#include "CwCheat.h" #include "../Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "../Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Config.h" #include "MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/Config.h" static int CheatEvent = -1; std::string gameTitle; std::string activeCheatFile; static CWCheatEngine *cheatEngine; static bool cheatsEnabled; void hleCheat(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void trim2(std::string& str); static void __CheatStop() { if (cheatEngine != 0) { cheatEngine->Exit(); delete cheatEngine; cheatEngine = 0; } cheatsEnabled = false; } static void __CheatStart() { __CheatStop(); gameTitle = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); activeCheatFile = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CHEATS) + gameTitle + ".ini"; File::CreateFullPath(GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_CHEATS)); if (!File::Exists(activeCheatFile)) { File::CreateEmptyFile(activeCheatFile); } cheatEngine = new CWCheatEngine(); cheatEngine->CreateCodeList(); g_Config.bReloadCheats = false; cheatsEnabled = true; } void __CheatInit() { // Always register the event, want savestates to be compatible whether cheats on or off. CheatEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("CheatEvent", &hleCheat); if (g_Config.bEnableCheats) { __CheatStart(); } // Only check once a second for cheats to be enabled. CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(cheatsEnabled ? 77 : 1000), CheatEvent, 0); } void __CheatShutdown() { __CheatStop(); } void __CheatDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("CwCheat", 0, 2); if (!s) { return; } p.Do(CheatEvent); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(CheatEvent, "CheatEvent", &hleCheat); if (s < 2) { // Before this we didn't have a checkpoint, so reset didn't work. // Let's just force one in. CoreTiming::RemoveEvent(CheatEvent); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(cheatsEnabled ? 77 : 1000), CheatEvent, 0); } } void hleCheat(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { if (cheatsEnabled != g_Config.bEnableCheats) { // Okay, let's move to the desired state, then. if (g_Config.bEnableCheats) { __CheatStart(); } else { __CheatStop(); } } // Only check once a second for cheats to be enabled. CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(cheatsEnabled ? 77 : 1000), CheatEvent, 0); if (!cheatEngine || !cheatsEnabled) return; if (g_Config.bReloadCheats) { //Checks if the "reload cheats" button has been pressed. cheatEngine->CreateCodeList(); g_Config.bReloadCheats = false; } cheatEngine->Run(); } CWCheatEngine::CWCheatEngine() { } void CWCheatEngine::Exit() { exit2 = true; } void CWCheatEngine::CreateCodeList() { //Creates code list to be used in function GetNextCode initialCodesList = GetCodesList(); std::string currentcode, codename; std::vector codelist; for (size_t i = 0; i < initialCodesList.size(); i ++) { if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,2) == "_S") { continue; //Line indicates Disc ID, not needed for cheats } if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,2) == "_G") { continue; //Line indicates game Title, also not needed for cheats } if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,2) == "//") { continue; //Line indicates comment, also not needed for cheats. } if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,3) == "_C1") { cheatEnabled = true; codename = initialCodesList[i]; codename.erase (codename.begin(), codename.begin()+4); codeNameList.push_back(codename); //Import names for GUI, will be implemented later. continue; } if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,2) == "_L") { if (cheatEnabled == true) { currentcode = initialCodesList[i]; currentcode.erase(currentcode.begin(), currentcode.begin() + 3); codelist.push_back(currentcode); } continue; } if (initialCodesList[i].substr(0,3) == "_C0") { cheatEnabled = false; codename = initialCodesList[i]; codename.erase (codename.begin(), codename.begin()+4); codeNameList.push_back(codename); //Import names for GUI, will be implemented later. continue; } } parts = makeCodeParts(codelist); } inline std::vector makeCodeParts(std::vector CodesList) { //Takes a single code line and creates a two-part vector for each code. Feeds to CreateCodeList std::string currentcode; std::vector finalList; char split_char = '\n'; char empty = ' '; for (size_t i = 0; i < CodesList.size(); i++) { currentcode = CodesList[i]; for (size_t j=0; j < currentcode.length(); j++) { if (currentcode[j] == empty) { currentcode[j] = '\n'; } } trim2(currentcode); std::istringstream iss(currentcode); std::string each; while (std::getline(iss, each, split_char)) { finalList.push_back(each); } } return finalList; } std::vector CWCheatEngine::GetNextCode() { // Feeds a size-2 vector of ints to Run() which contains the address and value of one cheat. std::string code1; std::string code2; std::vector splitCode; std::vector finalCode; std::string modifier2 = "0"; while (true) { if (currentCode >= parts.size()) { code1.clear(); code2.clear(); break; } code1 = parts[currentCode++]; trim2(code1); code2 = parts[currentCode++]; trim2(code2); splitCode.push_back(code1); splitCode.push_back(code2); int var1 = (int) parseHexLong(splitCode[0]); int var2 = (int) parseHexLong(splitCode[1]); finalCode.push_back(var1); finalCode.push_back(var2); if (splitCode[0].substr(0,1) == modifier2) { break; } } return finalCode; } void CWCheatEngine::SkipCodes(int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) { if (GetNextCode()[0] == 0) { break; } } } void CWCheatEngine::SkipAllCodes() { currentCode = codes.size(); } int CWCheatEngine::GetAddress(int value) { //Returns static address used by ppsspp. Some games may not like this, and causes cheats to not work without offset int address = (value + 0x08800000) & 0x3FFFFFFF; if (gameTitle == "ULUS10563" || gameTitle == "ULJS-00351" || gameTitle == "NPJH50352" ) //Offset to make God Eater Burst codes work address -= 0x7EF00; return address; } inline void trim2(std::string& str) { size_t pos = str.find_last_not_of(' '); if(pos != std::string::npos) { str.erase(pos + 1); pos = str.find_first_not_of(' '); if(pos != std::string::npos) str.erase(0, pos); } else str.erase(str.begin(), str.end()); } std::vector CWCheatEngine::GetCodesList() { //Reads the entire cheat list from the appropriate .ini. std::string line; std::vector codesList; // Read from INI here std::ifstream list(activeCheatFile.c_str()); if (!list) { return codesList; } for (int i = 0; !list.eof(); i ++) { getline(list, line, '\n'); if (line.length() > 3 && (line.substr(0,1) == "_"||line.substr(0,2) == "//")){ codesList.push_back(line); } } for(size_t i = 0; i < codesList.size(); i++) { trim2(codesList[i]); } return codesList; } void CWCheatEngine::Run() { exit2 = false; while (!exit2) { currentCode = 0; while (true) { std::vector code = GetNextCode(); if (code.size() < 2) { Exit(); break; } int value; unsigned int comm = code[0]; int arg = code[1]; int addr = GetAddress(comm & 0x0FFFFFFF); switch (comm >> 28) { case 0: // 8-bit write. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)){ Memory::Write_U8((u8) arg, addr); } break; case 0x1: // 16-bit write if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)){ Memory::Write_U16((u16) arg, addr); } break; case 0x2: // 32-bit write if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)){ Memory::Write_U32((u32) arg, addr); } break; case 0x3: // Increment/Decrement { addr = GetAddress(arg & 0x0FFFFFFF); value = 0; int increment = 0; // Read value from memory switch ((comm >> 20) & 0xF) { case 1: case 2: // 8-bit value = Memory::Read_U8(addr); increment = comm & 0xFF; break; case 3: case 4: // 16-bit value = Memory::Read_U16(addr); increment = comm & 0xFFFF; break; case 5: case 6: // 32-bit value = Memory::Read_U32(addr); code = GetNextCode(); if (code[0] != 0) { increment = code[0]; } break; } // Increment/Decrement value switch ((comm >> 20) & 0xF) { case 1: case 3: case 5: // increment value += increment; break; case 2: case 4: case 6: // Decrement value -= increment; break; } // Write value back to memory switch ((comm >> 20) & 0xF) { case 1: case 2: // 8-bit Memory::Write_U8((u8) value, addr); break; case 3: case 4: // 16-bit Memory::Write_U16((u16) value, addr); break; case 5: case 6: // 32-bit Memory::Write_U32((u32) value, addr); break; } break; } case 0x4: // 32-bit patch code code = GetNextCode(); if (true) { int data = code[0]; int dataAdd = code[1]; int maxAddr = (arg >> 16) & 0xFFFF; int stepAddr = (arg & 0xFFFF) * 4; for (int a = 0; a < maxAddr; a++) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { Memory::Write_U32((u32) data, addr); } addr += stepAddr; data += dataAdd; } } break; case 0x5: // Memcpy command code = GetNextCode(); if (true) { int destAddr = GetAddress(code[0]); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(destAddr)) { Memory::Memcpy(destAddr, Memory::GetPointer(addr), arg); } } break; case 0x6: // Pointer commands code = GetNextCode(); if (true) { int arg2 = code[0]; int offset = code[1]; int baseOffset = (arg2 >> 20) * 4; int base = Memory::Read_U32(addr + baseOffset); int count = arg2 & 0xFFFF; int type = (arg2 >> 16) & 0xF; for (int i = 1; i < count; i ++ ) { if (i+1 < count) { code = GetNextCode(); int arg3 = code[0]; int arg4 = code[1]; int comm3 = arg3 >> 28; switch (comm3) { case 0x1: // type copy byte { int srcAddr = Memory::Read_U32(addr) + offset; int dstAddr = Memory::Read_U16(addr + baseOffset) + (arg3 & 0x0FFFFFFF); Memory::Memcpy(dstAddr, Memory::GetPointer(srcAddr), arg); type = -1; //Done break; } case 0x2: case 0x3: // type pointer walk { int walkOffset = arg3 & 0x0FFFFFFF; if (comm3 == 0x3) { walkOffset = -walkOffset; } base = Memory::Read_U32(base + walkOffset); int comm4 = arg4 >> 28; switch (comm4) { case 0x2: case 0x3: // type pointer walk walkOffset = arg4 & 0x0FFFFFFF; if (comm4 == 0x3) { walkOffset = -walkOffset; } base = Memory::Read_U32(base + walkOffset); break; } break; } case 0x9: // type multi address write base += arg3 & 0x0FFFFFFF; arg += arg4; break; default: break; } } } switch (type) { case 0: // 8 bit write Memory::Write_U8((u8) arg, base + offset); break; case 1: // 16-bit write Memory::Write_U16((u16) arg, base + offset); break; case 2: // 32-bit write Memory::Write_U32((u32) arg, base + offset); break; case 3: // 8 bit inverse write Memory::Write_U8((u8) arg, base - offset); break; case 4: // 16-bit inverse write Memory::Write_U16((u16) arg, base - offset); break; case 5: // 32-bit inverse write Memory::Write_U32((u32) arg, base - offset); break; case -1: // Operation already performed, nothing to do break; } } break; case 0x7: // Boolean commands. switch (arg >> 16) { case 0x0000: // 8-bit OR. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { int val1 = (int) (arg & 0xFF); int val2 = (int) Memory::Read_U8(addr); Memory::Write_U8((u8) (val1 | val2), addr); } break; case 0x0002: // 8-bit AND. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { int val1 = (int) (arg & 0xFF); int val2 = (int) Memory::Read_U8(addr); Memory::Write_U8((u8) (val1 & val2), addr); } break; case 0x0004: // 8-bit XOR. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { int val1 = (int) (arg & 0xFF); int val2 = (int) Memory::Read_U8(addr); Memory::Write_U8((u8) (val1 ^ val2), addr); } break; case 0x0001: // 16-bit OR. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { short val1 = (short) (arg & 0xFFFF); short val2 = (short) Memory::Read_U16(addr); Memory::Write_U16((u16) (val1 | val2), addr); } break; case 0x0003: // 16-bit AND. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { short val1 = (short) (arg & 0xFFFF); short val2 = (short) Memory::Read_U16(addr); Memory::Write_U16((u16) (val1 & val2), addr); } break; case 0x0005: // 16-bit OR. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { short val1 = (short) (arg & 0xFFFF); short val2 = (short) Memory::Read_U16(addr); Memory::Write_U16((u16) (val1 ^ val2), addr); } break; } break; case 0x8: // 8-bit and 16-bit patch code code = GetNextCode(); if (true) { int data = code[0]; int dataAdd = code[1]; bool is8Bit = (data >> 16) == 0x0000; int maxAddr = (arg >> 16) & 0xFFFF; int stepAddr = (arg & 0xFFFF) * (is8Bit ? 1 : 2); for (int a = 0; a < maxAddr; a++) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { if (is8Bit) { Memory::Write_U8((u8) (data & 0xFF), addr); } else { Memory::Write_U16((u16) (data & 0xFFFF), addr); } } addr += stepAddr; data += dataAdd; } } break; case 0xB: // Time command (not sure what to do?) break; case 0xC: // Code stopper if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { value = Memory::Read_U32(addr); if (value != arg) { SkipAllCodes(); } } break; case 0xD: // Test commands & Jocker codes ( Someone will have to help me with these) break; case 0xE: // Test commands, multiple skip { bool is8Bit = (comm >> 24) == 0xE1; addr = GetAddress(arg & 0x0FFFFFFF); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { int memoryValue = is8Bit ? Memory::Read_U8(addr) : Memory::Read_U16(addr); int testValue = comm & (is8Bit ? 0xFF : 0xFFFF); bool executeNextLines = false; switch ( arg >> 28) { case 0x0: // Equal executeNextLines = memoryValue == testValue; break; case 0x1: // Not Equal executeNextLines = memoryValue != testValue; break; case 0x2: // Less Than executeNextLines = memoryValue < testValue; break; case 0x3: // Greater Than executeNextLines = memoryValue > testValue; break; } if (!executeNextLines) { int skip = (comm >> 16) & (is8Bit ? 0xFF : 0xFFF); SkipCodes(skip); } } break; } default: { break; } } } } // exiting... Exit(); }