// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/Thread/ParallelLoop.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/ThreadPools.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSTables.h" #include "Core/ELF/ElfReader.h" #include "Core/Debugger/MemBlockInfo.h" #include "Core/Debugger/SymbolMap.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelModule.h" const char *ElfReader::GetSectionName(int section) const { if (sections[section].sh_type == SHT_NULL) return nullptr; int stringsOffset = GetSectionDataOffset(header->e_shstrndx); int nameOffset = sections[section].sh_name; if (nameOffset < 0 || (size_t)nameOffset + stringsOffset >= size_) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "ELF: Bad name offset %d + %d in section %d (max = %d)", nameOffset, stringsOffset, section, (int)size_); return nullptr; } const char *ptr = (const char *)GetSectionDataPtr(header->e_shstrndx); if (ptr) return ptr + nameOffset; else return nullptr; } void addrToHiLo(u32 addr, u16 &hi, s16 &lo) { lo = (addr & 0xFFFF); u32 naddr = addr - lo; hi = naddr>>16; u32 test = (hi<<16) + lo; if (test != addr) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "HI16/LO16 relocation failure?"); } } bool ElfReader::LoadRelocations(const Elf32_Rel *rels, int numRelocs) { std::vector relocOps; relocOps.resize(numRelocs); DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Loading %i relocations...", numRelocs); std::atomic numErrors; numErrors.store(0); ParallelRangeLoop(&g_threadManager, [&](int l, int h) { for (int r = l; r < h; r++) { u32 info = rels[r].r_info; u32 addr = rels[r].r_offset; int type = info & 0xf; // Often: 0 = code, 1 = data. int readwrite = (info >> 8) & 0xff; if (readwrite >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(segmentVAddr)) { if (numErrors < 10) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Bad segment number %i", readwrite); } numErrors++; continue; } addr += segmentVAddr[readwrite]; // It appears that misaligned relocations are allowed. if (((addr & 3) && type != R_MIPS_32) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { if (numErrors < 10) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Suspicious address %08x, skipping reloc, type = %d", addr, type); } else if (numErrors == 10) { WARN_LOG(LOADER, "Too many bad relocations, skipping logging"); } numErrors++; continue; } relocOps[r] = Memory::ReadUnchecked_Instruction(addr, true).encoding; } }, 0, numRelocs, 128, TaskPriority::HIGH); ParallelRangeLoop(&g_threadManager, [&](int l, int h) { for (int r = l; r < h; r++) { VERBOSE_LOG(LOADER, "Loading reloc %i (%p)...", r, rels + r); u32 info = rels[r].r_info; u32 addr = rels[r].r_offset; int type = info & 0xf; int readwrite = (info >> 8) & 0xff; int relative = (info >> 16) & 0xff; if (readwrite >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(segmentVAddr)) { continue; } addr += segmentVAddr[readwrite]; if (((addr & 3) && type != R_MIPS_32) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { continue; } u32 op = relocOps[r]; const bool log = false; //log=true; if (log) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "rel at: %08x info: %08x type: %i", addr, info, type); } u32 relocateTo = relative >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(segmentVAddr) ? 0 : segmentVAddr[relative]; switch (type) { case R_MIPS_32: if (log) DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Full address reloc %08x", addr); //full address, no problemo op += relocateTo; break; case R_MIPS_26: //j, jal //add on to put in correct address space if (log) DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "j/jal reloc %08x", addr); op = (op & 0xFC000000) | (((op & 0x03FFFFFF) + (relocateTo >> 2)) & 0x03FFFFFF); break; case R_MIPS_HI16: //lui part of lui-addiu pairs { if (log) DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "HI reloc %08x", addr); u32 cur = (op & 0xFFFF) << 16; u16 hi = 0; bool found = false; for (int t = r + 1; t < numRelocs; t++) { int t_type = rels[t].r_info & 0xF; if (t_type == R_MIPS_HI16) continue; u32 corrLoAddr = rels[t].r_offset + segmentVAddr[readwrite]; // In MotorStorm: Arctic Edge (US), these are sometimes R_MIPS_16 (instead of LO16.) // It appears the PSP takes any relocation that is not a HI16. if (t_type != R_MIPS_LO16) { if (t_type != R_MIPS_16) { // Let's play it safe for now and skip. We've only seen this type. ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ELF relocation HI16/%d pair (instead of LO16) at %08x / %08x", t_type, addr, corrLoAddr); continue; } else { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ELF relocation HI16/%d(16) pair (instead of LO16) at %08x / %08x", t_type, addr, corrLoAddr); } } // Should have matching index and segment info, according to llvm, which makes sense. if ((rels[t].r_info >> 8) != (rels[r].r_info >> 8)) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ELF relocation HI16/LO16 with mismatching r_info lo=%08x, hi=%08x", rels[t].r_info, rels[r].r_info); } if (log) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Corresponding lo found at %08x", corrLoAddr); } if (Memory::IsValidAddress(corrLoAddr)) { s16 lo = (s16)relocOps[t]; cur += lo; cur += relocateTo; addrToHiLo(cur, hi, lo); found = true; break; } else { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Bad corrLoAddr %08x", corrLoAddr); } } if (!found) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "R_MIPS_HI16: could not find R_MIPS_LO16 (r=%d of %d, addr=%08x)", r, numRelocs, addr); } op = (op & 0xFFFF0000) | hi; } break; case R_MIPS_LO16: //addiu part of lui-addiu pairs { if (log) DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "LO reloc %08x", addr); u32 cur = op & 0xFFFF; cur += relocateTo; cur &= 0xFFFF; op = (op & 0xFFFF0000) | cur; } break; case R_MIPS_GPREL16: //gp // It seems safe to ignore this, almost a notification of a gp-relative operation? break; case R_MIPS_16: op = (op & 0xFFFF0000) | (((int)(op & 0xFFFF) + (int)relocateTo) & 0xFFFF); break; case R_MIPS_NONE: // This shouldn't matter, not sure the purpose of it. break; default: { char temp[256]; MIPSDisAsm(MIPSOpcode(op), 0, temp, sizeof(temp)); ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ARGH IT'S AN UNKNOWN RELOCATION!!!!!!!! %08x, type=%d : %s", addr, type, temp); } break; } Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(op, addr); NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, addr, 4, "Relocation"); } }, 0, numRelocs, 128, TaskPriority::HIGH); if (numErrors) { WARN_LOG(LOADER, "%i bad relocations found!!!", numErrors.load()); } return numErrors == 0; } void ElfReader::LoadRelocations2(int rel_seg) { u8 *buf, *end, *flag_table, *type_table; int flag_table_size, type_table_size; int flag_bits, seg_bits, type_bits; int cmd, flag, seg, type; int off_seg = 0, addr_seg, rel_base, rel_offset; int relocate_to, last_type, lo16 = 0; u32 op, addr; int rcount = 0; const Elf32_Phdr *ph = segments + rel_seg; buf = (u8*)GetSegmentPtr(rel_seg); if (!buf) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Rel2 segment invalid"); return; } end = buf+ph->p_filesz; flag_bits = buf[2]; type_bits = buf[3]; seg_bits = 1; while((1<>(16-flag_bits))&0xffff; flag = flag_table[flag]; seg = (cmd<<(16-seg_bits-flag_bits))&0xffff; seg = (seg>>(16-seg_bits))&0xffff; type = ( cmd<<(16-type_bits-seg_bits-flag_bits))&0xffff; type = (type>>(16-type_bits))&0xffff; type = type_table[type]; if((flag&0x01)==0){ off_seg = seg; if((flag&0x06)==0){ rel_base = cmd>>(seg_bits+flag_bits); }else if((flag&0x06)==4){ rel_base = buf[0] | (buf[1]<<8) | (buf[2]<<16) | (buf[3]<<24); buf += 4; }else{ ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Rel2: invalid size flag! %x", flag); rel_base = 0; } }else{ addr_seg = seg; relocate_to = addr_seg >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(segmentVAddr) ? 0 : segmentVAddr[addr_seg]; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(relocate_to)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ELF: Bad address to relocate to: %08x (segment %d)", relocate_to, addr_seg); continue; } if((flag&0x06)==0x00){ rel_offset = cmd; if(cmd&0x8000){ rel_offset |= 0xffff0000; rel_offset >>= type_bits+seg_bits+flag_bits; rel_offset |= 0xffff0000; }else{ rel_offset >>= type_bits+seg_bits+flag_bits; } rel_base += rel_offset; }else if((flag&0x06)==0x02){ rel_offset = cmd; if(cmd&0x8000) rel_offset |= 0xffff0000; rel_offset >>= type_bits+seg_bits+flag_bits; rel_offset = (rel_offset<<16) | (buf[0]) | (buf[1]<<8); buf += 2; rel_base += rel_offset; }else if((flag&0x06)==0x04){ rel_base = buf[0] | (buf[1]<<8) | (buf[2]<<16) | (buf[3]<<24); buf += 4; }else{ ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Rel2: invalid relocat size flag! %x", flag); } rel_offset = rel_base+segmentVAddr[off_seg]; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(rel_offset)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "ELF: Bad rel_offset: %08x", rel_offset); continue; } if((flag&0x38)==0x00){ lo16 = 0; }else if((flag&0x38)==0x08){ if(last_type!