// Copyright (c) 2014- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include "Common/Net/HTTPClient.h" #include "Common/Net/HTTPServer.h" #include "Common/Net/Sinks.h" #include "Common/Net/URL.h" #include "Common/Thread/ThreadUtil.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Common/File/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/File/FileDescriptor.h" #include "Common/File/DirListing.h" #include "Common/File/VFS/VFS.h" #include "Common/TimeUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Debugger/WebSocket.h" #include "Core/WebServer.h" enum class ServerStatus { STOPPED, STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPING, FINISHED, }; static const char *REPORT_HOSTNAME = "report.ppsspp.org"; static const int REPORT_PORT = 80; static std::thread serverThread; static ServerStatus serverStatus; static std::mutex serverStatusLock; static int serverFlags; // NOTE: These *only* encode spaces, which is almost enough. std::string ServerUriEncode(std::string_view plain) { return ReplaceAll(plain, " ", "%20"); } std::string ServerUriDecode(std::string_view encoded) { return ReplaceAll(encoded, "%20", " "); } static void UpdateStatus(ServerStatus s) { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); serverStatus = s; } static ServerStatus RetrieveStatus() { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); return serverStatus; } // This reports the local IP address to report.ppsspp.org, which can then // relay that address to a mobile device searching for the server. static bool RegisterServer(int port) { bool success = false; http::Client http; bool cancelled = false; net::RequestProgress progress(&cancelled); Buffer theVoid = Buffer::Void(); http.SetUserAgent(StringFromFormat("PPSSPP/%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION)); char resource4[1024]{}; if (http.Resolve(REPORT_HOSTNAME, REPORT_PORT, net::DNSType::IPV4)) { if (http.Connect()) { std::string ip = fd_util::GetLocalIP(http.sock()); snprintf(resource4, sizeof(resource4) - 1, "/match/update?local=%s&port=%d", ip.c_str(), port); if (http.GET(http::RequestParams(resource4), &theVoid, &progress) > 0) success = true; theVoid.Skip(theVoid.size()); http.Disconnect(); } } if (http.Resolve(REPORT_HOSTNAME, REPORT_PORT, net::DNSType::IPV6)) { // If IPv4 was successful, don't give this as much time (it blocks and sometimes IPv6 is broken.) double timeout = success ? 2.0 : 10.0; // We register both IPv4 and IPv6 in case the other client is using a different one. if (resource4[0] != 0 && http.Connect(timeout)) { if (http.GET(http::RequestParams(resource4), &theVoid, &progress) > 0) success = true; theVoid.Skip(theVoid.size()); http.Disconnect(); } // Currently, we're not using keepalive, so gotta reconnect... if (http.Connect(timeout)) { char resource6[1024] = {}; std::string ip = fd_util::GetLocalIP(http.sock()); snprintf(resource6, sizeof(resource6) - 1, "/match/update?local=%s&port=%d", ip.c_str(), port); if (http.GET(http::RequestParams(resource6), &theVoid, &progress) > 0) success = true; theVoid.Skip(theVoid.size()); http.Disconnect(); } } return success; } bool RemoteISOFileSupported(const std::string &filename) { // Disc-like files. if (endsWithNoCase(filename, ".cso") || endsWithNoCase(filename, ".iso") || endsWithNoCase(filename, ".chd")) { return true; } // May work - but won't have supporting files. if (endsWithNoCase(filename, ".pbp")) { return true; } // Debugging files. if (endsWithNoCase(filename, ".ppdmp")) { return true; } return false; } static std::string RemotePathForRecent(const std::string &filename) { Path path(filename); if (path.Type() == PathType::HTTP) { // Don't re-share HTTP files from some other device. return std::string(); } #ifdef _WIN32 static const std::string sep = "\\/"; #else static const std::string sep = "/"; #endif size_t basepos = filename.find_last_of(sep); std::string basename = "/" + (basepos == filename.npos ? filename : filename.substr(basepos + 1)); if (basename == "/EBOOT.PBP") { // Go up one more folder. size_t nextpos = filename.find_last_of(sep, basepos - 1); basename = "/" + (nextpos == filename.npos ? filename : filename.substr(nextpos + 1)); } // Let's not serve directories, since they won't work. Only single files. // Maybe can do PBPs and other files later. Would be neat to stream virtual disc filesystems. if (RemoteISOFileSupported(basename)) { return ServerUriEncode(basename); } return std::string(); } static Path LocalFromRemotePath(const std::string &path) { switch ((RemoteISOShareType)g_Config.iRemoteISOShareType) { case