// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include "Common/System/Display.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/System/Request.h" #include "Common/System/NativeApp.h" #include "Common/Render/TextureAtlas.h" #include "Common/Render/DrawBuffer.h" #include "Common/UI/Root.h" #include "Common/UI/Context.h" #include "Common/UI/View.h" #include "Common/UI/ViewGroup.h" #include "Common/Data/Color/RGBAUtil.h" #include "Common/Data/Encoding/Utf8.h" #include "Common/File/PathBrowser.h" #include "Common/Math/curves.h" #include "Common/Net/URL.h" #include "Common/File/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/TimeUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/ELF/PBPReader.h" #include "Core/ELF/ParamSFO.h" #include "Core/Util/GameManager.h" #include "UI/BackgroundAudio.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/MainScreen.h" #include "UI/GameScreen.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/DisplayLayoutScreen.h" #include "UI/SavedataScreen.h" #include "UI/Store.h" #include "UI/InstallZipScreen.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Loaders.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) #include "UI/DarwinFileSystemServices.h" // For the browser #endif #include "Core/HLE/sceUmd.h" bool MainScreen::showHomebrewTab = false; bool LaunchFile(ScreenManager *screenManager, const Path &path) { // Depending on the file type, we don't want to launch EmuScreen at all. auto loader = ConstructFileLoader(path); if (!loader) { return false; } std::string errorString; IdentifiedFileType type = Identify_File(loader, &errorString); delete loader; switch (type) { case IdentifiedFileType::ARCHIVE_ZIP: screenManager->push(new InstallZipScreen(path)); break; default: // Let the EmuScreen take care of it. screenManager->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(path)); break; } return true; } static bool IsTempPath(const Path &str) { std::string item = str.ToString(); #ifdef _WIN32 // Normalize slashes. item = ReplaceAll(item, "/", "\\"); #endif std::vector tempPaths = System_GetPropertyStringVec(SYSPROP_TEMP_DIRS); for (auto temp : tempPaths) { #ifdef _WIN32 temp = ReplaceAll(temp, "/", "\\"); if (!temp.empty() && temp[temp.size() - 1] != '\\') temp += "\\"; #else if (!temp.empty() && temp[temp.size() - 1] != '/') temp += "/"; #endif if (startsWith(item, temp)) return true; } return false; } class GameButton : public UI::Clickable { public: GameButton(const Path &gamePath, bool gridStyle, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : UI::Clickable(layoutParams), gridStyle_(gridStyle), gamePath_(gamePath) {} void Draw(UIContext &dc) override; std::string DescribeText() const override; void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const override { if (gridStyle_) { w = 144*g_Config.fGameGridScale; h = 80*g_Config.fGameGridScale; } else { w = 500; h = 50; } } const Path &GamePath() const { return gamePath_; } void SetHoldEnabled(bool hold) { holdEnabled_ = hold; } bool Touch(const TouchInput &input) override { bool retval = UI::Clickable::Touch(input); hovering_ = bounds_.Contains(input.x, input.y); if (hovering_ && (input.flags & TOUCH_DOWN)) { holdStart_ = time_now_d(); } if (input.flags & TOUCH_UP) { holdStart_ = 0; } return retval; } bool Key(const KeyInput &key) override { std::vector pspKeys; bool showInfo = false; if (KeyMap::InputMappingToPspButton(InputMapping(key.deviceId, key.keyCode), &pspKeys)) { for (auto it = pspKeys.begin(), end = pspKeys.end(); it != end; ++it) { // If the button mapped to triangle, then show the info. if (HasFocus() && (key.flags & KEY_UP) && *it == CTRL_TRIANGLE) { showInfo = true; } } } else if (hovering_ && key.deviceId == DEVICE_ID_MOUSE && key.keyCode == NKCODE_EXT_MOUSEBUTTON_2) { // If it's the right mouse button, and it's not otherwise mapped, show the info also. if (key.flags & KEY_DOWN) { showInfoPressed_ = true; } if ((key.flags & KEY_UP) && showInfoPressed_) { showInfo = true; showInfoPressed_ = false; } } if (showInfo) { TriggerOnHoldClick(); return true; } return Clickable::Key(key); } void Update() override { // Hold button for 1.5 seconds to launch the game options if (holdEnabled_ && holdStart_ != 0.0 && holdStart_ < time_now_d() - 1.5) { TriggerOnHoldClick(); } } void FocusChanged(int focusFlags) override { UI::Clickable::FocusChanged(focusFlags); TriggerOnHighlight(focusFlags); } UI::Event OnHoldClick; UI::Event OnHighlight; private: void TriggerOnHoldClick() { holdStart_ = 0.0; UI::EventParams e{}; e.v = this; e.s = gamePath_.ToString(); down_ = false; OnHoldClick.Trigger(e); } void TriggerOnHighlight(int focusFlags) { UI::EventParams e{}; e.v = this; e.s = gamePath_.ToString(); e.a = focusFlags; OnHighlight.Trigger(e); } bool gridStyle_; Path gamePath_; std::string title_; double holdStart_ = 0.0; bool holdEnabled_ = true; bool showInfoPressed_ = false; bool hovering_ = false; }; void GameButton::Draw(UIContext &dc) { std::shared_ptr ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(dc.GetDrawContext(), gamePath_, 0); Draw::Texture *texture = 0; u32 color = 0, shadowColor = 0; using namespace UI; if (ginfo->icon.texture) { texture = ginfo->icon.texture->GetTexture(); } int x = bounds_.x; int y = bounds_.y; int w = gridStyle_ ? bounds_.w : 144; int h = bounds_.h; UI::Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle; if (down_) style = dc.theme->itemDownStyle; if (!gridStyle_ || !texture) { h = 50; if (HasFocus()) style = down_ ? dc.theme->itemDownStyle : dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle; Drawable bg = style.background; dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); dc.FillRect(bg, bounds_); dc.Draw()->Flush(); } if (texture) { color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->icon.timeLoaded) * 2)); shadowColor = blackAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->icon.timeLoaded) * 2)); float tw = texture->Width(); float th = texture->Height(); // Adjust position so we don't stretch the image vertically or horizontally. // Make sure it's not wider than 144 (like Doom Legacy homebrew), ugly in the grid mode. float nw = std::min(h * tw / th, (float)w); x += (w - nw) / 2.0f; w = nw; } int txOffset = down_ ? 4 : 0; if (!gridStyle_) txOffset = 0; Bounds overlayBounds = bounds_; u32 overlayColor = 0; if (holdEnabled_ && holdStart_ != 0.0) { double time_held = time_now_d() - holdStart_; overlayColor = whiteAlpha(time_held / 2.5f); } // Render button int dropsize = 10; if (texture) { if (!gridStyle_) { x += 4; } if (txOffset) { dropsize = 3; y += txOffset * 2; overlayBounds.y += txOffset * 2; } if (HasFocus()) { dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); float pulse = sin(time_now_d() * 7.0) * 0.25 + 0.8; dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(dc.theme->dropShadow4Grid, x - dropsize*1.5f, y - dropsize*1.5f, x + w + dropsize*1.5f, y + h + dropsize*1.5f, alphaMul(color, pulse), 1.0f); dc.Draw()->Flush(); } else { dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(dc.theme->dropShadow4Grid, x - dropsize, y - dropsize*0.5f, x+w + dropsize, y+h+dropsize*1.5, alphaMul(shadowColor, 0.5f), 1.0f); dc.Draw()->Flush(); } dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, texture); if (holdStart_ != 0.0) { double time_held = time_now_d() - holdStart_; int holdFrameCount = (int)(time_held * 60.0f); if (holdFrameCount > 60) { // Blink before launching by holding