[Achievements] %1: Attempt failed = %1: Attempt failed %1: Attempt started = %1: Attempt started %1 achievements, %2 points = %1 achievements, %2 points Account = Account Achievement progress = Achievement progress Achievement unlocked = Achievement unlocked Achievements = Achievements Achievements are disabled = Achievements are disabled Achievements enabled = Achievements enabled Achievements with active challenges = Achievements with active challenges Almost completed achievements = Almost completed achievements Around me = Around me Can't log in to RetroAchievements right now = Can't log in to RetroAchievements right now Challenge indicator = Challenge indicator Challenge Mode = Challenge Mode Challenge Mode (no savestates) = Challenge Mode (no savestates) Contacting RetroAchievements server... = Contacting RetroAchievements server... Customize = Customize Earned = You have unlocked %1 of %2 achievements, and earned %3 of %4 points Encore Mode = Encore Mode Failed logging in to RetroAchievements = Failed logging in to RetroAchievements Failed to connect to RetroAchievements. Achievements will not unlock. = Failed to connect to RetroAchievements. Achievements will not unlock. Failed to identify game. Achievements will not unlock. = Failed to identify game. Achievements will not unlock. How to use RetroAchievements = How to use RetroAchievements In Encore mode - listings may be wrong below = In Encore mode - listings may be wrong below Leaderboard attempt started or failed = Leaderboard attempt started or failed Leaderboard result submitted = Leaderboard result submitted Leaderboard score submission = Leaderboard score submission Leaderboard submission is enabled = Leaderboard submission is enabled Leaderboard tracker = Leaderboard tracker Leaderboards = Leaderboards Links = Links Locked achievements = Locked achievements Log bad memory accesses = Log bad memory accesses Mastered %1 = Mastered %1 Notifications = Notifications Recently unlocked achievements = Recently unlocked achievements Reconnected to RetroAchievements. = Reconnected to RetroAchievements. Register on www.retroachievements.org = Register on www.retroachievements.org RetroAchievements are not available for this game = RetroAchievements are not available for this game RetroAchievements website = RetroAchievements website Rich Presence = Rich Presence Save state loaded without achievement data = Save state loaded without achievement data Save states not available in Challenge Mode = Save states not available in Challenge Mode Sound Effects = Sound Effects Statistics = Statistics Submitted %1 for %2 = Submitted %1 for %2 Syncing achievements data... = Syncing achievements data... Test Mode = Test Mode This feature is not available in Challenge Mode = This feature is not available in Challenge Mode This game has no achievements = This game has no achievements Top players = Top players Unlocked achievements = Unlocked achievements Unofficial achievements = Unofficial achievements Unsupported achievements = Unsupported achievements [Audio] Alternate speed volume = Alternar velocitat del soroll Audio backend = Motor d'àudio (requereix reiniciar) Audio Error = Error d'àudio Audio file format not supported. Must be WAV. = Audio file format not supported. Must be WAV. AudioBufferingForBluetooth = Memòria intermèdia en Bluetooth (lent) Auto = Automàtic Device = Dispositiu Disabled = Disabled DSound (compatible) = DirectSound (compatible) Enable Sound = Activar el so Global volume = Volum global Microphone = Micròfon Microphone Device = Dispositiu de micròfon Mute = Silenciar Reverb volume = Volum de reverberació Use new audio devices automatically = Canviar a dispositiu d'àudio nou Use global volume = Utilitzar volumen global WASAPI (fast) = WASAPI (ràpid) [Controls] Analog Binding = Assignar stick Analog Limiter = Limitador analògic Analog Settings = Configuració de l'stick Analog Stick = Palanca analògica Analog Style = Estil de l'stick AnalogLimiter Tip = Quan es prem el botó del limitador de l'stick Auto = Automàtic Auto-centering analog stick = Auto centrat de l'stick Auto-hide buttons after delay = Ocultar els botons després de Auto-rotation speed = Velocitat auto rotació de l'stick Binds = Assignacions Button Binding = Assignat de botons Button Opacity = Transparència dels botons Button style = Estil dels botons Calibrate Analog Stick = Calibrate Analog Stick Calibrate = Calibrar Calibrated = Calibrat Calibration = Calibració Circular low end radius = Ràdio inferior circular Circular stick input = Entrada de stick circular Classic = Clàssic Confine Mouse = Fixar el ratolí a l'àrea de la finestra/pantalla Control Mapping = Assignar botons Custom Key Setting = Ajust de tecla personalitzada Customize = Personalitzar Customize Touch Controls = Editar pantalla tàctil D-PAD = Creueta Deadzone radius = Ràdio de zona inactiva Disable D-Pad diagonals (4-way touch) = Desactivar diagonals de creueta Disable diagonal input = Desactivar mov. diagonal Double tap = Doble toc Enable analog stick gesture = Enable analog stick gesture Enable gesture control = Habilitar gestos Enable standard shortcut keys = Habilitar les tecles de drecera frames = frames Gesture = Gestos Gesture mapping = Configuració de gestos Glowing borders = Vores brillants HapticFeedback = Vibració hàptica Hide touch analog stick background circle = Amagar cercle de fons de l'stick tàctil Icon = Icon Ignore gamepads when not focused = Ignora comandaments amb pantalla inactiva Ignore Windows Key = Ignora la tecla de Windows Invert Axes = Invertir eixos Invert Tilt along X axis = Invertir inclinació de l'eix X Invert Tilt along Y axis = Invertir inclinació de l'eix Y Keep this button pressed when right analog is pressed = Premeu aquest botó quan l'stick dret es premi Keyboard = Configuració del teclat L/R Trigger Buttons = botons L/R Landscape = Apaïsat Landscape Auto = Apaïsat Automàtic Landscape Reversed = Apaïsat invertit Low end radius = Ràdio inferior Mouse = Configuració del ratolí Mouse sensitivity = Sensibilitat del ratolí Mouse smoothing = Suavitat del ratolí MouseControl Tip = Podeu mapejar el ratolí als paràmetres de control prement la icona 'M'. None (Disabled) = Desactivat Off = No OnScreen = Controls tàctils a la pantalla Portrait = Vertical Portrait Reversed = Vertical invertit PSP Action Buttons = Botons d'acció Rapid fire interval = Rapid fire interval Raw input = Raw input Repeat mode = Mode repetició Reset to defaults = Restaurar paràmetres Screen Rotation = Rotació de pantalla Sensitivity (scale) = Sensibilitat (escala) Sensitivity = Sensibilitat Shape = Forma Show Touch Pause Menu Button = Mostrar botó del menú Sticky D-Pad (easier sweeping movements) = Sticky D-Pad (easier sweeping movements) Swipe = Lliscar cap a