RemoteISOShareType::RECENT: for (const std::string &filename : g_Config.RecentIsos()) { std::string basename = RemotePathForRecent(filename); if (basename == path) { return Path(filename); } } return Path(); case RemoteISOShareType::LOCAL_FOLDER: { std::string decoded = ServerUriDecode(path); if (decoded.empty() || decoded.front() != '/') { return Path(); } // First reject backslashes, in case of any Windows shenanigans. if (decoded.find('\\') != std::string::npos) { return Path(); } // Then, reject slashes combined with ".." to prevent directory traversal. Hope this is enough. if (decoded.find("/..") != std::string::npos) { return Path(); } return Path(g_Config.sRemoteISOSharedDir) / decoded; } default: return Path(); } } static void DiscHandler(const http::ServerRequest &request, const Path &filename) { s64 sz = File::GetFileSize(filename); if (sz == 0) { // Probably failed request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 404, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push("File not found."); return; } std::string range; if (request.Method() == http::RequestHeader::HEAD) { request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 200, sz, "application/octet-stream", "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); } else if (request.GetHeader("range", &range)) { s64 begin = 0, last = 0; if (sscanf(range.c_str(), "bytes=%lld-%lld", &begin, &last) != 2) { request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 400, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push("Could not understand range request."); return; } if (begin < 0 || begin > last || last >= sz) { request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 416, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push("Range goes outside of file."); return; } FILE *fp = File::OpenCFile(filename, "rb"); if (!fp || fseek(fp, begin, SEEK_SET) != 0) { request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 500, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push("File access failed."); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } return; } s64 len = last - begin + 1; char contentRange[1024]; snprintf(contentRange, sizeof(contentRange), "Content-Range: bytes %lld-%lld/%lld\r\n", begin, last, sz); request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 206, len, "application/octet-stream", contentRange); const size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024; char *buf = new char[CHUNK_SIZE]; for (s64 pos = 0; pos < len; pos += CHUNK_SIZE) { s64 chunklen = std::min(len - pos, (s64)CHUNK_SIZE); if (fread(buf, chunklen, 1, fp) != 1) break; request.Out()->Push(buf, chunklen); } fclose(fp); delete[] buf; request.Out()->Flush(); } else { request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 418, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push("This server only supports range requests."); } } static void HandleListing(const http::ServerRequest &request) { AndroidJNIThreadContext jniContext; request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 200, -1, "text/plain"); request.Out()->Printf("/\n"); if (serverFlags & (int)WebServerFlags::DISCS) { switch ((RemoteISOShareType)g_Config.iRemoteISOShareType) { case RemoteISOShareType::RECENT: // List the current discs in their recent order. for (const std::string &filename : g_Config.RecentIsos()) { std::string basename = RemotePathForRecent(filename); if (!basename.empty()) { request.Out()->Printf("%s\n", basename.c_str()); } } break; case RemoteISOShareType::LOCAL_FOLDER: { std::vector entries; std::string resource = request.resource(); Path localDir = LocalFromRemotePath(resource); File::GetFilesInDir(localDir, &entries); for (const auto &entry : entries) { // TODO: Support browsing into subdirs. How are folders marked? if (!entry.isDirectory && !RemoteISOFileSupported(entry.name)) { continue; } std::string name = entry.name; if (entry.isDirectory) { name.push_back('/'); } std::string encoded = ServerUriEncode(name); request.Out()->Printf("%s\n", encoded.c_str()); } break; } } } if (serverFlags & (int)WebServerFlags::DEBUGGER) { request.Out()->Printf("/debugger\n"); } } static bool ServeDebuggerFile(const http::ServerRequest &request) { // Skip the slash at the start of the resource path. const char *filename = request.resource() + 1; if (strstr(filename, "..") != nullptr) return false; size_t size; uint8_t *data = g_VFS.ReadFile(filename, &size); if (!data) return false; std::string ext = Path(filename).GetFileExtension(); const char *mimeType = "text/plain"; if (ext == ".html") { mimeType = "text/html"; } else if (ext == ".ico") { mimeType = "image/x-icon"; } else if (ext == ".js") { mimeType = "application/javascript"; } else if (ext == ".svg") { mimeType = "image/svg+xml"; } else if (ext == ".png") { mimeType = "image/png"; } else if (ext == ".css") { mimeType = "text/css"; } request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 200, (int)size, mimeType); request.Out()->Push((char *)data, size); delete[] data; return true; } static void RedirectToDebugger(const http::ServerRequest &request) { static const std::string payload = "Redirecting to debugger UI...