// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "Common/Data/Color/RGBAUtil.h" #include "Common/Render/DrawBuffer.h" #include "Common/Data/Text/I18n.h" #include "Common/Math/math_util.h" #include "Common/UI/Context.h" #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "UI/GamepadEmu.h" #include "UI/TouchControlLayoutScreen.h" #include "UI/TouchControlVisibilityScreen.h" static u32 GetButtonColor() { return g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle != 0 ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xc0b080; } class DragDropButton : public MultiTouchButton { public: DragDropButton(ConfigTouchPos &pos, ImageID bgImg, ImageID img, const Bounds &screenBounds) : MultiTouchButton(bgImg, bgImg, img, pos.scale, new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(pos.x * screenBounds.w, pos.y * screenBounds.h, UI::NONE, UI::NONE, true)), x_(pos.x), y_(pos.y), theScale_(pos.scale), screenBounds_(screenBounds) { scale_ = theScale_; } bool IsDown() override { // Don't want the button to enlarge and throw the user's perspective // of button size off whack. return false; }; virtual void SavePosition() { x_ = (bounds_.centerX() - screenBounds_.x) / screenBounds_.w; y_ = (bounds_.centerY() - screenBounds_.y) / screenBounds_.h; scale_ = theScale_; } virtual float GetScale() const { return theScale_; } virtual void SetScale(float s) { theScale_ = s; scale_ = s; } virtual float GetSpacing() const { return 1.0f; } virtual void SetSpacing(float s) { } protected: float GetButtonOpacity() override { float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f; return std::max(0.5f, opacity); } private: float &x_, &y_; float &theScale_; const Bounds &screenBounds_; }; class PSPActionButtons : public DragDropButton { public: PSPActionButtons(ConfigTouchPos &pos, float &spacing, const Bounds &screenBounds) : DragDropButton(pos, ImageID::invalid(), ImageID::invalid(), screenBounds), spacing_(spacing) { using namespace UI; roundId_ = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_ROUND_LINE") : ImageID("I_ROUND"); }; void setCircleVisibility(bool visible) { circleVisible_ = visible; } void setCrossVisibility(bool visible) { crossVisible_ = visible; } void setTriangleVisibility(bool visible) { triangleVisible_ = visible; } void setSquareVisibility(bool visible) { squareVisible_ = visible; } void Draw(UIContext &dc) override { float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f; uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity); uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity); int centerX = bounds_.centerX(); int centerY = bounds_.centerY(); float spacing = spacing_ * baseActionButtonSpacing; if (circleVisible_) { dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX + spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false); dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(circleId_, centerX + spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false); } if (crossVisible_) { dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY + spacing, scale_, 0, colorBg, false); dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(crossId_, centerX, centerY + spacing, scale_, 0, color, false); } if (triangleVisible_) { float y = centerY - spacing; y -= 2.8f * scale_; dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY - spacing, scale_, 0, colorBg, false); dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(triangleId_, centerX, y, scale_, 0, color, false); } if (squareVisible_) { dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX - spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false); dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(squareId_, centerX - spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false); } }; void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const override { const AtlasImage *image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->getImage(roundId_); w = (2.0f * baseActionButtonSpacing * spacing_) + image->w * scale_; h = (2.0f * baseActionButtonSpacing * spacing_) + image->h * scale_; } float GetSpacing() const override { return spacing_; } void SetSpacing(float s) override { spacing_ = s; } private: bool circleVisible_ = true, crossVisible_ = true, triangleVisible_ = true, squareVisible_ = true; ImageID roundId_ = ImageID::invalid(); ImageID circleId_ = ImageID("I_CIRCLE"); ImageID crossId_ = ImageID("I_CROSS"); ImageID triangleId_ = ImageID("I_TRIANGLE"); ImageID squareId_ = ImageID("I_SQUARE"); float &spacing_; }; class PSPDPadButtons : public DragDropButton { public: PSPDPadButtons(ConfigTouchPos &pos, float &spacing, const Bounds &screenBounds) : DragDropButton(pos, ImageID::invalid(), ImageID::invalid(), screenBounds), spacing_(spacing) { } void Draw(UIContext &dc) override { float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f; uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity); uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity); static