#pragma once #include "VRBase.h" typedef enum ovrButton_ { ovrButton_A = 0x00000001, // Set for trigger pulled on the Gear VR and Go Controllers ovrButton_B = 0x00000002, ovrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004, ovrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008, ovrButton_X = 0x00000100, ovrButton_Y = 0x00000200, ovrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400, ovrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800, ovrButton_Up = 0x00010000, ovrButton_Down = 0x00020000, ovrButton_Left = 0x00040000, ovrButton_Right = 0x00080000, ovrButton_Enter = 0x00100000, //< Set for touchpad click on the Go Controller, menu // button on Left Quest Controller ovrButton_Back = 0x00200000, //< Back button on the Go Controller (only set when // a short press comes up) ovrButton_GripTrigger = 0x04000000, //< grip trigger engaged ovrButton_Trigger = 0x20000000, //< Index Trigger engaged ovrButton_Joystick = 0x80000000, //< Click of the Joystick ovrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrButton; void IN_VRInit( engine_t *engine ); void IN_VRInputFrame( engine_t* engine ); uint32_t IN_VRGetButtonState( int controllerIndex ); XrVector2f IN_VRGetJoystickState( int controllerIndex ); XrPosef IN_VRGetPose( int controllerIndex ); void INVR_Vibrate( int duration, int chan, float intensity );