\r\n"; request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 301, (int)payload.size(), "text/plain", "Location: /debugger/index.html\r\n"); request.Out()->Push(payload); } static void HandleFallback(const http::ServerRequest &request) { SetCurrentThreadName("HandleFallback"); AndroidJNIThreadContext jniContext; if (serverFlags & (int)WebServerFlags::DISCS) { std::string resource = request.resource(); Path localPath = LocalFromRemotePath(resource); INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Serving %s from %s", resource.c_str(), localPath.c_str()); if (!localPath.empty()) { if (File::IsDirectory(localPath)) { HandleListing(request); } else { DiscHandler(request, localPath); } return; } } if ((serverFlags & (int)WebServerFlags::DEBUGGER) != 0) { if (!strcmp(request.resource(), "/debugger/")) { RedirectToDebugger(request); return; } if (startsWith(request.resource(), "/debugger/") && ServeDebuggerFile(request)) return; } static const std::string payload = "404 not found\r\n"; request.WriteHttpResponseHeader("1.0", 404, (int)payload.size(), "text/plain"); request.Out()->Push(payload); } static void ForwardDebuggerRequest(const http::ServerRequest &request) { SetCurrentThreadName("ForwardDebuggerRequest"); AndroidJNIThreadContext jniContext; if (serverFlags & (int)WebServerFlags::DEBUGGER) { // Check if this is a websocket request... std::string upgrade; if (!request.GetHeader("upgrade", &upgrade)) { upgrade.clear(); } // Yes - proceed with the socket. if (strcasecmp(upgrade.c_str(), "websocket") == 0) { HandleDebuggerRequest(request); } else { RedirectToDebugger(request); } } else { HandleFallback(request); } } static void ExecuteWebServer() { SetCurrentThreadName("HTTPServer"); AndroidJNIThreadContext context; // Destructor detaches. auto http = new http::Server(new NewThreadExecutor()); http->RegisterHandler("/", &HandleListing); // This lists all the (current) recent ISOs. http->SetFallbackHandler(&HandleFallback); http->RegisterHandler("/debugger", &ForwardDebuggerRequest); if (!http->Listen(g_Config.iRemoteISOPort)) { if (!http->Listen(0)) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to listen on any port"); UpdateStatus(ServerStatus::FINISHED); return; } } UpdateStatus(ServerStatus::RUNNING); g_Config.iRemoteISOPort = http->Port(); RegisterServer(http->Port()); double lastRegister = time_now_d(); while (RetrieveStatus() == ServerStatus::RUNNING) { http->RunSlice(1.0); double now = time_now_d(); if (now > lastRegister + 540.0) { RegisterServer(http->Port()); lastRegister = now; } } http->Stop(); StopAllDebuggers(); delete http; UpdateStatus(ServerStatus::FINISHED); } bool StartWebServer(WebServerFlags flags) { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); switch (serverStatus) { case ServerStatus::RUNNING: if ((serverFlags & (int)flags) == (int)flags) { return false; } serverFlags |= (int)flags; return true; case ServerStatus::FINISHED: serverThread.join(); // Intentional fallthrough. case ServerStatus::STOPPED: serverStatus = ServerStatus::STARTING; serverFlags = (int)flags; serverThread = std::thread(&ExecuteWebServer); return true; default: return false; } } bool StopWebServer(WebServerFlags flags) { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); if (serverStatus != ServerStatus::RUNNING) { return false; } serverFlags &= ~(int)flags; if (serverFlags == 0) { serverStatus = ServerStatus::STOPPING; } return true; } bool WebServerStopping(WebServerFlags flags) { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); return serverStatus == ServerStatus::STOPPING; } bool WebServerStopped(WebServerFlags flags) { std::lock_guard guard(serverStatusLock); if (serverStatus == ServerStatus::RUNNING) { return (serverFlags & (int)flags) == 0; } return serverStatus == ServerStatus::STOPPED || serverStatus == ServerStatus::FINISHED; } void ShutdownWebServer() { StopWebServer(WebServerFlags::ALL); if (serverStatus != ServerStatus::STOPPED) serverThread.join(); serverStatus = ServerStatus::STOPPED; }