// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 namespace MainWindow { void BrowseAndBoot(std::string defaultPath); } #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #include "base/display.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/colorutil.h" #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "base/NativeApp.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "file/vfs.h" #include "gfx_es2/glsl_program.h" #include "gfx_es2/gl_state.h" #include "input/input_state.h" #include "math/curves.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "ui_atlas.h" #include "util/text/utf8.h" #include "UIShader.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "GPU/ge_constants.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h" #include "MenuScreens.h" #include "EmuScreen.h" #include "GameInfoCache.h" #include "android/jni/TestRunner.h" #ifdef USING_QT_UI #include #include #include #endif #if !defined(nullptr) #define nullptr NULL #endif // Ugly communication with NativeApp extern std::string game_title; // Detect jailbreak for iOS(Non-jailbreak iDevice doesn't support JIT) #ifdef IOS extern bool isJailed; #endif static const int symbols[4] = { I_CROSS, I_CIRCLE, I_SQUARE, I_TRIANGLE }; static const uint32_t colors[4] = { 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, }; static void DrawBackground(float alpha) { static float xbase[100] = {0}; static float ybase[100] = {0}; static int last_dp_xres = 0; static int last_dp_yres = 0; if (xbase[0] == 0.0f || last_dp_xres != dp_xres || last_dp_yres != dp_yres) { GMRng rng; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { xbase[i] = rng.F() * dp_xres; ybase[i] = rng.F() * dp_yres; } last_dp_xres = dp_xres; last_dp_yres = dp_yres; } glstate.depthWrite.set(GL_TRUE); glstate.colorMask.set(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glClearColor(0.1f,0.2f,0.43f,1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(I_BG, 0, 0, dp_xres, dp_yres); float t = time_now(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float x = xbase[i]; float y = ybase[i] + 40*cos(i * 7.2 + t * 1.3); float angle = sin(i + t); int n = i & 3; ui_draw2d.DrawImageRotated(symbols[n], x, y, 1.0f, angle, colorAlpha(colors[n], alpha * 0.1f)); } } // For private alphas, etc. void DrawWatermark() { // ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, "PRIVATE BUILD", dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFF0000FF, ALIGN_HCENTER); } void LogoScreen::update(InputState &input_state) { frames_++; if (frames_ > 180 || input_state.pointer_down[0]) { if (bootFilename_.size()) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(bootFilename_)); } else { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen()); } } } void LogoScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(value)); } } void LogoScreen::render() { float t = (float)frames_ / 60.0f; float alpha = t; if (t > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f; float alphaText = alpha; if (t > 2.0f) alphaText = 3.0f - t; UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(alpha); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 - 30, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, "Created by Henrik Rydgård", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 40, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, "Free Software under GPL 2.0", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 70, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, "www.ppsspp.org", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 130, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER); if (bootFilename_.size()) { ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, bootFilename_.c_str(), dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 180, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER); } DrawWatermark(); UIEnd(); } // ================== // Menu Screen // ================== void MenuScreen::update(InputState &input_state) { globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU; frames_++; } void MenuScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(value)); } } void MenuScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); double xoff = 150 - frames_ * frames_ * 0.4f; if (xoff < -20) xoff = -20; if (frames_ > 200) // seems the above goes nuts after a while... xoff = -20; int w = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 60; ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", dp_xres + xoff - w/2, 75, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BOTTOM); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION, dp_xres + xoff, 85, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); VLinear vlinear(dp_xres + xoff, 100, 20); I18NCategory *m = GetI18NCategory("MainMenu"); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Load", "Load..."), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { #if defined(USING_QT_UI) && !defined(MEEGO_EDITION_HARMATTAN) QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Load ROM", g_Config.currentDirectory.c_str(), "PSP ROMs (*.iso *.cso *.pbp *.elf)"); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { QDir newPath; g_Config.currentDirectory = newPath.filePath(fileName).toStdString(); g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(fileName.toStdString())); } #elif _WIN32 MainWindow::BrowseAndBoot(""); #else FileSelectScreenOptions options; options.allowChooseDirectory = true; options.filter = "iso:cso:pbp:elf:prx:"; options.folderIcon = I_ICON_FOLDER; options.iconMapping["iso"] = I_ICON_UMD; options.iconMapping["cso"] = I_ICON_UMD; options.iconMapping["pbp"] = I_ICON_EXE; options.iconMapping["elf"] = I_ICON_EXE; screenManager()->switchScreen(new FileSelectScreen(options)); #endif UIReset(); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0); UIReset(); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Credits"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new CreditsScreen()); UIReset(); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Exit"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { // TODO: Save when setting changes, rather than when we quit NativeShutdown(); // TODO: Need a more elegant way to quit #ifdef _WIN32 ExitProcess(0); #else exit(0); #endif } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, "www.ppsspp.org", ALIGN_RIGHT)) { LaunchBrowser("http://www.ppsspp.org/"); } int recentW = 350; if (g_Config.recentIsos.size()) { ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, m->T("Recent"), -xoff, 80, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT); } int spacing = 15; float textureButtonWidth = 144; float textureButtonHeight = 80; if (dp_yres < 480) spacing = 8; // On small screens, we can't fit four vertically. if (100 + spacing * 6 + textureButtonHeight * 4 > dp_yres) { textureButtonHeight = (dp_yres - 100 - spacing * 6) / 4; textureButtonWidth = (textureButtonHeight / 80) * 144; } VGrid vgrid_recent(-xoff, 100, std::min(dp_yres-spacing*2, 480), spacing, spacing); for (size_t i = 0; i < g_Config.recentIsos.size(); i++) { std::string filename; std::string rec = g_Config.recentIsos[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < rec.size(); j++) if (rec[j] == '\\') rec[j] = '/'; SplitPath(rec, nullptr, &filename, nullptr); UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext(); // This might create a texture so we must flush first. UIFlush(); GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(g_Config.recentIsos[i], false); if (ginfo && ginfo->fileType != FILETYPE_PSP_ELF) { u32 color; if (ginfo->iconTexture == 0) { color = 0; } else { color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 2)); } if (UITextureButton(ctx, (int)GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vgrid_recent, textureButtonWidth, textureButtonHeight, ginfo->iconTexture, ALIGN_LEFT, color, I_DROP_SHADOW)) { UIEnd(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i])); return; } } else { if (UIButton((int)GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vgrid_recent, textureButtonWidth, textureButtonHeight, filename.c_str(), ALIGN_LEFT)) { UIEnd(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i])); return; } } } #if defined(_DEBUG) & defined(_WIN32) // Print the current dp_xres/yres in the corner. For UI scaling testing - just // resize to 800x480 to get an idea of what it will look like on a Nexus S. ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(0.4, 0.4); char temptext[64]; sprintf(temptext, "%ix%i", dp_xres, dp_yres); ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, temptext, 5, dp_yres-5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0, 1.0); #endif DrawWatermark(); UIEnd(); } void PauseScreen::update(InputState &input) { globalUIState = UISTATE_PAUSEMENU; if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL); } } void PauseScreen::sendMessage(const char *msg, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(msg, "run")) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL); } } void PauseScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); std::string title = game_title.c_str(); // Try to ignore (tm) etc. //if (UTF8StringNonASCIICount(game_title.c_str()) > 2) { // title = "(can't display japanese title)"; //} else { //} UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext(); // This might create a texture so we must flush first. UIFlush(); GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart, true); if (ginfo) { title = ginfo->title; } if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1Texture) { ginfo->pic1Texture->Bind(0); uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0; ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(0,0,dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color); ui_draw2d.Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0Texture) { ginfo->pic0Texture->Bind(0); // Pic0 is drawn in the bottom right corner, overlaying pic1. float sizeX = dp_xres / 480 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Width(); float sizeY = dp_yres / 272 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Height(); uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 2)) & 0xFFc0c0c0; ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(dp_xres - sizeX, dp_yres - sizeY, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color); ui_draw2d.Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } if (ginfo && ginfo->iconTexture) { uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 1.5)); ginfo->iconTexture->Bind(0); // Maintain the icon's aspect ratio. Minis are square, for example. float iconAspect = (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Width() / (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Height(); float h = 80.0f; float w = 144.0f; float x = 10.0f + (w - h * iconAspect) / 2.0f; w = h * iconAspect; ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x, 10, x + w, 10 + h, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); ui_draw2d.Flush(); ctx->RebindTexture(); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, title.c_str(), 10+144+10, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); int x = 30; int y = 50; int stride = 40; int columnw = 400; // Shared with settings I18NCategory *ss = GetI18NCategory("System"); I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics"); I18NCategory *a = GetI18NCategory("Audio"); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, ss->T("Show FPS"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowFPSCounter); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Sound"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableSound); // TODO: Maybe shouldn't show this if the screen ratios are very close... #ifdef BLACKBERRY10 if (pixel_xres == pixel_yres) UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Partial Vertical Stretch"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bPartialStretch); #endif UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stretch to Display"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bStretchToDisplay); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform); if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) { if (gpu) gpu->Resized(); } UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Media Engine"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseMediaEngine); bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &enableFrameSkip); if (enableFrameSkip) { if (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0) g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3; float getfskip= g_Config.iFrameSkip; char showfskip[256]; sprintf(showfskip, "Skip Frames: %0.0f", getfskip); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showfskip, dp_xres - 8, 12, 0xc0000000, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showfskip, dp_xres - 10, 10, 0xFF3fFF3f, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Frames :"), x + 60, y += stride + 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); HLinear hlinear1(x + 200 , y + 5, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, "Auto", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, "-1", ALIGN_LEFT)) if(g_Config.iFrameSkip>0){ g_Config.iFrameSkip -= 1;} if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, "+1", ALIGN_LEFT)) if(g_Config.iFrameSkip!=9){ g_Config.iFrameSkip += 1;} } else { g_Config.iFrameSkip = 0; } I18NCategory *i = GetI18NCategory("Pause"); // TODO: Add UI for more than one slot. HLinear hlinear1(x, y + 80, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Save State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { SaveState::SaveSlot(0, 0, 0); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Load State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { SaveState::LoadSlot(0, 0, 0); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL); } VLinear vlinear(dp_xres - 10, 160, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Continue"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Back to Menu"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } /* if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, 0, "Debug: Dump Next Frame", ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) { gpu->DumpNextFrame(); } */ DrawWatermark(); UIEnd(); } void SettingsScreen::update(InputState &input) { globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU; if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void SettingsScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *ms = GetI18NCategory("MainSettings"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); VLinear vlinear(40, 150, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } int w = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 25; int s = 280; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Audio"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new AudioScreen()); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("AudioDesc", "Adjust Audio Settings"), s, 110, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Graphics"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new GraphicsScreenP1()); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("GraphicsDesc", "Change graphics options"), s, 180, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("System"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new SystemScreen()); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("SystemDesc", "Turn on Dynarec (JIT), Fast Memory"), s, 250, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Controls"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new ControlsScreen()); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("ControlsDesc", "On Screen Controls, Large Buttons"), s, 320, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Developer"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new DeveloperScreen()); } ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("DeveloperDesc", "Run CPU test, Dump Next Frame Log"), s, 390, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); UIEnd(); } void DeveloperScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void AudioScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void GraphicsScreenP1::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void GraphicsScreenP2::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void SystemScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void ControlsScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void LanguageScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void DeveloperScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); VLinear vlinear(50, 100, 20); int w = 400; I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Developer"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, d->T("Developer Tools"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, d->T("Load language ini"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.languageIni); // After this, g and s are no longer valid. Need to reload them. g = GetI18NCategory("General"); d = GetI18NCategory("Developer"); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, d->T("Save language ini"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { i18nrepo.SaveIni(g_Config.languageIni); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, d->T("Run CPU tests"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { // TODO: Run tests RunTests(); // screenManager()->push(new EmuScreen()) } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, d->T("Dump frame to log"), ALIGN_LEFT)) { gpu->DumpNextFrame(); } UIEnd(); } void AudioScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *a = GetI18NCategory("Audio"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, a->T("Audio Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } int x = 30; int y = 30; int stride = 40; int columnw = 400; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Sound"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableSound); UIEnd(); } void GraphicsScreenP1::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos( 220 , dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->push(new GraphicsScreenP2()); } int x = 30; int y = 30; int