// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "thread/threadutil.h" #include "util/text/parsers.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/ChunkFile.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/Screenshot.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/MetaFileSystem.h" #include "Core/ELF/ParamSFO.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceDisplay.h" #include "Core/HLE/ReplaceTables.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitBlockCache.h" #include "HW/MemoryStick.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE #include "Core/AVIDump.h" #include "Core/HLE/__sceAudio.h" #endif namespace SaveState { struct SaveStart { void DoState(PointerWrap &p); }; enum OperationType { SAVESTATE_SAVE, SAVESTATE_LOAD, SAVESTATE_VERIFY, SAVESTATE_REWIND, SAVESTATE_SAVE_SCREENSHOT, }; struct Operation { Operation(OperationType t, const std::string &f, Callback cb, void *cbUserData_) : type(t), filename(f), callback(cb), cbUserData(cbUserData_) { } OperationType type; std::string filename; Callback callback; void *cbUserData; }; CChunkFileReader::Error SaveToRam(std::vector &data) { SaveStart state; size_t sz = CChunkFileReader::MeasurePtr(state); if (data.size() < sz) data.resize(sz); return CChunkFileReader::SavePtr(&data[0], state); } CChunkFileReader::Error LoadFromRam(std::vector &data) { SaveStart state; return CChunkFileReader::LoadPtr(&data[0], state); } struct StateRingbuffer { StateRingbuffer(int size) : first_(0), next_(0), size_(size), base_(-1) { states_.resize(size); baseMapping_.resize(size); } CChunkFileReader::Error Save() { std::lock_guard guard(lock_); int n = next_++ % size_; if ((next_ % size_) == first_) ++first_; static std::vector buffer; std::vector *compressBuffer = &buffer; CChunkFileReader::Error err; if (base_ == -1 || ++baseUsage_ > BASE_USAGE_INTERVAL) { base_ = (base_ + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(bases_); baseUsage_ = 0; err = SaveToRam(bases_[base_]); // Let's not bother savestating twice. compressBuffer = &bases_[base_]; } else err = SaveToRam(buffer); if (err == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) ScheduleCompress(&states_[n], compressBuffer, &bases_[base_]); else states_[n].clear(); baseMapping_[n] = base_; return err; } CChunkFileReader::Error Restore() { std::lock_guard guard(lock_); // No valid states left. if (Empty()) return CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BAD_FILE; int n = (--next_ + size_) % size_; if (states_[n].empty()) return CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BAD_FILE; static std::vector buffer; LockedDecompress(buffer, states_[n], bases_[baseMapping_[n]]); return LoadFromRam(buffer); } void ScheduleCompress(std::vector *result, const std::vector *state, const std::vector *base) { if (compressThread_.joinable()) compressThread_.join(); compressThread_ = std::thread([=]{ setCurrentThreadName("SaveStateCompress"); Compress(*result, *state, *base); }); } void Compress(std::vector &result, const std::vector &state, const std::vector &base) { std::lock_guard guard(lock_); // Bail if we were cleared before locking. if (first_ == 0 && next_ == 0) return; result.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < state.size(); i += BLOCK_SIZE) { int blockSize = std::min(BLOCK_SIZE, (int)(state.size() - i)); if (i + blockSize > base.size() || memcmp(&state[i], &base[i], blockSize) != 0) { result.push_back(1); result.insert(result.end(), state.begin() + i, state.begin() +i + blockSize); } else result.push_back(0); } } void LockedDecompress(std::vector &result, const std::vector &compressed, const std::vector &base) { result.clear(); result.reserve(base.size()); auto basePos = base.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < compressed.size(); ) { if (compressed[i] == 0) { ++i; int blockSize = std::min(BLOCK_SIZE, (int)(base.size() - result.size())); result.insert(result.end(), basePos, basePos + blockSize); basePos += blockSize; } else { ++i; int blockSize = std::min(BLOCK_SIZE, (int)(compressed.size() - i)); result.insert(result.end(), compressed.begin() + i, compressed.begin() + i + blockSize); i += blockSize; basePos += blockSize; } } } void Clear() { if (compressThread_.joinable()) compressThread_.join(); // This lock is mainly for shutdown. std::lock_guard guard(lock_); first_ = 0; next_ = 0; } bool Empty() const { return next_ == first_; } static const int BLOCK_SIZE; // TODO: Instead, based on size of compressed state? static const int BASE_USAGE_INTERVAL; typedef std::vector StateBuffer; int first_; int next_; int size_; std::vector states_; StateBuffer bases_[2]; std::vector baseMapping_; std::mutex lock_; std::thread compressThread_; int base_; int baseUsage_; }; static bool needsProcess = false; static std::vector pending; static std::mutex mutex; static