2013-10-31 13:34:34 +01:00

370 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <vector>
#include "TouchControlLayoutScreen.h"
#include "TouchControlVisibilityScreen.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "base/colorutil.h"
#include "ui/ui_context.h"
#include "ui_atlas.h"
#include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h"
#include "GamepadEmu.h"
#include "i18n/i18n.h"
static const int leftMargin = 140;
// convert from screen coordinates (leftMargin to dp_xres) to actual fullscreen coordinates (0 to dp_xres)
static inline int toFullscreenCoord(int screenx) {
return ((float)dp_xres / (dp_xres - leftMargin)) * (screenx - leftMargin);
// convert from external fullscreen coordinates(0 to dp_xres) to the current partial coordinates (leftMargin to dp_xres)
static inline int fromFullscreenCoord(int controllerX) {
return leftMargin + ((dp_xres - leftMargin) / (float)dp_xres) * controllerX;
class DragDropButton : public MultiTouchButton {
DragDropButton(int &x, int &y, int bgImg, int img, float scale)
: MultiTouchButton(bgImg, img, scale, new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(fromFullscreenCoord(x), y, UI::NONE, UI::NONE, true)),
x_(x), y_(y) {
scale_ = scale;
virtual bool IsDown() {
//don't want the button to enlarge and throw the user's perspective
//of button size off whack.
return false;
void SavePosition() {
x_ = toFullscreenCoord(bounds_.centerX());
y_ = bounds_.centerY();
int &x_, &y_;
class PSPActionButtons : public DragDropButton {
PSPActionButtons(int &x, int &y, int actionButtonSpacing, float scale)
: DragDropButton(x, y, -1, -1, scale), actionButtonSpacing_(actionButtonSpacing) {
using namespace UI;
roundId_ = I_ROUND;
circleId_ = I_CIRCLE;
crossId_ = I_CROSS;
triangleId_ = I_TRIANGLE;
squareId_ = I_SQUARE;
circleVisible_ = triangleVisible_ = squareVisible_ = crossVisible_ = true;
void setCircleVisibility(bool visible){
circleVisible_ = visible;
void setCrossVisibility(bool visible){
crossVisible_ = visible;
void setTriangleVisibility(bool visible){
triangleVisible_ = visible;
void setSquareVisibility(bool visible){
squareVisible_ = visible;
void Draw(UIContext &dc) {
float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;
uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(0xc0b080, opacity);
uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);
int centerX = bounds_.centerX();
int centerY = bounds_.centerY();
if (circleVisible_) {
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX + actionButtonSpacing_, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(circleId_, centerX + actionButtonSpacing_, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false);
if (crossVisible_) {
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY + actionButtonSpacing_, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(crossId_, centerX, centerY + actionButtonSpacing_, scale_, 0, color, false);
if (triangleVisible_) {
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY - actionButtonSpacing_, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(triangleId_, centerX, centerY - actionButtonSpacing_, scale_, 0, color, false);
if (squareVisible_){
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX - actionButtonSpacing_, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(squareId_, centerX - actionButtonSpacing_, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false);
void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const{
const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[roundId_];
w = 2 * actionButtonSpacing_ + image.w * scale_;
h = 2 * actionButtonSpacing_ + image.h * scale_;
//w += 2 * actionButtonSpacing_;
//h += 2 * actionButtonSpacing_;
bool circleVisible_, crossVisible_, triangleVisible_, squareVisible_;
int roundId_;
int circleId_, crossId_, triangleId_, squareId_;
int actionButtonSpacing_;
class PSPDPadButtons : public DragDropButton {
PSPDPadButtons(int &x, int &y, int DpadRadius, float scale)
: DragDropButton(x, y, -1, -1, scale), DpadRadius_(DpadRadius) {
void Draw(UIContext &dc) {
float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;
uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(0xc0b080, opacity);
uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);
static const float xoff[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
static const float yoff[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float x = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * DpadRadius_;
float y = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * DpadRadius_;
float angle = i * M_PI / 2;
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(I_DIR, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, colorBg, false);
dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(I_ARROW, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, color);
void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const{
const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[I_DIR];
w = 2 * DpadRadius_ + image.w * scale_;
h = 2 * DpadRadius_ + image.h * scale_;
//w += 2 * DpadRadius_;
//h += 2 * DpadRadius_;
int DpadRadius_;
TouchControlLayoutScreen::TouchControlLayoutScreen() {
pickedControl_ = 0;
void TouchControlLayoutScreen::touch(const TouchInput &touch) {
using namespace UI;
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_MOVE) && pickedControl_ != 0) {
const Bounds &bounds = pickedControl_->GetBounds();
int mintouchX = leftMargin + bounds.w * 0.5;
int maxTouchX = dp_xres - bounds.w * 0.5;
int minTouchY = bounds.h * 0.5;
int maxTouchY = dp_yres - bounds.h * 0.5;
int newX = bounds.centerX(), newY = bounds.centerY();
//we have to handle x and y separately since even if x is blocked, y may not be.
if (touch.x > mintouchX && touch.x < maxTouchX) {
//if the leftmost point of the control is ahead of the margin,
//move it. Otherwise, don't.