Swipe sensitivity = Sensibilitat de lliscament Swipe smoothing = Fluïdesa del lliscat Thin borders = Vores fines Tilt control setup = Personalitzar acceleròmetre Tilt Input Type = Tipus de control de l'acceleròmetre Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilitat d'inclinació de l'eix X Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilitat d'inclinació de l'eix Y To Calibrate = Mantingueu el dispositiu a l'angle que preferiu i premeu "Calibrar". Toggle mode = Toggle mode Touch Control Visibility = Visibilitat del control tàctil Use custom right analog = Utilitzar stick dret personalitzat Use Mouse Control = Utilitzar el control del ratolí Visibility = Mostrar... Visible = Visible X = X Y = Y [CwCheats] Cheats = Trucs Edit Cheat File = Editar el fitxer de trucs Import Cheats = Importar «cheat.db» Import from %s = Importar %s Refresh Rate = Freqüència de refrescament [DesktopUI] # If your language does not show well with the default font, you can use Font to specify a different one. # Just add it to your language's ini file and uncomment it (remove the # by Font). #Font = Trebuchet MS About PPSSPP... = &Quant a PPSSPP... Auto = &Automàtic Auto Max Quality = Màx. &Qalidad automàtica Backend = Motor &gràfic (requereix reiniciar) Bicubic = &Bicúbic Break = Pausar Break on Load = Pausar a la càrrega Buy Gold = Comprar la versió &Gold Control Mapping... = Assignar els &botons... Copy PSP memory base address = Copy PSP memory base &address Debugging = &Depuració Deposterize = &Deposteritzar Direct3D9 = &Direct3D9 Direct3D11 = Direct3D11 Disassembly = &Desensamblador... Discord = Discord Display Layout && Effects = Editar la posició dels botons... Display Rotation = Rotació de la pantalla Dump Next Frame to Log = Abocar el següent quadre al registre Emulation = &Emulació Enable Cheats = Activar els &trucs Enable Sound = Activar el &so Exit = &Sortir Extract File... = E&xtreure el fitxer... File = &Fitxer Frame Skipping = &Omitir quadres Frame Skipping Type = Tipus de salt de quadres Fullscreen = &Pantalla completa Game Settings = &Paràmetres de joc GE Debugger... = Dep&urador GE... GitHub = GitHub Hardware Transform = Transformació en &maquinari Help = A&juda Hybrid = &Hibrid Hybrid + Bicubic = Híb&rid i bicúbic Ignore Illegal Reads/Writes = &Ignorar lectures i escriptures errònies Ignore Windows Key = Ignorar la tecla de Windows Keep PPSSPP On Top = &Mantenir PPSSPP en primer pla Landscape = Horitzontal Landscape reversed = Horitzontal invertit Language... = &Llengua... Linear = &Lineal Load = &Carregar... Load .sym File... = C&arregar fitxer «.sym»... Load Map File... = Carregar fitxer «Map»... Load State = &Carregar estat Load State File... = Carregar f&itxer d'estat... Log Console = Consola de re&gistres Memory View... = Visor de &memòria... More Settings... = Més &paràmetres... Nearest = &El més proper Recent = &Recent Skip Buffer Effects = &Renderitzat sense memòria intermèdia (més ràpid) Off = &No Open Chat = Obrir xat Open Directory... = Obrir &directori... Open from MS:/PSP/GAME... = O&brir des de from «MS:/PSP/GAME»... Open Memory Stick = Obrir «&Memory Stick» Open New Instance = Obrir nova instància OpenGL = &OpenGL Pause = &Pausar Pause When Not Focused = &Pausar quan es canviï de finestra Portrait = Vertical Portrait reversed = Vertical invertit PPSSPP Forums = &Fòrums de PPSSPP Record = Enregistrar Record Audio = Enregistrar Àudio Record Display = Enregistrar la pantalla Rendering Mode = M%ode de renderització Rendering Resolution = Resolució de la &renderització Resolution Reset = R&einiciar Reset Symbol Table = Reiniciar la taula de s&ímbols Run = &Reprendre Save .sym File... = Desar el fitxer «.sym»... Save Map File... = &Desar el fitxer «Map»... Save State = D&esa l'estat Save State File... = &Desa el fitxer d'estat... Savestate Slot = Ranura de desa &d'estats Screen Scaling Filter = Filtre d'escalat de &pantalla Show Debug Statistics = Mostrar estadístiques de &depuació Show FPS Counter = Mostrar comptador de &FPS Skip Number of Frames = Saltar número de quadres Skip Percent of FPS = Saltar percentatge de quadres Stop = &Aturar Switch UMD = Canvia UMD Take Screenshot = &Captura de pantalla Texture Filtering = Filtrat de te&xtura Texture Scaling = Escalat de &textura Use Lossless Video Codec (FFV1) = Fes servir còdec de vídeo sense pèrdua (FFV1) Use output buffer for video = Utilitzar sortida de búfer per a vídeo VSync = Sincronització vertical (VS&ync) Vulkan = Vulkan Window Size = Mida de la &finestra www.ppsspp.org = Visitar www.&ppsspp.org xBRZ = &xBRZ [Developer] Allocator Viewer = Allocator viewer (Vulkan) Allow remote debugger = Allow remote debugger Backspace = Esborra Block address = Bloca l'adreça By Address = Per adreça Copy savestates to memstick root = Copy save states to Memory Stick root Create frame dump = Create frame dump Create/Open textures.ini file for current game = Crear/Obrir fitxer «textures.ini» per al joc actual Current = Actual Debug overlay = Debug overlay Debug stats = Debug stats Dev Tools = Development tools DevMenu = DevMenu Disabled JIT functionality = Disabled JIT functionality Draw Frametimes Graph = Draw frametimes graph Dump Decrypted Eboot = Aboca «EBOOT.BIN» desxifrat quan s'iniciï el joc Dump next frame to log = Dump next frame to log Enable driver bug workarounds = Enable driver bug workarounds Enable Logging = Activa el registre Enter address = Inseriu adreça FPU = FPU Fragment = Fragment Frame timing = Frame timing Framedump tests = Framedump tests Frame Profiler = Amidar el rendiment GPU Allocator Viewer = GPU Allocator Viewer GPU Driver Test = GPU driver test GPU log profiler = GPU log profiler GPU Profile = GPU profile Jit Compare = Comparació Jit JIT debug tools = JIT debug tools Log Dropped Frame Statistics = Registra estadístiques de caigudes de quadres Log Level = Nivell del registre Log View = Veure el registre Logging Channels = Canals del registre Multi-threaded rendering = Multi-threaded rendering Next = Següent No block = No bloquis Off = Off Prev = Anterior Random = Aleatori Replace textures = Reemplaçar textures Reset = Reset Reset limited logging = Reset limited logging RestoreDefaultSettings = Esteu segur que voleu restablir els ajustaments de fàbrica?\n\nAixò no es pot desfer.