// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h" #include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/VirtualDiscFileSystem.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/ISOFileSystem.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "file/zip_read.h" #include "util/text/utf8.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "Common/CommonWindows.h" #include #else #include #include #include #include #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #include #endif #endif const std::string INDEX_FILENAME = ".ppsspp-index.lst"; VirtualDiscFileSystem::VirtualDiscFileSystem(IHandleAllocator *_hAlloc, std::string _basePath) : basePath(_basePath),currentBlockIndex(0) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!endsWith(basePath, "\\") && !endsWith(basePath, "/")) basePath = basePath + "\\"; #else if (!endsWith(basePath, "/")) basePath = basePath + "/"; #endif hAlloc = _hAlloc; LoadFileListIndex(); } VirtualDiscFileSystem::~VirtualDiscFileSystem() { for (auto iter = entries.begin(), end = entries.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { if (iter->second.type != VFILETYPE_ISO) { iter->second.Close(); } } for (auto iter = handlers.begin(), end = handlers.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { delete iter->second; } } void VirtualDiscFileSystem::LoadFileListIndex() { const std::string filename = basePath + INDEX_FILENAME; if (!File::Exists(filename)) { return; } std::ifstream in; in.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (in.fail()) { return; } std::string buf; static const int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 1024; while (!in.eof()) { buf.resize(MAX_LINE_SIZE, '\0'); in.getline(&buf[0], MAX_LINE_SIZE); std::string line = buf.data(); // Ignore any UTF-8 BOM. if (line.substr(0, 3) == "\xEF\xBB\xBF") { line = line.substr(3); } if (line.empty() || line[0] == ';') { continue; } FileListEntry entry = {""}; // Syntax: HEXPOS filename or HEXPOS filename:handler size_t filename_pos = line.find(' '); if (filename_pos == line.npos) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unexpected line in %s: %s", INDEX_FILENAME.c_str(), line.c_str()); continue; } filename_pos++; // Strip any slash prefix. while (filename_pos < line.length() && line[filename_pos] == '/') { filename_pos++; } // Check if there's a handler specified. size_t handler_pos = line.find(':', filename_pos); if (handler_pos != line.npos) { entry.fileName = line.substr(filename_pos, handler_pos - filename_pos); std::string handler = line.substr(handler_pos + 1); size_t trunc = handler.find_last_not_of("\r\n"); if (trunc != handler.npos && trunc != handler.size()) handler.resize(trunc + 1); if (handlers.find(handler) == handlers.end()) handlers[handler] = new Handler(handler.c_str(), this); if (handlers[handler]->IsValid()) entry.handler = handlers[handler]; } else { entry.fileName = line.substr(filename_pos); } size_t trunc = entry.fileName.find_last_not_of("\r\n"); if (trunc != entry.fileName.npos && trunc != entry.fileName.size()) entry.fileName.resize(trunc + 1); entry.firstBlock = strtol(line.c_str(), NULL, 16); if (entry.handler != NULL && entry.handler->IsValid()) { HandlerFileHandle temp = entry.handler; if (temp.Open(basePath, entry.fileName, FILEACCESS_READ)) { entry.totalSize = (u32)temp.Seek(0, FILEMOVE_END); temp.Close(); } else { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to open virtual file: %s", entry.fileName.c_str()); } } else { entry.totalSize = File::GetFileSize(GetLocalPath(entry.fileName)); } // Try to keep currentBlockIndex sane, in case there are other files. u32 nextBlock = entry.firstBlock + (entry.totalSize + 2047) / 2048; if (nextBlock > currentBlockIndex) { currentBlockIndex = nextBlock; } fileList.push_back(entry); } in.close(); } void VirtualDiscFileSystem::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("VirtualDiscFileSystem", 1, 2); if (!s) return; int fileListSize = (int)fileList.size(); int entryCount = (int)entries.size(); Do(p, fileListSize); Do(p, entryCount); Do(p, currentBlockIndex); FileListEntry dummy = {""}; fileList.resize(fileListSize, dummy); for (int i = 0; i < fileListSize; i++) { Do(p, fileList[i].fileName); Do(p, fileList[i].firstBlock); Do(p, fileList[i].totalSize); } if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { entries.