if (((holdFrameCount >> 3) & 1) == 0) color = darkenColor(color); } } dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(x, y, x+w, y+h, 0, 0, 1, 1, color); dc.Draw()->Flush(); } char discNumInfo[8]; if (ginfo->disc_total > 1) snprintf(discNumInfo, sizeof(discNumInfo), "-DISC%d", ginfo->disc_number); else discNumInfo[0] = '\0'; dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); dc.SetFontStyle(dc.theme->uiFont); if (gridStyle_ && ginfo->fileType == IdentifiedFileType::PPSSPP_GE_DUMP) { // Super simple drawing for ge dumps. dc.PushScissor(bounds_); const std::string currentTitle = ginfo->GetTitle(); dc.SetFontScale(0.6f, 0.6f); dc.DrawText(title_.c_str(), bounds_.x + 4.0f, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER | ALIGN_LEFT); dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); title_ = currentTitle; dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.PopScissor(); } else if (!gridStyle_) { float tw, th; dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.PushScissor(bounds_); const std::string currentTitle = ginfo->GetTitle(); if (!currentTitle.empty()) { title_ = ReplaceAll(currentTitle + discNumInfo, "&", "&&"); title_ = ReplaceAll(title_, "\n", " "); } dc.MeasureText(dc.GetFontStyle(), 1.0f, 1.0f, title_.c_str(), &tw, &th, 0); int availableWidth = bounds_.w - 150; if (g_Config.bShowIDOnGameIcon) { float vw, vh; dc.MeasureText(dc.GetFontStyle(), 0.7f, 0.7f, ginfo->id_version.c_str(), &vw, &vh, 0); availableWidth -= vw + 20; dc.SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); dc.DrawText(ginfo->id_version.c_str(), bounds_.x + availableWidth + 160, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER); dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); } float sineWidth = std::max(0.0f, (tw - availableWidth)) / 2.0f; float tx = 150; if (availableWidth < tw) { tx -= (1.0f + sin(time_now_d() * 1.5f)) * sineWidth; Bounds tb = bounds_; tb.x = bounds_.x + 150; tb.w = availableWidth; dc.PushScissor(tb); } dc.DrawText(title_.c_str(), bounds_.x + tx, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER); if (availableWidth < tw) { dc.PopScissor(); } dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.PopScissor(); } else if (!texture) { dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.PushScissor(bounds_); dc.DrawText(title_.c_str(), bounds_.x + 4, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER); dc.Draw()->Flush(); dc.PopScissor(); } else { dc.Draw()->Flush(); } if (ginfo->hasConfig && !ginfo->id.empty()) { const AtlasImage *gearImage = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->getImage(ImageID("I_GEAR")); if (gearImage) { if (gridStyle_) { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_GEAR"), x, y + h - gearImage->h*g_Config.fGameGridScale, g_Config.fGameGridScale); } else { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_GEAR"), x - gearImage->w, y, 1.0f); } } } if (g_Config.bShowRegionOnGameIcon && ginfo->region >= 0 && ginfo->region < GAMEREGION_MAX && ginfo->region != GAMEREGION_OTHER) { const ImageID regionIcons[GAMEREGION_MAX] = { ImageID("I_FLAG_JP"), ImageID("I_FLAG_US"), ImageID("I_FLAG_EU"), ImageID("I_FLAG_HK"), ImageID("I_FLAG_AS"), ImageID("I_FLAG_KO"), ImageID::invalid(), }; const AtlasImage *image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->getImage(regionIcons[ginfo->region]); if (image) { if (gridStyle_) { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(regionIcons[ginfo->region], x + w - (image->w + 5)*g_Config.fGameGridScale, y + h - (image->h + 5)*g_Config.fGameGridScale, g_Config.fGameGridScale); } else { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(regionIcons[ginfo->region], x - 2 - image->w - 3, y + h - image->h - 5, 1.0f); } } } if (gridStyle_ && g_Config.bShowIDOnGameIcon) { dc.SetFontScale(0.5f*g_Config.fGameGridScale, 0.5f*g_Config.fGameGridScale); dc.DrawText(ginfo->id_version.c_str(), x+5, y+1, 0xFF000000, ALIGN_TOPLEFT); dc.DrawText(ginfo->id_version.c_str(), x+4, y, dc.theme->infoStyle.fgColor, ALIGN_TOPLEFT); dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); } if (overlayColor) { dc.FillRect(Drawable(overlayColor), overlayBounds); } dc.RebindTexture(); } std::string GameButton::DescribeText() const { std::shared_ptr ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(nullptr, gamePath_, 0); if (ginfo->pending) return "..."; auto u = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::UI_ELEMENTS); return ApplySafeSubstitutions(u->T("%1 button"), ginfo->GetTitle()); } class DirButton : public UI::Button { public: DirButton(const Path &path, bool gridStyle, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : UI::Button(path.ToString(), layoutParams), path_(path), gridStyle_(gridStyle), absolute_(false) {} DirButton(const Path &path, const std::string &text, bool gridStyle, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : UI::Button(text, layoutParams), path_(path), gridStyle_(gridStyle), absolute_(true) {} void Draw(UIContext &dc) override; const Path &GetPath() const { return path_; } bool PathAbsolute() const { return absolute_; } private: Path path_; bool gridStyle_; bool absolute_; }; void DirButton::Draw(UIContext &dc) { using namespace UI; Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle; if (HasFocus()) style = dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle; if (down_) style = dc.theme->itemDownStyle; if (!IsEnabled()) style = dc.theme->itemDisabledStyle; dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_); const std::string text = GetText(); ImageID image = ImageID("I_FOLDER"); if (text == "..") { image = ImageID("I_UP_DIRECTORY"); } float tw, th; dc.MeasureText(dc.GetFontStyle(), gridStyle_ ? g_Config.fGameGridScale : 1.0, gridStyle_ ? g_Config.fGameGridScale : 1.0, text.c_str(), &tw, &th, 0); bool compact = bounds_.w < 180 * (gridStyle_ ? g_Config.fGameGridScale : 1.0); if (gridStyle_) { dc.SetFontScale(g_Config.fGameGridScale, g_Config.fGameGridScale); } if (compact) { // No icon, except "up" dc.PushScissor(bounds_); if (image == ImageID("I_FOLDER")) { dc.DrawText(text.c_str(), bounds_.x + 5, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER); } else { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(image, bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), gridStyle_ ? g_Config.fGameGridScale : 1.0, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER); } dc.PopScissor(); } else { bool scissor = false; if (tw + 150 > bounds_.w) { dc.PushScissor(bounds_); scissor = true; } dc.Draw()->DrawImage(image, bounds_.x + 72, bounds_.centerY(), 0.88f*(gridStyle_ ? g_Config.fGameGridScale : 1.0), style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER); dc.DrawText(text.c_str(), bounds_.x + 150, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER); if (scissor) { dc.PopScissor(); } } if (gridStyle_) { dc.SetFontScale(1.0, 1.0); } } GameBrowser::GameBrowser(const Path &path, BrowseFlags browseFlags, bool *gridStyle, ScreenManager *screenManager, std::string lastText, std::string lastLink, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, layoutParams), path_(path), gridStyle_(gridStyle), browseFlags_(browseFlags), lastText_(lastText), lastLink_(lastLink), screenManager_(screenManager) { using namespace UI; path_.SetUserAgent(StringFromFormat("PPSSPP/%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION)); path_.SetRootAlias("ms:", GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_MEMSTICK_ROOT).ToVisualString()); Refresh(); } void