\nReinicia PPSSPP per a que els canvis tenguin efecte. RestoreGameDefaultSettings = Esteu segur que voleu restablir els paràmetres de joc\na els paràmetres per defecte de PPSSPP? Resume = Resume Run CPU Tests = Proves de CPU Save new textures = Desa les noves textures Shader Viewer = Visualitzador de shader Show Developer Menu = Mostra el menú de desenvolupament Show on-screen messages = Show on-screen messages Stats = Estadístiques System Information = Informació del sistema Texture ini file created = Texture ini file created Texture Replacement = Reemplaçament de textures Audio Debug = Depuració d'àudio Control Debug = Control Debug Toggle Freeze = Commuta la imatge Touchscreen Test = Touchscreen test Ubershaders = Ubershaders Vertex = Vertex VFPU = VFPU [Dialog] %d seconds = %d segons * PSP res = * resolució PSP Active = Actiu Back = Enrere Bottom Center = Bottom center Bottom Left = Bottom left Bottom Right = Bottom right Cancel = Cancel·lar Center = Centre Center Left = Center left Center Right = Center right Changing this setting requires PPSSPP to restart. = Canvar aquesta configuració requereix reiniciar PPSSPP.\nReiniciar ara? Channel: = Canal: Choose PPSSPP save folder = Tria la carpeta de guardat de PPSSPP. Confirm Overwrite = Vols sobreescriure les dades? Confirm Save = Vols guardar les dades? ConfirmLoad = Vols carregar les dades? ConnectingAP = Connectant al punt d'accés.\nPer favor espera... ConnectingPleaseWait = Connectant.\nPer favor espera... ConnectionName = Nom de la connexió Corrupted Data = Dades corruptes Delete = Eliminar Delete all = Eliminar tot Delete completed = Esborrat completat DeleteConfirm = Aquesta partida serà esborrada.\nVols perdre el progrés guardat? DeleteConfirmAll = Estàs segur que vols esborrar totes les dades de guardat d'aquest joc? DeleteConfirmGame = Estàs segur que vols esborrar aquest joc?\nAquesta operació no es pot desfer. DeleteConfirmGameConfig = Estàs segur que vols esborrar la configuración d'aquest joc?. DeleteFailed = Les dades no s'han pogut borrar. Deleting = Esborrant\nEspera un moment... Disable All = Desactivar tot Disabled = Disabled Dumps = Volcats Edit = Editar Enable All = Activar tot Enabled = Enabled Enter = Confirmar Failed to connect to server, check your internet connection. = Failed to connect to server, check your internet connection. Failed to log in, check your username and password. = Failed to log in, check your username and password. Filter = Filtrar Finish = Finalitzar GE Frame Dumps = Volcats de fotograma GE Grid = Quadrícula Inactive = Inactiu Installing... = Installing... InternalError = Un error intern ha ocorregut. Links = Links Load = Carregar Load completed = Càrrega completada Loading = Carregant\nEspera un moment... LoadingFailed = Les dadess del joc no s'ha pogut carregar. Log in = Log in Log out = Log out Logged in! = Logged in! Logging in... = Logging in... Move = Moure Move Down = Baixar Move Up = Pujar Network Connection = Connexión de xarxa NEW DATA = NOVES DADES DE PARTIDA No = No None = None ObtainingIP = Obtenint direcció IP.\nPer favor espera... OK = Acceptar Old savedata detected = S'han detectar dades del joc antigues. Options = Opcions Password = Password Remove = Borrar Reset = Reiniciar Resize = Canviar la mida Restart = Restart Retry = Reintentar Save = Guardar Save completed = Guardat completat Saving = Guardant\nEspera un moment... SavingFailed = Les dades no s'han pogut guardar. Search = Cercar seconds, 0:off = segons, 0 = off Select = Seleccionar Settings = Settings Shift = Canviar Skip = Saltar Snap = Capturar Space = Espai SSID = SSID Submit = Enviar Supported = Suportat There is no data = No hi han dades Toggle All = Canviar tot Toggle List = Veure llista Top Center = Top center Top Left = Top left Top Right = Top right Unsupported = No suportat Username = Username When you save, it will load on a PSP, but not an older PPSSPP = Quant guardis, la partida carregarà a una PSP, però no en versions antigues de PPSSPP. When you save, it will not work on outdated PSP Firmware anymore = Quant guardis, no tornarà a funcionar a un firmware de PSP antic. Yes = Sí Zoom = Zoom [Error] 7z file detected (Require 7-Zip) = file is compressed (7z).\nPlease decompress first (try 7-Zip or WinRAR). A PSP game couldn't be found on the disc. = A PSP game couldn't be found on the disc. Cannot boot ELF located outside mountRoot. = Cannot boot ELF located outside mountRoot. Could not save screenshot file = Could not save screenshot file. D3D9or11 = Direct3D 9? (or "no" for Direct3D 11) D3D11CompilerMissing = D3DCompiler_47.dll not found. Please install. Or press Yes to try again using Direct3D 9 instead. D3D11InitializationError = Direct3D 11 initialization error D3D11Missing = Your operating system version does not include D3D11. Please run Windows Update.\n\nPress Yes to try again using Direct3D 9 instead. D3D11NotSupported = Your GPU does not appear to support Direct3D 11.\n\nWould you like to try again using Direct3D 9 instead? Disk full while writing data = Disk full while writing data. ELF file truncated - can't load = ELF file truncated - can't load Error loading file = Error al carregar l'arxiu Error reading file = error reading file. Failed initializing CPU/Memory = Failed initializing CPU or memory Failed to load executable: = Failed to load executable: File corrupt = File corrupt Game disc read error - ISO corrupt = Game disc read error: ISO corrupt. GenericAllStartupError = PPSSPP failed to start up with any graphics backend. Try upgrading your graphics and other drivers. GenericBackendSwitchCrash = PPSSPP crashed while starting.\n\nThis usually means a graphics driver problem. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nGraphics backend has been switched: GenericDirect3D9Error = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers and DirectX 9 runtime.\n\nWould you like to try switching to OpenGL?\n\nError message: GenericGraphicsError = Graphics Error GenericOpenGLError = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nWould you like to try switching to DirectX 9?\n\nError message: GenericVulkanError = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nWould you like to try switching to OpenGL?\n\nError message: InsufficientOpenGLDriver = Insufficient OpenGL driver support detected!\n\nYour GPU reports that it does not support OpenGL 2.0. Would you like to try using DirectX instead?\n\nDirectX is currently compatible with less games, but on your GPU it may be the only choice.\n\nVisit the forums at https://forums.ppsspp.org for more information.\n\n Just a directory. = just a directory. Missing key = Missing key MsgErrorCode = Error code: MsgErrorSavedataDataBroken = Save data was corrupt. MsgErrorSavedataMSFull = Memory Stick full. Check your storage space. MsgErrorSavedataNoData = Warning: no save data was found. MsgErrorSavedataNoMS = Memory Stick not inserted. No EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game = no EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game. Not a valid disc image. = Not a valid disc image. OpenGLDriverError = OpenGL driver error PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Music. = PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Music. PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Video. = PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Video. PPSSPP plays PSP games, not PlayStation 1 or 2 games. = PPSSPP plays PSP games, not PlayStation 1 or 2 games. PPSSPPDoesNotSupportInternet = PPSSPP currently does not support connecting to the Internet for DLC, PSN, or game updates. PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP. = PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP. PSX game image detected. = File is a MODE2 image. PPSSPP doesn't support PS1 games. RAR file detected (Require UnRAR) = file is compressed (RAR).