const float xoff[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; static const float yoff[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; ImageID dirImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_DIR_LINE") : ImageID("I_DIR"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float r = D_pad_Radius * spacing_; float x = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * r; float y = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * r; float x2 = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * (r + 10.f * scale_); float y2 = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * (r + 10.f * scale_); float angle = i * M_PI / 2; dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(dirImage, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, colorBg, false); dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(ImageID("I_ARROW"), x2, y2, scale_, angle + PI, color); } } void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const override { const AtlasImage *image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->getImage(ImageID("I_DIR")); w = 2 * D_pad_Radius * spacing_ + image->w * scale_; h = 2 * D_pad_Radius * spacing_ + image->h * scale_; }; float GetSpacing() const override { return spacing_; } void SetSpacing(float s) override { spacing_ = s; } private: float &spacing_; }; class SnapGrid : public UI::View { public: SnapGrid(int leftMargin, int rightMargin, int topMargin, int bottomMargin, u32 color) { x1 = leftMargin; x2 = rightMargin; y1 = topMargin; y2 = bottomMargin; col = color; } void Draw(UIContext &dc) override { if (g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid) { dc.Flush(); dc.BeginNoTex(); float xOffset = bounds_.x; float yOffset = bounds_.y; for (int x = x1; x < x2; x += g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize) dc.Draw()->vLine(x + xOffset, y1 + yOffset, y2 + yOffset, col); for (int y = y1; y < y2; y += g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize) dc.Draw()->hLine(x1 + xOffset, y + yOffset, x2 + xOffset, col); dc.Flush(); dc.Begin(); } } private: int x1, x2, y1, y2; u32 col; }; class DragDropButton; class ControlLayoutView : public UI::AnchorLayout { public: explicit ControlLayoutView(UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : UI::AnchorLayout(layoutParams) { } void Touch(const TouchInput &input) override; void CreateViews(); bool HasCreatedViews() const { return !controls_.empty(); } DragDropButton *pickedControl_ = nullptr; DragDropButton *getPickedControl(const int x, const int y); std::vector controls_; // Touch down state for dragging float startObjectX_ = -1.0f; float startObjectY_ = -1.0f; float startDragX_ = -1.0f; float startDragY_ = -1.0f; float startScale_ = -1.0f; float startSpacing_ = -1.0f; int mode_ = 0; }; static Point ClampTo(const Point &p, const Bounds &b) { return Point(clamp_value(p.x, b.x, b.x + b.w), clamp_value(p.y, b.y, b.y + b.h)); } void ControlLayoutView::Touch(const TouchInput &touch) { using namespace UI; if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_MOVE) && pickedControl_ != nullptr) { if (mode_ == 0) { const Bounds &controlBounds = pickedControl_->GetBounds(); // Allow placing the control halfway outside the play area. Bounds validRange = this->GetBounds(); // Control coordinates are relative inside the bounds. validRange.x = 0.0f; validRange.y = 0.0f; validRange.x += controlBounds.w * 0.5f; validRange.w -= controlBounds.w; validRange.y += controlBounds.h * 0.5f; validRange.h -= controlBounds.h; Point newPos; newPos.x = startObjectX_ + (touch.x - startDragX_); newPos.y = startObjectY_ + (touch.y - startDragY_); if (g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid) { newPos.x -= fmod(newPos.x - controlBounds.w, g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize); newPos.y -= fmod(newPos.y - controlBounds.h, g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize); } newPos = ClampTo(newPos, validRange); pickedControl_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new AnchorLayoutParams(newPos.x, newPos.y, NONE, NONE, true)); } else if (mode_ == 1) { // Resize. Vertical = scaling, horizontal = spacing; // Up should be bigger so let's negate in that direction float diffX = (touch.x - startDragX_); float diffY = -(touch.y - startDragY_); // Snap to grid if (g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid) { diffX -= fmod(touch.x - startDragX_, g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize/2); diffY += fmod(touch.y - startDragY_, g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize/2); } float movementScale = 0.02f; float newScale = startScale_ + diffY * movementScale; float newSpacing = startSpacing_ + diffX * movementScale; if (newScale > 3.0f) newScale = 3.0f; if (newScale < 0.5f) newScale = 0.5f; if (newSpacing > 3.0f) newSpacing = 3.0f; if (newSpacing < 