// Copyright (c) 2015- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "profiler/profiler.h" #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "math/lin/matrix4x4.h" #include "math/dataconv.h" #include "ext/native/file/vfs.h" #include "ext/native/thin3d/thin3d.h" #include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanContext.h" #include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanMemory.h" #include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanImage.h" #include "thin3d/VulkanRenderManager.h" #include "Common/ColorConv.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/ConfigValues.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceDisplay.h" #include "GPU/ge_constants.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/Common/ShaderTranslation.h" #include "GPU/Common/PostShader.h" #include "GPU/Common/TextureDecoder.h" #include "GPU/Common/FramebufferCommon.h" #include "GPU/Debugger/Stepping.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanImage.h" #include "GPU/Vulkan/FramebufferVulkan.h" #include "GPU/Vulkan/DrawEngineVulkan.h" #include "GPU/Vulkan/TextureCacheVulkan.h" #include "GPU/Vulkan/ShaderManagerVulkan.h" #include "GPU/Vulkan/VulkanUtil.h" static const char tex_fs[] = R"(#version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable #extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D sampler0; layout (location = 0) in vec2 v_texcoord0; layout (location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = texture(sampler0, v_texcoord0); } )"; static const char tex_vs[] = R"(#version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable #extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable layout (location = 0) in vec3 a_position; layout (location = 1) in vec2 a_texcoord0; layout (location = 0) out vec2 v_texcoord0; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; void main() { v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0; gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 1.0); } )"; FramebufferManagerVulkan::FramebufferManagerVulkan(Draw::DrawContext *draw, VulkanContext *vulkan) : FramebufferManagerCommon(draw), vulkan_(vulkan) { InitDeviceObjects(); // After a blit we do need to rebind for the VulkanRenderManager to know what to do. needGLESRebinds_ = true; } FramebufferManagerVulkan::~FramebufferManagerVulkan() { delete[] convBuf_; DestroyDeviceObjects(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::SetTextureCache(TextureCacheVulkan *tc) { textureCacheVulkan_ = tc; textureCache_ = tc; } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::SetShaderManager(ShaderManagerVulkan *sm) { shaderManagerVulkan_ = sm; shaderManager_ = sm; } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::SetDrawEngine(DrawEngineVulkan *td) { drawEngineVulkan_ = td; drawEngine_ = td; } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::InitDeviceObjects() { std::string fs_errors, vs_errors; fsBasicTex_ = CompileShaderModule(vulkan_, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, tex_fs, &fs_errors); vsBasicTex_ = CompileShaderModule(vulkan_, VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, tex_vs, &vs_errors); assert(fsBasicTex_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE); assert(vsBasicTex_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE); VkSamplerCreateInfo samp = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SAMPLER_CREATE_INFO }; samp.addressModeU = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; samp.addressModeV = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; samp.addressModeW = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; samp.magFilter = VK_FILTER_NEAREST; samp.minFilter = VK_FILTER_NEAREST; VkResult res = vkCreateSampler(vulkan_->GetDevice(), &samp, nullptr, &nearestSampler_); assert(res == VK_SUCCESS); samp.magFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR; samp.minFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR; res = vkCreateSampler(vulkan_->GetDevice(), &samp, nullptr, &linearSampler_); assert(res == VK_SUCCESS); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::DestroyDeviceObjects() { delete drawPixelsTex_; drawPixelsTex_ = nullptr; if (fsBasicTex_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(fsBasicTex_); if (vsBasicTex_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(vsBasicTex_); if (stencilFs_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(stencilFs_); if (stencilVs_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(stencilVs_); if (linearSampler_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteSampler(linearSampler_); if (nearestSampler_ != VK_NULL_HANDLE) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteSampler(nearestSampler_); if (postVs_) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(postVs_); if (postFs_) vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(postFs_); pipelinePostShader_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // actual pipeline should get destroyed by vulkan2d. } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::NotifyClear(bool clearColor, bool clearAlpha, bool clearDepth, uint32_t color, float depth) { int mask = 0; // The Clear detection takes care of doing a regular draw instead if separate masking // of color and alpha is needed, so we can just treat them as the same. if (clearColor || clearAlpha) mask |= Draw::FBChannel::FB_COLOR_BIT; if (clearDepth) mask |= Draw::FBChannel::FB_DEPTH_BIT; if (clearAlpha) mask |= Draw::FBChannel::FB_STENCIL_BIT; // Note that since the alpha channel and the stencil channel are shared on the PSP, // when we clear alpha, we also clear stencil to the same value. draw_->Clear(mask, color, depth, color >> 24); if (clearColor || clearAlpha) { SetColorUpdated(gstate_c.skipDrawReason); } if (clearDepth) { SetDepthUpdated(); } } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::Init() { FramebufferManagerCommon::Init(); // Workaround for upscaling shaders where we force x1 resolution without saving it Resized(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::MakePixelTexture(const u8 *srcPixels, GEBufferFormat srcPixelFormat, int srcStride, int width, int height, float &u1, float &v1) { if (drawPixelsTex_) { delete drawPixelsTex_; drawPixelsTex_ = nullptr; } VkCommandBuffer initCmd = (VkCommandBuffer)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::INIT_COMMANDBUFFER); // There's only ever a few of these alive, don't need to stress the allocator with these big ones. drawPixelsTex_ = new VulkanTexture(vulkan_); drawPixelsTex_->SetTag("DrawPixels"); if (!drawPixelsTex_->CreateDirect(initCmd, nullptr, width, height, 1, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT)) { // out of memory? delete drawPixelsTex_; drawPixelsTex_ = nullptr; overrideImageView_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE; return; } // Initialize backbuffer texture for DrawPixels drawPixelsTexFormat_ = srcPixelFormat; // TODO: We can just change the texture format and flip some bits around instead of this. // Could share code with the texture cache perhaps. // TODO: Could also convert directly into the pushbuffer easily. const uint8_t *data = srcPixels; if (srcPixelFormat != GE_FORMAT_8888 || srcStride != width) { u32 neededSize = width * height * 4; if (!convBuf_ || convBufSize_ < neededSize) { delete[] convBuf_; convBuf_ = new u8[neededSize]; convBufSize_ = neededSize; } data = convBuf_; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { const u16_le *src16 = (const u16_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; const u32_le *src32 = (const u32_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u32 *dst = (u32 *)convBuf_ + width * y; switch (srcPixelFormat) { case GE_FORMAT_565: ConvertRGBA565ToRGBA8888((u32 *)dst, src16, width); break; case GE_FORMAT_5551: ConvertRGBA5551ToRGBA8888((u32 *)dst, src16, width); break; case GE_FORMAT_4444: ConvertRGBA4444ToRGBA8888((u32 *)dst, src16, width); break; case