// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLFeatures.h" #include "Common/Net/HTTPClient.h" #include "Common/Net/URL.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Common/Data/Format/IniFile.h" #include "Common/Data/Format/JSONReader.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/Parsers.h" #include "Common/CPUDetect.h" #include "Common/File/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/LogManager.h" #include "Common/OSVersion.h" #include "Common/System/Display.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/GPU/Vulkan/VulkanLoader.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/ConfigValues.h" #include "Core/Loaders.h" #include "Core/KeyMap.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h" #include "Core/Instance.h" #include "GPU/Common/FramebufferManagerCommon.h" // TODO: Find a better place for this. http::Downloader g_DownloadManager; Config g_Config; bool jitForcedOff; #ifdef _DEBUG static const char *logSectionName = "LogDebug"; #else static const char *logSectionName = "Log"; #endif struct ConfigSetting { enum Type { TYPE_TERMINATOR, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_INT, TYPE_UINT32, TYPE_UINT64, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_TOUCH_POS, TYPE_PATH, TYPE_CUSTOM_BUTTON }; union DefaultValue { bool b; int i; uint32_t u; uint64_t lu; float f; const char *s; const char *p; // not sure how much point.. ConfigTouchPos touchPos; ConfigCustomButton customButton; }; union SettingPtr { bool *b; int *i; uint32_t *u; uint64_t *lu; float *f; std::string *s; Path *p; ConfigTouchPos *touchPos; ConfigCustomButton *customButton; }; typedef bool (*BoolDefaultCallback)(); typedef int (*IntDefaultCallback)(); typedef uint32_t (*Uint32DefaultCallback)(); typedef uint64_t (*Uint64DefaultCallback)(); typedef float (*FloatDefaultCallback)(); typedef const char *(*StringDefaultCallback)(); typedef ConfigTouchPos(*TouchPosDefaultCallback)(); typedef const char *(*PathDefaultCallback)(); typedef ConfigCustomButton (*CustomButtonDefaultCallback)(); union Callback { BoolDefaultCallback b; IntDefaultCallback i; Uint32DefaultCallback u; Uint64DefaultCallback lu; FloatDefaultCallback f; StringDefaultCallback s; PathDefaultCallback p; TouchPosDefaultCallback touchPos; CustomButtonDefaultCallback customButton; }; ConfigSetting(bool v) : iniKey_(""), type_(TYPE_TERMINATOR), report_(false), save_(false), perGame_(false) { ptr_.b = nullptr; cb_.b = nullptr; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, bool *v, bool def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_BOOL), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.b = v; cb_.b = nullptr; default_.b = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, int *v, int def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_INT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.i = v; cb_.i = nullptr; default_.i = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, int *v, int def, std::function transTo, std::function transFrom, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_INT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame), translateTo_(transTo), translateFrom_(transFrom) { ptr_.i = v; cb_.i = nullptr; default_.i = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, uint32_t *v, uint32_t def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_UINT32), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.u = v; cb_.u = nullptr; default_.u = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, uint64_t *v, uint64_t def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_UINT64), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.lu = v; cb_.lu = nullptr; default_.lu = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, float *v, float def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_FLOAT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.f = v; cb_.f = nullptr; default_.f = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, std::string *v, const char *def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_STRING), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.s = v; cb_.s = nullptr; default_.s = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, Path *p, const char *def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_PATH), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.p = p; cb_.p = nullptr; default_.p = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *iniX, const char *iniY, const char *iniScale, const char *iniShow, ConfigTouchPos *v, ConfigTouchPos def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(iniX), ini2_(iniY), ini3_(iniScale), ini4_(iniShow), type_(TYPE_TOUCH_POS), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.touchPos = v; cb_.touchPos = nullptr; default_.touchPos = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *iniKey, const char *iniImage, const char *iniShape, const char *iniToggle, ConfigCustomButton *v, ConfigCustomButton def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(iniKey), ini2_(iniImage), ini3_(iniShape), ini4_(iniToggle), type_(TYPE_CUSTOM_BUTTON), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.customButton = v; cb_.customButton = nullptr; default_.customButton = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, bool *v, BoolDefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_BOOL), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.b = v; cb_.b = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, int *v, IntDefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_INT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_ .i = v; cb_.i = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, int *v, IntDefaultCallback def, std::function transTo, std::function transFrom, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_INT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame), translateTo_(transTo), translateFrom_(transFrom) { ptr_.i = v; cb_.i = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, uint32_t *v, Uint32DefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_UINT32), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_ .u = v; cb_.u = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, float *v, FloatDefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_FLOAT), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.f = v; cb_.f = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *ini, std::string *v, StringDefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(ini), type_(TYPE_STRING), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.s = v; cb_.s = def; } ConfigSetting(const char *iniX, const char *iniY, const char *iniScale, const char *iniShow, ConfigTouchPos *v, TouchPosDefaultCallback def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : iniKey_(iniX), ini2_(iniY), ini3_(iniScale), ini4_(iniShow), type_(TYPE_TOUCH_POS), report_(false), save_(save), perGame_(perGame) { ptr_.touchPos = v; cb_.touchPos = def; } bool HasMore() const { return type_ != TYPE_TERMINATOR; } bool Get(Section *section) { switch (type_) { case TYPE_BOOL: if (cb_.b) { default_.b = cb_.b(); } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.b, default_.b); case TYPE_INT: if (cb_.i) { default_.i = cb_.i(); } if (translateFrom_) { std::string value; if (section->Get(iniKey_, &value, nullptr)) { *ptr_.i = translateFrom_(value); return true; } } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.i, default_.i); case TYPE_UINT32: if (cb_.u) { default_.u = cb_.u(); } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.u, default_.u); case TYPE_UINT64: if (cb_.lu) { default_.lu = cb_.lu(); } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.lu, default_.lu); case TYPE_FLOAT: if (cb_.f) { default_.f = cb_.f(); } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.f, default_.f); case TYPE_STRING: if (cb_.s) { default_.s = cb_.s(); } return section->Get(iniKey_, ptr_.s, default_.s); case TYPE_TOUCH_POS: if (cb_.touchPos) { default_.touchPos = cb_.touchPos(); } section->Get(iniKey_, &ptr_.touchPos->x, default_.touchPos.x); section->Get(ini2_, &ptr_.touchPos->y, default_.touchPos.y); section->Get(ini3_, &ptr_.touchPos->scale, default_.touchPos.scale); if (ini4_) { section->Get(ini4_, &ptr_.touchPos->show, default_.touchPos.show); } else { ptr_.touchPos->show = default_.touchPos.show; } return true; case TYPE_PATH: { std::string tmp; if (cb_.p) { default_.p = cb_.p(); } bool result = section->Get(iniKey_, &tmp, default_.p); if (result) { *ptr_.p = Path(tmp); } return result; } case TYPE_CUSTOM_BUTTON: if (cb_.customButton) { default_.customButton = cb_.customButton(); } section->Get(iniKey_, &ptr_.customButton->key, default_.customButton.key); section->Get(ini2_, &ptr_.customButton->image, default_.customButton.image); section->Get(ini3_, &ptr_.customButton->shape, default_.customButton.shape); section->Get(ini4_, &ptr_.customButton->toggle, default_.customButton.toggle); return true; default: _dbg_assert_msg_(false, "Unexpected ini setting type"); return false; } } void Set(Section *section) { if (!save_) return; switch (type_) { case TYPE_BOOL: return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.b); case TYPE_INT: if (translateTo_) { std::string value = translateTo_(*ptr_.i); return section->Set(iniKey_, value); } return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.i); case TYPE_UINT32: return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.u); case TYPE_UINT64: return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.lu); case TYPE_FLOAT: return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.f); case