newX = touch.x;
if (touch.y > minTouchY && touch.y < maxTouchY) {
newY = touch.y;
// ILOG("position: x = %d; y = %d", newX, newY);
pickedControl_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new UI::AnchorLayoutParams(newX, newY, NONE, NONE, true));
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_DOWN) && pickedControl_ == 0) {
ILOG("->->->picked up")
pickedControl_ = getPickedControl(touch.x, touch.y);
if ((touch.flags & TOUCH_UP) && pickedControl_ != 0) {
ILOG("->->->dropped down")
pickedControl_ = 0;
void TouchControlLayoutScreen::onFinish(DialogResult reason) {
UI::EventReturn TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnVisibility(UI::EventParams &e) {
screenManager()->push(new TouchControlVisibilityScreen());
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnReset(UI::EventParams &e) {
g_Config.iActionButtonSpacing = -1;
g_Config.iActionButtonCenterX = -1;
g_Config.iActionButtonCenterY = -1;
g_Config.iDpadRadius = -1;
g_Config.iDpadX = -1;
g_Config.iDpadY = -1;
g_Config.iStartKeyX = -1;
g_Config.iStartKeyY = -1;
g_Config.iSelectKeyX = -1;
g_Config.iSelectKeyY = -1;
g_Config.iUnthrottleKeyX = -1;
g_Config.iUnthrottleKeyY = -1;
g_Config.iLKeyX = -1;
g_Config.iLKeyY = -1;
g_Config.iRKeyX = -1;
g_Config.iRKeyY = -1;
g_Config.iAnalogStickX = -1;
g_Config.iAnalogStickY = -1;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
void TouchControlLayoutScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) {
void TouchControlLayoutScreen::CreateViews() {
// setup g_Config for button layout
using namespace UI;
I18NCategory *c = GetI18NCategory("Controls");
I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog");
root_ = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));
Choice *reset = new Choice(d->T("Reset"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftMargin, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 84));
Choice *back = new Choice(d->T("Back"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftMargin, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 10));
Choice *visibility = new Choice(c->T("Visibility"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftMargin, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 158));
reset->OnClick.Handle(this, &TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnReset);
back->OnClick.Handle<UIScreen>(this, &UIScreen::OnBack);
visibility->OnClick.Handle(this, &TouchControlLayoutScreen::OnVisibility);
TabHolder *tabHolder = new TabHolder(ORIENT_VERTICAL, leftMargin, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 0, 10, 0, false));
// this is more for show than anything else. It's used to provide a boundary
// so that buttons like back can be placed within the boundary.
// serves no other purpose.
AnchorLayout *controlsHolder = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));
I18NCategory *ms = GetI18NCategory("MainSettings");
tabHolder->AddTab(ms->T("Controls"), controlsHolder);
if (!g_Config.bShowTouchControls){
float scale = g_Config.fButtonScale;
PSPActionButtons *actionButtons = new PSPActionButtons(g_Config.iActionButtonCenterX, g_Config.iActionButtonCenterY, g_Config.iActionButtonSpacing, scale);
if (g_Config.bShowTouchDpad) {
controls_.push_back(new PSPDPadButtons(g_Config.iDpadX, g_Config.iDpadY, g_Config.iDpadRadius, scale));
if (g_Config.bShowTouchSelect) {
controls_.push_back(new DragDropButton(g_Config.iSelectKeyX, g_Config.iSelectKeyY, I_RECT, I_SELECT, scale));
if (g_Config.bShowTouchStart) {
controls_.push_back(new DragDropButton(g_Config.iStartKeyX, g_Config.iStartKeyY, I_RECT, I_START, scale));
if (g_Config.bShowTouchUnthrottle) {
DragDropButton *unthrottle = new DragDropButton(g_Config.iUnthrottleKeyX, g_Config.iUnthrottleKeyY, I_RECT, I_ARROW, scale);
if (g_Config.bShowTouchLTrigger) {
controls_.push_back(new DragDropButton(g_Config.iLKeyX, g_Config.iLKeyY, I_SHOULDER, I_L, scale));
if (g_Config.bShowTouchRTrigger) {
DragDropButton *rbutton = new DragDropButton(g_Config.iRKeyX, g_Config.iRKeyY, I_SHOULDER, I_R, scale);
if (g_Config.bShowTouchAnalogStick) {
controls_.push_back(new DragDropButton(g_Config.iAnalogStickX, g_Config.iAnalogStickY, I_STICKBG, I_STICK, scale));
for (size_t i = 0; i < controls_.size(); i++) {
// return the control which was picked up by the touchEvent. If a control
// was already picked up, then it's being dragged around, so just return that instead
DragDropButton *TouchControlLayoutScreen::getPickedControl(const int x, const int y) {
if (pickedControl_ != 0) {
return pickedControl_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < controls_.size(); i++) {
DragDropButton *control = controls_[i];
const Bounds &bounds = control->GetBounds();
const float thresholdFactor = 1.5f;
Bounds tolerantBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w * thresholdFactor, bounds.h * thresholdFactor);
if (tolerantBounds.Contains(x, y)) {
return control;
return 0;