host to be listed again peerlock.lock(); if (networks != newnetworks) { freeGroupsRecursive(networks); networks = newnetworks; } newnetworks = NULL; peerlock.unlock(); // Notify Event Handlers notifyAdhocctlHandlers(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0); // Move RX Buffer memmove(rx, rx + 1, sizeof(rx) - 1); // Fix RX Buffer Length rxpos -= 1; } } } // This delay time should be 100ms when there is an event otherwise 500ms ? sleep_ms(10); // Using 1ms for faster response just like AdhocServer? // Don't do anything if it's paused, otherwise the log will be flooded while (Core_IsStepping() && coreState != CORE_POWERDOWN && friendFinderRunning) sleep_ms(10); } // Groups/Networks should be deallocated isn't? // Prevent the games from having trouble to reInitiate Adhoc (the next NetInit -> PdpCreate after NetTerm) adhocctlState = ADHOCCTL_STATE_DISCONNECTED; friendFinderRunning = false; // Log Shutdown INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: End of Friend Finder Thread"); // Return Success return 0; } int getActivePeerCount(const bool excludeTimedout) { // Counter int count = 0; // #ifdef LOCALHOST_AS_PEER // // Increase for Localhost // count++; // #endif // Peer Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Peers for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Increase Counter, Should we exclude peers pending for timed out? if (!excludeTimedout || peer->last_recv != 0) count++; } // Return Result return count; } int getLocalIp(sockaddr_in* SocketAddress) { if (isLocalServer) { SocketAddress->sin_addr = g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr; return 0; } #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) if (metasocket != (int)INVALID_SOCKET) { struct sockaddr_in localAddr; localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(localAddr); int ret = getsockname((int)metasocket, (struct sockaddr*)&localAddr, &addrLen); if (SOCKET_ERROR != ret) { SocketAddress->sin_addr = localAddr.sin_addr; return 0; } } #endif // !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) // Fallback if not connected to AdhocServer #if defined(_WIN32) // Get local host name char szHostName[256] = ""; if (::gethostname(szHostName, sizeof(szHostName))) { // Error handling } // Get local network IP addresses (LAN/VPN/loopback) struct addrinfo hints, * res = 0; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; // AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; // getaddrinfo with AI_ADDRCONFIG will fail when there is no local network connected? https://github.com/stephane/libmodbus/issues/575 // Note: getaddrinfo could cause freezes on Android if there is no network https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/13300 if (getaddrinfo(szHostName, NULL, &hints, &res) == 0 && res != NULL) { memcpy(&SocketAddress->sin_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in*)res->ai_addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(SocketAddress->sin_addr)); freeaddrinfo(res); return 0; } #elif defined(getifaddrs) // On Android: Requires __ANDROID_API__ >= 24 struct ifaddrs* ifAddrStruct = NULL; struct ifaddrs* ifa = NULL; getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct); if (ifAddrStruct != NULL) { for (ifa = ifAddrStruct; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (!ifa->ifa_addr) { continue; } if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { // check it is IP4 // is a valid IP4 Address SocketAddress->sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in*)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr; break; } } freeifaddrs(ifAddrStruct); return 0; } #else // Alternative way int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock != SOCKET_ERROR) { const char* kGoogleDnsIp = ""; // Needs to be an IP string so it can be resolved as fast as possible to IP, doesn't need to be reachable uint16_t kDnsPort = 53; struct sockaddr_in serv; memset(&serv, 0, sizeof(serv)); serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(kGoogleDnsIp); serv.sin_port = htons(kDnsPort); int err = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&serv, sizeof(serv)); if (err != SOCKET_ERROR) { struct sockaddr_in name; socklen_t namelen = sizeof(name); err = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&name, &namelen); if (err != SOCKET_ERROR) { SocketAddress->sin_addr = name.sin_addr; // May be we should cache this so it doesn't need to use connect all the time, or even better cache it when connecting to adhoc server to get an accurate IP closesocket(sock); return 0; } } closesocket(sock); } #endif return -1; } uint32_t getLocalIp(int sock) { struct sockaddr_in localAddr; localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(localAddr); getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&localAddr, &addrLen); if (isLocalServer) { localAddr.sin_addr = g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr; } return localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr; } static std::vector> InitPrivateIPRanges() { struct sockaddr_in saNet, saMask; std::vector> ip_ranges; if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saNet.sin_addr)) && 1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saMask.sin_addr))) ip_ranges.push_back({saNet.sin_addr.s_addr, saMask.sin_addr.s_addr}); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saNet.sin_addr)) && 1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saMask.sin_addr))) ip_ranges.push_back({ saNet.sin_addr.s_addr, saMask.sin_addr.s_addr }); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saNet.sin_addr)) && 1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saMask.sin_addr))) ip_ranges.push_back({ saNet.sin_addr.s_addr, saMask.sin_addr.s_addr }); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saNet.sin_addr)) && 1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saMask.sin_addr))) ip_ranges.push_back({ saNet.sin_addr.s_addr, saMask.sin_addr.s_addr }); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saNet.sin_addr)) && 1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(saMask.sin_addr))) ip_ranges.push_back({ saNet.sin_addr.s_addr, saMask.sin_addr.s_addr }); return ip_ranges; } bool isPrivateIP(uint32_t ip) { static const std::vector> ip_ranges = InitPrivateIPRanges(); for (auto ipRange : ip_ranges) { if ((ip & ipRange.second) == (ipRange.first & ipRange.second)) // We can just use ipRange.first directly if it's already correctly formatted return true; } return false; } bool isLoopbackIP(uint32_t ip) { return ((uint8_t*)&ip)[0] == 0x7f; } void getLocalMac(SceNetEtherAddr * addr){ // Read MAC Address from config uint8_t mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; if (PPSSPP_ID > 1) { memset(&mac, PPSSPP_ID, sizeof(mac)); // Making sure the 1st 2-bits on the 1st byte of OUI are zero to prevent issue with some games (ie. Gran Turismo) mac[0] &= 0xfc; } else if (!ParseMacAddress(g_Config.sMACAddress.c_str(), mac)) { ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Error parsing mac address %s", g_Config.sMACAddress.c_str()); memset(&mac, 0, sizeof(mac)); } memcpy(addr, mac, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } uint16_t getLocalPort(int sock) { struct sockaddr_in localAddr; localAddr.sin_port = 0; socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(localAddr); getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&localAddr, &addrLen); return ntohs(localAddr.sin_port); } u_long getAvailToRecv(int sock, int udpBufferSize) { u_long n = 0; // Typical MTU size is 1500 int err = -1; // Note: FIONREAD may have different behavior depends on the platform, according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9278189/how-do-i-get-amount-of-queued-data-for-udp-socket/9296481#9296481 #if defined(_WIN32) err = ioctlsocket(sock, FIONREAD, &n); #else err = ioctl(sock, FIONREAD, &n); #endif if (err < 0) return 0; if (udpBufferSize > 0 && n > 0) { // TODO: May need to filter out packets from an IP that can't be translated to MAC address // TODO: Cap number of bytes of full DGRAM message(s) up to buffer size, but may cause Warriors Orochi 2 to get FPS drops } return n; } int getSockMaxSize(int udpsock) { int n = PSP_ADHOC_PDP_MTU; // Typical MTU size is 1500 #if defined(SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE) // May not be available on all platform socklen_t m = sizeof(n); getsockopt(udpsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE, (char*)&n, &m); #endif return n; } int getSockBufferSize(int sock, int opt) { // opt = SO_RCVBUF/SO_SNDBUF int n = PSP_ADHOC_PDP_MFS; // 16384; socklen_t m = sizeof(n); getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, opt, (char *)&n, &m); // in linux the value is twice of the value being set using setsockopt return (n/2); } int setSockBufferSize(int sock, int opt, int size) { // opt = SO_RCVBUF/SO_SNDBUF int n = size; // 8192; //16384 return setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, opt, (char *)&n, sizeof(n)); } int setSockMSS(int sock, int size) { int mss = size; // 1460; return setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_MAXSEG, (char*)&mss, sizeof(mss)); } int setSockTimeout(int sock, int opt, unsigned long timeout_usec) { // opt = SO_SNDTIMEO/SO_RCVTIMEO if (timeout_usec > 0 && timeout_usec < minSocketTimeoutUS) timeout_usec = minSocketTimeoutUS; // Override timeout for high latency multiplayer #if defined(_WIN32) unsigned long optval = timeout_usec / 1000UL; if (timeout_usec > 0 && optval == 0) optval = 1; // Since there are games that use 100 usec timeout, we should set it to