TYPE_STRING: return section->Set(iniKey_, *ptr_.s); case TYPE_PATH: return section->Set(iniKey_, ptr_.p->ToString()); case TYPE_TOUCH_POS: section->Set(iniKey_, ptr_.touchPos->x); section->Set(ini2_, ptr_.touchPos->y); section->Set(ini3_, ptr_.touchPos->scale); if (ini4_) { section->Set(ini4_, ptr_.touchPos->show); } return; case TYPE_CUSTOM_BUTTON: section->Set(iniKey_, ptr_.customButton->key); section->Set(ini2_, ptr_.customButton->image); section->Set(ini3_, ptr_.customButton->shape); section->Set(ini4_, ptr_.customButton->toggle); return; default: _dbg_assert_msg_(false, "Unexpected ini setting type"); return; } } void Report(UrlEncoder &data, const std::string &prefix) { if (!report_) return; switch (type_) { case TYPE_BOOL: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.b); case TYPE_INT: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.i); case TYPE_UINT32: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.u); case TYPE_UINT64: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.lu); case TYPE_FLOAT: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.f); case TYPE_STRING: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, *ptr_.s); case TYPE_PATH: return data.Add(prefix + iniKey_, ptr_.p->ToString()); case TYPE_TOUCH_POS: // Doesn't report. return; case TYPE_CUSTOM_BUTTON: // Doesn't report. return; default: _dbg_assert_msg_(false, "Unexpected ini setting type"); return; } } const char *iniKey_; const char *ini2_; const char *ini3_; const char *ini4_; Type type_; bool report_; bool save_; bool perGame_; SettingPtr ptr_; DefaultValue default_; Callback cb_; // We only support transform for ints. std::function translateTo_; std::function translateFrom_; }; struct ReportedConfigSetting : public ConfigSetting { template ReportedConfigSetting(const char *ini, T1 *v, T2 def, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : ConfigSetting(ini, v, def, save, perGame) { report_ = true; } template ReportedConfigSetting(const char *ini, T1 *v, T2 def, std::function transTo, std::function transFrom, bool save = true, bool perGame = false) : ConfigSetting(ini, v, def, transTo, transFrom, save, perGame) { report_ = true; } }; const char *DefaultLangRegion() { // Unfortunate default. There's no need to use bFirstRun, since this is only a default. static std::string defaultLangRegion = "en_US"; std::string langRegion = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_LANGREGION); if (i18nrepo.IniExists(langRegion)) { defaultLangRegion = langRegion; } else if (langRegion.length() >= 3) { // Don't give up. Let's try a fuzzy match - so nl_BE can match nl_NL. IniFile mapping; mapping.LoadFromVFS("langregion.ini"); std::vector keys; mapping.GetKeys("LangRegionNames", keys); for (std::string key : keys) { if (startsWithNoCase(key, langRegion)) { // Exact submatch, or different case. Let's use it. defaultLangRegion = key; break; } else if (startsWithNoCase(key, langRegion.substr(0, 3))) { // Best so far. defaultLangRegion = key; } } } return defaultLangRegion.c_str(); } std::string CreateRandMAC() { std::stringstream randStream; srand(time(nullptr)); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { u32 value = rand() % 256; if (i == 0) { // Making sure the 1st 2-bits on the 1st byte of OUI are zero to prevent issue with some games (ie. Gran Turismo) value &= 0xfc; } if (value <= 15) randStream << '0' << std::hex << value; else randStream << std::hex << value; if (i < 5) { randStream << ':'; //we need a : between every octet } } return randStream.str(); } static int DefaultCpuCore() { #if PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM) || PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM64) || PPSSPP_ARCH(X86) || PPSSPP_ARCH(AMD64) return (int)CPUCore::JIT; #else return (int)CPUCore::INTERPRETER; #endif } static bool DefaultCodeGen() { #if PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM) || PPSSPP_ARCH(ARM64) || PPSSPP_ARCH(X86) || PPSSPP_ARCH(AMD64) return true; #else return false; #endif } static bool DefaultEnableStateUndo() { #ifdef MOBILE_DEVICE // Off on mobile to save disk space. return false; #endif return true; } struct ConfigSectionSettings { const char *section; ConfigSetting *settings; }; static ConfigSetting generalSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("FirstRun", &g_Config.bFirstRun, true), ConfigSetting("RunCount", &g_Config.iRunCount, 0), ConfigSetting("Enable Logging", &g_Config.bEnableLogging, true), ConfigSetting("AutoRun", &g_Config.bAutoRun, true), ConfigSetting("Browse", &g_Config.bBrowse, false), ConfigSetting("IgnoreBadMemAccess", &g_Config.bIgnoreBadMemAccess, true, true), ConfigSetting("CurrentDirectory", &g_Config.currentDirectory, ""), ConfigSetting("ShowDebuggerOnLoad", &g_Config.bShowDebuggerOnLoad, false), ConfigSetting("CheckForNewVersion", &g_Config.bCheckForNewVersion, true), ConfigSetting("Language", &g_Config.sLanguageIni, &DefaultLangRegion), ConfigSetting("ForceLagSync2", &g_Config.bForceLagSync, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("DiscordPresence", &g_Config.bDiscordPresence, true, true, false), // Or maybe it makes sense to have it per-game? Race conditions abound... ConfigSetting("UISound", &g_Config.bUISound, false, true, false), ConfigSetting("AutoLoadSaveState", &g_Config.iAutoLoadSaveState, 0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("EnableCheats", &g_Config.bEnableCheats, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("CwCheatRefreshRate", &g_Config.iCwCheatRefreshRate, 77, true, true), ConfigSetting("CwCheatScrollPosition", &g_Config.fCwCheatScrollPosition, 0.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("GameListScrollPosition", &g_Config.fGameListScrollPosition, 0.0f), ConfigSetting("ScreenshotsAsPNG", &g_Config.bScreenshotsAsPNG, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("UseFFV1", &g_Config.bUseFFV1, false), ConfigSetting("DumpFrames", &g_Config.bDumpFrames, false), ConfigSetting("DumpVideoOutput", &g_Config.bDumpVideoOutput, false), ConfigSetting("DumpAudio", &g_Config.bDumpAudio, false), ConfigSetting("SaveLoadResetsAVdumping", &g_Config.bSaveLoadResetsAVdumping, false), ConfigSetting("StateSlot", &g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("EnableStateUndo", &g_Config.bEnableStateUndo, &DefaultEnableStateUndo, true, true), ConfigSetting("StateLoadUndoGame", &g_Config.sStateLoadUndoGame, "NA", true, false), ConfigSetting("StateUndoLastSaveGame", &g_Config.sStateUndoLastSaveGame, "NA", true, false), ConfigSetting("StateUndoLastSaveSlot", &g_Config.iStateUndoLastSaveSlot, -5, true, false), // Start with an "invalid" value ConfigSetting("RewindFlipFrequency", &g_Config.iRewindFlipFrequency, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowOnScreenMessage", &g_Config.bShowOnScreenMessages, true, true, false), ConfigSetting("ShowRegionOnGameIcon", &g_Config.bShowRegionOnGameIcon, false), ConfigSetting("ShowIDOnGameIcon", &g_Config.bShowIDOnGameIcon, false), ConfigSetting("GameGridScale", &g_Config.fGameGridScale, 1.0), ConfigSetting("GridView1", &g_Config.bGridView1, true), ConfigSetting("GridView2", &g_Config.bGridView2, true), ConfigSetting("GridView3", &g_Config.bGridView3, false), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogUp", &g_Config.iRightAnalogUp, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogDown", &g_Config.iRightAnalogDown, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogLeft", &g_Config.iRightAnalogLeft, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogRight", &g_Config.iRightAnalogRight, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogPress", &g_Config.iRightAnalogPress, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogCustom", &g_Config.bRightAnalogCustom, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogDisableDiagonal", &g_Config.bRightAnalogDisableDiagonal, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeUp", &g_Config.iSwipeUp, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeDown", &g_Config.iSwipeDown, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeLeft", &g_Config.iSwipeLeft, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeRight", &g_Config.iSwipeRight, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeSensitivity", &g_Config.fSwipeSensitivity, 1.