// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include #include using namespace std::placeholders; #include "Common/Render/TextureAtlas.h" #include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLFeatures.h" #include "Common/Render/Text/draw_text.h" #include "Common/Battery/Battery.h" #include "Common/UI/Root.h" #include "Common/UI/UI.h" #include "Common/UI/Context.h" #include "Common/UI/Tween.h" #include "Common/UI/View.h" #include "Common/UI/AsyncImageFileView.h" #include "Common/VR/PPSSPPVR.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/Input/InputState.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Common/System/Display.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/System/NativeApp.h" #include "Common/System/Request.h" #include "Common/System/OSD.h" #include "Common/Profiler/Profiler.h" #include "Common/Math/curves.h" #include "Common/TimeUtil.h" #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE #include "Core/AVIDump.h" #endif #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/ConfigValues.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/CwCheat.h" #include "Core/KeyMap.h" #include "Core/MemFault.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "GPU/Common/FramebufferManagerCommon.h" #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #include "GPU/Vulkan/DebugVisVulkan.h" #endif #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceSas.h" #include "Core/Debugger/SymbolMap.h" #include "Core/RetroAchievements.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/HLE/__sceAudio.h" #include "Core/HLE/proAdhoc.h" #include "Core/HLE/Plugins.h" #include "Core/HW/Display.h" #include "UI/BackgroundAudio.h" #include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "UI/GamepadEmu.h" #include "UI/PauseScreen.h" #include "UI/MainScreen.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/DevScreens.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/DisplayLayoutScreen.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" #include "UI/ProfilerDraw.h" #include "UI/DiscordIntegration.h" #include "UI/ChatScreen.h" #include "UI/DebugOverlay.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #include "Windows/MainWindow.h" #endif #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE static AVIDump avi; #endif // TODO: Ugly! static bool frameStep_; static int lastNumFlips; static bool startDumping; extern bool g_TakeScreenshot; static void __EmuScreenVblank() { auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); if (frameStep_ && lastNumFlips != gpuStats.numFlips) { frameStep_ = false; Core_EnableStepping(true, "ui.frameAdvance", 0); lastNumFlips = gpuStats.numFlips; } #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bDumpFrames && !startDumping) { avi.Start(PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sy->T("AVI Dump started."), 1.0f); startDumping = true; } if (g_Config.bDumpFrames && startDumping) { avi.AddFrame(); } else if (!g_Config.bDumpFrames && startDumping) { avi.Stop(); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sy->T("AVI Dump stopped."), 1.0f); startDumping = false; } #endif } // Handles control rotation due to internal screen rotation. static void SetPSPAnalog(int stick, float x, float y) { switch (g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation) { case ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL: // Standard rotation. No change. break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL180: x = -x; y = -y; break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL: { float new_y = -x; x = y; y = new_y; break; } case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180: { float new_y = y = x; x = -y; y = new_y; break; } default: break; } __CtrlSetAnalogXY(stick, x, y); } EmuScreen::EmuScreen(const Path &filename) : gamePath_(filename) { saveStateSlot_ = SaveState::GetCurrentSlot(); __DisplayListenVblank(__EmuScreenVblank); frameStep_ = false; lastNumFlips = gpuStats.numFlips; startDumping = false; controlMapper_.SetCallbacks( std::bind(&EmuScreen::onVKey, this, _1, _2), std::bind(&EmuScreen::onVKeyAnalog, this, _1, _2), [](uint32_t bitsToSet, uint32_t bitsToClear) { __CtrlUpdateButtons(bitsToSet, bitsToClear); }, &SetPSPAnalog, nullptr); // Make sure we don't leave it at powerdown after the last game. // TODO: This really should be handled elsewhere if it isn't. if (coreState == CORE_POWERDOWN) coreState = CORE_STEPPING; OnDevMenu.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnDevTools); OnChatMenu.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnChat); // Usually, we don't want focus movement enabled on this screen, so disable on start. // Only if you open chat or dev tools do we want it to start working. UI::EnableFocusMovement(false); } bool EmuScreen::bootAllowStorage(const Path &filename) { // No permissions needed. The easy life. if (filename.Type() == PathType::HTTP) return true; if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS)) return true; PermissionStatus status = System_GetPermissionStatus(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE); switch (status) { case PERMISSION_STATUS_UNKNOWN: System_AskForPermission(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE); return false; case PERMISSION_STATUS_DENIED: stopRender_ = true; screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); return false; case PERMISSION_STATUS_PENDING: // Keep waiting. return false; case PERMISSION_STATUS_GRANTED: return true; } _assert_(false); return false; } void EmuScreen::bootGame(const Path &filename) { auto sc = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SCREEN); if (Achievements::IsBlockingExecution()) { // Keep waiting. return; } if (PSP_IsRebooting()) return; if (PSP_IsInited()) { bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = false; bootComplete(); return; } if (PSP_IsIniting()) { std::string error_string = "(unknown error)"; bootPending_ = !PSP_InitUpdate(&error_string); if (!bootPending_) { invalid_ = !PSP_IsInited(); if (invalid_) { errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "isIniting bootGame error: %s", errorMessage_.c_str()); return; } bootComplete(); } return; } g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(Path()); // Check permission status first, in case we came from a shortcut. if (!bootAllowStorage(filename)) return; invalid_ = true; // We don't want to boot with the wrong game specific config, so wait until info is ready. std::shared_ptr info = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(nullptr, filename, 0); if (!info || info->pending) return; SetExtraAssertInfo((info->id + " " + info->GetTitle()).c_str()); if (!info->id.empty()) { g_Config.loadGameConfig(info->id, info->GetTitle()); // Reset