GE_FORMAT_8888: memcpy(dst, src32, 4 * width); break; case GE_FORMAT_INVALID: _dbg_assert_msg_(G3D, false, "Invalid pixelFormat passed to DrawPixels()."); break; } } } VkBuffer buffer; size_t offset = push_->Push(data, width * height * 4, &buffer); drawPixelsTex_->UploadMip(initCmd, 0, width, height, buffer, (uint32_t)offset, width); drawPixelsTex_->EndCreate(initCmd); overrideImageView_ = drawPixelsTex_->GetImageView(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::SetViewport2D(int x, int y, int w, int h) { Draw::Viewport vp; vp.MinDepth = 0.0; vp.MaxDepth = 1.0; vp.TopLeftX = (float)x; vp.TopLeftY = (float)y; vp.Width = (float)w; vp.Height = (float)h; // Since we're about to override it. draw_->SetViewports(1, &vp); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::DrawActiveTexture(float x, float y, float w, float h, float destW, float destH, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, int uvRotation, int flags) { float texCoords[8] = { u0,v0, u1,v0, u1,v1, u0,v1, }; if (uvRotation != ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL) { float temp[8]; int rotation = 0; switch (uvRotation) { case ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL180: rotation = 4; break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL: rotation = 2; break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180: rotation = 6; break; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { temp[i] = texCoords[(i + rotation) & 7]; } memcpy(texCoords, temp, sizeof(temp)); } Vulkan2D::Vertex vtx[4] = { {x, y, 0, texCoords[0], texCoords[1]}, {x + w, y, 0, texCoords[2], texCoords[3]}, {x, y + h, 0, texCoords[6], texCoords[7]}, {x + w, y + h, 0, texCoords[4], texCoords[5]}, }; float invDestW = 1.0f / (destW * 0.5f); float invDestH = 1.0f / (destH * 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vtx[i].x = vtx[i].x * invDestW - 1.0f; vtx[i].y = vtx[i].y * invDestH - 1.0f; } draw_->FlushState(); // TODO: Should probably use draw_ directly and not go low level VulkanRenderManager *renderManager = (VulkanRenderManager *)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::RENDER_MANAGER); VkImageView view = overrideImageView_ ? overrideImageView_ : (VkImageView)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::BOUND_TEXTURE0_IMAGEVIEW); if ((flags & DRAWTEX_KEEP_TEX) == 0) overrideImageView_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE; VkDescriptorSet descSet = vulkan2D_->GetDescriptorSet(view, (flags & DRAWTEX_LINEAR) ? linearSampler_ : nearestSampler_, VK_NULL_HANDLE, VK_NULL_HANDLE); VkBuffer vbuffer; VkDeviceSize offset = push_->Push(vtx, sizeof(vtx), &vbuffer); renderManager->BindPipeline(cur2DPipeline_); if (cur2DPipeline_ == pipelinePostShader_) { renderManager->PushConstants(vulkan2D_->GetPipelineLayout(), VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT | VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, 0, (int)sizeof(postShaderUniforms_), &postShaderUniforms_); } renderManager->Draw(vulkan2D_->GetPipelineLayout(), descSet, 0, nullptr, vbuffer, offset, 4); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::Bind2DShader() { VkRenderPass rp = (VkRenderPass)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::COMPATIBLE_RENDERPASS); cur2DPipeline_ = vulkan2D_->GetPipeline(rp, vsBasicTex_, fsBasicTex_); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::BindPostShader(const PostShaderUniforms &uniforms) { if (!pipelinePostShader_) { if (usePostShader_) { CompilePostShader(); } if (!usePostShader_) { SetNumExtraFBOs(0); Bind2DShader(); return; } else { SetNumExtraFBOs(1); } } postShaderUniforms_ = uniforms; cur2DPipeline_ = pipelinePostShader_; gstate_c.Dirty(DIRTY_VERTEXSHADER_STATE); } int FramebufferManagerVulkan::GetLineWidth() { if (g_Config.iInternalResolution == 0) { return std::max(1, (int)(renderWidth_ / 480)); } else { return g_Config.iInternalResolution; } } // This also binds vfb as the current render target. void