Henrik Rydgard e7097ca95a Fall back to software transform when hardware transform fails. Should help Mali devices.
This is done per shader so the speed hit should not be as bad as turning hw transform off entirely.
Displays a red error at the top of the screen so that we don't trigger this accidentally.
2013-06-06 10:09:37 +02:00

544 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <map>
#include "math/lin/matrix4x4.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/ge_constants.h"
#include "GPU/GLES/ShaderManager.h"
#include "GPU/GLES/TransformPipeline.h"
#include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h"
Shader::Shader(const char *code, uint32_t shaderType, bool useHWTransform) : failed_(false), useHWTransform_(useHWTransform) {
source_ = code;
shader = glCreateShader(shaderType);
glShaderSource(shader, 1, &code, 0);
GLint success;
glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
if (!success) {
#define MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE 2048
GLchar infoLog[MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE];
GLsizei len;
glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE, &len, infoLog);
infoLog[len] = '\0';
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Error in shader compilation!\n");
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Info log: %s\n", infoLog);
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Shader source:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
Reporting::ReportMessage("Error in shader compilation: info: %s / code: %s", infoLog, (const char *)code);
failed_ = true;
shader = 0;
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Compiled shader:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
Shader::~Shader() {
if (shader)
LinkedShader::LinkedShader(Shader *vs, Shader *fs, bool useHWTransform)
: program(0), dirtyUniforms(0), useHWTransform_(useHWTransform) {
program = glCreateProgram();
glAttachShader(program, vs->shader);
glAttachShader(program, fs->shader);
GLint linkStatus;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus);
if (linkStatus != GL_TRUE) {
GLint bufLength = 0;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &bufLength);
if (bufLength) {
char* buf = new char[bufLength];
glGetProgramInfoLog(program, bufLength, NULL, buf);
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Could not link program:\n %s", buf);
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "VS:\n%s", vs->source().c_str());
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "FS:\n%s", fs->source().c_str());
delete [] buf; // we're dead!
INFO_LOG(G3D, "Linked shader: vs %i fs %i", (int)vs->shader, (int)fs->shader);
u_tex = glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex");
u_proj = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_proj");
u_proj_through = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_proj_through");
u_texenv = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texenv");
u_fogcolor = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_fogcolor");
u_fogcoef = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_fogcoef");
u_alphacolorref = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_alphacolorref");
u_colormask = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_colormask");
// Transform
u_view = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_view");
u_world = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_world");
u_texmtx = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texmtx");
numBones = gstate.getNumBoneWeights();
u_bone = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_bone");
for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
char name[10];
sprintf(name, "u_bone%i", i);
u_bone[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, name);
// Lighting, texturing
u_ambient = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_ambient");
u_matambientalpha = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matambientalpha");
u_matdiffuse = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matdiffuse");
u_matspecular = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matspecular");
u_matemissive = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matemissive");
u_uvscaleoffset = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_uvscaleoffset");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
char temp[64];
sprintf(temp, "u_lightpos%i", i);
u_lightpos[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightdir%i", i);
u_lightdir[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightatt%i", i);
u_lightatt[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightangle%i", i);
u_lightangle[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightspotCoef%i", i);
u_lightspotCoef[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightambient%i", i);
u_lightambient[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightdiffuse%i", i);
u_lightdiffuse[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
sprintf(temp, "u_lightspecular%i", i);
u_lightspecular[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
a_position = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_position");
a_color0 = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_color0");
a_color1 = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_color1");
a_texcoord = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_texcoord");
a_normal = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_normal");
a_weight0123 = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_w1");
a_weight4567 = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_w2");
// Default uniform values
glUniform1i(u_tex, 0);
// The rest, use the "dirty" mechanism.
dirtyUniforms = DIRTY_ALL;
LinkedShader::~LinkedShader() {
// Utility
static void SetColorUniform3(int uniform, u32 color) {
const float col[3] = {
((color & 0xFF)) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f
glUniform3fv(uniform, 1, col);
static void SetColorUniform3Alpha(int uniform, u32 color, u8 alpha) {
const float col[4] = {
((color & 0xFF)) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f,
glUniform4fv(uniform, 1, col);
// This passes colors unscaled (e.g. 0 - 255 not 0 - 1.)