\nPlease decompress first (try UnRAR). RAR file detected (Require WINRAR) = file is compressed (RAR).\nPlease decompress first (try WinRAR). Running slow: try frameskip, sound is choppy when slow = Running slow: try frameskip, sound is choppy when slow Running slow: Try turning off Software Rendering = Running slow: try turning off "software rendering" Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP = Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP textures.ini filenames may not be cross-platform = "textures.ini" filenames may not be cross-platform. This is a saved state, not a game. = This is a saved state, not a game. This is save data, not a game. = This is save data, not a game. Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full = Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full. Unable to initialize rendering engine. = Unable to initialize rendering engine. Unable to write savedata, disk may be full = Unable to write savedata, disk may be full. Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode = Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode. Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode = Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode. ZIP file detected (Require UnRAR) = file is compressed (ZIP).\nPlease decompress first (try UnRAR). ZIP file detected (Require WINRAR) = file is compressed (ZIP).\nPlease decompress first (try WinRAR). [Game] Asia = Àsia Calculate CRC = Calcular valor CRC ConfirmDelete = Confirmar esborrat Create Game Config = Crear config. del joc Create Shortcut = Crear accés directe Delete Game = Esborrar joc Delete Game Config = Esborrar config. del joc Delete Save Data = Esborrar dades guardades Europe = Europe Game = Joc Game Settings = Paràmetres del joc Homebrew = Homebrew Hong Kong = Hong Kong InstallData = Instal·lació de dades Japan = Japó Korea = Corea MB = MB One moment please... = Un moment per favor... Play = Jugar Remove From Recent = Remove from "Recent" SaveData = Dades guardades Setting Background = Imatge de fons Show In Folder = Mostrar en carpeta USA = EEUU Use UI background = Utilitzar imatge de fons de l'interfície d'usuari [Graphics] % of the void = % de buit % of viewport = % de finestra gràfica %, 0:unlimited = %, 0 = il·limitat (supersampling) = (súper mostreig) (upscaling) = (escalat) 1x PSP = PSP ×1 2x = ×2 2x PSP = PSP ×2 3x = ×3 3x PSP = PSP ×3 4x = ×4 4x PSP = PSP ×4 (1080p) 5x = ×5 5x PSP = PSP ×5 6x PSP = PSP ×6 7x PSP = PSP ×7 8x = ×8 8x PSP = PSP ×8 (4K) 9x PSP = PSP ×9 10x PSP = PSP ×10 16x = ×16 Aggressive = Agressiu Alternative Speed = Velocitat alternativa (%, 0 = il·limitada) Alternative Speed 2 = Velocitat alternativa 2 (%, 0 = il·limitada) Anisotropic Filtering = Filtrat anisotròpic Antialiasing (MSAA) = Antialiasing (MSAA) Aspect Ratio = Aspect Ratio Auto = Automàtic Auto (1:1) = Automàtic (1:1) Auto (same as Rendering) = Automàtic (igual a la de renderitzat) Auto FrameSkip = Salt de quadres automàtic Auto Max Quality = Màx. qualitat automàtica Auto Scaling = Autoescalat Backend = Motor gràfic Balanced = Equilibrat Bicubic = Bicúbic Both = Tots dos Buffer graphics commands (faster, input lag) = Comandes de memòria intermèdia gràfic (pot generar input lag) BufferedRenderingRequired = AVÍS: aquest joc requereix mode de renderitzat per memòria intermèdia. Camera = Cambra Camera Device = Dispositiu de càmera Cardboard Screen Size = Mida de pantalla (en % de l'àrea visual) Cardboard Screen X Shift = Desplaçament horitzontal (en % de l'espai en blanc) Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Desplaçament vertical (en % de l'espai en blanc) Cardboard VR Settings = Configuració de "Google Cardboard VR" Cheats = Trucs CPU Core = Nucli de CPU Debugging = Depuració DefaultCPUClockRequired = AVÍS: Aquest joc requereix rellotge de CPU per defecte. Deposterize = Deposteritzar Deposterize Tip = Arregla petits errors a les textures causades per l'escalat Device = Dispositiu Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disabled = Desactivat Display Layout && Effects = Editor de l'àrea de pantalla Display Resolution (HW scaler) = Resolució de pantalla (escalat per maquinari) Enable Cardboard VR = Activar Cardboard VR FPS = FPS Frame Rate Control = Control de taxa de quadres (FPS) Frame Skipping = Saltar quadres Frame Skipping Type = Tipus de salt de quadres FullScreen = Pantalla completa Geometry shader culling = Geometry shader culling GPUReadbackRequired = AVÍS: Aquest joc requereix "Saltar la lectura de GPU" desactivat. Hack Settings = Configuració de hacks (causaran errors gràfics) Hardware Tessellation = Tesellat per maquinari Hardware Transform = Transformació per maquinari hardware transform error - falling back to software = Error de transformació per maquinari, canviant a programari. HardwareTessellation Tip = Dibuixa les corbes per maquinari, fent servir sempre una qualitat fixa. High = Alta Hybrid = Híbrid Hybrid + Bicubic = Híbrid i bicúbic Ignore camera notch when centering = Ignora la notch de la càmera usant el centre d'imatge. Integer scale factor = Integer scale factor Internal Resolution = Resolució interna Lazy texture caching = Memòria cau de textures diferit (ràpid) Lazy texture caching Tip = Ràpid, però puc provocar problemes als textos d'alguns jocs Linear = Lineal Low = Baixa LowCurves = Qualitat de corbes Bézier LowCurves Tip = Augmenta/redueix significativament el renderitzat de corbes Bézier Lower resolution for effects (reduces artifacts) = Efectes en baixa resolució\n(redueix errors gràfics per escalat) Manual Scaling = Escalat manual Medium = Intermèdia Mode = Mode Must Restart = Heu de reiniciar PPSSPP per aplicar aquest canvi. Native device resolution = Resolució nativa del dispositiu Nearest = Més proper No buffer = Sense memòria intermèdia Show Battery % = Show Battery % Show Speed = Show Speed Skip Buffer Effects = Saltar efectes del memòria intermèdia None = No Number of Frames = Número de quadres Off = No OpenGL = OpenGL Overlay Information = Informació a la pantalla Partial Stretch = Estirat parcial Percent of FPS = % de FPS Performance = Rendiment Postprocessing shaders = Shaders de postprocessament Recreate Activity = Recrear