GameBrowser::FocusGame(const Path &gamePath) { focusGamePath_ = gamePath; Refresh(); focusGamePath_.clear(); } void GameBrowser::SetPath(const Path &path) { path_.SetPath(path); g_Config.currentDirectory = path_.GetPath(); Refresh(); } void GameBrowser::ApplySearchFilter(const std::string &filter) { searchFilter_ = filter; std::transform(searchFilter_.begin(), searchFilter_.end(), searchFilter_.begin(), tolower); // We don't refresh because game info loads asynchronously anyway. ApplySearchFilter(); } void GameBrowser::ApplySearchFilter() { if (searchFilter_.empty() && searchStates_.empty()) { // We haven't hidden anything, and we're not searching, so do nothing. searchPending_ = false; return; } searchPending_ = false; // By default, everything is matching. searchStates_.resize(gameList_->GetNumSubviews(), SearchState::MATCH); if (searchFilter_.empty()) { // Just quickly mark anything we hid as visible again. for (int i = 0; i < gameList_->GetNumSubviews(); ++i) { UI::View *v = gameList_->GetViewByIndex(i); if (searchStates_[i] != SearchState::MATCH) v->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); } searchStates_.clear(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < gameList_->GetNumSubviews(); ++i) { UI::View *v = gameList_->GetViewByIndex(i); std::string label = v->DescribeText(); // TODO: Maybe we should just save the gameButtons list, though nice to search dirs too? // This is a bit of a hack to recognize a pending game title. if (label == "...") { searchPending_ = true; // Hide anything pending while, we'll pop-in search results as they match. // Note: we leave it at MATCH if gone before, so we don't show it again. if (v->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) { if (searchStates_[i] == SearchState::MATCH) v->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); searchStates_[i] = SearchState::PENDING; } continue; } std::transform(label.begin(), label.end(), label.begin(), tolower); bool match = v->CanBeFocused() && label.find(searchFilter_) != label.npos; if (match && searchStates_[i] != SearchState::MATCH) { // It was previously visible and force hidden, so show it again. v->SetVisibility(UI::V_VISIBLE); searchStates_[i] = SearchState::MATCH; } else if (!match && searchStates_[i] == SearchState::MATCH && v->GetVisibility() == UI::V_VISIBLE) { v->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); searchStates_[i] = SearchState::MISMATCH; } } } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::LayoutChange(UI::EventParams &e) { *gridStyle_ = e.a == 0 ? true : false; Refresh(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::LastClick(UI::EventParams &e) { System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, lastLink_.c_str()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::BrowseClick(UI::EventParams &e) { auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); System_BrowseForFolder(mm->T("Choose folder"), [this](const std::string &filename, int) { this->SetPath(Path(filename)); }); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::StorageClick(UI::EventParams &e) { std::vector storageDirs = System_GetPropertyStringVec(SYSPROP_ADDITIONAL_STORAGE_DIRS); if (storageDirs.empty()) { // Shouldn't happen - this button shouldn't be clickable. return UI::EVENT_DONE; } if (storageDirs.size() == 1) { SetPath(Path(storageDirs[0])); } else { // TODO: We should popup a dialog letting the user choose one. SetPath(Path(storageDirs[0])); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::OnHomeClick(UI::EventParams &e) { if (path_.GetPath().Type() == PathType::CONTENT_URI) { Path rootPath = path_.GetPath().GetRootVolume(); if (rootPath != path_.GetPath()) { SetPath(rootPath); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_ANDROID_SCOPED_STORAGE)) { // There'll be no sensible home, ignore. return UI::EVENT_DONE; } } SetPath(HomePath()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } // TODO: This doesn't make that much sense for Android, especially after scoped storage.. // Maybe we should have no home directory in this case. Or it should just navigate to the root // of the current folder tree. Path GameBrowser::HomePath() { #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) || defined(USING_WIN_UI) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) return g_Config.memStickDirectory; #else return Path(getenv("HOME")); #endif } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::PinToggleClick(UI::EventParams &e) { auto &pinnedPaths = g_Config.vPinnedPaths; const std::string path = File::ResolvePath(path_.GetPath().ToString()); if (IsCurrentPathPinned()) { pinnedPaths.erase(std::remove(pinnedPaths.begin(), pinnedPaths.end(), path), pinnedPaths.end()); } else { pinnedPaths.push_back(path); } Refresh(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } bool GameBrowser::DisplayTopBar() { return path_.GetPath().ToString() != "!RECENT"; } bool GameBrowser::HasSpecialFiles(std::vector &filenames) { if (path_.GetPath().ToString() == "!RECENT") { filenames.clear(); for (auto &str : g_Config.RecentIsos()) { filenames.push_back(Path(str)); } return true; } return false; } void GameBrowser::Update() { LinearLayout::Update(); if (listingPending_ && path_.IsListingReady()) { Refresh(); } if (searchPending_) { ApplySearchFilter(); } } void GameBrowser::Draw(UIContext &dc) { using namespace UI; if (lastScale_ != g_Config.fGameGridScale || lastLayoutWasGrid_ != *gridStyle_) { Refresh(); } if (hasDropShadow_) { // Darken things behind. dc.FillRect(UI::Drawable(0x60000000), dc.GetBounds().Expand(dropShadowExpand_)); float dropsize = 30.0f; dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(dc.theme->dropShadow4Grid, bounds_.x - dropsize, bounds_.y, bounds_.x2() + dropsize, bounds_.y2()+dropsize*1.5f, 0xDF000000, 3.0f); } if (clip_) { dc.PushScissor(bounds_); } dc.FillRect(bg_, bounds_); for (View *view : views_) { if (view->GetVisibility() == V_VISIBLE) { // Check if bounds are in current scissor rectangle. if (dc.GetScissorBounds().Intersects(dc.TransformBounds(view->GetBounds()))) view->Draw(dc); } } if (clip_) { dc.PopScissor(); } } static bool IsValidPBP(const Path &path, bool allowHomebrew) { if (!File::Exists(path)) return false; std::unique_ptr loader(ConstructFileLoader(path)); PBPReader pbp(loader.get()); std::vector sfoData; if (!pbp.GetSubFile(PBP_PARAM_SFO, &sfoData)) return false; ParamSFOData sfo; sfo.ReadSFO(sfoData); if (!allowHomebrew && sfo.GetValueString("DISC_ID").empty()) return false; if (sfo.GetValueString("CATEGORY") == "ME") return false; return true; } void GameBrowser::Refresh() { using namespace UI; lastScale_ = g_Config.fGameGridScale; lastLayoutWasGrid_ = *gridStyle_; // Kill all the contents Clear(); searchStates_.clear(); Add(new Spacer(1.0f)); auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); // No topbar on recent screen if (DisplayTopBar()) { LinearLayout *topBar = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); if (browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::NAVIGATE) { topBar->Add(new Spacer(2.0f)); topBar->Add(new TextView(path_.GetFriendlyPath().c_str(), ALIGN_VCENTER | FLAG_WRAP_TEXT, true, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, 64.0f, 1.0f))); topBar->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_HOME"), new LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::OnHomeClick); if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_ADDITIONAL_STORAGE)) { topBar->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_SDCARD"), new LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::StorageClick); } #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(MAC) // on Darwin, we don't show the 'Browse' text alongside the image // we show just the image, because we don't need to emphasize the button on Darwin topBar->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_FOLDER_OPEN"), new LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::BrowseClick); #else if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_FOLDER_BROWSER)) { topBar->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Browse"), ImageID("I_FOLDER_OPEN"), new LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::BrowseClick); } if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE) == DEVICE_TYPE_TV) { topBar->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Enter Path"), new LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Add([=](UI::EventParams &) { auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); System_InputBoxGetString(mm->T("Enter Path"), path_.GetPath().ToString(), [=](const char *responseString, int responseValue) { this->SetPath(Path(responseString)); }); return UI::EVENT_DONE; }); } #endif } else { topBar->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, 64.0f, 1.0f))); } if (browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::HOMEBREW_STORE) { topBar->Add(new Choice(mm->T("PPSSPP Homebrew Store"), new UI::LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::OnHomebrewStore); } ChoiceStrip *layoutChoice = topBar->Add(new ChoiceStrip(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL)); layoutChoice->AddChoice(ImageID("I_GRID")); layoutChoice->AddChoice(ImageID("I_LINES")); layoutChoice->SetSelection(*gridStyle_ ? 0 : 1, false); layoutChoice->OnChoice.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::LayoutChange); topBar->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_GEAR"), new LayoutParams(64.0f, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GridSettingsClick); Add(topBar); if (*gridStyle_) { gameList_ = new UI::GridLayoutList(UI::GridLayoutSettings(150*g_Config.fGameGridScale, 85*g_Config.fGameGridScale), new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); Add(gameList_); } else { UI::LinearLayout *gl = new UI::LinearLayoutList(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); gl->SetSpacing(4.0f); gameList_ = gl; Add(gameList_); } } else { if (*gridStyle_) { gameList_ = new UI::GridLayoutList(UI::GridLayoutSettings(150*g_Config.fGameGridScale, 85*g_Config.fGameGridScale), new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); } else { UI::LinearLayout *gl = new UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); gl->SetSpacing(4.0f); gameList_ = gl; } // Until we can come up with a better space to put it (next to the tabs?) let's get rid of the icon config // button on the Recent tab, it's ugly. You can use the button from the other tabs. // LinearLayout *gridOptionColumn = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(64.0, 64.0f)); // gridOptionColumn->Add(new Spacer(12.0)); // gridOptionColumn->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_GEAR"), new LayoutParams(64.0f, 64.0f)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GridSettingsClick); // LinearLayout *grid = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); // gameList_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0.75)); // grid->Add(gameList_); // grid->Add(gridOptionColumn); // Add(grid); Add(gameList_); } // Find games in the current directory and create new ones. std::vector dirButtons; std::vector gameButtons; listingPending_ = !path_.IsListingReady(); std::vector filenames; if (HasSpecialFiles(filenames)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) { gameButtons.push_back(new GameButton(filenames[i], *gridStyle_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(*gridStyle_ == true ? UI::WRAP_CONTENT : UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT))); } } else if (!listingPending_) { std::vector fileInfo; path_.GetListing(fileInfo, "iso:cso:pbp:elf:prx:ppdmp:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < fileInfo.size(); i++) { bool isGame = !fileInfo[i].isDirectory; bool isSaveData = false; // Check if eboot directory if (!isGame && path_.GetPath().size() >= 4 && IsValidPBP(path_.GetPath() / fileInfo[i].name / "EBOOT.PBP", true)) isGame = true; else if (!isGame && File::Exists(path_.GetPath() / fileInfo[i].name / "PSP_GAME/SYSDIR")) isGame = true; else if (!isGame && File::Exists(path_.GetPath() / fileInfo[i].name / "PARAM.SFO")) isSaveData = true; if (!isGame && !isSaveData) { if (browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::NAVIGATE) { dirButtons.push_back(new DirButton(fileInfo[i].fullName, fileInfo[i].name, *gridStyle_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::FILL_PARENT))); } } else { gameButtons.push_back(new GameButton(fileInfo[i].fullName, *gridStyle_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(*gridStyle_ == true ? UI::WRAP_CONTENT : UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT))); } } // Put RAR/ZIP files at the end to get them out of the way. They're only shown so that people // can click them and get an explanation that they need to unpack them. This is necessary due // to a flood of support email... if (browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::ARCHIVES) { fileInfo.clear(); path_.GetListing(fileInfo, "zip:rar:r01:7z:"); if (!fileInfo.empty()) { UI::LinearLayout *zl = new UI::LinearLayoutList(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); zl->SetSpacing(4.0f); Add(zl); for (size_t i = 0; i < fileInfo.size(); i++) { if (!fileInfo[i].isDirectory) { GameButton *b = zl->Add(new GameButton(fileInfo[i].fullName, false, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT))); b->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GameButtonClick); b->SetHoldEnabled(false); } } } } } if (browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::NAVIGATE) { if (path_.CanNavigateUp()) { gameList_->Add(new DirButton(Path(std::string("..")), *gridStyle_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::FILL_PARENT)))-> OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::NavigateClick); } // Add any pinned paths before other directories. auto pinnedPaths = GetPinnedPaths(); for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) { gameList_->Add(new DirButton(*it, GetBaseName((*it).ToString()), *gridStyle_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::FILL_PARENT)))-> OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::NavigateClick); } } if (listingPending_) { gameList_->Add(new UI::TextView(mm->T("Loading..."), ALIGN_CENTER, false, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::FILL_PARENT))); } for (size_t i = 0; i < dirButtons.size(); i++) { gameList_->Add(dirButtons[i])->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::NavigateClick); } for (size_t i = 0; i < gameButtons.size(); i++) { GameButton *b = gameList_->Add(gameButtons[i]); b->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GameButtonClick); b->OnHoldClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GameButtonHoldClick); b->OnHighlight.