// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // NativeApp implementation for platforms that will use that framework, like: // Android, Linux, MacOSX. // // Native is a cross platform framework. It's not very mature and mostly // just built according to the needs of my own apps. // // Windows has its own code that bypasses the framework entirely. #include "ppsspp_config.h" // Background worker threads should be spawned in NativeInit and joined // in NativeShutdown. #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include "Windows/WindowsAudio.h" #include "Windows/MainWindow.h" #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #include "Windows/CaptureDevice.h" #endif #include "Common/Net/HTTPClient.h" #include "Common/Net/Resolve.h" #include "Common/Net/URL.h" #include "Common/Render/TextureAtlas.h" #include "Common/Render/Text/draw_text.h" #include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLFeatures.h" #include "Common/GPU/thin3d.h" #include "Common/UI/UI.h" #include "Common/UI/Screen.h" #include "Common/UI/Context.h" #include "Common/UI/View.h" #include "Common/UI/IconCache.h" #include "android/jni/app-android.h" #include "Common/System/Display.h" #include "Common/System/Request.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/System/OSD.h" #include "Common/System/NativeApp.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/Input/InputState.h" #include "Common/Math/math_util.h" #include "Common/Math/lin/matrix4x4.h" #include "Common/Profiler/Profiler.h" #include "Common/Data/Encoding/Utf8.h" #include "Common/File/VFS/VFS.h" #include "Common/File/VFS/ZipFileReader.h" #include "Common/File/VFS/DirectoryReader.h" #include "Common/CPUDetect.h" #include "Common/File/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/TimeUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/LogManager.h" #include "Common/MemArena.h" #include "Common/GraphicsContext.h" #include "Common/OSVersion.h" #include "Common/GPU/ShaderTranslation.h" #include "Common/VR/PPSSPPVR.h" #include "Core/ControlMapper.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/ConfigValues.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/FileLoaders/DiskCachingFileLoader.h" #include "Core/FrameTiming.h" #include "Core/KeyMap.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/RetroAchievements.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/Screenshot.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/HLE/__sceAudio.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUsbCam.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUsbGps.h" #include "Core/HLE/proAdhoc.h" #include "Core/HW/MemoryStick.h" #include "Core/Util/GameManager.h" #include "Core/Util/PortManager.h" #include "Core/Util/AudioFormat.h" #include "Core/WebServer.h" #include "Core/TiltEventProcessor.h" #include "Core/ThreadPools.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "UI/AudioCommon.h" #include "UI/BackgroundAudio.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/DiscordIntegration.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/GPUDriverTestScreen.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "UI/MemStickScreen.h" #include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "UI/RemoteISOScreen.h" #include "UI/Theme.h" #if defined(USING_QT_UI) #include #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #include #include "UWP/UWPHelpers/InputHelpers.h" #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) #include "android/jni/app-android.h" #endif #if PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM) && defined(__ANDROID__) #include "../../android/jni/ArmEmitterTest.h" #elif PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM64) && defined(__ANDROID__) #include "../../android/jni/Arm64EmitterTest.h" #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) #include "ios/iOSCoreAudio.h" #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) #include "UI/DarwinFileSystemServices.h" #endif #if !defined(__LIBRETRO__) #include "Core/Util/GameDB.h" #endif #include bool HandleGlobalMessage(UIMessage message, const std::string &value); ScreenManager *g_screenManager; std::string config_filename; // Really need to clean this mess of globals up... but instead I add more :P bool g_TakeScreenshot; static bool isOuya; static bool resized = false; static bool restarting = false; static int renderCounter = 0; struct PendingMessage { UIMessage message; std::string value; }; static std::mutex pendingMutex; static std::vector pendingMessages; static Draw::DrawContext *g_draw; static Draw::Pipeline *colorPipeline; static Draw::Pipeline *texColorPipeline; static UIContext *uiContext; #ifdef _WIN32 WindowsAudioBackend *winAudioBackend; #endif std::thread *graphicsLoadThread; class PrintfLogger : public LogListener { public: void Log(const LogMessage &message) override { // Log with simplified headers as Android already provides timestamp etc. switch (message.level) { case LogLevel::LVERBOSE: case LogLevel::LDEBUG: case LogLevel::LINFO: printf("INFO [%s] %s", message.log, message.msg.c_str()); break; case LogLevel::LERROR: printf("ERR [%s] %s", message.log, message.msg.c_str()); break; case LogLevel::LWARNING: printf("WARN [%s] %s", message.log, message.msg.c_str()); break; case LogLevel::LNOTICE: default: printf("NOTE [%s] !!! %s", message.log, message.msg.c_str()); break; } } }; // globals static LogListener *logger = nullptr; Path boot_filename; std::string NativeQueryConfig(std::string query) { char temp[128]; if (query == "screenRotation") { INFO_LOG(G3D, "g_Config.screenRotation = %d", g_Config.iScreenRotation); snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", g_Config.iScreenRotation); return std::string(temp); } else if (query == "immersiveMode") { return std::string(g_Config.bImmersiveMode ? "1" : "0"); } else if (query == "hwScale") { int scale = g_Config.iAndroidHwScale; // Override hw scale for TV type devices. if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE) == DEVICE_TYPE_TV) scale = 0; if (scale == 1) { // If g_Config.iInternalResolution is also set to Auto (1), we fall back to "Device resolution" (0). It works out. scale = g_Config.iInternalResolution; } else if (scale >= 2) { scale -= 1; } int max_res = std::max(System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_XRES), System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_YRES)) / 