// Copyright (C) 2012 PPSSPP Project // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #ifdef _WIN32 #include "Common/CommonWindows.h" #include #include #include #endif #include "native/thread/thread.h" #include "native/thread/threadutil.h" #include "native/base/mutex.h" #include "util/text/utf8.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/PSPMixer.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceAudio.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/MetaFileSystem.h" #include "Core/Loaders.h" #include "Core/PSPLoaders.h" #include "Core/ELF/ParamSFO.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Common/LogManager.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" enum CPUThreadState { CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING, CPU_THREAD_PENDING, CPU_THREAD_STARTING, CPU_THREAD_RUNNING, CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN, CPU_THREAD_EXECUTE, }; MetaFileSystem pspFileSystem; ParamSFOData g_paramSFO; GlobalUIState globalUIState; static CoreParameter coreParameter; static PSPMixer *mixer; static std::thread *cpuThread = NULL; static recursive_mutex cpuThreadLock; static condition_variable cpuThreadCond; static condition_variable cpuThreadReplyCond; static u64 cpuThreadUntil; // This can be read and written from ANYWHERE. volatile CoreState coreState = CORE_STEPPING; // Note: intentionally not used for CORE_NEXTFRAME. volatile bool coreStatePending = false; static volatile CPUThreadState cpuThreadState = CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING; bool IsAudioInitialised() { return mixer != NULL; } void Audio_Init() { if(mixer == NULL) { mixer = new PSPMixer(); host->InitSound(mixer); } } bool IsOnSeparateCPUThread() { if (cpuThread != NULL) { return cpuThread->get_id() == std::this_thread::get_id(); } else { return false; } } void CPU_SetState(CPUThreadState to) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); cpuThreadState = to; cpuThreadCond.notify_one(); cpuThreadReplyCond.notify_one(); } bool CPU_NextState(CPUThreadState from, CPUThreadState to) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); if (cpuThreadState == from) { CPU_SetState(to); return true; } else { return false; } } bool CPU_NextStateNot(CPUThreadState from, CPUThreadState to) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); if (cpuThreadState != from) { CPU_SetState(to); return true; } else { return false; } } bool CPU_IsReady() { return cpuThreadState == CPU_THREAD_RUNNING || cpuThreadState == CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING; } bool CPU_IsShutdown() { return cpuThreadState == CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING; } bool CPU_HasPendingAction() { return cpuThreadState != CPU_THREAD_RUNNING; } void CPU_WaitStatus(condition_variable &cond, bool (*pred)()) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); while (!pred()) { cond.wait(cpuThreadLock); } } void CPU_Shutdown(); void CPU_Init() { coreState = CORE_POWERUP; currentCPU = &mipsr4k; numCPUs = 1; // Default memory settings // Seems to be the safest place currently.. if (g_Config.iPSPModel == PSP_MODEL_FAT) Memory::g_MemorySize = Memory::RAM_NORMAL_SIZE; // 32 MB of ram by default else Memory::g_MemorySize = Memory::RAM_DOUBLE_SIZE; g_RemasterMode = false; g_DoubleTextureCoordinates = false; Memory::g_PSPModel = g_Config.iPSPModel; std::string filename = coreParameter.fileToStart; IdentifiedFileType type = Identify_File(filename); switch (type) { case FILETYPE_PSP_ISO: case FILETYPE_PSP_ISO_NP: case FILETYPE_PSP_DISC_DIRECTORY: InitMemoryForGameISO(filename); break; default: break; } Memory::Init(); mipsr4k.Reset(); host->AttemptLoadSymbolMap(); if (coreParameter.enableSound) { Audio_Init(); } CoreTiming::Init(); // Init all the HLE modules HLEInit(); // TODO: Check Game INI here for settings, patches and cheats, and