FramebufferManagerVulkan::ReformatFramebufferFrom(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, GEBufferFormat old) { if (!useBufferedRendering_ || !vfb->fbo) { return; } // Technically, we should at this point re-interpret the bytes of the old format to the new. // That might get tricky, and could cause unnecessary slowness in some games. // For now, we just clear alpha/stencil from 565, which fixes shadow issues in Kingdom Hearts. // (it uses 565 to write zeros to the buffer, then 4444 to actually render the shadow.) // // The best way to do this may ultimately be to create a new FBO (combine with any resize?) // and blit with a shader to that, then replace the FBO on vfb. Stencil would still be complex // to exactly reproduce in 4444 and 8888 formats. if (old == GE_FORMAT_565) { // TODO: To match other backends, would be ideal to clear alpha only and not color. // But probably doesn't matter that much... draw_->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(vfb->fbo, { Draw::RPAction::CLEAR, Draw::RPAction::KEEP, Draw::RPAction::CLEAR }); } } // Except for a missing rebind and silly scissor enables, identical copy of the same function in GPU_GLES - tricky parts are in thin3d. void FramebufferManagerVulkan::BlitFramebufferDepth(VirtualFramebuffer *src, VirtualFramebuffer *dst) { bool matchingDepthBuffer = src->z_address == dst->z_address && src->z_stride != 0 && dst->z_stride != 0; bool matchingSize = src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height; bool matchingRenderSize = src->renderWidth == dst->renderWidth && src->renderHeight == dst->renderHeight; if (matchingDepthBuffer && matchingRenderSize && matchingSize) { // TODO: Currently, this copies depth AND stencil, which is a problem. See #9740. draw_->CopyFramebufferImage(src->fbo, 0, 0, 0, 0, dst->fbo, 0, 0, 0, 0, src->renderWidth, src->renderHeight, 1, Draw::FB_DEPTH_BIT); dst->last_frame_depth_updated = gpuStats.numFlips; } else if (matchingDepthBuffer && matchingSize) { /* int w = std::min(src->renderWidth, dst->renderWidth); int h = std::min(src->renderHeight, dst->renderHeight); draw_->BlitFramebuffer(src->fbo, 0, 0, w, h, dst->fbo, 0, 0, w, h, Draw::FB_DEPTH_BIT, Draw::FB_BLIT_NEAREST); */ } } VkImageView FramebufferManagerVulkan::BindFramebufferAsColorTexture(int stage, VirtualFramebuffer *framebuffer, int flags) { if (!framebuffer->fbo || !useBufferedRendering_) { gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_BAD_FB_TEXTURE; return VK_NULL_HANDLE; } // currentRenderVfb_ will always be set when this is called, except from the GE debugger. // Let's just not bother with the copy in that case. bool skipCopy = (flags & BINDFBCOLOR_MAY_COPY) == 0; if (GPUStepping::IsStepping()) { skipCopy = true; } // Currently rendering to this framebuffer. Need to make a copy. if (!skipCopy && framebuffer == currentRenderVfb_) { // TODO: Maybe merge with bvfbs_? Not sure if those could be packing, and they're created at a different size. Draw::Framebuffer *renderCopy = GetTempFBO(TempFBO::COPY, framebuffer->renderWidth, framebuffer->renderHeight, (Draw::FBColorDepth)framebuffer->colorDepth); if (renderCopy) { VirtualFramebuffer copyInfo = *framebuffer; copyInfo.fbo = renderCopy; CopyFramebufferForColorTexture(©Info, framebuffer, flags); RebindFramebuffer(); draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(renderCopy, stage, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0); } else { draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(framebuffer->fbo, stage, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0); } return (VkImageView)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::BOUND_TEXTURE0_IMAGEVIEW); } else if (framebuffer != currentRenderVfb_ || (flags & BINDFBCOLOR_FORCE_SELF) != 0) { draw_->BindFramebufferAsTexture(framebuffer->fbo, stage, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, 0); return (VkImageView)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::BOUND_TEXTURE0_IMAGEVIEW); } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(vulkanSelfTexture, G3D, "Attempting to texture from target (src=%08x / target=%08x / flags=%d)", framebuffer->fb_address, currentRenderVfb_->fb_address, flags); // To do this safely in Vulkan, we need to use input attachments. return VK_NULL_HANDLE; } } bool FramebufferManagerVulkan::CreateDownloadTempBuffer(VirtualFramebuffer *nvfb) { nvfb->colorDepth = Draw::FBO_8888; nvfb->fbo = draw_->CreateFramebuffer({ nvfb->bufferWidth, nvfb->bufferHeight, 1, 1, true, (Draw::FBColorDepth)nvfb->colorDepth }); if (!