// Copyright (c) 2018- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #ifndef _POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS #define _POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS 200112L #endif #endif #include #include #include #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Common/File/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Core/Replay.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/FileSystem.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelTime.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceRtc.h" enum class ReplayState { IDLE, EXECUTE, SAVE, }; // Overall structure of file format: // // - ReplayFileHeader with basic data about replay (mostly timestamp for sync.) // - An indeterminate sequence of events: // - ReplayItemHeader (primary event details) // - Side data of bytes listed in header, if SIDEDATA flag set on action. // // The header doesn't say how long the replay is, because new events are // appended to the file as they occur. It is usually near, and always less than: // // (fileSize - sizeof(ReplayFileHeader)) / sizeof(ReplayItemHeader) // File data formats below. #pragma pack(push, 1) static const char *REPLAY_MAGIC = "PPREPLAY"; static const int REPLAY_VERSION_MIN = 1; static const int REPLAY_VERSION_CURRENT = 1; struct ReplayFileHeader { char magic[8]; u32_le version = REPLAY_VERSION_CURRENT; u32_le reserved[3]{}; u64_le rtcBaseSeconds; }; struct ReplayItemHeader { ReplayAction action; u64_le timestamp; union { u32_le buttons; uint8_t analog[2][2]; u32_le result; u64_le result64; // NOTE: Certain action types have data, always sized by this/result. u32_le size; }; ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction a, uint64_t t) { action = a; timestamp = t; } ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction a, uint64_t t, uint32_t v) : ReplayItemHeader(a, t) { result = v; } ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction a, uint64_t t, uint64_t v) : ReplayItemHeader(a, t) { result64 = v; } ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction a, uint64_t t, uint8_t v[2][2]) : ReplayItemHeader(a, t) { memcpy(analog, v, sizeof(analog)); } }; static const int REPLAY_MAX_FILENAME = 256; struct ReplayFileInfo { char filename[REPLAY_MAX_FILENAME]{}; s64_le size = 0; u16_le access = 0; uint8_t exists = 0; uint8_t isDirectory = 0; s64_le atime = 0; s64_le ctime = 0; s64_le mtime = 0; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct ReplayItem { ReplayItemHeader info; std::vector data; ReplayItem(ReplayItemHeader h) : info(h) { } }; static std::vector replayItems; // One more than the last executed item. static size_t replayExecPos = 0; static bool replaySaveWroteHeader = false; static ReplayState replayState = ReplayState::IDLE; static bool replaySawGameDirWrite = false; static size_t replayCtrlPos = 0; static uint32_t lastButtons = 0; static uint8_t lastAnalog[2][2]{}; static size_t replayDiskPos = 0; static bool diskFailed = false; void ReplayExecuteBlob(const std::vector &data) { ReplayAbort(); // Rough estimate. replayItems.reserve(data.size() / sizeof(ReplayItemHeader)); for (size_t i = 0, sz = data.size(); i < sz; ) { if (i + sizeof(ReplayItemHeader) > sz) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Truncated replay data at %lld during item header", (long long)i); break; } ReplayItemHeader *info = (ReplayItemHeader *)&data[i]; ReplayItem item(*info); i += sizeof(ReplayItemHeader); if ((int)item.info.action & (int)ReplayAction::MASK_SIDEDATA) { if (i + item.info.size > sz) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Truncated replay data at %lld during side data", (long long)i); break; } if (item.info.size != 0) { item.data.resize(item.info.size); memcpy(&item.data[0], &data[i], item.info.size); i += item.info.size; } } replayItems.push_back(item); } replayState = ReplayState::EXECUTE; INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Executing replay with %lld items", (long long)replayItems.size()); } bool ReplayExecuteFile(const std::string &filename) { ReplayAbort(); FILE *fp = File::OpenCFile(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { DEBUG_LOG(SYSTEM, "Failed to open replay file: %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } std::vector data; auto loadData = [&]() { // TODO: Maybe stream instead. size_t sz = File::GetFileSize(fp); if (sz <= sizeof(ReplayFileHeader)) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Empty replay data"); return false; } ReplayFileHeader fh; if (fread(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, fp) != 1) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Could not read replay file header"); return false; } sz -= sizeof(fh); if (memcmp(fh.magic, REPLAY_MAGIC, sizeof(fh.magic)) != 0) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Replay header corrupt"); return false; } if (fh.version < REPLAY_VERSION_MIN) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Replay version %d unsupported", fh.version); return false; } else