activitat Render duplicate frames to 60hz = Renderitzar quadres duplicats a 60Hz RenderDuplicateFrames Tip = Podeu fer la imatge més fluida in jocs amb una taxa de quadres més baixa. Rendering Mode = Mode de renderització Rendering Resolution = Resolució de renderització RenderingMode NonBuffered Tip = Ràpid, però no es veurà res en alguns jocs. Rotation = Rotació Safe = Segur Screen Scaling Filter = Filtre d'escalat de pantalla Show Debug Statistics = Mostra estadístiques de depuració Show FPS Counter = Mostra comptador de FPS Skip GPU Readbacks = Saltar la lectura de GPU Software Rendering = Renderitzat per programari Software Skinning = "Skinning" per programari SoftwareSkinning Tip = Redueix la càrrega de dibuixat, ràpid en jocs amb tècniques de skinning avançades, però lent en altres. Speed = Velocitat Speed Hacks = Speed Hacks (causaran errors gràfics) Stereo display shader = Shader de pantalla estèreo Stereo rendering = Renderitzat estèreo Stretch = Estirar Texture Filter = Filtre de textures Texture Filtering = Filtrat de textures Texture replacement pack activated = Texture replacement pack activated Texture Scaling = Escalat de textures Texture Shader = Shader de textura Turn off Hardware Tessellation - unsupported = Desactivant tessel·lat per maquinari: no suportat. Unlimited = Il·limitat Up to 1 = Fins a 1 Up to 2 = Fins a 2 Upscale Level = Nivell d'escalat Upscale Type = Tipus d'escalat UpscaleLevel Tip = Exigeix consum de CPU, alguns escalats es poden retardar per evitar estrebades. Use all displays = Usar totes les pantalles VSync = Sincronització vertical (VSync) Vulkan = Vulkan Window Size = Mida de la finestra xBRZ = xBRZ [InstallZip] Delete ZIP file = Delete ZIP file Install = Install Install game from ZIP file? = Install game from ZIP file? Install textures from ZIP file? = Install textures from ZIP file? Installed! = Installed! Texture pack doesn't support install = Texture pack doesn't support install Zip archive corrupt = ZIP archive corrupt Zip file does not contain PSP software = ZIP file does not contain PSP software [KeyMapping] Allow combo mappings = Allow combo mappings Autoconfigure = Autoconfigurar Autoconfigure for device = Autoconfigurar per a dispositiu Bind All = Assignar tots Clear All = Esborrar tot Combo mappings are not enabled = Combo mappings are not enabled Default All = Restaurar Map a new key for = Prem una tecla per Map Key = Mapejar tecla Map Mouse = Mapejar ratolí Replace = Reemplaçar Show PSP = Mostra PSP You can press ESC to cancel. = Podeu prémer ESC per cancel·lar. [MainMenu] Browse = Cercar... Buy PPSSPP Gold = Comprar PPSSPP Gold Choose folder = Triar carpeta Credits = Crèdits PPSSPP Homebrew Store = Tenda Homebrew PPSSPP Exit = Sortir Game Settings = Configuració Games = Jocs Give PPSSPP permission to access storage = Donar permís a PPSSPP per a accedir a l'emmagatzemament Homebrew & Demos = Homebrew i demos How to get games = Com puc aconseguir jocs? How to get homebrew & demos = Com puc aconseguir homebrew i demos? Load = Carregar... Loading... = Carregant... PinPath = Anclar PPSSPP can't load games or save right now = PPSSPP no pot carregar o guardar partides ara mateix. Recent = Recents SavesAreTemporary = PPSSPP està guardant en emmagatzematge temporal SavesAreTemporaryGuidance = Extraure PPSSPP a algun lloc per a guardar permanentment SavesAreTemporaryIgnore = Ignorar alertes UnpinPath = Desanclar UseBrowseOrLoad = Utilitza Cercar per a triar una carpeta, o Carregar per a triar un fitxer. www.ppsspp.org = www.ppsspp.org [MainSettings] Audio = Àudio Controls = Controls Graphics = Gràfics Networking = Joc en xarxa Search = Cercar System = Sistema Tools = Eines [MappableControls] Alt speed 1 = Alt speed 1 Alt speed 2 = Alt speed 2 An.Down = Analog Down An.Left = Analog Left An.Right = Analog Right An.Up = Analog Up Analog limiter = Analog limiter Analog speed = Analog speed Analog Stick = Analog stick Audio/Video Recording = Audio/Video recording AxisSwap = Axis swap Circle = Circle Cross = Cross Custom %d = Custom %d D-pad down = D-pad down D-pad left = D-pad left D-pad right = D-pad right D-pad up = D-pad up DevMenu = DevMenu Display Landscape = Display Landscape Display Landscape Reversed = Display Landscape Reversed Display Portrait = Display Portrait Display Portrait Reversed = Display Portrait Reversed Double tap button = Double tap button Down = Dpad Down Dpad = Dpad Exit App = Exit App Frame Advance = Frame advance Hold = Hold Home = Home L = L Left = Dpad Left Load State = Load State Mute toggle = Mute toggle Next Slot = Next Slot None = None Note = Note OpenChat = Open chat Pause = Pause Previous Slot = Previous Slot R = R RapidFire = Rapid-fire Record = Record Remote hold = Remote hold Rewind = Rewind Right = Dpad Right Right Analog Stick = Right Analog Stick RightAn.Down = RightAn.Down RightAn.Left = RightAn.Left RightAn.Right = RightAn.Right RightAn.Up = RightAn.Up Rotate Analog (CCW) = Rotate analog (CCW) Rotate Analog (CW) = Rotate analog (CW) Save State = Save State Screen = Screen Screenshot = Screenshot Select = Select SpeedToggle = Speed toggle Square = Square Start = Start Swipe Down = Swipe Down Swipe Left = Swipe Left Swipe Right = Swipe Right Swipe Up = Swipe Up tap to customize = tap to customize Texture Dumping = Texture dumping Texture Replacement = Texture replacement Toggle Fullscreen = Toggle fullscreen Toggle mode = Toggle mode Toggle WLAN = Toggle WLAN Triangle = Triangle Fast-forward = Fast-forward Up = Dpad Up Vol + = Vol + Vol - = Vol - Wlan = WLAN [MemStick] Already contains PSP data = Already contains PSP data Cancelled - try again = Cancelled - try again Create or Choose a PSP folder = Create or Choose a PSP folder Current = Current DataCanBeShared = Data can be shared between PPSSPP regular/Gold DataCannotBeShared = Data CANNOT be shared between PPSSPP regular/Gold! DataWillBeLostOnUninstall = Warning! Data will be lost when you uninstall PPSSPP! DataWillStay = Data will stay even if you uninstall PPSSPP. Done! = Done! EasyUSBAccess = Easy USB access Failed to move some files! = Failed to move some files! Failed to save config = Failed to save config Free space = Free space Manually specify PSP folder = Manually specify PSP folder MemoryStickDescription = Choose where to keep PSP data (Memory Stick) Move Data = Move Data Selected PSP Data Folder = Selected PSP Data Folder No data will be changed = No data will be changed PPSSPP will restart after the change = PPSSPP will restart after the change Skip for now = Skip for now Starting move... = Starting move... That folder doesn't work as a memstick folder. = That folder doesn't work as a memstick folder. USBAccessThrough = USB access through Android/data/org.ppsspp.ppsspp/files USBAccessThroughGold = USB access