modify coreParameter accordingly // Why did we check for CORE_POWERDOWN here? if (!LoadFile(filename, &coreParameter.errorString)) { CPU_Shutdown(); coreParameter.fileToStart = ""; CPU_SetState(CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING); return; } if (coreParameter.updateRecent) { g_Config.AddRecent(filename); } coreState = coreParameter.startPaused ? CORE_STEPPING : CORE_RUNNING; } void CPU_Shutdown() { if (g_Config.bAutoSaveSymbolMap) { host->SaveSymbolMap(); } CoreTiming::Shutdown(); __KernelShutdown(); HLEShutdown(); if (coreParameter.enableSound) { host->ShutdownSound(); mixer = 0; // deleted in ShutdownSound } pspFileSystem.Shutdown(); Memory::Shutdown(); currentCPU = 0; } void CPU_RunLoop() { setCurrentThreadName("CPUThread"); if (!CPU_NextState(CPU_THREAD_PENDING, CPU_THREAD_STARTING)) { ERROR_LOG(CPU, "CPU thread in unexpected state: %d", cpuThreadState); return; } CPU_Init(); CPU_NextState(CPU_THREAD_STARTING, CPU_THREAD_RUNNING); while (cpuThreadState != CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN) { CPU_WaitStatus(cpuThreadCond, &CPU_HasPendingAction); switch (cpuThreadState) { case CPU_THREAD_EXECUTE: mipsr4k.RunLoopUntil(cpuThreadUntil); gpu->FinishEventLoop(); CPU_NextState(CPU_THREAD_EXECUTE, CPU_THREAD_RUNNING); break; // These are fine, just keep looping. case CPU_THREAD_RUNNING: case CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN: break; default: ERROR_LOG(CPU, "CPU thread in unexpected state: %d", cpuThreadState); // Begin shutdown, otherwise we'd just spin on this bad state. CPU_SetState(CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN); break; } } if (coreState != CORE_ERROR) { coreState = CORE_POWERDOWN; } // Let's make sure the gpu has already cleaned up before we start freeing memory. if (gpu) { gpu->FinishEventLoop(); gpu->SyncThread(true); } CPU_Shutdown(); CPU_SetState(CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING); } void Core_UpdateState(CoreState newState) { if ((coreState == CORE_RUNNING || coreState == CORE_NEXTFRAME) && newState != CORE_RUNNING) coreStatePending = true; coreState = newState; Core_UpdateSingleStep(); } void System_Wake() { // Ping the threads so they check coreState. CPU_NextStateNot(CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING, CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN); if (gpu) { gpu->FinishEventLoop(); } } bool PSP_Init(const CoreParameter &coreParam, std::string *error_string) { INFO_LOG(BOOT, "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); coreParameter = coreParam; coreParameter.errorString = ""; if (g_Config.bSeparateCPUThread) { Core_ListenShutdown(System_Wake); CPU_SetState(CPU_THREAD_PENDING); cpuThread = new std::thread(&CPU_RunLoop); cpuThread->detach(); CPU_WaitStatus(cpuThreadReplyCond, &CPU_IsReady); } else { CPU_Init(); } bool success = coreParameter.fileToStart != ""; *error_string = coreParameter.errorString; if (success) { success = GPU_Init(); if (!success) { PSP_Shutdown(); *error_string = "Unable to initialize rendering engine."; } } return success; } bool PSP_IsInited() { return currentCPU != 0; } void PSP_Shutdown() { if (coreState == CORE_RUNNING) Core_UpdateState(CORE_ERROR); Core_NotifyShutdown(); if (cpuThread != NULL) { CPU_NextStateNot(CPU_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING, CPU_THREAD_SHUTDOWN); CPU_WaitStatus(cpuThreadReplyCond, &CPU_IsShutdown); delete cpuThread; cpuThread = 0; } else { CPU_Shutdown(); } GPU_Shutdown(); host->SetWindowTitle(0); } void PSP_RunLoopUntil(u64 globalticks) { SaveState::Process(); if (coreState == CORE_POWERDOWN || coreState == CORE_ERROR) { return; } if (cpuThread != NULL) { // Tell the gpu a new frame is about to begin, before we start the CPU. gpu->SyncBeginFrame(); cpuThreadUntil = globalticks; if (CPU_NextState(CPU_THREAD_RUNNING, CPU_THREAD_EXECUTE)) { // The