480 + 1; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", std::min(scale, max_res)); return std::string(temp); } else if (query == "sustainedPerformanceMode") { return std::string(g_Config.bSustainedPerformanceMode ? "1" : "0"); } else if (query == "androidJavaGL") { // If we're using Vulkan, we say no... need C++ to use Vulkan. if (GetGPUBackend() == GPUBackend::VULKAN) { return "false"; } // Otherwise, some devices prefer the Java init so play it safe. return "true"; } else { return ""; } } int NativeMix(short *audio, int numSamples, int sampleRateHz) { return __AudioMix(audio, numSamples, sampleRateHz); } // This is called before NativeInit so we do a little bit of initialization here. void NativeGetAppInfo(std::string *app_dir_name, std::string *app_nice_name, bool *landscape, std::string *version) { *app_nice_name = "PPSSPP"; *app_dir_name = "ppsspp"; *landscape = true; *version = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION; #if PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM) && defined(__ANDROID__) ArmEmitterTest(); #elif PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM64) && defined(__ANDROID__) Arm64EmitterTest(); #endif } #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) static bool CheckFontIsUsable(const wchar_t *fontFace) { wchar_t actualFontFace[1024] = { 0 }; HFONT f = CreateFont(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_LIGHT, 0, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH, fontFace); if (f != nullptr) { HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr); if (hdc != nullptr) { SelectObject(hdc, f); GetTextFace(hdc, 1024, actualFontFace); DeleteDC(hdc); } DeleteObject(f); } // If we were able to get the font name, did it load? if (actualFontFace[0] != 0) { return wcsncmp(actualFontFace, fontFace, ARRAY_SIZE(actualFontFace)) == 0; } return false; } #endif void PostLoadConfig() { if (g_Config.currentDirectory.empty()) { g_Config.currentDirectory = g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory; } // Allow the lang directory to be overridden for testing purposes (e.g. Android, where it's hard to // test new languages without recompiling the entire app, which is a hassle). const Path langOverridePath = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) / "lang"; // If we run into the unlikely case that "lang" is actually a file, just use the built-in translations. if (!File::Exists(langOverridePath) || !File::IsDirectory(langOverridePath)) g_i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.sLanguageIni); else g_i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.sLanguageIni, langOverridePath); #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) CreateSysDirectories(); #endif } static void CheckFailedGPUBackends() { #ifdef _DEBUG // If you're in debug mode, you probably don't want a fallback. If you're in release mode, use IGNORE below. NOTICE_LOG(LOADER, "Not checking for failed graphics backends in debug mode"); return; #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION) >= 30) { // In Android 11 or later, Vulkan is as stable as OpenGL, so let's not even bother. // Have also seen unexplained issues with random fallbacks to OpenGL for no good reason, // especially when debugging. return; } #endif // We only want to do this once per process run and backend, to detect process crashes. // If NativeShutdown is called before we finish, we might call this multiple times. static int lastBackend = -1; if (lastBackend == g_Config.iGPUBackend) { return; } lastBackend = g_Config.iGPUBackend; Path cache = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_APP_CACHE) / "FailedGraphicsBackends.txt"; if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS)) { std::string data; if (File::ReadFileToString(true, cache, data)) g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends = data; } // Use this if you want to debug a graphics crash... if (g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends == "IGNORE") return; else if (!g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends.empty()) ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed graphics backends: %s", g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends.c_str()); // Okay, let's not try a backend in the failed list. g_Config.iGPUBackend = g_Config.NextValidBackend(); if (lastBackend != g_Config.iGPUBackend) { std::string param = GPUBackendToString((GPUBackend)lastBackend) + " -> " + GPUBackendToString((GPUBackend)g_Config.iGPUBackend); System_GraphicsBackendFailedAlert(param); WARN_LOG(LOADER, "Failed graphics backend switched from %s (%d to %d)", param.c_str(), lastBackend, g_Config.iGPUBackend); } // And then let's - for now - add the current to the failed list. if (g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends.empty()) { g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends = GPUBackendToString((GPUBackend)g_Config.iGPUBackend); } else if (g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends.find("ALL") == std::string::npos) { g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends += "," + GPUBackendToString((GPUBackend)g_Config.iGPUBackend); } if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS)) { // Let's try to create, in case it doesn't exist. if (!File::Exists(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_APP_CACHE))) File::CreateDir(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_APP_CACHE)); File::WriteStringToFile(true, g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends, cache); } else { // Just save immediately, since we have storage. g_Config.Save("got storage permission"); } } static void ClearFailedGPUBackends() { if (g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends == "IGNORE") return; // We've successfully started graphics without crashing, hurray. // In case they update drivers and have totally different problems much later, clear the failed list. g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends.clear(); if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS) || System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_ANDROID_SCOPED_STORAGE)) { File::Delete(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_APP_CACHE) / "FailedGraphicsBackends.txt"); } else { g_Config.Save("clearFailedGPUBackends"); } } void