#include #include #include #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h" #include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "Core/CwCheat.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/ELF/ParamSFO.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h" #include "GPU/Common/PostShader.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "util/text/utf8.h" #endif static int CheatEvent = -1; static CWCheatEngine *cheatEngine; static bool cheatsEnabled; using namespace SceCtrl; void hleCheat(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); static inline std::string TrimString(const std::string &s) { auto wsfront = std::find_if_not(s.begin(), s.end(), [](int c) { // isspace() expects 0 - 255, so convert any sign-extended value. return std::isspace(c & 0xFF); }); auto wsback = std::find_if_not(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int c){ return std::isspace(c & 0xFF); }).base(); return wsback > wsfront ? std::string(wsfront, wsback) : std::string(); } class CheatFileParser { public: CheatFileParser(const std::string &filename, const std::string &gameID = "") { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) file_.open(ConvertUTF8ToWString(filename)); #else file_.open(filename.c_str()); #endif validGameID_ = ReplaceAll(gameID, "-", ""); } bool Parse(); std::vector GetErrors() const { return errors_; } std::vector GetCheats() const { return cheats_; } std::vector GetFileInfo() const { return cheatInfo_; } protected: void Flush(); void FlushCheatInfo(); void AddError(const std::string &msg); void ParseLine(const std::string &line); void ParseDataLine(const std::string &line, CheatCodeFormat format); bool ValidateGameID(const std::string &gameID); std::ifstream file_; std::string validGameID_; int line_ = 0; int games_ = 0; std::vector errors_; std::vector cheatInfo_; std::vector cheats_; std::vector pendingLines_; CheatCodeFormat codeFormat_ = CheatCodeFormat::UNDEFINED; CheatFileInfo lastCheatInfo_; bool gameEnabled_ = true; bool gameRiskyEnabled_ = false; bool cheatEnabled_ = false; }; bool CheatFileParser::Parse() { for (line_ = 1; file_ && !file_.eof(); ++line_) { std::string line; getline(file_, line, '\n'); line = TrimString(line); // Minimum length 5 is shortest possible _ lines name of the game "_G N+" // and a minimum of 1 displayable character in cheat name string "_C0 1" // which both equal to 5 characters. if (line.length() >= 5 && line[0] == '_') { ParseLine(line); } else if (line.length() >= 2 && line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') { // Comment, ignore. } else if (line.length() >= 1 && line[0] == '#') { // Comment, ignore. } else if (line.length() > 0) { errors_.push_back(StringFromFormat("Unrecognized content on line %d: expecting _", line_)); } } Flush(); return errors_.empty(); } void CheatFileParser::Flush() { if (!pendingLines_.empty()) { FlushCheatInfo(); cheats_.push_back({ codeFormat_, pendingLines_ }); pendingLines_.clear(); } codeFormat_ = CheatCodeFormat::UNDEFINED; } void CheatFileParser::FlushCheatInfo() { if (lastCheatInfo_.lineNum != 0) { cheatInfo_.push_back(lastCheatInfo_); lastCheatInfo_ = { 0 }; } } void CheatFileParser::AddError(const std::string &err) { errors_.push_back(StringFromFormat("Error on line %d: %s", line_, err.c_str())); } void CheatFileParser::ParseLine(const std::string &line) { switch (line[1]) { case 'S': // Disc ID, validate (for multi-disc cheat files)? Flush(); ++games_; if (ValidateGameID(line.substr(2))) { if (gameRiskyEnabled_) { // We found the right one, so let's not use this risky stuff. cheats_.clear(); cheatInfo_.clear(); gameRiskyEnabled_ = false; } gameEnabled_ = true; } else if (games_ == 1) { // Old behavior was to ignore. // For BC, let's allow if the game id doesn't match, but there's only one line. gameRiskyEnabled_ = true; gameEnabled_ = true; } else { if (gameRiskyEnabled_) { // There are multiple games