// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h" #include "Common/LogManager.h" #include "Common/System/OSD.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/CwCheat.h" #include "Core/MemMapHelpers.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSCodeUtils.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSInt.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/FileSystem.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/MetaFileSystem.h" #include "Core/PSPLoaders.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "__sceAudio.h" #include "sceAtrac.h" #include "sceAudio.h" #include "sceAudiocodec.h" #include "sceCcc.h" #include "sceCtrl.h" #include "sceDisplay.h" #include "sceFont.h" #include "sceGe.h" #include "sceIo.h" #include "sceJpeg.h" #include "sceKernel.h" #include "sceKernelAlarm.h" #include "sceKernelHeap.h" #include "sceKernelInterrupt.h" #include "sceKernelThread.h" #include "sceKernelMemory.h" #include "sceKernelModule.h" #include "sceKernelMutex.h" #include "sceKernelMbx.h" #include "sceKernelMsgPipe.h" #include "sceKernelSemaphore.h" #include "sceKernelEventFlag.h" #include "sceKernelVTimer.h" #include "sceKernelTime.h" #include "sceMp3.h" #include "sceMpeg.h" #include "sceNet.h" #include "sceNetAdhoc.h" #include "scePower.h" #include "sceUtility.h" #include "sceUmd.h" #include "sceRtc.h" #include "sceSsl.h" #include "sceSas.h" #include "scePsmf.h" #include "sceImpose.h" #include "sceUsb.h" #include "sceUsbGps.h" #include "sceUsbCam.h" #include "sceUsbMic.h" #include "scePspNpDrm_user.h" #include "sceVaudio.h" #include "sceHeap.h" #include "sceDmac.h" #include "sceMp4.h" #include "sceOpenPSID.h" #include "Core/Util/PPGeDraw.h" /* 17: [MIPS32 R4K 00000000 ]: Loader: Type: 1 Vaddr: 00000000 Filesz: 2856816 Memsz: 2856816 18: [MIPS32 R4K 00000000 ]: Loader: Loadable Segment Copied to 0898dab0, size 002b9770 19: [MIPS32 R4K 00000000 ]: Loader: Type: 1 Vaddr: 002b9770 Filesz: 14964 Memsz: 733156 20: [MIPS32 R4K 00000000 ]: Loader: Loadable Segment Copied to 08c47220, size 000b2fe4 */ static bool kernelRunning = false; KernelObjectPool kernelObjects; KernelStats kernelStats; u32 registeredExitCbId; void __KernelInit() { if (kernelRunning) { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Can't init kernel when kernel is running"); return; } INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Initializing kernel..."); __KernelTimeInit(); __InterruptsInit(); __KernelMemoryInit(); __KernelThreadingInit(); __KernelAlarmInit(); __KernelVTimerInit(); __KernelEventFlagInit(); __KernelMbxInit(); __KernelMutexInit(); __KernelSemaInit(); __KernelMsgPipeInit(); __IoInit(); __JpegInit(); __AudioInit(); __Mp3Init(); __SasInit(); __AtracInit(); __CccInit(); __DisplayInit(); __GeInit(); __PowerInit(); __UtilityInit(); __UmdInit(); __MpegInit(); __PsmfInit(); __CtrlInit(); __RtcInit(); __SslInit(); __ImposeInit(); __UsbInit(); __FontInit(); __NetInit(); __NetAdhocInit(); __VaudioInit(); __CheatInit(); __HeapInit(); __DmacInit(); __AudioCodecInit(); __VideoPmpInit(); __UsbGpsInit(); __UsbCamInit(); __UsbMicInit(); __OpenPSIDInit(); SaveState::Init(); // Must be after IO, as it may create a directory Reporting::Init(); // "Internal" PSP libraries __PPGeInit(); kernelRunning = true; INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Kernel initialized."); } void __KernelShutdown() { if (!kernelRunning) { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Can't shut down kernel - not running"); return; } kernelObjects.List(); INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Shutting down kernel - %i kernel objects alive", kernelObjects.GetCount()); hleCurrentThreadName = NULL; kernelObjects.Clear(); __OpenPSIDShutdown(); __UsbCamShutdown(); __UsbMicShutdown(); __UsbGpsShutdown(); __AudioCodecShutdown(); __VideoPmpShutdown(); __AACShutdown(); __NetAdhocShutdown(); __NetShutdown(); __FontShutdown(); __Mp3Shutdown(); __MpegShutdown(); __PsmfShutdown(); __PPGeShutdown(); __CtrlShutdown(); __UtilityShutdown(); __GeShutdown(); __SasShutdown(); __DisplayShutdown(); __AtracShutdown(); __AudioShutdown(); __IoShutdown(); __HeapShutdown(); __KernelMutexShutdown(); __KernelThreadingShutdown(); __KernelMemoryShutdown(); __InterruptsShutdown(); __CheatShutdown(); __KernelModuleShutdown(); CoreTiming::ClearPendingEvents(); CoreTiming::UnregisterAllEvents(); Reporting::Shutdown(); SaveState::Shutdown(); kernelRunning = false; } void __KernelDoState(PointerWrap &p) { { auto s = p.Section("Kernel", 1, 2); if (!s) return; Do(p, kernelRunning); kernelObjects.DoState(p); if (s >= 2) Do(p, registeredExitCbId); } { auto s = p.Section("Kernel Modules", 1); if (!s) return; __InterruptsDoState(p); // Memory needs to be after kernel objects, which may free kernel memory. __KernelMemoryDoState(p); __KernelThreadingDoState(p); __KernelAlarmDoState(p); __KernelVTimerDoState(p); __KernelEventFlagDoState(p); __KernelMbxDoState(p); __KernelModuleDoState(p); __KernelMsgPipeDoState(p); __KernelMutexDoState(p); __KernelSemaDoState(p); __KernelTimeDoState(p); } { auto s = p.Section("HLE Modules", 1); if (!s) return; __AtracDoState(p); __AudioDoState(p); __CccDoState(p); __CtrlDoState(p); __DisplayDoState(p); __FontDoState(p); __GeDoState(p); __ImposeDoState(p); __IoDoState(p); __JpegDoState(p); __Mp3DoState(p); __MpegDoState(p); __NetDoState(p); __NetAdhocDoState(p); __PowerDoState(p); __PsmfDoState(p); __PsmfPlayerDoState(p); __RtcDoState(p); __SasDoState(p); __SslDoState(p); __UmdDoState(p); __UtilityDoState(p); __UsbDoState(p); __VaudioDoState(p); __HeapDoState(p); __PPGeDoState(p); __CheatDoState(p); __sceAudiocodecDoState(p); __VideoPmpDoState(p); __AACDoState(p); __UsbGpsDoState(p); __UsbMicDoState(p); // IMPORTANT! Add new sections last! } { auto s = p.Section("Kernel Cleanup", 1); if (!s) return; __InterruptsDoStateLate(p); __KernelThreadingDoStateLate(p); Reporting::DoState(p); } } bool __KernelIsRunning() { return kernelRunning; } std::string __KernelStateSummary() { return __KernelThreadingSummary(); } void sceKernelExitGame() { INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelExitGame"); __KernelSwitchOffThread("game exited"); Core_Stop(); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, "sceKernelExitGame()"); } void sceKernelExitGameWithStatus() { INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelExitGameWithStatus"); __KernelSwitchOffThread("game exited"); Core_Stop(); g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_INFO, "sceKernelExitGameWithStatus()"); } u32 sceKernelDevkitVersion() { int firmwareVersion = g_Config.iFirmwareVersion; int major = firmwareVersion / 100; int minor = (firmwareVersion / 10) % 10; int revision = firmwareVersion % 10; int devkitVersion = (major << 24) | (minor << 16) | (revision << 8) | 0x10; DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelDevkitVersion()", devkitVersion); return devkitVersion; } u32 sceKernelRegisterKprintfHandler() { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "UNIMPL sceKernelRegisterKprintfHandler()"); return 0; } int sceKernelRegisterDefaultExceptionHandler() { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "UNIMPL sceKernelRegisterDefaultExceptionHandler()"); return 0; } void sceKernelSetGPO(u32 ledAddr) { // Sets debug LEDs. // Not really interesting, and a few games really spam it // DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelSetGPO(%02x)", ledAddr); } u32 sceKernelGetGPI() { // Always returns 0 on production systems. DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "0=sceKernelGetGPI()"); return 0; } // #define LOG_CACHE // Don't even log these by default, they're spammy and we probably won't // need to emulate them. Useful for invalidating cached textures though, // and in the future display lists (although hashing takes care of those // for now). int sceKernelDcacheInvalidateRange(u32 addr, int size) { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU,"sceKernelDcacheInvalidateRange(%08x, %i)", addr, size); #endif if (size < 0 || (int) addr + size < 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; if (size > 0) { if ((addr % 64) != 0 || (size % 64) != 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CACHE_ALIGNMENT; if (addr != 0) gpu->InvalidateCache(addr, size, GPU_INVALIDATE_HINT); } hleEatCycles(190); return 0; } int sceKernelIcacheInvalidateRange(u32 addr, int size) { DEBUG_LOG(CPU, "sceKernelIcacheInvalidateRange(%08x, %i)", addr, size); if (size != 0) currentMIPS->InvalidateICache(addr, size); return 0; } int sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll() { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU,"sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll()"); #endif // Some games seem to use this a lot, it doesn't make sense // to zap the whole texture cache. gpu->InvalidateCache(0, -1, GPU_INVALIDATE_ALL); hleEatCycles(3524); hleReSchedule("dcache writeback all"); return 0; } int sceKernelDcacheWritebackRange(u32 addr, int size) { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU,"sceKernelDcacheWritebackRange(%08x, %i)", addr, size); #endif if (size < 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE; if (size > 0 && addr != 0) { gpu->InvalidateCache(addr, size, GPU_INVALIDATE_HINT); } hleEatCycles(165); return 0; } int sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateRange(u32 addr, int size) { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU,"sceKernelDcacheInvalidateRange(%08x, %i)", addr, size); #endif if (size < 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE; if (size > 0 && addr != 0) { gpu->InvalidateCache(addr, size, GPU_INVALIDATE_HINT); } hleEatCycles(165); return 0; } int sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll() { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU,"sceKernelDcacheInvalidateAll()"); #endif gpu->InvalidateCache(0, -1, GPU_INVALIDATE_ALL); hleEatCycles(1165); hleReSchedule("dcache invalidate all"); return 0; } u32 sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll() { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU, "Icache invalidated - should clear JIT someday"); #endif // Note that this doesn't actually fully invalidate all with such a large range. currentMIPS->InvalidateICache(0, 0x3FFFFFFF); return 0; } u32 sceKernelIcacheClearAll() { #ifdef LOG_CACHE NOTICE_LOG(CPU, "Icache cleared - should clear JIT someday"); #endif DEBUG_LOG(CPU, "Icache cleared - should clear JIT someday"); // Note that this doesn't actually fully invalidate all with such a large range. currentMIPS->InvalidateICache(0, 0x3FFFFFFF); return 0; } void KernelObject::GetQuickInfo(char *ptr, int size) { strcpy(ptr, "-"); } KernelObjectPool::KernelObjectPool() { memset(occupied, 