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("SwipeSmoothing", &g_Config.fSwipeSmoothing, 0.3f, true, true), ConfigSetting("DoubleTapGesture", &g_Config.iDoubleTapGesture, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("GestureControlEnabled", &g_Config.bGestureControlEnabled, false, true, true), // "default" means let emulator decide, "" means disable. ConfigSetting("ReportingHost", &g_Config.sReportHost, "default"), ConfigSetting("AutoSaveSymbolMap", &g_Config.bAutoSaveSymbolMap, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("CacheFullIsoInRam", &g_Config.bCacheFullIsoInRam, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("RemoteISOPort", &g_Config.iRemoteISOPort, 0, true, false), ConfigSetting("LastRemoteISOServer", &g_Config.sLastRemoteISOServer, ""), ConfigSetting("LastRemoteISOPort", &g_Config.iLastRemoteISOPort, 0), ConfigSetting("RemoteISOManualConfig", &g_Config.bRemoteISOManual, false), ConfigSetting("RemoteShareOnStartup", &g_Config.bRemoteShareOnStartup, false), ConfigSetting("RemoteISOSubdir", &g_Config.sRemoteISOSubdir, "/"), ConfigSetting("RemoteDebuggerOnStartup", &g_Config.bRemoteDebuggerOnStartup, false), #ifdef __ANDROID__ ConfigSetting("ScreenRotation", &g_Config.iScreenRotation, ROTATION_AUTO_HORIZONTAL), #endif ConfigSetting("InternalScreenRotation", &g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation, ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL), ConfigSetting("BackgroundAnimation", &g_Config.iBackgroundAnimation, 1, true, false), #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) ConfigSetting("TopMost", &g_Config.bTopMost, false), ConfigSetting("WindowX", &g_Config.iWindowX, -1), // -1 tells us to center the window. ConfigSetting("WindowY", &g_Config.iWindowY, -1), ConfigSetting("WindowWidth", &g_Config.iWindowWidth, 0), // 0 will be automatically reset later (need to do the AdjustWindowRect dance). ConfigSetting("WindowHeight", &g_Config.iWindowHeight, 0), ConfigSetting("PauseOnLostFocus", &g_Config.bPauseOnLostFocus, false, true, true), #endif ConfigSetting("PauseWhenMinimized", &g_Config.bPauseWhenMinimized, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("DumpDecryptedEboots", &g_Config.bDumpDecryptedEboot, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("FullscreenOnDoubleclick", &g_Config.bFullscreenOnDoubleclick, true, false, false), ReportedConfigSetting("MemStickInserted", &g_Config.bMemStickInserted, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("EnablePlugins", &g_Config.bLoadPlugins, true, true, true), ConfigSetting(false), }; static bool DefaultSasThread() { return cpu_info.num_cores > 1; } static ConfigSetting cpuSettings[] = { ReportedConfigSetting("CPUCore", &g_Config.iCpuCore, &DefaultCpuCore, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("SeparateSASThread", &g_Config.bSeparateSASThread, &DefaultSasThread, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("SeparateIOThread", &g_Config.bSeparateIOThread, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("IOTimingMethod", &g_Config.iIOTimingMethod, IOTIMING_FAST, true, true), ConfigSetting("FastMemoryAccess", &g_Config.bFastMemory, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("FunctionReplacements", &g_Config.bFuncReplacements, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("HideSlowWarnings", &g_Config.bHideSlowWarnings, false, true, false), ConfigSetting("HideStateWarnings", &g_Config.bHideStateWarnings, false, true, false), ConfigSetting("PreloadFunctions", &g_Config.bPreloadFunctions, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("JitDisableFlags", &g_Config.uJitDisableFlags, (uint32_t)0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("CPUSpeed", &g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting(false), }; static int DefaultInternalResolution() { // Auto on Windows and Linux, 2x on large screens, 1x elsewhere. #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) || defined(USING_QT_UI) return 0; #else int longestDisplaySide = std::max(System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_XRES), System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_YRES)); int scale = longestDisplaySide >= 1000 ? 2 : 1; INFO_LOG(G3D, "Longest display side: %d pixels. Choosing scale %d", longestDisplaySide, scale); return scale; #endif } static int DefaultFastForwardMode() { #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || defined(USING_QT_UI) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) return (int)FastForwardMode::SKIP_FLIP; #else return (int)FastForwardMode::CONTINUOUS; #endif } static int DefaultZoomType() { return (int)SmallDisplayZoom::AUTO; } static int DefaultAndroidHwScale() { #ifdef __ANDROID__ if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION) >= 19 || System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE) == DEVICE_TYPE_TV) { // Arbitrary cutoff at Kitkat - modern devices are usually powerful enough that hw scaling // doesn't really help very much and mostly causes problems. See #11151 return 0; } // Get the real resolution as passed in during startup, not dp_xres and stuff int xres = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_XRES); int yres = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DISPLAY_YRES); if (xres <= 960) { // Smaller than the PSP*2, let's go native. return 0; } else if (xres <= 480 * 3) { // 720p xres // Small-ish screen, we should default to 2x return 2 + 1; } else { // Large or very large screen. Default to 3x psp resolution. return 3 + 1; } return 0; #else return 1; #endif } // See issue 14439. Should possibly even block these devices from selecting VK. const char * const vulkanDefaultBlacklist[] = { "Sony:BRAVIA VH1", }; static int DefaultGPUBackend() { #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) // If no Vulkan, use Direct3D 11 on Windows 8+ (most importantly 10.) if (DoesVersionMatchWindows(6, 2, 0, 0, true)) { return (int)GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11; } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Check blacklist. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vulkanDefaultBlacklist); i++) { if (System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME) == vulkanDefaultBlacklist[i]) { return (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL; } } // Default to Vulkan only on Oreo 8.1 (level 27) devices or newer, and only // on ARM64 and x86-64. Drivers before, and on other archs, are generally too // unreliable to default to (with some exceptions, of course). #if PPSSPP_ARCH(64BIT) if (System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION) >= 27) { return (int)GPUBackend::VULKAN; } #endif #endif // TODO: On some additional Linux platforms, we should also default to Vulkan. return (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL; } int Config::NextValidBackend() { std::vector split; std::set failed; SplitString(sFailedGPUBackends, ',', split); for (const auto &str : split) { if (!str.empty() && str != "ALL") { failed.insert(GPUBackendFromString(str)); } } // Count these as "failed" too so we don't pick them. SplitString(sDisabledGPUBackends, ',', split); for (const auto &str : split) { if (!str.empty()) { failed.insert(GPUBackendFromString(str)); } } if (failed.count((GPUBackend)iGPUBackend)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Graphics backend failed for %d, trying another", iGPUBackend); #if (PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID)) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) if (!failed.count(GPUBackend::VULKAN) && VulkanMayBeAvailable()) { return (int)GPUBackend::VULKAN; } #endif #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) if (!failed.count(GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11) && DoesVersionMatchWindows(6, 1, 0, 0, true)) { return (int)GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11; } #endif #if PPSSPP_API(ANY_GL) if (!failed.count(GPUBackend::OPENGL)) { return (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL; } #endif #if PPSSPP_API(D3D9) if (!failed.count(GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9)) { return (int)GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9; } #endif // They've all failed. Let them try the default - or on Android, OpenGL. sFailedGPUBackends += ",ALL"; ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "All graphics backends failed"); #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) return (int)GPUBackend::OPENGL; #else return DefaultGPUBackend(); #endif } return iGPUBackend; } bool Config::IsBackendEnabled(GPUBackend backend, bool validate) { std::vector split; SplitString(sDisabledGPUBackends, ',', split); for (const auto &str : split) { if (str.empty()) continue; auto match = GPUBackendFromString(str); if (match == backend) return false; } #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) if (backend != GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11) return false; #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) if (validate) { if (backend == GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11 && !DoesVersionMatchWindows(6, 0, 0, 0, true)) return false; } #else if (backend == GPUBackend::DIRECT3D11 || backend == GPUBackend::DIRECT3D9) return false; #endif #if !PPSSPP_API(ANY_GL) if (backend == GPUBackend::OPENGL) return false; #endif if (validate) { if (backend == GPUBackend::VULKAN && !VulkanMayBeAvailable()) return false; } return true; } template struct ConfigTranslator { static std::string To(int v) { return StringFromInt(v) + " (" + FTo(T(v)) + ")"; } static int From(const std::string &v) { int result; if (TryParse(v, &result)) { return result; } return (int)FFrom(v); } }; typedef ConfigTranslator GPUBackendTranslator; static int FastForwardModeFromString(const std::string &s) { if (!strcasecmp(s.c_str(), "CONTINUOUS")) return (int)FastForwardMode::CONTINUOUS; if (!strcasecmp(s.c_str(), "SKIP_DRAW")) return (int)FastForwardMode::SKIP_DRAW; if (!strcasecmp(s.c_str(), "SKIP_FLIP")) return (int)FastForwardMode::SKIP_FLIP; return DefaultFastForwardMode(); } std::string FastForwardModeToString(int v) { switch (FastForwardMode(v)) { case FastForwardMode::CONTINUOUS: return "CONTINUOUS"; case FastForwardMode::SKIP_DRAW: return "SKIP_DRAW"; case FastForwardMode::SKIP_FLIP: return "SKIP_FLIP"; } return "CONTINUOUS"; } static ConfigSetting graphicsSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("EnableCardboardVR", &g_Config.bEnableCardboardVR, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("CardboardScreenSize", &g_Config.iCardboardScreenSize, 50, true, true), ConfigSetting("CardboardXShift", &g_Config.iCardboardXShift, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("CardboardYShift", &g_Config.iCardboardXShift, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowFPSCounter", &g_Config.iShowFPSCounter, 