0.5f) newSpacing = 0.5f; pickedControl_->SetSpacing(newSpacing); pickedControl_->SetScale(newScale); } } if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_DOWN) && pickedControl_ == 0) { pickedControl_ = getPickedControl(touch.x, touch.y); if (pickedControl_) { startDragX_ = touch.x; startDragY_ = touch.y; const auto &prevParams = pickedControl_->GetLayoutParams()->As(); startObjectX_ = prevParams->left; startObjectY_ = prevParams->top; startSpacing_ = pickedControl_->GetSpacing(); startScale_ = pickedControl_->GetScale(); } } if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_UP) && pickedControl_ != 0) { pickedControl_->SavePosition(); pickedControl_ = 0; } } void ControlLayoutView::CreateViews() { const Bounds &bounds = GetBounds(); if (bounds.w == 0.0f || bounds.h == 0.0f) { // Layout hasn't happened yet, return. // See comment in TouchControlLayoutScreen::update(). return; } // Create all the views. PSPActionButtons *actionButtons = new PSPActionButtons(g_Config.touchActionButtonCenter, g_Config.fActionButtonSpacing, bounds); actionButtons->setCircleVisibility(g_Config.bShowTouchCircle); actionButtons->setCrossVisibility(g_Config.bShowTouchCross); actionButtons->setTriangleVisibility(g_Config.bShowTouchTriangle); actionButtons->setSquareVisibility(g_Config.bShowTouchSquare); controls_.push_back(actionButtons); ImageID rectImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_RECT_LINE") : ImageID("I_RECT"); ImageID shoulderImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_SHOULDER_LINE") : ImageID("I_SHOULDER"); ImageID dirImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_DIR_LINE") : ImageID("I_DIR"); ImageID stickImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_STICK_LINE") : ImageID("I_STICK"); ImageID stickBg = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_STICK_BG_LINE") : ImageID("I_STICK_BG"); ImageID roundImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? ImageID("I_ROUND_LINE") : ImageID("I_ROUND"); const ImageID comboKeyImages[5] = { ImageID("I_1"), ImageID("I_2"), ImageID("I_3"), ImageID("I_4"), ImageID("I_5") }; auto addDragDropButton = [&](ConfigTouchPos &pos, ImageID bgImg, ImageID img) { DragDropButton *b = nullptr; if (pos.show) { b = new DragDropButton(pos, bgImg, img, bounds); controls_.push_back(b); } return b; }; if (g_Config.touchDpad.show) { controls_.push_back(new PSPDPadButtons(g_Config.touchDpad, g_Config.fDpadSpacing, bounds)); } addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchSelectKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_SELECT")); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchStartKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_START")); if (auto *unthrottle = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchUnthrottleKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { unthrottle->SetAngle(180.0f); } if (auto *speed1 = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchSpeed1Key, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { speed1->SetAngle(170.0f, 180.0f); } if (auto *speed2 = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchSpeed2Key, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { speed2->SetAngle(190.0f, 180.0f); } if (auto *rapidFire = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchRapidFireKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { rapidFire->SetAngle(90.0f, 180.0f); } if (auto *analogRotationCW = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchAnalogRotationCWKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { analogRotationCW->SetAngle(190.0f, 180.0f); } if (auto *analogRotationCCW = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchAnalogRotationCCWKey, rectImage, ImageID("I_ARROW"))) { analogRotationCCW->SetAngle(350.0f, 180.0f); } addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchLKey, shoulderImage, ImageID("I_L")); if (auto *rbutton = addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchRKey, shoulderImage, ImageID("I_R"))) { rbutton->FlipImageH(true); } addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchAnalogStick, stickBg, stickImage); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchRightAnalogStick, stickBg, stickImage); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchCombo0, roundImage, comboKeyImages[0]); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchCombo1, roundImage, comboKeyImages[1]); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchCombo2, roundImage, comboKeyImages[2]); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchCombo3, roundImage, comboKeyImages[3]); addDragDropButton(g_Config.touchCombo4, roundImage, comboKeyImages[4]); for (size_t i = 0; i < controls_.size(); i++) { Add(controls_[i]); } Add(new SnapGrid(0, bounds.w, 0, bounds.h, 0x3FFFFFFF)); } // return the control which was picked up by the touchEvent. If a control // was already picked up, then it's being