// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project / 2012 PPSSPP Project // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/LogReporting.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/ConfigValues.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" namespace Memory { u8 *GetPointerWrite(const u32 address) { if ((address & 0x3E000000) == 0x08000000 || // RAM (address & 0x3F800000) == 0x04000000 || // VRAM (address & 0xBFFFC000) == 0x00010000 || // Scratchpad ((address & 0x3F000000) >= 0x08000000 && (address & 0x3F000000) < 0x08000000 + g_MemorySize)) { // More RAM (remasters, etc.) return GetPointerWriteUnchecked(address); } else { static bool reported = false; if (!reported) { Reporting::ReportMessage("Unknown GetPointerWrite %08x PC %08x LR %08x", address, currentMIPS->pc, currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA]); reported = true; } // Size is not known, we pass 0 to signal that. Core_MemoryException(address, 0, currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::WRITE_BLOCK); return nullptr; } } const u8 *GetPointer(const u32 address) { if ((address & 0x3E000000) == 0x08000000 || // RAM (address & 0x3F800000) == 0x04000000 || // VRAM (address & 0xBFFFC000) == 0x00010000 || // Scratchpad ((address & 0x3F000000) >= 0x08000000 && (address & 0x3F000000) < 0x08000000 + g_MemorySize)) { // More RAM (remasters, etc.) return GetPointerUnchecked(address); } else { static bool reported = false; if (!reported) { Reporting::ReportMessage("Unknown GetPointer %08x PC %08x LR %08x", address, currentMIPS->pc, currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA]); reported = true; } // Size is not known, we pass 0 to signal that. Core_MemoryException(address, 0, currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::READ_BLOCK); return nullptr; } } u8 *GetPointerWriteRange(const u32 address, const u32 size) { u8 *ptr = GetPointerWrite(address); if (ptr) { if (ValidSize(address, size) != size) { // That's a memory exception! TODO: Adjust reported address to the end of the range? Core_MemoryException(address, size, currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::WRITE_BLOCK); return nullptr; } else { return ptr; } } else { // Error was reported in GetPointerWrite already, if we're not ignoring errors. return nullptr; } } const u8 *GetPointerRange(const u32 address, const u32 size) { const u8 *ptr = GetPointer(address); if (ptr) { if (ValidSize(address, size) != size) { // That's a memory exception! TODO: Adjust reported address to the end of the range? Core_MemoryException(address, size, currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::READ_BLOCK); return nullptr; } else { return ptr; } } else { // Error was reported in GetPointer already, if we're not ignoring errors. return nullptr; } } template inline void ReadFromHardware(T &var, const u32 address) { // TODO: Figure out the fastest order of tests for both read and write (they are probably different). if ((address & 0x3E000000) == 0x08000000) { // RAM var = *((const T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address)); } else if ((address & 0x3F800000) == 0x04000000) { // VRAM var = *((const T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address)); } else if ((address & 0xBFFFC000) == 0x00010000) { // Scratchpad var = *((const T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address)); } else if ((address & 0x3F000000) >= 0x08000000 && (address & 0x3F000000) < 0x08000000 + g_MemorySize) { // More RAM (remasters, etc.) var = *((const T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address)); } else { static bool reported = false; if (!reported) { Reporting::ReportMessage("ReadFromHardware: Invalid address %08x near PC %08x LR %08x", address, currentMIPS->pc, currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA]); reported = true; } Core_MemoryException(address, sizeof(T), currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::READ_WORD); var = 0; } } template inline void WriteToHardware(u32 address, const T data) { if ((address & 0x3E000000) == 0x08000000) { // RAM *(T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address) = data; } else if ((address & 0x3F800000) == 0x04000000) { // VRAM *(T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address) = data; } else if ((address & 0xBFFFC000) == 0x00010000) { // Scratchpad *(T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address) = data; } else if ((address & 0x3F000000) >= 0x08000000 && (address & 0x3F000000) < 0x08000000 + g_MemorySize) { // More RAM (remasters, etc.) *(T*)GetPointerUnchecked(address) = data; } else { static bool reported = false; if (!reported) { Reporting::ReportMessage("WriteToHardware: Invalid address %08x near PC %08x LR %08x", address, currentMIPS->pc, currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA]); reported = true; } Core_MemoryException(address, sizeof(T), currentMIPS->pc, MemoryExceptionType::WRITE_WORD); } } bool IsRAMAddress(const u32 address) { if ((address & 0x3E000000) == 0x08000000) { return true; } else if ((address & 0x3F000000) >= 0x08000000 && (address & 0x3F000000) < 0x08000000 + g_MemorySize) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool IsScratchpadAddress(const u32 address) { return (address & 0xBFFFC000) == 0x00010000; } u8 Read_U8(const u32 address) { u8 value = 0; ReadFromHardware(value, address); return (u8)value; } u16 Read_U16(const u32 address) { u16_le value = 0; ReadFromHardware(value, address); return (u16)value; } u32 Read_U32(const u32 address) { u32_le value = 0; ReadFromHardware(value, address); return value; } u64 Read_U64(const u32 address) { u64_le value = 0; ReadFromHardware(value, address); return value; } u32 Read_U8_ZX(const u32 address) { return (u32)Read_U8(address); } u32 Read_U16_ZX(const u32 address) { return (u32)Read_U16(address); } void Write_U8(const u8 _Data, const u32 address) { WriteToHardware(address, _Data); } void Write_U16(const u16 _Data, const u32 address) { WriteToHardware(address, _Data); } void Write_U32(const u32 _Data, const u32 address) { WriteToHardware(address, _Data); } void Write_U64(const u64 _Data, const u32 address) { WriteToHardware(address, _Data); } } // namespace Memory