0, sizeof(bool)*maxCount); nextID = initialNextID; } SceUID KernelObjectPool::Create(KernelObject *obj, int rangeBottom, int rangeTop) { if (rangeTop > maxCount) rangeTop = maxCount; if (nextID >= rangeBottom && nextID < rangeTop) rangeBottom = nextID++; for (int i = rangeBottom; i < rangeTop; i++) { if (!occupied[i]) { occupied[i] = true; pool[i] = obj; pool[i]->uid = i + handleOffset; return i + handleOffset; } } ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "Unable to allocate kernel object, too many objects slots in use."); return 0; } bool KernelObjectPool::IsValid(SceUID handle) const { int index = handle - handleOffset; if (index < 0 || index >= maxCount) return false; else return occupied[index]; } void KernelObjectPool::Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { // brutally clear everything, no validation if (occupied[i]) delete pool[i]; pool[i] = nullptr; occupied[i] = false; } nextID = initialNextID; } void KernelObjectPool::List() { for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { if (occupied[i]) { char buffer[256]; if (pool[i]) { pool[i]->GetQuickInfo(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "KO %i: %s \"%s\": %s", i + handleOffset, pool[i]->GetTypeName(), pool[i]->GetName(), buffer); } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "KO %i: bad object", i + handleOffset); } } } } int KernelObjectPool::GetCount() const { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { if (occupied[i]) count++; } return count; } void KernelObjectPool::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("KernelObjectPool", 1); if (!s) return; int _maxCount = maxCount; Do(p, _maxCount); if (_maxCount != maxCount) { p.SetError(p.ERROR_FAILURE); ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Unable to load state: different kernel object storage."); return; } if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { hleCurrentThreadName = nullptr; kernelObjects.Clear(); } Do(p, nextID); DoArray(p, occupied, maxCount); for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; ++i) { if (!occupied[i]) continue; int type; if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { Do(p, type); pool[i] = CreateByIDType(type); // Already logged an error. if (pool[i] == nullptr) return; pool[i]->uid = i + handleOffset; } else { type = pool[i]->GetIDType(); Do(p, type); } pool[i]->DoState(p); if (p.error >= p.ERROR_FAILURE) break; } } KernelObject *KernelObjectPool::CreateByIDType(int type) { // Used for save states. This is ugly, but what other way is there? switch (type) { case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Alarm: return __KernelAlarmObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_EventFlag: return __KernelEventFlagObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Mbox: return __KernelMbxObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Fpl: return __KernelMemoryFPLObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Vpl: return __KernelMemoryVPLObject(); case PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_PMB: return __KernelMemoryPMBObject(); case PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_Module: return __KernelModuleObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Mpipe: return __KernelMsgPipeObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Mutex: return __KernelMutexObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_LwMutex: return __KernelLwMutexObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Semaphore: return __KernelSemaphoreObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Callback: return __KernelCallbackObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Thread: return __KernelThreadObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_VTimer: return __KernelVTimerObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Tlspl: case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Tlspl_v0: return __KernelTlsplObject(); case PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_File: return __KernelFileNodeObject(); case PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_DirList: return __KernelDirListingObject(); case SCE_KERNEL_TMID_ThreadEventHandler: return __KernelThreadEventHandlerObject(); default: ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Unable to load state: could not find object type %d.", type); return NULL; } } struct SystemStatus { SceSize_le size; SceUInt_le status; SceUInt_le clockPart1; SceUInt_le clockPart2; SceUInt_le perfcounter1; SceUInt_le perfcounter2; SceUInt_le perfcounter3; }; static int sceKernelReferSystemStatus(u32 statusPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReferSystemStatus(%08x)", statusPtr); auto status = PSPPointer::Create(statusPtr); if (status.IsValid()) { memset((SystemStatus *)status, 0, sizeof(SystemStatus)); status->size = sizeof(SystemStatus); // TODO: Fill in the struct! status.NotifyWrite("SystemStatus"); } return 0; } // Unused - believed to be the returned struct from sceKernelReferThreadProfiler. struct DebugProfilerRegs { u32 enable; u32 systemck; u32 cpuck; u32 internal; u32 memory; u32 copz; u32 vfpu; u32 sleep; u32 bus_access; u32 uncached_load; u32 uncached_store; u32 cached_load; u32 cached_store; u32 i_miss; u32 d_miss; u32 d_writeback; u32 cop0_inst; u32 fpu_inst; u32 vfpu_inst; u32 local_bus; }; static u32 