minimum value on Windows (1 msec) instead of using 0 (0 = indefinitely timeout) #elif defined(__APPLE__) struct timeval optval; optval.tv_sec = static_cast(timeout_usec) / 1000000L; optval.tv_usec = static_cast(timeout_usec) % 1000000L; #else struct timeval optval = { static_cast(timeout_usec) / 1000000L, static_cast(timeout_usec) % 1000000L }; #endif return setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, opt, (char*)&optval, sizeof(optval)); } int getSockNoDelay(int tcpsock) { int opt = 0; socklen_t optlen = sizeof(opt); getsockopt(tcpsock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&opt, &optlen); return opt; } //#define TCP_QUICKACK 0x0c int setSockNoDelay(int tcpsock, int flag) { int opt = flag; // Disable ACK Delay when supported #if defined(TCP_QUICKACK) setsockopt(tcpsock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (char*)&opt, sizeof(opt)); #elif defined(_WIN32) #if !defined(SIO_TCP_SET_ACK_FREQUENCY) #define SIO_TCP_SET_ACK_FREQUENCY _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR,23) #endif int freq = flag? 1:2; // can be 1..255, default is 2 (delayed 200ms) DWORD retbytes = 0; WSAIoctl(tcpsock, SIO_TCP_SET_ACK_FREQUENCY, &freq, sizeof(freq), NULL, 0, &retbytes, NULL, NULL); #endif // Disable Nagle Algo return setsockopt(tcpsock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&opt, sizeof(opt)); } int setSockNoSIGPIPE(int sock, int flag) { // Set SIGPIPE when supported (ie. BSD/MacOS X) int opt = flag; #if defined(SO_NOSIGPIPE) return setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&opt, sizeof(opt)); #endif return -1; } int setSockReuseAddrPort(int sock) { int opt = 1; // Should we set SO_BROADCAST too for SO_REUSEADDR to works like SO_REUSEPORT ? // Set SO_REUSEPORT also when supported (ie. Android) #if defined(SO_REUSEPORT) setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const char*)&opt, sizeof(opt)); #endif return setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&opt, sizeof(opt)); } int setUDPConnReset(int udpsock, bool enabled) { // On Windows: Connection Reset error on UDP could cause a strange behavior https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34242622/windows-udp-sockets-recvfrom-fails-with-error-10054 #if defined(_WIN32) #if !defined(SIO_UDP_CONNRESET) #define SIO_UDP_CONNRESET _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 12) #endif BOOL bNewBehavior = enabled; DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0; return WSAIoctl(udpsock, SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, &bNewBehavior, sizeof bNewBehavior, NULL, 0, &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL); #endif return -1; } #if !defined(TCP_KEEPIDLE) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #define TCP_KEEPIDLE TCP_KEEPALIVE //TCP_KEEPIDLE on Linux is equivalent to TCP_KEEPALIVE on macOS #endif // VS 2017 compatibility #if _MSC_VER #ifndef TCP_KEEPCNT #define TCP_KEEPCNT 16 #endif #ifndef TCP_KEEPINTVL #define TCP_KEEPINTVL 17 #endif #endif int setSockKeepAlive(int sock, bool keepalive, const int keepinvl, const int keepcnt, const int keepidle) { int optval = keepalive ? 1 : 0; int optlen = sizeof(optval); int result = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)&optval, optlen); #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) if (result == 0 && keepalive) { if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, (char*)&optval, (socklen_t*)&optlen) == 0 && optval == SOCK_STREAM) { optlen = sizeof(optval); optval = keepidle; //180 sec setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (char*)&optval, optlen); optval = keepinvl; //60 sec setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (char*)&optval, optlen); optval = keepcnt; //20 setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, (char*)&optval, optlen); } } #endif // !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) return result; } /** * Return the Number of Players with the chosen Nickname in the Local Users current Network * @param nickname To-be-searched Nickname * @return Number of matching Players */ int getNicknameCount(const char * nickname) { // Counter int count = 0; // Local Nickname Matches if (strncmp((char *)¶meter.nickname.data, nickname, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN) == 0) count++; // Peer Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Peers for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Match found if (peer->last_recv != 0 && strncmp((char *)&peer->nickname.data, nickname, ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN) == 0) count++; } // Return Result return count; } /** * PDP Socket Counter * @return Number of internal PDP Sockets */ int getPDPSocketCount() { // Socket Counter int counter = 0; // Count Sockets