NativeInit(int argc, const char *argv[], const char *savegame_dir, const char *external_dir, const char *cache_dir) { net::Init(); // This needs to happen before we load the config. So on Windows we also run it in Main. It's fine to call multiple times. ShaderTranslationInit(); g_threadManager.Init(cpu_info.num_cores, cpu_info.logical_cpu_count); // Make sure UI state is MENU. ResetUIState(); bool skipLogo = false; setlocale( LC_ALL, "C" ); std::string user_data_path = savegame_dir; pendingMessages.clear(); g_requestManager.Clear(); // external_dir has all kinds of meanings depending on platform. // on iOS it's even the path to bundled app assets. It's a mess. // We want this to be FIRST. #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) // Packed assets are included in app g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path(external_dir))); #endif #if defined(ASSETS_DIR) g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path(ASSETS_DIR))); #endif #if !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) && !defined(_WIN32) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(File::GetExeDirectory() / "assets")); g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(File::GetExeDirectory())); g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path("/usr/local/share/ppsspp/assets"))); g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path("/usr/local/share/games/ppsspp/assets"))); g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path("/usr/share/ppsspp/assets"))); g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path("/usr/share/games/ppsspp/assets"))); #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) Path assetPath = Path(user_data_path) / "assets"; g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(assetPath)); #else g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path("assets"))); #endif g_VFS.Register("", new DirectoryReader(Path(savegame_dir))); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory = Path(System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_USER_DOCUMENTS_DIR)); #else g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory = Path("/"); #endif #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) g_Config.internalDataDirectory = Path(savegame_dir); #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) // In Android 12 with scoped storage, due to the above, the external directory // is no longer the plain root of external storage, but it's an app specific directory // on external storage (g_extFilesDir). if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_ANDROID_SCOPED_STORAGE)) { // There's no sensible default directory. Let the user browse for files. g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory.clear(); } else { g_Config.memStickDirectory = Path(external_dir); g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory = Path(external_dir); } // Might also add an option to move it to internal / non-visible storage, but there's // little point, really. g_Config.flash0Directory = Path(external_dir) / "flash0"; Path memstickDirFile = g_Config.internalDataDirectory / "memstick_dir.txt"; if (File::Exists(memstickDirFile)) { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Reading '%s' to find memstick dir.", memstickDirFile.c_str()); std::string memstickDir; if (File::ReadFileToString(true, memstickDirFile, memstickDir)) { Path memstickPath(memstickDir); if (!memstickPath.empty() && File::Exists(memstickPath)) { g_Config.memStickDirectory = memstickPath; INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Memstick Directory from memstick_dir.txt: '%s'", g_Config.memStickDirectory.c_str()); } else { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Couldn't read directory '%s' specified by memstick_dir.txt.", memstickDir.c_str()); if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_ANDROID_SCOPED_STORAGE)) { // Ask the user to configure a memstick directory. INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Asking the user."); g_Config.memStickDirectory.clear(); } } } } else { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "No memstick directory file found (tried to open '%s')", memstickDirFile.c_str()); } // Attempt to create directories after reading the path. if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_ANDROID_SCOPED_STORAGE)) { CreateSysDirectories(); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) && !defined(__LIBRETRO__) Path memstickDirFile = g_Config.internalDataDirectory / "memstick_dir.txt"; if (File::Exists(memstickDirFile)) { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Reading '%s' to find memstick dir.", memstickDirFile.c_str()); std::string memstickDir; if (File::ReadFileToString(true, memstickDirFile, memstickDir)) { Path memstickPath(memstickDir); if (!memstickPath.empty() && File::Exists(memstickPath)) { g_Config.memStickDirectory = memstickPath; g_Config.SetSearchPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM)); g_Config.Reload(); INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Memstick Directory from memstick_dir.txt: '%s'", g_Config.memStickDirectory.c_str()); } else { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Couldn't read directory '%s' specified by memstick_dir.txt.", memstickDir.c_str()); g_Config.memStickDirectory.clear(); } } } else { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "No memstick directory file found (tried to open '%s')", memstickDirFile.c_str()); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory = g_Config.internalDataDirectory; g_Config.memStickDirectory = DarwinFileSystemServices::appropriateMemoryStickDirectoryToUse(); g_Config.flash0Directory = Path(std::string(external_dir)) / "flash0"; #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) g_Config.memStickDirectory = DarwinFileSystemServices::appropriateMemoryStickDirectoryToUse(); g_Config.flash0Directory = Path(std::string(external_dir)) / "flash0"; #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) g_Config.memStickDirectory = g_Config.internalDataDirectory / "config/ppsspp"; g_Config.flash0Directory = g_Config.internalDataDirectory / "assets/flash0"; #elif !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) std::string config; if (getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != NULL) config = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); else if (getenv("HOME") != NULL) config = getenv("HOME") + std::string("/.config"); else // Just in case config = "./config"; g_Config.memStickDirectory = Path(config) / "ppsspp"; g_Config.flash0Directory = File::GetExeDirectory() / "assets/flash0"; if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr) { g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory = Path(getenv("HOME")); } else { // Hm, should probably actually explicitly set the current directory.. // Though it's not many platforms that'll land us here. g_Config.currentDirectory = Path("."); } #endif if (g_Config.currentDirectory.empty()) { g_Config.currentDirectory = g_Config.defaultCurrentDirectory; } if (cache_dir && strlen(cache_dir)) { g_Config.appCacheDirectory = Path(cache_dir); DiskCachingFileLoaderCache::SetCacheDir(g_Config.appCacheDirectory); } if (!LogManager::GetInstance()) { LogManager::Init(&g_Config.bEnableLogging); } #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) g_Config.SetSearchPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM)); // Note that if we don't have storage permission here, loading the config will // fail and it will be set to the default. Later, we load again when we get permission. g_Config.Load(); #endif LogManager *logman = LogManager::GetInstance(); const char *fileToLog = 0; Path stateToLoad; bool gotBootFilename = false; bool gotoGameSettings = false; bool gotoTouchScreenTest = false; boot_filename.clear(); // Parse command line LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel::LINFO; bool forceLogLevel = false; const auto setLogLevel = [&logLevel, &forceLogLevel](LogLevel level) { logLevel = level; forceLogLevel = true; }; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { #if defined(__APPLE__) // On Apple system debugged executable may get -NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode YES in argv. if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode") && argc - 1 > i) { i++; continue; } #endif switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': // Enable debug logging // Note that you must also change the max log level in Log.h. setLogLevel(LogLevel::LDEBUG); break; case 'v': // Enable verbose logging // Note that you must also change the max log level in Log.h. setLogLevel(LogLevel::LVERBOSE); break; case 'j': g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::JIT; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case 'i': g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::INTERPRETER; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case 'r': g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::IR_INTERPRETER; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case 'J': g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::JIT_IR; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case '-': if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--loglevel=", strlen("--loglevel=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--loglevel=")) setLogLevel(static_cast(std::atoi(argv[i] + strlen("--loglevel=")))); if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--log=", strlen("--log=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--log=")) fileToLog = argv[i] + strlen("--log="); if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--state=", strlen("--state=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--state=")) stateToLoad = Path(std::string(argv[i] + strlen("--state="))); #if !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--escape-exit", strlen("--escape-exit"))) g_Config.bPauseExitsEmulator = true; #endif if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--pause-menu-exit", strlen("--pause-menu-exit"))) g_Config.bPauseMenuExitsEmulator = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--fullscreen")) { g_Config.iForceFullScreen = 1; System_ToggleFullscreenState("1"); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--windowed")) { g_Config.iForceFullScreen = 0; System_ToggleFullscreenState("0"); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--touchscreentest")) gotoTouchScreenTest = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--gamesettings")) gotoGameSettings = true; if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--appendconfig=", strlen("--appendconfig=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--appendconfig=")) { g_Config.SetAppendedConfigIni(Path(std::string(argv[i] + strlen("--appendconfig=")))); g_Config.LoadAppendedConfig(); } break; } } else { // This parameter should be a boot filename. Only accept it if we // don't already have one. if (!gotBootFilename) { gotBootFilename = true; INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Boot filename found in args: '%s'", argv[i]); bool okToLoad = true; bool okToCheck = true; if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS)) { PermissionStatus status = System_GetPermissionStatus(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE); if (status == PERMISSION_STATUS_DENIED) { ERROR_LOG(IO, "Storage permission denied. Launching without argument."); okToLoad = false; okToCheck = false; } else if (status != PERMISSION_STATUS_GRANTED) { ERROR_LOG(IO, "Storage permission not granted. Launching without argument check."); okToCheck = false; } else { INFO_LOG(IO, "Storage permission granted."); } } if (okToLoad) { std::string str = std::string(argv[i]); // Handle file:/// URIs, since you get those when creating shortcuts on some Android systems. if (startsWith(str, "file:///")) { str = UriDecode(str.substr(7)); INFO_LOG(IO, "Decoding '%s' to '%s'", argv[i], str.c_str()); } boot_filename = Path(str); skipLogo = true; } if (okToLoad && okToCheck) { std::unique_ptr fileLoader(ConstructFileLoader(boot_filename)); if (!fileLoader->Exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "File not found: %s\n", boot_filename.c_str()); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__ANDROID__) // Ignore and proceed. #else // Bail. exit(1); #endif } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can only boot one file"); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__ANDROID__) // Ignore and proceed. #else // Bail. exit(1); #endif } } } if (fileToLog) LogManager::GetInstance()->ChangeFileLog(fileToLog); if (forceLogLevel) LogManager::GetInstance()->SetAllLogLevels(logLevel); PostLoadConfig(); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) logger = new AndroidLogger(); logman->AddListener(logger); #elif (defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) && !defined(_DEBUG)) // Enable basic logging for any kind of mobile device, since LogManager doesn't. // The MOBILE_DEVICE/_DEBUG condition matches LogManager.cpp. logger = new PrintfLogger(); logman->AddListener(logger); #endif if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS)) { if (System_GetPermissionStatus(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE) != PERMISSION_STATUS_GRANTED) { System_AskForPermission(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE); } } auto des = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DESKTOPUI); // Note to translators: do not translate this/add this to PPSSPP-lang's files. // It's intended to be custom for every user. // Only add it to your own personal copies of PPSSPP. #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) // Roboto font is loaded in TextDrawerUWP. g_Config.sFont = des->T("Font", "Roboto"); #elif defined(USING_WIN_UI) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) // TODO: Could allow a setting to specify a font file to load? // TODO: Make this a constant if we can sanely load the font on other systems? AddFontResourceEx(L"assets/Roboto-Condensed.ttf", FR_PRIVATE, NULL); // The font goes by two names, let's allow either one. if (CheckFontIsUsable(L"Roboto Condensed")) { g_Config.sFont = des->T("Font", "Roboto Condensed"); } else { g_Config.sFont = des->T("Font", "Roboto"); } #elif defined(USING_QT_UI) size_t fontSize = 0; uint8_t *fontData = g_VFS.ReadFile("Roboto-Condensed.ttf", &fontSize); if (fontData) { int fontID = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData(QByteArray((const char *)fontData, fontSize)); delete [] fontData; QStringList fontsFound = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(fontID); if (fontsFound.size() >= 1) { // Might be "Roboto" or "Roboto Condensed". g_Config.sFont = des->T("Font", fontsFound.at(0).toUtf8().constData()); } } else { // Let's try for it being a system font. g_Config.sFont = des->T("Font", "Roboto Condensed"); } #endif // TODO: Load these in the background instead of synchronously. g_BackgroundAudio.SFX().LoadSamples(); if (!boot_filename.empty() && stateToLoad.Valid()) { SaveState::Load(stateToLoad, -1, [](SaveState::Status status, const std::string &message, void *) { if (!message.empty() && (!g_Config.bDumpFrames || !g_Config.bDumpVideoOutput)) { g_OSD.Show(status == SaveState::Status::SUCCESS ? OSDType::MESSAGE_SUCCESS : OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, message, status == SaveState::Status::SUCCESS ? 2.0 : 5.0); } }); } if (g_Config.bAchievementsEnable) { FILE *iconCacheFile = File::OpenCFile(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CACHE) / "icon.cache", "rb"); if (iconCacheFile) { g_iconCache.LoadFromFile(iconCacheFile); fclose(iconCacheFile); } } DEBUG_LOG(SYSTEM, "ScreenManager!"); g_screenManager = new ScreenManager(); if (g_Config.memStickDirectory.empty()) { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "No memstick directory! Asking for one to be configured."); g_screenManager->switchScreen(new LogoScreen(AfterLogoScreen::MEMSTICK_SCREEN_INITIAL_SETUP)); } else if (gotoGameSettings) { g_screenManager->switchScreen(new LogoScreen(AfterLogoScreen::TO_GAME_SETTINGS)); } else if (gotoTouchScreenTest) { g_screenManager->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); g_screenManager->push(new TouchTestScreen(Path())); } else if (skipLogo) { g_screenManager->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(boot_filename)); } else { g_screenManager->switchScreen(new LogoScreen(AfterLogoScreen::DEFAULT)); } g_screenManager->SetOverlayScreen(new OSDOverlayScreen()); // Easy testing // screenManager->push(new GPUDriverTestScreen()); if (g_Config.bRemoteShareOnStartup && g_Config.bRemoteDebuggerOnStartup) StartWebServer(WebServerFlags::ALL); else if (g_Config.bRemoteShareOnStartup) StartWebServer(WebServerFlags::DISCS); else if (g_Config.bRemoteDebuggerOnStartup) StartWebServer(WebServerFlags::DEBUGGER); std::string sysName = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME); isOuya = KeyMap::IsOuya(sysName); // We do this here, instead of in NativeInitGraphics, because the display may be reset. // When it's reset we don't want to forget all our managed things. CheckFailedGPUBackends(); SetGPUBackend((GPUBackend)g_Config.iGPUBackend); renderCounter = 0; // Initialize retro achievements runtime. Achievements::Initialize(); #if !defined(__LIBRETRO__) g_gameDB.LoadFromVFS(g_VFS, "redump.csv"); #endif // Must be done restarting by now. restarting = false; } void CallbackPostRender(UIContext *dc, void *userdata); bool CreateGlobalPipelines(); bool NativeInitGraphics(GraphicsContext *graphicsContext) { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "NativeInitGraphics"); _assert_msg_(g_screenManager, "No screenmanager, bad init order. Backend = %d", g_Config.iGPUBackend); // We set this now so any resize during init is processed later. resized = false; Core_SetGraphicsContext(graphicsContext); g_draw = graphicsContext->GetDrawContext(); _assert_(g_draw); if (!CreateGlobalPipelines()) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to create global pipelines"); return false; } ui_draw2d.SetAtlas(GetUIAtlas()); ui_draw2d.SetFontAtlas(GetFontAtlas()); ui_draw2d_front.SetAtlas(GetUIAtlas()); ui_draw2d_front.SetFontAtlas(GetFontAtlas()); uiContext = new UIContext(); uiContext->theme = GetTheme(); UpdateTheme(uiContext); ui_draw2d.Init(g_draw, texColorPipeline); ui_draw2d_front.Init(g_draw, texColorPipeline); uiContext->Init(g_draw, texColorPipeline, colorPipeline, &ui_draw2d, &ui_draw2d_front); if (uiContext->Text()) uiContext->Text()->SetFont("Tahoma", 20, 0); g_screenManager->setUIContext(uiContext); g_screenManager->setDrawContext(g_draw); g_screenManager->setPostRenderCallback(&CallbackPostRender, nullptr); g_screenManager->deviceRestored(); #ifdef _WIN32 winAudioBackend = CreateAudioBackend((AudioBackendType)g_Config.iAudioBackend); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) winAudioBackend->Init(0, &NativeMix, 44100); #else winAudioBackend->Init(MainWindow::GetHWND(), &NativeMix, 