sceKernelReferThreadProfiler() { // This seems to simply has no parameter: // https://pspdev.github.io/pspsdk/group__ThreadMan.html#ga8fd30da51b9dc0507ac4dae04a7e4a17 // In testing it just returns null in around 140-150 cycles. See issue #17623. DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "0=sceKernelReferThreadProfiler()"); hleEatCycles(140); return 0; } static int sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler() { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "0=sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler()"); // See sceKernelReferThreadProfiler(), similar. hleEatCycles(140); return 0; } const HLEFunction ThreadManForUser[] = { {0X55C20A00, &WrapI_CUUU, "sceKernelCreateEventFlag", 'i', "sxxx" }, {0X812346E4, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelClearEventFlag", 'x', "ix" }, {0XEF9E4C70, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelDeleteEventFlag", 'x', "i" }, {0X1FB15A32, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelSetEventFlag", 'x', "ix" }, {0X402FCF22, &WrapI_IUUUU, "sceKernelWaitEventFlag", 'i', "ixxpp", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X328C546A, &WrapI_IUUUU, "sceKernelWaitEventFlagCB", 'i', "ixxpp", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X30FD48F0, &WrapI_IUUU, "sceKernelPollEventFlag", 'i', "ixxp" }, {0XCD203292, &WrapU_IUU, "sceKernelCancelEventFlag", 'x', "ixp" }, {0XA66B0120, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelReferEventFlagStatus", 'x', "ix" }, {0X8FFDF9A2, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelCancelSema", 'i', "iix" }, {0XD6DA4BA1, &WrapI_CUIIU, "sceKernelCreateSema", 'i', "sxiip" }, {0X28B6489C, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteSema", 'i', "i" }, {0X58B1F937, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelPollSema", 'i', "ii" }, {0XBC6FEBC5, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferSemaStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X3F53E640, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelSignalSema", 'i', "ii" }, {0X4E3A1105, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelWaitSema", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X6D212BAC, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelWaitSemaCB", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X60107536, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDeleteLwMutex", 'i', "x" }, {0X19CFF145, &WrapI_UCUIU, "sceKernelCreateLwMutex", 'i', "xsxix" }, {0X4C145944, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferLwMutexStatusByID", 'i', "xp" }, // NOTE: LockLwMutex, UnlockLwMutex, and ReferLwMutexStatus are in Kernel_Library, see sceKernelInterrupt.cpp. // The below should not be called directly. //{0x71040D5C, nullptr, "_sceKernelTryLockLwMutex", '?', "" }, //{0x7CFF8CF3, nullptr, "_sceKernelLockLwMutex", '?', "" }, //{0x31327F19, nullptr, "_sceKernelLockLwMutexCB", '?', "" }, //{0xBEED3A47, nullptr, "_sceKernelUnlockLwMutex", '?', "" }, {0XF8170FBE, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteMutex", 'i', "i" }, {0XB011B11F, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelLockMutex", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X5BF4DD27, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelLockMutexCB", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X6B30100F, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelUnlockMutex", 'i', "ii" }, {0XB7D098C6, &WrapI_CUIU, "sceKernelCreateMutex", 'i', "sxip" }, {0X0DDCD2C9, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelTryLockMutex", 'i', "ii" }, {0XA9C2CB9A, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferMutexStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X87D9223C, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelCancelMutex", 'i', "iix" }, {0XFCCFAD26, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelCancelWakeupThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X1AF94D03, nullptr, "sceKernelDonateWakeupThread", '?', "" }, {0XEA748E31, &WrapI_UU, "sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr", 'i', "xx" }, {0X71BC9871, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelChangeThreadPriority", 'i', "ii" }, {0X446D8DE6, &WrapI_CUUIUU, "sceKernelCreateThread", 'i', "sxxixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X9FA03CD3, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteThread", 'i', "i" }, {0XBD123D9E, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThread", 'i', "P", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X1181E963, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThreadCB", 'i', "P", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XCEADEB47, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDelayThread", 'i', "x", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X68DA9E36, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDelayThreadCB", 'i', "x", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XAA73C935, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelExitThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X809CE29B, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelExitDeleteThread", 'i', "i" }, {0x94aa61ee, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority", 'i', "" }, {0X293B45B8, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelGetThreadId", 