through Android/data/org.ppsspp.ppssppgold/files Use App Private Data = Use App Private Data Use PSP folder at root of storage = Use PSP folder at root of storage Welcome to PPSSPP! = Welcome to PPSSPP! WhatsThis = What's this? [Networking] AdHoc Server = Ad hoc server AdhocServer Failed to Bind Port = Ad hoc server failed to bind port AM: Data from Unknown Port = AM: Data from Unknown Port Auto = Auto Change Mac Address = Change MAC address Change proAdhocServer Address = Change PRO ad hoc server IP address (localhost = multiple instances) ChangeMacSaveConfirm = Generate a new MAC address? ChangeMacSaveWarning = Some games verify the MAC address when loading savedata, so this may break old saves. Chat = Chat Chat Button Position = Chat button position Chat Here = Chat here Chat message = Chat message Chat Screen Position = Chat screen position Disconnected from AdhocServer = Disconnected from ad hoc server DNS Error Resolving = DNS error resolving Enable built-in PRO Adhoc Server = Enable built-in PRO ad hoc server Enable network chat = Enable network chat Enable networking = Enable networking/WLAN (beta, may break games) Enable UPnP = Enable UPnP (need a few seconds to detect) EnableQuickChat = Enable quick chat Enter a new PSP nickname = Enter a new PSP nickname Enter Quick Chat 1 = Enter quick chat 1 Enter Quick Chat 2 = Enter quick chat 2 Enter Quick Chat 3 = Enter quick chat 3 Enter Quick Chat 4 = Enter quick chat 4 Enter Quick Chat 5 = Enter quick chat 5 Error = Error Failed to Bind Localhost IP = Failed to bind localhost IP Failed to Bind Port = Failed to bind port Failed to connect to Adhoc Server = Failed to connect to ad hoc server Forced First Connect = Forced first connect (faster connect) GM: Data from Unknown Port = GM: Data from Unknown Port Hostname = Hostname Invalid IP or hostname = Invalid IP or hostname Minimum Timeout = Minimum timeout (override in ms, 0 = default) Misc = Miscellaneous (default = PSP compatibility) Network Initialized = Network initialized Please change your Port Offset = Please change your port offset Port offset = Port offset(0 = PSP compatibility) Open PPSSPP Multiplayer Wiki Page = Open PPSSPP Multiplayer Wiki Page proAdhocServer Address: = Ad hoc server address: Quick Chat 1 = Quick chat 1 Quick Chat 2 = Quick chat 2 Quick Chat 3 = Quick chat 3 Quick Chat 4 = Quick chat 4 Quick Chat 5 = Quick chat 5 QuickChat = Quick chat Randomize = Randomize Send = Send Send Discord Presence information = Send Discord "Rich Presence" information Unable to find UPnP device = Unable to find UPnP device UPnP (port-forwarding) = UPnP (port forwarding) UPnP need to be reinitialized = UPnP need to be reinitialized UPnP use original port = UPnP use original port (enabled = PSP compatibility) UseOriginalPort Tip = May not work for all devices or games, see wiki. Validating address... = Validating address... WLAN Channel = WLAN channel You're in Offline Mode, go to lobby or online hall = You're in offline mode, go to lobby or online hall [PSPSettings] Auto = Auto Chinese (simplified) = Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) = Chinese (traditional) Dutch = Dutch English = English French = French Game language = Game language German = German Italian = Italian Japanese = Japanese Korean = Korean Games often don't support all languages = Games often don't support all languages Portuguese = Portuguese Russian = Russian Spanish = Spanish [Pause] Cheats = Trucs Continue = Continuar Create Game Config = Crear config. del joc Delete Game Config = Esborrar config. del joc Exit to menu = Sortir al menú Game Settings = Configuració del joc Load State = Carregar estat Rewind = Rebobinar Save State = Desa estat Settings = Configuració general Switch UMD = Canviar UMD Undo last load = Desfer càrrega d'estat Undo last save = Desfer guard. d'estat [PostShaders] (duplicated setting, previous slider will be used) = (duplicated setting, previous slider will be used) 4xHqGLSL = 4xHQ pixel art upscaler 5xBR = 5xBR pixel art upscaler 5xBR-lv2 = 5xBR-lv2 pixel art upscaler AAColor = AA-Color Amount = Amount Animation speed (0 -> disable) = Animation speed (0 -> disable) Aspect = Aspect Black border = Black border Bloom = Bloom BloomNoBlur = Bloom (no blur) Brightness = Brightness Cartoon = Cartoon CatmullRom = Bicubic (Catmull-Rom) Upscaler ColorCorrection = Color correction ColorPreservation = Color preservation Contrast = Contrast CRT = CRT scanlines FakeReflections = FakeReflections FXAA = FXAA Antialiasing Gamma = Gamma GreenLevel = Green level Intensity = Intensity LCDPersistence = LCD Persistence MitchellNetravali = Bicubic (Mitchell-Netravali) Upscaler Natural = Natural Colors NaturalA = Natural Colors (no blur) Off = Off Power = Power PSPColor = PSP color RedBlue = Red/Blue glasses Saturation = Saturation Scanlines = Scanlines (CRT) Sharpen = Sharpen SideBySide = Side by side (SBS) SSAA(Gauss) = Supersampling AA (Gauss) Strength = Strength Tex4xBRZ = 4xBRZ TexMMPX = MMPX UpscaleBicubic = UpscaleBicubic UpscaleSpline36 = Spline36 Upscaler VideoSmoothingAA = VideoSmoothingAA Vignette = Vignette [PSPCredits] all the forum mods = all the forum mods build server = build server Buy Gold = Buy Gold check = Also check out Dolphin, the best Wii/GC emu around: CheckOutPPSSPP = Check out PPSSPP, the awesome PSP emulator: https://www.ppsspp.org/ contributors = Contributors: created = Created by Discord = Discord info1 = PPSSPP is intended for educational purposes only. info2 = Please make sure that you own the rights to any games info3 = you play by owning the UMD or by buying the digital info4 = download from the PSN store on your real PSP. info5 = PSP is a trademark by Sony, Inc. iOS builds = iOS builds license = Free software under GPL 2.0+ list = compatibility lists, forums, and development info PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP Forums Privacy Policy = Privacy policy Share PPSSPP = Share PPSSPP specialthanks = Special thanks to: specialthanksKeithGalocy = at NVIDIA (hardware, advice) specialthanksMaxim = for his amazing Atrac3+ decoder work testing = testing this translation by = this translation by: title = A fast and portable PSP emulator tools = Free tools used: # Add translators or contributors who translated PPSSPP into your language here. # Add translators1-6 for up to 6 lines of translator credits. # Leave extra lines blank. 