// Used by ppsspp.rc // #define VS_USER_DEFINED 100 #define IDR_MENU1 101 #define IDD_DISASM 102 #define IDC_FUNCTIONLIST 103 #define IDC_DISASMVIEW 104 #define IDC_GOTOPC 105 #define IDC_LEFTTABS 106 #define IDC_RAM 107 #define IDC_STEPOVER 108 #define IDC_TABDATATYPE 109 #define IDC_CALLSTACK 110 #define ID_MEMVIEW_GOTOINDISASM 112 #define ID_DISASM_DYNARECRESULTS 113 #define IDI_PPSSPP 115 #define IDD_CONFIG 116 #define IDI_STOPDISABLE 118 #define ID_DEBUG_DISASSEMBLY 119 #define ID_DEBUG_REGISTERS 120 #define WHEEL_DELTA 120 #define ID_DEBUG_LOG 121 #define ID_DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS 122 #define ID_FILE_LOADSTATEFILE 126 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATEFILE 127 #define ID_EMULATION_RESET 130 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 133 #define ID_DEBUG_LOADMAPFILE 134 #define ID_CONFIG_RESOLUTION 141 #define ID_OPTIONS_FULLSCREEN 154 #define ID_OPTIONS_SETTINGS 155 #define ID_OPTIONS_SHOWERRORS 158 #define ID_PLUGINS_LOADDEFAULTPLUGINS 159 #define IDD_MEMORY 160 #define ID_DEBUG_MEMORYVIEW 161 #define IDR_ACCELS 162 #define ID_FILE_BOOTDVD 166 #define ID_OPTIONS_ENABLEFRAMEBUFFER 167 #define IDR_POPUPMENUS 169 #define ID_DEBUG_MEMORYCHECKS 173 #define IDD_DIALOG2 186 #define IDD_MEMORYSEARCH 187 #define ID_DEBUG_MEMORYSEARCH 188 #define ID_DEBUG_EXPERIMENT 189 #define IDR_MENU2 190 #define ID_DISASM_GOTOINMEMORYVIEW 197 #define ID_DISASM_TOGGLEBREAKPOINT 198 #define ID_MEMVIEW_DUMP 199 #define ID_OPTIONS_LOGGPFIFO 200 #define ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR202 202 #define ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR 203 #define ID_HELP_INDEX204 204 #define ID_HELP_ 206 #define ID_HELP_HOMEPAGE 208 #define ID_DEBUG_COMPILESIGNATUREFILE 209 #define ID_DEBUG_USESIGNATUREFILE 210 #define ID_DEBUG_UNLOADALLSYMBOLS 211 #define ID_DEBUG_RESETSYMBOLTABLE 212 #define IDI_STOP 223 #define IDD_INPUTBOX 226 #define IDD_VFPU 231 #define IDD_BREAKPOINT 233 #define ID_FILE_LOAD_DIR 234 #define IDR_DEBUGACCELS 237 #define ID_DEBUG_DISPLAYMEMVIEW 238 #define ID_DEBUG_DISPLAYBREAKPOINTLIST 239 #define ID_DEBUG_DISPLAYTHREADLIST 240 #define ID_DEBUG_DISPLAYSTACKFRAMELIST 241 #define ID_DEBUG_ADDBREAKPOINT 242 #define ID_DEBUG_STEPOVER 243 #define ID_DEBUG_STEPINTO 244 #define ID_DEBUG_RUNTOLINE 245 #define ID_DEBUG_STEPOUT 246 #define ID_DEBUG_DSIPLAYREGISTERLIST 247 #define ID_DEBUG_DSIPLAYFUNCTIONLIST 248 #define ID_MEMVIEW_COPYADDRESS 249 #define IDD_GEDEBUGGER 250 #define IDD_TABDISPLAYLISTS 251 #define IDD_GEDBG_TAB_VALUES 252 #define IDD_DUMPMEMORY 253 #define IDD_GEDBG_TAB_VERTICES 254 #define IDD_GEDBG_TAB_MATRICES 255 #define IDC_STOPGO 1001 #define IDC_ADDRESS 1002 #define IDC_DEBUG_COUNT 1003 #define IDC_MEMORY 1006 #define IDC_SH4REGISTERS 1007 #define IDC_REGISTERS 1007 #define IDC_BREAKPOINTS 1008 #define IDC_STEP 1009 #define IDC_VERSION 1010 #define IDC_UP 1014 #define IDC_DOWN 1015 #define IDC_BREAKPOINTS_LIST 1015 #define IDC_ADD 1016 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_EDIT 1017 #define IDC_REMOVE 1018 #define IDC_REMOVE_ALL 1019 #define IDC_REGISTER_TAB 1019 #define IDC_HIDE 1020 #define IDC_TOGGLEBREAKPOINT 1049 #define IDC_STAGE 1059 #define IDC_MEMVIEW 1069 #define IDC_GOTOLR 1070 #define IDC_GOTOINT 1071 #define IDC_MEMSORT 1073 #define IDC_ALLFUNCTIONS 1075 #define IDC_RESULTS 1093 #define IDC_SYMBOLS 1097 #define IDC_X86ASM 1098 #define IDC_INPUTBOX 1098 #define IDC_MODENORMAL 1099 #define IDC_MODESYMBOLS 1100 #define IDC_LOG_SHOW 1101 #define IDC_UPDATELOG 1108 #define IDC_SETPC 1118 #define IDC_UPDATEMISC 1134 #define IDC_CODEADDRESS 1135 #define IDC_BLOCKNUMBER 1136 #define IDC_PREVBLOCK 1138 #define IDC_REGIONS 1142 #define IDC_REGLIST 1146 #define IDC_VALUENAME 1148 #define IDC_FILELIST 1150 #define IDC_BROWSE 1159 #define IDC_SHOWVFPU 1161 #define IDC_LISTCONTROLS 1162 #define IDC_FORCE_INPUT_DEVICE 1163 #define IDC_BREAKPOINTLIST 1164 #define IDC_DEBUGMEMVIEW 1165 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_OK 1166 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_CANCEL 1167 