0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("GraphicsBackend", &g_Config.iGPUBackend, &DefaultGPUBackend, &GPUBackendTranslator::To, &GPUBackendTranslator::From, true, false), ConfigSetting("FailedGraphicsBackends", &g_Config.sFailedGPUBackends, ""), ConfigSetting("DisabledGraphicsBackends", &g_Config.sDisabledGPUBackends, ""), ConfigSetting("VulkanDevice", &g_Config.sVulkanDevice, "", true, false), #ifdef _WIN32 ConfigSetting("D3D11Device", &g_Config.sD3D11Device, "", true, false), #endif ConfigSetting("CameraDevice", &g_Config.sCameraDevice, "", true, false), ConfigSetting("VendorBugChecksEnabled", &g_Config.bVendorBugChecksEnabled, true, false, false), ReportedConfigSetting("RenderingMode", &g_Config.iRenderingMode, 1, true, true), ConfigSetting("SoftwareRenderer", &g_Config.bSoftwareRendering, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("HardwareTransform", &g_Config.bHardwareTransform, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("SoftwareSkinning", &g_Config.bSoftwareSkinning, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TextureFiltering", &g_Config.iTexFiltering, 1, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("BufferFiltering", &g_Config.iBufFilter, SCALE_LINEAR, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("InternalResolution", &g_Config.iInternalResolution, &DefaultInternalResolution, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("AndroidHwScale", &g_Config.iAndroidHwScale, &DefaultAndroidHwScale), ReportedConfigSetting("HighQualityDepth", &g_Config.bHighQualityDepth, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("FrameSkip", &g_Config.iFrameSkip, 0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("FrameSkipType", &g_Config.iFrameSkipType, 0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("AutoFrameSkip", &g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("FrameRate", &g_Config.iFpsLimit1, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("FrameRate2", &g_Config.iFpsLimit2, -1, true, true), ConfigSetting("UnthrottlingMode", &g_Config.iFastForwardMode, &DefaultFastForwardMode, &FastForwardModeToString, &FastForwardModeFromString, true, true), #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) ConfigSetting("RestartRequired", &g_Config.bRestartRequired, false, false), #endif // Most low-performance (and many high performance) mobile GPUs do not support aniso anyway so defaulting to 4 is fine. ConfigSetting("AnisotropyLevel", &g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel, 4, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("VertexDecCache", &g_Config.bVertexCache, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TextureBackoffCache", &g_Config.bTextureBackoffCache, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TextureSecondaryCache", &g_Config.bTextureSecondaryCache, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("VertexDecJit", &g_Config.bVertexDecoderJit, &DefaultCodeGen, false), #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE ConfigSetting("FullScreen", &g_Config.bFullScreen, false), ConfigSetting("FullScreenMulti", &g_Config.bFullScreenMulti, false), #endif ConfigSetting("SmallDisplayZoomType", &g_Config.iSmallDisplayZoomType, &DefaultZoomType, true, true), ConfigSetting("SmallDisplayOffsetX", &g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetX, 0.5f, true, true), ConfigSetting("SmallDisplayOffsetY", &g_Config.fSmallDisplayOffsetY, 0.5f, true, true), ConfigSetting("SmallDisplayZoomLevel", &g_Config.fSmallDisplayZoomLevel, 1.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("ImmersiveMode", &g_Config.bImmersiveMode, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("SustainedPerformanceMode", &g_Config.bSustainedPerformanceMode, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("IgnoreScreenInsets", &g_Config.bIgnoreScreenInsets, true, true, false), ReportedConfigSetting("ReplaceTextures", &g_Config.bReplaceTextures, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("SaveNewTextures", &g_Config.bSaveNewTextures, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("IgnoreTextureFilenames", &g_Config.bIgnoreTextureFilenames, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TexScalingLevel", &g_Config.iTexScalingLevel, 1, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TexScalingType", &g_Config.iTexScalingType, 0, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TexDeposterize", &g_Config.bTexDeposterize, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("TexHardwareScaling", &g_Config.bTexHardwareScaling, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("VSyncInterval", &g_Config.bVSync, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("BloomHack", &g_Config.iBloomHack, 0, true, true), // Not really a graphics setting... ReportedConfigSetting("SplineBezierQuality", &g_Config.iSplineBezierQuality, 2, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("HardwareTessellation", &g_Config.bHardwareTessellation, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("TextureShader", &g_Config.sTextureShaderName, "Off", true, true), ConfigSetting("ShaderChainRequires60FPS", &g_Config.bShaderChainRequires60FPS, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("MemBlockTransferGPU", &g_Config.bBlockTransferGPU, true, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("DisableSlowFramebufEffects", &g_Config.bDisableSlowFramebufEffects, false, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("FragmentTestCache", &g_Config.bFragmentTestCache, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("GfxDebugOutput", &g_Config.bGfxDebugOutput, false, false, false), ConfigSetting("GfxDebugSplitSubmit", &g_Config.bGfxDebugSplitSubmit, false, false, false), ConfigSetting("LogFrameDrops", &g_Config.bLogFrameDrops, false, true, false), ConfigSetting("InflightFrames", &g_Config.iInflightFrames, 3, true, false), ConfigSetting("RenderDuplicateFrames", &g_Config.bRenderDuplicateFrames, false, true, true), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting soundSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("Enable", &g_Config.bEnableSound, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("AudioBackend", &g_Config.iAudioBackend, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("ExtraAudioBuffering", &g_Config.bExtraAudioBuffering, false, true, false), ConfigSetting("GlobalVolume", &g_Config.iGlobalVolume, VOLUME_FULL, true, true), ConfigSetting("ReverbVolume", &g_Config.iReverbVolume, VOLUME_FULL, true, true), ConfigSetting("AltSpeedVolume", &g_Config.iAltSpeedVolume, -1, true, true), ConfigSetting("AudioDevice", &g_Config.sAudioDevice, "", true, false), ConfigSetting("AutoAudioDevice", &g_Config.bAutoAudioDevice, true, true, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static bool DefaultShowTouchControls() { int deviceType = System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_DEVICE_TYPE); if (deviceType == DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE) { std::string name = System_GetProperty(SYSPROP_NAME); if (KeyMap::HasBuiltinController(name)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (deviceType == DEVICE_TYPE_TV) { return false; } else if (deviceType == DEVICE_TYPE_DESKTOP) { return false; } else { return false; } } static const float defaultControlScale = 1.15f; static const ConfigTouchPos defaultTouchPosShow = { -1.0f, -1.0f, defaultControlScale, true }; static const ConfigTouchPos defaultTouchPosHide = { -1.0f, -1.0f, defaultControlScale, false }; static ConfigSetting controlSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("HapticFeedback", &g_Config.bHapticFeedback, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowTouchCross", &g_Config.bShowTouchCross, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowTouchCircle", &g_Config.bShowTouchCircle, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowTouchSquare", &g_Config.bShowTouchSquare, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("ShowTouchTriangle", &g_Config.bShowTouchTriangle, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom0Mapping", "Custom0Image", "Custom0Shape", "Custom0Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey0, {0, 0, 0, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom1Mapping", "Custom1Image", "Custom1Shape", "Custom1Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey1, {0, 1, 0, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom2Mapping", "Custom2Image", "Custom2Shape", "Custom2Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey2, {0, 2, 0, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom3Mapping", "Custom3Image", "Custom3Shape", "Custom3Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey3, {0, 3, 0, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom4Mapping", "Custom4Image", "Custom4Shape", "Custom4Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey4, {0, 4, 0, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom5Mapping", "Custom5Image", "Custom5Shape", "Custom5Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey5, {0, 0, 1, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom6Mapping", "Custom6Image", "Custom6Shape", "Custom6Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey6, {0, 1, 1, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom7Mapping", "Custom7Image", "Custom7Shape", "Custom7Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey7, {0, 2, 1, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom8Mapping", "Custom8Image", "Custom8Shape", "Custom8Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey8, {0, 3, 1, false}, true, true), ConfigSetting("Custom9Mapping", "Custom9Image", "Custom9Shape", "Custom9Toggle", &g_Config.CustomKey9, {0, 4, 1, false}, true, true), #if defined(_WIN32) // A win32 user seeing touch controls is likely using PPSSPP on a tablet. There it makes // sense to default this to on. ConfigSetting("ShowTouchPause", &g_Config.bShowTouchPause, true, true, false), #else ConfigSetting("ShowTouchPause", &g_Config.bShowTouchPause, false, true, false), #endif #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) ConfigSetting("IgnoreWindowsKey", &g_Config.bIgnoreWindowsKey, false, true, true), #endif ConfigSetting("ShowTouchControls", &g_Config.bShowTouchControls, &DefaultShowTouchControls, true, true), // ConfigSetting("KeyMapping", &g_Config.iMappingMap, 0), #ifdef MOBILE_DEVICE ConfigSetting("TiltBaseX", &g_Config.fTiltBaseX, 0.