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::GameButtonHighlight); if (!focusGamePath_.empty() && b->GamePath() == focusGamePath_) { b->SetFocus(); } } // Show a button to toggle pinning at the very end. if ((browseFlags_ & BrowseFlags::PIN) && !path_.GetPath().empty()) { std::string caption = IsCurrentPathPinned() ? "-" : "+"; if (!*gridStyle_) { caption = IsCurrentPathPinned() ? mm->T("UnpinPath", "Unpin") : mm->T("PinPath", "Pin"); } gameList_->Add(new UI::Button(caption, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::FILL_PARENT)))-> OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::PinToggleClick); } if (path_.GetPath().empty()) { Add(new TextView(mm->T("UseBrowseOrLoad", "Use Browse to choose a folder, or Load to choose a file."))); } if (!lastText_.empty() && gameButtons.empty()) { Add(new Spacer()); Add(new Choice(lastText_, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::WRAP_CONTENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::LastClick); } } bool GameBrowser::IsCurrentPathPinned() { const auto paths = g_Config.vPinnedPaths; return std::find(paths.begin(), paths.end(), File::ResolvePath(path_.GetPath().ToString())) != paths.end(); } const std::vector GameBrowser::GetPinnedPaths() { #ifndef _WIN32 static const std::string sepChars = "/"; #else static const std::string sepChars = "/\\"; #endif const std::string currentPath = File::ResolvePath(path_.GetPath().ToString()); const std::vector paths = g_Config.vPinnedPaths; std::vector results; for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { // We want to exclude the current path, and its direct children. if (paths[i] == currentPath) { continue; } if (startsWith(paths[i], currentPath)) { std::string descendant = paths[i].substr(currentPath.size()); // If there's only one separator (or none), its a direct child. if (descendant.find_last_of(sepChars) == descendant.find_first_of(sepChars)) { continue; } } results.push_back(Path(paths[i])); } return results; } const std::string GameBrowser::GetBaseName(const std::string &path) { #ifndef _WIN32 static const std::string sepChars = "/"; #else static const std::string sepChars = "/\\"; #endif auto trailing = path.find_last_not_of(sepChars); if (trailing != path.npos) { size_t start = path.find_last_of(sepChars, trailing); if (start != path.npos) { return path.substr(start + 1, trailing - start); } return path.substr(0, trailing); } size_t start = path.find_last_of(sepChars); if (start != path.npos) { return path.substr(start + 1); } return path; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::GameButtonClick(UI::EventParams &e) { GameButton *button = static_cast(e.v); UI::EventParams e2{}; e2.s = button->GamePath().ToString(); // Insta-update - here we know we are already on the right thread. OnChoice.Trigger(e2); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::GameButtonHoldClick(UI::EventParams &e) { GameButton *button = static_cast(e.v); UI::EventParams e2{}; e2.s = button->GamePath().ToString(); // Insta-update - here we know we are already on the right thread. OnHoldChoice.Trigger(e2); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::GameButtonHighlight(UI::EventParams &e) { // Insta-update - here we know we are already on the right thread. OnHighlight.Trigger(e); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::NavigateClick(UI::EventParams &e) { DirButton *button = static_cast(e.v); Path text = button->GetPath(); if (button->PathAbsolute()) { path_.SetPath(text); } else { path_.Navigate(text.ToString()); } g_Config.currentDirectory = path_.GetPath(); Refresh(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::GridSettingsClick(UI::EventParams &e) { auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); auto gridSettings = new GridSettingsScreen(sy->T("Games list settings")); gridSettings->OnRecentChanged.Handle(this, &GameBrowser::OnRecentClear); if (e.v) gridSettings->SetPopupOrigin(e.v); screenManager_->push(gridSettings); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::OnRecentClear(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager_->RecreateAllViews(); System_Notify(SystemNotification::UI); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameBrowser::OnHomebrewStore(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager_->push(new StoreScreen()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } MainScreen::MainScreen() { g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(Path()); } MainScreen::~MainScreen() { g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(Path()); } void MainScreen::CreateViews() { // Information in the top left. // Back button to the bottom left. // Scrolling action menu to the right. using namespace UI; bool vertical = UseVerticalLayout(); auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); Margins actionMenuMargins(0, 10, 10, 0); tabHolder_ = new TabHolder(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, 64, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f)); ViewGroup *leftColumn = tabHolder_; tabHolder_->SetTag("MainScreenGames"); gameBrowsers_.clear(); tabHolder_->SetClip(true); bool showRecent = g_Config.iMaxRecent > 0; bool hasStorageAccess = !System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS) || System_GetPermissionStatus(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE) == PERMISSION_STATUS_GRANTED; bool storageIsTemporary = IsTempPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SAVEDATA)) && !confirmedTemporary_; if (showRecent && !hasStorageAccess) { showRecent = g_Config.HasRecentIsos(); } if (showRecent) { ScrollView *scrollRecentGames = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); scrollRecentGames->SetTag("MainScreenRecentGames"); GameBrowser *tabRecentGames = new GameBrowser( Path("!RECENT"), BrowseFlags::NONE, &g_Config.bGridView1, screenManager(), "", "", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); scrollRecentGames->Add(tabRecentGames); gameBrowsers_.push_back(tabRecentGames); tabHolder_->AddTab(mm->T("Recent"), scrollRecentGames); tabRecentGames->OnChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant); tabRecentGames->OnHoldChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelected); tabRecentGames->OnHighlight.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameHighlight); } Button *focusButton = nullptr; if (hasStorageAccess) { scrollAllGames_ = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); scrollAllGames_->SetTag("MainScreenAllGames"); ScrollView *scrollHomebrew = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); scrollHomebrew->SetTag("MainScreenHomebrew"); GameBrowser *tabAllGames = new GameBrowser(Path(g_Config.currentDirectory), BrowseFlags::STANDARD, &g_Config.bGridView2, screenManager(), mm->T("How to get games"), "https://www.ppsspp.org/getgames", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); GameBrowser *tabHomebrew = new GameBrowser(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_GAME), BrowseFlags::HOMEBREW_STORE, &g_Config.bGridView3, screenManager(), mm->T("How to get homebrew & demos", "How to get homebrew && demos"), "https://www.ppsspp.org/gethomebrew", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); scrollAllGames_->Add(tabAllGames); gameBrowsers_.push_back(tabAllGames); scrollHomebrew->Add(tabHomebrew); gameBrowsers_.push_back(tabHomebrew); tabHolder_->AddTab(mm->T("Games"), scrollAllGames_); tabHolder_->AddTab(mm->T("Homebrew & Demos"), scrollHomebrew); scrollAllGames_->RememberPosition(&g_Config.fGameListScrollPosition); tabAllGames->OnChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant); tabHomebrew->OnChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant); tabAllGames->OnHoldChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelected); tabHomebrew->OnHoldChoice.