here, kill the risky stuff. cheats_.clear(); cheatInfo_.clear(); gameRiskyEnabled_ = false; } gameEnabled_ = false; } return; case 'G': // Game title. return; case 'C': Flush(); // Cheat name and activation status. if (line.length() >= 3 && line[2] >= '1' && line[2] <= '9') { lastCheatInfo_ = { line_, line.length() >= 5 ? line.substr(4) : "", true }; cheatEnabled_ = true; } else if (line.length() >= 3 && line[2] == '0') { lastCheatInfo_ = { line_, line.length() >= 5 ? line.substr(4) : "", false }; cheatEnabled_ = false; } else { AddError("could not parse cheat name line"); cheatEnabled_ = false; return; } return; case 'L': // CwCheat data line. ParseDataLine(line.substr(2), CheatCodeFormat::CWCHEAT); return; case 'M': // TempAR data line. ParseDataLine(line.substr(2), CheatCodeFormat::TEMPAR); return; default: AddError("unknown line type"); return; } } void CheatFileParser::ParseDataLine(const std::string &line, CheatCodeFormat format) { if (codeFormat_ == CheatCodeFormat::UNDEFINED) { codeFormat_ = format; } else if (codeFormat_ != format) { AddError("mixed code format (cwcheat/tempar)"); lastCheatInfo_ = { 0 }; pendingLines_.clear(); cheatEnabled_ = false; } if (!gameEnabled_) { return; } if (!cheatEnabled_) { FlushCheatInfo(); return; } CheatLine cheatLine; int len = 0; if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "%x %x %n", &cheatLine.part1, &cheatLine.part2, &len) == 2) { if ((size_t)len < line.length()) { AddError("junk after line data"); } pendingLines_.push_back(cheatLine); } else { AddError("expecting two values"); } } bool CheatFileParser::ValidateGameID(const std::string &gameID) { return validGameID_.empty() || ReplaceAll(TrimString(gameID), "-", "") == validGameID_; } static void __CheatStop() { if (cheatEngine) { delete cheatEngine; cheatEngine = nullptr; } cheatsEnabled = false; } static void __CheatStart() { __CheatStop(); std::string realGameID = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); std::string gameID = realGameID; const std::string gamePath = PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart; const bool badGameSFO = realGameID.empty() || !g_paramSFO.GetValueInt("DISC_TOTAL"); if (badGameSFO && gamePath.find("/PSP/GAME/") != std::string::npos) { gameID = g_paramSFO.GenerateFakeID(gamePath); } cheatEngine = new CWCheatEngine(gameID); // This only generates ini files on boot, let's leave homebrew ini file for UI. if (!realGameID.empty()) { cheatEngine->CreateCheatFile(); } cheatEngine->ParseCheats(); g_Config.bReloadCheats = false; cheatsEnabled = true; } static int GetRefreshMs() { int refresh = g_Config.iCwCheatRefreshRate; if (!cheatsEnabled) refresh = 1000; // Horrible hack for Tony Hawk - Underground 2. See #3854. Avoids crashing somehow // but still causes regular JIT invalidations which causes stutters. if (PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().JitInvalidationHack) { refresh = 2; } return refresh; } void __CheatInit() { // Always register the event, want savestates to be compatible whether cheats on or off. CheatEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("CheatEvent", &hleCheat); if (g_Config.bEnableCheats) { __CheatStart(); } // Only check once a second for cheats to be enabled. CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(GetRefreshMs()), CheatEvent, 0); } void __CheatShutdown() { __CheatStop(); } void __CheatDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("CwCheat", 0, 2); if (!s) { return; } Do(p, CheatEvent); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(CheatEvent, "CheatEvent", &hleCheat); if (s < 2) { // Before this we didn't have a checkpoint, so reset didn't work. // Let's just force one in. CoreTiming::RemoveEvent(CheatEvent); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(GetRefreshMs()), CheatEvent, 0); } } void hleCheat(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { if (cheatsEnabled != g_Config.bEnableCheats) { // Okay, let's move to the desired state, then. if (g_Config.bEnableCheats) { __CheatStart(); } else { __CheatStop(); } } // Check periodically for cheats. CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(GetRefreshMs()), CheatEvent, 0); if (PSP_CoreParameter().compat.flags().JitInvalidationHack) { std::string gameTitle = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); // Horrible hack for Tony Hawk - Underground 2. See #3854. Avoids crashing somehow // but still causes regular JIT invalidations which causes stutters. if (gameTitle == "ULUS10014") { cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x08865600, 72); cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x08865690, 4); } else if (gameTitle == "ULES00033" || gameTitle == "ULES00034" || gameTitle == "ULES00035") { // euro, also 34 and 35 cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x088655D8, 72); cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x08865668, 4); } else if (gameTitle == "ULUS10138") { // MTX MotoTrax. No hack for ULES00581 known. cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x0886DCC0, 72); cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x0886DC20, 4); cheatEngine->InvalidateICache(0x0886DD40, 4); } } if (!cheatEngine || !cheatsEnabled) return; if (g_Config.bReloadCheats) { //Checks if the "reload cheats" button has been pressed. cheatEngine->ParseCheats(); g_Config.bReloadCheats = false; } cheatEngine->Run(); } CWCheatEngine::CWCheatEngine(const std::string &gameID) : gameID_(gameID) { filename_ = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CHEATS) + gameID_ + ".ini"; } void CWCheatEngine::CreateCheatFile() { File::CreateFullPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CHEATS)); if (!File::Exists(filename_)) { FILE *f = File::OpenCFile(filename_, "wb"); if (f) { fwrite("\xEF\xBB\xBF\n", 1, 4, f); fclose(f); } if (!File::Exists(filename_)) { auto err = GetI18NCategory("Error"); host->NotifyUserMessage(err->T("Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full")); } } } std::string CWCheatEngine::CheatFilename() { return filename_; } void CWCheatEngine::ParseCheats() { CheatFileParser parser(filename_, gameID_); parser.Parse(); // TODO: Report errors. cheats_ = parser.GetCheats(); } u32 CWCheatEngine::GetAddress(u32 value) { // Returns static address used by ppsspp. Some games may not like this, and causes cheats to not work without offset u32 address = (value + 0x08800000) & 0x3FFFFFFF; return address; } std::vector CWCheatEngine::FileInfo() { CheatFileParser parser(filename_, gameID_); parser.Parse(); return parser.GetFileInfo(); } void CWCheatEngine::InvalidateICache(u32 addr, int size) { currentMIPS->InvalidateICache(addr & ~3, size); } enum class CheatOp { Invalid, Noop, Write, Add, Subtract, Or, And, Xor, MultiWrite, CopyBytesFrom, Vibration, VibrationFromMemory, PostShader, PostShaderFromMemory, Delay, Assert, IfEqual, IfNotEqual, IfLess, IfGreater, IfAddrEqual, IfAddrNotEqual, IfAddrLess, IfAddrGreater, IfPressed, IfNotPressed, CwCheatPointerCommands, }; struct CheatOperation { CheatOp op; uint32_t addr; int sz; uint32_t val; union { struct { uint32_t count; uint32_t step; uint32_t add; } multiWrite; struct { uint32_t destAddr; } copyBytesFrom; struct { uint32_t skip; } ifTypes; struct { uint32_t skip; uint32_t compareAddr; } ifAddrTypes; struct { int offset; int baseOffset; int count; int type; } pointerCommands; struct { uint16_t vibrL; uint16_t vibrR; uint8_t vibrLTime; uint8_t vibrRTime; } vibrationValues; struct { union { float f; uint32_t u; } value; uint8_t shader; uint8_t uniform; uint8_t format; } PostShaderUniform; }; }; CheatOperation CWCheatEngine::InterpretNextCwCheat(const CheatCode &cheat, size_t &i) { const CheatLine &line1 = cheat.lines[i++]; const uint32_t &arg = line1.part2; // Filled as needed. u32 addr; int type = line1.part1 >> 28; switch (type) { case 0x0: // Write 8-bit data (up to 4 bytes.) addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (arg & 0xFFFF0000) return { CheatOp::Write, addr, 4, arg }; else if (arg & 0x0000FF00) return { CheatOp::Write, addr, 2, arg }; else return { CheatOp::Write, addr, 1, arg }; case 0x1: // Write 16-bit data. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); return { CheatOp::Write, addr, 2, arg }; case 0x2: // Write 32-bit data. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); return { CheatOp::Write, addr, 4, arg }; case 0x3: // Increment/decrement data. addr = GetAddress(arg & 0x0FFFFFFF); switch ((line1.part1 >> 20) & 0xF) { case 1: return { CheatOp::Add, addr, 1, line1.part1 & 0xFF }; case 2: return { CheatOp::Subtract, addr, 1, line1.part1 & 0xFF }; case 3: return { CheatOp::Add, addr, 2, line1.part1 & 0xFFFF }; case 4: return { CheatOp::Subtract, addr, 2, line1.part1 & 0xFFFF }; case 5: if (i < cheat.lines.size()) return { CheatOp::Add, addr, 4, cheat.lines[i++].part1 }; return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 6: if (i < cheat.lines.size()) return { CheatOp::Subtract, addr, 4, cheat.lines[i++].part1 }; return { CheatOp::Invalid }; default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } break; case 0x4: // 32-bit multi-write patch data. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (i < cheat.lines.size()) { const CheatLine &line2 = cheat.lines[i++]; CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::MultiWrite, addr, 4, line2.part1 }; op.multiWrite.count = arg >> 16; op.multiWrite.step = (arg & 0xFFFF) * 4; op.multiWrite.add = line2.part2; return op; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 0x5: // Memcpy command. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (i < cheat.lines.size()) { const CheatLine &line2 = cheat.lines[i++]; CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::CopyBytesFrom, addr, 0, arg }; op.copyBytesFrom.destAddr = GetAddress(line2.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); return op; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 0x6: // Pointer commands. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (i < cheat.lines.size()) { const CheatLine &line2 = cheat.lines[i++]; int count = (line2.part1 & 0xFFFF) - 1; // Validate lines to process - make sure we stay inside cheat.lines. if (i + count > cheat.lines.size()) return { CheatOp::Invalid }; CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::CwCheatPointerCommands, addr, 0, arg }; op.pointerCommands.offset = (int)line2.part2; // TODO: Verify sign handling. Is this really supposed to sign extend? op.pointerCommands.baseOffset = ((int)line2.part1 >> 20) * 4; op.pointerCommands.count = count; op.pointerCommands.type = (line2.part1 >> 16) & 0xF; return op; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 0x7: // Boolean data operations. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); switch (arg >> 16) { case 0x0000: // 8-bit OR. return { CheatOp::Or, addr, 1, arg & 0xFF }; case 0x0001: // 16-bit OR. return { CheatOp::Or, addr, 2, arg & 0xFFFF }; case 0x0002: // 8-bit AND. return { CheatOp::And, addr, 1, arg & 0xFF }; case 0x0003: // 16-bit AND. return { CheatOp::And, addr, 2, arg & 0xFFFF }; case 0x0004: // 8-bit XOR. return { CheatOp::Xor, addr, 1, arg & 0xFF }; case 0x0005: // 16-bit XOR. return { CheatOp::Xor, addr, 2, arg & 0xFFFF }; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 0x8: // 8-bit or 16-bit multi-write patch data. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (i < cheat.lines.size()) { const CheatLine &line2 = cheat.lines[i++]; const bool is8Bit = (line2.part1 & 0xFFFF0000) == 0; const uint32_t val = is8Bit ? (line2.part1 & 0xFF) : (line2.part1 & 0xFFFF); CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::MultiWrite, addr, is8Bit ? 1 : 2, val }; op.multiWrite.count = arg >> 16; op.multiWrite.step = (arg & 0xFFFF) * (is8Bit ? 