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltBaseY", &g_Config.fTiltBaseY, 0.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltOrientation", &g_Config.iTiltOrientation, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("InvertTiltX", &g_Config.bInvertTiltX, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("InvertTiltY", &g_Config.bInvertTiltY, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltSensitivityX", &g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX, 100, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltSensitivityY", &g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY, 100, true, true), ConfigSetting("DeadzoneRadius", &g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius, 0.2f, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltDeadzoneSkip", &g_Config.fTiltDeadzoneSkip, 0.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("TiltInputType", &g_Config.iTiltInputType, 0, true, true), #endif ConfigSetting("DisableDpadDiagonals", &g_Config.bDisableDpadDiagonals, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("GamepadOnlyFocused", &g_Config.bGamepadOnlyFocused, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("TouchButtonStyle", &g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle, 1, true, true), ConfigSetting("TouchButtonOpacity", &g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity, 65, true, true), ConfigSetting("TouchButtonHideSeconds", &g_Config.iTouchButtonHideSeconds, 20, true, true), ConfigSetting("AutoCenterTouchAnalog", &g_Config.bAutoCenterTouchAnalog, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogAutoRotSpeed", &g_Config.fAnalogAutoRotSpeed, 8.0f, true, true), // Snap touch control position ConfigSetting("TouchSnapToGrid", &g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("TouchSnapGridSize", &g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize, 64, true, true), // -1.0f means uninitialized, set in GamepadEmu::CreatePadLayout(). ConfigSetting("ActionButtonSpacing2", &g_Config.fActionButtonSpacing, 1.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("ActionButtonCenterX", "ActionButtonCenterY", "ActionButtonScale", nullptr, &g_Config.touchActionButtonCenter, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("DPadX", "DPadY", "DPadScale", "ShowTouchDpad", &g_Config.touchDpad, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), // Note: these will be overwritten if DPadRadius is set. ConfigSetting("DPadSpacing", &g_Config.fDpadSpacing, 1.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("StartKeyX", "StartKeyY", "StartKeyScale", "ShowTouchStart", &g_Config.touchStartKey, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("SelectKeyX", "SelectKeyY", "SelectKeyScale", "ShowTouchSelect", &g_Config.touchSelectKey, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("UnthrottleKeyX", "UnthrottleKeyY", "UnthrottleKeyScale", "ShowTouchUnthrottle", &g_Config.touchFastForwardKey, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("LKeyX", "LKeyY", "LKeyScale", "ShowTouchLTrigger", &g_Config.touchLKey, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("RKeyX", "RKeyY", "RKeyScale", "ShowTouchRTrigger", &g_Config.touchRKey, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogStickX", "AnalogStickY", "AnalogStickScale", "ShowAnalogStick", &g_Config.touchAnalogStick, defaultTouchPosShow, true, true), ConfigSetting("RightAnalogStickX", "RightAnalogStickY", "RightAnalogStickScale", "ShowRightAnalogStick", &g_Config.touchRightAnalogStick, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo0X", "fcombo0Y", "comboKeyScale0", "ShowComboKey0", &g_Config.touchCombo0, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo1X", "fcombo1Y", "comboKeyScale1", "ShowComboKey1", &g_Config.touchCombo1, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo2X", "fcombo2Y", "comboKeyScale2", "ShowComboKey2", &g_Config.touchCombo2, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo3X", "fcombo3Y", "comboKeyScale3", "ShowComboKey3", &g_Config.touchCombo3, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo4X", "fcombo4Y", "comboKeyScale4", "ShowComboKey4", &g_Config.touchCombo4, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo5X", "fcombo5Y", "comboKeyScale5", "ShowComboKey5", &g_Config.touchCombo5, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo6X", "fcombo6Y", "comboKeyScale6", "ShowComboKey6", &g_Config.touchCombo6, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo7X", "fcombo7Y", "comboKeyScale7", "ShowComboKey7", &g_Config.touchCombo7, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo8X", "fcombo8Y", "comboKeyScale8", "ShowComboKey8", &g_Config.touchCombo8, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("fcombo9X", "fcombo9Y", "comboKeyScale9", "ShowComboKey9", &g_Config.touchCombo9, defaultTouchPosHide, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogDeadzone", &g_Config.fAnalogDeadzone, 0.15f, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogInverseDeadzone", &g_Config.fAnalogInverseDeadzone, 0.0f, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogSensitivity", &g_Config.fAnalogSensitivity, 1.1f, true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogIsCircular", &g_Config.bAnalogIsCircular, false , true, true), ConfigSetting("AnalogLimiterDeadzone", &g_Config.fAnalogLimiterDeadzone, 0.6f, true, true), ConfigSetting("UseMouse", &g_Config.bMouseControl, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("MapMouse", &g_Config.bMapMouse, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("ConfineMap", &g_Config.bMouseConfine, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("MouseSensitivity", &g_Config.fMouseSensitivity, 0.1f, true, true), ConfigSetting("MouseSmoothing", &g_Config.fMouseSmoothing, 0.9f, true, true), ConfigSetting("SystemControls", &g_Config.bSystemControls, true, true, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting networkSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("EnableWlan", &g_Config.bEnableWlan, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("EnableAdhocServer", &g_Config.bEnableAdhocServer, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("proAdhocServer", &g_Config.proAdhocServer, "socom.cc", true, true), ConfigSetting("PortOffset", &g_Config.iPortOffset, 10000, true, true), ConfigSetting("MinTimeout", &g_Config.iMinTimeout, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("TCPNoDelay", &g_Config.bTCPNoDelay, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("ForcedFirstConnect", &g_Config.bForcedFirstConnect, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("EnableUPnP", &g_Config.bEnableUPnP, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("UPnPUseOriginalPort", &g_Config.bUPnPUseOriginalPort, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("EnableNetworkChat", &g_Config.bEnableNetworkChat, false, true, true), ConfigSetting("ChatButtonPosition",&g_Config.iChatButtonPosition,BOTTOM_LEFT,true,true), ConfigSetting("ChatScreenPosition",&g_Config.iChatScreenPosition,BOTTOM_LEFT,true,true), ConfigSetting("EnableQuickChat", &g_Config.bEnableQuickChat, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("QuickChat1", &g_Config.sQuickChat0, "Quick Chat 1", true, true), ConfigSetting("QuickChat2", &g_Config.sQuickChat1, "Quick Chat 2", true, true), ConfigSetting("QuickChat3", &g_Config.sQuickChat2, "Quick Chat 3", true, true), ConfigSetting("QuickChat4", &g_Config.sQuickChat3, "Quick Chat 4", true, true), ConfigSetting("QuickChat5", &g_Config.sQuickChat4, "Quick Chat 5", true, true), ConfigSetting(false), }; static int DefaultPSPModel() { // TODO: Can probably default this on, but not sure about its memory differences. #if !PPSSPP_ARCH(AMD64) && !defined(_WIN32) return PSP_MODEL_FAT; #else return PSP_MODEL_SLIM; #endif } static int DefaultSystemParamLanguage() { int defaultLang = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; if (g_Config.bFirstRun) { // TODO: Be smart about same language, different country auto langValuesMapping = GetLangValuesMapping(); if (langValuesMapping.find(g_Config.sLanguageIni) != langValuesMapping.end()) { defaultLang = langValuesMapping[g_Config.sLanguageIni].second; } } return defaultLang; } static ConfigSetting