'i', "", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X3B183E26, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus", 'i', "i" }, {0X52089CA1, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize", 'i', "i" }, {0XFFC36A14, &WrapU_UU, "sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus", 'x', "xx" }, {0X17C1684E, &WrapU_UU, "sceKernelReferThreadStatus", 'i', "xp" }, {0X2C34E053, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelReleaseWaitThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X75156E8F, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelResumeThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X3AD58B8C, &WrapU_V, "sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread", 'x', "", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X27E22EC2, &WrapU_U, "sceKernelResumeDispatchThread", 'x', "x", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X912354A7, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue", 'i', "i" }, {0X9ACE131E, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelSleepThread", 'i', "", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X82826F70, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelSleepThreadCB", 'i', "", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XF475845D, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelStartThread", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X9944F31F, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelSuspendThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X616403BA, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelTerminateThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X383F7BCC, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread", 'i', "i" }, {0X840E8133, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB", 'i', "ix" }, {0XD13BDE95, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelCheckThreadStack", 'i', "" }, {0X94416130, &WrapU_UUUU, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList", 'x', "xxxx" }, {0X57CF62DD, &WrapU_U, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType", 'x', "x" }, {0XBC80EC7C, &WrapU_UUU, "sceKernelExtendThreadStack", 'x', "xxx" }, // NOTE: Takes a UID from sceKernelMemory's AllocMemoryBlock and seems thread stack related. //{0x28BFD974, nullptr, "ThreadManForUser_28BFD974", '?', "" }, {0X82BC5777, &WrapU64_V, "sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide", 'X', "" }, {0XDB738F35, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelGetSystemTime", 'i', "x" }, {0X369ED59D, &WrapU_V, "sceKernelGetSystemTimeLow", 'x', "" }, {0X8218B4DD, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler", 'i', "" }, {0X627E6F3A, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelReferSystemStatus", 'i', "x" }, {0X64D4540E, &WrapU_V, "sceKernelReferThreadProfiler", 'x', "" }, //Fifa Street 2 uses alarms {0X6652B8CA, &WrapI_UUU, "sceKernelSetAlarm", 'i', "xxx" }, {0XB2C25152, &WrapI_UUU, "sceKernelSetSysClockAlarm", 'i', "xxx" }, {0X7E65B999, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelCancelAlarm", 'i', "i" }, {0XDAA3F564, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferAlarmStatus", 'i', "ix" }, {0XBA6B92E2, &WrapI_UUU, "sceKernelSysClock2USec", 'i', "xxx" }, {0X110DEC9A, &WrapI_UU, "sceKernelUSec2SysClock", 'i', "xx" }, {0XC8CD158C, &WrapU64_U, "sceKernelUSec2SysClockWide", 'X', "x" }, {0XE1619D7C, &WrapI_UUUU, "sceKernelSysClock2USecWide", 'i', "xxxx" }, {0X278C0DF5, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelWaitThreadEnd", 'i', "ix" }, {0XD59EAD2F, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelWakeupThread", 'i', "i" }, //AI Go, audio? {0x0C106E53, &WrapI_CIUUU, "sceKernelRegisterThreadEventHandler", 'i', "sixxx", }, {0x72F3C145, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelReleaseThreadEventHandler", 'i', "i" }, {0x369EEB6B, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferThreadEventHandlerStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0x349d6d6c, &sceKernelCheckCallback, "sceKernelCheckCallback", 'i', "" }, {0XE81CAF8F, &WrapI_CUU, "sceKernelCreateCallback", 'i', "sxx" }, {0XEDBA5844, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteCallback", 'i', "i" }, {0XC11BA8C4, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelNotifyCallback", 'i', "ii" }, {0XBA4051D6, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelCancelCallback", 'i', "i" }, {0X2A3D44FF, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelGetCallbackCount", 'i', "i" }, {0X730ED8BC, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferCallbackStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X8125221D, &WrapI_CUU, "sceKernelCreateMbx", 'i', "sxx" }, {0X86255ADA, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteMbx", 'i', "i" }, {0XE9B3061E, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelSendMbx", 'i', "ix" }, {0X18260574, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelReceiveMbx", 'i', "ixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XF3986382, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelReceiveMbxCB", 'i', "ixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X0D81716A, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelPollMbx", 'i', "ix" }, {0X87D4DD36, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelCancelReceiveMbx", 