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSelected); tabAllGames->OnHighlight.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameHighlight); tabHomebrew->OnHighlight.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameHighlight); if (g_Config.HasRecentIsos()) { tabHolder_->SetCurrentTab(0, true); } else if (g_Config.iMaxRecent > 0) { tabHolder_->SetCurrentTab(1, true); } if (backFromStore_ || showHomebrewTab) { tabHolder_->SetCurrentTab(2, true); backFromStore_ = false; showHomebrewTab = false; } if (storageIsTemporary) { LinearLayout *buttonHolder = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); buttonHolder->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); focusButton = new Button(mm->T("SavesAreTemporaryIgnore", "Ignore warning"), new LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); focusButton->SetPadding(32, 16); buttonHolder->Add(focusButton)->OnClick.Add([this](UI::EventParams &e) { confirmedTemporary_ = true; RecreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; }); buttonHolder->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(0.1f))); leftColumn->Add(new TextView(mm->T("SavesAreTemporary", "PPSSPP saving in temporary storage"), ALIGN_HCENTER, false)); leftColumn->Add(new TextView(mm->T("SavesAreTemporaryGuidance", "Extract PPSSPP somewhere to save permanently"), ALIGN_HCENTER, false)); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(10.0f)); leftColumn->Add(buttonHolder); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(0.1f))); } } else { scrollAllGames_ = nullptr; if (!showRecent) { leftColumn = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f)); // Just so it's destroyed on recreate. leftColumn->Add(tabHolder_); tabHolder_->SetVisibility(V_GONE); } LinearLayout *buttonHolder = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); buttonHolder->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); focusButton = new Button(mm->T("Give PPSSPP permission to access storage"), new LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); focusButton->SetPadding(32, 16); buttonHolder->Add(focusButton)->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnAllowStorage); buttonHolder->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(0.1f))); leftColumn->Add(buttonHolder); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(10.0f)); leftColumn->Add(new TextView(mm->T("PPSSPP can't load games or save right now"), ALIGN_HCENTER, false)); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(0.1f))); } ViewGroup *rightColumn = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL); LinearLayout *rightColumnItems = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); rightColumnItems->SetSpacing(0.0f); rightColumn->Add(rightColumnItems); char versionString[256]; snprintf(versionString, sizeof(versionString), "%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); rightColumnItems->SetSpacing(0.0f); AnchorLayout *logos = new AnchorLayout(new AnchorLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, 60.0f, false)); if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"), "", IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(64, 64, 0, 0, NONE, NONE, false))); } else { logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICON"), "", IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(64, 64, 0, 0, NONE, NONE, false))); } logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_LOGO"), "PPSSPP", IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(180, 64, 64, -5.0f, NONE, NONE, false))); #if !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS); ImageID icon(g_Config.UseFullScreen() ? "I_RESTORE" : "I_FULLSCREEN"); fullscreenButton_ = logos->Add(new Button(gr->T("FullScreen", "Full Screen"), icon, new AnchorLayoutParams(48, 48, NONE, 0, 0, NONE, false))); fullscreenButton_->SetIgnoreText(true); fullscreenButton_->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnFullScreenToggle); #endif rightColumnItems->Add(logos); TextView *ver = rightColumnItems->Add(new TextView(versionString, new LinearLayoutParams(Margins(70, -10, 0, 4)))); ver->SetSmall(true); ver->SetClip(false); LinearLayout *rightColumnChoices = rightColumnItems; if (vertical) { ScrollView *rightColumnScroll = new ScrollView(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); rightColumnChoices = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); rightColumnScroll->Add(rightColumnChoices); rightColumnItems->Add(rightColumnScroll); } if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_FILE_BROWSER)) { rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Load", "Load...")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnLoadFile); } rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Game Settings", "Settings")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSettings); rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Credits")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnCredits); if (!vertical) { rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("www.ppsspp.org")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg); if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD) && (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE) != DEVICE_TYPE_VR)) { Choice *gold = rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Buy PPSSPP Gold"))); gold->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnSupport); gold->SetIcon(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"), 0.5f); } } rightColumnChoices->Add(new Spacer(25.0)); rightColumnChoices->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Exit")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnExit); if (vertical) { root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL); rightColumn->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); leftColumn->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); root_->Add(rightColumn); root_->Add(leftColumn); } else { root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); rightColumn->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(300, FILL_PARENT, actionMenuMargins)); root_->Add(leftColumn); root_->Add(rightColumn); } if (focusButton) { root_->SetDefaultFocusView(focusButton); } else if (tabHolder_->GetVisibility() != V_GONE) { root_->SetDefaultFocusView(tabHolder_); } root_->SetTag("mainroot"); auto u = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::UPGRADE); upgradeBar_ = 0; if (!g_Config.upgradeMessage.empty()) { upgradeBar_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); UI::Margins textMargins(10, 5); UI::Margins buttonMargins(0, 0); UI::Drawable solid(0xFFbd9939); upgradeBar_->SetBG(solid); upgradeBar_->Add(new TextView(u->T("New version of PPSSPP available") + std::string(": ") + g_Config.upgradeVersion, new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f, textMargins))); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) upgradeBar_->Add(new Button(u->T("Download"), new LinearLayoutParams(buttonMargins)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnDownloadUpgrade); #else