#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/System/NativeApp.h" #include "ConsoleListener.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Qt/QtMain.h" extern bool g_TakeScreenshot; class MenuAction; class MenuTree; enum { FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE = 0, FB_BUFFERED_MODE = 1, }; // hacky, should probably use qt signals or something, but whatever.. enum class MainWindowMsg { BOOT_DONE, WINDOW_TITLE_CHANGED, }; class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool fullscreen = false); ~MainWindow() { }; CoreState GetNextState() { return nextState; } void updateMenuGroupInt(QActionGroup *group, int value); void updateMenus(); void Notify(MainWindowMsg msg) { std::unique_lock lock(msgMutex_); msgQueue_.push(msg); } void SetWindowTitleAsync(std::string title) { std::unique_lock lock(titleMutex_); newWindowTitle_ = title; Notify(MainWindowMsg::WINDOW_TITLE_CHANGED); } protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QMainWindow::changeEvent(e); // Does not work on Linux for Qt5.2 or Qt5.3 (Qt bug) if(e->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) Core_NotifyWindowHidden(isMinimized()); } void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) { exitAct(); } signals: void retranslate(); void updateMenu(); public slots: void newFrame(); private slots: // File void loadAct(); void closeAct(); void openmsAct(); void saveStateGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot = action->data().toInt(); } void qlstateAct(); void qsstateAct(); void lstateAct(); void sstateAct(); void recordDisplayAct(); void useLosslessVideoCodecAct(); void useOutputBufferAct(); void recordAudioAct(); void exitAct(); // Emulation void runAct(); void pauseAct(); void stopAct(); void resetAct(); void switchUMDAct(); void displayRotationGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation = action->data().toInt(); } // Debug void breakonloadAct(); void ignoreIllegalAct() { g_Config.bIgnoreBadMemAccess = !g_Config.bIgnoreBadMemAccess; } void lmapAct(); void smapAct(); void lsymAct(); void ssymAct(); void resetTableAct(); void dumpNextAct(); void takeScreen() { g_TakeScreenshot = true; } void consoleAct(); // Game settings void languageAct() { System_PostUIMessage("language screen", ""); } void controlMappingAct() { System_PostUIMessage("control mapping", ""); } void displayLayoutEditorAct() { System_PostUIMessage("display layout editor", ""); } void moreSettingsAct() { System_PostUIMessage("settings", ""); } void bufferRenderAct() { System_PostUIMessage("gpu_renderResized", ""); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } void linearAct() { g_Config.iTexFiltering = (g_Config.iTexFiltering != 0) ? 0 : 3; } void renderingResolutionGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iInternalResolution = action->data().toInt(); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_renderResized", ""); } void windowGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { SetWindowScale(action->data().toInt()); } void autoframeskipAct() { g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip = !g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip; if (g_Config.bSkipBufferEffects) { g_Config.bSkipBufferEffects = false; System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } } void frameSkippingGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iFrameSkip = action->data().toInt(); } void frameSkippingTypeGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iFrameSkipType = action->data().toInt(); } void textureFilteringGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iTexFiltering = action->data().toInt(); } void screenScalingFilterGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iDisplayFilter = action->data().toInt(); } void textureScalingLevelGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = action->data().toInt(); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } void textureScalingTypeGroup_triggered(QAction *action) { g_Config.iTexScalingType = action->data().toInt(); System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } void deposterizeAct() { g_Config.bTexDeposterize = !g_Config.bTexDeposterize; System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } void transformAct() { g_Config.bHardwareTransform = !g_Config.bHardwareTransform; System_PostUIMessage("gpu_configChanged", ""); } void vertexCacheAct() { g_Config.bVertexCache = !g_Config.bVertexCache; } void frameskipAct() { g_Config.iFrameSkip = !g_Config.iFrameSkip; } void