static void SetColorUniform3Alpha255(int uniform, u32 color, u8 alpha) {
const float col[4] = {
(float)((color & 0xFF)),
(float)((color & 0xFF00) >> 8),
(float)((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16),
glUniform4fv(uniform, 1, col);
static void SetColorUniform3ExtraFloat(int uniform, u32 color, float extra) {
const float col[4] = {
((color & 0xFF)) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f,
((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f,
glUniform4fv(uniform, 1, col);
static void ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(const float *m4x3, float *m4x4) {
m4x4[0] = m4x3[0];
m4x4[1] = m4x3[1];
m4x4[2] = m4x3[2];
m4x4[3] = 0.0f;
m4x4[4] = m4x3[3];
m4x4[5] = m4x3[4];
m4x4[6] = m4x3[5];
m4x4[7] = 0.0f;
m4x4[8] = m4x3[6];
m4x4[9] = m4x3[7];
m4x4[10] = m4x3[8];
m4x4[11] = 0.0f;
m4x4[12] = m4x3[9];
m4x4[13] = m4x3[10];
m4x4[14] = m4x3[11];
m4x4[15] = 1.0f;
static void SetMatrix4x3(int uniform, const float *m4x3) {
float m4x4[16];
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(m4x3, m4x4);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform, 1, GL_FALSE, m4x4);
void LinkedShader::use() {
if (a_texcoord != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_texcoord);
if (a_color0 != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_color0);
if (a_color1 != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_color1);
if (a_normal != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_normal);
if (a_weight0123 != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_weight0123);
if (a_weight4567 != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(a_weight4567);
void LinkedShader::stop() {
if (a_texcoord != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_texcoord);
if (a_color0 != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_color0);
if (a_color1 != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_color1);
if (a_normal != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_normal);
if (a_weight0123 != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_weight0123);
if (a_weight4567 != -1) glDisableVertexAttribArray(a_weight4567);
void LinkedShader::updateUniforms() {
if (!dirtyUniforms)
// Update any dirty uniforms before we draw
if (u_proj != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJMATRIX)) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_proj, 1, GL_FALSE, gstate.projMatrix);
float flippedMatrix[16];
memcpy(flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));
if (gstate_c.vpHeight < 0) {
flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
if (gstate_c.vpWidth < 0) {
flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_proj, 1, GL_FALSE, flippedMatrix);
if (u_proj_through != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX))
Matrix4x4 proj_through;
proj_through.setOrtho(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 0, 1);
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_proj_through, 1, GL_FALSE, proj_through.getReadPtr());
if (u_texenv != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXENV)) {
SetColorUniform3(u_texenv, gstate.texenvcolor);
if (u_alphacolorref != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF)) {
SetColorUniform3Alpha255(u_alphacolorref, gstate.colorref, (gstate.alphatest >> 8) & 0xFF);
if (u_colormask != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_COLORMASK)) {
SetColorUniform3(u_colormask, gstate.colormask);
if (u_fogcolor != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOLOR)) {
SetColorUniform3(u_fogcolor, gstate.fogcolor);
if (u_fogcoef != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOEF)) {
const float fogcoef[2] = {
glUniform2fv(u_fogcoef, 1, fogcoef);
// Texturing
if (u_uvscaleoffset != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET)) {
float uvscaleoff[4] = {gstate_c.uScale, gstate_c.vScale, gstate_c.uOff, gstate_c.vOff};
if (gstate.isModeThrough()) {
// We never get here because we don't use HW transform with through mode.
// Although - why don't we?
uvscaleoff[0] /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
uvscaleoff[1] /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
uvscaleoff[2] /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
uvscaleoff[3] /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
} else {
static const float rescale[4] = {2.0f, 2*127.5f/128.f, 2*32767.5f/32768.f, 2.0f};
float factor = rescale[(gstate.vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) >> GE_VTYPE_TC_SHIFT];
uvscaleoff[0] *= factor;
uvscaleoff[1] *= factor;
glUniform4fv(u_uvscaleoffset, 1, uvscaleoff);
// Transform
if (u_world != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX)) {
SetMatrix4x3(u_world, gstate.worldMatrix);
if (u_view != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX)) {
SetMatrix4x3(u_view, gstate.viewMatrix);
if (u_texmtx != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXMATRIX)) {
SetMatrix4x3(u_texmtx, gstate.tgenMatrix);
// TODO: Could even set all bones in one go if they're all dirty.
if (u_bone != -1) {
float allBones[8 * 16];
bool allDirty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(gstate.boneMatrix + 12 * i, allBones + 16 * i);
} else {
allDirty = false;
if (allDirty) {
// Set them all with one call
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_bone, numBones, GL_FALSE, allBones);
} else {
// Set them one by one. Could try to coalesce two in a row etc but too lazy.