systemParamSettings[] = { ReportedConfigSetting("PSPModel", &g_Config.iPSPModel, &DefaultPSPModel, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("PSPFirmwareVersion", &g_Config.iFirmwareVersion, PSP_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE, true, true), ConfigSetting("NickName", &g_Config.sNickName, "PPSSPP", true, true), ConfigSetting("MacAddress", &g_Config.sMACAddress, "", true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("Language", &g_Config.iLanguage, &DefaultSystemParamLanguage, true, true), ConfigSetting("ParamTimeFormat", &g_Config.iTimeFormat, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_TIME_FORMAT_24HR, true, true), ConfigSetting("ParamDateFormat", &g_Config.iDateFormat, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD, true, true), ConfigSetting("TimeZone", &g_Config.iTimeZone, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("DayLightSavings", &g_Config.bDayLightSavings, (bool) PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_DAYLIGHTSAVINGS_STD, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("ButtonPreference", &g_Config.iButtonPreference, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_BUTTON_CROSS, true, true), ConfigSetting("LockParentalLevel", &g_Config.iLockParentalLevel, 0, true, true), ConfigSetting("WlanAdhocChannel", &g_Config.iWlanAdhocChannel, PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ADHOC_CHANNEL_AUTOMATIC, true, true), #if defined(USING_WIN_UI) || defined(USING_QT_UI) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) ConfigSetting("BypassOSKWithKeyboard", &g_Config.bBypassOSKWithKeyboard, false, true, true), #endif ConfigSetting("WlanPowerSave", &g_Config.bWlanPowerSave, (bool) PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_WLAN_POWERSAVE_OFF, true, true), ReportedConfigSetting("EncryptSave", &g_Config.bEncryptSave, true, true, true), ConfigSetting("SavedataUpgradeVersion", &g_Config.bSavedataUpgrade, true, true, false), ConfigSetting("MemStickSize", &g_Config.iMemStickSizeGB, 16, true, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting debuggerSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("DisasmWindowX", &g_Config.iDisasmWindowX, -1), ConfigSetting("DisasmWindowY", &g_Config.iDisasmWindowY, -1), ConfigSetting("DisasmWindowW", &g_Config.iDisasmWindowW, -1), ConfigSetting("DisasmWindowH", &g_Config.iDisasmWindowH, -1), ConfigSetting("GEWindowX", &g_Config.iGEWindowX, -1), ConfigSetting("GEWindowY", &g_Config.iGEWindowY, -1), ConfigSetting("GEWindowW", &g_Config.iGEWindowW, -1), ConfigSetting("GEWindowH", &g_Config.iGEWindowH, -1), ConfigSetting("ConsoleWindowX", &g_Config.iConsoleWindowX, -1), ConfigSetting("ConsoleWindowY", &g_Config.iConsoleWindowY, -1), ConfigSetting("FontWidth", &g_Config.iFontWidth, 8), ConfigSetting("FontHeight", &g_Config.iFontHeight, 12), ConfigSetting("DisplayStatusBar", &g_Config.bDisplayStatusBar, true), ConfigSetting("ShowBottomTabTitles",&g_Config.bShowBottomTabTitles, true), ConfigSetting("ShowDeveloperMenu", &g_Config.bShowDeveloperMenu, false), ConfigSetting("ShowAllocatorDebug", &g_Config.bShowAllocatorDebug, false, false), ConfigSetting("ShowGpuProfile", &g_Config.bShowGpuProfile, false, false), ConfigSetting("SkipDeadbeefFilling", &g_Config.bSkipDeadbeefFilling, false), ConfigSetting("FuncHashMap", &g_Config.bFuncHashMap, false), ConfigSetting("MemInfoDetailed", &g_Config.bDebugMemInfoDetailed, false), ConfigSetting("DrawFrameGraph", &g_Config.bDrawFrameGraph, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting jitSettings[] = { ReportedConfigSetting("DiscardRegsOnJRRA", &g_Config.bDiscardRegsOnJRRA, false, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting upgradeSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("UpgradeMessage", &g_Config.upgradeMessage, ""), ConfigSetting("UpgradeVersion", &g_Config.upgradeVersion, ""), ConfigSetting("DismissedVersion", &g_Config.dismissedVersion, ""), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSetting themeSettings[] = { ConfigSetting("ItemStyleFg", &g_Config.uItemStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemStyleBg", &g_Config.uItemStyleBg, 0x55000000, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemFocusedStyleFg", &g_Config.uItemFocusedStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemFocusedStyleBg", &g_Config.uItemFocusedStyleBg, 0xFFEDC24C, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemDownStyleFg", &g_Config.uItemDownStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemDownStyleBg", &g_Config.uItemDownStyleBg, 0xFFBD9939, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemDisabledStyleFg", &g_Config.uItemDisabledStyleFg, 0x80EEEEEE, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemDisabledStyleBg", &g_Config.uItemDisabledStyleBg, 0x55E0D4AF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemHighlightedStyleFg", &g_Config.uItemHighlightedStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ItemHighlightedStyleBg", &g_Config.uItemHighlightedStyleBg, 0x55BDBB39, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonStyleFg", &g_Config.uButtonStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonStyleBg", &g_Config.uButtonStyleBg, 0x55000000, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonFocusedStyleFg", &g_Config.uButtonFocusedStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonFocusedStyleBg", &g_Config.uButtonFocusedStyleBg, 0xFFEDC24C, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonDownStyleFg", &g_Config.uButtonDownStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonDownStyleBg", &g_Config.uButtonDownStyleBg, 0xFFBD9939, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonDisabledStyleFg", &g_Config.uButtonDisabledStyleFg, 0x80EEEEEE, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonDisabledStyleBg", &g_Config.uButtonDisabledStyleBg, 0x55E0D4AF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonHighlightedStyleFg", &g_Config.uButtonHighlightedStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("ButtonHighlightedStyleBg", &g_Config.uButtonHighlightedStyleBg, 0x55BDBB39, true, false), ConfigSetting("HeaderStyleFg", &g_Config.uHeaderStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("InfoStyleFg", &g_Config.uInfoStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("InfoStyleBg", &g_Config.uInfoStyleBg, 0x00000000U, true, false), ConfigSetting("PopupTitleStyleFg", &g_Config.uPopupTitleStyleFg, 0xFFE3BE59, true, false), ConfigSetting("PopupStyleFg", &g_Config.uPopupStyleFg, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, false), ConfigSetting("PopupStyleBg", &g_Config.uPopupStyleBg, 0xFF303030, true, false), ConfigSetting(false), }; static ConfigSectionSettings sections[] = { {"General", generalSettings}, {"CPU", cpuSettings}, {"Graphics", graphicsSettings}, {"Sound", soundSettings}, {"Control", controlSettings}, {"Network", networkSettings}, {"SystemParam", systemParamSettings}, {"Debugger", debuggerSettings}, {"JIT", jitSettings}, {"Upgrade", upgradeSettings}, {"Theme", themeSettings}, }; static void IterateSettings(IniFile &iniFile, std::function func) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) { Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section); for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) { func(section, setting); } } } Config::Config() { } Config::~Config() { if (bUpdatedInstanceCounter) { ShutdownInstanceCounter(); } } std::map> GetLangValuesMapping() { std::map> langValuesMapping; IniFile mapping; mapping.LoadFromVFS("langregion.ini"); std::vector keys; mapping.GetKeys("LangRegionNames", keys); std::map langCodeMapping; langCodeMapping["JAPANESE"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE; langCodeMapping["ENGLISH"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; langCodeMapping["FRENCH"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_FRENCH; langCodeMapping["SPANISH"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_SPANISH; langCodeMapping["GERMAN"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_GERMAN; langCodeMapping["ITALIAN"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN; langCodeMapping["DUTCH"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_DUTCH; langCodeMapping["PORTUGUESE"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE; langCodeMapping["RUSSIAN"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN; langCodeMapping["KOREAN"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_KOREAN; langCodeMapping["CHINESE_TRADITIONAL"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL; langCodeMapping["CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED"] = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED; Section *langRegionNames = mapping.GetOrCreateSection("LangRegionNames"); Section *systemLanguage = mapping.GetOrCreateSection("SystemLanguage"); for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { std::string langName; langRegionNames->Get(keys[i].c_str(), &langName, "ERROR"); std::string langCode; systemLanguage->Get(keys[i].c_str(), &langCode, "ENGLISH"); int iLangCode = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; if (langCodeMapping.find(langCode) != langCodeMapping.end()) iLangCode = langCodeMapping[langCode]; langValuesMapping[keys[i]] = std::make_pair(langName, iLangCode); } return langValuesMapping; } void Config::Reload() { reload_ = true; Load(); reload_ = false; } // Call this if you change the search path (such as when changing memstick directory. can't // really think of any other legit uses). void Config::UpdateIniLocation(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) { const bool useIniFilename = iniFileName != nullptr && strlen(iniFileName) > 0; iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useIniFilename ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini"); const bool useControllerIniFilename = controllerIniFilename != nullptr && strlen(controllerIniFilename) > 0; controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useControllerIniFilename ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini"); } void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) { if (!bUpdatedInstanceCounter) { InitInstanceCounter(); bUpdatedInstanceCounter = true; } UpdateIniLocation(iniFileName, controllerIniFilename); INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str()); bSaveSettings = true; bShowFrameProfiler = true; IniFile iniFile; if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_.ToString())) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read '%s'. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str()); // Continue anyway to initialize the config. } IterateSettings(iniFile, [](Section *section, ConfigSetting *setting) { setting->Get(section); }); iRunCount++; // This check is probably not really necessary here anyway, you can always // press Home or Browse if you're in a bad directory. if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory)) currentDirectory = defaultCurrentDirectory; Section *log = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(logSectionName); bool debugDefaults = false; #ifdef _DEBUG debugDefaults = true; #endif LogManager::GetInstance()->LoadConfig(log, debugDefaults); Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent"); recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 60); // Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec) // -1 is okay, though. We'll just ignore recent stuff if it is. if (iMaxRecent == 0) iMaxRecent = 60; if (iMaxRecent > 0) { recentIsos.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) { char keyName[64]; std::string fileName; snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i); if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) { recentIsos.push_back(fileName); } } } auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap(); vPinnedPaths.clear(); for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) { // Unpin paths that are deleted automatically. const std::string &path = it->second; if (startsWith(path, "http://") || startsWith(path, "https://") || File::Exists(Path(path))) { vPinnedPaths.push_back(File::ResolvePath(path)); } } auto postShaderSetting = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderSetting")->ToMap(); mPostShaderSetting.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderSetting) { mPostShaderSetting[it.first] = std::stof(it.second); } auto postShaderChain = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderList")->ToMap(); vPostShaderNames.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderChain) { if (it.second != "Off") vPostShaderNames.push_back(it.second); } // This caps the exponent 4 (so 16x.) if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) { iAnisotropyLevel = 4; } if (iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE && iRenderingMode != FB_BUFFERED_MODE) { g_Config.iRenderingMode = FB_BUFFERED_MODE; } // Check for an old dpad setting Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control"); float f; control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f); if (f > 0.0f) { ResetControlLayout(); } const char *gitVer = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION; Version installed(gitVer); Version upgrade(upgradeVersion); const bool versionsValid = installed.IsValid() && upgrade.IsValid(); // Do this regardless of iRunCount to prevent a silly bug where one might use an older // build of PPSSPP, receive an upgrade notice, then start a newer version, and still receive the upgrade notice, // even if said newer version is >= the upgrade found online. if ((dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) || (versionsValid && (installed >= upgrade))) { upgradeMessage = ""; } // Check for new version on every 10 runs. // Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the // splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the // upgrade number in the ini. if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) { const char *versionUrl = "http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json"; const char *acceptMime = "application/json, text/*; q=0.9, */*; q=0.8"; auto dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(versionUrl, Path(), &DownloadCompletedCallback, acceptMime); dl->SetHidden(true); } INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str()); bSaveSettings = true; LoadStandardControllerIni(); //so this is all the way down here to overwrite the controller settings //sadly it won't benefit from all the "version conversion" going on up-above //but these configs shouldn't contain older versions anyhow if (bGameSpecific) { loadGameConfig(gameId_, gameIdTitle_); } CleanRecent(); // Set a default MAC, and correct if it's an old format. if (sMACAddress.length() != 17) sMACAddress = CreateRandMAC(); if (g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip && g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) { g_Config.iRenderingMode = FB_BUFFERED_MODE; } // Override ppsspp.ini JIT value to prevent crashing if (DefaultCpuCore() != (int)CPUCore::JIT && g_Config.iCpuCore == (int)CPUCore::JIT) { jitForcedOff = true; g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::INTERPRETER; } // Automatically silence secondary instances. Could be an option I guess, but meh. if (PPSSPP_ID > 1) { g_Config.iGlobalVolume = 0; } INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Config loaded: '%s'", iniFilename_.c_str()); } bool Config::Save(const char *saveReason) { if (!IsFirstInstance()) { // TODO: Should we allow saving config if started from a different directory? // How do we tell? WARN_LOG(LOADER, "Not saving config - secondary instances don't."); // Don't want to retry or something. return true; } if (jitForcedOff) { // if JIT has been forced off, we don't want to screw up the user's ppsspp.ini g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::JIT; } if (!iniFilename_.empty() && g_Config.bSaveSettings) { saveGameConfig(gameId_, gameIdTitle_); CleanRecent(); IniFile iniFile; if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't read ini '%s'", iniFilename_.c_str()); } // Need to do this somewhere... bFirstRun = false; IterateSettings(iniFile, [&](Section *section, ConfigSetting *setting) { if (!bGameSpecific || !setting->perGame_) { setting->Set(section); } }); Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent"); recent->Set("MaxRecent", iMaxRecent); for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) { char keyName[64]; snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i); if (i < (int)recentIsos.size()) { recent->Set(keyName, recentIsos[i]); } else { recent->Delete(keyName); // delete the nonexisting FileName } } Section *pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths"); pinnedPaths->Clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vPinnedPaths.size(); ++i) { char keyName[64]; snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "Path%d", (int)i); pinnedPaths->Set(keyName, vPinnedPaths[i]); } if (!bGameSpecific) { Section *postShaderSetting = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderSetting"); postShaderSetting->Clear(); for (auto it = mPostShaderSetting.begin(), end = mPostShaderSetting.end(); it != end; ++it) { postShaderSetting->Set(it->first.c_str(), it->second); } Section *postShaderChain = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderList"); postShaderChain->Clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vPostShaderNames.size(); ++i) { char keyName[64]; snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "PostShader%d", (int)i+1); postShaderChain->Set(keyName, vPostShaderNames[i]); } } Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control"); control->Delete("DPadRadius"); Section *log = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(logSectionName); if (LogManager::GetInstance()) LogManager::GetInstance()->SaveConfig(log); if (!iniFile.Save(iniFilename_)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config (%s)- can't write ini '%s'", saveReason, iniFilename_.c_str()); return false; } INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Config saved (%s): '%s'", saveReason, iniFilename_.c_str()); if (!bGameSpecific) //otherwise we already did this in saveGameConfig() { IniFile controllerIniFile; if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving controller config - can't read ini first '%s'", controllerIniFilename_.c_str()); } KeyMap::SaveToIni(controllerIniFile); if (!controllerIniFile.Save(controllerIniFilename_)) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't write ini '%s'", controllerIniFilename_.c_str()); return false; } INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Controller config saved: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str()); } } else { INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Not saving config"); } if (jitForcedOff) { // force JIT off again just in case Config::Save() is called without exiting PPSSPP g_Config.iCpuCore = (int)CPUCore::INTERPRETER; } return true; } // Use for debugging the version check without messing with the server #if 0 #define PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION "v0.0.1-gaaaaaaaaa" #endif void Config::DownloadCompletedCallback(http::Download &download) { if (download.ResultCode() != 200) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to download %s: %d", download.url().c_str(), download.ResultCode()); return; } std::string data; download.buffer().TakeAll(&data); if (data.empty()) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Version