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_ADDRESS 1168 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_SIZE 1169 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION 1170 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_EXECUTE 1171 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_MEMORY 1172 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_READ 1173 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_WRITE 1174 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED 1175 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_LOG 1176 #define IDC_BREAKPOINT_ONCHANGE 1177 #define IDC_THREADLIST 1178 #define IDC_THREADNAME 1179 #define IDC_DISASMSTATUSBAR 1180 #define IDC_STACKFRAMES 1181 #define IDC_GEDBG_VALUES 1182 #define IDC_DUMP_USERMEMORY 1183 #define IDC_DUMP_VRAM 1184 #define IDC_DUMP_SCRATCHPAD 1185 #define IDC_DUMP_CUSTOMRANGE 1186 #define IDC_DUMP_STARTADDRESS 1187 #define IDC_DUMP_SIZE 1188 #define IDC_DUMP_FILENAME 1189 #define IDC_DUMP_BROWSEFILENAME 1190 #define IDC_GEDBG_FRAMEBUFADDR 1191 #define IDC_GEDBG_TEXADDR 1192 #define IDC_GEDBG_FBTABS 1193 #define IDC_GEDBG_VERTICES 1194 #define IDC_GEDBG_RAWVERTS 1195 #define IDC_GEDBG_MATRICES 1196 #define ID_SHADERS_BASE 5000 #define ID_FILE_EXIT 40000 #define ID_DEBUG_SAVEMAPFILE 40001 #define ID_DISASM_ADDHLE 40002 #define ID_FUNCLIST_KILLFUNCTION 40003 #define ID_DISASM_RUNTOHERE 40004 #define ID_MEMVIEW_COPYVALUE_8 40005 #define ID_DISASM_COPYINSTRUCTIONDISASM 40006 #define ID_DISASM_COPYINSTRUCTIONHEX 40007 #define ID_EMULATION_SPEEDLIMIT 40008 #define ID_TOGGLE_PAUSE 40009 #define ID_EMULATION_STOP 40010 #define ID_FILE_LOAD 40011 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 40012 #define ID_DISASM_FOLLOWBRANCH 40013 #define ID_DEBUG_IGNOREILLEGALREADS 40014 #define ID_DISASM_COPYADDRESS 40015 #define ID_REGLIST_GOTOINMEMORYVIEW 40016 #define ID_REGLIST_COPYVALUE 40017 #define ID_REGLIST_COPY 40018 #define ID_REGLIST_GOTOINDISASM 40019 #define ID_REGLIST_CHANGE 40020 #define ID_DISASM_RENAMEFUNCTION 40021 #define ID_DISASM_SETPCTOHERE 40022 #define ID_HELP_OPENWEBSITE 40023 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREENAUTO 40024 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN1X 40025 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN2X 40026 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN3X 40027 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN4X 40028 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN5X 40029 #define ID_OPTIONS_HARDWARETRANSFORM 40030 #define IDC_STEPHLE 40032 #define ID_OPTIONS_LINEARFILTERING 40033 #define ID_FILE_QUICKSAVESTATE 40034 #define ID_FILE_QUICKLOADSTATE 40035 #define ID_FILE_QUICKSAVESTATE_HC 40036 #define ID_FILE_QUICKLOADSTATE_HC 40037 #define ID_OPTIONS_CONTROLS 40038 #define ID_DEBUG_RUNONLOAD 40039 #define ID_DEBUG_DUMPNEXTFRAME 40040 #define ID_OPTIONS_VERTEXCACHE 40041 #define ID_OPTIONS_SHOWFPS 40042 #define ID_OPTIONS_STRETCHDISPLAY 40043 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP 40044 #define IDC_MEMCHECK 40045 #define ID_FILE_MEMSTICK 40046 #define ID_FILE_LOAD_MEMSTICK 40047 #define ID_EMULATION_SOUND 40048 #define ID_OPTIONS_MIPMAP 40049 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_OFF 40050 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_XBRZ 40051 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_HYBRID 40052 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_2X 40053 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_3X 40054 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_4X 40055 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_5X 40056 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_DEPOSTERIZE 40057 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_BICUBIC 40058 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_HYBRID_BICUBIC 40059 #define IDB_IMAGE_PSP 40060 #define IDC_STATIC_IMAGE_PSP 40061 #define ID_CONTROLS_KEY_DISABLE 40062 #define ID_OPTIONS_TOPMOST 40063 #define ID_HELP_OPENFORUM 40064 #define ID_OPTIONS_VSYNC 40065 #define ID_DEBUG_TAKESCREENSHOT 40066 #define ID_OPTIONS_TEXTUREFILTERING_AUTO 