// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include #include #include "Common/Math/expression_parser.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "GPU/GPU.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" struct GPUDebugOp { u32 pc; u8 cmd; u32 op; std::string desc; }; enum GPUDebugBufferFormat { // These match GEBufferFormat. GPU_DBG_FORMAT_565 = 0, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_5551 = 1, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_4444 = 2, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8888 = 3, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_INVALID = 0xFF, // These are reversed versions. GPU_DBG_FORMAT_REVERSE_FLAG = 4, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_565_REV = 4, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_5551_REV = 5, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_4444_REV = 6, // 565 is just reversed, the others have B and R swapped. GPU_DBG_FORMAT_565_BGRA = 0x04, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_BRSWAP_FLAG = 0x08, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_5551_BGRA = 0x09, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_4444_BGRA = 0x0A, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8888_BGRA = 0x0B, // These don't, they're for depth/stencil buffers. GPU_DBG_FORMAT_FLOAT = 0x10, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_16BIT = 0x11, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8BIT = 0x12, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_24BIT_8X = 0x13, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_24X_8BIT = 0x14, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_FLOAT_DIV_256 = 0x18, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_24BIT_8X_DIV_256 = 0x1B, // This is used for screenshots, mainly. GPU_DBG_FORMAT_888_RGB = 0x20, }; enum GPUDebugFramebufferType { // The current render target. GPU_DBG_FRAMEBUF_RENDER, // The current display target (not the displayed screen, though.) GPU_DBG_FRAMEBUF_DISPLAY, }; inline GPUDebugBufferFormat &operator |=(GPUDebugBufferFormat &lhs, const GPUDebugBufferFormat &rhs) { lhs = GPUDebugBufferFormat((int)lhs | (int)rhs); return lhs; } struct GPUDebugBuffer { GPUDebugBuffer() { } GPUDebugBuffer(void *data, u32 stride, u32 height, GEBufferFormat fmt, bool reversed = false) : alloc_(false), data_((u8 *)data), stride_(stride), height_(height), fmt_(GPUDebugBufferFormat(fmt)), flipped_(false) { if (reversed && fmt_ < GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8888) { fmt_ |= GPU_DBG_FORMAT_REVERSE_FLAG; } } GPUDebugBuffer(void *data, u32 stride, u32 height, GETextureFormat fmt, bool reversed = false) : alloc_(false), data_((u8 *)data), stride_(stride), height_(height), fmt_(GPUDebugBufferFormat(fmt)), flipped_(false) { if (reversed && fmt_ < GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8888) { fmt_ |= GPU_DBG_FORMAT_REVERSE_FLAG; } } GPUDebugBuffer(void *data, u32 stride, u32 height, GPUDebugBufferFormat fmt) : alloc_(false), data_((u8 *)data), stride_(stride), height_(height), fmt_(fmt), flipped_(false) { } GPUDebugBuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &&other) noexcept { alloc_ = other.alloc_; data_ = other.data_; height_ = other.height_; stride_ = other.stride_; flipped_ = other.flipped_; fmt_ = other.fmt_; other.alloc_ = false; other.data_ = nullptr; } ~GPUDebugBuffer() { Free(); } GPUDebugBuffer &operator = (GPUDebugBuffer &&other) noexcept { if (this != &other) { Free(); alloc_ = other.alloc_; data_ = other.data_; height_ = other.height_; stride_ = other.stride_; flipped_ = other.flipped_; fmt_ = other.fmt_; other.alloc_ = false; other.data_ = nullptr; } return *this; } void Allocate(u32 stride, u32 height, GEBufferFormat fmt, bool flipped = false, bool reversed = false); void Allocate(u32 stride, u32 height, GPUDebugBufferFormat fmt, bool flipped = false); void Free(); void ZeroBytes(); u8 *GetData() { return data_; } u32 GetRawPixel(int x, int y) const; void SetRawPixel(int x, int y, u32 c); const u8 *GetData() const { return data_; } u32 GetHeight() const { return height_; } u32 GetStride() const { return stride_; } bool GetFlipped() const { return flipped_; } GPUDebugBufferFormat GetFormat() const { return fmt_; } u32 PixelSize() const; private: bool alloc_ = false; u8 *data_ = nullptr; u32 stride_ = 0; u32 height_ = 0; GPUDebugBufferFormat fmt_ = GPU_DBG_FORMAT_INVALID; bool flipped_ = false; }; struct GPUDebugVertex { float u; float v; float x; float y; float z; u8 c[4]; float nx; float ny; float nz; }; class GPUDebugInterface { public: virtual ~GPUDebugInterface() {} virtual bool GetCurrentDisplayList(DisplayList &list) = 0; virtual std::vector ActiveDisplayLists() = 0; virtual void ResetListPC(int listID, u32 pc) = 0; virtual void ResetListStall(int listID, u32 stall) = 0; virtual void ResetListState(int listID, DisplayListState state) = 0; GPUDebugOp DissassembleOp(u32 pc) { return DissassembleOp(pc, Memory::Read_U32(pc)); } virtual GPUDebugOp DissassembleOp(u32 pc, u32 op) = 0; virtual std::vector DissassembleOpRange(u32 startpc, u32 endpc) = 0; // Enter/exit stepping mode. Mainly for better debug stats on time taken. virtual void NotifySteppingEnter() = 0; virtual void NotifySteppingExit() = 0; virtual u32 GetRelativeAddress(u32 data) = 0; virtual u32 GetVertexAddress() = 0; virtual u32 GetIndexAddress() = 0; virtual GPUgstate GetGState() = 0; // Needs to be called from the GPU thread. // Calling from a separate thread (e.g. UI) may fail. virtual void SetCmdValue(u32 op) = 0; virtual void DispatchFlush() = 0; virtual uint32_t SetAddrTranslation(uint32_t value) = 0; virtual uint32_t GetAddrTranslation() = 0; virtual bool GetCurrentSimpleVertices(int count, std::vector &vertices, std::vector &indices) { return false; } // Needs to be called from the GPU thread, so on the same thread as a notification is fine. // Calling from a separate thread (e.g. UI) may fail. virtual bool GetCurrentFramebuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer, GPUDebugFramebufferType type, int maxRes = -1) { // False means unsupported. return false; } // Similar to GetCurrentFramebuffer(). virtual bool GetCurrentDepthbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { return false; } // Similar to GetCurrentFramebuffer(). virtual bool GetCurrentStencilbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { return false; } // Similar to GetCurrentFramebuffer(), with texture level specification. virtual bool GetCurrentTexture(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer, int level, bool *isFramebuffer) { return false; } virtual bool GetCurrentClut(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { return false; } virtual bool GetOutputFramebuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { return false; } }; bool GPUDebugInitExpression(GPUDebugInterface *g, const char *str, PostfixExpression &exp); bool GPUDebugExecExpression(GPUDebugInterface *g, PostfixExpression &exp, uint32_t &result); bool GPUDebugExecExpression(GPUDebugInterface *g, const char *str, uint32_t &result);