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#include "Common/File/VFS/ZipFileReader.h"
#include "Common/Data/Format/JSONReader.h"
#include "Common/System/OSD.h"
#include "Common/Log.h"
#include "Common/StringUtils.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "UI/View.h"
#include "UI/DriverManagerScreen.h"
#include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" // for triggerrestart
#include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h"
static Path GetDriverPath() {
if (g_Config.internalDataDirectory.empty()) {
Path curDir = File::GetCurDirectory();
// This is the case when testing on PC
return GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_PSP) / "drivers";
} else {
// On Android, this is set to something usable.
return g_Config.internalDataDirectory / "drivers";
// Example meta.json:
// {
// "schemaVersion": 1,
// "name" : "Turnip driver revision 14",
// "description" : "Compiled from Mesa source.",
// "author" : "KIMCHI",
// "packageVersion" : "1",
// "vendor" : "Mesa",
// "driverVersion" : "Vulkan 1.3.274",
// "minApi" : 27,
// "libraryName" : "vulkan.ad07XX.so"
// }
struct DriverMeta {
int minApi;
std::string name;
std::string description;
std::string vendor;
std::string driverVersion;
bool Read(std::string_view str, std::string *errorStr) {
// Validate the json file. TODO: Be a bit more detailed.
json::JsonReader meta = json::JsonReader((const char *)str.data(), str.size());
if (!meta.ok()) {
*errorStr = "meta.json not valid json";
return false;
int schemaVersion = meta.root().getInt("schemaVersion");
if (schemaVersion > 1) {
*errorStr = "unknown schemaVersion in meta.json";
return false;
if (!meta.root().getString("name", &name) || name.empty()) {
*errorStr = "missing driver name in json";
return false;
meta.root().getString("description", &description);
meta.root().getString("vendor", &vendor);
meta.root().getString("driverVersion", &driverVersion);
minApi = meta.root().getInt("minApi");
return true;
// Compound view, creating a FileChooserChoice inside.
class DriverChoice : public UI::LinearLayout {
DriverChoice(const std::string &driverName, bool current, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr);
UI::Event OnUse;
UI::Event OnDelete;
std::string name_;
static constexpr UI::Size ITEM_HEIGHT = 64.f;
DriverChoice::DriverChoice(const std::string &driverName, bool current, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams) : UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, layoutParams), name_(driverName) {
using namespace UI;
if (!layoutParams) {
layoutParams_->width = FILL_PARENT;
layoutParams_->height = 220;
auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS);
auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG);
// Read the meta data
DriverMeta meta{};
bool isDefault = driverName.empty();
if (isDefault) {
meta.description = gr->T("Default GPU driver");
Path metaPath = GetDriverPath() / driverName / "meta.json";
std::string metaJson;
if (File::ReadTextFileToString(metaPath, &metaJson)) {
std::string errorStr;
meta.Read(metaJson, &errorStr);
Add(new Spacer(12.0));
bool usable = isDefault || meta.minApi <= System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION);
// For testing only
bool usable = isDefault || true;
Add(new ItemHeader(driverName.empty() ? gr->T("Default GPU driver") : driverName))->SetLarge(true);
if (current) {
Add(new NoticeView(NoticeLevel::SUCCESS, gr->T("Current GPU driver"), ""));
auto horizBar = Add(new UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_HORIZONTAL));
std::string desc = meta.description;
if (!desc.empty()) desc += "\n";
if (!isDefault)
desc += meta.vendor + ": " + meta.driverVersion;
horizBar->Add(new TextView(desc));
if (!current && !isDefault) {
horizBar->Add(new Choice(ImageID("I_TRASHCAN"), new LinearLayoutParams(ITEM_HEIGHT, ITEM_HEIGHT)))->OnClick.Add([=](UI::EventParams &) {
UI::EventParams e{};
e.s = name_;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
if (usable) {
if (!current) {
Add(new Choice(di->T("Select")))->OnClick.Add([=](UI::EventParams &) {
UI::EventParams e{};
e.s = name_;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
} else {
Add(new NoticeView(NoticeLevel::WARN, ApplySafeSubstitutions(gr->T("Driver requires Android API version %1, current is %2"), meta.minApi, System_GetPropertyInt(SYSPROP_SYSTEMVERSION)),""));
DriverManagerScreen::DriverManagerScreen(const Path & gamePath) : TabbedUIDialogScreenWithGameBackground(gamePath) {}
void DriverManagerScreen::CreateTabs() {
using namespace UI;
auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS);