stride = 40; int columnw = 400; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Vertex Cache"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bVertexCache); #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__ UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stream VBO"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseVBO); #endif UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Media Engine"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseMediaEngine); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Linear Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bLinearFiltering); bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Mipmapping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bMipMap); if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) { if (gpu) gpu->Resized(); } if (g_Config.bBufferedRendering) { if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("AA", "Anti Aliasing"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.SSAntiAliasing)) { if (gpu) gpu->Resized(); } } UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Display Raw Framebuffer"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDisplayFramebuffer); UIEnd(); } void GraphicsScreenP2::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } int x = 30; int y = 30; int stride = 40; int columnw = 400; bool FpsLimit = g_Config.iFpsLimit != 0; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("Fps Limit"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &FpsLimit); if (FpsLimit) { if (g_Config.iFpsLimit == 0) g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60; ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Fps :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, "Auto", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "-30", ALIGN_LEFT)) if(g_Config.iFpsLimit > 30){ g_Config.iFpsLimit -= 30;} if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "+30", ALIGN_LEFT)) if(g_Config.iFrameSkip != 240){ g_Config.iFpsLimit += 30;} } else { g_Config.iFpsLimit = 0; } bool AnisotropicFiltering = g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel != 0; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &AnisotropicFiltering); if (AnisotropicFiltering) { if (g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel == 0) g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2; ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "4x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "8x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "16x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16; } else { g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0; } bool TexScaling = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("xBRZ Texture Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexScaling); if (TexScaling) { if (g_Config.iTexScalingLevel <= 1) g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2; ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "3x", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 3; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 320, y , gs->T("Deposterize"), ALIGN_LEFT, &g_Config.bTexDeposterize); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Type :"), x + 60, y += stride + 15, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); HLinear hlinear2(x + 180 , y + 10, 20); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, "xBRZ", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingType = 0; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 140, 0, "Hybrid(H)", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingType = 1; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 150, 0, "Bicubic(B)", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingType = 2; if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 65, 0, "H+B", ALIGN_LEFT)) g_Config.iTexScalingType = 3; } else { g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 1; } UIEnd(); } LanguageScreen::LanguageScreen() { #ifdef ANDROID VFSGetFileListing("assets/lang", &langs_, "ini"); #else VFSGetFileListing("lang", &langs_, "ini"); #endif } void LanguageScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("System"); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); I18NCategory *l = GetI18NCategory("Language"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, s->T("Language"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } VGrid vlang(50, 100, dp_yres - 50, 10, 10); std::string text; for (size_t i = 0; i < langs_.size(); i++) { std::string code; size_t dot = langs_[i].name.find('.'); if (dot != std::string::npos) code = langs_[i].name.substr(0, dot); std::string buttonTitle = langs_[i].name; langValuesMapping["ja_JP"] = std::make_pair("日本語", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE); langValuesMapping["en_US"] = std::make_pair("English",PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["fr_FR"] = std::make_pair("Français", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_FRENCH); langValuesMapping["es_ES"] = std::make_pair("Español", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_SPANISH); langValuesMapping["es_LA"] = std::make_pair("Español", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_SPANISH); langValuesMapping["de_DE"] = std::make_pair("Deutsch", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_GERMAN); langValuesMapping["it_IT"] = std::make_pair("Italiano", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN); langValuesMapping["nl_NL"] = std::make_pair("Nederlands", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_DUTCH); langValuesMapping["pt_PT"] = std::make_pair("Português", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE); langValuesMapping["pt_BR"] = std::make_pair("Português", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE); langValuesMapping["ru_RU"] = std::make_pair("Русский", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN); langValuesMapping["ko_KR"] = std::make_pair("한국어", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_KOREAN); langValuesMapping["zh_TW"] = std::make_pair("繁體中文", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL); langValuesMapping["zh_CN"] = std::make_pair("简体中文", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED); langValuesMapping["gr_EL"] = std::make_pair("ελληνικά", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["he_IL"] = std::make_pair("עברית", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["hu_HU"] = std::make_pair("Magyar", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["pl_PL"] = std::make_pair("Polski", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["sv_SE"] = std::make_pair("Svenska", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["tr_TR"] = std::make_pair("Türk", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["ca_ES"] = std::make_pair("Català", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["uk_UA"] = std::make_pair("Українська", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["ro_RO"] = std::make_pair("Român", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); langValuesMapping["id_ID"] = std::make_pair("Indonesia", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); if (!code.empty()) { if(langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) { //No title found, show locale code buttonTitle = code; } else { buttonTitle = langValuesMapping[code].first; } } if (UIButton(GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vlang, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH - 30, 0, buttonTitle.c_str(), ALIGN_TOPLEFT)) { std::string oldLang = g_Config.languageIni; g_Config.languageIni = code; if (i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.languageIni)) { // Dunno what else to do here. if(langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) { //Fallback to English g_Config.ilanguage = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; } else { g_Config.ilanguage = langValuesMapping[code].second; } // After this, g and s are no longer valid. Let's return, some flicker is okay. g = GetI18NCategory("General"); s = GetI18NCategory("System"); l = GetI18NCategory("Language"); } else { g_Config.languageIni = oldLang; } } } UIEnd(); } void SystemScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("System"); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, s->T("System Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } int x = 30; int y = 30; int stride = 40; int columnw = 400; #ifdef IOS if(!isJailed) UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Dynarec", "Dynarec (JIT)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit); else { UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("DynarecisJailed", "Dynarec (JIT) - (Not jailbroken - JIT not available)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit); g_Config.bJit = false; } #else UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Dynarec", "Dynarec (JIT)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit); #endif if (g_Config.bJit) UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Fast Memory", "Fast Memory (unstable)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bFastMemory); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Show Debug Statistics"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowDebugStats); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Show FPS"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowFPSCounter); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Encrypt Save"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEncryptSave); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Use Button X to Confirm"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bButtonPreference); bool tf = g_Config.itimeformat == 1; if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("12HR Time Format"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &tf)) { g_Config.itimeformat = tf ? 1 : 0; } bool reportingEnabled = Reporting::IsEnabled(); const static std::string reportHostOfficial = "report.ppsspp.org"; if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Enable Compatibility Server Reports"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &reportingEnabled)) { g_Config.sReportHost = reportingEnabled ? reportHostOfficial : ""; } if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(x, y += stride * 3), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, s->T("Language"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) { screenManager()->push(new LanguageScreen()); } UIEnd(); } void ControlsScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); I18NCategory *c = GetI18NCategory("Controls"); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, c->T("Controls Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } int x = 30; int y = 30; int stride = 40; int columnw = 440; UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("OnScreen", "On-Screen Touch Controls"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowTouchControls); if (g_Config.bShowTouchControls) { UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Large Controls"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bLargeControls); UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Show Analog Stick"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowAnalogStick); } UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Tilt", "Tilt to Analog (horizontal)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bAccelerometerToAnalogHoriz); UIEnd(); } class FileListAdapter : public UIListAdapter { public: FileListAdapter(const FileSelectScreenOptions &options, const std::vector *items, UIContext *ctx) : options_(options), items_(items), ctx_(ctx) {} virtual size_t getCount() const { return items_->size(); } virtual void drawItem(int item, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool active) const; private: const FileSelectScreenOptions &options_; const std::vector *items_; const UIContext *ctx_; }; void FileListAdapter::drawItem(int item, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool selected) const { int icon = -1; if ((*items_)[item].isDirectory) { icon = options_.folderIcon; } else { std::string extension = getFileExtension((*items_)[item].name); auto iter = options_.iconMapping.find(extension); if (iter != options_.iconMapping.end()) icon = iter->second; } float scaled_h = ui_atlas.images[I_BUTTON].h; float scaled_w = scaled_h * (144.f / 80.f); int iconSpace = scaled_w + 10; ui_draw2d.DrawImage2GridH(selected ? I_BUTTON_SELECTED: I_BUTTON, x, y, x + w); ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, (*items_)[item].name.c_str(), x + UI_SPACE + iconSpace, y + 25, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER); // This might create a texture so we must flush first. UIFlush(); GameInfo *ginfo = 0; if (!