GamePadDialog 0 0 850 501 Gamepad Configuration GamePad List Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Refresh Select Gamepad Values : false 1 TextLabel Qt::AlignCenter Assign Gamepad input to PSP button/axis Assign Press buttons on your gamePad to verify mapping : Qt::Horizontal 40 20 500 218 0 0 500 218 :/images/resources/psp.png 110 78 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_up_red.png 92 93 21 20 :/images/resources/psp_left_red.png 122 94 20 20 :/images/resources/psp_right_red.png 109 105 21 30 :/images/resources/psp_down_red.png 141 165 30 21 :/images/resources/psp_smallbtn_red.png 312 166 21 16 :/images/resources/psp_smallbtn_red.png 339 166 21 16 :/images/resources/psp_smallbtn_red.png 351 92 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_rightbtn_red.png 374 114 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_rightbtn_red.png 396 93 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_rightbtn_red.png 374 71 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_rightbtn_red.png 351 32 61 21 :/images/resources/psp_rt_red.png 93 32 60 21 :/images/resources/psp_lt_red.png 107 144 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_adown.png 107 139 16 21 :/images/resources/psp_aleft.png 108 134 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_aup.png 118 138 21 21 :/images/resources/psp_aright.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() GamePadDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() GamePadDialog reject() 316 260 286 274