for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_bone + i, 1, GL_FALSE, allBones + 16 * i);
float bonetemp[16];
for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(gstate.boneMatrix + 12 * i, bonetemp);
glUniformMatrix4fv(u_bone[i], 1, GL_FALSE, bonetemp);
// Lighting
if (u_ambient != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_AMBIENT)) {
SetColorUniform3Alpha(u_ambient, gstate.ambientcolor, gstate.ambientalpha & 0xFF);
if (u_matambientalpha != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATAMBIENTALPHA)) {
SetColorUniform3Alpha(u_matambientalpha, gstate.materialambient, gstate.materialalpha & 0xFF);
if (u_matdiffuse != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATDIFFUSE)) {
SetColorUniform3(u_matdiffuse, gstate.materialdiffuse);
if (u_matemissive != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATEMISSIVE)) {
SetColorUniform3(u_matemissive, gstate.materialemissive);
if (u_matspecular != -1 && (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATSPECULAR)) {
SetColorUniform3ExtraFloat(u_matspecular, gstate.materialspecular, getFloat24(gstate.materialspecularcoef));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_LIGHT0 << i)) {
if (u_lightpos[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightpos[i], 1, gstate_c.lightpos[i]);
if (u_lightdir[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightdir[i], 1, gstate_c.lightdir[i]);
if (u_lightatt[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightatt[i], 1, gstate_c.lightatt[i]);
if (u_lightangle[i] != -1) glUniform1f(u_lightangle[i], gstate_c.lightangle[i]);
if (u_lightspotCoef[i] != -1) glUniform1f(u_lightspotCoef[i], gstate_c.lightspotCoef[i]);
if (u_lightambient[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightambient[i], 1, gstate_c.lightColor[0][i]);
if (u_lightdiffuse[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightdiffuse[i], 1, gstate_c.lightColor[1][i]);
if (u_lightspecular[i] != -1) glUniform3fv(u_lightspecular[i], 1, gstate_c.lightColor[2][i]);
dirtyUniforms = 0;
ShaderManager::ShaderManager() : lastShader(NULL), globalDirty(0xFFFFFFFF), shaderSwitchDirty(0) {
codeBuffer_ = new char[16384];
ShaderManager::~ShaderManager() {
delete [] codeBuffer_;
void ShaderManager::DirtyUniform(u32 what) {
globalDirty |= what;
void ShaderManager::Clear() {
for (LinkedShaderCache::iterator iter = linkedShaderCache.begin(); iter != linkedShaderCache.end(); ++iter) {
delete iter->second;
for (FSCache::iterator iter = fsCache.begin(); iter != fsCache.end(); ++iter) {
delete iter->second;
for (VSCache::iterator iter = vsCache.begin(); iter != vsCache.end(); ++iter) {
delete iter->second;
globalDirty = 0xFFFFFFFF;
void ShaderManager::ClearCache(bool deleteThem) {
void ShaderManager::DirtyShader() {
// Forget the last shader ID
lastShader = 0;
void ShaderManager::EndFrame() { // disables vertex arrays
if (lastShader)
lastShader = 0;
LinkedShader *ShaderManager::ApplyShader(int prim) {
if (globalDirty) {
if (lastShader)
lastShader->dirtyUniforms |= globalDirty;
shaderSwitchDirty |= globalDirty;
globalDirty = 0;
bool useHWTransform = CanUseHardwareTransform(prim);
VertexShaderID VSID;
FragmentShaderID FSID;
ComputeVertexShaderID(&VSID, prim, useHWTransform);
// Just update uniforms if this is the same shader as last time.
if (lastShader != 0 && VSID == lastVSID && FSID == lastFSID) {
return lastShader; // Already all set.
if (lastShader != 0) {
// There was a previous shader and we're switching.
// Deferred dirtying! Let's see if we can make this even more clever later.
for (LinkedShaderCache::iterator iter = linkedShaderCache.begin(); iter != linkedShaderCache.end(); ++iter) {
iter->second->dirtyUniforms |= shaderSwitchDirty;
shaderSwitchDirty = 0;
lastVSID = VSID;
lastFSID = FSID;
VSCache::iterator vsIter = vsCache.find(VSID);
Shader *vs;
if (vsIter == vsCache.end()) {
// Vertex shader not in cache. Let's compile it.
GenerateVertexShader(prim, codeBuffer_, useHWTransform);
vs = new Shader(codeBuffer_, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, useHWTransform);
if (vs->Failed()) {
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Shader compilation failed, falling back to software transform");
osm.Show("hardware transform error - falling back to software", 2.5f, 0xFF3030FF, -1, true);
delete vs;
// TODO: Look for existing shader with the appropriate ID, use that instead of generating a new one - however, need to make sure
// that that shader ID is not used when computing the linked shader ID below, because then IDs won't match
// next time and we'll do this over and over...
// Can still work with software transform.
GenerateVertexShader(prim, codeBuffer_, false);
vs = new Shader(codeBuffer_, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, false);
vsCache[VSID] = vs;
} else {
vs = vsIter->second;
FSCache::iterator fsIter = fsCache.find(FSID);
Shader *fs;
if (fsIter == fsCache.end()) {
// Fragment shader not in cache. Let's compile it.
fs = new Shader(codeBuffer_, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, useHWTransform);
fsCache[FSID] = fs;
} else {
fs = fsIter->second;
// Okay, we have both shaders. Let's see if there's a linked one.
std::pair<Shader*, Shader*> linkedID(vs, fs);
LinkedShaderCache::iterator iter = linkedShaderCache.find(linkedID);
LinkedShader *ls;
if (iter == linkedShaderCache.end()) {
ls = new LinkedShader(vs, fs, vs->UseHWTransform()); // This does "use" automatically
linkedShaderCache[linkedID] = ls;
} else {
ls = iter->second;
lastShader = ls;
return ls;