dragged around, so just return that instead DragDropButton *ControlLayoutView::getPickedControl(const int x, const int y) { if (pickedControl_ != 0) { return pickedControl_; } for (size_t i = 0; i < controls_.size(); i++) { DragDropButton *control = controls_[i]; const Bounds &bounds = control->GetBounds(); const float thresholdFactor = 0.25f; const float thresholdW = thresholdFactor * bounds.w; const float thresholdH = thresholdFactor * bounds.h; Bounds tolerantBounds(bounds.x - thresholdW * 0.5, bounds.y - thresholdH * 0.5 , bounds.w + thresholdW, bounds.h + thresholdH); if (tolerantBounds.Contains(x, y)) { return control; } } return 0; } TouchControlLayoutScreen::TouchControlLayoutScreen() {} void TouchControlLayoutScreen::resized() { RecreateViews(); } void TouchControlLayoutScreen::onFinish(DialogResult reason) { g_Config.Save("TouchControlLayoutScreen::onFinish"); } UI::EventReturn TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnVisibility(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->push(new TouchControlVisibilityScreen()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnReset(UI::EventParams &e) { INFO_LOG(G3D, "Resetting touch control layout"); g_Config.ResetControlLayout(); const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); InitPadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h); RecreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; }; void TouchControlLayoutScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) { RecreateViews(); } UI::EventReturn TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnMode(UI::EventParams &e) { int mode = mode_->GetSelection(); if (layoutView_) { layoutView_->mode_ = mode; } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void TouchControlLayoutScreen::update() { UIDialogScreenWithBackground::update(); // TODO: We really, really need a cleaner solution for creating sub-views // of custom compound controls. if (layoutView_) { if (!layoutView_->HasCreatedViews()) { layoutView_->CreateViews(); } } } void TouchControlLayoutScreen::CreateViews() { // setup g_Config for button layout const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); InitPadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h); const float leftColumnWidth = 140.0f; using namespace UI; auto co = GetI18NCategory("Controls"); auto di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); root_ = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); Choice *reset = new Choice(di->T("Reset"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 84)); Choice *back = new Choice(di->T("Back"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 10)); Choice *visibility = new Choice(co->T("Visibility"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 298)); // controlsSettings->Add(new PopupSliderChoiceFloat(&g_Config.fButtonScale, 0.80, 2.0, co->T("Button Scaling"), screenManager())) // ->OnChange.Handle(this, &GameSettingsScreen::OnChangeControlScaling); CheckBox *snap = new CheckBox(&g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid, di->T("Snap"), "", new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 228)); PopupSliderChoice *gridSize = new PopupSliderChoice(&g_Config.iTouchSnapGridSize, 2, 256, di->T("Grid"), screenManager(), "", new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 158)); gridSize->SetEnabledPtr(&g_Config.bTouchSnapToGrid); mode_ = new ChoiceStrip(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 140 + 158 + 64 + 10)); mode_->AddChoice(di->T("Move")); mode_->AddChoice(di->T("Resize")); mode_->SetSelection(0); mode_->OnChoice.Handle(this, &TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnMode); reset->OnClick.Handle(this, &TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnReset); back->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); visibility->OnClick.Handle(this, &TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnVisibility); root_->Add(mode_); root_->Add(visibility); root_->Add(snap); root_->Add(gridSize); root_->Add(reset); root_->Add(back); TabHolder *tabHolder = new TabHolder(ORIENT_VERTICAL, leftColumnWidth, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 0, 10, 0, false)); tabHolder->SetTag("TouchControlLayout"); root_->Add(tabHolder); layoutView_ = root_->Add(new ControlLayoutView(new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth + 10, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, false))); // this is more for show than anything else. It's used to provide a boundary // so that buttons like back can be placed within the boundary. // serves no other purpose. // AnchorLayout *controlsHolder = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); auto ms = GetI18NCategory("MainSettings"); //tabHolder->AddTab(ms->T("Controls"), controlsHolder); if (!g_Config.bShowTouchControls) { // Shouldn't even be able to get here as the way into this dialog should be closed. return; } }