// Very thin API wrapper, suitable for porting UI code (like the native/ui framework) and similar but not real rendering. // Does not involve context creation etc, that should be handled separately - only does drawing. // The goals may change in the future though. // MIT licensed, by Henrik RydgÄrd 2014. #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/GPU/DataFormat.h" #include "Common/GPU/Shader.h" namespace Lin { class Matrix4x4; } namespace Draw { // Useful in UBOs typedef int bool32; enum class Comparison : int { NEVER, LESS, EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL, GREATER, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER_EQUAL, ALWAYS, }; // Had to prefix with LOGIC, too many clashes enum class LogicOp : int { LOGIC_CLEAR, LOGIC_SET, LOGIC_COPY, LOGIC_COPY_INVERTED, LOGIC_NOOP, LOGIC_INVERT, LOGIC_AND, LOGIC_NAND, LOGIC_OR, LOGIC_NOR, LOGIC_XOR, LOGIC_EQUIV, LOGIC_AND_REVERSE, LOGIC_AND_INVERTED, LOGIC_OR_REVERSE, LOGIC_OR_INVERTED, }; enum class BlendOp : int { ADD, SUBTRACT, REV_SUBTRACT, MIN, MAX, }; enum class BlendFactor : uint8_t { ZERO, ONE, SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, DST_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, DST_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, CONSTANT_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, CONSTANT_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA, SRC1_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR, SRC1_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA, }; enum class StencilOp { KEEP = 0, ZERO = 1, REPLACE = 2, INCREMENT_AND_CLAMP = 3, DECREMENT_AND_CLAMP = 4, INVERT = 5, INCREMENT_AND_WRAP = 6, DECREMENT_AND_WRAP = 7, }; enum class TextureFilter : int { NEAREST = 0, LINEAR = 1, }; enum BufferUsageFlag : int { VERTEXDATA = 1, INDEXDATA = 2, GENERIC = 4, UNIFORM = 8, DYNAMIC = 16, }; enum Semantic : int { SEM_POSITION, SEM_COLOR0, SEM_TEXCOORD0, SEM_TEXCOORD1, SEM_NORMAL, SEM_TANGENT, SEM_BINORMAL, // really BITANGENT SEM_MAX, }; enum class Primitive { POINT_LIST, LINE_LIST, LINE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_LIST, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, // Tesselation shader only PATCH_LIST, // These are for geometry shaders only. LINE_LIST_ADJ, LINE_STRIP_ADJ, TRIANGLE_LIST_ADJ, TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJ, UNDEFINED, PRIMITIVE_TYPE_COUNT, }; enum VertexShaderPreset : int { VS_COLOR_2D, VS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D, VS_MAX_PRESET, }; enum FragmentShaderPreset : int { FS_COLOR_2D, FS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D, FS_TEXTURE_COLOR_2D_RB_SWIZZLE, FS_MAX_PRESET, }; enum class TextureType : uint8_t { UNKNOWN, LINEAR1D, LINEAR2D, LINEAR3D, CUBE, ARRAY1D, ARRAY2D, }; enum class CullMode : uint8_t { NONE, FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK, // Not supported on D3D9 }; enum class Facing { CCW, CW, }; enum BorderColor { DONT_CARE, TRANSPARENT_BLACK, OPAQUE_BLACK, OPAQUE_WHITE, }; enum { COLOR_MASK_R = 1, COLOR_MASK_G = 2, COLOR_MASK_B = 4, COLOR_MASK_A = 8, }; enum class TextureAddressMode { REPEAT = 0, REPEAT_MIRROR, CLAMP_TO_EDGE, CLAMP_TO_BORDER, }; enum FormatSupport { FMT_RENDERTARGET = 1, FMT_TEXTURE = 2, FMT_INPUTLAYOUT = 4, FMT_DEPTHSTENCIL = 8, FMT_AUTOGEN_MIPS = 16, }; enum InfoField { APINAME, APIVERSION, VENDORSTRING, VENDOR, SHADELANGVERSION, DRIVER, }; enum class GPUVendor { VENDOR_UNKNOWN, VENDOR_NVIDIA, VENDOR_INTEL, VENDOR_AMD, VENDOR_ARM, // Mali VENDOR_QUALCOMM, VENDOR_IMGTEC, // PowerVR VENDOR_BROADCOM, // Raspberry VENDOR_VIVANTE, VENDOR_APPLE, }; enum class NativeObject { CONTEXT, CONTEXT_EX, DEVICE, DEVICE_EX, BACKBUFFER_COLOR_VIEW, BACKBUFFER_DEPTH_VIEW, BACKBUFFER_COLOR_TEX, BACKBUFFER_DEPTH_TEX, FEATURE_LEVEL, COMPATIBLE_RENDERPASS, BACKBUFFER_RENDERPASS, FRAMEBUFFER_RENDERPASS, INIT_COMMANDBUFFER, BOUND_TEXTURE0_IMAGEVIEW, BOUND_TEXTURE1_IMAGEVIEW, RENDER_MANAGER, NULL_IMAGEVIEW, }; enum FBChannel { FB_COLOR_BIT = 1, FB_DEPTH_BIT = 2, FB_STENCIL_BIT = 4, // Implementation specific FB_SURFACE_BIT = 32, // Used in conjunction with the others in D3D9 to get surfaces through get_api_texture