int screenshotFailures = 0; static bool hasLoadedState = false; static const int STALE_STATE_USES = 2; // 4 hours of total gameplay since the virtual PSP started the game. static const u64 STALE_STATE_TIME = 4 * 3600 * 1000000ULL; static int saveStateGeneration = 0; static std::string saveStateInitialGitVersion = ""; // TODO: Should this be configurable? static const int REWIND_NUM_STATES = 20; static const int SCREENSHOT_FAILURE_RETRIES = 15; static StateRingbuffer rewindStates(REWIND_NUM_STATES); // TODO: Any reason for this to be configurable? const static float rewindMaxWallFrequency = 1.0f; static float rewindLastTime = 0.0f; const int StateRingbuffer::BLOCK_SIZE = 8192; const int StateRingbuffer::BASE_USAGE_INTERVAL = 15; void SaveStart::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("SaveStart", 1, 2); if (!s) return; if (s >= 2) { // This only increments on save, of course. ++saveStateGeneration; p.Do(saveStateGeneration); // This saves the first git version to create this save state (or generation of save states.) if (saveStateInitialGitVersion.empty()) saveStateInitialGitVersion = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION; p.Do(saveStateInitialGitVersion); } else { saveStateGeneration = 1; } // Gotta do CoreTiming first since we'll restore into it. CoreTiming::DoState(p); // Memory is a bit tricky when jit is enabled, since there's emuhacks in it. auto savedReplacements = SaveAndClearReplacements(); if (MIPSComp::jit && p.mode == p.MODE_WRITE) { std::vector savedBlocks; savedBlocks = MIPSComp::jit->SaveAndClearEmuHackOps(); Memory::DoState(p); MIPSComp::jit->RestoreSavedEmuHackOps(savedBlocks); } else Memory::DoState(p); RestoreSavedReplacements(savedReplacements); MemoryStick_DoState(p); currentMIPS->DoState(p); HLEDoState(p); __KernelDoState(p); // Kernel object destructors might close open files, so do the filesystem last. pspFileSystem.DoState(p); } void Enqueue(SaveState::Operation op) { std::lock_guard guard(mutex); pending.push_back(op); // Don't actually run it until next frame. // It's possible there might be a duplicate but it won't hurt us. needsProcess = true; Core_UpdateSingleStep(); } void Load(const std::string &filename, Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { Enqueue(Operation(SAVESTATE_LOAD, filename, callback, cbUserData)); } void Save(const std::string &filename, Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { Enqueue(Operation(SAVESTATE_SAVE, filename, callback, cbUserData)); } void Verify(Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { Enqueue(Operation(SAVESTATE_VERIFY, std::string(""), callback, cbUserData)); } void Rewind(Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { Enqueue(Operation(SAVESTATE_REWIND, std::string(""), callback, cbUserData)); } void SaveScreenshot(const std::string &filename, Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { Enqueue(Operation(SAVESTATE_SAVE_SCREENSHOT, filename, callback, cbUserData)); } bool CanRewind() { return !rewindStates.Empty(); } // Slot utilities std::string AppendSlotTitle(const std::string &filename, const std::string &title) { char slotChar = 0; auto detectSlot = [&](const std::string &ext) { if (!endsWith(filename, std::string(".") + ext)) { return false; } // Usually these are slots, let's check the slot # after the last '_'. size_t slotNumPos = filename.find_last_of('_'); if (slotNumPos == filename.npos) { return false; } const size_t extLength = ext.length() + 1; // If we take out the extension, '_', etc. we should be left with only a single digit. if (slotNumPos + 1 + extLength != filename.length() - 1) { return false; } slotChar = filename[slotNumPos + 1]; if (slotChar < '0' || slotChar > '8') { return false; } // Change from zero indexed to human friendly. slotChar++; return true; }; if (detectSlot(STATE_EXTENSION)) { return StringFromFormat("%s (%c)", title.c_str(), slotChar); } if (detectSlot(UNDO_STATE_EXTENSION)) { auto sy = GetI18NCategory("System"); // Allow the number to be positioned where it makes sense. std::string undo = sy->T("undo %c"); return title + " (" + StringFromFormat(undo.c_str(), slotChar) + ")"; } // Couldn't detect, use the filename. return title + " (" + filename + ")"; } std::string GetTitle(const std::string &filename) { std::string title; if (CChunkFileReader::GetFileTitle(filename, &title) == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) { if (title.empty()) { return File::GetFilename(filename); } return AppendSlotTitle(filename, title); } // The file can't be loaded - let's note that. auto sy = GetI18NCategory("System"); return File::GetFilename(filename) + " " + sy->T("(broken)"); } std::string GenerateSaveSlotFilename(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot, const char *extension) { std::string discId = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); std::string discVer = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_VERSION"); std::string fullDiscId; if (discId.empty()) { discId = g_paramSFO.GenerateFakeID(); discVer = "1.00"; } fullDiscId = StringFromFormat("%s_%s", discId.c_str(), discVer.c_str()); std::string filename = StringFromFormat("%s_%d.