views in case controls are in a different place. RecreateViews(); g_Discord.SetPresenceGame(info->GetTitle().c_str()); } else { g_Discord.SetPresenceGame(sc->T("Untitled PSP game")); } CoreParameter coreParam{}; coreParam.cpuCore = (CPUCore)g_Config.iCpuCore; coreParam.gpuCore = GPUCORE_GLES; switch (GetGPUBackend()) { case GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11: coreParam.gpuCore = GPUCORE_DIRECTX11; break; #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #if PPSSPP_API(ANY_GL) case GPUBackend::OPENGL: coreParam.gpuCore = GPUCORE_GLES; break; #endif case GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9: coreParam.gpuCore = GPUCORE_DIRECTX9; break; case GPUBackend::VULKAN: coreParam.gpuCore = GPUCORE_VULKAN; break; #endif } // Preserve the existing graphics context. coreParam.graphicsContext = PSP_CoreParameter().graphicsContext; coreParam.enableSound = g_Config.bEnableSound; coreParam.fileToStart = filename; coreParam.mountIso.clear(); coreParam.mountRoot.clear(); coreParam.startBreak = !g_Config.bAutoRun; coreParam.headLess = false; if (g_Config.iInternalResolution == 0) { coreParam.renderWidth = g_display.pixel_xres; coreParam.renderHeight = g_display.pixel_yres; } else { if (g_Config.iInternalResolution < 0) g_Config.iInternalResolution = 1; coreParam.renderWidth = 480 * g_Config.iInternalResolution; coreParam.renderHeight = 272 * g_Config.iInternalResolution; } coreParam.pixelWidth = g_display.pixel_xres; coreParam.pixelHeight = g_display.pixel_yres; std::string error_string; if (!PSP_InitStart(coreParam, &error_string)) { bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = true; errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "InitStart bootGame error: %s", errorMessage_.c_str()); } if (PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().RequireBufferedRendering && g_Config.bSkipBufferEffects) { auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, gr->T("BufferedRenderingRequired", "Warning: This game requires Rendering Mode to be set to Buffered."), 10.0f); } if (PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().RequireBlockTransfer && g_Config.bSkipGPUReadbacks) { auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, gr->T("BlockTransferRequired", "Warning: This game requires Simulate Block Transfer Mode to be set to On."), 10.0f); } if (PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().RequireDefaultCPUClock && g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed != 0) { auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, gr->T("DefaultCPUClockRequired", "Warning: This game requires the CPU clock to be set to default."), 10.0f); } loadingViewColor_->Divert(0xFFFFFFFF, 0.75f); loadingViewVisible_->Divert(UI::V_VISIBLE, 0.75f); screenManager()->getDrawContext()->ResetStats(); } void EmuScreen::bootComplete() { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_INGAME); System_Notify(SystemNotification::BOOT_DONE); System_Notify(SystemNotification::DISASSEMBLY); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Booted %s...", PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart.c_str()); if (!Achievements::ChallengeModeActive()) { // Don't auto-load savestates in challenge mode. autoLoad(); } auto sc = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SCREEN); #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bFirstRun) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("PressESC", "Press ESC to open the pause menu")); } #endif #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) if (GetGPUBackend() == GPUBackend::OPENGL) { const char *renderer = gl_extensions.model; if (strstr(renderer, "Chainfire3D") != 0) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sc->T("Chainfire3DWarning", "WARNING: Chainfire3D detected, may cause problems"), 10.0f); } else if (strstr(renderer, "GLTools") != 0) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sc->T("GLToolsWarning", "WARNING: GLTools detected, may cause problems"), 10.0f); } if (g_Config.bGfxDebugOutput) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, "WARNING: GfxDebugOutput is enabled via ppsspp.ini. Things may be slow.", 10.0f); } } #endif if (Core_GetPowerSaving()) { auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); #ifdef __ANDROID__ g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sy->T("WARNING: Android battery save mode is on"), 2.0f, "core_powerSaving"); #else g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sy->T("WARNING: Battery save mode is on"), 2.0f, "core_powerSaving"); #endif } saveStateSlot_ = SaveState::GetCurrentSlot(); loadingViewColor_->Divert(0x00FFFFFF, 0.2f); loadingViewVisible_->Divert(UI::V_INVISIBLE, 0.2f); } EmuScreen::~EmuScreen() { // If we were invalid, it would already be shutdown. if (!invalid_ || bootPending_) { PSP_Shutdown(); } g_OSD.ClearAchievementStuff(); SetExtraAssertInfo(nullptr); #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bDumpFrames && startDumping) { avi.Stop(); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, "AVI Dump stopped.", 2.0f); startDumping = false; } #endif if (GetUIState() == UISTATE_EXIT) g_Discord.ClearPresence(); else g_Discord.SetPresenceMenu(); } void EmuScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) { // TODO: improve the way with which we got commands from PauseMenu. // DR_CANCEL/DR_BACK means clicked on "continue", DR_OK means clicked on "back to menu", // DR_YES means a message sent to PauseMenu by System_PostUIMessage. if (result == DR_OK || quit_) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); quit_ = false; } // Returning to the PauseScreen, unless we're stepping, means we should go back to controls. if (Core_IsActive()) UI::EnableFocusMovement(false); RecreateViews(); } static void AfterSaveStateAction(SaveState::Status status, const std::string &message, void *) { if (!message.empty() && (!g_Config.bDumpFrames || !g_Config.bDumpVideoOutput)) { g_OSD.Show(status == SaveState::Status::SUCCESS ? OSDType::MESSAGE_SUCCESS : OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, message, status == SaveState::Status::SUCCESS ? 