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { u32 fd = 0; OpenFileEntry of; Do(p, fd); Do(p, of.fileIndex); Do(p, of.type); Do(p, of.curOffset); Do(p, of.startOffset); Do(p, of.size); // open file if (of.type != VFILETYPE_ISO) { if (fileList[of.fileIndex].handler != NULL) { of.handler = fileList[of.fileIndex].handler; } bool success = of.Open(basePath, fileList[of.fileIndex].fileName, FILEACCESS_READ); if (!success) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Failed to create file handle for %s.", fileList[of.fileIndex].fileName.c_str()); } else { if (of.type == VFILETYPE_LBN) { of.Seek(of.curOffset + of.startOffset, FILEMOVE_BEGIN); } else { of.Seek(of.curOffset, FILEMOVE_BEGIN); } } } entries[fd] = of; } } else { for (EntryMap::iterator it = entries.begin(), end = entries.end(); it != end; ++it) { OpenFileEntry &of = it->second; Do(p, it->first); Do(p, of.fileIndex); Do(p, of.type); Do(p, of.curOffset); Do(p, of.startOffset); Do(p, of.size); } } if (s >= 2) { Do(p, lastReadBlock_); } else { lastReadBlock_ = 0; } // We don't savestate handlers (loaded on fs load), but if they change, it may not load properly. } std::string VirtualDiscFileSystem::GetLocalPath(std::string localpath) { if (localpath.empty()) return basePath; if (localpath[0] == '/') localpath.erase(0,1); //Convert slashes #ifdef _WIN32 for (size_t i = 0; i < localpath.size(); i++) { if (localpath[i] == '/') localpath[i] = '\\'; } #endif return basePath + localpath; } int VirtualDiscFileSystem::getFileListIndex(std::string &fileName) { std::string normalized; if (fileName.length() >= 1 && fileName[0] == '/') { normalized = fileName.substr(1); } else { normalized = fileName; } for (size_t i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) { if (fileList[i].fileName == normalized) return (int)i; } // unknown file - add it std::string fullName = GetLocalPath(fileName); if (! File::Exists(fullName)) { #if HOST_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE if (! FixPathCase(basePath,fileName, FPC_FILE_MUST_EXIST)) return -1; fullName = GetLocalPath(fileName); if (! File::Exists(fullName)) return -1; #else return -1; #endif } FileType type = File::IsDirectory(fullName) ? FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : FILETYPE_NORMAL; if (type == FILETYPE_DIRECTORY) return -1; FileListEntry entry = {""}; entry.fileName = normalized; entry.totalSize = File::GetFileSize(fullName); entry.firstBlock = currentBlockIndex; currentBlockIndex += (entry.totalSize+2047)/2048; fileList.push_back(entry); return (int)fileList.size()-1; } int VirtualDiscFileSystem::getFileListIndex(u32 accessBlock, u32 accessSize, bool blockMode) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) { if (fileList[i].firstBlock <= accessBlock) { u32 sectorOffset = (accessBlock-fileList[i].firstBlock)*2048; u32 totalFileSize = blockMode ? (fileList[i].totalSize+2047) & ~2047 : fileList[i].totalSize; u32 endOffset = sectorOffset+accessSize; if (endOffset <= totalFileSize) { return (int)i; } } } return -1; } int VirtualDiscFileSystem::OpenFile(std::string filename, FileAccess access, const char *devicename) { OpenFileEntry entry; entry.curOffset = 0; entry.size = 0; entry.startOffset = 0; if (filename == "") { entry.type = VFILETYPE_ISO; entry.fileIndex = -1; u32 newHandle = hAlloc->GetNewHandle(); entries[newHandle] = entry; return newHandle; } if (filename.compare(0,8,"/sce_lbn") == 0) { u32 sectorStart = 0xFFFFFFFF, readSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; parseLBN(filename, §orStart, &readSize); entry.type = VFILETYPE_LBN; entry.size = readSize; int fileIndex = getFileListIndex(sectorStart,readSize); if (fileIndex == -1) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem: sce_lbn used without calling fileinfo."); return 0; } entry.fileIndex = (u32)fileIndex; entry.startOffset = (sectorStart-fileList[entry.fileIndex].firstBlock)*2048; // now we just need an actual file handle if (fileList[entry.fileIndex].handler != NULL) { entry.handler = fileList[entry.fileIndex].handler; } bool success = entry.Open(basePath, fileList[entry.fileIndex].fileName, FILEACCESS_READ); if (!success) { #ifdef _WIN32 ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem::OpenFile: FAILED, %i", GetLastError()); #else ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem::OpenFile: FAILED"); #endif return 0; } // seek to start entry.Seek(entry.startOffset, FILEMOVE_BEGIN); u32 newHandle = hAlloc->GetNewHandle(); entries[newHandle] = entry; return newHandle; } entry.type = VFILETYPE_NORMAL; entry.fileIndex = getFileListIndex(filename); if (entry.fileIndex != (u32)-1 && fileList[entry.fileIndex].handler != NULL) { entry.handler = fileList[entry.fileIndex].handler; } bool success = entry.Open(basePath, filename, access); if (!success) { #ifdef _WIN32 ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem::OpenFile: FAILED, %i - access = %i", GetLastError(), (int)access); #else ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem::OpenFile: FAILED, access = %i", (int)access); #endif //wwwwaaaaahh!! return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else { u32 newHandle = hAlloc->GetNewHandle(); entries[newHandle] = entry; return newHandle; } } size_t VirtualDiscFileSystem::SeekFile(u32 handle, s32 position, FileMove type) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { auto &entry = iter->second; switch (entry.type) { case VFILETYPE_NORMAL: { return entry.Seek(position, type); } case VFILETYPE_LBN: { switch (type) { case FILEMOVE_BEGIN: entry.curOffset = position; break; case FILEMOVE_CURRENT: entry.curOffset += position; break; case FILEMOVE_END: entry.curOffset = entry.size + position; break; } u32 off = entry.startOffset + entry.curOffset; entry.Seek(off, FILEMOVE_BEGIN); return entry.curOffset; } case VFILETYPE_ISO: { switch (type) { case FILEMOVE_BEGIN: entry.curOffset = position; break; case FILEMOVE_CURRENT: entry.curOffset += position; break; case FILEMOVE_END: entry.curOffset = currentBlockIndex + position; break; } return entry.curOffset; } } return 0; } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot seek in file that hasn't been opened: %08x", handle); return 0; } } size_t VirtualDiscFileSystem::ReadFile(u32 handle, u8 *pointer, s64 size) { int ignored; return ReadFile(handle, pointer, size, ignored); } size_t VirtualDiscFileSystem::ReadFile(u32 handle, u8 *pointer, s64 size, int &usec) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { if (size < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(FILESYS, "Invalid read for %lld bytes from virtual umd", size); return 0; } // it's the whole iso... it could reference any of the files on the disc. // For now let's just open and close the files on demand. Can certainly be done // better though if (iter->second.type == VFILETYPE_ISO) { int fileIndex = getFileListIndex(iter->second.curOffset,size*2048,true); if (fileIndex == -1) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Reading from unknown address in %08x at %08llx", handle, iter->second.curOffset); return 0; } OpenFileEntry temp; if (fileList[fileIndex].handler != NULL) { temp.handler = fileList[fileIndex].handler; } bool success = temp.Open(basePath, fileList[fileIndex].fileName, FILEACCESS_READ); if (!success) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Error opening file %s", fileList[fileIndex].fileName.c_str()); return 0; } u32 startOffset = (iter->second.curOffset-fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock)*2048; size_t bytesRead; temp.Seek(startOffset, FILEMOVE_BEGIN); u32 remainingSize = fileList[fileIndex].totalSize-startOffset; if (remainingSize < size * 2048) { // the file doesn't fill the whole last sector // read what's there and zero fill the rest like on a real disc bytesRead = temp.Read(pointer, remainingSize); memset(&pointer[bytesRead], 0, size * 2048 - bytesRead); } else { bytesRead = temp.Read(pointer, size * 2048); } temp.Close(); iter->second.curOffset += size; // TODO: This probably isn't enough... if (abs((int)lastReadBlock_ - (int)iter->second.curOffset) > 100) { // This is an estimate, sometimes it takes 1+ seconds, but it definitely takes time. usec = 100000; } lastReadBlock_ = iter->second.curOffset; return size; } if (iter->second.type == VFILETYPE_LBN && iter->second.curOffset + size > iter->second.size) { // Clamp to the remaining size, but read what we can. const s64 newSize = iter->second.size - iter->second.curOffset; WARN_LOG(FILESYS, "VirtualDiscFileSystem: Reading beyond end of file, clamping size %lld to %lld", size, newSize); size = newSize; } size_t bytesRead = iter->second.Read(pointer, size); iter->second.curOffset += bytesRead; return bytesRead; } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot read file that hasn't been opened: %08x", handle); return 0; } } void VirtualDiscFileSystem::CloseFile(u32 handle) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { hAlloc->FreeHandle(handle); iter->second.Close(); entries.erase(iter); } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot close file that hasn't been opened: %08x", handle); } } bool VirtualDiscFileSystem::OwnsHandle(u32 handle) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); return (iter != entries.end()); } int VirtualDiscFileSystem::Ioctl(u32 handle, u32 cmd, u32 indataPtr, u32 inlen, u32 outdataPtr, u32 outlen, int &usec) { // TODO: How to support these? return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } PSPDevType VirtualDiscFileSystem::DevType(u32 handle) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); PSPDevType type = iter->second.type == VFILETYPE_ISO ? PSPDevType::BLOCK : PSPDevType::FILE; if (iter->second.type == VFILETYPE_LBN) type |= PSPDevType::EMU_LBN; return type; } PSPFileInfo VirtualDiscFileSystem::GetFileInfo(std::string filename) { PSPFileInfo x; x.name = filename; x.access = FILEACCESS_READ; if (filename.compare(0,8,"/sce_lbn") == 0) { u32 sectorStart = 0xFFFFFFFF, readSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; parseLBN(filename, §orStart, &readSize); PSPFileInfo fileInfo; fileInfo.name = filename; fileInfo.exists = true; fileInfo.type = FILETYPE_NORMAL; fileInfo.size = readSize; fileInfo.access = 0444; fileInfo.startSector = sectorStart; fileInfo.isOnSectorSystem = true; fileInfo.numSectors = (readSize + 2047) / 2048; return fileInfo; } int fileIndex = getFileListIndex(filename); if (fileIndex != -1 && fileList[fileIndex].handler != NULL) { x.type = FILETYPE_NORMAL; x.isOnSectorSystem = true; x.startSector = fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock; x.access = 0555; HandlerFileHandle temp = fileList[fileIndex].handler; if (temp.Open(basePath, filename, FILEACCESS_READ)) { x.exists = true; x.size = temp.Seek(0, FILEMOVE_END); temp.Close(); } // TODO: Probably should include dates or something... return x; } std::string fullName = GetLocalPath(filename); if (! File::Exists(fullName)) { #if HOST_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE if (! FixPathCase(basePath,filename, FPC_FILE_MUST_EXIST)) return x; fullName = GetLocalPath(filename); if (! File::Exists(fullName)) return x; #else return x; #endif } x.type = File::IsDirectory(fullName) ? FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : FILETYPE_NORMAL; x.exists = true; x.access = 0555; if (fileIndex != -1) { x.isOnSectorSystem = true; x.startSector = fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock; } if (x.type != FILETYPE_DIRECTORY) { File::FileDetails details; if (!File::GetFileDetails(fullName, &details)) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "DirectoryFileSystem::GetFileInfo: GetFileDetails failed: %s", fullName.c_str()); x.size = 0; x.access = 0; } else { x.size = details.size; time_t atime = details.atime; time_t ctime = details.ctime; time_t mtime = details.mtime; localtime_r((time_t*)&atime, &x.atime); localtime_r((time_t*)&ctime, &x.ctime); localtime_r((time_t*)&mtime, &x.mtime); } x.startSector = fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock; x.numSectors = (x.size+2047)/2048; } return x; } bool VirtualDiscFileSystem::GetHostPath(const std::string &inpath, std::string &outpath) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Retrieving host path"); return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 #define FILETIME_FROM_UNIX_EPOCH_US 11644473600000000ULL static void tmFromFiletime(tm &dest, FILETIME &src) { u64 from_1601_us = (((u64) src.dwHighDateTime << 32ULL) + (u64) src.dwLowDateTime) / 10ULL; u64 from_1970_us = from_1601_us - FILETIME_FROM_UNIX_EPOCH_US; time_t t = (time_t) (from_1970_us / 1000000UL); localtime_r(&t, &dest); } #endif std::vector VirtualDiscFileSystem::GetDirListing(std::string path) { std::vector myVector; #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE hFind; // TODO: Handler files that are virtual might not be listed. std::string w32path = GetLocalPath(path) + "\\*.*"; hFind = FindFirstFileEx(ConvertUTF8ToWString(w32path).c_str(), FindExInfoStandard, &findData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return myVector; //the empty list } for (BOOL retval = 1; retval; retval = FindNextFile(hFind, &findData)) { if (!wcscmp(findData.cFileName, L"..") || !wcscmp(findData.cFileName, L".")) { continue; } PSPFileInfo entry; if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { entry.type = FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; } else { entry.type = FILETYPE_NORMAL; } entry.access = 0555; entry.size = findData.nFileSizeLow | ((u64)findData.nFileSizeHigh<<32); entry.name = ConvertWStringToUTF8(findData.cFileName); tmFromFiletime(entry.atime, findData.ftLastAccessTime); tmFromFiletime(entry.ctime, findData.ftCreationTime); tmFromFiletime(entry.mtime, findData.ftLastWriteTime); entry.isOnSectorSystem = true; std::string fullRelativePath = path + "/" + entry.name; int fileIndex = getFileListIndex(fullRelativePath); if (fileIndex != -1) entry.startSector = fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock; myVector.push_back(entry); } FindClose(hFind); #else dirent *dirp; std::string localPath = GetLocalPath(path); DIR *dp = opendir(localPath.c_str()); #if HOST_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE if(dp == NULL && FixPathCase(basePath,path, FPC_FILE_MUST_EXIST)) { // May have failed due to case sensitivity, try again localPath = GetLocalPath(path); dp = opendir(localPath.c_str()); } #endif if (dp == NULL) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"Error opening directory %s\n", path.c_str()); return myVector; } while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".")) { continue; } PSPFileInfo entry; struct stat s; std::string fullName = GetLocalPath(path) + "/"+dirp->d_name; stat(fullName.c_str(), &s); if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) entry.type = FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; else entry.type = FILETYPE_NORMAL; entry.access = 0555; entry.name = dirp->d_name; entry.size = s.st_size; localtime_r((time_t*)&s.st_atime,&entry.atime); localtime_r((time_t*)&s.st_ctime,&entry.ctime); localtime_r((time_t*)&s.st_mtime,&entry.mtime); entry.isOnSectorSystem = true; std::string fullRelativePath = path + "/" + entry.name; int fileIndex = getFileListIndex(fullRelativePath); if (fileIndex != -1) entry.startSector = fileList[fileIndex].firstBlock; myVector.push_back(entry); } closedir(dp); #endif return myVector; } size_t VirtualDiscFileSystem::WriteFile(u32 handle, const u8 *pointer, s64 size) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot write to file on virtual disc"); return 0; } size_t VirtualDiscFileSystem::WriteFile(u32 handle, const u8 *pointer, s64 size, int &usec) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot write to file on virtual disc"); return 0; } bool VirtualDiscFileSystem::MkDir(const std::string &dirname) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot create directory on virtual disc"); return false; } bool VirtualDiscFileSystem::RmDir(const std::string &dirname) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot remove directory on virtual disc"); return false; } int VirtualDiscFileSystem::RenameFile(const std::string &from, const std::string &to) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot rename file on virtual disc"); return -1; } bool VirtualDiscFileSystem::RemoveFile(const std::string &filename) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"VirtualDiscFileSystem: Cannot remove file on virtual disc"); return false; } void VirtualDiscFileSystem::HandlerLogger(void *arg, HandlerHandle handle, LogTypes::LOG_LEVELS level, const char *msg) { VirtualDiscFileSystem *sys = static_cast(arg); // TODO: Probably could do this smarter / use a lookup. const char *filename = NULL; for (auto it = sys->entries.begin(), end = sys->entries.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (it->second.fileIndex != (u32)-1 && it->second.handler.handle == handle) { filename = sys->fileList[it->second.fileIndex].fileName.c_str(); break; } } if (filename != NULL) { GENERIC_LOG(LogTypes::FILESYS, level, "%s: %s", filename, msg); } else { GENERIC_LOG(LogTypes::FILESYS, level, "%s", msg); } } VirtualDiscFileSystem::Handler::Handler(const char *filename, VirtualDiscFileSystem *const sys) { #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #ifdef _WIN32 #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) #define dlopen(name, ignore) (void *)LoadPackagedLibrary(ConvertUTF8ToWString(name).c_str(), 0) #define dlsym(mod, name) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)mod, name) #define dlclose(mod) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)mod) #else #define dlopen(name, ignore) (void *)LoadLibrary(ConvertUTF8ToWString(name).c_str()) #define dlsym(mod, name) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)mod, name) #define dlclose(mod) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)mod) #endif #endif library = dlopen(filename, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW); if (library != NULL) { Init = (InitFunc)dlsym(library, "Init"); Shutdown = (ShutdownFunc)dlsym(library, "Shutdown"); Open = (OpenFunc)dlsym(library, "Open"); Seek = (SeekFunc)dlsym(library, "Seek"); Read = (ReadFunc)dlsym(library, "Read"); Close = (CloseFunc)dlsym(library, "Close"); if (Init == NULL || Shutdown == NULL || Open == NULL || Seek == NULL || Read == NULL || Close == NULL) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to find all handler functions: %s", filename); dlclose(library); library = NULL; } else if (!Init(&HandlerLogger, sys)) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to initialize handler: %s", filename); dlclose(library); library = NULL; } } else { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to load handler: %s", filename); } #ifdef _WIN32 #undef dlopen #undef dlsym #undef dlclose #endif #endif } VirtualDiscFileSystem::Handler::~Handler() { if (library != NULL) { Shutdown(); #if !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(SWITCH) #ifdef _WIN32 FreeLibrary((HMODULE)library); #else dlclose(library); #endif #endif } }