LinearLayout *drivers = AddTab("DriverManagerDrivers", gr->T("Drivers"));
void DriverManagerScreen::CreateDriverTab(UI::ViewGroup *drivers) {
using namespace UI;
auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG);
auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS);
drivers->Add(new ItemHeader(gr->T("AdrenoTools driver manager")));
auto customDriverInstallChoice = drivers->Add(new Choice(gr->T("Install custom driver...")));
drivers->Add(new Choice(di->T("More information...")))->OnClick.Add([=](UI::EventParams &e) {
System_LaunchUrl(LaunchUrlType::BROWSER_URL, "https://www.ppsspp.org/docs/reference/custom-drivers/");
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
customDriverInstallChoice->OnClick.Handle(this, &DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverInstall);
drivers->Add(new ItemHeader(gr->T("Drivers")));
bool isDefault = g_Config.sCustomDriver.empty();
drivers->Add(new DriverChoice("", isDefault))->OnUse.Handle(this, &DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverChange);
const Path driverPath = GetDriverPath();
std::vector<File::FileInfo> listing;
if (File::GetFilesInDir(driverPath, &listing)) {
for (auto driver : listing) {
auto choice = drivers->Add(new DriverChoice(driver.name, g_Config.sCustomDriver == driver.name));
choice->OnUse.Handle(this, &DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverChange);
choice->OnDelete.Handle(this, &DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverUninstall);
drivers->Add(new Spacer(12.0));
UI::EventReturn DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverChange(UI::EventParams &e) {
auto di = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::DIALOG);
screenManager()->push(new PromptScreen(gamePath_, di->T("Changing this setting requires PPSSPP to restart."), di->T("Restart"), di->T("Cancel"), [=](bool yes) {
if (yes) {
INFO_LOG(G3D, "Switching driver to '%s'", e.s.c_str());
g_Config.sCustomDriver = e.s;
TriggerRestart("GameSettingsScreen::CustomDriverYes", false, gamePath_);
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverUninstall(UI::EventParams &e) {
if (e.s.empty()) {
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
INFO_LOG(G3D, "Uninstalling driver: %s", e.s.c_str());
Path folder = GetDriverPath() / e.s;
return UI::EVENT_DONE;
UI::EventReturn DriverManagerScreen::OnCustomDriverInstall(UI::EventParams &e) {
auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS);
System_BrowseForFile(GetRequesterToken(), gr->T("Install custom driver..."), BrowseFileType::ZIP, [this](const std::string &value, int) {
if (value.empty()) {
auto gr = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::GRAPHICS);
Path zipPath = Path(value);
// Don't bother checking the file extension. Can't always do that with files from Download (they have paths like content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/msf%3A1000001095).
// Though, it may be possible to get it in other ways.
std::unique_ptr<ZipFileReader> zipFileReader = std::unique_ptr<ZipFileReader>(ZipFileReader::Create(zipPath, "", true));
if (!zipFileReader) {
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, gr->T("The chosen ZIP file doesn't contain a valid driver", "couldn't open zip"));
ERROR_LOG(SYSTEM, "Failed to open file '%s' as zip", zipPath.c_str());
size_t metaDataSize;
uint8_t *metaData = zipFileReader->ReadFile("meta.json", &metaDataSize);
if (!metaData) {
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, gr->T("The chosen ZIP file doesn't contain a valid driver"), "meta.json missing");
DriverMeta meta;
std::string errorStr;
if (!meta.Read(std::string_view((const char *)metaData, metaDataSize), &errorStr)) {
delete[] metaData;
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, gr->T("The chosen ZIP file doesn't contain a valid driver"), errorStr);
delete[] metaData;
const Path newCustomDriver = GetDriverPath() / meta.name;
NOTICE_LOG(G3D, "Installing driver into '%s'", newCustomDriver.c_str());
std::vector<File::FileInfo> zipListing;
zipFileReader->GetFileListing("", &zipListing, nullptr);
for (auto file : zipListing) {
File::CreateEmptyFile(newCustomDriver / file.name);
size_t size;
uint8_t *data = zipFileReader->ReadFile(file.name.c_str(), &size);
if (!data) {
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_ERROR, gr->T("The chosen ZIP file doesn't contain a valid driver"), file.name.c_str());
File::WriteDataToFile(false, data, size, newCustomDriver / file.name);
delete[] data;
auto iz = GetI18NCategory(I18NCat::INSTALLZIP);
g_OSD.Show(OSDType::MESSAGE_SUCCESS, iz->T("Installed!"));
return UI::EVENT_DONE;