40067 #define ID_OPTIONS_NEARESTFILTERING 40068 #define ID_DISASM_DISASSEMBLETOFILE 40069 #define ID_OPTIONS_LINEARFILTERING_CG 40070 #define ID_DISASM_DISABLEBREAKPOINT 40071 #define ID_DISASM_THREAD_FORCERUN 40072 #define ID_DISASM_THREAD_KILL 40073 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_NEXT_SLOT 40074 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_NEXT_SLOT_HC 40075 #define ID_OPTIONS_READFBOTOMEMORYGPU 40076 #define ID_OPTIONS_READFBOTOMEMORYCPU 40077 #define ID_OPTIONS_NONBUFFEREDRENDERING 40078 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_0 40079 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_1 40080 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_2 40081 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_3 40082 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_4 40083 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_5 40084 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_6 40085 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_7 40086 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_8 40087 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIP_AUTO 40088 #define ID_OPTIONS_FRAMESKIPDUMMY 40089 #define ID_OPTIONS_RESOLUTIONDUMMY 40090 #define ID_DISASM_ASSEMBLE 40091 #define ID_DISASM_ADDNEWBREAKPOINT 40092 #define ID_DISASM_EDITBREAKPOINT 40093 #define ID_EMULATION_CHEATS 40096 #define ID_HELP_CHINESE_FORUM 40097 #define ID_OPTIONS_MORE_SETTINGS 40098 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_SLOT_1 40099 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_SLOT_2 40100 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_SLOT_3 40101 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_SLOT_4 40102 #define ID_FILE_SAVESTATE_SLOT_5 40103 #define ID_OPTIONS_WINDOW1X 40104 #define ID_OPTIONS_WINDOW2X 40105 #define ID_OPTIONS_WINDOW3X 40106 #define ID_OPTIONS_WINDOW4X 40107 #define ID_OPTIONS_WINDOW5X 40108 #define ID_OPTIONS_BUFFEREDRENDERING 40109 #define ID_DEBUG_SHOWDEBUGSTATISTICS 40110 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN6X 40111 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN7X 40112 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN8X 40113 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN9X 40114 #define ID_OPTIONS_SCREEN10X 40115 #define ID_DEBUG_GEDEBUGGER 40116 #define IDC_GEDBG_STEPDRAW 40117 #define IDC_GEDBG_RESUME 40118 #define IDC_GEDBG_FRAME 40119 #define IDC_GEDBG_MAINTAB 40120 #define IDC_GEDBG_TEX 40121 #define IDC_GEDBG_STEP 40122 #define IDC_GEDBG_LISTS_ALLLISTS 40123 #define IDC_GEDBG_LISTS_STACK 40124 #define IDC_GEDBG_LISTS_SELECTEDLIST 40125 #define ID_OPTIONS_FXAA 40126 #define IDC_DEBUG_BOTTOMTABS 40127 #define ID_DEBUG_HIDEBOTTOMTABS 40128 #define ID_DEBUG_TOGGLEBOTTOMTABTITLES 40129 #define ID_GEDBG_SETSTALLADDR 40130 #define ID_GEDBG_GOTOPC 40131 #define ID_GEDBG_GOTOADDR 40132 #define IDC_GEDBG_STEPTEX 40133 #define IDC_GEDBG_STEPFRAME 40134 #define IDC_GEDBG_BREAKTEX 40135 #define ID_OPTIONS_PAUSE_FOCUS 40136 #define ID_TEXTURESCALING_AUTO 40137 #define IDC_GEDBG_STEPPRIM 40138 #define ID_DISASM_ADDFUNCTION 40139 #define ID_DISASM_REMOVEFUNCTION 40140 #define ID_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE 40141 #define ID_MEMVIEW_COPYVALUE_16 40142 #define ID_MEMVIEW_COPYVALUE_32 40143 #define ID_EMULATION_SWITCH_UMD 40144 #define ID_DEBUG_EXTRACTFILE 40145 #define ID_OPTIONS_IGNOREWINKEY 40146 #define IDC_MODULELIST 40147 #define IDC_GEDBG_TEXLEVELDOWN 40148 #define IDC_GEDBG_TEXLEVELUP 40149 #define ID_DEBUG_LOADSYMFILE 40150 #define ID_DEBUG_SAVESYMFILE 40151 // Dummy option to let the buffered rendering hotkey cycle through all the options. #define ID_OPTIONS_BUFFEREDRENDERINGDUMMY 40500 #define IDC_STEPOUT 40501 #define ID_HELP_BUYGOLD 40502 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // Next default values for new objects #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 256 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40152 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1197 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif