mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:16:56 +00:00
358 lines
9.6 KiB
358 lines
9.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/MemoryUtil.h"
#include "GPU/GPUInterface.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/Common/GPUDebugInterface.h"
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#include <atomic>
class FramebufferManagerCommon;
class TextureCacheCommon;
class DrawEngineCommon;
class GraphicsContext;
struct VirtualFramebuffer;
namespace Draw {
class DrawContext;
enum DrawType {
enum {
FLAG_DIRTYONCHANGE = 64, // NOTE: Either this or FLAG_EXECUTE*, not both!
struct TransformedVertex {
union {
struct {
float x, y, z, pos_w; // in case of morph, preblend during decode
float pos[4];
union {
struct {
float u; float v; float uv_w; // scaled by uscale, vscale, if there
float uv[3];
float fog;
union {
u8 color0[4]; // prelit
u32 color0_32;
union {
u8 color1[4]; // prelit
u32 color1_32;
void CopyFromWithOffset(const TransformedVertex &other, float xoff, float yoff) {
this->x = other.x + xoff;
this->y = other.y + yoff;
memcpy(&this->z, &other.z, sizeof(*this) - sizeof(float) * 2);
class GPUCommon : public GPUInterface, public GPUDebugInterface {
GPUCommon(GraphicsContext *gfxCtx, Draw::DrawContext *draw);
Draw::DrawContext *GetDrawContext() override {
return draw_;
virtual u32 CheckGPUFeatures() const = 0;
virtual void UpdateCmdInfo() = 0;
bool IsReady() override {
return true;
bool IsStarted() override {
return true;
void CancelReady() override {}
void Reinitialize() override;
void BeginHostFrame() override;
void EndHostFrame() override;
void InterruptStart(int listid) override;
void InterruptEnd(int listid) override;
void SyncEnd(GPUSyncType waitType, int listid, bool wokeThreads) override;
void EnableInterrupts(bool enable) override {
interruptsEnabled_ = enable;
void NotifyDisplayResized() override;
void NotifyRenderResized() override;
void NotifyConfigChanged() override;
void DumpNextFrame() override;
virtual void PreExecuteOp(u32 op, u32 diff) {}
bool InterpretList(DisplayList &list);
void ProcessDLQueue();
u32 UpdateStall(int listid, u32 newstall) override;
u32 EnqueueList(u32 listpc, u32 stall, int subIntrBase, PSPPointer<PspGeListArgs> args, bool head) override;
u32 DequeueList(int listid) override;
int ListSync(int listid, int mode) override;
u32 DrawSync(int mode) override;
int GetStack(int index, u32 stackPtr) override;
bool GetMatrix24(GEMatrixType type, u32_le *result, u32 cmdbits) override;
void ResetMatrices() override;
void DoState(PointerWrap &p) override;
bool BusyDrawing() override;
u32 Continue() override;
u32 Break(int mode) override;
void ReapplyGfxState() override;
uint32_t SetAddrTranslation(uint32_t value) override;
uint32_t GetAddrTranslation() override;
void CopyDisplayToOutput(bool reallyDirty) override = 0;
bool PerformMemoryCopy(u32 dest, u32 src, int size, GPUCopyFlag flags = GPUCopyFlag::NONE) override;
bool PerformMemorySet(u32 dest, u8 v, int size) override;
bool PerformReadbackToMemory(u32 dest, int size) override;
bool PerformWriteColorFromMemory(u32 dest, int size) override;
void PerformWriteFormattedFromMemory(u32 addr, int size, int width, GEBufferFormat format) override;
bool PerformWriteStencilFromMemory(u32 dest, int size, WriteStencil flags) override;
void Execute_OffsetAddr(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Vaddr(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Iaddr(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Origin(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Jump(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_BJump(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Call(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Ret(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_End(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_BoundingBox(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_MorphWeight(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_ImmVertexAlphaPrim(u32 op, u32 diff);
void Execute_Unknown(u32 op, u32 diff);
int EstimatePerVertexCost();
// Note: Not virtual!
void Flush();
void DispatchFlush() override;
#ifdef USE_CRT_DBG
#undef new
void *operator new(size_t s) {
return AllocateAlignedMemory(s, 16);
void operator delete(void *p) {
#ifdef USE_CRT_DBG
#define new DBG_NEW
// From GPUDebugInterface.