(*items_)[item].isDirectory) { ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo((*items_)[item].fullName, false); if (!ginfo) { ELOG("No ginfo :( %s", (*items_)[item].fullName.c_str()); } } if (ginfo) { if (ginfo->iconTexture) { uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 2)); UIFlush(); ginfo->iconTexture->Bind(0); ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x + 10, y, x + 10 + scaled_w, y + scaled_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, color); ui_draw2d.Flush(); ctx_->RebindTexture(); } } else { if (icon != -1) ui_draw2d.DrawImage(icon, x + UI_SPACE, y + 25, 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_VCENTER | ALIGN_LEFT); } } FileSelectScreen::FileSelectScreen(const FileSelectScreenOptions &options) : options_(options) { currentDirectory_ = g_Config.currentDirectory; #ifdef _WIN32 // HACK // currentDirectory_ = "E:/PSP ISO/"; #endif updateListing(); } void FileSelectScreen::updateListing() { listing_.clear(); getFilesInDir(currentDirectory_.c_str(), &listing_, options_.filter); g_Config.currentDirectory = currentDirectory_; list_.contentChanged(); } void FileSelectScreen::update(InputState &input_state) { if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen()); } } void FileSelectScreen::render() { FileListAdapter adapter(options_, &listing_, screenManager()->getUIContext()); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); if (list_.Do(GEN_ID, 10, BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20, dp_xres-20, dp_yres - BUTTON_HEIGHT - 30, &adapter)) { if (listing_[list_.selected].isDirectory) { currentDirectory_ = listing_[list_.selected].fullName; ILOG("%s", currentDirectory_.c_str()); updateListing(); list_.selected = -1; } else { std::string boot_filename = listing_[list_.selected].fullName; ILOG("Selected: %i : %s", list_.selected, boot_filename.c_str()); list_.selected = -1; g_Config.Save(); UIEnd(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(boot_filename)); return; } } ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(I_BUTTON, 0, 0, dp_xres, 70); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10,10), SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Up"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT)) { currentDirectory_ = getDir(currentDirectory_); updateListing(); } ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, currentDirectory_.c_str(), 20 + SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 10 + 25, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, 10), SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) { g_Config.Save(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen()); } UIEnd(); } void CreditsScreen::update(InputState &input_state) { globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU; if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen()); } frames_++; } static const char * credits[] = { "PPSSPP", "", "", "A fast and portable PSP emulator", "", "Created by Henrik Rydgård", "(aka hrydgard, ector)" "", "", "Contributors:", "unknownbrackets", "xsacha", "raven02", "oioitff", "tpunix", "orphis", "sum2012", "mikusp", "artart78", "tmaul", "ced2911", "soywiz", "kovensky", "xele", "cinaera/BeaR", "", "Written in C++ for speed and portability", "", "", "Free tools used:", #ifdef ANDROID "Android SDK + NDK", #elif defined(BLACKBERRY) "Blackberry NDK", #endif #if defined(USING_QT_UI) "Qt", #else "SDL", #endif "CMake", "freetype2", "zlib", "PSP SDK", "", "", "Check out the website:", "www.ppsspp.org", "compatibility lists, forums, and development info", "", "", "Also check out Dolphin, the best Wii/GC emu around:", "http://www.dolphin-emu.org", "", "", "PPSSPP is intended for educational purposes only.", "", "Please make sure that you own the rights to any games", "you play by owning the UMD or buying the digital", "download from the PSN store on your real PSP.", "", "", "PSP is a trademark by Sony, Inc.", }; void CreditsScreen::render() { // TODO: This is kinda ugly, done on every frame... char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); credits[0] = (const char *)temp; UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); const int numItems = ARRAY_SIZE(credits); int itemHeight = 36; int totalHeight = numItems * itemHeight + dp_yres + 200; int y = dp_yres - (frames_ % totalHeight); for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { float alpha = linearInOut(y+32, 64, dp_yres - 192, 64); if (alpha > 0.0f) { UIText(dp_xres/2, y, credits[i], whiteAlpha(alpha), ease(alpha), ALIGN_HCENTER); } y += itemHeight; } I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), 200, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen()); } UIEnd(); } void ErrorScreen::update(InputState &input_state) { if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } } void ErrorScreen::render() { UIShader_Prepare(); UIBegin(UIShader_Get()); DrawBackground(1.0f); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, errorTitle_.c_str(), dp_xres / 2, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER); ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, errorMessage_.c_str(), 40, 120, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT); I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General"); if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), 200, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); } UIEnd(); }