#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kernelcall/kernelcall.h" #include #include #include #include "encrypt.h" #include "decrypt.h" #include "psf.h" #define printf pspDebugScreenPrintf /* Define the module info section */ PSP_MODULE_INFO("ppssppsavetool", 0, 1, 0); PSP_MAIN_THREAD_ATTR(PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USER); PSP_HEAP_SIZE_KB(-64); #define ENCRYPT_FILE_VERSION 1 int currentMenu = 0; int selectedOption = 0; int basePath = 0; int workDir = 0; char *menuList0[] = {"Encrypt","Decrypt", "Exit", NULL}; char *menuList1[] = {"ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATAPPSSPP/","host0:/","host1:/", "host2:/", "Back", NULL}; char *menuList2[] = {"Back", NULL}; int GetSDKMainVersion(int sdkVersion) { if(sdkVersion > 0x307FFFF) return 6; if(sdkVersion > 0x300FFFF) return 5; if(sdkVersion > 0x206FFFF) return 4; if(sdkVersion > 0x205FFFF) return 3; if(sdkVersion >= 0x2000000) return 2; if(sdkVersion >= 0x1000000) return 1; return 0; }; int ProcessInput(int maxOption, int *selectedOption) { SceCtrlData pad, oldpad; sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&oldpad, 1); while(1) { sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&pad, 1); if (pad.Buttons != 0) { if (!(oldpad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_CROSS) && pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_CROSS) { return *selectedOption; } else if (!(oldpad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_UP) && pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_UP && *selectedOption > 0) { *selectedOption = *selectedOption-1; return -1; } else if (!(oldpad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_DOWN) && pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_DOWN && *selectedOption < maxOption-1) { *selectedOption = *selectedOption + 1; return -1; } } oldpad = pad; } } typedef struct { char name[30]; char saveFile[30]; int errorId; } DirInfo; typedef struct { int fileVersion; u8 key[16]; int sdkVersion; } EncryptFileInfo; DirInfo dirList[128]; int numDirList; DirInfo invalidDirList[128]; int numInvalidDirList; int FileExist(char* basePath, char* dirPath, char* fileName) { SceIoStat fileStat; char path[1024]; sprintf(path,"%s%s/%s",basePath, dirPath, fileName); if(sceIoGetstat(path, &fileStat) < 0) // no file return 0; return 1; } int FileRead(char* basePath, char* dirPath, char* fileName, u8* dataout, int size) { char path[1024]; sprintf(path,"%s%s/%s",basePath, dirPath, fileName); SceUID fileId = sceIoOpen(path, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777); if(fileId < 0) return -1; sceIoRead(fileId, dataout, size); sceIoClose(fileId); return 0; } void AddErrorDir(char* dirName, int error) { if(numInvalidDirList >= 128) return; DirInfo *inf = &invalidDirList[numInvalidDirList]; strcpy(inf->name,dirName); inf->errorId = error; numInvalidDirList++; } int UpdateValidDir(int isEncrypt) { numDirList = 0; numInvalidDirList = 0; const char* pspPath = "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/"; char* pathSrc; char* pathDst; if(isEncrypt) { pathSrc = menuList1[basePath]; pathDst = pspPath; } else { pathSrc = pspPath; pathDst = menuList1[basePath]; } int dfd; dfd = sceIoDopen(menuList1[basePath]); if(dfd >= 0) { SceIoDirent data; while(sceIoDread(dfd, &data) > 0 && numDirList < 128) { if(!(data.d_stat.st_attr & 0x10)) // is not a directory { continue; } if(data.d_name[0] == '.') // ignore "." and ".." continue; if(FileExist(menuList1[basePath], data.d_name, "ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN") < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,1); continue; } EncryptFileInfo encryptInfo; if(FileRead(menuList1[basePath], data.d_name, "ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN",(u8*)&encryptInfo,sizeof(encryptInfo)) < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,2); continue; } if(encryptInfo.fileVersion != ENCRYPT_FILE_VERSION) // Not good version { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,3); continue; } if(FileExist(pathSrc, data.d_name, "PARAM.SFO") < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,4); continue; } u8 paramsfo[0x1330]; if(FileRead(pathSrc, data.d_name, "PARAM.SFO",(u8*)¶msfo,0x1330) < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,5); continue; } u8 *datafile; int listLen; if (find_psf_section("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", paramsfo, 0x1330, &datafile, &listLen) < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,6); continue; } if(datafile[0] == 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,7); continue; } char filename[32]; strcpy(filename, (char*)datafile); if(FileExist(pathSrc, data.d_name, filename) < 0) { AddErrorDir(data.d_name,8); continue; } DirInfo *inf = &dirList[numDirList]; inf->errorId = 0; strcpy(inf->name, data.d_name); strcpy(inf->saveFile, filename); numDirList++; } sceIoDclose(dfd); if(numDirList == 0) { return -1; } } else { return -2; } return 0; } int FileCopy(char* srcPath, char* destPath, char* fileName) { SceIoStat fileStat; char path[258]; sprintf(path,"%s/%s",srcPath, fileName); if(sceIoGetstat(path, &fileStat) < 0) return -1; u8* data = malloc(fileStat.st_size); SceUID fileId = sceIoOpen(path, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777); if(fileId < 0) { printf("Fail opening %s\n",path); return -1; } sceIoRead(fileId, data, fileStat.st_size); sceIoClose(fileId); sprintf(path,"%s/%s",destPath, fileName); fileId = sceIoOpen(path, PSP_O_WRONLY | PSP_O_CREAT, 0777); if(fileId < 0) { printf("Fail opening %s\n",path); return -1; } sceIoWrite(fileId, data, fileStat.st_size); sceIoClose(fileId); free(data); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; pspDebugScreenInit(); SceUID mod = pspSdkLoadStartModule ("flash0:/kd/chnnlsv.prx",PSP_MEMORY_PARTITION_KERNEL); if (mod < 0) { printf("Error 0x%08X loading/starting chnnlsv.prx.\n", mod); } mod = pspSdkLoadStartModule ("kernelcall.prx",PSP_MEMORY_PARTITION_KERNEL); if (mod < 0) { printf("Error 0x%08X loading/starting kernelcall.prx.\n", mod); } sceCtrlSetSamplingCycle(0); sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(PSP_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG); for(;;) { printf("===================================================================="); printf("PPSSPP Save Tool\n"); printf("====================================================================\n\n\n"); switch(currentMenu) { case 0: { int maxOption = 0; for(i = 0; menuList0[i]; i++) { if(i == selectedOption) printf(" > %s\n",menuList0[i]); else printf(" %s\n",menuList0[i]); maxOption++; } int input = ProcessInput(maxOption, &selectedOption); if(input == 0) { currentMenu = 1; selectedOption = 0; } else if(input == 1) { currentMenu = 4; selectedOption = 0; } else if(input == 2) { sceKernelExitGame(); } } break; case 4: case 1: { int maxOption = 0; printf("PPSSPP Decrypted Save Directory : \n"); for(i = 0; menuList1[i]; i++) { if(i == selectedOption) printf(" > %s\n",menuList1[i]); else printf(" %s\n",menuList1[i]); maxOption++; } int input = ProcessInput(maxOption, &selectedOption); if(input == maxOption-1) { if(currentMenu == 1) selectedOption = 0; else selectedOption = 1; currentMenu = 0; } else if(input >= 0) { basePath = selectedOption; if(currentMenu == 1) { currentMenu = 2; UpdateValidDir(1); } else { currentMenu = 5; UpdateValidDir(0); } selectedOption = 0; } } break; case 5: case 2: { int maxOption = 0; if(currentMenu == 2) printf("Save to encrypt : \n"); else printf("Save to decrypt : \n"); if(numDirList == 0) { printf("No compatible data, see README for help on use\n"); } for(i = 0; i < numDirList; i++) { if(i == selectedOption) printf(" > %s\n",dirList[i].name); else printf(" %s\n",dirList[i].name); maxOption++; } for(i = 0; menuList2[i]; i++) { if((i+numDirList) == selectedOption) printf(" > %s\n",menuList2[i]); else printf(" %s\n",menuList2[i]); maxOption++; } printf("\n Invalid path : \n"); for(i = 0; i < numInvalidDirList && i < (22-numDirList); i++) { switch(invalidDirList[i].errorId) { case 1: printf(" %s : ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN not found\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 2: printf(" %s : ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN read error\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 3: printf(" %s : ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN wrong version\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 4: printf(" %s : PARAM.SFO not found\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 5: printf(" %s : PARAM.SFO read error\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 6: printf(" %s : SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST not found in PARAM.SFO\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 7: printf(" %s : no save name in SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; case 8: printf(" %s : no save found\n",invalidDirList[i].name); break; default: break; } } int input = ProcessInput(maxOption, &selectedOption); if(input == numDirList) { if(currentMenu == 2) currentMenu = 1; else currentMenu = 4; selectedOption = basePath; } else if(input >= 0) { if(currentMenu == 2) currentMenu = 3; else currentMenu = 6; workDir = input; selectedOption = 0; } } break; case 6: case 3: { EncryptFileInfo encryptInfo; if(FileRead(menuList1[basePath], dirList[workDir].name, "ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN",(u8*)&encryptInfo,sizeof(encryptInfo)) < 0) { printf("Can't read encrypt file\n"); } else { printf("Key : "); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf(" %02x",(u8)encryptInfo.key[i]); printf("\n"); printf("SDK Version : 0x%x\n",encryptInfo.sdkVersion); char srcPath[128]; char dstPath[128]; if(currentMenu == 3) { sprintf(srcPath,"%s%s",menuList1[basePath], dirList[workDir].name); sprintf(dstPath,"ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/%s",dirList[workDir].name); sceIoMkdir(dstPath,0777); } else { sprintf(srcPath,"ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/%s",dirList[workDir].name); sprintf(dstPath,"%s%s",menuList1[basePath], dirList[workDir].name); } int dfd; dfd = sceIoDopen(srcPath); if(dfd >= 0) { SceIoDirent dirinfo; while(sceIoDread(dfd, &dirinfo) > 0) { if(!(dirinfo.d_stat.st_mode & 0x2000)) // is not a file continue; if(strcmp(dirinfo.d_name,"ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN") == 0) // don't copy encrypt info continue; FileCopy(srcPath, dstPath, dirinfo.d_name); } sceIoDclose(dfd); } if(currentMenu == 3) { char decryptedFile[258], encryptedFile[258], srcSFO[258], dstSFO[258]; sprintf(decryptedFile,"%s/%s",srcPath ,dirList[workDir].saveFile); sprintf(srcSFO,"%s/PARAM.SFO",srcPath); sprintf(encryptedFile,"%s/%s",dstPath ,dirList[workDir].saveFile); sprintf(dstSFO,"%s/PARAM.SFO",dstPath); printf("Encoding %s into %s\n",decryptedFile, encryptedFile); int ret = encrypt_file(decryptedFile, encryptedFile, dirList[workDir].saveFile, srcSFO, dstSFO, encryptInfo.key[0] != 0 ? encryptInfo.key : NULL, GetSDKMainVersion(encryptInfo.sdkVersion) ); if(ret < 0) { printf("Error: encrypt_file() returned %d\n\n", ret); } else { printf("Successfully wrote %d bytes to\n", ret); printf(" %s\n", encryptedFile); printf("and updated hashes in\n"); printf(" %s\n\n", dstSFO); } } else { char decryptedFile[258], encryptedFile[258]; sprintf(encryptedFile,"%s/%s",srcPath ,dirList[workDir].saveFile); sprintf(decryptedFile,"%s/%s",dstPath ,dirList[workDir].saveFile); printf("Decoding %s into %s\n",encryptedFile, decryptedFile); int ret = decrypt_file(decryptedFile, encryptedFile, encryptInfo.key[0] != 0 ? encryptInfo.key : NULL, GetSDKMainVersion(encryptInfo.sdkVersion)); if(ret < 0) { printf("Error: decrypt_file() returned %d\n\n", ret); } else { printf("Successfully wrote %d bytes to\n", ret); printf(" %s\n", decryptedFile); } } printf(" > Back\n"); int input = ProcessInput(1, &selectedOption); if(input >= 0) { if(currentMenu == 3) currentMenu = 2; else currentMenu = 5; selectedOption = 0; } } } break; default: sceKernelExitGame(); break; } pspDebugScreenClear(); sceDisplayWaitVblankStart(); sceGuSwapBuffers(); } return 0; }