'i', "ix" }, {0XA8E8C846, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferMbxStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X7C0DC2A0, &WrapI_CIUUU, "sceKernelCreateMsgPipe", 'i', "sixxp" }, {0XF0B7DA1C, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe", 'i', "i" }, {0X876DBFAD, &WrapI_IUUUUU, "sceKernelSendMsgPipe", 'i', "ixxxxx" }, {0X7C41F2C2, &WrapI_IUUUUU, "sceKernelSendMsgPipeCB", 'i', "ixxxxx" }, {0X884C9F90, &WrapI_IUUUU, "sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe", 'i', "ixxxx" }, {0X74829B76, &WrapI_IUUUUU, "sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe", 'i', "ixxxxx" }, {0XFBFA697D, &WrapI_IUUUUU, "sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB", 'i', "ixxxxx" }, {0XDF52098F, &WrapI_IUUUU, "sceKernelTryReceiveMsgPipe", 'i', "ixxxx" }, {0X349B864D, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelCancelMsgPipe", 'i', "ixx" }, {0X33BE4024, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferMsgPipeStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X56C039B5, &WrapI_CIUUU, "sceKernelCreateVpl", 'i', "sixxp" }, {0X89B3D48C, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteVpl", 'i', "i" }, {0XBED27435, &WrapI_IUUU, "sceKernelAllocateVpl", 'i', "ixxx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XEC0A693F, &WrapI_IUUU, "sceKernelAllocateVplCB", 'i', "ixxx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XAF36D708, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelTryAllocateVpl", 'i', "ixx" }, {0XB736E9FF, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelFreeVpl", 'i', "ix" }, {0X1D371B8A, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelCancelVpl", 'i', "ix" }, {0X39810265, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferVplStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0XC07BB470, &WrapI_CUUUUU, "sceKernelCreateFpl", 'i', "sixxxp" }, {0XED1410E0, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteFpl", 'i', "i" }, {0XD979E9BF, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelAllocateFpl", 'i', "ixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0XE7282CB6, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB", 'i', "ixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0X623AE665, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelTryAllocateFpl", 'i', "ix" }, {0XF6414A71, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelFreeFpl", 'i', "ix" }, {0XA8AA591F, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelCancelFpl", 'i', "ix" }, {0XD8199E4C, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferFplStatus", 'i', "ip" }, {0X20FFF560, &WrapU_CU, "sceKernelCreateVTimer", 'x', "sx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0X328F9E52, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelDeleteVTimer", 'x', "i", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0XC68D9437, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelStartVTimer", 'x', "i" }, {0XD0AEEE87, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelStopVTimer", 'x', "i" }, {0XD2D615EF, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelCancelVTimerHandler", 'x', "i" }, {0XB3A59970, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelGetVTimerBase", 'x', "ix" }, {0XB7C18B77, &WrapU64_I, "sceKernelGetVTimerBaseWide", 'X', "i" }, {0X034A921F, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelGetVTimerTime", 'x', "ix" }, {0XC0B3FFD2, &WrapU64_I, "sceKernelGetVTimerTimeWide", 'X', "i" }, {0X5F32BEAA, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelReferVTimerStatus", 'x', "ix" }, {0X542AD630, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelSetVTimerTime", 'x', "ix" }, {0XFB6425C3, &WrapU64_IU64, "sceKernelSetVTimerTimeWide", 'X', "iX" }, {0XD8B299AE, &WrapU_IUUU, "sceKernelSetVTimerHandler", 'x', "ixxx" }, {0X53B00E9A, &WrapU_IU64UU, "sceKernelSetVTimerHandlerWide", 'x', "iXxx" }, {0X8DAFF657, &WrapI_CUUUUU, "sceKernelCreateTlspl", 'i', "sixxxp" }, {0X32BF938E, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteTlspl", 'i', "i" }, {0X721067F3, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferTlsplStatus", 'i', "xp" }, // Not completely certain about args. {0X4A719FB2, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelFreeTlspl", 'i', "i" }, // Internal. Takes (uid, &addr) as parameters... probably. //{0x65F54FFB, nullptr, "_sceKernelAllocateTlspl", 'v', "" }, // NOTE: sceKernelGetTlsAddr is in Kernel_Library, see sceKernelInterrupt.cpp. // Not sure if these should be hooked up. See below. {0x0E927AED, &_sceKernelReturnFromTimerHandler, "_sceKernelReturnFromTimerHandler", 'v', "" }, {0X532A522E, &WrapV_I<_sceKernelExitThread>, "_sceKernelExitThread", 'v', "i" }, // Shouldn't hook this up. No games should import this function manually and call it. // {0x6E9EA350, _sceKernelReturnFromCallback,"_sceKernelReturnFromCallback"}, {0X71EC4271, &WrapU_UU, "sceKernelLibcGettimeofday", 'x', "xx" }, {0X79D1C3FA, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll", 'i', "" }, {0X91E4F6A7, &WrapU_V, "sceKernelLibcClock", 'x', "" }, {0XB435DEC5, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll", 'i', "" }, }; const HLEFunction ThreadManForKernel[] = { {0xCEADEB47, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelDelayThread", 'i', "x", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED | HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x446D8DE6, &WrapI_CUUIUU, "sceKernelCreateThread", 