=0x04) lo16 = 0; }else if((flag&0x38)==0x10){ lo16 = (buf[0]) | (buf[1]<<8); if(lo16&0x8000) lo16 |= 0xffff0000; buf += 2; }else{ ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Rel2: invalid lo16 type! %x", flag); } op = Memory::Read_Instruction(rel_offset, true).encoding; DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Rel2: %5d: CMD=0x%04X flag=%x type=%d off_seg=%d offset=%08x addr_seg=%d op=%08x\n", rcount, cmd, flag, type, off_seg, rel_base, addr_seg, op); switch(type){ case 0: continue; case 2: // R_MIPS_32 op += relocate_to; break; case 3: // R_MIPS_26 case 6: // R_MIPS_J26 case 7: // R_MIPS_JAL26 op = (op&0xFC000000) | (((op&0x03FFFFFF)+(relocate_to>>2))&0x03FFFFFF); // To be safe, let's force it to the specified jump. if (type == 6) op = (op & ~0xFC000000) | 0x08000000; else if (type == 7) op = (op & ~0xFC000000) | 0x0C000000; break; case 4: // R_MIPS_HI16 addr = ((op<<16)+lo16)+relocate_to; if(addr&0x8000) addr += 0x00010000; op = (op&0xffff0000) | (addr>>16 ); break; case 1: case 5: // R_MIPS_LO16 op = (op&0xffff0000) | (((op&0xffff)+relocate_to)&0xffff); break; default: ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Rel2: unexpected relocation type! %x", type); break; } Memory::Write_U32(op, rel_offset); NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, rel_offset, 4, "Relocation2"); rcount += 1; } } } int ElfReader::LoadInto(u32 loadAddress, bool fromTop) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"String section: %i", header->e_shstrndx); if (size_ < sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Truncated ELF header, %d bytes", (int)size_); // Probably not the right error code. return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } if (header->e_ident[0] != ELFMAG0 || header->e_ident[1] != ELFMAG1 || header->e_ident[2] != ELFMAG2 || header->e_ident[3] != ELFMAG3) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PRX_TYPE; // technically ELFCLASSNONE would freeze the system, but that's not really desireable if (header->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32) { if (header->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != 0) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Bad ELF, EI_CLASS (fifth byte) is 0x00, should be 0x01 - would lock up a PSP."); } if (header->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; if (size_ < header->e_phoff + sizeof(Elf32_Phdr) * GetNumSegments() || size_ < header->e_shoff + sizeof(Elf32_Shdr) * GetNumSections()) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Truncated ELF, %d bytes with %d sections and %d segments", (int)size_, GetNumSections(), GetNumSegments()); // Probably not the right error code. return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } // e_ident[EI_VERSION] is ignored // Should we relocate? bRelocate = (header->e_type != ET_EXEC); // Look for the module info - we need to know whether this is kernel or user. const PspModuleInfo *modInfo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); i++) { const Elf32_Shdr *s = §ions[i]; const char *name = GetSectionName(i); if (name && !strcmp(name, ".rodata.sceModuleInfo") && s->sh_offset + sizeof(PspModuleInfo) <= size_) { modInfo = (const PspModuleInfo *)GetPtr(s->sh_offset); } } if (!modInfo && GetNumSegments() >= 1 && (segments[0].p_paddr & 0x7FFFFFFF) + sizeof(PspModuleInfo) <= size_) { modInfo = (const PspModuleInfo *)GetPtr(segments[0].p_paddr & 0x7FFFFFFF); } bool kernelModule = modInfo ? (modInfo->moduleAttrs & 0x1000) != 0 : false; std::string modName = "ELF"; if (modInfo) { size_t n = strnlen(modInfo->name, 28); modName = "ELF/" + std::string(modInfo->name, n); } entryPoint = header->e_entry; u32 totalStart = 0xFFFFFFFF; u32 totalEnd = 0; for (int i = 0; i < header->e_phnum; i++) { const Elf32_Phdr *p = &segments[i]; if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD) { if (p->p_vaddr < totalStart) { totalStart = p->p_vaddr; firstSegAlign = p->p_align; } if (p->p_vaddr + p->p_memsz > totalEnd) totalEnd = p->p_vaddr + p->p_memsz; } } totalSize = totalEnd - totalStart; // If a load address is specified that's in regular RAM, override kernel module status bool inUser = totalStart >= PSP_GetUserMemoryBase(); BlockAllocator &memblock = (kernelModule && !inUser) ? kernelMemory : userMemory; if (!bRelocate) { // Binary is prerelocated, load it where the first segment starts vaddr = memblock.AllocAt(totalStart, totalSize, modName.c_str()); } else if (loadAddress) { // Binary needs to be relocated: add