%s", fullDiscId.c_str(), slot, extension); return GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SAVESTATE) + filename; } int GetCurrentSlot() { return g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot; } void NextSlot() { g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot = (g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot + 1) % NUM_SLOTS; } void LoadSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot, Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); if (!fn.empty()) { Load(fn, callback, cbUserData); } else { auto sy = GetI18NCategory("System"); if (callback) callback(Status::FAILURE, sy->T("Failed to load state. Error in the file system."), cbUserData); } } static void DeleteIfExists(const std::string &fn) { // Just avoiding error messages. if (File::Exists(fn)) { File::Delete(fn); } } static void RenameIfExists(const std::string &from, const std::string &to) { if (File::Exists(from)) { File::Rename(from, to); } } static void SwapIfExists(const std::string &from, const std::string &to) { std::string temp = from + ".tmp"; if (File::Exists(from)) { File::Rename(from, temp); File::Rename(to, from); File::Rename(temp, to); } } void SaveSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot, Callback callback, void *cbUserData) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); std::string shot = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); std::string fnUndo = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, UNDO_STATE_EXTENSION); std::string shotUndo = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, UNDO_SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); if (!fn.empty()) { auto renameCallback = [=](Status status, const std::string &message, void *data) { if (status != Status::FAILURE) { if (g_Config.bEnableStateUndo) { DeleteIfExists(fnUndo); RenameIfExists(fn, fnUndo); } else { DeleteIfExists(fn); } File::Rename(fn + ".tmp", fn); } if (callback) { callback(status, message, data); } }; // Let's also create a screenshot. if (g_Config.bEnableStateUndo) { DeleteIfExists(shotUndo); RenameIfExists(shot, shotUndo); } SaveScreenshot(shot, Callback(), 0); Save(fn + ".tmp", renameCallback, cbUserData); } else { auto sy = GetI18NCategory("System"); if (callback) callback(Status::FAILURE, sy->T("Failed to save state. Error in the file system."), cbUserData); } } bool UndoSaveSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); std::string shot = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); std::string fnUndo = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, UNDO_STATE_EXTENSION); std::string shotUndo = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, UNDO_SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); // Do nothing if there's no undo. if (File::Exists(fnUndo)) { // Swap them so they can undo again to redo. Mistakes happen. SwapIfExists(shotUndo, shot); SwapIfExists(fnUndo, fn); return true; } return false; } bool HasSaveInSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); return File::Exists(fn); } bool HasUndoSaveInSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); return File::Exists(fn + ".undo"); } bool HasScreenshotInSlot(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, SCREENSHOT_EXTENSION); return File::Exists(fn); } bool operator < (const tm &t1, const tm &t2) { if (t1.tm_year < t2.tm_year) return true; if (t1.tm_year > t2.tm_year) return false; if (t1.tm_mon < t2.tm_mon) return true; if (t1.tm_mon > t2.tm_mon) return false; if (t1.tm_mday < t2.tm_mday) return true; if (t1.tm_mday > t2.tm_mday) return false; if (t1.tm_hour < t2.tm_hour) return true; if (t1.tm_hour > t2.tm_hour) return false; if (t1.tm_min < t2.tm_min) return true; if (t1.tm_min > t2.tm_min) return false; if (t1.tm_sec < t2.tm_sec) return true; if (t1.tm_sec > t2.tm_sec) return false; return false; } bool operator > (const tm &t1, const tm &t2) { if (t1.tm_year > t2.tm_year) return true; if (t1.tm_year < t2.tm_year) return false; if (t1.tm_mon > t2.tm_mon) return true; if (t1.tm_mon < t2.tm_mon) return false; if (t1.tm_mday > t2.tm_mday) return true; if (t1.tm_mday < t2.tm_mday) return false; if (t1.tm_hour > t2.tm_hour) return true; if (t1.tm_hour < t2.tm_hour) return false; if (t1.tm_min > t2.tm_min) return true; if (t1.tm_min < t2.tm_min) return false; if (t1.tm_sec > t2.tm_sec) return true; if (t1.tm_sec < t2.tm_sec) return false; return false; } bool operator ! (const tm &t1) { if (t1.tm_year || t1.tm_mon || t1.tm_mday || t1.tm_hour || t1.tm_min || t1.tm_sec) return false; return true; } int GetNewestSlot(const std::string &gameFilename) { int newestSlot = -1; tm newestDate = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, i, STATE_EXTENSION); if (File::Exists(fn)) { tm time; bool success = File::GetModifTime(fn, time); if (success && newestDate < time) { newestDate = time; newestSlot = i; } } } return newestSlot; } int GetOldestSlot(const std::string &gameFilename) { int oldestSlot = -1; tm oldestDate = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, i, STATE_EXTENSION); if (File::Exists(fn)) { tm time; bool success = File::GetModifTime(fn, time); if (success && (!oldestDate || oldestDate > time)) { oldestDate = time; oldestSlot = i; } } } return oldestSlot; } std::string GetSlotDateAsString(const std::string &gameFilename, int slot) { std::string fn = GenerateSaveSlotFilename(gameFilename, slot, STATE_EXTENSION); if (File::Exists(fn)) { tm time; if (File::GetModifTime(fn, time)) { char buf[256]; // TODO: Use local time format? Americans and some others might not like ISO standard :) strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time); return std::string(buf); } } return ""; } std::vector Flush() { std::lock_guard guard(mutex); std::vector copy = pending; pending.clear(); return copy; } bool HandleFailure() { // Okay, first, let's give the rewind state a shot - maybe we can at least not reset entirely. // Even if this was a rewind, maybe we can still load a previous one. CChunkFileReader::Error result; do { result = rewindStates.Restore(); } while (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BROKEN_STATE); if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) { return true; } // We tried, our only remaining option is to reset the game. PSP_Shutdown(); std::string resetError; if (!PSP_Init(PSP_CoreParameter(), &resetError)) { ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "Error resetting: %s", resetError.c_str()); // TODO: This probably doesn't clean up well enough. Core_Stop(); return false; } host->BootDone(); host->UpdateDisassembly(); return false; } #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE static inline void CheckRewindState() { if (gpuStats.numFlips % g_Config.iRewindFlipFrequency != 0) return; // For fast-forwarding, otherwise they may be useless and too close. time_update(); float diff = time_now() - rewindLastTime; if (diff < rewindMaxWallFrequency) return; rewindLastTime = time_now(); DEBUG_LOG(BOOT, "saving rewind state"); rewindStates.Save(); } #endif bool HasLoadedState() { return hasLoadedState; } bool IsStale() { if (saveStateGeneration >= STALE_STATE_USES) { return CoreTiming::GetGlobalTimeUs() > STALE_STATE_TIME; } return false; } bool IsOldVersion() { if (saveStateInitialGitVersion.empty()) return false; Version state(saveStateInitialGitVersion); Version gitVer(PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); if (!state.IsValid() || !gitVer.IsValid()) return false; return state < gitVer; } void Process() { #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.iRewindFlipFrequency != 0 && gpuStats.numFlips != 0) CheckRewindState(); #endif if (!needsProcess) return; needsProcess = false; if (!__KernelIsRunning()) { ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Savestate failure: Unable to load without kernel, this should never happen."); return; } std::vector operations = Flush(); SaveStart state; for (size_t i = 0, n = operations.size(); i < n; ++i) { Operation &op = operations[i]; CChunkFileReader::Error result; Status callbackResult; bool tempResult; std::string callbackMessage; std::string reason; std::string title; auto sc = GetI18NCategory("Screen"); const char *i18nLoadFailure = sc->T("Load savestate failed", ""); const char *i18nSaveFailure = sc->T("Save State Failed", ""); if (strlen(i18nLoadFailure) == 0) i18nLoadFailure = sc->T("Failed to load state"); if (strlen(i18nSaveFailure) == 0) i18nSaveFailure = sc->T("Failed to save state"); switch (op.type) { case SAVESTATE_LOAD: INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Loading state from %s", op.filename.c_str()); // Use the state's latest version as a guess for saveStateInitialGitVersion. result = CChunkFileReader::Load(op.filename, &saveStateInitialGitVersion, state, &reason); if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) { callbackMessage = sc->T("Loaded State"); callbackResult = Status::SUCCESS; hasLoadedState = true; if (!g_Config.bHideStateWarnings && IsStale()) { // For anyone wondering why (too long to put on the screen in an osm): // Using save states instead of saves simulates many hour play sessions. // Sometimes this exposes game bugs that were rarely seen on real devices, // because few people played on a real PSP for 10 hours straight. callbackMessage = sc->T("Loaded. Save in