1 : 2); op.multiWrite.add = line2.part2; return op; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; case 0xA: // PPSSPP specific cheats switch (line1.part1 >> 24 & 0xF) { case 0x0: // 0x0 sets gamepad vibration by cheat parameters { CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::Vibration }; op.vibrationValues.vibrL = line1.part1 & 0x0000FFFF; op.vibrationValues.vibrR = line1.part2 & 0x0000FFFF; op.vibrationValues.vibrLTime = (line1.part1 >> 16) & 0x000000FF; op.vibrationValues.vibrRTime = (line1.part2 >> 16) & 0x000000FF; return op; } case 0x1: // 0x1 reads value for gamepad vibration from memory addr = line1.part2; return { CheatOp::VibrationFromMemory, addr }; case 0x2: // 0x2 sets postprocessing shader uniform { CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::PostShader }; op.PostShaderUniform.uniform = line1.part1 & 0x000000FF; op.PostShaderUniform.shader = (line1.part1 >> 16) & 0x000000FF; op.PostShaderUniform.value.u = line1.part2; return op; } case 0x3: // 0x3 sets postprocessing shader uniform from memory { addr = line1.part2; CheatOperation op = { CheatOp::PostShaderFromMemory, addr }; op.PostShaderUniform.uniform = line1.part1 & 0x000000FF; op.PostShaderUniform.format = (line1.part1 >> 8) & 0x000000FF; op.PostShaderUniform.shader = (line1.part1 >> 16) & 0x000000FF; return op; } // Place for other PPSSPP specific cheats default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } case 0xB: // Delay command. return { CheatOp::Delay, 0, 0, arg }; case 0xC: // 32-bit equal check / code stopper. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); return { CheatOp::Assert, addr, 4, arg }; case 0xD: // Line skip tests & joker codes. switch (arg >> 28) { case 0x0: // 16-bit next line skip test. case 0x2: // 8-bit next line skip test. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); { const bool is8Bit = (arg >> 28) == 0x2; const uint32_t val = is8Bit ? (arg & 0xFF) : (arg & 0xFFFF); CheatOp opcode; switch ((arg >> 20) & 0xF) { case 0x0: opcode = CheatOp::IfEqual; break; case 0x1: opcode = CheatOp::IfNotEqual; break; case 0x2: opcode = CheatOp::IfLess; break; case 0x3: opcode = CheatOp::IfGreater; break; default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } CheatOperation op = { opcode, addr, is8Bit ? 1 : 2, val }; op.ifTypes.skip = 1; return op; } case 0x1: // Joker code - button pressed. case 0x3: // Inverse joker code - button not pressed. { bool pressed = (arg >> 28) == 0x1; CheatOperation op = { pressed ? CheatOp::IfPressed : CheatOp::IfNotPressed, 0, 0, arg & 0x0FFFFFFF }; op.ifTypes.skip = (line1.part1 & 0xFF) + 1; return op; } case 0x4: // Adress equal test. case 0x5: // Address not equal test. case 0x6: // Address less than test. case 0x7: // Address greater than test. addr = GetAddress(line1.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (i < cheat.lines.size()) { const CheatLine &line2 = cheat.lines[i++]; const int sz = 1 << (line2.part2 & 0xF); CheatOp opcode; switch (arg >> 28) { case 0x4: opcode = CheatOp::IfAddrEqual; break; case 0x5: opcode = CheatOp::IfAddrNotEqual; break; case 0x6: opcode = CheatOp::IfAddrLess; break; case 0x7: opcode = CheatOp::IfAddrGreater; break; default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } CheatOperation op = { opcode, addr, sz, 0 }; op.ifAddrTypes.skip = line2.part1; op.ifAddrTypes.compareAddr = GetAddress(arg & 0x0FFFFFFF); return op; } return { CheatOp::Invalid }; default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } case 0xE: // Multiple line skip tests. addr = GetAddress(arg & 0x0FFFFFFF); { const bool is8Bit = (line1.part1 >> 24) == 0xE1; const uint32_t val = is8Bit ? (line1.part1 & 0xFF) : (line1.part1 & 0xFFFF); CheatOp opcode; switch (arg >> 28) { case 0x0: opcode = CheatOp::IfEqual; break; case 0x1: opcode = CheatOp::IfNotEqual; break; case 0x2: opcode = CheatOp::IfLess; break; case 0x3: opcode = CheatOp::IfGreater; break; default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } CheatOperation op = { opcode, addr, is8Bit ? 