loadAddress to the binary start address vaddr = memblock.AllocAt(loadAddress + totalStart, totalSize, modName.c_str()); } else { // Just put it where there is room vaddr = memblock.Alloc(totalSize, fromTop, modName.c_str()); } if (vaddr == (u32)-1) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Failed to allocate memory for ELF!"); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } if (bRelocate) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"Relocatable module"); if (entryPoint != (u32)-1) entryPoint += vaddr; } else { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"Prerelocated executable"); } DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"%i segments:", header->e_phnum); // First pass : Get the damn bits into RAM u32 baseAddress = bRelocate ? vaddr : 0; for (int i = 0; i < header->e_phnum; i++) { const Elf32_Phdr *p = segments + i; DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Type: %08x Vaddr: %08x Filesz: %08x Memsz: %08x ", (int)p->p_type, (u32)p->p_vaddr, (int)p->p_filesz, (int)p->p_memsz); if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD) { segmentVAddr[i] = baseAddress + p->p_vaddr; u32 writeAddr = segmentVAddr[i]; const u8 *src = GetSegmentPtr(i); if (!src || p->p_offset + p->p_filesz > size_) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Segment %d pointer invalid - truncated?", i); continue; } u32 srcSize = p->p_filesz; u32 dstSize = p->p_memsz; u8 *dst = Memory::GetPointerWriteRange(writeAddr, dstSize); if (dst) { if (srcSize < dstSize) { memset(dst + srcSize, 0, dstSize - srcSize); //zero out bss NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, writeAddr + srcSize, dstSize - srcSize, "ELFZero"); } memcpy(dst, src, srcSize); std::string tag = StringFromFormat("ELFLoad/%08x", writeAddr); NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, writeAddr, srcSize, tag.c_str(), tag.size()); DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Loadable Segment Copied to %08x, size %08x", writeAddr, (u32)p->p_memsz); } else { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Bad ELF segment. Trying to write %d bytes to %08x", dstSize, writeAddr); } } } memblock.ListBlocks(); DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"%i sections:", header->e_shnum); sectionOffsets = new u32[GetNumSections()]; sectionAddrs = new u32[GetNumSections()]; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); i++) { const Elf32_Shdr *s = §ions[i]; const char *name = GetSectionName(i); u32 writeAddr = s->sh_addr + baseAddress; sectionOffsets[i] = writeAddr - vaddr; sectionAddrs[i] = writeAddr; if (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) { std::string tag = name && name[0] ? StringFromFormat("%s/%s", modName.c_str(), name) : StringFromFormat("%s/%08x", modName.c_str(), writeAddr); NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::SUB_ALLOC, writeAddr, s->sh_size, tag.c_str(), tag.size()); DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"Data Section found: %s Sitting at %08x, size %08x", name, writeAddr, (u32)s->sh_size); } else { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"NonData Section found: %s Ignoring (size=%08x) (flags=%08x)", name, (u32)s->sh_size, (u32)s->sh_flags); } } DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Relocations:"); // Second pass: Do necessary relocations for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); i++) { const Elf32_Shdr *s = §ions[i]; const char *name = GetSectionName(i); if (s->sh_type == SHT_PSPREL) { //We have a relocation table! int sectionToModify = s->sh_info; if (sectionToModify >= 0) { if (!(sections[sectionToModify].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Trying to relocate non-loaded section %s", GetSectionName(sectionToModify)); continue; } int numRelocs = s->sh_size / sizeof(Elf32_Rel); Elf32_Rel *rels = (Elf32_Rel *)GetSectionDataPtr(i); if (GetSectionDataOffset(i) + sizeof(Elf32_Rel) * numRelocs > size_) rels = nullptr; DEBUG_LOG(LOADER,"%s: Performing %i relocations on %s : offset = %08x", name, numRelocs, GetSectionName(sectionToModify), sections[i].sh_offset); if (!rels || !LoadRelocations(rels, numRelocs)) { WARN_LOG(LOADER, "LoadInto: Relocs failed, trying anyway"); } } else { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "sectionToModify = %i - ignoring PSP relocation sector %i", sectionToModify, i); } } else if (s->sh_type == SHT_REL) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Traditional relocation section found."); if (!bRelocate) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "Binary is prerelocated. Skipping relocations."); } else { //We have a relocation table! int sectionToModify = s->sh_info; if (sectionToModify >= 0) { if (!