game, restart, and load for less bugs."); callbackResult = Status::WARNING; } else if (!g_Config.bHideStateWarnings && IsOldVersion()) { // Save states also preserve bugs from old PPSSPP versions, so warn. callbackMessage = sc->T("Loaded. Save in game, restart, and load for less bugs."); callbackResult = Status::WARNING; } #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bSaveLoadResetsAVdumping) { if (g_Config.bDumpFrames) { AVIDump::Stop(); AVIDump::Start(PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight); } if (g_Config.bDumpAudio) { WAVDump::Reset(); } } #endif } else if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BROKEN_STATE) { HandleFailure(); callbackMessage = i18nLoadFailure; ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Load state failure: %s", reason.c_str()); callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } else { callbackMessage = sc->T(reason.c_str(), i18nLoadFailure); callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } break; case SAVESTATE_SAVE: INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Saving state to %s", op.filename.c_str()); title = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("TITLE"); if (title.empty()) { // Homebrew title title = PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart; std::size_t lslash = title.find_last_of("/"); title = title.substr(lslash + 1); } result = CChunkFileReader::Save(op.filename, title, PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION, state); if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) { callbackMessage = sc->T("Saved State"); callbackResult = Status::SUCCESS; #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bSaveLoadResetsAVdumping) { if (g_Config.bDumpFrames) { AVIDump::Stop(); AVIDump::Start(PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight); } if (g_Config.bDumpAudio) { WAVDump::Reset(); } } #endif } else if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BROKEN_STATE) { HandleFailure(); callbackMessage = i18nSaveFailure; ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Save state failure: %s", reason.c_str()); callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } else { callbackMessage = i18nSaveFailure; callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } break; case SAVESTATE_VERIFY: tempResult = CChunkFileReader::Verify(state) == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE; callbackResult = tempResult ? Status::SUCCESS : Status::FAILURE; if (tempResult) { INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Verified save state system"); } else { ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Save state system verification failed"); } break; case SAVESTATE_REWIND: INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Rewinding to recent savestate snapshot"); result = rewindStates.Restore(); if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE) { callbackMessage = sc->T("Loaded State"); callbackResult = Status::SUCCESS; hasLoadedState = true; } else if (result == CChunkFileReader::ERROR_BROKEN_STATE) { // Cripes. Good news is, we might have more. Let's try those too, better than a reset. if (HandleFailure()) { // Well, we did rewind, even if too much... callbackMessage = sc->T("Loaded State"); callbackResult = Status::SUCCESS; hasLoadedState = true; } else { callbackMessage = i18nLoadFailure; callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } } else { callbackMessage = i18nLoadFailure; callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; } break; case SAVESTATE_SAVE_SCREENSHOT: { int maxRes = g_Config.iInternalResolution > 2 ? 2 : -1; tempResult = TakeGameScreenshot(op.filename.c_str(), ScreenshotFormat::JPG, SCREENSHOT_DISPLAY, nullptr, nullptr, maxRes); callbackResult = tempResult ? Status::SUCCESS : Status::FAILURE; if (!tempResult) { ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to take a screenshot for the savestate! %s", op.filename.c_str()); if (screenshotFailures++ < SCREENSHOT_FAILURE_RETRIES) { // Requeue for next frame. SaveScreenshot(op.filename, op.callback, op.cbUserData); } } else { screenshotFailures = 0; } break; } default: ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Savestate failure: unknown operation type %d", op.type); callbackResult = Status::FAILURE; break; } if (op.callback) op.callback(callbackResult, callbackMessage, op.cbUserData); } if (operations.size()) { // Avoid triggering frame skipping due to slowdown __DisplaySetWasPaused(); } } void Init() { // Make sure there's a directory for save slots File::CreateFullPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SAVESTATE)); std::lock_guard guard(mutex); rewindStates.Clear(); hasLoadedState = false; saveStateGeneration = 0; saveStateInitialGitVersion.clear(); } void Shutdown() { std::lock_guard guard(mutex); rewindStates.Clear(); } }