// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "../../Globals.h" #include #include "VertexShaderGenerator.h" #include "FragmentShaderGenerator.h" class Shader; class LinkedShader { public: LinkedShader(Shader *vs, Shader *fs); ~LinkedShader(); void use(); uint32_t program; u32 dirtyUniforms; // Pre-fetched attrs and uniforms int a_position; int a_color0; int a_color1; int a_texcoord; int a_normal; int a_weight0123; int a_weight4567; int u_tex; int u_proj; int u_proj_through; int u_texenv; int u_view; int u_texmtx; int u_world; int u_bone[8]; // Fragment processing inputs int u_alphacolorref; int u_fogcolor; int u_fogcoef; // Texturing int u_uvscaleoffset; // Lighting int u_ambient; int u_matambientalpha; int u_matdiffuse; int u_matspecular; int u_matemissive; int u_lightpos[4]; int u_lightdir[4]; int u_lightatt[4]; // attenuation int u_lightdiffuse[4]; // each light consist of vec4[3] int u_lightspecular[4]; // attenuation int u_lightambient[4]; // attenuation }; // Will reach 32 bits soon :P enum { DIRTY_PROJMATRIX = (1 << 0), DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX = (1 << 1), DIRTY_FOGCOLOR = (1 << 2), DIRTY_FOGCOEF = (1 << 3), DIRTY_TEXENV = (1 << 4), DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF = (1 << 5), DIRTY_COLORREF = (1 << 6), DIRTY_LIGHT0 = (1 << 8), DIRTY_LIGHT1 = (1 << 9), DIRTY_LIGHT2 = (1 << 10), DIRTY_LIGHT3 = (1 << 11), DIRTY_MATDIFFUSE = (1 << 12), DIRTY_MATSPECULAR = (1 << 13), DIRTY_MATEMISSIVE = (1 << 14), DIRTY_AMBIENT = (1 << 15), DIRTY_MATAMBIENTALPHA = (1 << 16), DIRTY_MATERIAL = (1 << 17), // let's set all 4 together (emissive ambient diffuse specular). We hide specular coef in specular.a DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET = (1 << 18), // this will be dirtied ALL THE TIME... maybe we'll need to do "last value with this shader compares" DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX = (1 << 21), DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX = (1 << 22), // Maybe we'll fold this into projmatrix eventually DIRTY_TEXMATRIX = (1 << 23), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 = (1 << 24), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX1 = (1 << 25), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX2 = (1 << 26), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX3 = (1 << 27), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX4 = (1 << 28), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX5 = (1 << 29), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX6 = (1 << 30), DIRTY_BONEMATRIX7 = (1 << 31), DIRTY_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF }; // Real public interface class Shader { public: Shader(const char *code, uint32_t shaderType); uint32_t shader; const std::string &source() const { return source_; } private: std::string source_; }; class ShaderManager { public: ShaderManager() : globalDirty(0xFFFFFFFF) {} void ClearCache(bool deleteThem); // TODO: deleteThem currently not respected LinkedShader *ApplyShader(int prim); void DirtyShader(); void DirtyUniform(u32 what); int NumVertexShaders() const { return (int)vsCache.size(); } int NumFragmentShaders() const { return (int)fsCache.size(); } int NumPrograms() const { return (int)linkedShaderCache.size(); } private: void Clear(); typedef std::map, LinkedShader *> LinkedShaderCache; LinkedShaderCache linkedShaderCache; FragmentShaderID lastFSID; VertexShaderID lastVSID; LinkedShader *lastShader; u32 globalDirty; typedef std::map FSCache; FSCache fsCache; typedef std::map VSCache; VSCache vsCache; };