2.0 : 5.0); } } static void AfterStateBoot(SaveState::Status status, const std::string &message, void *ignored) { AfterSaveStateAction(status, message, ignored); Core_EnableStepping(false); System_Notify(SystemNotification::DISASSEMBLY); } void EmuScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { // External commands, like from the Windows UI. if (!strcmp(message, "pause") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { screenManager()->push(new GamePauseScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "stop")) { // We will push MainScreen in update(). PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = false; stopRender_ = true; invalid_ = true; System_Notify(SystemNotification::DISASSEMBLY); } else if (!strcmp(message, "reset")) { PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = true; invalid_ = true; System_Notify(SystemNotification::DISASSEMBLY); std::string resetError; if (!PSP_InitStart(PSP_CoreParameter(), &resetError)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error resetting: %s", resetError.c_str()); stopRender_ = true; screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); return; } } else if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) { const char *ext = strrchr(value, '.'); if (ext != nullptr && !strcmp(ext, ".ppst")) { SaveState::Load(Path(value), -1, &AfterStateBoot); } else { PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = true; gamePath_ = Path(value); // Don't leave it on CORE_POWERDOWN, we'll sometimes aggressively bail. Core_UpdateState(CORE_POWERUP); } } else if (!strcmp(message, "config_loaded")) { // In case we need to position touch controls differently. RecreateViews(); } else if (!strcmp(message, "control mapping") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_PAUSEMENU); screenManager()->push(new ControlMappingScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "display layout editor") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_PAUSEMENU); screenManager()->push(new DisplayLayoutScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "settings") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_PAUSEMENU); screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "gpu dump next frame")) { if (gpu) gpu->DumpNextFrame(); } else if (!strcmp(message, "clear jit")) { currentMIPS->ClearJitCache(); if (PSP_IsInited()) { currentMIPS->UpdateCore((CPUCore)g_Config.iCpuCore); } } else if (!strcmp(message, "window minimized")) { if (!strcmp(value, "true")) { gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } else { gstate_c.skipDrawReason &= ~SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } } else if (!strcmp(message, "chat screen")) { if (g_Config.bEnableNetworkChat) { if (!chatButton_) RecreateViews(); #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) // temporary workaround for hotkey its freeze the ui when open chat screen using hotkey and native keyboard is enable if (g_Config.bBypassOSKWithKeyboard) { // TODO: Make translatable. g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, "Disable \"Use system native keyboard\" to use ctrl + c hotkey", 2.0f); } else { UI::EventParams e{}; OnChatMenu.Trigger(e); } #else UI::EventParams e{}; OnChatMenu.Trigger(e); #endif } } else if (!strcmp(message, "app_resumed") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE) == DEVICE_TYPE_TV) { if (!KeyMap::IsKeyMapped(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0, VIRTKEY_PAUSE) || !KeyMap::IsKeyMapped(DEVICE_ID_PAD_1, VIRTKEY_PAUSE)) { // If it's a TV (so no built-in back button), and there's no back button mapped to a pad, // use this as the fallback way to get into the menu. screenManager()->push(new GamePauseScreen(gamePath_)); } } } else if (!strcmp(message, "play_sound")) { if (g_Config.bAchievementsSoundEffects) { // TODO: Handle this some nicer way. if (!strcmp(value, "achievement_unlocked")) { g_BackgroundAudio.SFX().Play(UI::UISound::ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED, 0.6f); } if (!strcmp(value, "leaderboard_submitted")) { g_BackgroundAudio.SFX().Play(UI::UISound::LEADERBOARD_SUBMITTED, 0.6f); } } } } bool EmuScreen::UnsyncTouch(const TouchInput &touch) { System_Notify(SystemNotification::ACTIVITY); if (chatMenu_ && chatMenu_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) { // Avoid pressing touch button behind the chat if (chatMenu_->Contains(touch.x, touch.y)) { chatMenu_->Touch(touch); return true; } else if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_DOWN) != 0) { chatMenu_->Close(); if (chatButton_) chatButton_->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); UI::EnableFocusMovement(false); } } if (root_) { root_->Touch(touch); } return true; } void EmuScreen::onVKey(int virtualKeyCode, bool down) { auto sc = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SCREEN); auto mc = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAPPABLECONTROLS); switch (virtualKeyCode) { case VIRTKEY_FASTFORWARD: if (down) { if (coreState == CORE_STEPPING) { Core_EnableStepping(false); } PSP_CoreParameter().fastForward = true; } else { PSP_CoreParameter().fastForward = false; } break; case VIRTKEY_SPEED_TOGGLE: if (down) { // Cycle through enabled speeds. if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::NORMAL && g_Config.iFpsLimit1 >= 0) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::CUSTOM1; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("fixed", "Speed: alternate"), 1.0); } else if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::CUSTOM1 && g_Config.iFpsLimit2 >= 0) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::CUSTOM2; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("SpeedCustom2", "Speed: alternate 2"), 1.0); } else if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::CUSTOM1 || PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::CUSTOM2) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::NORMAL; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("standard", "Speed: standard"), 1.0); } } break; case VIRTKEY_SPEED_CUSTOM1: if (down) { if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::NORMAL) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::CUSTOM1; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("fixed", "Speed: alternate"), 1.0); } } else { if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::CUSTOM1) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::NORMAL; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("standard", "Speed: standard"), 1.0); } } break; case VIRTKEY_SPEED_CUSTOM2: if (down) { if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::NORMAL) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::CUSTOM2; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("SpeedCustom2", "Speed: alternate 2"), 1.0); } } else { if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPSLimit::CUSTOM2) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = FPSLimit::NORMAL; g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("standard", "Speed: standard"), 1.0); } } break; case VIRTKEY_PAUSE: if (down) { // Trigger on key-up to partially avoid repetition problems. // This is needed whenever we pop up a menu since the mapper // might miss the key-up. Same as VIRTKEY_OPENCHAT. pauseTrigger_ = true; controlMapper_.ForceReleaseVKey(virtualKeyCode); } break; case VIRTKEY_FRAME_ADVANCE: if (!Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) { if (down) { // If game is running, pause emulation immediately. Otherwise, advance a single frame. if (Core_IsStepping()) { frameStep_ = true; Core_EnableStepping(false); } else if (!frameStep_) { Core_EnableStepping(true, "ui.frameAdvance", 0); } } } break; case VIRTKEY_OPENCHAT: if (down && g_Config.bEnableNetworkChat) { UI::EventParams e{}; OnChatMenu.Trigger(e); controlMapper_.ForceReleaseVKey(virtualKeyCode); } break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_SWAP: if (down) { controlMapper_.ToggleSwapAxes(); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, mc->T("AxisSwap")); // best string we have. } break; case VIRTKEY_DEVMENU: if (down) { UI::EventParams e{}; OnDevMenu.Trigger(e); } break; #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE case VIRTKEY_RECORD: if (down) { if (g_Config.bDumpFrames == g_Config.bDumpAudio) { g_Config.bDumpFrames = !g_Config.bDumpFrames; g_Config.bDumpAudio = !g_Config.bDumpAudio; } else { // This hotkey should always toggle both audio and video together. // So let's make sure that's the only outcome even if video OR audio was already being dumped. if (g_Config.bDumpFrames) { AVIDump::Stop(); AVIDump::Start(PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight); g_Config.bDumpAudio = true; } else { WAVDump::Reset(); g_Config.bDumpFrames = true; } } } break; #endif case VIRTKEY_REWIND: if (down && !Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) { if (SaveState::CanRewind()) { SaveState::Rewind(&AfterSaveStateAction); } else { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sc->T("norewind", "No rewind save states available"), 2.0); } } break; case VIRTKEY_SAVE_STATE: if (down && !Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) SaveState::SaveSlot(gamePath_, g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot, &AfterSaveStateAction); break; case VIRTKEY_LOAD_STATE: if (down && !Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) SaveState::LoadSlot(gamePath_, g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot, &AfterSaveStateAction); break; case VIRTKEY_PREVIOUS_SLOT: if (down && !Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) { SaveState::PrevSlot(); System_PostUIMessage("savestate_displayslot", ""); } break; case VIRTKEY_NEXT_SLOT: if (down && !Achievements::WarnUserIfChallengeModeActive()) { SaveState::NextSlot(); System_PostUIMessage("savestate_displayslot", ""); } break; case VIRTKEY_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: if (down) System_ToggleFullscreenState(""); break; case VIRTKEY_SCREENSHOT: if (down) g_TakeScreenshot = true; break; case VIRTKEY_TEXTURE_DUMP: if (down) { g_Config.bSaveNewTextures = !g_Config.bSaveNewTextures; if (g_Config.bSaveNewTextures) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("saveNewTextures_true", "Textures will now be saved to your storage"), 2.0); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } else { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("saveNewTextures_false", "Texture saving was disabled"), 2.0); } } break; case VIRTKEY_TEXTURE_REPLACE: if (down) { g_Config.bReplaceTextures = !g_Config.bReplaceTextures; if (g_Config.bReplaceTextures) g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("replaceTextures_true", "Texture replacement enabled"), 2.0); else g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, sc->T("replaceTextures_false", "Textures no longer are being replaced"), 2.0); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } break; case VIRTKEY_RAPID_FIRE: __CtrlSetRapidFire(down, g_Config.iRapidFireInterval); break; case VIRTKEY_MUTE_TOGGLE: if (down) g_Config.bEnableSound = !g_Config.bEnableSound; break; case VIRTKEY_SCREEN_ROTATION_VERTICAL: if (down) g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation = ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL; break; case VIRTKEY_SCREEN_ROTATION_VERTICAL180: if (down) g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation = ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180; break; case VIRTKEY_SCREEN_ROTATION_HORIZONTAL: if (down) g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation = ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL; break; case VIRTKEY_SCREEN_ROTATION_HORIZONTAL180: if (down) g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation = ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL180; break; case VIRTKEY_TOGGLE_WLAN: if (down) { auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING); auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG); g_Config.bEnableWlan = !g_Config.bEnableWlan; // Try to avoid adding more strings so we piece together a message from existing ones. g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, StringFromFormat( "%s: %s", n->T("Enable networking"), g_Config.bEnableWlan ? di->T("Enabled") : di->T("Disabled")), 2.0, "toggle_wlan"); } break; } } void EmuScreen::onVKeyAnalog(int virtualKeyCode, float value) { if (virtualKeyCode != VIRTKEY_SPEED_ANALOG) { return; } // We only handle VIRTKEY_SPEED_ANALOG here. // Xbox controllers need a pretty big deadzone here to not leave behind small values // on occasion when releasing the trigger. Still feels right. static constexpr float DEADZONE_THRESHOLD = 0.2f; static constexpr float DEADZONE_SCALE = 1.0f / (1.0f - DEADZONE_THRESHOLD); FPSLimit &limitMode = PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit; // If we're using an alternate speed already, let that win. if (limitMode != FPSLimit::NORMAL && limitMode != FPSLimit::ANALOG) return; // Don't even try if the limit is invalid. if (g_Config.iAnalogFpsLimit <= 0) return; // Apply a small deadzone (against the resting position.) value = std::max(0.0f, (value - DEADZONE_THRESHOLD) * DEADZONE_SCALE); // If target is above 60, value is how much to speed up over 60. Otherwise, it's how much slower. // So normalize the target. int target = g_Config.iAnalogFpsLimit - 60; PSP_CoreParameter().analogFpsLimit = 60 + (int)(target * value); // If we've reset back to normal, turn it off. limitMode = PSP_CoreParameter().analogFpsLimit == 60 ? FPSLimit::NORMAL : FPSLimit::ANALOG; } bool EmuScreen::UnsyncKey(const KeyInput &key) { System_Notify(SystemNotification::ACTIVITY); if (UI::IsFocusMovementEnabled()) { if (UIScreen::UnsyncKey(key)) { return true; } else if ((key.flags & KEY_DOWN) != 0 && UI::IsEscapeKey(key)) { if (chatMenu_) chatMenu_->Close(); if (chatButton_) chatButton_->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); UI::EnableFocusMovement(false); return true; } } return controlMapper_.Key(key, &pauseTrigger_); } void