FB_VIEW_BIT = 64, // Used in conjunction with the others in D3D11 to get shader resource views through get_api_texture FB_FORMAT_BIT = 128, // Actually retrieves the native format instead. D3D11 only. }; enum FBBlitFilter { FB_BLIT_NEAREST = 0, FB_BLIT_LINEAR = 1, }; enum UpdateBufferFlags { UPDATE_DISCARD = 1, }; enum class Event { // These happen on D3D resize. Only the backbuffer needs to be resized. LOST_BACKBUFFER, GOT_BACKBUFFER, // These are a bit more serious... LOST_DEVICE, GOT_DEVICE, RESIZED, PRESENTED, }; constexpr uint32_t MAX_TEXTURE_SLOTS = 2; struct FramebufferDesc { int width; int height; int depth; int numColorAttachments; bool z_stencil; const char *tag; // For graphics debuggers }; // Binary compatible with D3D11 viewport. struct Viewport { float TopLeftX; float TopLeftY; float Width; float Height; float MinDepth; float MaxDepth; }; class Bugs { public: bool Has(uint32_t bug) const { return (flags_ & (1 << bug)) != 0; } void Infest(uint32_t bug) { flags_ |= (1 << bug); } enum : uint32_t { NO_DEPTH_CANNOT_DISCARD_STENCIL = 0, DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING_BROKEN = 1, ANY_MAP_BUFFER_RANGE_SLOW = 2, PVR_GENMIPMAP_HEIGHT_GREATER = 3, BROKEN_NAN_IN_CONDITIONAL = 4, COLORWRITEMASK_BROKEN_WITH_DEPTHTEST = 5, BROKEN_FLAT_IN_SHADER = 6, }; protected: uint32_t flags_ = 0; }; class RefCountedObject { public: RefCountedObject() : refcount_(1) {} virtual ~RefCountedObject() {} void AddRef() { refcount_++; } bool Release(); bool ReleaseAssertLast(); private: int refcount_; }; class BlendState : public RefCountedObject { public: }; class SamplerState : public RefCountedObject { public: }; class DepthStencilState : public RefCountedObject { public: }; class Framebuffer : public RefCountedObject { public: int Width() { return width_; } int Height() { return height_; } protected: int width_ = -1, height_ = -1; }; class Buffer : public RefCountedObject { public: }; class Texture : public RefCountedObject { public: int Width() { return width_; } int Height() { return height_; } int Depth() { return depth_; } protected: int width_ = -1, height_ = -1, depth_ = -1; }; struct BindingDesc { int stride; bool instanceRate; }; struct AttributeDesc { int binding; int location; // corresponds to semantic DataFormat format; int offset; }; struct InputLayoutDesc { std::vector bindings; std::vector attributes; }; class InputLayout : public RefCountedObject { }; // Uniform types have moved to Shader.h. class ShaderModule : public RefCountedObject { public: virtual ShaderStage GetStage() const = 0; }; class Pipeline : public RefCountedObject { public: virtual ~Pipeline() {} virtual bool RequiresBuffer() = 0; }; class RasterState : public RefCountedObject {}; struct StencilSide { StencilOp failOp; StencilOp passOp; StencilOp depthFailOp; Comparison compareOp; uint8_t compareMask; uint8_t writeMask; }; struct DepthStencilStateDesc { bool depthTestEnabled; bool depthWriteEnabled; Comparison depthCompare; bool stencilEnabled; StencilSide front; StencilSide back; }; struct BlendStateDesc { bool enabled; int colorMask; BlendFactor srcCol; BlendFactor dstCol; BlendOp eqCol; BlendFactor srcAlpha; BlendFactor dstAlpha; BlendOp eqAlpha; bool logicEnabled; LogicOp logicOp; }; struct SamplerStateDesc { TextureFilter magFilter; TextureFilter minFilter; TextureFilter mipFilter; float maxAniso; TextureAddressMode wrapU; TextureAddressMode wrapV; TextureAddressMode wrapW; float maxLod; bool shadowCompareEnabled; Comparison shadowCompareFunc; BorderColor borderColor; }; struct RasterStateDesc { CullMode cull; Facing frontFace; }; struct PipelineDesc { Primitive prim; std::vector shaders; InputLayout *inputLayout; DepthStencilState *depthStencil; BlendState *blend; RasterState *raster; const UniformBufferDesc *uniformDesc; }; struct DeviceCaps { GPUVendor vendor; uint32_t deviceID; // use caution! DataFormat preferredDepthBufferFormat; DataFormat preferredShadowMapFormatLow; DataFormat preferredShadowMapFormatHigh; bool anisoSupported; bool depthRangeMinusOneToOne; // OpenGL style depth bool geometryShaderSupported; bool tesselationShaderSupported; bool multiViewport; bool dualSourceBlend; bool