if (fh.version > REPLAY_VERSION_CURRENT) { WARN_LOG(SYSTEM, "Replay version %d scary and futuristic, trying anyway", fh.version); } data.resize(sz); if (fread(&data[0], sz, 1, fp) != 1) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Could not read replay data"); return false; } return true; }; if (loadData()) { fclose(fp); ReplayExecuteBlob(data); return true; } fclose(fp); return false; } bool ReplayHasMoreEvents() { return replayExecPos < replayItems.size(); } void ReplayBeginSave() { if (replayState != ReplayState::EXECUTE) { // Restart any save operation. ReplayAbort(); } else { // Discard any unexecuted items, but resume from there. // The parameter isn't used here, since we'll always be resizing down. replayItems.resize(replayExecPos, ReplayItem(ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::BUTTONS, 0))); } replayState = ReplayState::SAVE; } void ReplayFlushBlob(std::vector *data) { size_t sz = replayItems.size() * sizeof(ReplayItemHeader); // Add in any side data. for (const auto &item : replayItems) { if ((int)item.info.action & (int)ReplayAction::MASK_SIDEDATA) { sz += item.info.size; } } data->resize(sz); size_t pos = 0; for (const auto &item : replayItems) { memcpy(&(*data)[pos], &item.info, sizeof(item.info)); pos += sizeof(item.info); if ((int)item.info.action & (int)ReplayAction::MASK_SIDEDATA) { memcpy(&(*data)[pos], &item.data[0], item.data.size()); pos += item.data.size(); } } // Keep recording, but throw away our buffered items. replayItems.clear(); } bool ReplayFlushFile(const std::string &filename) { FILE *fp = File::OpenCFile(filename, replaySaveWroteHeader ? "ab" : "wb"); if (!fp) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Failed to open replay file: %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } bool success = true; if (!replaySaveWroteHeader) { ReplayFileHeader fh; memcpy(fh.magic, REPLAY_MAGIC, sizeof(fh.magic)); fh.rtcBaseSeconds = RtcBaseTime(); success = fwrite(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, fp) == 1; replaySaveWroteHeader = true; } size_t c = replayItems.size(); if (success && c != 0) { // TODO: Maybe stream instead. std::vector data; ReplayFlushBlob(&data); success = fwrite(&data[0], data.size(), 1, fp) == 1; } fclose(fp); if (success) { DEBUG_LOG(SYSTEM, "Flushed %lld replay items", (long long)c); } else { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Could not write %lld replay items (disk full?)", (long long)c); } return success; } void ReplayAbort() { replayItems.clear(); replayExecPos = 0; replaySaveWroteHeader = false; replayState = ReplayState::IDLE; replaySawGameDirWrite = false; replayCtrlPos = 0; lastButtons = 0; memset(lastAnalog, 0, sizeof(lastAnalog)); replayDiskPos = 0; diskFailed = false; } static void ReplaySaveCtrl(uint32_t &buttons, uint8_t analog[2][2], uint64_t t) { if (lastButtons != buttons) { replayItems.push_back(ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::BUTTONS, t, buttons)); lastButtons = buttons; } if (memcmp(lastAnalog, analog, sizeof(lastAnalog)) != 0) { replayItems.push_back(ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::ANALOG, t, analog)); memcpy(lastAnalog, analog, sizeof(lastAnalog)); } } static void ReplayExecuteCtrl(uint32_t &buttons, uint8_t analog[2][2], uint64_t t) { if (replayCtrlPos >= replayItems.size()) { // Don't assert buttons, let the user input prevail. return; } for (; replayCtrlPos < replayItems.size() && t >= replayItems[replayCtrlPos].info.timestamp; ++replayCtrlPos) { const auto &item = replayItems[replayCtrlPos]; switch (item.info.action) { case ReplayAction::BUTTONS: lastButtons = item.info.buttons; break; case ReplayAction::ANALOG: memcpy(lastAnalog, item.info.analog, sizeof(lastAnalog)); break; default: // Ignore non ctrl types. break; } } // We have to always apply the latest state here, because otherwise real input is used between changes. buttons = lastButtons; memcpy(analog, lastAnalog, sizeof(lastAnalog)); if (replayExecPos < replayCtrlPos) { replayExecPos = replayCtrlPos; } } void ReplayApplyCtrl(uint32_t &buttons, uint8_t analog[2][2], uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: ReplayExecuteCtrl(buttons, analog, t); break; case ReplayState::SAVE: ReplaySaveCtrl(buttons, analog, t); break; case ReplayState::IDLE: default: break; } } static const ReplayItem *ReplayNextDisk(uint64_t t) { // TODO: Currently not checking t for timing purposes. Should still be same order anyway. while (replayDiskPos < replayItems.size()) { const auto &item = replayItems[replayDiskPos++]; if ((int)item.info.action & (int)ReplayAction::MASK_FILE) { return &item; } } return nullptr; } static const ReplayItem *ReplayNextDisk(ReplayAction action, uint64_t t) { // Bail early and ignore replay data if the disk data is out of sync. if (diskFailed) { return nullptr; } auto item = ReplayNextDisk(t); if (!item || item->info.action != action) { // If we got the wrong thing, or if there weren't any disk items then stop trying. diskFailed = true; return nullptr; } if (replayExecPos < replayDiskPos) { replayExecPos = replayDiskPos; } return item; } uint32_t ReplayApplyDisk(ReplayAction action, uint32_t result, uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: { auto item = ReplayNextDisk(action, t); if (item) return item->info.result; return result; } case ReplayState::SAVE: replayItems.push_back(ReplayItemHeader(action, t, result)); return result; case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return result; } } uint64_t ReplayApplyDisk64(ReplayAction action, uint64_t result, uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: { auto item = ReplayNextDisk(action, t); if (item) return item->info.result64; return result; } case ReplayState::SAVE: replayItems.push_back(ReplayItemHeader(action, t, result)); return result; case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return result; } } uint32_t ReplayApplyDiskRead(void *data, uint32_t readSize, uint32_t dataSize, bool inGameDir, uint64_t t) { // Ignore PSP/GAME reads if we haven't seen a write there. if (inGameDir && !replaySawGameDirWrite) { return readSize; } switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: { auto item = ReplayNextDisk(ReplayAction::FILE_READ, t); if (item && item->data.size() <= dataSize) { memcpy(data, &item->data[0], item->data.size()); return item->info.result; } return readSize; } case ReplayState::SAVE: { ReplayItem item = ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::FILE_READ, t, readSize); item.data.resize(readSize); memcpy(&item.data[0], data, readSize); replayItems.push_back(item); return readSize; } case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return readSize; } } uint64_t ReplayApplyDiskWrite(const void *data, uint64_t writeSize, uint64_t dataSize, bool *diskFull, bool inGameDir, uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: case ReplayState::SAVE: // Never let the disk return full during replay. if (diskFull) *diskFull = false; if (inGameDir) replaySawGameDirWrite = true; return writeSize; case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return writeSize; } } static int64_t ConvertFromTm(const struct tm *t) { // Remember, mktime modifies. struct tm copy = *t; return (int64_t)mktime(©); } static void ConvertToTm(struct tm *t, int64_t sec) { time_t copy = sec; localtime_r(©, t); } ReplayFileInfo ConvertFileInfo(const PSPFileInfo &data) { ReplayFileInfo info; truncate_cpy(info.filename, data.name.c_str()); info.size = data.size; info.access = (uint16_t)data.access; info.exists = data.exists ? 1 : 0; info.isDirectory = data.type == FILETYPE_DIRECTORY ? 1 : 0; info.atime = ConvertFromTm(&data.atime); info.ctime = ConvertFromTm(&data.ctime); info.mtime = ConvertFromTm(&data.mtime); return info; } PSPFileInfo ConvertFileInfo(const ReplayFileInfo &info) { PSPFileInfo data; data.name = std::string(info.filename, strnlen(info.filename, sizeof(info.filename))); data.size = info.size; data.access = info.access; data.exists = info.exists != 0; data.type = info.isDirectory ? FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : FILETYPE_NORMAL; ConvertToTm(&data.atime, info.atime); ConvertToTm(&data.ctime, info.ctime); ConvertToTm(&data.mtime, info.mtime); // Always a regular file read. data.isOnSectorSystem = false; data.startSector = 0; data.numSectors = 0; data.sectorSize = 0; return data; } PSPFileInfo ReplayApplyDiskFileInfo(const PSPFileInfo &data, uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: { auto item = ReplayNextDisk(ReplayAction::FILE_INFO, t); if (item && item->data.size() == sizeof(ReplayFileInfo)) { ReplayFileInfo info; memcpy(&info, &item->data[0], sizeof(info)); return ConvertFileInfo(info); } return data; } case ReplayState::SAVE: { ReplayFileInfo info = ConvertFileInfo(data); ReplayItem item = ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::FILE_INFO, t, (uint32_t)sizeof(info)); item.data.resize(sizeof(info)); memcpy(&item.data[0], &info, sizeof(info)); replayItems.push_back(item); return data; } case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return data; } } std::vector ReplayApplyDiskListing(const std::vector &data, uint64_t t) { switch (replayState) { case ReplayState::EXECUTE: { auto item = ReplayNextDisk(ReplayAction::FILE_LISTING, t); if (item && (item->data.size() % sizeof(ReplayFileInfo)) == 0) { std::vector results; size_t items = item->data.size() / sizeof(ReplayFileInfo); for (size_t i = 0; i < items; ++i) { ReplayFileInfo info; memcpy(&info, &item->data[i * sizeof(info)], sizeof(info)); results.push_back(ConvertFileInfo(info)); } return results; } return data; } case ReplayState::SAVE: { size_t sz = sizeof(ReplayFileInfo) * data.size(); ReplayItem item = ReplayItemHeader(ReplayAction::FILE_LISTING, t, (uint32_t)sz); item.data.resize(sz); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { ReplayFileInfo info = ConvertFileInfo(data[i]); memcpy(&item.data[i * sizeof(ReplayFileInfo)], &info, sizeof(info)); } replayItems.push_back(item); return data; } case ReplayState::IDLE: default: return data; } }