4 contributors per line seems to look best. translators1 = Dídac Martorell (diMartorell) translators2 = Aleix Algueró (stv-beep) translators3 = translators4 = translators5 = translators6 = Twitter @PPSSPP_emu = Twitter @PPSSPP_emu website = Check out the website: written = Written in C++ for speed and portability [RemoteISO] Browse Games = Browse games Local Server Port = Local server port Manual Mode Client = Manual mode client Remote disc streaming = Remote disc streaming Remote Port = Remote port Remote Server = Remote server Remote Subdirectory = Remote subdirectory RemoteISODesc = Games in your recent list will be shared RemoteISOLoading = Connected, loading game list... RemoteISOScanning = Scanning... Click "share games" on your server device RemoteISOScanningTimeout = Scanning... check your desktop's firewall settings RemoteISOWifi = Note: Connect both devices to the same Wi-Fi network RemoteISOWinFirewall = WARNING: Windows Firewall is blocking sharing Settings = Settings Share Games (Server) = Share games (server) Share on PPSSPP startup = Share on PPSSPP startup Stop Sharing = Stop sharing Stopping.. = Stopping... [Reporting] Bad = Bad FeedbackCRCCalculating = Disc CRC: Calculating... FeedbackCRCValue = Disc CRC: %1 FeedbackDelayInfo = Your data is being submitted in the background. FeedbackDesc = How's the emulation? Let us and the community know! FeedbackDisabled = Compatibility server reports must be enabled. FeedbackIncludeCRC = Note: Battery will be used to send a disc CRC FeedbackIncludeScreen = Include a screenshot FeedbackSubmitDone = Your data has been submitted. FeedbackSubmitFail = Could not submit data to server. Try updating PPSSPP. FeedbackThanks = Thanks for your feedback! Gameplay = Gameplay Graphics = Graphics Great = Great In-game = In-game In-game Description = Gets into gameplay, but too buggy to complete Menu/Intro = Menu/Intro Menu/Intro Description = Can't get into the game itself Nothing = Nothing Nothing Description = Completely broken OK = OK Open Browser = Open browser Overall = Overall Perfect = Perfect Perfect Description = Flawless emulation for the entire game - great! Plays = Plays Plays Description = Fully playable but might be with glitches ReportButton = Report feedback Show disc CRC = Show disc CRC Speed = Speed Submit Feedback = Submit feedback SuggestionConfig = See reports on website for good settings. SuggestionCPUSpeed0 = Disable locked CPU speed setting. SuggestionDowngrade = Downgrade to an older PPSSPP version (please report this bug). SuggestionsFound = Other users have reported better results. Tap "View Feedback" for more detail. SuggestionsNone = This game isn't working for other users too. SuggestionsWaiting = Submitting and checking other users feedback... SuggestionUpgrade = Upgrade to a newer PPSSPP build. SuggestionVerifyDisc = Check your ISO is a good copy of your disc. Unselected Overall Description = How well does this game emulate? View Feedback = View all feedbacks [Savedata] Date = Data Filename = Nom del fitxer No screenshot = Sense captura de pantalla None yet. Things will appear here after you save. = No hi ha dades. Un cop guardis partida apareixeran aquí. Nothing matching '%1' was found. = No s'han trobat coincidències amb '%1' Save Data = Dades Save States = Estats Savedata Manager = Administrador de partides desades Showing matches for '%1'. = Mostrant coincidències per a '%1'. Size = Mida [Screen] Cardboard VR OFF = Cardboard VR apagat Chainfire3DWarning = AVÍS: "Chainfire3D" detectat, pot causar problemes. Failed to load state = Error en carregar l'estat. Failed to save state = Error en desar l'estat. fixed = Velocitat: alternativa GLToolsWarning = AVÍS: "GLTools" detectat, pot causar problemes. In menu = Al menú Load savestate failed = Error en carregar l'estat desat. Loaded State = Estat carregat. Loaded. Game may refuse to save over different savedata. = Carregat. El joc pot no guardar sobre dades diferents. Loaded. Game may refuse to save over newer savedata. = Carregat. El joc pot no guardar sobre dades més actuals. Loaded. Save in game, restart, and load for less bugs. = Carregat. Guarda la partida, reinicia, i recarrega per a menys errors. LoadStateDoesntExist = Error en carregar l'estat: el fitxer no existeix. LoadStateWrongVersion = Error en carregar l'estat: el fitxer és d'una versió anterior del PPSSPP. norewind = No hi ha estats desats de rebobinatge disponibles. Playing = Reproduint... PressESC = Prem Esc per obrir el menú de pausa. replaceTextures_false = Les textures no seran reemplaçades. replaceTextures_true = Reemplaçament de textures activat. Save State Failed = Error en desar l'estat. Saved State = Estat desat. saveNewTextures_false = Desat de textures desactivat. saveNewTextures_true = Les textures seran desades al disc. SpeedCustom2 = Velocitat: Alternar 2 standard = Velocitat: estàndard State load undone = S'ha revertit la càrrega de l'estat. Untitled PSP game = Joc de PSP sense títol. [Search] Clear filter = Netejar filtre Filter = Filtre Filtering settings by '%1' = Paràmetres de filtrat per '%1' Find settings = Paràmetres de cerca No settings matched '%1' = Cap paràmetre coincideix '%1' Search term = Search term [Store] Already Installed = Ja instal·lat Connection Error = Error de connexió Install = Instal·lar Launch Game = Iniciar joc Loading... = Carregant... MB = MB Size = Mida Uninstall = Desinstal·lar [SysInfo] %0.2f Hz = %0.2f Hz %d (%d per core, %d cores) = %d (%d per core, %d cores) %d bytes = %d bytes %d Hz = %d Hz (none detected) = (none detected) 3D API = 3D API ABI = ABI API Version = API version Audio Information = Audio information Board = Board Build Config = Build config Build Configuration = Build Configuration Built by = Built by Compressed texture formats = Compressed texture formats Core Context = Core context Cores = Cores CPU Extensions = CPU extensions CPU Information = CPU information CPU Name = Name D3DCompiler Version = D3DCompiler version Debug = Debug Debugger Present = Debugger present Depth buffer format = Depth buffer format Device Info = Device info Directories = Directories Display Color Formats = Display Color Formats Display Information = Display information DPI = DPI Driver bugs = Driver bugs Driver Version = Driver version EGL Extensions = EGL extensions Frames per buffer = Frames per buffer GPU Flags = GPU Flags GPU Information = GPU information High precision float range = High precision float range High precision int range = High precision int range Icon cache = Icon cache JIT available = JIT available Lang/Region = Lang/Region Memory Page Size = Memory page size Native resolution = Native resolution No GPU driver bugs detected = No GPU driver bugs detected OGL Extensions = OGL extensions OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions = OpenGL ES 2.0 extensions OpenGL ES 3.0 Extensions = OpenGL ES 3.0 extensions OpenGL Extensions = OpenGL extensions Optimal frames per buffer = Optimal frames per buffer Optimal sample rate = Optimal sample rate OS Information = OS information Pixel resolution = Pixel resolution PPSSPP build = PPSSPP build Present modes = Present modes Refresh rate = Refresh rate