upgradeBar_->Add(new Button(u->T("Details"), new LinearLayoutParams(buttonMargins)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnDownloadUpgrade); #endif upgradeBar_->Add(new Button(u->T("Dismiss"), new LinearLayoutParams(buttonMargins)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnDismissUpgrade); // Slip in under root_ LinearLayout *newRoot = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL); newRoot->Add(root_); newRoot->Add(upgradeBar_); root_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0)); root_ = newRoot; } } bool MainScreen::key(const KeyInput &touch) { if (touch.flags & KEY_DOWN) { if (touch.keyCode == NKCODE_CTRL_LEFT || touch.keyCode == NKCODE_CTRL_RIGHT) searchKeyModifier_ = true; if (touch.keyCode == NKCODE_F && searchKeyModifier_ && System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_TEXT_INPUT_DIALOG)) { auto se = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SEARCH); System_InputBoxGetString(se->T("Search term"), searchFilter_, [&](const std::string &value, int) { searchFilter_ = StripSpaces(value); searchChanged_ = true; }); } } else if (touch.flags & KEY_UP) { if (touch.keyCode == NKCODE_CTRL_LEFT || touch.keyCode == NKCODE_CTRL_RIGHT) searchKeyModifier_ = false; } return UIScreenWithBackground::key(touch); } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnAllowStorage(UI::EventParams &e) { System_AskForPermission(SYSTEM_PERMISSION_STORAGE); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnDownloadUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e) { #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Go to app store if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold"); } else { System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppsspp"); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://www.ppsspp.org/download"); #else // Go directly to ppsspp.org and let the user sort it out // (for details and in case downloads doesn't have their platform.) System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://www.ppsspp.org/"); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnDismissUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.DismissUpgrade(); upgradeBar_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void MainScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { // Always call the base class method first to handle the most common messages. UIScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(message, value); if (screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) { LaunchFile(screenManager(), Path(std::string(value))); } if (!strcmp(message, "browse_fileSelect")) { INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Attempting to launch: '%s'", value); LaunchFile(screenManager(), Path(std::string(value))); } if (!strcmp(message, "browse_folderSelect")) { std::string filename = value; INFO_LOG(SYSTEM, "Got folder: '%s'", filename.c_str());; // switch to the 'Games' tab which has the file browser tabHolder_->SetCurrentTab(1); gameBrowsers_[1]->SetPath(Path(filename)); } } if (!strcmp(message, "permission_granted") && !strcmp(value, "storage")) { RecreateViews(); } } void MainScreen::update() { UIScreen::update(); UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); if (searchChanged_) { for (auto browser : gameBrowsers_) browser->ApplySearchFilter(searchFilter_); searchChanged_ = false; } } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnLoadFile(UI::EventParams &e) { if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_HAS_FILE_BROWSER)) { auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); System_BrowseForFile(mm->T("Load"), BrowseFileType::BOOTABLE, [](const std::string &value, int) { System_PostUIMessage("boot", value.c_str()); }); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnFullScreenToggle(UI::EventParams &e) { if (g_Config.iForceFullScreen != -1) g_Config.bFullScreen = g_Config.UseFullScreen(); if (fullscreenButton_) { fullscreenButton_->SetImageID(ImageID(!g_Config.UseFullScreen() ? "I_RESTORE" : "I_FULLSCREEN")); } #if !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) g_Config.bFullScreen = !g_Config.bFullScreen; System_ToggleFullscreenState(""); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void MainScreen::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) { UIScreenWithBackground::DrawBackground(dc); if (highlightedGamePath_.empty() && prevHighlightedGamePath_.empty()) { return; } if (DrawBackgroundFor(dc, prevHighlightedGamePath_, 1.0f - prevHighlightProgress_)) { if (prevHighlightProgress_ < 1.0f) { prevHighlightProgress_ += 1.0f / 20.0f; } } if (!highlightedGamePath_.empty()) { if (DrawBackgroundFor(dc, highlightedGamePath_, highlightProgress_)) { if (highlightProgress_ < 1.0f) { highlightProgress_ += 1.0f / 20.0f; } } } } bool MainScreen::DrawBackgroundFor(UIContext &dc, const Path &gamePath, float progress) { dc.Flush(); std::shared_ptr ginfo; if (!gamePath.empty()) { ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(dc.GetDrawContext(), gamePath, GAMEINFO_WANTBG); // Loading texture data may bind a texture. dc.RebindTexture(); // Let's not bother if there's no picture. if (!ginfo || (!ginfo->pic1.texture && !ginfo->pic0.texture)) { return false; } } else { return false; } auto pic = ginfo->GetBGPic(); Draw::Texture *texture = pic ? pic->texture->GetTexture() : nullptr; uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease(progress)) & 0xFFc0c0c0; if (texture) { dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, texture); dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0, 0, 1, 1, color); dc.Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); } return true; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnGameSelected(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.Save("MainScreen::OnGameSelected"); Path path(e.s); std::shared_ptr ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(nullptr, path, GAMEINFO_WANTBG); if (ginfo && ginfo->fileType == IdentifiedFileType::PSP_SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY) { return UI::EVENT_DONE; } if (g_GameManager.GetState() == GameManagerState::INSTALLING) return UI::EVENT_DONE; // Restore focus if it was highlighted (e.g. by gamepad.) restoreFocusGamePath_ = highlightedGamePath_; g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(path); lockBackgroundAudio_ = true; screenManager()->push(new GameScreen(path)); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnGameHighlight(UI::EventParams &e) { using namespace UI; Path path(e.s); // Don't change when re-highlighting what's already highlighted. if (path != highlightedGamePath_ || e.a == FF_LOSTFOCUS) { if (!highlightedGamePath_.empty()) { if (prevHighlightedGamePath_.empty() || prevHighlightProgress_ >= 0.75f) { prevHighlightedGamePath_ = highlightedGamePath_; prevHighlightProgress_ = 1.0 - highlightProgress_; } highlightedGamePath_.clear(); } if (e.a == FF_GOTFOCUS) { highlightedGamePath_ = path; highlightProgress_ = 0.0f; } } if ((!highlightedGamePath_.empty() || e.a == FF_LOSTFOCUS) && !lockBackgroundAudio_) { g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(highlightedGamePath_); } lockBackgroundAudio_ = false; return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.Save("MainScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant"); ScreenManager *screen = screenManager(); LaunchFile(screen, Path(e.s)); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnGameSettings(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(Path(), "")); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnCredits(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->push(new CreditsScreen()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnSupport(UI::EventParams &e) { #ifdef __ANDROID__ System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold"); #else System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://www.ppsspp.org/buygold"); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg(UI::EventParams &e) { System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://www.ppsspp.org"); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnForums(UI::EventParams &e) { System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://forums.ppsspp.org"); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnExit(UI::EventParams &e) { // Let's make sure the config was saved, since it may not have been. if (!g_Config.Save("MainScreen::OnExit")) { System_Toast("Failed to save settings!