(sections[sectionToModify].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) { // Generally stuff like debug info. We don't need it. INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Skipping relocation of non-loaded section %s", GetSectionName(sectionToModify)); continue; } } else { WARN_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "sectionToModify = %i - ignoring relocation sector %i", sectionToModify, i); } ERROR_LOG_REPORT(LOADER, "Traditional relocations unsupported."); } } } // Segment relocations (a few games use them) if (GetNumSections() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < header->e_phnum; i++) { const Elf32_Phdr *p = &segments[i]; if (p->p_type == PT_PSPREL1) { INFO_LOG(LOADER,"Loading segment relocations"); int numRelocs = p->p_filesz / sizeof(Elf32_Rel); Elf32_Rel *rels = (Elf32_Rel *)GetSegmentPtr(i); if (p->p_offset + p->p_filesz > size_) rels = nullptr; if (!rels || !LoadRelocations(rels, numRelocs)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "LoadInto: Relocs failed, trying anyway (2)"); } } else if (p->p_type == PT_PSPREL2) { INFO_LOG(LOADER,"Loading segment relocations2"); LoadRelocations2(i); } } } return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_OK; } SectionID ElfReader::GetSectionByName(const char *name, int firstSection) const { if (!name) return -1; for (int i = firstSection; i < header->e_shnum; i++) { const char *secname = GetSectionName(i); if (secname && strcmp(name, secname) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } u32 ElfReader::GetTotalTextSize() const { u32 total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); ++i) { if (!(sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_WRITE) && (sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) && !(sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_STRINGS)) { total += sections[i].sh_size; } } return total; } u32 ElfReader::GetTotalTextSizeFromSeg() const { u32 total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSegments(); ++i) { if ((segments[i].p_flags & PF_X) != 0) { total += segments[i].p_filesz; } } return total; } u32 ElfReader::GetTotalDataSize() const { u32 total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); ++i) { if ((sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_WRITE) && (sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) && !(sections[i].sh_flags & SHF_MASKPROC)) { total += sections[i].sh_size; } } return total; } u32 ElfReader::GetTotalSectionSizeByPrefix(const std::string &prefix) const { u32 total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); ++i) { const char *secname = GetSectionName(i); if (secname && !strncmp(secname, prefix.c_str(), prefix.length())) { total += sections[i].sh_size; } } return total; } std::vector ElfReader::GetCodeSections() const { std::vector ids; for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSections(); ++i) { u32 flags = sections[i].sh_flags; if ((flags & (SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR)) == (SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR)) { ids.push_back(i); } } return ids; } bool ElfReader::LoadSymbols() { bool hasSymbols = false; SectionID sec = GetSectionByName(".symtab"); if (sec != -1) { int stringSection = sections[sec].sh_link; const char *stringBase = (const char*)GetSectionDataPtr(stringSection); u32 stringOffset = GetSectionDataOffset(stringSection); //We have a symbol table! Elf32_Sym *symtab = (Elf32_Sym *)(GetSectionDataPtr(sec)); u32 symtabOffset = GetSectionDataOffset(sec); int numSymbols = sections[sec].sh_size / sizeof(Elf32_Sym); if (!stringBase || !symtab || symtabOffset + sections[sec].sh_size > size_) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Symbols truncated - ignoring"); return false; } for (int sym = 0; sym> 4; int type = symtab[sym].st_info & 0xF; int sectionIndex = symtab[sym].st_shndx; int value = symtab[sym].st_value; const char *name = stringBase + symtab[sym].st_name; if (stringOffset + symtab[sym].st_name >= size_) continue; if (bRelocate) value += sectionAddrs[sectionIndex]; switch (type) { case STT_OBJECT: g_symbolMap->AddData(value,size,DATATYPE_BYTE); break; case STT_FUNC: g_symbolMap->AddFunction(name,value,size); break; default: continue; } hasSymbols = true; //... } } return hasSymbols; }