check: Empty data from server!"); return; } json::JsonReader reader(data.c_str(), data.size()); const json::JsonGet root = reader.root(); if (!root) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to parse json"); return; } std::string version = root.getString("version", ""); const char *gitVer = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION; Version installed(gitVer); Version upgrade(version); Version dismissed(g_Config.dismissedVersion); if (!installed.IsValid()) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Version check: Local version string invalid. Build problems? %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); return; } if (!upgrade.IsValid()) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Version check: Invalid server version: %s", version.c_str()); return; } if (installed >= upgrade) { INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Version check: Already up to date, erasing any upgrade message"); g_Config.upgradeMessage = ""; g_Config.upgradeVersion = upgrade.ToString(); g_Config.dismissedVersion = ""; return; } if (installed < upgrade && dismissed != upgrade) { g_Config.upgradeMessage = "New version of PPSSPP available!"; g_Config.upgradeVersion = upgrade.ToString(); g_Config.dismissedVersion = ""; } } void Config::DismissUpgrade() { g_Config.dismissedVersion = g_Config.upgradeVersion; } void Config::AddRecent(const std::string &file) { // Don't bother with this if the user disabled recents (it's -1). if (iMaxRecent <= 0) return; // We'll add it back below. This makes sure it's at the front, and only once. RemoveRecent(file); const std::string filename = File::ResolvePath(file); recentIsos.insert(recentIsos.begin(), filename); if ((int)recentIsos.size() > iMaxRecent) recentIsos.resize(iMaxRecent); } void Config::RemoveRecent(const std::string &file) { // Don't bother with this if the user disabled recents (it's -1). if (iMaxRecent <= 0) return; const std::string filename = File::ResolvePath(file); for (auto iter = recentIsos.begin(); iter != recentIsos.end();) { const std::string recent = File::ResolvePath(*iter); if (filename == recent) { // Note that the increment-erase idiom doesn't work with vectors. iter = recentIsos.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } } void Config::CleanRecent() { std::vector cleanedRecent; for (size_t i = 0; i < recentIsos.size(); i++) { FileLoader *loader = ConstructFileLoader(Path(recentIsos[i])); if (loader->ExistsFast()) { // Make sure we don't have any redundant items. auto duplicate = std::find(cleanedRecent.begin(), cleanedRecent.end(), recentIsos[i]); if (duplicate == cleanedRecent.end()) { cleanedRecent.push_back(recentIsos[i]); } } delete loader; } recentIsos = cleanedRecent; } void Config::SetSearchPath(const Path &searchPath) { searchPath_ = searchPath; } const Path Config::FindConfigFile(const std::string &baseFilename) { // Don't search for an absolute path. if (baseFilename.size() > 1 && baseFilename[0] == '/') { return Path(baseFilename); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (baseFilename.size() > 3 && baseFilename[1] == ':' && (baseFilename[2] == '/' || baseFilename[2] == '\\')) { return Path(baseFilename); } #endif Path filename = searchPath_ / baseFilename; if (File::Exists(filename)) { return filename; } // Make sure at least the directory it's supposed to be in exists. Path path = filename.NavigateUp(); // This check is just to avoid logging. if (!File::Exists(path)) { File::CreateFullPath(path); } return filename; } void Config::RestoreDefaults() { if (bGameSpecific) { deleteGameConfig(gameId_); createGameConfig(gameId_); } else { if (File::Exists(iniFilename_)) File::Delete(iniFilename_); recentIsos.clear(); currentDirectory = defaultCurrentDirectory; } Load(); } bool Config::hasGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId) { Path fullIniFilePath = getGameConfigFile(pGameId); return File::Exists(fullIniFilePath); } void Config::changeGameSpecific(const std::string &pGameId, const std::string &title) { if (!reload_) Save("changeGameSpecific"); gameId_ = pGameId; gameIdTitle_ = title; bGameSpecific = !pGameId.empty(); } bool Config::createGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId) { Path fullIniFilePath = getGameConfigFile(pGameId); if (hasGameConfig(pGameId)) { return false; } File::CreateEmptyFile(fullIniFilePath); return true; } bool Config::deleteGameConfig(const std::string& pGameId) { Path fullIniFilePath = Path(getGameConfigFile(pGameId)); File::Delete(fullIniFilePath); return true; } Path Config::getGameConfigFile(const std::string &pGameId) { std::string iniFileName = pGameId + "_ppsspp.ini"; Path iniFileNameFull = FindConfigFile(iniFileName); return iniFileNameFull; } bool Config::saveGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId, const std::string &title) { if (pGameId.empty()) { return false; } Path fullIniFilePath = getGameConfigFile(pGameId); IniFile iniFile; Section *top = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(""); top->AddComment(StringFromFormat("Game config for %s - %s", pGameId.c_str(), title.c_str())); IterateSettings(iniFile, [](Section *section, ConfigSetting *setting) { if (setting->perGame_) { setting->Set(section); } }); Section *postShaderSetting = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderSetting"); postShaderSetting->Clear(); for (auto it = mPostShaderSetting.begin(), end = mPostShaderSetting.end(); it != end; ++it) { postShaderSetting->Set(it->first.c_str(), it->second); } Section *postShaderChain = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderList"); postShaderChain->Clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vPostShaderNames.size(); ++i) { char keyName[64]; snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "PostShader%d", (int)i+1); postShaderChain->Set(keyName, vPostShaderNames[i]); } KeyMap::SaveToIni(iniFile); iniFile.Save(fullIniFilePath.ToString()); return true; } bool Config::loadGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId, const std::string &title) { Path iniFileNameFull = getGameConfigFile(pGameId); if (!hasGameConfig(pGameId)) { DEBUG_LOG(LOADER, "No game-specific settings found in %s. Using global defaults.", iniFileNameFull.c_str()); return false; } changeGameSpecific(pGameId, title); IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(iniFileNameFull.ToString()); auto postShaderSetting = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderSetting")->ToMap(); mPostShaderSetting.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderSetting) { mPostShaderSetting[it.first] = std::stof(it.second); } auto postShaderChain = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderList")->ToMap(); vPostShaderNames.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderChain) { if (it.second != "Off") vPostShaderNames.push_back(it.second); } IterateSettings(iniFile, [](Section *section, ConfigSetting *setting) { if (setting->perGame_) { setting->Get(section); } }); KeyMap::LoadFromIni(iniFile); return true; } void Config::unloadGameConfig() { if (bGameSpecific) { changeGameSpecific(); IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(iniFilename_.ToString()); // Reload game specific settings back to standard. IterateSettings(iniFile, [](Section *section, ConfigSetting *setting) { if (setting->perGame_) { setting->Get(section); } }); auto postShaderSetting = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderSetting")->ToMap(); mPostShaderSetting.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderSetting) { mPostShaderSetting[it.first] = std::stof(it.second); } auto postShaderChain = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PostShaderList")->ToMap(); vPostShaderNames.clear(); for (auto it : postShaderChain) { if (it.second != "Off") vPostShaderNames.push_back(it.second); } LoadStandardControllerIni(); } } void Config::LoadStandardControllerIni() { IniFile controllerIniFile; if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_.ToString())) { ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str()); KeyMap::RestoreDefault(); } else { // Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults. KeyMap::LoadFromIni(controllerIniFile); } } void Config::ResetControlLayout() { auto reset = [](ConfigTouchPos &pos) { pos.x = defaultTouchPosShow.x; pos.y = defaultTouchPosShow.y; pos.scale = defaultTouchPosShow.scale; }; reset(g_Config.touchActionButtonCenter); g_Config.fActionButtonSpacing = 1.0f; reset(g_Config.touchDpad); g_Config.fDpadSpacing = 1.0f; reset(g_Config.touchStartKey); reset(g_Config.touchSelectKey); reset(g_Config.touchFastForwardKey); reset(g_Config.touchLKey); reset(g_Config.touchRKey); reset(g_Config.touchAnalogStick); reset(g_Config.touchRightAnalogStick); reset(g_Config.touchCombo0); reset(g_Config.touchCombo1); reset(g_Config.touchCombo2); reset(g_Config.touchCombo3); reset(g_Config.touchCombo4); reset(g_Config.touchCombo5); reset(g_Config.touchCombo6); reset(g_Config.touchCombo7); reset(g_Config.touchCombo8); reset(g_Config.touchCombo9); } void Config::GetReportingInfo(UrlEncoder &data) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) { const std::string prefix = std::string("config.") + sections[i].section; for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) { setting->Report(data, prefix); } } } bool Config::IsPortrait() const { return (iInternalScreenRotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL || iInternalScreenRotation == ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180) && iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE; }