// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Math3D.h" template<> float Vec2::Length() const { return sqrtf(Length2()); } template<> void Vec2::SetLength(const float l) { (*this) *= l / Length(); } template<> Vec2 Vec2::WithLength(const float l) const { return (*this) * l / Length(); } template<> float Vec2::Distance2To(Vec2 &other) { return Vec2(other-(*this)).Length2(); } template<> Vec2 Vec2::Normalized() const { return (*this) / Length(); } template<> float Vec2::Normalize() { float len = Length(); (*this) = (*this)/len; return len; } template<> Vec3 Vec3::FromRGB(unsigned int rgb) { return Vec3((rgb & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f), ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f), ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f)); } template<> Vec3 Vec3::FromRGB(unsigned int rgb) { return Vec3(rgb & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF); } template<> unsigned int Vec3::ToRGB() const { return ((unsigned int)(r()*255.f)) + ((unsigned int)(g()*255.f*256.f)) + ((unsigned int)(b()*255.f*256.f*256.f)); } template<> unsigned int Vec3::ToRGB() const { return (r()&0xFF) | ((g()&0xFF)<<8) | ((b()&0xFF)<<16); } template<> float Vec3::Length() const { return sqrtf(Length2()); } template<> void Vec3::SetLength(const float l) { (*this) *= l / Length(); } template<> Vec3 Vec3::WithLength(const float l) const { return (*this) * l / Length(); } template<> float Vec3::Distance2To(Vec3 &other) { return Vec3(other-(*this)).Length2(); } template<> Vec3 Vec3::Normalized() const { return (*this) / Length(); } template<> float Vec3::Normalize() { float len = Length(); (*this) = (*this)/len; return len; } template<> Vec4 Vec4::FromRGBA(unsigned int rgba) { return Vec4((rgba & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f), ((rgba >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f), ((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f), ((rgba >> 24) & 0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f)); } template<> Vec4 Vec4::FromRGBA(unsigned int rgba) { return Vec4(rgba & 0xFF, (rgba >> 8) & 0xFF, (rgba >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgba >> 24) & 0xFF); } template<> unsigned int Vec4::ToRGBA() const { return ((unsigned int)(r()*255.f)) + ((unsigned int)(g()*255.f*256.f)) + ((unsigned int)(b()*255.f*256.f*256.f)) + ((unsigned int)(a()*255.f*256.f*256.f*256.f)); } template<> unsigned int Vec4::ToRGBA() const { return (r()&0xFF) | ((g()&0xFF)<<8) | ((b()&0xFF)<<16) | ((a()&0xFF)<<24); } template<> float Vec4::Length() const { return sqrtf(Length2()); } template<> void Vec4::SetLength(const float l) { (*this) *= l / Length(); } template<> Vec4 Vec4::WithLength(const float l) const { return (*this) * l / Length(); } template<> float Vec4::Distance2To(Vec4 &other) { return Vec4(other-(*this)).Length2(); } template<> Vec4 Vec4::Normalized() const { return (*this) / Length(); } template<> float Vec4::Normalize() { float len = Length(); (*this) = (*this)/len; return len; }