frameskipTypeAct() { g_Config.iFrameSkipType = !g_Config.iFrameSkipType; } // Sound void audioAct() { g_Config.bEnableSound = !g_Config.bEnableSound; } // Cheats void cheatsAct() { g_Config.bEnableCheats = !g_Config.bEnableCheats; } // Chat void chatAct() { if (GetUIState() == UISTATE_INGAME) { System_PostUIMessage("chat screen", ""); } } void fullscrAct(); void raiseTopMost(); // Help void websiteAct(); void forumAct(); void goldAct(); void gitAct(); void discordAct(); void aboutAct(); // Others void langChanged(QAction *action) { loadLanguage(action->data().toString(), true); } private: void bootDone(); void SetWindowScale(int zoom); void SetGameTitle(QString text); void SetFullScreen(bool fullscreen); void loadLanguage(const QString &language, bool retranslate); void createMenus(); QTranslator translator; QString currentLanguage; CoreState nextState; GlobalUIState lastUIState; QActionGroup *windowGroup, *textureScalingLevelGroup, *textureScalingTypeGroup, *screenScalingFilterGroup, *textureFilteringGroup, *frameSkippingTypeGroup, *frameSkippingGroup, *renderingResolutionGroup, *displayRotationGroup, *saveStateGroup; std::queue msgQueue_; std::mutex msgMutex_; std::string newWindowTitle_; std::mutex titleMutex_; }; class MenuAction : public QAction { Q_OBJECT public: // Add to QMenu MenuAction(QWidget* parent, const char *callback, const char *text, QKeySequence key = 0) : QAction(parent), _text(text) { if (key != (QKeySequence)0) { this->setShortcut(key); parent->addAction(this); // So we don't lose the shortcut when menubar is hidden } connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered()), parent, callback); connect(parent, SIGNAL(retranslate()), this, SLOT(retranslate())); connect(parent, SIGNAL(updateMenu()), this, SLOT(update())); } // Add to QActionGroup MenuAction(QWidget* parent, QActionGroup* group, QVariant data, QString text, QKeySequence key = 0) : QAction(parent) { this->setCheckable(true); this->setData(data); this->setText(text); // Not translatable, yet if (key != (QKeySequence)0) { this->setShortcut(key); parent->addAction(this); // So we don't lose the shortcut when menubar is hidden } group->addAction(this); } // Event which causes it to be checked void addEventChecked(bool* event) { this->setCheckable(true); _eventCheck = event; } // TODO: Possibly handle compares void addEventChecked(int* event) { this->setCheckable(true); _eventCheck = (bool*)event; } // Event which causes it to be unchecked void addEventUnchecked(bool* event) { this->setCheckable(true); _eventUncheck = event; } // UI State which causes it to be enabled void addEnableState(int state) { _enabledFunc = nullptr; _stateEnable = state; _stateDisable = -1; } void addDisableState(int state) { _enabledFunc = nullptr; _stateEnable = -1; _stateDisable = state; } void SetEnabledFunc(std::function func) { _enabledFunc = func; _stateEnable = -1; _stateDisable = -1; } public slots: void retranslate() { setText(qApp->translate("MainWindow", _text)); } void update() { if (_eventCheck) setChecked(*_eventCheck); if (_eventUncheck) setChecked(!*_eventUncheck); if (_stateEnable >= 0) setEnabled(GetUIState() == _stateEnable); if (_stateDisable >= 0) setEnabled(GetUIState() != _stateDisable); if (_enabledFunc) setEnabled(_enabledFunc()); } private: const char *_text; bool *_eventCheck = nullptr; bool *_eventUncheck = nullptr; int _stateEnable = -1; int _stateDisable = -1; std::function _enabledFunc; }; class MenuActionGroup : public QActionGroup { Q_OBJECT public: MenuActionGroup(QWidget* parent, QMenu* menu, const char* callback, QStringList nameList, QList valueList, QList keyList = QList()) : QActionGroup(parent) { QListIterator i(valueList); QListIterator k(keyList); foreach(QString name, nameList) { new MenuAction(parent, this, i.next(), name, keyList.size() ? k.next() : 0); } connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), parent, callback); menu->addActions(this->actions()); } }; class MenuTree : public QMenu { Q_OBJECT public: MenuTree(QWidget* parent, QMenuBar* menu, const char *text) : QMenu(parent), _text(text) { menu->addMenu(this); connect(parent, SIGNAL(retranslate()), this, SLOT(retranslate())); } MenuTree(QWidget* parent, QMenu* menu, const char *text) : QMenu(parent), _text(text) { menu->addMenu(this); connect(parent, SIGNAL(retranslate()), this, SLOT(retranslate())); } MenuAction* add(MenuAction* action) { addAction(action); return action; } public slots: void retranslate() { setTitle(qApp->translate("MainWindow", _text)); } private: const char *_text; };