Release = Release RW/RX exclusive = RW/RX exclusive Sample rate = Sample rate Shading Language = Shading language Storage = Storage Sustained perf mode = Sustained perf mode System Information = System information System Name = Name System Version = System version Threads = Threads UI resolution = UI resolution Vendor = Vendor Vendor (detected) = Vendor (detected) Version Information = Version information Vulkan Extensions = Vulkan extensions Vulkan Features = Vulkan features [System] (broken) = (broken) 12HR = 12HR 24HR = 24HR Auto = Auto Auto Load Savestate = Auto load savestate AVI Dump started. = AVI dump started AVI Dump stopped. = AVI dump stopped Cache ISO in RAM = Cache full ISO in RAM Change CPU Clock = Change emulated PSP's CPU clock (unstable) Color Saturation = Color Saturation Color Tint = Color Tint Error: load undo state is from a different game = Error: load undo state is from a different game Failed to load state for load undo. Error in the file system. = Failed to load state for load undo. Error in the file system. Floating symbols = Floating symbols Game crashed = Game crashed Language = Llengua Memory Stick folder = Memory Stick folder Memory Stick size = Memory Stick size Change Nickname = Change nickname ChangingMemstickPath = Save games, save states, and other data will not be copied to this folder.\n\nChange the Memory Stick folder? ChangingMemstickPathInvalid = That path couldn't be used to save Memory Stick files. Cheats = Cheats Clear Recent = Clear "Recent" Clear Recent Games List = Clear Recent games list Clear UI background = Clear UI background Confirmation Button = Confirmation button Date Format = Date format Day Light Saving = Daylight savings DDMMYYYY = DDMMYYYY Decrease size = Decrease size Developer Tools = Developer tools Display Extra Info = Display extra info Display Games on a grid = Display "Games" on a grid Display Homebrew on a grid = Display "Homebrew && Demos" on a grid Display Recent on a grid = Display "Recent" on a grid Dynarec (JIT) = Dynarec (JIT) Emulation = Emulation Enable Cheats = Activar trucs Enable Compatibility Server Reports = Enviar informes de compatibilitat Failed to load state. Error in the file system. = Failed to load state. Error in the file system. Failed to save state. Error in the file system. = Failed to save state. Error in the file system. Fast (lag on slow storage) = Fast (lag on slow storage) Fast Memory = Memòria ràpida (inestable) Force real clock sync (slower, less lag) = Force real clock sync (slower, less lag) Games list settings = Games list settings General = General Grid icon size = Grid icon size Help the PPSSPP team = Help the PPSSPP team Host (bugs, less lag) = Host (bugs, less lag) Ignore bad memory accesses = Ignore bad memory accesses Increase size = Increase size Interpreter = Interpreter IO timing method = I/O timing method IR Interpreter = IR interpreter Memory Stick Folder = Memory Stick folder Memory Stick inserted = Memory Stick inserted MHz, 0:default = MHz, 0 = default MMDDYYYY = MMDDYYYY Moving background = Moving background Newest Save = Newest save No animation = No animation Not a PSP game = Not a PSP game Off = Off Oldest Save = Oldest save Path does not exist! = Path does not exist! PSP Memory Stick = PSP Memory Stick PSP Model = PSP model PSP Settings = PSP settings PSP-1000 = PSP-1000 PSP-2000/3000 = PSP-2000/3000 Recent games = Recent games Record Audio = Record audio Record Display = Record display Reset Recording on Save/Load State = Reset recording on Save/Load state Restore Default Settings = Restore PPSSPP's settings to default RetroAchievements = RetroAchievements Rewind Snapshot Interval = Rewind Snapshot Interval (mem hog) Save path in installed.txt = Save path in installed.txt Save path in My Documents = Save path in My Documents Savestate Slot = Savestate slot Savestate slot backups = Savestate slot backups Screenshots as PNG = Save screenshots in PNG format Set Memory Stick folder = Set Memory Stick folder Set UI background... = Set UI background... Show ID = Show ID Show Memory Stick folder = Show Memory Stick folder Show region flag = Show region flag Simulate UMD delays = Simulate UMD delays Slot 1 = Slot 1 Slot 2 = Slot 2 Slot 3 = Slot 3 Slot 4 = Slot 4 Slot 5 = Slot 5 Storage full = Storage full Sustained performance mode = Sustained performance mode Theme = Theme Time Format = Time format Transparent UI background = Transparent UI background UI = UI UI background animation = UI background animation UI Sound = UI sound undo %c = backup %c USB = USB Use Lossless Video Codec (FFV1) = Use lossless video codec (FFV1) Use O to confirm = Use O as confirmation button Use output buffer (with overlay) for recording = Use output buffer (with overlay) for recording Use system native keyboard = Use system native keyboard Use X to confirm = Use X as confirmation button VersionCheck = Check for new versions of PPSSPP WARNING: Android battery save mode is on = WARNING: Android battery save mode is On WARNING: Battery save mode is on = WARNING: Battery save mode is on Waves = Waves YYYYMMDD = YYYYMMDD [TextureShaders] Off = Off TexMMPX = TexMMPX Tex2xBRZ = Tex2xBRZ Tex4xBRZ = Tex4xBRZ [Themes] Dark = Dark Default = Per defecte [UI Elements] %1 button = %1 botó %1 checkbox = %1 casella de selecció %1 choice = %1 opció %1 heading = %1 encapçalament %1 radio button = %1 botó d'opció %1 text field = %1 botó d'opció Choices: = Opcions: List: = Llista: Progress: %1% = Progrés: %1% Screen representation = Representació en pantalla [Upgrade] Details = Detalls Dismiss = Descartar Download = Descarregar New version of PPSSPP available = Nova versió de PPSSPP disponible [VR] % of native FoV = % of native FoV 6DoF movement = 6DoF movement Camera type = Camera type Distance to 2D menus and scenes = Distance to 2D menus and scenes Distance to 3D scenes when VR disabled = Distance to 3D scenes when VR disabled Experts only = Experts only Field of view scale = Field of view scale Force 72Hz update = Force 72Hz update Game camera rotation step per frame = Game camera rotation step per frame Game camera uses rotation smoothing = Game camera uses rotation smoothing Heads-up display detection = Heads-up display detection Heads-up display scale = Heads-up display scale Manual switching between flat screen and VR using SCREEN key = Manual switching between flat screen and VR using SCREEN key Map controller movements to keys = Map controller movements to keys Map HMD rotations on keys instead of VR camera = Map HMD rotations on keys instead of VR camera Motion needed to generate action = Motion needed to generate action Stereoscopic vision (Experimental) = Stereoscopic vision (Experimental) Virtual reality = Virtual reality VR camera = VR camera VR controllers = VR controllers