(nvfb->fbo)) { ERROR_LOG(FRAMEBUF, "Error creating FBO! %i x %i", nvfb->renderWidth, nvfb->renderHeight); return false; } draw_->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nvfb->fbo, { Draw::RPAction::CLEAR, Draw::RPAction::CLEAR, Draw::RPAction::CLEAR }); return true; } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::UpdateDownloadTempBuffer(VirtualFramebuffer *nvfb) { // Nothing to do here. } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::BlitFramebuffer(VirtualFramebuffer *dst, int dstX, int dstY, VirtualFramebuffer *src, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int bpp) { if (!dst->fbo || !src->fbo || !useBufferedRendering_) { // This can happen if they recently switched from non-buffered. if (useBufferedRendering_) draw_->BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(nullptr, { Draw::RPAction::KEEP, Draw::RPAction::KEEP, Draw::RPAction::KEEP }); return; } // Perform a little bit of clipping first. // Block transfer coords are unsigned so I don't think we need to clip on the left side.. if (dstX + w > dst->bufferWidth) { w -= dstX + w - dst->bufferWidth; } if (dstY + h > dst->bufferHeight) { h -= dstY + h - dst->bufferHeight; } if (srcX + w > src->bufferWidth) { w -= srcX + w - src->bufferWidth; } if (srcY + h > src->bufferHeight) { h -= srcY + h - src->bufferHeight; } if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; float srcXFactor = (float)src->renderWidth / (float)src->bufferWidth; float srcYFactor = (float)src->renderHeight / (float)src->bufferHeight; const int srcBpp = src->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; if (srcBpp != bpp && bpp != 0) { srcXFactor = (srcXFactor * bpp) / srcBpp; } int srcX1 = srcX * srcXFactor; int srcX2 = (srcX + w) * srcXFactor; int srcY1 = srcY * srcYFactor; int srcY2 = (srcY + h) * srcYFactor; float dstXFactor = (float)dst->renderWidth / (float)dst->bufferWidth; float dstYFactor = (float)dst->renderHeight / (float)dst->bufferHeight; const int dstBpp = dst->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; if (dstBpp != bpp && bpp != 0) { dstXFactor = (dstXFactor * bpp) / dstBpp; } int dstX1 = dstX * dstXFactor; int dstX2 = (dstX + w) * dstXFactor; int dstY1 = dstY * dstYFactor; int dstY2 = (dstY + h) * dstYFactor; if (src == dst && srcX == dstX && srcY == dstY) { // Let's just skip a copy where the destination is equal to the source. WARN_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(blitSame, G3D, "Skipped blit with equal dst and src"); return; } // BlitFramebuffer can clip, but CopyFramebufferImage is more restricted. // In case the src goes outside, we just skip the optimization in that case. const bool sameSize = dstX2 - dstX1 == srcX2 - srcX1 && dstY2 - dstY1 == srcY2 - srcY1; const bool sameDepth = dst->colorDepth == src->colorDepth; const bool srcInsideBounds = srcX2 <= src->renderWidth && srcY2 <= src->renderHeight; const bool dstInsideBounds = dstX2 <= dst->renderWidth && dstY2 <= dst->renderHeight; const bool xOverlap = src == dst && srcX2 > dstX1 && srcX1 < dstX2; const bool yOverlap = src == dst && srcY2 > dstY1 && srcY1 < dstY2; if (sameSize && sameDepth && srcInsideBounds && dstInsideBounds && !