// main.mm boilerplate #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "AppDelegate.h" #import "PPSSPPUIApplication.h" #import "ViewController.h" #include "Common/MemoryUtil.h" #include "Common/System/NativeApp.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/System/Request.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/Profiler/Profiler.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "UI/DarwinFileSystemServices.h" static int (*csops)(pid_t pid, unsigned int ops, void * useraddr, size_t usersize); static boolean_t (*exc_server)(mach_msg_header_t *, mach_msg_header_t *); static int (*ptrace)(int request, pid_t pid, caddr_t addr, int data); #define CS_OPS_STATUS 0 /* return status */ #define CS_DEBUGGED 0x10000000 /* process is currently or has previously been debugged and allowed to run with invalid pages */ #define PT_ATTACHEXC 14 /* attach to running process with signal exception */ #define PT_DETACH 11 /* stop tracing a process */ #define ptrace(a, b, c, d) syscall(SYS_ptrace, a, b, c, d) bool get_debugged() { int flags; int rv = csops(getpid(), CS_OPS_STATUS, &flags, sizeof(flags)); if (rv==0 && flags&CS_DEBUGGED) return true; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { int st,rv,i=0; do { usleep(500); rv = waitpid(pid, &st, 0); } while (rv<0 && i++<10); if (rv<0) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to wait for child?\n"); } else if (pid == 0) { pid_t ppid = getppid(); int rv = ptrace(PT_ATTACHEXC, ppid, 0, 0); if (rv) { perror("Unable to attach to process"); exit(1); } for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { usleep(1000); errno = 0; rv = ptrace(PT_DETACH, ppid, 0, 0); if (rv==0) break; } if (rv) { perror("Unable to detach from process"); exit(1); } exit(0); } else { perror("Unable to fork"); } rv = csops(getpid(), CS_OPS_STATUS, &flags, sizeof(flags)); if (rv==0 && flags&CS_DEBUGGED) return true; return false; } kern_return_t catch_exception_raise(mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task, exception_type_t exception, exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t code_count) { return KERN_FAILURE; } void *exception_handler(void *argument) { auto port = *reinterpret_cast(argument); mach_msg_server(exc_server, 2048, port, 0); return NULL; } float g_safeInsetLeft = 0.0; float g_safeInsetRight = 0.0; float g_safeInsetTop = 0.0; float g_safeInsetBottom = 0.0; // We no longer need to judge if jit is usable or not by according to the ios version. /* static bool g_jitAvailable = false; static int g_iosVersionMinor; */ static int g_iosVersionMajor; static std::string version; std::string System_GetProperty(SystemProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case SYSPROP_NAME: return StringFromFormat("iOS %s", version.c_str()); case SYSPROP_LANGREGION: return [[[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleIdentifier] UTF8String]; case SYSPROP_BUILD_VERSION: return PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION; default: return ""; } } std::vector System_GetPropertyStringVec(SystemProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case SYSPROP_TEMP_DIRS: default: return std::vector(); } } int System_GetPropertyInt(SystemProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case SYSPROP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE: return 44100; case SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE: return DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE; case SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION: return g_iosVersionMajor; default: return -1; } } float System_GetPropertyFloat(SystemProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case SYSPROP_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE: return 60.f; case SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_LEFT: return g_safeInsetLeft; case SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_RIGHT: return g_safeInsetRight; case SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_TOP: return g_safeInsetTop; case SYSPROP_DISPLAY_SAFE_INSET_BOTTOM: return g_safeInsetBottom; default: return -1; } } bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case SYSPROP_HAS_OPEN_DIRECTORY: return false; case SYSPROP_HAS_BACK_BUTTON: return false; case SYSPROP_APP_GOLD: #ifdef GOLD return true; #else return false; #endif case SYSPROP_CAN_JIT: return get_debugged(); #ifndef HTTPS_NOT_AVAILABLE case SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_HTTPS: return true; #endif default: return false; } } void System_Notify(SystemNotification notification) { switch (notification) { } } bool System_MakeRequest(SystemRequestType type, int requestId, const std::string ¶m1, const