logicOpSupported; bool depthClampSupported; bool framebufferCopySupported; bool framebufferBlitSupported; bool framebufferDepthCopySupported; bool framebufferDepthBlitSupported; bool framebufferFetchSupported; std::string deviceName; // The device name to use when creating the thin3d context, to get the same one. }; // Use to write data directly to texture memory. initData is the pointer passed in TextureDesc. // Important: only write to the provided pointer, don't read from it. typedef std::function TextureCallback; struct TextureDesc { TextureType type; DataFormat format; int width; int height; int depth; int mipLevels; bool generateMips; // Optional, for tracking memory usage and graphcis debuggers. const char *tag; // Does not take ownership over pointed-to data. std::vector initData; TextureCallback initDataCallback; }; enum class RPAction { DONT_CARE, CLEAR, KEEP, }; struct RenderPassInfo { RPAction color; RPAction depth; RPAction stencil; uint32_t clearColor; float clearDepth; uint8_t clearStencil; const char *tag; }; class DrawContext { public: virtual ~DrawContext(); bool CreatePresets(); void DestroyPresets(); Bugs GetBugs() const { return bugs_; } virtual const DeviceCaps &GetDeviceCaps() const = 0; virtual uint32_t GetDataFormatSupport(DataFormat fmt) const = 0; virtual std::vector GetFeatureList() const { return std::vector(); } virtual std::vector GetExtensionList() const { return std::vector(); } virtual std::vector GetDeviceList() const { return std::vector(); } // Describes the primary shader language that this implementation prefers. const ShaderLanguageDesc &GetShaderLanguageDesc() { return shaderLanguageDesc_; } virtual uint32_t GetSupportedShaderLanguages() const = 0; virtual void SetErrorCallback(ErrorCallbackFn callback, void *userdata) {} // Partial pipeline state, used to create pipelines. (in practice, in d3d11 they'll use the native state objects directly). virtual DepthStencilState *CreateDepthStencilState(const DepthStencilStateDesc &desc) = 0; virtual BlendState *CreateBlendState(const BlendStateDesc &desc) = 0; virtual SamplerState *CreateSamplerState(const SamplerStateDesc &desc) = 0; virtual RasterState *CreateRasterState(const RasterStateDesc &desc) = 0; // virtual ComputePipeline CreateComputePipeline(const ComputePipelineDesc &desc) = 0 virtual InputLayout *CreateInputLayout(const InputLayoutDesc &desc) = 0; // Note that these DO NOT AddRef so you must not ->Release presets unless you manually AddRef them. ShaderModule *GetVshaderPreset(VertexShaderPreset preset) { return vsPresets_[preset]; } ShaderModule *GetFshaderPreset(FragmentShaderPreset preset) { return fsPresets_[preset]; } // Resources virtual Buffer *CreateBuffer(size_t size, uint32_t usageFlags) = 0; // Does not take ownership over pointed-to initData. After this returns, can dispose of it. virtual Texture *CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) = 0; // On some hardware, you might get a 24-bit depth buffer even though you only wanted a 16-bit one. virtual Framebuffer *CreateFramebuffer(const FramebufferDesc &desc) = 0; virtual ShaderModule *CreateShaderModule(ShaderStage stage, ShaderLanguage language, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize, const std::string &tag = "thin3d") = 0; virtual Pipeline *CreateGraphicsPipeline(const PipelineDesc &desc) = 0; // Copies data from the CPU over into the buffer, at a specific offset. This does not change the size of the buffer and cannot write outside it. virtual void UpdateBuffer(Buffer *buffer, const uint8_t *data, size_t offset, size_t size, UpdateBufferFlags flags) = 0; virtual void CopyFramebufferImage(Framebuffer *src, int level, int x, int y, int z, Framebuffer *dst, int dstLevel, int dstX, int dstY, int dstZ, int width, int height, int depth, int channelBits, const char *tag) = 0; virtual bool BlitFramebuffer(Framebuffer *src, int srcX1, int srcY1, int srcX2, int srcY2, Framebuffer *dst, int dstX1, int dstY1, int dstX2, int dstY2, int channelBits, FBBlitFilter filter, const char *tag) = 0; virtual bool CopyFramebufferToMemorySync(Framebuffer *src, int channelBits, int x, int y, int w, int h, Draw::DataFormat format, void *pixels, int pixelStride, const char *tag) { return false; } virtual DataFormat PreferredFramebufferReadbackFormat(Framebuffer *src) { return DataFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNORM; } // These functions should be self explanatory. // Binding a zero render target means binding the backbuffer. virtual void BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(Framebuffer *fbo, const RenderPassInfo &rp, const char *tag) = 0; virtual Framebuffer *GetCurrentRenderTarget() = 0; // binding must be < MAX_TEXTURE_SLOTS (0, 1 are okay if it's 2). virtual void BindFramebufferAsTexture(Framebuffer *fbo, int binding, FBChannel channelBit, int attachment) = 0; // deprecated virtual uintptr_t GetFramebufferAPITexture(Framebuffer *fbo, int channelBits, int attachment) { return 0; } virtual void GetFramebufferDimensions(Framebuffer *fbo, int *w, int *h) = 0; // Useful in OpenGL ES to give hints about framebuffers on tiler GPUs. virtual void InvalidateFramebuffer(Framebuffer *fbo) {} // Dynamic state virtual void SetScissorRect(int left, int top, int width, int height) = 0; virtual void SetViewports(int count, Viewport *viewports) = 0; virtual void SetBlendFactor(float color[4]) = 0; virtual void SetStencilRef(uint8_t ref) = 0; virtual void BindSamplerStates(int start, int count, SamplerState **state) = 0; virtual void BindTextures(int start, int count, Texture **textures) = 0; virtual void BindVertexBuffers(int start, int count, Buffer **buffers, int *offsets) = 0; virtual void BindIndexBuffer(Buffer *indexBuffer, int offset) = 0; // Only supports a single dynamic uniform buffer, for maximum compatibility with the old APIs and ease of emulation. // More modern methods will be added later. virtual void UpdateDynamicUniformBuffer(const void *ub, size_t size) = 0; void BindTexture(int stage, Texture *texture) { Texture *textures[1] = { texture }; BindTextures(stage, 1, textures); } // from sampler 0 and upwards // Clear state cached within thin3d. Must be called after directly calling API functions. // Note that framebuffer state (which framebuffer is bounds) may not be cached. // Must not actually perform any API calls itself since this can be called when no framebuffer is bound for rendering. virtual void InvalidateCachedState() = 0; virtual void BindPipeline(Pipeline *pipeline) = 0; virtual void Draw(int vertexCount, int offset) = 0; virtual void DrawIndexed(int vertexCount, int offset) = 0; // Always 16-bit indices. virtual void DrawUP(const void *vdata, int vertexCount) = 0; // Frame management (for the purposes of sync and resource management, necessary with modern APIs). Default implementations here. virtual void BeginFrame() {} virtual void EndFrame() = 0; virtual void WipeQueue() {} // This should be avoided as much as possible, in favor of clearing when binding a render target, which is native // on Vulkan. virtual void Clear(int mask, uint32_t colorval, float depthVal, int stencilVal) = 0; // Necessary to correctly flip scissor rectangles etc for OpenGL. virtual void SetTargetSize(int w, int h) { targetWidth_ = w; targetHeight_ = h; } virtual std::string GetInfoString(InfoField info) const = 0; virtual uint64_t GetNativeObject(NativeObject obj) = 0; virtual void HandleEvent(Event ev, int width, int height, void *param1 = nullptr, void *param2 = nullptr) = 0; // Flush state like scissors etc so the caller can do its own custom drawing. virtual void FlushState() {} virtual int GetCurrentStepId() const = 0; protected: ShaderModule *vsPresets_[VS_MAX_PRESET]; ShaderModule *fsPresets_[FS_MAX_PRESET]; ShaderLanguageDesc shaderLanguageDesc_; int targetWidth_; int targetHeight_; Bugs bugs_; }; extern const UniformBufferDesc UBPresetDesc; // UBs for the preset shaders struct VsTexColUB { float WorldViewProj[16]; }; extern const UniformBufferDesc vsTexColBufDesc; struct VsColUB { float WorldViewProj[16]; }; extern const UniformBufferDesc vsColBufDesc; // Useful utility for specifying a shader in multiple languages. struct ShaderSource { ShaderLanguage lang; const char *src; }; ShaderModule *CreateShader(DrawContext *draw, ShaderStage stage, const std::vector &sources); } // namespace Draw