(xOverlap && yOverlap)) { draw_->CopyFramebufferImage(src->fbo, 0, srcX1, srcY1, 0, dst->fbo, 0, dstX1, dstY1, 0, dstX2 - dstX1, dstY2 - dstY1, 1, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT); } else { draw_->BlitFramebuffer(src->fbo, srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2, dst->fbo, dstX1, dstY1, dstX2, dstY2, Draw::FB_COLOR_BIT, Draw::FB_BLIT_NEAREST); } } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::BeginFrameVulkan() { BeginFrame(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::EndFrame() { } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::DeviceLost() { DestroyAllFBOs(); DestroyDeviceObjects(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::DeviceRestore(VulkanContext *vulkan, Draw::DrawContext *draw) { vulkan_ = vulkan; draw_ = draw; InitDeviceObjects(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::DestroyAllFBOs() { currentRenderVfb_ = 0; displayFramebuf_ = 0; prevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < vfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = vfbs_[i]; INFO_LOG(FRAMEBUF, "Destroying FBO for %08x : %i x %i x %i", vfb->fb_address, vfb->width, vfb->height, vfb->format); DestroyFramebuf(vfb); } vfbs_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < bvfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = bvfbs_[i]; DestroyFramebuf(vfb); } bvfbs_.clear(); for (auto &tempFB : tempFBOs_) { tempFB.second.fbo->Release(); } tempFBOs_.clear(); SetNumExtraFBOs(0); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::Resized() { FramebufferManagerCommon::Resized(); if (UpdateSize()) { DestroyAllFBOs(); } // Might have a new post shader - let's compile it. CompilePostShader(); } void FramebufferManagerVulkan::CompilePostShader() { if (postVs_) { vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(postVs_); } if (postFs_) { vulkan_->Delete().QueueDeleteShaderModule(postFs_); } const ShaderInfo *shaderInfo = nullptr; if (g_Config.sPostShaderName == "Off") { usePostShader_ = false; return; } usePostShader_ = false; ReloadAllPostShaderInfo(); shaderInfo = GetPostShaderInfo(g_Config.sPostShaderName); std::string errorVSX, errorFSX; std::string vsSource; std::string fsSource; if (shaderInfo) { postShaderAtOutputResolution_ = shaderInfo->outputResolution; size_t sz; char *vs = (char *)VFSReadFile(shaderInfo->vertexShaderFile.c_str(), &sz); if (!vs) return; char *fs = (char *)VFSReadFile(shaderInfo->fragmentShaderFile.c_str(), &sz); if (!fs) { free(vs); return; } std::string vsSourceGLSL = vs; std::string fsSourceGLSL = fs; free(vs); free(fs); TranslatedShaderMetadata metaVS, metaFS; if (!TranslateShader(&vsSource, GLSL_VULKAN, &metaVS, vsSourceGLSL, GLSL_140, Draw::ShaderStage::VERTEX, &errorVSX)) return; if (!TranslateShader(&fsSource, GLSL_VULKAN, &metaFS, fsSourceGLSL, GLSL_140, Draw::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT, &errorFSX)) return; } else { return; } // TODO: Delete the old pipeline? std::string errorVS; std::string errorFS; postVs_ = CompileShaderModule(vulkan_, VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, vsSource.c_str(), &errorVS); postFs_ = CompileShaderModule(vulkan_, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, fsSource.c_str(), &errorFS); VkRenderPass backbufferRP = (VkRenderPass)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::BACKBUFFER_RENDERPASS); if (postVs_ && postFs_) { pipelinePostShader_ = vulkan2D_->GetPipeline(backbufferRP, postVs_, postFs_, true, Vulkan2D::VK2DDepthStencilMode::NONE); usePostShader_ = true; } else { ELOG("Failed to compile."); pipelinePostShader_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE; usePostShader_ = false; std::string firstLine; std::string errorString = errorVS + "\n" + errorFS; size_t start = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < errorString.size(); i++) { if (errorString[i] == '\n' && i == start) { start = i + 1; } else if (errorString[i] == '\n') { firstLine = errorString.substr(start, i - start); break; } } if (!firstLine.empty()) { host->NotifyUserMessage("Post-shader error: " + firstLine + "...", 10.0f, 0xFF3090FF); } else { host->NotifyUserMessage("Post-shader error, see log for details", 10.0f, 0xFF3090FF); } } }