std::string ¶m2, int param3) { switch (type) { case SystemRequestType::EXIT_APP: exit(0); // The below seems right, but causes hangs. See #12140. // dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // [sharedViewController shutdown]; // exit(0); // }); break; case SystemRequestType::BROWSE_FOR_FILE: { DarwinDirectoryPanelCallback callback = [requestId] (bool success, Path path) { if (success) { g_requestManager.PostSystemSuccess(requestId, path.c_str()); } else { g_requestManager.PostSystemFailure(requestId); } }; DarwinFileSystemServices services; services.presentDirectoryPanel(callback, /* allowFiles = */ true, /* allowDirectories = */ false); return true; } case SystemRequestType::BROWSE_FOR_FOLDER: { DarwinDirectoryPanelCallback callback = [requestId] (bool success, Path path) { if (success) { g_requestManager.PostSystemSuccess(requestId, path.c_str()); } else { g_requestManager.PostSystemFailure(requestId); } }; DarwinFileSystemServices services; services.presentDirectoryPanel(callback, /* allowFiles = */ false, /* allowDirectories = */ true); return true; } case SystemRequestType::CAMERA_COMMAND: if (!strncmp(param1.c_str(), "startVideo", 10)) { int width = 0, height = 0; sscanf(param1.c_str(), "startVideo_%dx%d", &width, &height); setCameraSize(width, height); startVideo(); } else if (!strcmp(param1.c_str(), "stopVideo")) { stopVideo(); } return true; case SystemRequestType::GPS_COMMAND: if (param1 == "open") { startLocation(); } else if (param1 == "close") { stopLocation(); } return true; case SystemRequestType::SHARE_TEXT: { NSString *text = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:param1.c_str()]; [sharedViewController shareText:text]; return true; } default: return false; } } void System_Toast(const char *text) {} void System_AskForPermission(SystemPermission permission) {} PermissionStatus System_GetPermissionStatus(SystemPermission permission) { return PERMISSION_STATUS_GRANTED; } FOUNDATION_EXTERN void AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithVibration(unsigned long, objc_object*, NSDictionary*); BOOL SupportsTaptic() { // we're on an iOS version that cannot instantiate UISelectionFeedbackGenerator, so no. if(!NSClassFromString(@"UISelectionFeedbackGenerator")) { return NO; } // http://www.mikitamanko.com/blog/2017/01/29/haptic-feedback-with-uifeedbackgenerator/ // use private API against UIDevice to determine the haptic stepping // 2 - iPhone 7 or above, full taptic feedback // 1 - iPhone 6S, limited taptic feedback // 0 - iPhone 6 or below, no taptic feedback NSNumber* val = (NSNumber*)[[UIDevice currentDevice] valueForKey:@"feedbackSupportLevel"]; return [val intValue] >= 2; } void System_Vibrate(int mode) { if (SupportsTaptic()) { PPSSPPUIApplication* app = (PPSSPPUIApplication*)[UIApplication sharedApplication]; if(app.feedbackGenerator == nil) { app.feedbackGenerator = [[UISelectionFeedbackGenerator alloc] init]; [app.feedbackGenerator prepare]; } [app.feedbackGenerator selectionChanged]; } else { NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSArray *pattern = @[@YES, @30, @NO, @2]; dictionary[@"VibePattern"] = pattern; dictionary[@"Intensity"] = @2; AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithVibration(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate, nil, dictionary); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Hacky hacks to try to enable JIT by pretending to be a debugger. csops = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(dlopen(nullptr, RTLD_LAZY), "csops")); exc_server = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY), "exc_server")); ptrace = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY), "ptrace")); // see https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/11905 // Tried checking for JIT support here with AllocateExecutableMemory and ProtectMemoryPages, // but it just succeeds, and then fails when you try to execute from it. // So, we'll just resort to a version check. version = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] UTF8String]; if (2 != sscanf(version.c_str(), "%d", &g_iosVersionMajor)) { // Just set it to 14.0 if the parsing fails for whatever reason. g_iosVersionMajor = 14; } /* g_jitAvailable = get_debugged(); if (g_iosVersionMajor > 14 || (g_iosVersionMajor == 14 && g_iosVersionMinor >= 4)) { g_jitAvailable = false; } else { g_jitAvailable = true; } */ PROFILE_INIT(); // Ignore sigpipe. if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { perror("Unable to ignore SIGPIPE"); } @autoreleasepool { return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, NSStringFromClass([PPSSPPUIApplication class]), NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); } }