// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include #include "file/path.h" #include "ui/ui_screen.h" #include "ui/viewgroup.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" enum GameBrowserFlags { FLAG_HOMEBREWSTOREBUTTON = 1 }; enum class BrowseFlags { NONE = 0, NAVIGATE = 1, ARCHIVES = 2, PIN = 4, HOMEBREW_STORE = 8, STANDARD = 1 | 2 | 4, }; ENUM_CLASS_BITOPS(BrowseFlags); class GameBrowser : public UI::LinearLayout { public: GameBrowser(std::string path, BrowseFlags browseFlags, bool *gridStyle, ScreenManager *screenManager, std::string lastText, std::string lastLink, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr); UI::Event OnChoice; UI::Event OnHoldChoice; UI::Event OnHighlight; void FocusGame(const std::string &gamePath); void SetPath(const std::string &path); void Draw(UIContext &dc) override; void Update() override; protected: virtual bool DisplayTopBar(); virtual bool HasSpecialFiles(std::vector &filenames); void Refresh(); private: bool IsCurrentPathPinned(); const std::vector GetPinnedPaths(); const std::string GetBaseName(const std::string &path); UI::EventReturn GameButtonClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn GameButtonHoldClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn GameButtonHighlight(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn NavigateClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn LayoutChange(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn LastClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn HomeClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn PinToggleClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn GridSettingsClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnRecentClear(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnHomebrewStore(UI::EventParams &e); UI::ViewGroup *gameList_ = nullptr; PathBrowser path_; bool *gridStyle_ = nullptr; BrowseFlags browseFlags_; std::string lastText_; std::string lastLink_; std::string focusGamePath_; bool listingPending_ = false; float lastScale_ = 1.0f; bool lastLayoutWasGrid_ = true; ScreenManager *screenManager_; }; class RemoteISOBrowseScreen; class MainScreen : public UIScreenWithBackground { public: MainScreen(); ~MainScreen(); bool isTopLevel() const override { return true; } // Horrible hack to show the demos & homebrew tab after having installed a game from a zip file. static bool showHomebrewTab; protected: void CreateViews() override; void DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) override; void update() override; void sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) override; void dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) override; bool UseVerticalLayout() const; bool DrawBackgroundFor(UIContext &dc, const std::string &gamePath, float progress); UI::EventReturn OnGameSelected(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnGameSelectedInstant(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnGameHighlight(UI::EventParams &e); // Event handlers UI::EventReturn OnLoadFile(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnGameSettings(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnCredits(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnSupport(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnPPSSPPOrg(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnForums(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnExit(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnDownloadUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnDismissUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnAllowStorage(UI::EventParams &e); UI::LinearLayout *upgradeBar_ = nullptr; UI::TabHolder *tabHolder_ = nullptr; std::string restoreFocusGamePath_; std::vector gameBrowsers_; std::string highlightedGamePath_; std::string prevHighlightedGamePath_; float highlightProgress_ = 0.0f; float prevHighlightProgress_ = 0.0f; bool backFromStore_ = false; bool lockBackgroundAudio_ = false; bool lastVertical_; bool confirmedTemporary_ = false; friend class RemoteISOBrowseScreen; }; class UmdReplaceScreen : public UIDialogScreenWithBackground { public: UmdReplaceScreen() {} protected: void CreateViews() override; void update() override; //virtual void sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value); private: UI::EventReturn OnGameSelected(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnGameSelectedInstant(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnCancel(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnGameSettings(UI::EventParams &e); }; class GridSettingsScreen : public PopupScreen { public: GridSettingsScreen(std::string label) : PopupScreen(label) {} void CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) override; UI::Event OnRecentChanged; private: UI::EventReturn GridPlusClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn GridMinusClick(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnRecentClearClick(UI::EventParams &e); const float MAX_GAME_GRID_SCALE = 3.0f; const float MIN_GAME_GRID_SCALE = 0.8f; };