bool GetCurrentDisplayList(DisplayList &list) override;
bool GetCurrentSimpleVertices(int count, std::vector<GPUDebugVertex> &vertices, std::vector<u16> &indices) override;
std::vector<std::string> DebugGetShaderIDs(DebugShaderType shader) override { return std::vector<std::string>(); };
std::string DebugGetShaderString(std::string id, DebugShaderType shader, DebugShaderStringType stringType) override {
return "N/A";
bool DescribeCodePtr(const u8 *ptr, std::string &name) override;
std::vector<DisplayList> ActiveDisplayLists() override;
void ResetListPC(int listID, u32 pc) override;
void ResetListStall(int listID, u32 stall) override;
void ResetListState(int listID, DisplayListState state) override;
GPUDebugOp DissassembleOp(u32 pc, u32 op) override;
std::vector<GPUDebugOp> DissassembleOpRange(u32 startpc, u32 endpc) override;
void NotifySteppingEnter() override;
void NotifySteppingExit() override;
u32 GetRelativeAddress(u32 data) override;
u32 GetVertexAddress() override;
u32 GetIndexAddress() override;
GPUgstate GetGState() override;
void SetCmdValue(u32 op) override;
void UpdateUVScaleOffset();
DisplayList* getList(int listid) override {
return &dls[listid];
const std::list<int>& GetDisplayLists() override {
return dlQueue;
s64 GetListTicks(int listid) const override {
if (listid >= 0 && listid < DisplayListMaxCount) {
return dls[listid].waitTicks;
return -1;
void GetReportingInfo(std::string &primaryInfo, std::string &fullInfo) override {
primaryInfo = reportingPrimaryInfo_;
fullInfo = reportingFullInfo_;
void ClearCacheNextFrame() override {}
virtual void CheckRenderResized() {}
inline bool IsTrianglePrim(GEPrimitiveType prim) const {
return prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && prim > GE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP;
void SetDrawType(DrawType type, GEPrimitiveType prim) {
if (type != lastDraw_) {
// We always flush when drawing splines/beziers so no need to do so here
lastDraw_ = type;
// Prim == RECTANGLES can cause CanUseHardwareTransform to flip, so we need to dirty.
// Also, culling may be affected so dirty the raster state.
if (IsTrianglePrim(prim) != IsTrianglePrim(lastPrim_)) {
lastPrim_ = prim;
void BeginFrame() override;
void UpdateVsyncInterval(bool force);
virtual void CheckDepthUsage(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb) {}
virtual void FastRunLoop(DisplayList &list) = 0;
void SlowRunLoop(DisplayList &list);
void UpdatePC(u32 currentPC, u32 newPC);
void UpdateState(GPURunState state);
void FastLoadBoneMatrix(u32 target);
void FlushImm();
void DoBlockTransfer(u32 skipDrawReason);
// TODO: Unify this. The only backend that differs is Vulkan.
virtual void FinishDeferred() {}
void AdvanceVerts(u32 vertType, int count, int bytesRead) {
if ((vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) != GE_VTYPE_IDX_NONE) {
int indexShift = ((vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) >> GE_VTYPE_IDX_SHIFT) - 1;
gstate_c.indexAddr += count << indexShift;
} else {
gstate_c.vertexAddr += bytesRead;
virtual void BuildReportingInfo() = 0;
virtual void UpdateMSAALevel(Draw::DrawContext *draw) {}
DrawEngineCommon *drawEngineCommon_ = nullptr;
// TODO: These should live in GPUCommonHW.
FramebufferManagerCommon *framebufferManager_ = nullptr;
TextureCacheCommon *textureCache_ = nullptr;
bool flushOnParams_ = true;
GraphicsContext *gfxCtx_;
Draw::DrawContext *draw_;
typedef std::list<int> DisplayListQueue;
int nextListID;
DisplayList dls[DisplayListMaxCount];
DisplayList *currentList;
DisplayListQueue dlQueue;
bool interruptRunning = false;
bool isbreak;
u64 drawCompleteTicks;
u64 busyTicks;
int downcount;
u64 startingTicks;
u32 cycleLastPC;
int cyclesExecuted;
bool dumpNextFrame_ = false;
bool dumpThisFrame_ = false;
bool debugRecording_;
bool interruptsEnabled_;
bool displayResized_ = false;
bool renderResized_ = false;
bool configChanged_ = false;
DrawType lastDraw_ = DRAW_UNKNOWN;
GEPrimitiveType lastPrim_ = GE_PRIM_INVALID;
int vertexCost_ = 0;
// No idea how big this buffer needs to be.
enum {
TransformedVertex immBuffer_[MAX_IMMBUFFER_SIZE];
int immCount_ = 0;
GEPrimitiveType immPrim_ = GE_PRIM_INVALID;
uint32_t immFlags_ = 0;
bool immFirstSent_ = false;
uint32_t edramTranslation_ = 0x400;
// When matrix data overflows, the CPU visible values wrap and bleed between matrices.
// But this doesn't actually change the values used by rendering.
// The CPU visible values affect the GPU when list contexts are restored.
// Note: not maintained by all backends, here for save stating.
union {
struct {
u32 bone[12 * 8];
u32 world[12];
u32 view[12];
u32 proj[16];
u32 tgen[12];
u32 all[12 * 8 + 12 + 12 + 16 + 12];
} matrixVisible;
std::string reportingPrimaryInfo_;
std::string reportingFullInfo_;
void DoExecuteCall(u32 target);
void PopDLQueue();
void CheckDrawSync();
int GetNextListIndex();
// Debug stats.
double timeSteppingStarted_;
double timeSpentStepping_;
int lastVsync_ = -1;