CPU doesn't actually respect cpuThreadUntil well, especially when skipping frames. // TODO: Something smarter? Or force CPU to bail periodically? while (!CPU_IsReady()) { gpu->RunEventsUntil(CoreTiming::GetTicks() + msToCycles(1000)); if (coreState != CORE_RUNNING) { CPU_WaitStatus(cpuThreadReplyCond, &CPU_IsReady); } } } else { ERROR_LOG(CPU, "Unable to execute CPU run loop, unexpected state: %d", cpuThreadState); } } else { mipsr4k.RunLoopUntil(globalticks); } } void PSP_RunLoopFor(int cycles) { PSP_RunLoopUntil(CoreTiming::GetTicks() + cycles); } CoreParameter &PSP_CoreParameter() { return coreParameter; } std::string GetSysDirectory(PSPDirectories directoryType) { switch (directoryType) { case DIRECTORY_CHEATS: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PSP/Cheats/"; case DIRECTORY_GAME: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PSP/GAME/"; case DIRECTORY_SAVEDATA: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PSP/SAVEDATA/"; case DIRECTORY_SCREENSHOT: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PSP/SCREENSHOT/"; case DIRECTORY_SYSTEM: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PSP/SYSTEM/"; case DIRECTORY_PAUTH: return g_Config.memCardDirectory + "PAUTH/"; // Just return the memory stick root if we run into some sort of problem. default: ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Unknown directory type."); return g_Config.memCardDirectory; } } #ifdef _WIN32 // Run this at startup time. Please use GetSysDirectory if you need to query where folders are. void InitSysDirectories() { if (!g_Config.memCardDirectory.empty() && !g_Config.flash0Directory.empty()) return; const std::string path = File::GetExeDirectory(); // Mount a filesystem g_Config.flash0Directory = path + "flash0/"; // Detect the "My Documents"(XP) or "Documents"(on Vista/7/8) folder. wchar_t myDocumentsPath[MAX_PATH]; const HRESULT result = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, myDocumentsPath); const std::string myDocsPath = ConvertWStringToUTF8(myDocumentsPath) + "/PPSSPP/"; const std::string installedFile = path + "installed.txt"; const bool installed = File::Exists(installedFile); // If installed.txt exists(and we can determine the Documents directory) if (installed && (result == S_OK)) { std::ifstream inputFile(ConvertUTF8ToWString(installedFile)); if (!inputFile.fail() && inputFile.is_open()) { std::string tempString; std::getline(inputFile, tempString); // Skip UTF-8 encoding bytes if there are any. There are 3 of them. if (tempString.substr(0, 3) == "\xEF\xBB\xBF") tempString = tempString.substr(3); g_Config.memCardDirectory = tempString; } inputFile.close(); // Check if the file is empty first, before appending the slash. if (g_Config.memCardDirectory.empty()) g_Config.memCardDirectory = myDocsPath; size_t lastSlash = g_Config.memCardDirectory.find_last_of("/"); if (lastSlash != (g_Config.memCardDirectory.length() - 1)) g_Config.memCardDirectory.append("/"); } else { g_Config.memCardDirectory = path + "memstick/"; } // Create the memstickpath before trying to write to it, and fall back on Documents yet again // if we can't make it. if (!File::Exists(g_Config.memCardDirectory)) { if (!File::CreateDir(g_Config.memCardDirectory)) g_Config.memCardDirectory = myDocsPath; } const std::string testFile = "/_writable_test.$$$"; // If any directory is read-only, fall back to the Documents directory. // We're screwed anyway if we can't write to Documents, or can't detect it. if (!File::CreateEmptyFile(g_Config.memCardDirectory + testFile)) g_Config.memCardDirectory = myDocsPath; // Clean up our mess. if (File::Exists(g_Config.memCardDirectory + testFile)) File::Delete(g_Config.memCardDirectory + testFile); if (g_Config.currentDirectory.empty()) { g_Config.currentDirectory = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_GAME); } } #endif