EmuScreen::UnsyncAxis(const AxisInput &axis) { System_Notify(SystemNotification::ACTIVITY); return controlMapper_.Axis(axis); } class GameInfoBGView : public UI::InertView { public: GameInfoBGView(const Path &gamePath, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : InertView(layoutParams), gamePath_(gamePath) { } void Draw(UIContext &dc) override { // Should only be called when visible. std::shared_ptr ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(dc.GetDrawContext(), gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG); dc.Flush(); // PIC1 is the loading image, so let's only draw if it's available. if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1.texture) { Draw::Texture *texture = ginfo->pic1.texture->GetTexture(); if (texture) { dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, texture); double loadTime = ginfo->pic1.timeLoaded; uint32_t color = alphaMul(color_, ease((time_now_d() - loadTime) * 3)); dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0, 0, 1, 1, color); dc.Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); } } } std::string DescribeText() const override { return ""; } void SetColor(uint32_t c) { color_ = c; } protected: Path gamePath_; uint32_t color_ = 0xFFC0C0C0; }; // TODO: Shouldn't actually need bounds for this, Anchor can center too. static UI::AnchorLayoutParams *AnchorInCorner(const Bounds &bounds, int corner, float xOffset, float yOffset) { using namespace UI; switch ((ScreenEdgePosition)g_Config.iChatButtonPosition) { case ScreenEdgePosition::BOTTOM_LEFT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, xOffset, NONE, NONE, yOffset, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::BOTTOM_CENTER: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, bounds.centerX(), NONE, NONE, yOffset, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::BOTTOM_RIGHT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, NONE, NONE, xOffset, yOffset, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::TOP_LEFT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, xOffset, yOffset, NONE, NONE, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::TOP_CENTER: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, bounds.centerX(), yOffset, NONE, NONE, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::TOP_RIGHT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, NONE, yOffset, xOffset, NONE, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::CENTER_LEFT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, xOffset, bounds.centerY(), NONE, NONE, true); case ScreenEdgePosition::CENTER_RIGHT: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, NONE, bounds.centerY(), xOffset, NONE, true); default: return new AnchorLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, xOffset, NONE, NONE, yOffset, true); } } void EmuScreen::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; auto dev = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DEVELOPER); auto n = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::NETWORKING); auto sc = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SCREEN); const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetLayoutBounds(); InitPadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h); // Devices without a back button like iOS need an on-screen touch back button. bool showPauseButton = !System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_BACK_BUTTON) || g_Config.bShowTouchPause; root_ = CreatePadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h, &pauseTrigger_, showPauseButton, &controlMapper_); if (g_Config.bShowDeveloperMenu) { root_->Add(new Button(dev->T("DevMenu")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnDevTools); } LinearLayout *buttons = new LinearLayout(Orientation::ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new AnchorLayoutParams(bounds.centerX(), NONE, NONE, 60, true)); buttons->SetSpacing(20.0f); root_->Add(buttons); resumeButton_ = buttons->Add(new Button(dev->T("Resume"))); resumeButton_->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnResume); resumeButton_->SetVisibility(V_GONE); resetButton_ = buttons->Add(new Button(dev->T("Reset"))); resetButton_->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnReset); resetButton_->SetVisibility(V_GONE); cardboardDisableButton_ = root_->Add(new Button(sc->T("Cardboard VR OFF"), new AnchorLayoutParams(bounds.centerX(), NONE, NONE, 30, true))); cardboardDisableButton_->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnDisableCardboard); cardboardDisableButton_->SetVisibility(V_GONE); cardboardDisableButton_->SetScale(0.65f); // make it smaller - this button can be in the way otherwise. if (g_Config.bEnableNetworkChat) { if (g_Config.iChatButtonPosition != 8) { AnchorLayoutParams *layoutParams = AnchorInCorner(bounds, g_Config.iChatButtonPosition, 80.0f, 50.0f); ChoiceWithValueDisplay *btn = new ChoiceWithValueDisplay(&newChatMessages_, n->T("Chat"), layoutParams); root_->Add(btn)->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnChat); chatButton_ = btn; } chatMenu_ = root_->Add(new ChatMenu(screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(), new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT))); chatMenu_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); } else { chatButton_ = nullptr; chatMenu_ = nullptr; } saveStatePreview_ = new AsyncImageFileView(Path(), IS_FIXED, new AnchorLayoutParams(bounds.centerX(), 100, NONE, NONE, true)); saveStatePreview_->SetFixedSize(160, 90); saveStatePreview_->SetColor(0x90FFFFFF); saveStatePreview_->SetVisibility(V_GONE); saveStatePreview_->SetCanBeFocused(false); root_->Add(saveStatePreview_); GameInfoBGView *loadingBG = root_->Add(new GameInfoBGView(gamePath_, new AnchorLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT))); TextView *loadingTextView = root_->Add(new TextView(sc->T(PSP_GetLoading()), new AnchorLayoutParams(bounds.centerX(), NONE, NONE, 40, true))); loadingTextView_ = loadingTextView; static const ImageID symbols[4] = { ImageID("I_CROSS"), ImageID("I_CIRCLE"), ImageID("I_SQUARE"), ImageID("I_TRIANGLE"), }; Spinner *loadingSpinner = root_->Add(new Spinner(symbols, ARRAY_SIZE(symbols), new AnchorLayoutParams(NONE, NONE, 45, 45, true))); loadingSpinner_ = loadingSpinner; loadingBG->SetTag("LoadingBG"); loadingTextView->SetTag("LoadingText"); loadingSpinner->SetTag("LoadingSpinner"); // Don't really need this, and it creates a lot of strings to translate... loadingTextView->SetVisibility(V_GONE); loadingTextView->SetShadow(true); loadingViewColor_ = loadingSpinner->AddTween(new CallbackColorTween(0x00FFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0.2f, &bezierEaseInOut)); loadingViewColor_->SetCallback([loadingBG, loadingTextView, loadingSpinner](View *v, uint32_t c) { loadingBG->SetColor(c & 0xFFC0C0C0); loadingTextView->SetTextColor(c); loadingSpinner->SetColor(alphaMul(c, 0.7f)); }); loadingViewColor_->Persist(); // We start invisible here, in case of recreated views. loadingViewVisible_ = loadingSpinner->AddTween(new VisibilityTween(UI::V_INVISIBLE, UI::V_INVISIBLE, 0.2f, &bezierEaseInOut)); loadingViewVisible_->Persist(); loadingViewVisible_->Finish.Add([loadingBG, loadingSpinner](EventParams &p) { loadingBG->SetVisibility(p.v->GetVisibility()); // If we just became invisible, flush BGs since we don't need them anymore. // Saves some VRAM for the game, but don't do it before we fade out... if (p.v->GetVisibility() == V_INVISIBLE) { g_gameInfoCache->FlushBGs(); // And we can go away too. This means the tween will never run again. loadingBG->SetVisibility(V_GONE); loadingSpinner->SetVisibility(V_GONE); } return EVENT_DONE; }); // Will become visible along with the loadingView. loadingBG->SetVisibility(V_INVISIBLE); } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnDevTools(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { DevMenuScreen *devMenu = new DevMenuScreen(gamePath_, I18NCat::DEVELOPER); if (params.v) devMenu->SetPopupOrigin(params.v); screenManager()->push(devMenu); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnDisableCardboard(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { g_Config.bEnableCardboardVR = false; return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnChat(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { if (chatButton_ != nullptr && chatButton_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) { chatButton_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); } if (chatMenu_ != nullptr) { chatMenu_->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) || defined(USING_QT_UI) || defined(SDL) UI::EnableFocusMovement(true); root_->SetDefaultFocusView(chatMenu_); chatMenu_->SetFocus(); UI::View *focused = UI::GetFocusedView(); if (focused) { root_->SubviewFocused(focused); } #endif } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnResume(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { if (coreState == CoreState::CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR) { // Force it! Memory::MemFault_IgnoreLastCrash(); coreState = CoreState::CORE_RUNNING; } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnReset(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { if (coreState == CoreState::CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR) { System_PostUIMessage("reset", ""); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void EmuScreen::update() { using namespace UI; UIScreen::update(); resumeButton_->SetVisibility(coreState == CoreState::CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR && Memory::MemFault_MayBeResumable() ? V_VISIBLE : V_GONE); resetButton_->SetVisibility(coreState == CoreState::CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR ? V_VISIBLE : V_GONE); if (chatButton_ && chatMenu_) { if (chatMenu_->GetVisibility() != V_GONE) { chatMessages_ = GetChatMessageCount(); newChatMessages_ = 0; } else { int diff = GetChatMessageCount() - chatMessages_; // Cap the count at 50. newChatMessages_ = diff > 50 ? 50 : diff; } } if (bootPending_) { // Keep trying the boot until bootPending_ is lifted. // It may be delayed due to RetroAchievements or any other cause. bootGame(gamePath_); } // Simply forcibly update to the current screen size every frame. Doesn't cost much. // If bounds is set to be smaller than the actual pixel resolution of the display, respect that. // TODO: Should be able to use g_dpi_scale here instead. Might want to store the dpi scale in the UI context too. #ifndef _WIN32 const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = g_display.pixel_xres * bounds.w / g_display.dp_xres; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = g_display.pixel_yres * bounds.h / g_display.dp_yres; #endif if (!invalid_) { UpdateUIState(coreState != CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR ? UISTATE_INGAME : UISTATE_EXCEPTION); } if (errorMessage_.size()) { auto err = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::ERRORS); std::string errLoadingFile = gamePath_.ToVisualString() + "\n"; errLoadingFile.append(err->T("Error loading file", "Could not load game")); errLoadingFile.append(" "); errLoadingFile.append(err->T(errorMessage_.c_str())); screenManager()->push(new PromptScreen(gamePath_, errLoadingFile, "OK", "")); errorMessage_.clear(); quit_ = true; return; } if (invalid_) return; double now = time_now_d(); controlMapper_.Update(now); if (pauseTrigger_) { pauseTrigger_ = false; screenManager()->push(new GamePauseScreen(gamePath_)); } if (saveStatePreview_ && !bootPending_) { int currentSlot = SaveState::GetCurrentSlot(); if (saveStateSlot_ != currentSlot) { saveStateSlot_ = currentSlot; Path fn; if (SaveState::HasSaveInSlot(gamePath_, currentSlot)) { fn = SaveState::GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gamePath_, currentSlot, SaveState::SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); } saveStatePreview_->SetFilename(fn); if (!fn.empty()) { saveStatePreview_->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); saveStatePreviewShownTime_ = now; } else { saveStatePreview_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); } } if (saveStatePreview_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) { double endTime = saveStatePreviewShownTime_ + 2.0; float alpha = clamp_value((endTime - now) * 4.0, 0.0, 1.0); saveStatePreview_->SetColor(colorAlpha(0x00FFFFFF, alpha)); if (now - saveStatePreviewShownTime_ > 2) { saveStatePreview_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); } } } } void EmuScreen::checkPowerDown() { if (PSP_IsRebooting()) { bootPending_ = true; invalid_ = true; } if (coreState == CORE_POWERDOWN && !PSP_IsIniting() && !PSP_IsRebooting()) { if (PSP_IsInited()) { PSP_Shutdown(); } INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "SELF-POWERDOWN!"); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = true; } } static const char *CPUCoreAsString(int core) { switch (core) { case 0: return "Interpreter"; case 1: return "JIT"; case 2: return "IR Interpreter"; case 3: return "JIT Using IR"; default: return "N/A"; } } static void DrawCrashDump(UIContext *ctx, const Path &gamePath) { const MIPSExceptionInfo &info = Core_GetExceptionInfo(); auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); int x = 20 + System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_LEFT); int y = 20 + System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_TOP); ctx->Flush(); if (ctx->Draw()->GetFontAtlas()->getFont(ubuntu24)) ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.1f, 1.1f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, sy->T("Game crashed"), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); char statbuf[4096]; char versionString[256]; snprintf(versionString, sizeof(versionString), "%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); char crcStr[16]{}; if (Reporting::HasCRC(gamePath)) { u32 crc = Reporting::RetrieveCRC(gamePath); snprintf(crcStr, sizeof(crcStr), "CRC: %08x\n", crc); } else { // Queue it for calculation, we want it! // It's OK to call this repeatedly until we have it, which is natural here. Reporting::QueueCRC(gamePath); } // TODO: Draw a lot more information. Full register set, and so on. #ifdef _DEBUG char build[] = "debug"; #else char build[] = "release"; #endif std::string sysName = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME); int sysVersion = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION); // First column y += 65; int columnWidth = (ctx->GetBounds().w - x - 10) / 2; int height = ctx->GetBounds().h; ctx->PushScissor(Bounds(x, y, columnWidth, height)); // INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "DrawCrashDump (%d %d %d %d)", x, y, columnWidth, height); snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"(%s %s (%s) %s (%s) %s v%d (%s) %s )", ExceptionTypeAsString(info.type), g_paramSFO.GetDiscID().c_str(), g_paramSFO.GetValueString("TITLE").c_str(), versionString, build, sysName.c_str(), sysVersion, GetCompilerABI(), crcStr ); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 160; if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::MEMORY) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Access: %s at %08x (sz: %d) PC: %08x %s)", MemoryExceptionTypeAsString(info.memory_type), info.address, info.accessSize, info.pc, info.info.c_str()); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::BAD_EXEC_ADDR) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Destination: %s to %08x PC: %08x RA: %08x)", ExecExceptionTypeAsString(info.exec_type), info.address, info.pc, info.ra); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else if (info.type == MIPSExceptionType::BREAK) { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( BREAK PC: %08x )", info.pc); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } else { snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), R"( Invalid / Unknown (%d) )", (int)info.type); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 180; } std::string kernelState = __KernelStateSummary(); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, kernelState.c_str(), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); y += 40; ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.5f, .5f); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, info.stackTrace.c_str(), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); ctx->PopScissor(); // Draw some additional stuff to the right. x += columnWidth + 10; y = 85; snprintf(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf), "CPU Core: %s (flags: %08x)\n" "Locked CPU freq: %d MHz\n" "Cheats: %s, Plugins: %s\n", CPUCoreAsString(g_Config.iCpuCore), g_Config.uJitDisableFlags, g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed, CheatsInEffect() ? "Y" : "N", HLEPlugins::HasEnabled() ? "Y" : "N"); ctx->Draw()->DrawTextShadow(ubuntu24, statbuf, x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF); ctx->Flush(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->RebindTexture(); } static void DrawFPS(UIContext *ctx, const Bounds &bounds) { FontID ubuntu24("UBUNTU24"); float vps, fps, actual_fps; __DisplayGetFPS(&vps, &fps, &actual_fps); char fpsbuf[256]{}; if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags == ((int)ShowStatusFlags::FPS_COUNTER | (int)ShowStatusFlags::SPEED_COUNTER)) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%0.0f/%0.0f (%0.1f%%)", actual_fps, fps, vps / (59.94f / 100.0f)); } else { if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::FPS_COUNTER) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "FPS: %0.1f", actual_fps); } if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::SPEED_COUNTER) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%s Speed: %0.1f%%", fpsbuf, vps / (59.94f / 100.0f)); } } #ifdef CAN_DISPLAY_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags & (int)ShowStatusFlags::BATTERY_PERCENT) { snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%s Battery: %d%%", fpsbuf, getCurrentBatteryCapacity()); } #endif ctx->Flush(); ctx->BindFontTexture(); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 8, 20, 0xc0000000, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->DrawText(ubuntu24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 10, 19, 0xFF3fFF3f, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); ctx->Draw()->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ctx->Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } void EmuScreen::preRender() { using namespace Draw; DrawContext *draw = screenManager()->getDrawContext(); // Here we do NOT bind the backbuffer or clear the screen, unless non-buffered. // The emuscreen is different than the others - we really want to allow the game to render to framebuffers // before we ever bind the backbuffer for rendering. On mobile GPUs, switching back and forth between render // targets is a mortal sin so it's very important that we don't bind the backbuffer unnecessarily here. // We only bind it in FramebufferManager::CopyDisplayToOutput (unless non-buffered)... // We do, however, start the frame in other ways. if ((g_Config.bSkipBufferEffects && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) || Core_IsStepping()) { // We need to clear here already so that drawing during the frame is done on a clean slate. if (Core_IsStepping() && gpuStats.numFlips != 0) { draw->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::KEEP, RPAction::DONT_CARE, RPAction::DONT_CARE }, "EmuScreen_BackBuffer"); } else { draw->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR, 0xFF000000 }, "EmuScreen_BackBuffer"); } Viewport viewport; viewport.TopLeftX = 0; viewport.TopLeftY = 0; viewport.Width = g_display.pixel_xres; viewport.Height = g_display.pixel_yres; viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0; viewport.MinDepth = 0.0; draw->SetViewport(viewport); } draw->SetTargetSize(g_display.pixel_xres, g_display.pixel_yres); } void EmuScreen::postRender() { Draw::DrawContext *draw = screenManager()->getDrawContext(); if (!draw) return; if (stopRender_) draw->WipeQueue(); } void EmuScreen::render() { using namespace Draw; DrawContext *thin3d = screenManager()->getDrawContext(); if (!thin3d) return; // shouldn't really happen but I've seen a suspicious stack trace.. g_OSD.NudgeSidebar(); if (screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { System_Notify(SystemNotification::KEEP_SCREEN_AWAKE); } if (invalid_) { // Loading, or after shutdown? if (loadingTextView_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) loadingTextView_->SetText(PSP_GetLoading()); // It's possible this might be set outside PSP_RunLoopFor(). // In this case, we need to double check it here. checkPowerDown(); thin3d->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR }, "EmuScreen_Invalid"); renderUI(); return; } // Freeze-frame functionality (loads a savestate on every frame). if (PSP_CoreParameter().freezeNext) { PSP_CoreParameter().frozen = true; PSP_CoreParameter().freezeNext = false; SaveState::SaveToRam(freezeState_); } else if (PSP_CoreParameter().frozen) { std::string errorString; if (CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE != SaveState::LoadFromRam(freezeState_, &errorString)) { ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to load freeze state (%s). Unfreezing.", errorString.c_str()); PSP_CoreParameter().frozen = false; } } Core_UpdateDebugStats((DebugOverlay)g_Config.iDebugOverlay == DebugOverlay::DEBUG_STATS || g_Config.bLogFrameDrops); bool blockedExecution = Achievements::IsBlockingExecution(); if (!blockedExecution) { PSP_BeginHostFrame(); PSP_RunLoopWhileState(); // Hopefully coreState is now CORE_NEXTFRAME switch (coreState) { case CORE_NEXTFRAME: // Reached the end of the frame, all good. Set back to running for the next frame coreState = CORE_RUNNING; break; case CORE_STEPPING: case CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR: { // If there's an exception, display information. const MIPSExceptionInfo &info = Core_GetExceptionInfo(); if (info.type != MIPSExceptionType::NONE) { // Clear to blue background screen bool dangerousSettings = !Reporting::IsSupported(); uint32_t color = dangerousSettings ? 0xFF900050 : 0xFF900000; thin3d->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::DONT_CARE, RPAction::DONT_CARE, color }, "EmuScreen_RuntimeError"); // The info is drawn later in renderUI } else { // If we're stepping, it's convenient not to clear the screen entirely, so we copy display to output. // This won't work in non-buffered, but that's fine. thin3d->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::DONT_CARE, RPAction::DONT_CARE }, "EmuScreen_Stepping"); // Just to make sure. if (PSP_IsInited()) { gpu->CopyDisplayToOutput(true); } } break; } default: // Didn't actually reach the end of the frame, ran out of the blockTicks cycles. // In this case we need to bind and wipe the backbuffer, at least. // It's possible we never ended up outputted anything - make sure we have the backbuffer cleared thin3d->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR, RPAction::CLEAR }, "EmuScreen_NoFrame"); break; } PSP_EndHostFrame(); } // This must happen after PSP_EndHostFrame so that things like push buffers are end-frame'd before we start destroying stuff. checkPowerDown(); if (invalid_) return; if (hasVisibleUI()) { // In most cases, this should already be bound and a no-op. thin3d->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { RPAction::KEEP, RPAction::DONT_CARE, RPAction::DONT_CARE }, "EmuScreen_UI"); cardboardDisableButton_->SetVisibility(g_Config.bEnableCardboardVR ? UI::V_VISIBLE : UI::V_GONE); screenManager()->getUIContext()->BeginFrame(); renderUI(); } if (chatMenu_ && (chatMenu_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE)) { SetVRAppMode(VRAppMode::VR_DIALOG_MODE); } else { SetVRAppMode(screenManager()->topScreen() == this ? VRAppMode::VR_GAME_MODE : VRAppMode::VR_DIALOG_MODE); } } bool EmuScreen::hasVisibleUI() { // Regular but uncommon UI. if (saveStatePreview_->GetVisibility() != UI::V_GONE || loadingSpinner_->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) return true; if (!g_OSD.IsEmpty() || g_Config.bShowTouchControls || g_Config.iShowStatusFlags != 0) return true; if (g_Config.bEnableCardboardVR || g_Config.bEnableNetworkChat) return true; // Debug UI. if ((DebugOverlay)g_Config.iDebugOverlay != DebugOverlay::OFF || g_Config.bShowDeveloperMenu) return true; // Exception information. if (coreState == CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR || coreState == CORE_STEPPING) { return true; } return false; } void EmuScreen::renderUI() { using namespace Draw; DrawContext *thin3d = screenManager()->getDrawContext(); UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext(); ctx->BeginFrame(); // This sets up some important states but not the viewport. ctx->Begin(); Viewport viewport; viewport.TopLeftX = 0; viewport.TopLeftY = 0; viewport.Width = g_display.pixel_xres; viewport.Height = g_display.pixel_yres; viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0; viewport.MinDepth = 0.0; thin3d->SetViewport(viewport); if (root_) { UI::LayoutViewHierarchy(*ctx, root_, false); root_->Draw(*ctx); } if (!invalid_) { if ((DebugOverlay)g_Config.iDebugOverlay == DebugOverlay::CONTROL) { DrawControlMapperOverlay(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds(), controlMapper_); } if (g_Config.iShowStatusFlags) { DrawFPS(ctx, ctx->GetLayoutBounds()); } } #ifdef USE_PROFILER if ((DebugOverlay)g_Config.iDebugOverlay == DebugOverlay::FRAME_PROFILE && !invalid_) { DrawProfile(*ctx); } #endif if (coreState == CORE_RUNTIME_ERROR || coreState == CORE_STEPPING) { const MIPSExceptionInfo &info = Core_GetExceptionInfo(); if (info.type != MIPSExceptionType::NONE) { DrawCrashDump(ctx, gamePath_); } else { // We're somehow in ERROR or STEPPING without a crash dump. This case is what lead // to the bare "Resume" and "Reset" buttons without a crash dump before, in cases // where we were unable to ignore memory errors. } } ctx->Flush(); } void EmuScreen::autoLoad() { int autoSlot = -1; //check if save state has save, if so, load switch (g_Config.iAutoLoadSaveState) { case (int)AutoLoadSaveState::OFF: // "AutoLoad Off" return; case (int)AutoLoadSaveState::OLDEST: // "Oldest Save" autoSlot = SaveState::GetOldestSlot(gamePath_); break; case (int)AutoLoadSaveState::NEWEST: // "Newest Save" autoSlot = SaveState::GetNewestSlot(gamePath_); break; default: // try the specific save state slot specified autoSlot = (SaveState::HasSaveInSlot(gamePath_, g_Config.iAutoLoadSaveState - 3)) ? (g_Config.iAutoLoadSaveState - 3) : -1; break; } if (g_Config.iAutoLoadSaveState && autoSlot != -1) { SaveState::LoadSlot(gamePath_, autoSlot, &AfterSaveStateAction); g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot = autoSlot; } } void EmuScreen::resized() { RecreateViews(); }