'i', "sxxixx", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xF475845D, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelStartThread", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X9FA03CD3, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteThread", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0XAA73C935, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelExitThread", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X809CE29B, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelExitDeleteThread", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X9944F31F, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelSuspendThread", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X75156E8F, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelResumeThread", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X94416130, &WrapU_UUUU, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList", 'x', "xxxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x278c0df5, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelWaitThreadEnd", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xd6da4ba1, &WrapI_CUIIU, "sceKernelCreateSema", 'i', "sxiip", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x28b6489c, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteSema", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x3f53e640, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelSignalSema", 'i', "ii", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x4e3a1105, &WrapI_IIU, "sceKernelWaitSema", 'i', "iix", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED | HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL}, {0x58b1f937, &WrapI_II, "sceKernelPollSema", 'i', "ii", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x55c20a00, &WrapI_CUUU, "sceKernelCreateEventFlag", 'i', "sxxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xef9e4c70, &WrapU_I, "sceKernelDeleteEventFlag", 'x', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x1fb15a32, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelSetEventFlag", 'x', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x812346e4, &WrapU_IU, "sceKernelClearEventFlag", 'x', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x402fcf22, &WrapI_IUUUU, "sceKernelWaitEventFlag", 'i', "ixxpp", HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL}, {0xc07bb470, &WrapI_CUUUUU, "sceKernelCreateFpl", 'i', "sixxxp" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xed1410e0, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteFpl", 'i', "i" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x623ae665, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelTryAllocateFpl", 'i', "ix" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x616403ba, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelTerminateThread", 'i', "i" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x383f7bcc, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread", 'i', "i" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x57cf62dd, &WrapU_U, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType", 'x', "x" ,HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x94aa61ee, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority", 'i', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x293B45B8, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelGetThreadId", 'i', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL | HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT }, {0x3B183E26, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x82BC5777, &WrapU64_V, "sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide", 'X', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xDB738F35, &WrapI_U, "sceKernelGetSystemTime", 'i', "x", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x369ED59D, &WrapU_V, "sceKernelGetSystemTimeLow", 'x', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x6652B8CA, &WrapI_UUU, "sceKernelSetAlarm", 'i', "xxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xB2C25152, &WrapI_UUU, "sceKernelSetSysClockAlarm", 'i', "xxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x7E65B999, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelCancelAlarm", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xDAA3F564, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferAlarmStatus", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x8125221D, &WrapI_CUU, "sceKernelCreateMbx", 'i', "sxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x86255ADA, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteMbx", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xE9B3061E, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelSendMbx", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x18260574, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelReceiveMbx", 'i', "ixx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL | HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0xF3986382, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelReceiveMbxCB", 'i', "ixx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL | HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0x0D81716A, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelPollMbx", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x87D4DD36, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelCancelReceiveMbx", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xA8E8C846, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferMbxStatus", 'i', "ip", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x56C039B5, &WrapI_CIUUU, "sceKernelCreateVpl", 'i', "sixxp", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x89B3D48C, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelDeleteVpl", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xBED27435, &WrapI_IUUU, "sceKernelAllocateVpl", 'i', "ixxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL | HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0xEC0A693F, &WrapI_IUUU, "sceKernelAllocateVplCB", 'i', "ixxx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL | HLE_NOT_IN_INTERRUPT | HLE_NOT_DISPATCH_SUSPENDED }, {0xAF36D708, &WrapI_IUU, "sceKernelTryAllocateVpl", 'i', "ixx", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0xB736E9FF, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelFreeVpl", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x1D371B8A, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelCancelVpl", 'i', "ix", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0x39810265, &WrapI_IU, "sceKernelReferVplStatus", 'i', "ip", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, }; void Register_ThreadManForUser() { RegisterModule("ThreadManForUser", ARRAY_SIZE(ThreadManForUser), ThreadManForUser); } const HLEFunction LoadExecForUser[] = { {0X05572A5F, &WrapV_V, "sceKernelExitGame", 'v', "" }, {0X4AC57943, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelRegisterExitCallback", 'i', "i" }, {0XBD2F1094, &WrapI_CU, "sceKernelLoadExec", 'i', "sx" }, {0X2AC9954B, &WrapV_V, "sceKernelExitGameWithStatus", 'v', "" }, {0X362A956B, &WrapI_V, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B", 'i', "" }, {0X8ADA38D3, nullptr, "LoadExecForUser_8ADA38D3", '?', "" }, }; void Register_LoadExecForUser() { RegisterModule("LoadExecForUser", ARRAY_SIZE(LoadExecForUser), LoadExecForUser); } const HLEFunction LoadExecForKernel[] = { {0x4AC57943, &WrapI_I, "sceKernelRegisterExitCallback", 'i', "i", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0XA3D5E142, nullptr, "sceKernelExitVSHVSH", '?', "" }, {0X28D0D249, &WrapI_CU, "sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs2", 'i', "sx" }, {0x6D302D3D, &WrapV_V, "sceKernelExitVSHKernel", 'v', "x", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL },// when called in game mode it will have the same effect that sceKernelExitGame }; void Register_LoadExecForKernel() { RegisterModule("LoadExecForKernel", ARRAY_SIZE(LoadExecForKernel), LoadExecForKernel); } const HLEFunction ExceptionManagerForKernel[] = { {0X3FB264FC, nullptr, "sceKernelRegisterExceptionHandler", '?', "" }, {0X5A837AD4, nullptr, "sceKernelRegisterPriorityExceptionHandler", '?', "" }, {0x565C0B0E, &WrapI_V, "sceKernelRegisterDefaultExceptionHandler", 'i', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X1AA6CFFA, nullptr, "sceKernelReleaseExceptionHandler", '?', "" }, {0XDF83875E, nullptr, "sceKernelGetActiveDefaultExceptionHandler", '?', "" }, {0X291FF031, nullptr, "sceKernelReleaseDefaultExceptionHandler", '?', "" }, {0X15ADC862, nullptr, "sceKernelRegisterNmiHandler", '?', "" }, {0XB15357C9, nullptr, "sceKernelReleaseNmiHandler", '?', "" }, }; void Register_ExceptionManagerForKernel() { RegisterModule("ExceptionManagerForKernel", ARRAY_SIZE(ExceptionManagerForKernel), ExceptionManagerForKernel); } // Seen in some homebrew const HLEFunction UtilsForKernel[] = { {0xC2DF770E, WrapI_UI, "sceKernelIcacheInvalidateRange", '?', "", HLE_KERNEL_SYSCALL }, {0X78934841, nullptr, "sceKernelGzipDecompress", '?', "" }, {0XE8DB3CE6, nullptr, "sceKernelDeflateDecompress", '?', "" }, {0X840259F1, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsSha1Digest", '?', "" }, {0X9E5C5086, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockInit", '?', "" }, {0X61E1E525, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockUpdate", '?', "" }, {0XB8D24E78, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockResult", '?', "" }, {0XC8186A58, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMd5Digest", '?', "" }, {0X6C6887EE, nullptr, "UtilsForKernel_6C6887EE", '?', "" }, {0X91E4F6A7, nullptr, "sceKernelLibcClock", '?', "" }, {0X27CC57F0, nullptr, "sceKernelLibcTime", '?', "" }, {0X79D1C3FA, nullptr, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll", '?', "" }, {0X3EE30821, nullptr, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackRange", '?', "" }, {0X34B9FA9E, nullptr, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateRange", '?', "" }, {0XB435DEC5, nullptr, "sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll", '?', "" }, {0XBFA98062, nullptr, "sceKernelDcacheInvalidateRange", '?', "" }, {0X920F104A, nullptr, "sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll", '?', "" }, {0XE860E75E, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMt19937Init", '?', "" }, {0X06FB8A63, nullptr, "sceKernelUtilsMt19937UInt", '?', "" }, }; void Register_UtilsForKernel() { RegisterModule("UtilsForKernel", ARRAY_SIZE(UtilsForKernel), UtilsForKernel); } void Register_ThreadManForKernel() { RegisterModule("ThreadManForKernel", ARRAY_SIZE(ThreadManForKernel), ThreadManForKernel); }