44100); #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) if (IsWin7OrHigher()) { winCamera = new WindowsCaptureDevice(CAPTUREDEVIDE_TYPE::VIDEO); winCamera->sendMessage({ CAPTUREDEVIDE_COMMAND::INITIALIZE, nullptr }); winMic = new WindowsCaptureDevice(CAPTUREDEVIDE_TYPE::AUDIO); winMic->sendMessage({ CAPTUREDEVIDE_COMMAND::INITIALIZE, nullptr }); } #endif g_gameInfoCache = new GameInfoCache(); if (gpu) { PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = g_display.pixel_xres; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = g_display.pixel_yres; gpu->DeviceRestore(g_draw); } INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "NativeInitGraphics completed"); return true; } bool CreateGlobalPipelines() { using namespace Draw; ShaderModule *vs_color_2d = g_draw->GetVshaderPreset(VS_COLOR_2D); ShaderModule *fs_color_2d = g_draw->GetFshaderPreset(FS_COLOR_2D); ShaderModule *vs_texture_color_2d = g_draw->GetVshaderPreset(VS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D); ShaderModule *fs_texture_color_2d = g_draw->GetFshaderPreset(FS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D); if (!vs_color_2d || !fs_color_2d || !vs_texture_color_2d || !fs_texture_color_2d) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to get shader preset"); return false; } InputLayout *inputLayout = ui_draw2d.CreateInputLayout(g_draw); BlendState *blendNormal = g_draw->CreateBlendState({ true, 0xF, BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA }); DepthStencilState *depth = g_draw->CreateDepthStencilState({ false, false, Comparison::LESS }); RasterState *rasterNoCull = g_draw->CreateRasterState({}); PipelineDesc colorDesc{ Primitive::TRIANGLE_LIST, { vs_color_2d, fs_color_2d }, inputLayout, depth, blendNormal, rasterNoCull, &vsColBufDesc, }; PipelineDesc texColorDesc{ Primitive::TRIANGLE_LIST, { vs_texture_color_2d, fs_texture_color_2d }, inputLayout, depth, blendNormal, rasterNoCull, &vsTexColBufDesc, }; colorPipeline = g_draw->CreateGraphicsPipeline(colorDesc, "global_color"); if (!colorPipeline) { // Something really critical is wrong, don't care much about correct releasing of the states. return false; } texColorPipeline = g_draw->CreateGraphicsPipeline(texColorDesc, "global_texcolor"); if (!texColorPipeline) { // Something really critical is wrong, don't care much about correct releasing of the states. return false; } // Release these now, reference counting should ensure that they get completely released // once we delete both pipelines. inputLayout->Release(); rasterNoCull->Release(); blendNormal->Release(); depth->Release(); return true; } void NativeShutdownGraphics() { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "NativeShutdownGraphics"); if (g_screenManager) { g_screenManager->deviceLost(); } if (gpu) gpu->DeviceLost(); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) delete winAudioBackend; winAudioBackend = nullptr; #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) if (winCamera) { winCamera->waitShutDown(); delete winCamera; winCamera = nullptr; } if (winMic) { winMic->waitShutDown(); delete winMic; winMic = nullptr; } #endif UIBackgroundShutdown(); delete g_gameInfoCache; g_gameInfoCache = nullptr; delete uiContext; uiContext = nullptr; ui_draw2d.Shutdown(); ui_draw2d_front.Shutdown(); if (colorPipeline) { colorPipeline->Release(); colorPipeline = nullptr; } if (texColorPipeline) { texColorPipeline->Release(); texColorPipeline = nullptr; } INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "NativeShutdownGraphics done"); } static void TakeScreenshot() { Path path = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SCREENSHOT); if (!File::Exists(path)) { File::CreateDir(path); } // First, find a free filename. int i = 0; std::string gameId = g_paramSFO.GetDiscID(); Path filename; while (i < 10000){ if (g_Config.bScreenshotsAsPNG) filename = path / StringFromFormat("%s_%05d.png", gameId.c_str(), i); else filename = path / StringFromFormat("%s_%05d.jpg", gameId.c_str(), i); File::FileInfo info; if (!File::Exists(filename)) break; i++; } bool success = TakeGameScreenshot(filename, g_Config.bScreenshotsAsPNG ? ScreenshotFormat::PNG : ScreenshotFormat::JPG, SCREENSHOT_OUTPUT); if (success) { g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_FILE_LINK, filename.ToString()); } else { auto err = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::ERRORS); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, err->T("Could not save screenshot file")); } } void CallbackPostRender(UIContext *dc, void *userdata) { if (g_TakeScreenshot) { TakeScreenshot(); g_TakeScreenshot = false; } } static Matrix4x4 ComputeOrthoMatrix(float xres, float yres) { // TODO: Should be able to share the y-flip logic here with the one in postprocessing/presentation, for example. Matrix4x4 ortho; switch (GetGPUBackend()) { case GPUBackend::VULKAN: ortho.setOrthoD3D(0.0f, xres, 0, yres, -1.0f, 1.0f); break; case GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9: ortho.setOrthoD3D(0.0f, xres, yres, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); Matrix4x4 translation; // Account for the small window adjustment. translation.setTranslation(Vec3( -0.5f * g_display.dpi_scale_x / g_display.dpi_scale_real_x, -0.5f * g_display.dpi_scale_y / g_display.dpi_scale_real_y, 0.0f)); ortho = translation * ortho; break; case GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11: ortho.setOrthoD3D(0.0f, xres, yres, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); break; case GPUBackend::OPENGL: default: ortho.setOrtho(0.0f, xres, yres, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); break; } // Compensate for rotated display if needed. if (g_display.rotation != DisplayRotation::ROTATE_0) { ortho = ortho * g_display.rot_matrix; } return ortho; } void NativeFrame(GraphicsContext *graphicsContext) { PROFILE_END_FRAME(); bool menuThrottle = (GetUIState() != UISTATE_INGAME || !PSP_IsInited()) && GetUIState() != UISTATE_EXIT; double startTime; if (menuThrottle) { startTime = time_now_d(); } std::vector toProcess; { std::lock_guard lock(pendingMutex); toProcess = std::move(pendingMessages); pendingMessages.clear(); } for (const auto &item : toProcess) { if (HandleGlobalMessage(item.message, item.value)) { // TODO: Add a to-string thingy. INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Handled global message: %d / %s", (int)item.message, item.value.c_str()); } g_screenManager->sendMessage(item.message, item.value.c_str()); } g_requestManager.ProcessRequests(); // it's ok to call this redundantly with DoFrame from EmuScreen Achievements::Idle(); g_DownloadManager.Update(); g_screenManager->update(); g_Discord.Update(); g_BackgroundAudio.Play(); g_OSD.Update(); UI::SetSoundEnabled(g_Config.bUISound); _dbg_assert_(graphicsContext != nullptr); _dbg_assert_(g_screenManager != nullptr); g_GameManager.Update(); if (GetUIState() != UISTATE_INGAME) { // Note: We do this from NativeFrame so that the graphics context is // guaranteed valid, to be safe - g_gameInfoCache messes around with textures. g_BackgroundAudio.Update(); } // Apply the UIContext bounds as a 2D transformation matrix. // TODO: This should be moved into the draw context... Matrix4x4 ortho = ComputeOrthoMatrix(g_display.dp_xres, g_display.dp_yres); Draw::DebugFlags debugFlags = Draw::DebugFlags::NONE; if ((DebugOverlay)g_Config.iDebugOverlay == DebugOverlay::GPU_PROFILE) debugFlags |= Draw::DebugFlags::PROFILE_TIMESTAMPS; if (g_Config.bGpuLogProfiler) debugFlags |= Draw::DebugFlags::PROFILE_SCOPES; g_frameTiming.Reset(g_draw); g_draw->BeginFrame(debugFlags); ui_draw2d.PushDrawMatrix(ortho); ui_draw2d_front.PushDrawMatrix(ortho); g_screenManager->getUIContext()->SetTintSaturation(g_Config.fUITint, g_Config.fUISaturation); // All actual rendering happen in here. g_screenManager->render(); if (g_screenManager->getUIContext()->Text()) { g_screenManager->getUIContext()->Text()->OncePerFrame(); } ui_draw2d.PopDrawMatrix(); ui_draw2d_front.PopDrawMatrix(); g_draw->EndFrame(); // This, between EndFrame and Present, is where we should actually wait to do present time management. // There might not be a meaningful distinction here for all backends.. if (renderCounter < 10 && ++renderCounter == 10) { // We're rendering fine, clear out failure info. ClearFailedGPUBackends(); } int interval; Draw::PresentMode presentMode = ComputePresentMode(g_draw, &interval); g_draw->Present(presentMode, interval); if (resized) { INFO_LOG(G3D, "Resized flag set - recalculating bounds"); resized = false; if (uiContext) { // Modifying the bounds here can be used to "inset" the whole image to gain borders for TV overscan etc. // The UI now supports any offset but not the EmuScreen yet. uiContext->SetBounds(Bounds(0, 0, g_display.dp_xres, g_display.dp_yres)); // OSX 10.6 and SDL 1.2 bug. #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(USING_QT_UI) static int dp_xres_old = g_display.dp_xres; if (g_display.dp_xres != dp_xres_old) { dp_xres_old = g_display.dp_xres; } #endif } graphicsContext->Resize(); g_screenManager->resized(); // TODO: Move this to the GraphicsContext objects for each backend. #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) && !defined(ANDROID) PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = g_display.pixel_xres; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = g_display.pixel_yres; System_PostUIMessage(UIMessage::GPU_DISPLAY_RESIZED); #endif } else { // INFO_LOG(G3D, "Polling graphics context"); graphicsContext->Poll(); } if (menuThrottle) { float refreshRate = System_GetPropertyFloat(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE); // Simple throttling to not burn the GPU in the menu. // TODO: This should move into NativeFrame. Also, it's only necessary in MAILBOX or IMMEDIATE presentation modes. double diffTime = time_now_d() - startTime; int sleepTime = (int)(1000.0 / refreshRate) - (int)(diffTime * 1000.0); if (sleepTime > 0) sleep_ms(sleepTime); } } bool HandleGlobalMessage(UIMessage message, const std::string &value) { if (message == UIMessage::SAVESTATE_DISPLAY_SLOT) { auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); std::string msg = StringFromFormat("%s: %d", sy->T("Savestate Slot"), SaveState::GetCurrentSlot() + 1); // Show for the same duration as the preview. g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, msg, 2.0f, "savestate_slot"); return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::GPU_DISPLAY_RESIZED) { if (gpu) { gpu->NotifyDisplayResized(); } return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::GPU_RENDER_RESIZED) { if (gpu) { gpu->NotifyRenderResized(); } return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::GPU_CONFIG_CHANGED) { if (gpu) { gpu->NotifyConfigChanged(); } Reporting::UpdateConfig(); return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::POWER_SAVING) { if (value != "false") { auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sy->T("WARNING: Android battery save mode is on"), 2.0f, "core_powerSaving"); #else g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_WARNING, sy->T("WARNING: Battery save mode is on"), 2.0f, "core_powerSaving"); #endif } Core_SetPowerSaving(value != "false"); return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::PERMISSION_GRANTED && value == "storage") { CreateSysDirectories(); // We must have failed to load the config before, so load it now to avoid overwriting the old config // with a freshly generated one. // NOTE: If graphics backend isn't what's in the config (due to error fallback, or not matching the default // and then getting permission), it will get out of sync. So we save and restore g_Config.iGPUBackend. // Ideally we should simply reinitialize graphics to the mode from the config, but there are potential issues. int gpuBackend = g_Config.iGPUBackend; INFO_LOG(IO, "Reloading config after storage permission grant."); g_Config.Reload(); PostLoadConfig(); g_Config.iGPUBackend = gpuBackend; return true; } else if (message == UIMessage::APP_RESUMED || message == UIMessage::GOT_FOCUS) { // Assume that the user may have modified things. MemoryStick_NotifyWrite(); return true; } else { return false; } } bool NativeIsAtTopLevel() { // This might need some synchronization? if (!g_screenManager) { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "No screen manager active"); return false; } Screen *currentScreen = g_screenManager->topScreen(); if (currentScreen) { bool top = currentScreen->isTopLevel(); INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Screen toplevel: %i", (int)top); return currentScreen->isTopLevel(); } else { ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "No current screen"); return false; } } void NativeTouch(const TouchInput &touch) { if (!g_screenManager) { return; } // Brute force prevent NaNs from getting into the UI system. // Don't think this is actually necessary in practice. if (my_isnan(touch.x) || my_isnan(touch.y)) { return; } g_screenManager->touch(touch); } bool NativeKey(const KeyInput &key) { // VR actions if (IsVREnabled() && !UpdateVRKeys(key)) { return false; } #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) // Ignore if key sent from OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp/XInput while text edit active // it's already handled by `OnCharacterReceived` if (IgnoreInput(key.keyCode) && !