for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] != NULL && adhocSockets[i]->type == SOCK_PDP) counter++; // Return Socket Count return counter; } int getPTPSocketCount() { // Socket Counter int counter = 0; // Count Sockets for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++) if (adhocSockets[i] != NULL && adhocSockets[i]->type == SOCK_PTP) counter++; // Return Socket Count return counter; } int initNetwork(SceNetAdhocctlAdhocId *adhoc_id){ auto n = GetI18NCategory("Networking"); int iResult = 0; metasocket = (int)INVALID_SOCKET; metasocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (metasocket == INVALID_SOCKET){ ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Invalid socket"); return SOCKET_ERROR; } setSockKeepAlive((int)metasocket, true); // Disable Nagle Algo to prevent delaying small packets setSockNoDelay((int)metasocket, 1); // Switch to Nonblocking Behaviour changeBlockingMode((int)metasocket, 1); // If Server is at localhost Try to Bind socket to specific adapter before connecting to prevent 2nd instance being recognized as already existing by AdhocServer // (may not works in WinXP/2003 for IPv4 due to "Weak End System" model) if (isLoopbackIP(g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr)) { int on = 1; // Not sure what is this SO_DONTROUTE supposed to fix, but i do remembered there were issue related to multiple-instances without SO_DONTROUTE, but forgot how to reproduce it :( setsockopt((int)metasocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)); setSockReuseAddrPort((int)metasocket); g_localhostIP.in.sin_port = 0; // Bind Local Address to Socket iResult = bind((int)metasocket, &g_localhostIP.addr, sizeof(g_localhostIP.addr)); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Bind to alternate localhost[%s] failed(%i).", ip2str(g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr).c_str(), iResult); host->NotifyUserMessage(std::string(n->T("Failed to Bind Localhost IP")) + " " + ip2str(g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr).c_str(), 2.0, 0x0000ff); } } // Default/Initial Network Parameters memset(¶meter, 0, sizeof(parameter)); strncpy((char *)¶meter.nickname.data, g_Config.sNickName.c_str(), ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN); parameter.nickname.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; parameter.channel = g_Config.iWlanAdhocChannel; // Assign a Valid Channel when connected to AP/Adhoc if it's Auto. JPCSP use 11 as default for Auto (Commonly for Auto: 1, 6, 11) if (parameter.channel == PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC) parameter.channel = defaultWlanChannel; // Faked Active channel to default channel //getLocalMac(¶meter.bssid.mac_addr); // Default ProductId product_code.type = adhoc_id->type; memcpy(product_code.data, adhoc_id->data, ADHOCCTL_ADHOCID_LEN); // Don't need to connect if AdhocServer DNS was not resolved if (g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) return -1; // Don't need to connect if AdhocServer IP is the same with this instance localhost IP and having AdhocServer disabled if (g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr == g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr && !g_Config.bEnableAdhocServer) return -1; // Connect to Adhoc Server int errorcode = 0; int cnt = 0; iResult = connect((int)metasocket, &g_adhocServerIP.addr, sizeof(g_adhocServerIP)); errorcode = errno; if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR && errorcode != EISCONN) { u64 startTime = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0); while (IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true) <= 0) { u64 now = (u64)(time_now_d() * 1000000.0); if (coreState == CORE_POWERDOWN) return iResult; if (now - startTime > adhocDefaultTimeout) break; sleep_ms(10); } if (IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true) <= 0) { ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "Socket error (%i) when connecting to AdhocServer [%s/%s:%u]", errorcode, g_Config.proAdhocServer.c_str(), ip2str(g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(g_adhocServerIP.in.sin_port)); host->NotifyUserMessage(std::string(n->T("Failed to connect to Adhoc Server")) + " (" + std::string(n->T("Error")) + ": " + std::to_string(errorcode) + ")", 1.0f, 0x0000ff); return iResult; } } // Prepare Login Packet SceNetAdhocctlLoginPacketC2S packet; packet.base.opcode = OPCODE_LOGIN; SceNetEtherAddr addres; getLocalMac(&addres); packet.mac = addres; strncpy((char *)&packet.name.data, g_Config.sNickName.c_str(), ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN); packet.name.data[ADHOCCTL_NICKNAME_LEN - 1] = 0; memcpy(packet.game.data, adhoc_id->data, ADHOCCTL_ADHOCID_LEN); IsSocketReady((int)metasocket, false, true, nullptr, adhocDefaultTimeout); int sent = send((int)metasocket, (char*)&packet, sizeof(packet), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (sent > 0) { socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(LocalIP); memset(&LocalIP, 0, addrLen); getsockname((int)metasocket, &LocalIP, &addrLen); host->NotifyUserMessage(n->T("Network Initialized"), 1.0); return 0; } else{ return SOCKET_ERROR; } } bool isZeroMAC(const SceNetEtherAddr* addr) { return (memcmp(addr->data, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0); } bool isBroadcastMAC(const SceNetEtherAddr * addr) { return (memcmp(addr->data, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0); } bool resolveIP(uint32_t ip, SceNetEtherAddr * mac) { sockaddr_in addr; getLocalIp(&addr); uint32_t localIp = addr.sin_addr.s_addr; if (ip == localIp || ip == g_localhostIP.in.sin_addr.s_addr) { getLocalMac(mac); return true; } // Multithreading Lock std::lock_guard peer_guard(peerlock); // Peer Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Peers for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Matching Peer if (peer->ip_addr == ip) { // Copy Data *mac = peer->mac_addr; // Return Success return true; } } // Peer not found return false; } bool resolveMAC(SceNetEtherAddr * mac, uint32_t * ip) { // Get Local MAC Address SceNetEtherAddr localMac; getLocalMac(&localMac); // Local MAC Requested if (isMacMatch(&localMac, mac)) { // Get Local IP Address sockaddr_in sockAddr; getLocalIp(&sockAddr); *ip = sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr; return true; // return succes } // Multithreading Lock std::lock_guard peer_guard(peerlock); // Peer Reference SceNetAdhocctlPeerInfo * peer = friends; // Iterate Peers for (; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) { // Found Matching Peer if (isMacMatch(&peer->mac_addr, mac)) { // Copy Data *ip = peer->ip_addr; // Return Success return true; } } // Peer not found return false; } bool validNetworkName(const SceNetAdhocctlGroupName * group_name) { // Result bool valid = true; // Name given if (group_name != NULL) { // Iterate Name Characters for (int i = 0; i < ADHOCCTL_GROUPNAME_LEN && valid; i++) { // End of Name if (group_name->data[i] == 0) break; // Not a digit if (group_name->data[i] < '0' || group_name->data[i] > '9') { // Not 'A' to 'Z' if (group_name->data[i] < 'A' || group_name->data[i] > 'Z') { // Not 'a' to 'z' if (group_name->data[i] < 'a' || group_name->data[i] > 'z') { // Invalid Name valid = false; } } } } } // Return Result return valid; } u64 join32(u32 num1, u32 num2){ return (u64)num2 << 32 | num1; } void split64(u64 num, int buff[]){ int num1 = (int)(num&firstMask); int num2 = (int)((num&secondMask) >> 32); buff[0] = num1; buff[1] = num2; } const char* getMatchingEventStr(int code) { const char *buf = NULL; switch (code) { case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_HELLO: buf = "HELLO"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_REQUEST: buf = "JOIN"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_LEAVE: buf = "LEAVE"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DENY: buf = "REJECT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_CANCEL: buf = "CANCEL"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ACCEPT: buf = "ACCEPT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ESTABLISHED: buf = "ESTABLISHED"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_TIMEOUT: buf = "TIMEOUT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_ERROR: buf = "ERROR"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_BYE: buf = "DISCONNECT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DATA: buf = "DATA"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DATA_ACK: buf = "DATA_ACK"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_DATA_TIMEOUT: buf = "DATA_TIMEOUT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_EVENT_INTERNAL_PING: buf = "INTERNAL_PING"; break; default: buf = "UNKNOWN"; } return buf; } const char* getMatchingOpcodeStr(int code) { const char *buf = NULL; switch (code) { case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_PING: buf = "PING"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_HELLO: buf = "HELLO"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_JOIN: buf = "JOIN"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_ACCEPT: buf = "ACCEPT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_CANCEL: buf = "CANCEL"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK: buf = "BULK"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BULK_ABORT: buf = "BULK_ABORT"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BIRTH: buf = "BIRTH"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_DEATH: buf = "DEATH"; break; case PSP_ADHOC_MATCHING_PACKET_BYE: buf = "BYE"; break; default: buf = "UNKNOWN"; } return buf; }