\nCheck permissions, or try to restart the device."); } // Request the framework to exit cleanly. System_ExitApp(); UpdateUIState(UISTATE_EXIT); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void MainScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) { std::string tag = dialog->tag(); if (tag == "Store") { backFromStore_ = true; RecreateViews(); } if (tag == "Game") { if (!restoreFocusGamePath_.empty() && UI::IsFocusMovementEnabled()) { // Prevent the background from fading, since we just were displaying it. highlightedGamePath_ = restoreFocusGamePath_; highlightProgress_ = 1.0f; // Refocus the game button itself. int tab = tabHolder_->GetCurrentTab(); if (tab >= 0 && tab < (int)gameBrowsers_.size()) { gameBrowsers_[tab]->FocusGame(restoreFocusGamePath_); } // Don't get confused next time. restoreFocusGamePath_.clear(); } else { // Not refocusing, so we need to stop the audio. g_BackgroundAudio.SetGame(Path()); } } } void UmdReplaceScreen::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; Margins actionMenuMargins(0, 100, 15, 0); auto mm = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::MAINMENU); auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG); TabHolder *leftColumn = new TabHolder(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, 64, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0)); leftColumn->SetTag("UmdReplace"); leftColumn->SetClip(true); ViewGroup *rightColumn = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(270, FILL_PARENT, actionMenuMargins)); LinearLayout *rightColumnItems = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); rightColumnItems->SetSpacing(0.0f); rightColumn->Add(rightColumnItems); if (g_Config.iMaxRecent > 0) { ScrollView *scrollRecentGames = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); scrollRecentGames->SetTag("UmdReplaceRecentGames"); GameBrowser *tabRecentGames = new GameBrowser( Path("!RECENT"), BrowseFlags::NONE, &g_Config.bGridView1, screenManager(), "", "", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); scrollRecentGames->Add(tabRecentGames); leftColumn->AddTab(mm->T("Recent"), scrollRecentGames); tabRecentGames->OnChoice.Handle(this, &UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant); tabRecentGames->OnHoldChoice.Handle(this, &UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelected); } ScrollView *scrollAllGames = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); scrollAllGames->SetTag("UmdReplaceAllGames"); GameBrowser *tabAllGames = new GameBrowser(Path(g_Config.currentDirectory), BrowseFlags::STANDARD, &g_Config.bGridView2, screenManager(), mm->T("How to get games"), "https://www.ppsspp.org/getgames.html", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); scrollAllGames->Add(tabAllGames); leftColumn->AddTab(mm->T("Games"), scrollAllGames); tabAllGames->OnChoice.Handle(this, &UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant); tabAllGames->OnHoldChoice.Handle(this, &UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelected); rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(di->T("Cancel")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnCancel); rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Game Settings")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSettings); if (g_Config.HasRecentIsos()) { leftColumn->SetCurrentTab(0, true); } else if (g_Config.iMaxRecent > 0) { leftColumn->SetCurrentTab(1, true); } root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); root_->Add(leftColumn); root_->Add(rightColumn); } void UmdReplaceScreen::update() { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_PAUSEMENU); UIScreen::update(); } UI::EventReturn UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelected(UI::EventParams &e) { __UmdReplace(Path(e.s)); TriggerFinish(DR_OK); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSettings(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(Path())); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn UmdReplaceScreen::OnGameSelectedInstant(UI::EventParams &e) { __UmdReplace(Path(e.s)); TriggerFinish(DR_OK); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void GridSettingsScreen::CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) { using namespace UI; auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG); auto sy = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::SYSTEM); ScrollView *scroll = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f)); LinearLayout *items = new LinearLayoutList(ORIENT_VERTICAL); items->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bGridView1, sy->T("Display Recent on a grid"))); items->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bGridView2, sy->T("Display Games on a grid"))); items->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bGridView3, sy->T("Display Homebrew on a grid"))); items->Add(new ItemHeader(sy->T("Grid icon size"))); items->Add(new Choice(sy->T("Increase size")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GridSettingsScreen::GridPlusClick); items->Add(new Choice(sy->T("Decrease size")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GridSettingsScreen::GridMinusClick); items->Add(new ItemHeader(sy->T("Display Extra Info"))); items->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bShowIDOnGameIcon, sy->T("Show ID"))); items->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bShowRegionOnGameIcon, sy->T("Show region flag"))); if (g_Config.iMaxRecent > 0) { items->Add(new ItemHeader(sy->T("Clear Recent"))); items->Add(new Choice(sy->T("Clear Recent Games List")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GridSettingsScreen::OnRecentClearClick); } scroll->Add(items); parent->Add(scroll); } UI::EventReturn GridSettingsScreen::GridPlusClick(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.fGameGridScale = std::min(g_Config.fGameGridScale*1.25f, MAX_GAME_GRID_SCALE); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GridSettingsScreen::GridMinusClick(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.fGameGridScale = std::max(g_Config.fGameGridScale/1.25f, MIN_GAME_GRID_SCALE); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GridSettingsScreen::OnRecentClearClick(UI::EventParams &e) { g_Config.ClearRecentIsos(); OnRecentChanged.Trigger(e); return UI::EVENT_DONE; }