(key.flags & KEY_CHAR)) { return false; } #endif // INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Key code: %i flags: %i", key.keyCode, key.flags); #if !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) if (g_Config.bPauseExitsEmulator) { std::vector pspKeys; pspKeys.clear(); if (KeyMap::InputMappingToPspButton(InputMapping(key.deviceId, key.keyCode), &pspKeys)) { if (std::find(pspKeys.begin(), pspKeys.end(), VIRTKEY_PAUSE) != pspKeys.end()) { System_ExitApp(); return true; } } } #endif bool retval = false; if (g_screenManager) { HLEPlugins::SetKey(key.keyCode, (key.flags & KEY_DOWN) ? 1 : 0); retval = g_screenManager->key(key); } // The Mode key can have weird consequences on some devices, see #17245. if (key.keyCode == NKCODE_BUTTON_MODE) { // Tell the caller that we handled the key. retval = true; } return retval; } void NativeAxis(const AxisInput *axes, size_t count) { // VR actions if (IsVREnabled() && !UpdateVRAxis(axes, count)) { return; } if (!g_screenManager) { // Too early. return; } g_screenManager->axis(axes, count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { const AxisInput &axis = axes[i]; HLEPlugins::PluginDataAxis[axis.axisId] = axis.value; } } void NativeAccelerometer(float tiltX, float tiltY, float tiltZ) { if (g_Config.iTiltInputType == TILT_NULL) { // if tilt events are disabled, don't do anything special. return; } // create the base coordinate tilt system from the calibration data. float tiltBaseAngleY = g_Config.fTiltBaseAngleY; // Figure out the sensitivity of the tilt. (sensitivity is originally 0 - 100) // We divide by 50, so that the rest of the 50 units can be used to overshoot the // target. If you want precise control, you'd keep the sensitivity ~50. // For games that don't need much control but need fast reactions, // then a value of 70-80 is the way to go. float xSensitivity = g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX / 50.0; float ySensitivity = g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY / 50.0; // x and y are flipped if we are in landscape orientation. The events are // sent with respect to the portrait coordinate system, while we // take all events in landscape. // see [http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/sensors_overview.html] for details bool landscape = g_display.dp_yres < g_display.dp_xres; // now transform out current tilt to the calibrated coordinate system TiltEventProcessor::ProcessTilt(landscape, tiltBaseAngleY, tiltX, tiltY, tiltZ, g_Config.bInvertTiltX, g_Config.bInvertTiltY, xSensitivity, ySensitivity); HLEPlugins::PluginDataAxis[JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_X] = tiltX; HLEPlugins::PluginDataAxis[JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Y] = tiltY; HLEPlugins::PluginDataAxis[JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Z] = tiltZ; } void System_PostUIMessage(UIMessage message, const std::string &value) { std::lock_guard lock(pendingMutex); PendingMessage pendingMessage; pendingMessage.message = message; pendingMessage.value = value; pendingMessages.push_back(pendingMessage); } void NativeResized() { // NativeResized can come from any thread so we just set a flag, then process it later. VERBOSE_LOG(G3D, "NativeResized - setting flag"); resized = true; } void NativeSetRestarting() { restarting = true; } bool NativeIsRestarting() { return restarting; } void NativeShutdown() { Achievements::Shutdown(); if (g_Config.bAchievementsEnable) { FILE *iconCacheFile = File::OpenCFile(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CACHE) / "icon.cache", "wb"); if (iconCacheFile) { g_iconCache.SaveToFile(iconCacheFile); fclose(iconCacheFile); } } if (g_screenManager) { g_screenManager->shutdown(); delete g_screenManager; g_screenManager = nullptr; } g_Config.Save("NativeShutdown"); INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "NativeShutdown called"); g_i18nrepo.LogMissingKeys(); ShutdownWebServer(); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) System_ExitApp(); #endif g_PortManager.Shutdown(); net::Shutdown(); g_Discord.Shutdown(); ShaderTranslationShutdown(); // Avoid shutting this down when restarting core. if (!restarting) LogManager::Shutdown(); if (logger) { delete logger; logger = nullptr; } g_threadManager.Teardown(); #if !(PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS)) System_ExitApp(); #endif // Previously we did exit() here on Android but that makes it hard to do things like restart on backend change. // I think we handle most globals correctly or correct-enough now. } // In the future, we might make this more sophisticated, such as storing in the app private directory on Android. // Right now we just store secrets in separate files next to ppsspp.ini. The important thing is keeping them out of it // since we often ask people to post or send the ini for debugging. static Path GetSecretPath(const char *nameOfSecret) { return GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) / ("ppsspp_" + std::string(nameOfSecret) + ".dat"); } // name should be simple alphanumerics to avoid problems on Windows. bool NativeSaveSecret(const char *nameOfSecret, const std::string &data) { Path path = GetSecretPath(nameOfSecret); if (!File::WriteDataToFile(false, data.data(), (unsigned int)data.size(), path)) { WARN_LOG(SYSTEM, "Failed to write secret '%s' to path '%s'", nameOfSecret, path.c_str()); return false; } return true; } // On failure, returns an empty string. Good enough since any real secret is non-empty. std::string NativeLoadSecret(const char *nameOfSecret) { Path path = GetSecretPath(nameOfSecret); std::string data; if (!File::ReadFileToString(false, path, data)) { data.clear(); // just to be sure. } return data; }