1 : 2, val }; op.ifTypes.skip = (line1.part1 >> 16) & (is8Bit ? 0xFF : 0xFFF); return op; } default: return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } } CheatOperation CWCheatEngine::InterpretNextTempAR(const CheatCode &cheat, size_t &i) { // TODO _assert_(false); return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } CheatOperation CWCheatEngine::InterpretNextOp(const CheatCode &cheat, size_t &i) { if (cheat.fmt == CheatCodeFormat::CWCHEAT) return InterpretNextCwCheat(cheat, i); else if (cheat.fmt == CheatCodeFormat::TEMPAR) return InterpretNextTempAR(cheat, i); else _assert_(false); return { CheatOp::Invalid }; } void CWCheatEngine::ApplyMemoryOperator(const CheatOperation &op, uint32_t(*oper)(uint32_t, uint32_t)) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); if (op.sz == 1) Memory::Write_U8((u8)oper(Memory::Read_U8(op.addr), op.val), op.addr); else if (op.sz == 2) Memory::Write_U16((u16)oper(Memory::Read_U16(op.addr), op.val),op. addr); else if (op.sz == 4) Memory::Write_U32((u32)oper(Memory::Read_U32(op.addr), op.val), op.addr); } } bool CWCheatEngine::TestIf(const CheatOperation &op, bool(*oper)(int, int)) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); int memoryValue = 0; if (op.sz == 1) memoryValue = (int)Memory::Read_U8(op.addr); else if (op.sz == 2) memoryValue = (int)Memory::Read_U16(op.addr); else if (op.sz == 4) memoryValue = (int)Memory::Read_U32(op.addr); return oper(memoryValue, (int)op.val); } return false; } bool CWCheatEngine::TestIfAddr(const CheatOperation &op, bool(*oper)(int, int)) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); int memoryValue1 = 0; int memoryValue2 = 0; if (op.sz == 1) { memoryValue1 = (int)Memory::Read_U8(op.addr); memoryValue2 = (int)Memory::Read_U8(op.ifAddrTypes.compareAddr); } else if (op.sz == 2) { memoryValue1 = (int)Memory::Read_U16(op.addr); memoryValue2 = (int)Memory::Read_U16(op.ifAddrTypes.compareAddr); } else if (op.sz == 4) { memoryValue1 = (int)Memory::Read_U32(op.addr); memoryValue2 = (int)Memory::Read_U32(op.ifAddrTypes.compareAddr); } return oper(memoryValue1, memoryValue2); } return false; } void CWCheatEngine::ExecuteOp(const CheatOperation &op, const CheatCode &cheat, size_t &i) { switch (op.op) { case CheatOp::Invalid: i = cheat.lines.size(); break; case CheatOp::Noop: break; case CheatOp::Write: if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); if (op.sz == 1) Memory::Write_U8((u8)op.val, op.addr); else if (op.sz == 2) Memory::Write_U16((u16)op.val, op.addr); else if (op.sz == 4) Memory::Write_U32((u32)op.val, op.addr); } break; case CheatOp::Add: ApplyMemoryOperator(op, [](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a + b; }); break; case CheatOp::Subtract: ApplyMemoryOperator(op, [](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a - b; }); break; case CheatOp::Or: ApplyMemoryOperator(op, [](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a | b; }); break; case CheatOp::And: ApplyMemoryOperator(op, [](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a & b; }); break; case CheatOp::Xor: ApplyMemoryOperator(op, [](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a ^ b; }); break; case CheatOp::MultiWrite: if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, op.multiWrite.count * op.multiWrite.step + op.sz); uint32_t data = op.val; uint32_t addr = op.addr; for (uint32_t a = 0; a < op.multiWrite.count; a++) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { if (op.sz == 1) Memory::Write_U8((u8)data, addr); else if (op.sz == 2) Memory::Write_U16((u16)data, addr); else if (op.sz == 4) Memory::Write_U32((u32)data, addr); } addr += op.multiWrite.step; data += op.multiWrite.add; } } break; case CheatOp::CopyBytesFrom: if (Memory::IsValidRange(op.addr, op.val) && Memory::IsValidRange(op.copyBytesFrom.destAddr, op.val)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, op.val); InvalidateICache(op.copyBytesFrom.destAddr, op.val); Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(op.copyBytesFrom.destAddr, op.addr, op.val); } break; case CheatOp::Vibration: if (op.vibrationValues.vibrL > 0) { SetLeftVibration(op.vibrationValues.vibrL); SetVibrationLeftDropout(op.vibrationValues.vibrLTime); } if (op.vibrationValues.vibrR > 0) { SetRightVibration(op.vibrationValues.vibrR); SetVibrationRightDropout(op.vibrationValues.vibrRTime); } break; case CheatOp::VibrationFromMemory: if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr + 0x4)) { uint16_t checkLeftVibration = Memory::Read_U16(op.addr); uint16_t checkRightVibration = Memory::Read_U16(op.addr + 0x2); if (checkLeftVibration > 0) { SetLeftVibration(checkLeftVibration); SetVibrationLeftDropout(Memory::Read_U8(op.addr + 0x4)); } if (checkRightVibration > 0) { SetRightVibration(checkRightVibration); SetVibrationRightDropout(Memory::Read_U8(op.addr + 0x6)); } } break; case CheatOp::PostShader: { auto shaderChain = GetPostShaderChain(g_Config.sPostShaderName); if (op.PostShaderUniform.shader < shaderChain.size()) { std::string shaderName = shaderChain[op.PostShaderUniform.shader]->section; if (shaderName != "Off") g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[StringFromFormat("%sSettingValue%d", shaderName.c_str(), op.PostShaderUniform.uniform + 1)] = op.PostShaderUniform.value.f; } } break; case CheatOp::PostShaderFromMemory: { auto shaderChain = GetPostShaderChain(g_Config.sPostShaderName); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr) && op.PostShaderUniform.shader < shaderChain.size()) { union { float f; uint32_t u; } value; value.u = Memory::Read_U32(op.addr); std::string shaderName = shaderChain[op.PostShaderUniform.shader]->section; if (shaderName != "Off") { switch (op.PostShaderUniform.format) { case 0: g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[StringFromFormat("%sSettingValue%d", shaderName.c_str(), op.PostShaderUniform.uniform + 1)] = value.u & 0x000000FF; break; case 1: g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[StringFromFormat("%sSettingValue%d", shaderName.c_str(), op.PostShaderUniform.uniform + 1)] = value.u & 0x0000FFFF; break; case 2: g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[StringFromFormat("%sSettingValue%d", shaderName.c_str(), op.PostShaderUniform.uniform + 1)] = value.u; break; case 3: g_Config.mPostShaderSetting[StringFromFormat("%sSettingValue%d", shaderName.c_str(), op.PostShaderUniform.uniform + 1)] = value.f; break; } } } } break; case CheatOp::Delay: // TODO: Not supported. break; case CheatOp::Assert: if (Memory::IsValidAddress(op.addr)) { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); if (Memory::Read_U32(op.addr) != op.val) { i = cheat.lines.size(); } } break; case CheatOp::IfEqual: if (!TestIf(op, [](int a, int b) { return a == b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfNotEqual: if (!TestIf(op, [](int a, int b) { return a != b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfLess: if (!TestIf(op, [](int a, int b) { return a < b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfGreater: if (!TestIf(op, [](int a, int b) { return a > b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfAddrEqual: if (!TestIfAddr(op, [](int a, int b) { return a == b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifAddrTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfAddrNotEqual: if (!TestIfAddr(op, [](int a, int b) { return a != b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifAddrTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfAddrLess: if (!TestIfAddr(op, [](int a, int b) { return a < b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifAddrTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfAddrGreater: if (!TestIfAddr(op, [](int a, int b) { return a > b; })) { i += (size_t)op.ifAddrTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfPressed: // Button Code // SELECT 0x00000001 // START 0x00000008 // DPAD UP 0x00000010 // DPAD RIGHT 0x00000020 // DPAD DOWN 0x00000040 // DPAD LEFT 0x00000080 // L TRIGGER 0x00000100 // R TRIGGER 0x00000200 // TRIANGLE 0x00001000 // CIRCLE 0x00002000 // CROSS 0x00004000 // SQUARE 0x00008000 // HOME 0x00010000 // HOLD 0x00020000 // WLAN 0x00040000 // REMOTE HOLD 0x00080000 // VOLUME UP 0x00100000 // VOLUME DOWN 0x00200000 // SCREEN 0x00400000 // NOTE 0x00800000 if ((__CtrlPeekButtons() & op.val) != op.val) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::IfNotPressed: if ((__CtrlPeekButtons() & op.val) == op.val) { i += (size_t)op.ifTypes.skip; } break; case CheatOp::CwCheatPointerCommands: { InvalidateICache(op.addr + op.pointerCommands.baseOffset, 4); u32 base = Memory::Read_U32(op.addr + op.pointerCommands.baseOffset); u32 val = op.val; int type = op.pointerCommands.type; for (int a = 0; a < op.pointerCommands.count; ++a) { const CheatLine &line = cheat.lines[i++]; switch (line.part1 >> 28) { case 0x1: // type copy byte { InvalidateICache(op.addr, 4); u32 srcAddr = Memory::Read_U32(op.addr) + op.pointerCommands.offset; u32 dstAddr = Memory::Read_U32(op.addr + op.pointerCommands.baseOffset) + (line.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (Memory::IsValidRange(dstAddr, val) && Memory::IsValidRange(srcAddr, val)) { InvalidateICache(dstAddr, val); InvalidateICache(srcAddr, val); Memory::MemcpyUnchecked(dstAddr, srcAddr, val); } // Don't perform any further action. type = -1; } break; case 0x2: case 0x3: // type pointer walk { int walkOffset = (int)line.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF; if ((line.part1 >> 28) == 0x3) { walkOffset = -walkOffset; } InvalidateICache(base + walkOffset, 4); base = Memory::Read_U32(base + walkOffset); switch (line.part2 >> 28) { case 0x2: case 0x3: // type pointer walk walkOffset = line.part2 & 0x0FFFFFFF; if ((line.part2 >> 28) == 0x3) { walkOffset = -walkOffset; } InvalidateICache(base + walkOffset, 4); base = Memory::Read_U32(base + walkOffset); break; default: // Unexpected value in cheat line? break; } } break; case 0x9: // type multi address write base += line.part1 & 0x0FFFFFFF; val += line.part2; break; default: // Unexpected value in cheat line? break; } } switch (type) { case 0: // 8 bit write InvalidateICache(base + op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U8((u8)val, base + op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case 1: // 16-bit write InvalidateICache(base + op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U16((u16)val, base + op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case 2: // 32-bit write InvalidateICache(base + op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U32((u32)val, base + op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case 3: // 8 bit inverse write InvalidateICache(base - op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U8((u8)val, base - op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case 4: // 16-bit inverse write InvalidateICache(base - op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U16((u16)val, base - op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case 5: // 32-bit inverse write InvalidateICache(base - op.pointerCommands.offset, 4); Memory::Write_U32((u32)val, base - op.pointerCommands.offset); break; case -1: // Operation already performed, nothing to do break; } } break; default: _assert_(false); } } void CWCheatEngine::Run() { for (CheatCode cheat : cheats_) { // InterpretNextOp and ExecuteOp move i. for (size_t i = 0; i < cheat.lines.size(); ) { CheatOperation op = InterpretNextOp(cheat, i); ExecuteOp(op, cheat, i); } } } bool CWCheatEngine::HasCheats() { return !cheats_.empty(); } bool CheatsInEffect() { if (!cheatEngine || !cheatsEnabled) return false; return cheatEngine->HasCheats(); }